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tv   News  RT  December 5, 2023 8:00pm-8:29pm EST

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the robot, continuing coverage of the conflict in the middle east. welcome to our international . i have mike called fletcher. now these really minute trees ground troops of reach the city of katya n, as in southern gaza. and that's according to the idea of spokesperson, who added that the nation's forces are prepared to eradicate all traces or from us from its uh, need from him. cuz railey military forces are now fighting. and con eunice, i'm us as capital in the southern gaza strip. and the military wing of hamas is divided into 2 primary divisions that act as the terrorist organizations centers of gravity or the city for data. because i am the fund units for gauge. our soldiers are advancing to dismantle from us as military capabilities. and this comes as at least 50 people have reported of being killed in these really strikes on the news rod refugee camp at the city of con eunice in the south of a gas strip. now, a warning of the following images are disturbing.
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the local authority said that at least $43.00 of those killed was sent to the nasa. hospitalization, con units were heard from witnesses, the, the guy that i was stating that the school, when rock had started training done, we thought we was safe at the school with so many debt and injured people in the streets. what i've been, what i think is the largest displacement people, crap and everything that they can grab and move from the patio, can you? and is where i am aware of them all off the area which is in the very east of can you and this and also it off i area people where and okay, so panic, confusion, and their last they did not know what to do. people have been moving with very limited sources, even the ones that were assigned to erect and well using whatever branches of
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degrees they can get or whatever we didn't see says that they can use for the sake of other things, a defense and, and just cover them with or whatever plastic seats they can simple in 5 minutes is extremely heavy. and just targeting is extremely diverse, stating the number of people who are entered and kids is extremely high noon as a host, but they're not serviced with them. so around for the bid and dozens others that were entered only in around 30 minutes, which means the compartment has been going on and the places that were targeted had some students and them. and those people who work in the policy and read creston society has a q. these are all of the endangering ambulances. it published a video showing user any tanks pocketing the vicinity of 2 of the alons this entire of the law. i mean, while at least $54.00 people, including 6 children,
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were reported to killed in the separate ideas plank on the city. many of the injured was transferred to august hospital, john les rami alamo, carry is in dia out, belong, and bigs of this latest. the overnight is where a, the iris strikes and a ground, a ground operations, a ground, really to reactions. and that goes us. we have have been intensified especially in the southwind regions of the gaza strip. and the middle area of the gaza strip, where we are standing now. these is really operations is really iris tribes have hit various residential compounds in the middle area. that's why i ride, get rid of by the i'll go rates and solve the jury by left a south of the deer to buy left down to was the southern region of can you and is the find you in a city as where 80 iris rice also continued over the eastern parts of the con, you and the city. and the banister. hey, lar, i've a son who's that colorado rock,
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these villages and towns from which the is where the army had ever do minded the residents to leave to watch the rough la city where there is also a drop off. some is really actions including iris drives and a ground operations. and the rough i city, the intensified is where 80 iris strikes on the ground operations across the soldering parts of the gaza strip. and the middle area has closed the number of communities and the distance to increase our via our as stated by the health officials. and that generates the rate for the time being the number of re schedule it gives you what this app is, is rising and mounting. i meant set, lack of medical supplies and the show to you if you will. and if there's a day after many hospitals including val locks almost as hospital and the during the by left child, which serves more than $350.00 follow stadiums as you do if you hundreds,
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thousands of those of displaced palestinians from gaza city. i know the gaza strip heavy that it could be of the massive influx at the alex martyrs hospitalized overwhelming us. we cannot comedy these numbers are due to a severe shortage of medicines and medical supplies. also, there is no space for admitting cases inside the hospital. the number of those wounded now exceeds the hospital's capacity. by 5 times, we're looking for places outside the hospital to accommodate these people. and we have a significant shortage of medical supplies, especially in the operating theatre, particularly internal and external fracture fixation devices, and many surgical trays for certain specialties. well the on online route has been taken out between the world health organization and the i d. s. after they handled the w h, l, a queues, these are the threatening residential areas in stock class of medical supplies. today w h, i received notification from the hughes real defense forces that we should remove
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all supplies from a medical warehouse in southern guns that within 24 hours is ground operations will put it beyond use. we appeal to israel to withdraw the order and take every possible measure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and humanitarian facilities. these riley officials responsible for policy and in civilian affairs, brushed off the accusation, saying that they didn't issue the warning. still, it's being taken seriously by w h o s e has requoted a number of attacks on g as in house k infrastructure. the number of functioning hospitals have been caught in half over the past 60 days, according to the un area of my colleague who are research i discussed the matter with the various votes, busing. so so what happened apparently was that on the ground uh, the, the idea of the representatives told our team and the lead overall team and guys are the head of the country office, verbally that uh,
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they strongly advise to do uh, most supplies out of the warehouse because within 24 hours, because off the buds, the sold would be a military operation area. hence, no excess could be uh or might be very limited to get to the supplies or might even have collateral damage. so while it was not at the mountains, if to be very semantic here, it was a strong advice. your organization is also called on as well to, to take measures to protect, to help civilians. and i'm, she mandatory, an infrastructure has a, as a israel being cooperative in regards to such requests. just lays exactly into this because i'm also making it up impossible to access a warehouse with medical supplies are located, which are already way too little for the needs and gaza right now. so they have a bare minimum, let's call it that way to prevent access to such a such warehouse. this is also an attack on health,
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like it is to shoot at an ambulance or a to attack, a hospital out of $24.00 hospitals and the noise a 3, a barely functioning and to be a partially function. that's what the population has up there. we have 12 hospitals in the south, so look to get a 36 and out of these 12, all of them, only partially functioning. none of them, of them fully, the over crowded, overfilled people are lying on the floor. not only those in need of help, and they're literally lying on the floor and sometimes we get treated on the floor because there's no other space anymore. but also the people at sheltering they're trying to find some safe space. um, he's a horrific circumstances in, in the effects continue. and of course the nightmare right now is that we see the same happening in the south that's happening. so in the north and let's not forget these riley's have told people for about 6 to 8 weeks move to the south to the states on. so now people are, have moved those who could, those would survive. those were able to move um and that would be
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a text continued the same way. so it's, it's uh, it's unbelievable. my local john listed in northern gas. i have the cut dasa bought told us about the situation that the policy and enclave the media. they've had it, how does that? it's everyone knows the state of war being waged on the cause of strip, especially and it's north, has there was a large and fierce attack on the north of the gas a strip with all kinds of weapons. all kinds of missiles and the crown siege that is being waged against it through the failure to bring in the aid, the lack of diesel arriving and the inability of hospitals to work, especially with the major regression on the gas a strip in general. the situation here, especially after the humanitarian truce, which was hoped, would reduce the impact of the siege and this targeting and bombing of the northern gas a strip. this is also the case here with regard to hospitals. the humanitarian situation here is very difficult, as hospitals operate with
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a productive capacity to generate electricity. it is very small and does not satisfy the hospitals need to obtain the necessary electricity to operate it and operate as departments here completely. the hospitals operate in the state of emergency in terms of the humanitarian situation. during a tour we took yesterday in the northern gaza strip. the situation is very difficult from an environmental point of view. there was a large accumulation of garbage in the streets. the sewage pumps have filled the streets as torrents of sewage are running in the streets. and this threatens and environmental disaster and the northern gaza strip. environmental is speaking in the northern guests a strip. as for the humanitarian aspect, the situation here is very dire and difficult as there is no food, no medicine and no water. water which used to be one of the basic and easy to access things. now the residence of the north struggle to reach and obtain,
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especially after many water pumps and wells were targeted and there was no diesel to operate the dissemination plant. this has increased the suffering for the residents here. this matter could also entail the disaster that could spread academics and spread germs here in the north. as for people suffering and obtaining food, this is much greater than obtaining water in medicine. the issue of food is a very thorny and difficult issue, especially after the exhaustion and consumption of all food supplies in the north and as a strip. the lack of aid during the humanitarian truce in this matter led to a scarcity of materials. and some of the available materials became expensive, meaning their price multiplied dozens of times. as for moving to the southern gaza strip. this decision is a faithful decision because not moving would mean putting my life or the life of anyone here in the northern guys, a strip at risk. but what we see, and what we are witnessing is that there is no safety here in the northern gas,
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a strip, or even in the southern has a strip. many journalists arrived in the southern gas a strip and were displaced. as for me, as a journalist, i try as much as possible to stay here in the northern gas a strip to cover obtain and deliver the true message of what is happening here in the north. by into is ready as strikes on g as a back in october, us made munitions killed, 43 people, the majority of whom were women and children. now those are the findings of human rights group. i'm listening to national following an investigation into the incidents, the us made munitions we used by the as ready military into deadly unlawful strikes on homes and gather which killed a total of 43 civilians. 19 children, 14 women and 10 man. i'm the state and national has found following a detailed investigation into the 2 attacks. i'll be a tax designated to family homes on the 10th of 10th and 22nd of october. in
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central gather, i'm nest internationals weapons experts, reviews photos from the targeted sides and found fragments with markings from the us bays, bullying company that was no military infrastructure in the area, according to satellite imagery, and the human rights organization. themes that either a direct or indiscriminate attack on civilians as coal for an investigation into a possible war crime. despite this surging desk told in guys that the us keeps of frauding use role with weapons of this focus on the international piece. research institute estimates that the washington sent over 70000 units of heavy weaponry to tel aviv between 19502022. the list includes aircraft, vehicles and munitions. according to a us official slides of by the wall street journal,
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washington has provided 15000 bombs and 57000 artillery shells. since the 7th of october that we spoke to you as ease roll relations experts. i called them about a boy i g. he says that not only does washington provide weapons to tel aviv, but he's also supports the idea of the actions in gaza. it seems that i missed it has a cool of using these uh, with bones american with friends and thought to get think of a standing and civilians. and this could be what of the crime and for us as well as the indians, it's nothing new since i was a young this time i so and isn't i knew? so did he was getting an american him 16. and this was the very beginning to understand what does the us support to, is that what it means? so it's not the only, uh, what the united states provide as an, as with the, with the guns arms it's, it's a, but i think the political position,
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the political support and the nationally, and in the security council of diplomatic support, there is for us. and there is nothing given you and they bought except that it could be a good document that can be used as in legal cases, i guess as an island united states, i have to add more to the already complicated situation. officials to add the tel aviv spock exchange of denied reports that there was a search in trading leading up to the mazda tags on october 7th. while the research, as who claim that the identified the spice se, but it's unlikely the activity was simply a coincidence. our finding suggest the traders informed about the common attacks profited from these tragic events. and just before the attack, short selling is rarely securities. on the tell a bit of stock exchange increase dramatically. it is extremely unlikely that the volume will short selling on october 2nd occurred by random chance.
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let's now cross live 2 political on it's sean stone. joining us from los angeles, shawn is good to have you join me now about what are your thoughts on the strange trade activity recorded in the run up to have mass october 7th attack on these? well, yeah, i mean, to be honest with you, i, i can't say it's surprising. the real question is, of course, who's doing it right? because the newspapers and media is saying this must have been how mos related terrorists or people are that you know, associated with a moss that we're doing this trading. that's a big assumption. we don't know the fact that it is israel is any way denying that there is an anomaly. makes you very suspicious. as we know, there was a lot of a lot of people that seem to have known about the mazda attack before it occurred. going back as we learn now to the, the, as really intelligence that new for the past year, about him off his plans with this, this and this invasion plan essentially,
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even though allegedly that they needed believe it was possible. but in the days before, you know that egypt warren is real about the strange monopolist movement. the us has admitted that is really intelligence told them that there could be a tax coming. so a lot of people seem to have known and suspected that things might be coming, but to make these kind of anomalous surgeon trades is usually more than suspicion. that means that people are aware and they're betting on it. but experts have reported no doubt were put the lead notes in a similar to trading trees before applying the pass of a strike on these. well, how do we explain this accordance as in your opinion, the other med cool incidences, or they make us understand, especially from the eyes of the average person who is watching what's going on as well. i think that a lot of us of have been aware of these type of anomalies going back to at least 2001 with the september 11th attacks when it was noted by
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a number of analysts that said, wow, you've seen a huge number of, of stock options that were basically traded or sold basically taking they have, it was basically they were short selling or, or they were bidding on the united airlines and the american airlines stocks crashing. and those were all done the days before. and in fact uh, one major uh market analysts said that the day before 911 on september 10th was one of the huge is stock drops. actually, even in of, of, of that whole year. it was a huge drop the day before. so you get this kind of analysis and you start to understand that these are not isolated terrorists. you know, we have to remember that there is an, an operations like this, or not isolated to people who are operating in tunnels and caves, right? these are always strategies in vol. finance, involves international markets and, and when you get, when you get into that world, you understand that there's
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a lot of people on all sides where profiting from arms and war and profit, right. speak to us about the how simple or complex would it be to find out who the trade as where i didn't investigate the issue, attend that. i personally, i mean i don't work in the stock exchange. i don't work in those park. it's but considering that the banks and all these, those procedures, right, a bit of security, exchange commissions and these type of things. i'm sure that it's very easy to, to recognize when there's bulk trades going on, right? you to identify who's doing the transaction isn't to investigate why, you know, is we know from insider trading, right? this goes back to the eighty's when it became a big thing in films like wall street, you know, portrayed the, the inside of trading scandals. so i'm pretty sure that if they want to investigate, they can very easily find out if there was insight or knowledge before such a novelist. a massive amounts of trades, basically bedding against a bidding against the market base, expecting that they'll be
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a crash. so i don't think it's a difficult task, but as was september 11th, it was never done in a way, i think that satisfied most external investigators. because those of us who don't know the, in the inner workings right of what went on. we can always say how it's suspicious . why was there never any charges brought or why we have to living here now, sean stone. thank you so much for your insight. as a result of successful rounds of exchanges, amenities rallies and foreign nationals and now back with their families. local john list and he could call you on this and tell him even spoke to a russian citizen free by a mass, a j. d. not that you could have them could i see? yeah, look at that in the could i be just do it? i see vision of again of the image which is that the fishes using because it was the youth interview the most giving us a view to cause me to be seen it through a couple of the data for my shit that or she's gonna have you just the most of the
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beginning, as we did, i mention the portion and the same thing. you might are still going to do. you go to the chest, a good thing in the city doing that down the road and you go there, which initial, a southern and the invoiced. because they decided to, instead of the few students that you could ask the school community, it seemed to 3 to, to look at the social. so because she said that it is cuz he wanted to do this, me else at the new build up because mentioning you've a crazy that's hopefully you will to be youngest because it, those the truth of issues explain suggest putting interest is to. ringback seduce me or she's getting garage than but monday to then put her just moved from new. now, who did? so that was nico renews 913. and did you mean username? you did? yup. it's dividends nimble. i mean, you have a currently muted engine of new and you much as the police could see you. and using that,
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you put the menu and then some of us do some who's just pretend your digital room temperature is in reference to your particular seo service. the rest of your circuits and zeros needs somebody spin senior who looks special to find them. some of those released by him as describe how they had experienced a terrifying more deal and helped every day. and that would be freed. one woman who was in captivity still waiting for her son to be released as she described harrowing conditions which blew with as much it's due to cause the junior edition. and we'll go with the bc that the which and digital abuse need to the, the because the dean is that the best, what budget? because the did the did. so it cause the didn't move the cars against but i shall listen. wanted see what and then we'll just see what and then we'll just see what it at the didn't. and mr. pollen and mr. polly at the origin digital which is digital office. you just use your bullet digital model on you. some of the need to
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get the rest of this done in which and digital i'm, you know, who are just, uh, what you're looking to stay on. you should have them use these just them. you cause them in with a, some dental attorney, but it's not that the most of us will. but did you suggest the exec data to put in the team in the that's what does that suggest? look on. you should even look on. you show me what's going on. i don't know to both of you. yeah. no, just a little good buddy to but then yeah which and, but i shall post the electric see of see of us most know see ledler was it a she never got more than that was 3 of see if it was all over and eco, a. so then that assist you now over to egypt, while the 2nd day of the ethics arms exemption has rob, top of the event has attractive more than $35000.00 ministry in the industry, visit us from across the globe with over $400.00 defense and security companies in attendance at the event of showcasing the latest advances in the site to
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a local jump list. now that you're saying is become for at least that the conference and picks it up from here. a recap of the 2nd day of the defense export . and this was the 23 exhibition witness, high traffic from the sessions, allegations meeting institutions and international companies who visited the system by the summer of defense related agreements and partnerships. huffman seals summer assignment for meetings with pets, of 2 functions and senior leadership of the egyptian armed force warehouse, in addition to a tourist by military for the auction representatives from eastern countries. the 1st line, civic forum of our defense forces was house where summer last official showcase values defense systems, such as discussions between the chime and of the our organization for industrialization and the most of the central 15 of us, the vision across investors from different segments with military and southern backgrounds, the high traffic is expected to be sustained to all the upcoming things that we
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spoke to the executive director of patrick meal, romania and they have all, all federal mohammed bust him who told us that the latest advances in the industry . we have just hear you from so us. so i'm seeing last i mean if it needs a jamming system to a gays to draw. busy those so we can jame, we can say we can beautiful as of the flight. also we have on the heads of the sea. so military system, the command and control the sea for ice system, we have a software funded for center romanian only 6 countries in the, in the world have these kind of of system. so we can control the lens and the navy all together with our phone,
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romania and then also we solve the romanian version may have well for ration in the near future with the countries from the region. i want to introduce february 28th maintenance and durance of our it's and i and i knew it's for my and that girl was 20 and then so we are already been for a living is not about to vote. and we are, i agree because uh, so if the same company to live in a booth and up is that we are going to be in and fix the boat also. and now to new delhi, where the indian prime minister has pledged substantial economic support for the east african nation of ken. yeah. during the biological summit so as to grow and economies, we agreed to share our experiences more than nice to every cultural sector of kenya
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. we've also decided to provide a line of credit of 2050 1000000 dollars laying the foundation of a progressive future. today we thought to strengthen our cooperation in all sectors and identified many new initiatives i became young president is currently on an awful visit to india to celebrate the 60 as an advisory of your country's diplomatic relations. earlier this year, the 2 countries signed the memorandum districts and naval security in the region. we spoke with the head of programs at the kennedy fee, social justice center. he says, to be able to control agreement is a big step towards growing the sector in kenya. the fall we have seen today, bob has been to defy be more me of india on the feminist, another into a more d, as in india, assigning agreement for the $250000000.00 is that you've got your own aspect. so in kenya, this is something that is the, uh,
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will call me its, uh, actually uh, but like sort of agreement that the 2 countries bob site. uh, we have been told that the 5 women are under the understanding of these signs between the 2 countries. and this is, it means that the, uh, it's a copay now that the customer will 6 uh, in kenya, bottom, it only costs, but also for all of the account you can, can now we have, uh, actually the projects you have to have that busting uh, a couple projects in different parts, so we assume for just like livelihoods, we are seeing communities in terms of food security, opinion pause of some for some level. the us secretary of state onto the blinking has announced a new visit restrictions for uganda. and zimbabwe and officials and others who according to the united states, as heading to democracy in their countries. today announcing the expansion of the
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visa restriction policy to include current or former, your guns and officials or others were believed to be responsible for or complicit in onto money in the democratic process in uganda, or for policies or actions aimed for present members of emerging life. or vulnerable populations have the limitations on these as also target coverage. and for ma, sorry to use the suspected of of pressing members of marginalized groups, such as b, o, g, b to q people and civil society activists. this is not the 1st time that.


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