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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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to the, the bladder, the buzzing lines in saudi arabia on his 1st to the middle east and country in full years earlier today, he was one of the great did in the u, a. e. this white plains dry west and politicians about supposedly isolated into the policy and i thought they pulled on the new one to stop the attacks on gaza saying is those actions are organized terrorism on the bum. baldwin, some civilians are buried under the rubble for the days. wait for the rest. and i spent 4 days track tons of the russell without any food a week to i didn't even have a small bottle of water. i tried to put out a bunch of rocks and concrete blocks left deep wounds,
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policy and gather what they can fully you and warehouse is a personnel risk been lives in buffalo, golf view and says, the situation appears apocalyptic the fly from moscow. this is odd. see you, my name is bar some, i mean, so many minutes of news on these stop now. but i remember there is amazing with the crown prince of savvy arabia, on the 2nd leg of the, the russian presence trip to the middle east. us off the he stopped in the u a. e, where he was made by the country as president who disliked puts in as a dear friend. right now. so told was in, we had what puts it has said by advertising in saudi arabia. i'm bush a, have strengthened to, to an unprecedented level, a show anymore just to finish and sort of each of the stuff, the development of a friendly relations over the last 7 years are relations of course have reached an
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unprecedented level. we have stable relations in terms of politics, economics, and in the humanitarian sphere. it's very important for us to exchange information and opinions about what's going on in the region. has had to re add and a half from our middle east, a mill road, see from the array of for nothing. i'm a rated to see why that was that has been made. same with the crown. for instance, i do a bit one is known about the top sofa, the well 1st of all, it is the 1st face to face meeting between water reporting and my home and been so long since 2019. but we know that both leaders are constantly in touch, a lot of full conversations on behind and here in the yard. whatever important has praise the relations between the 2 countries saying it has reached unprecedentedly high level in the last 7 years. thank 2 wise leader shape of saudi arabia has reminded that the u. s. a saw was the one the 1st stage to recognize the
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independence of saudi arabia and has dressed up today. russia respects the kingdoms decision to independently choose the country's own future, and that the n like more important has said that the next meeting with mohammed when someone should be in moscow in such a way, inviting the crown prince to visit a rush or a lot of course on the agenda, including the stability in the middle is really tearing catastrophe in gaza right now and folding is real, have mass conflict enters, it's the months tomorrow. and of course, it is also to be discussed between the wide more potent animal how much been set in mind. we know that space most co and the out support the idea of the creation of the palestinian state and older to guarantee and provide long awaited and long term peace and that part of low. but here is the crown prince speaking about the importance of saudi russia, communication car, donation and cooperation in that see or let's take
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a listen to the said altamont. there are many areas where we share interest and work to ensure stability, including in the middle east. thanks to political cooperation, we've managed to make a positive contribution to the resolution of a number of aspects in the middle east to strength and security. there are broad possibilities before us, which will be able to utilize for the benefit of the entire world. mister president, i'd like to note the you are a dear guest here in the saudi land. the, the rest of the meeting was behind closed doors that it was expected earlier that water more potent and mohammed been salon would have discussed oil energy cooperation. as you know, russian saudi arabia all the liter is all peg plaza household group. you know,
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i think the countries pumping around 40 percent of global oil and they are allies v of those to regulate global energy prices. add in general supplies of the petroleum to the global market. and why my poor dear came here to saudi arabia just often just last week. opec plus agreed to taught the output to all oil for the next year . the decision that was supposed to boost the energy market, but in fact didn't work that way. so we expect that to both leaders might discuss that direction as well. and some further steps in that energy, it's cooperation between the 2 countries. another important topic that most likely booting and been some months touched upon is the expansion of breaks. it is a powerful group uniting the countries making output wrong to 40 percent of global population in the quarter of global market. that is a very serious and strong challenge to america, dominated world order,
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and both arab countries, a lot of reporting visits on wednesday, the united arab emirates, and now saudi a rabbit, as well as iran, by the way, whose leader of labor improvement is expected to meet and most go on says they have been invited and have agreed to join briggs that of course the membership that is expected to happen next year. and that is expected also to drastically strengthen their organization was discussed how all in all, i have to say that this is a very important visa to, in terms of strengthening friendly ties between russian and the united air memories and saudi arabia. also as a demonstration to the home world that's the west has failed and in submission to isolate russia and moles code is anything but control right now back there. very well said indeed murray, as of exciting news, the thanks for the update on the east release bureau chief, maria, and us now. thanks again. now this comes off the, the on wednesday,
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but it was in met with, is you a e counts about in i would that be with the is really policy and why the top of the agenda and the you are either russian president was greeted in the national capital with a very well welcome. the and this with age here, the sky is above with painted white, blue and right, and the seats with in line with the 2 countries flags mocking by that input. this
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arrivals the you are a presidential palace and some of its 1st the mountains, the russian present, outlined biological operation, the country, sewage and the ship machine. you look at it, thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is the rushes main trade partner in the world. last year, the trade turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even larger this year. i think the same goes with investments. we conduct a number of large oil and gas projects. we also cooperate in opec plus we co operate in the international arena. the u. e contributes a lot in stabilizing the situation in the world, being a non permanent member of the un security council. if anything has seemed to be from the behind the close doors of the palace, we can, you can, you can probably still make out in the background over the very beautifully. let's help against the night sky of abu dhabi. but if they were anything close to what
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we've seen when vladimir putin arrived here to the capital of the weight. well said, please, well, those this would be breathtaking as were the views because when jets painted the skies in the colors, the russian flags when the motorcade of latitude to join the schools of well of cavalry and the streets were lined up by russian flags again. and the russian national anthem sounded right before the tulips began. well that those pictures were sudley, a bits of pill to swallow. for anybody who were advocating for the versions that russia has been sidelined at bottom, approved has become an outcast. but he has been shot to the fringes of international diplomacy and will both let him approved and in his counterpart here, they have stressed how close guitar is between the countries up the rule. but you a is the major economic partner for russia in the regions. if you take uh,
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oil trade alone, the last yeah, uh the increase was about was the same size move in a 100 percent. so it certainly seems that russia has figured out the answer to the equation and to the challenge of that is posed by the western sanctions who, which have been trying to cripple rushes energy, trade and rushes energy markets, and all these willing words, they have been reciprocated. by again, the counterparts of latimer put me here in abu dhabi relations between the russian federation and the you a have a historical character in recent years. relations have been actively developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. i would like to emphasize that i very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strengthening bilateral relations in disregard. i would like to say that the u. e is russia's largest trading partner in the middle east and the gulf region, and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strengthen bilateral
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cooperation in various fields. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a fantastic foundation for washington d. e n d u a to grow their relations. i have to say a rule. remember that the way he was invited to join the break to lions, which has already seen some expansion this. yeah. and well, the way you might be a very welcome member here, given that russia has been not trained, uh, they spaby nurturing this uh, economic and political block from its cradle. and by the way, uh, another country, the platinum is in fact right now is en route to saudi arabia. i received a very, very similar invitation earlier when you spoke with how made the huddle and had all the device, public policy research and about the russian presence, visits to the you a i think the visits and justifies
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exemplifies this energy that is coming right up from the deacon to address the challenges that we need. and i think the role of a fresh uh, as well as is that all of the china of the u. s. so bureau is it, of course, that everyone would need to stand at this point and address this very big challenge that we see in our region. that has been a sort of divisive element. i mean this, this event and does that have divided people between people who think that this should be only cheated as there is the fact and others will see that there is aspect of it. but i cannot ignore that. there is huge, a impact on civilians that need to be addressed as well. so, and those times when people are split actions to, to bring together everyone and be a full voice. this concept that we need 1st to stop the war and then address the humanitarian aspect,
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becomes very important that i think it would be important in order conflicts of only the one doesn't. as garza has being the site to why so the devastation, the past, you know, thought it has cooled, only united nations to stop is really aggression cool is actually organized terrorism and comes as a israel says it has reached the heart of the southern dogs in the city of fine, you saying it has no intention to stop that. revolt said that at least for the policy and civilians were killed in the latest, is really the s likes from the city of palm. eunice attacks on southern gaza have ramped up this. why is it being a circled saves you and have 5 to is realize st has conducted more than $10000.00 strikes since the saw on the 7th of october. the u. n. has said there are serious concerns about what that is, where is coming plywood international humanitarian law. we spoke with survivors and
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found us i don't know what happened exactly. there was an explosion. i was, he didn't head by the truck. i immediately threw myself to the ground floor. i was sitting and suddenly striking it. and it was truck on the head by phone and still in the coming up. my sister had 8 children and she flipped from mon during the bombardment and took shelter here. and us nearby areas were being hit, she had a seizure, had died of a stroke. she's to 5 by 8 children when the father is displaced, trying to make a living. what product you're telling me while the science allows and the city of data out by thousands of bodies were brought to i'm so hospital, the grim consequences of israel any aspects the. 2 the seventy's we, we will have been reported killed as a result. so cool into gauze us health ministry. many are still trapped, waiting for rest of the teams. here's a story of what
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a young man uh we were on the bombing for full days under the rubble, without any food or anything to drink. every time i tried to get out from under the rubble, i would get scratch from the amount of debris i was on to that. so for example of my family, i didn't see anybody. i tell you i sold goes dead body. when i 1st tour it, i thought it was my sister katia, but then when i looks close, so i felt like it might be my cousin john to the last night before we were bombed. everyone was in that rooms and i remember this very time. it's getting really close to the house. so we went to this really long cory door and all the families when that i was scared because i had my father and my cousins and my family all together around me. so why should i be scared? this is how i felt. i went to sleep and woke up badly moving. then i felt something pressing my neck like i was sleeping on
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a rock. so i moved like this and i saw it was on me from the huge pain. i fell back to sleep. then when the morning came, i looked around, i saw a rubble overground, and i saw my sister, linus screaming that her legs was stuck onto the rubble can, as well broadens its ground operation and also to the frequency circles saves. and in the southern parts of the young lady who just arrived me, almo reports on the situation, it says rental has declared, that sounds really odd eunice sitting on the outskirts of henry's especially invasive box. as grounds for military impressions are an area of is really military operations. operations is where 80 arrow strikes top gun free ones like over fox of the funny with this at city and eastern parts of the
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economy. the city itself is reports say is that to is there any iris tribes have had various spots of con eunice and the east? i also, and the west residential homes have been patched by. is there any errors twice, overnight and early this morning, that continuation of is really iris right. on the soldering thoughts of gaza, especially con eunice. drop off city comes against the bus, dropped off more flocks, more influx of people until from this friday with this areas until the rough i city and some other thousands of people have flown into the metal area of the gaza thread. the far repeat g comes on the village and the middle guys, us red, adding more populations to the all the way to a residence of the regions and the thousands and thousands of thousands of
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thousands of displaced. follow standing in house house and from the guys us to read . this also concise with re folks about it as really at the, as what aly attempts to fund that the c walter r n tool that grounds on the why for of the some areas of gaza at fuck equally early in the shots or repeat the cab west of garza city, that's how it's been already advised. done by it's residents because it's been sensitive. is there any avarice, right? is there any attempt to bomb the salt water? the ceiling was off until the underground as well as ever believed that there had been the underground tunnels used by the mass and other resistance factions. actresses that god just wrapped in some households have been eh,
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reportedly is stranded inside their homes, as is where easily at johnston is where any heavy fire as being heard loudly some of those families that told the r t that they are being just stranded. i just stuck into their homes and they are not able to get to alex's very home because of the intensity of that is really are me fire apocalyptic situation. that's how you and human rights commission vocab tooth. so as his colleagues, this live the by and to and conditions in gaza. my humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apple collect in the circumstances. there is a high risk of atrocity crimes. measures need to be taken urgency both by the part is concerned. and by all states, particularly those with influence to prevent any such crimes. people in the city of
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hong yu, those we have a lovely cat and from the united nations a warehouse is a rush to get even live basics with drinking water in hide them on the at least folks of the past seeing what present societies, facebook and about if i saw it talks about what the people need and still then have that has been over 2 months and those teams how working tirelessly uncertainty, trying to continue providing the lines, feedback services. i can tell you how much i what cookies are over when exhausted. and able to traumatize, they have me ready is that they will never forget whatever. what is going on in the background is beyond description. it's hard to break and over one me to see over to me, the and civilians are suffering because of this continuous escalation. people under
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their own civilians are paying the high price of this escalation. we have managed and we are still receiving aid in coordination with the egyptians or the crescent to quiet crossing the border. what have leads up to this moment is barely 4 days of what was interesting before this escalation. i don't, i have a 1900. it's all barely scratched the surface of the needs. it doesn't even 20 for 10 percent of the needs. i'm now the situation in the so how become beyond catastrophe, as well as forcing people again to evacuate from kindly with this and go tell what the cisco is already passed. there is no less to please for any one. and on top of that, people don't have access to nothing. if you are going to go to, you're going to stay in the streets because already one sensors are packed. a
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number of disturbing confirmations of medical workers, humanitarian work is actually being targeted in gaza. of course, if i was speaking to in his railey guest right now, they would say that's nonsense. it's not true. the adf is only doing precision strikes. but when you look at the numbers of 815000 people killed surf all over 40000 injured, it's just, it's almost impossible to get your head around it. on the bottom. i wanted to ask you to obviously you with the palestinian red crescent society just on a personal level. one of the main problems that your facing day to day in your job and about since the beginning of the escalation after this moment we have looked for critics were killed by and is there any. ringback imagery since the beginning of the escalation, when they were on the duty trying to save other people's life 3 days ago into a valley off, is there an occupation forces opened, fired at 2 count,
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assigned to the crescent and didn't says when they were transporting. when did the thing is, once again, that's all with migrant size, the blogs says that it will be a large scale security risk over the christmas period with the for between it's around the mouse and the polarization. it causes in our society with the upcoming holiday season. there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks into europe in union. so here's some background, but previous mazda is a flow of migrants into the e. u. happened back in 2014, when more than 1700000 people apply for asylum. refugee status falls and many low to the main host nations. with each of fishing, taking in more than $200000.00, most of the refugees will be opposed to the thing for more such as in syria and
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afghanistan. now that have been some points of contention with the integration process challenges a some e u. officials of even bind the traditional muslim clothing fraud is prohibited wearing up by addresses in school and several european countries have restricted on buying the wearing of lucas. the eu has also permitted government offices to impose a complete bond on religious symbols. so do a me now today is a by say, quarter. i see he's a 2nd to the general of the european, most of them initiative of social colleagues and she's, i, he's so much for joining us today. i'll tell you what i'm going to do with the now they're assuming me being a consider to be considerable amounts of f as a money or being, as they said, just all 5 of them of them committed the i'm a comes off to the you welcoming my daughters with open arms years ago. what are your thoughts on what's behind this change in sentiment of this and now have been
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working with migration asylum into the system. for many years. i can tell you that you're never come muslims, only because in 60 seventy's, europe and countries allowed cheap labor who can do better jobs. and they were not going to do from this country. they were from hollywood. but some countries like u. k. craus received people from pucca stone and from north africa to scam to germany. so i would not call it a mostly an issue. you know, it's more like people coming from developing countries to, to you up and countries. europeans expect taught that these people the work for a few years and then go back. but they didn't this stage and they're going to have families with them. this started living in europe,
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and that is when actually the situation changed. because then you start seeing many, dennis for dition, many european politicians speaking a guest at st minorities and especially most of the people. so that is what happened next to okay. so you don't say specifically as the most understood or migrants, but we heard earlier that some e u officials are now wanting of a secure cube is giving you the christmas, the said cold threats and due to what someone called a failure of the european authorities to integrate most of the effectively one of the thoughts on well, i have been following this development for many years. i have been working with the up in union. and i also saw the latest statement uh from uh mrs. johnson cheese. you commissioner far home for us because there was
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a meeting in brussel. there are the countries combeferre administers came and there she gave a statement of issue on huge risks of tattered attacks over christmas. i have know her uh to my work. she's a very decent person and very responsible person and never give such statements. so i'm a little bit disappointed the way she put it. and i think that it is the pressure from across and you and denmark on different countries which has forced her to say some things like that. but remember in her interview, she said if you have personal opinions, she do not then just uh, so she cannot uh say that it was because of uh, secret services. uh, police or other uh, agencies retorted her. she said it does have personal opinion. so there you are.
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yeah, it's interesting, you know, i've been talking about the subjects along with many of my guess uh recently. and i wonder, let's think that your opinion actually, would you say that is on a full days on the rise and what's behind it, especially in your as well. it is not a new thing, is that before b a has been in europe since the 8th century. then arabs came to spend. and then later because of crusades and also when the buyers ruled in europe, 911, and the many things which you can talk about. but in these recent days, i think what many your green part of the vision of done that they have connected is um, with the terrorism and start talking about extremism. and it's, i'm excited ism, and that has effected public opinion
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a lot. not on the europeans are the sound will probably be. but of course when media give space to but what it is for your patients. who again and again connect these kind of things like mr. johnson did that changes people's opinion. so i have seen some of the for the increase in this last 20 years. and we're media has played a very dirty part where they exclusively focus on negative stories. i mean, the 44000000 people have been listening background and living in europe. so it's not the small menard, these are most, the 8 percent of that go to europe in preparation. we live here, we are not going anywhere. we are a partner of europe. i am part of denmark, i'm many europe you. so it's very important that contribution, understand that, that we did not far from the moon or mars. we have lived here 1st entries. and it's
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very important that instead of talking about a miss integration, that should talk about mutually integration we're minorities, are respected, their opinions are listened to. and of course, they're mostly minorities, also contribute in the societies they live in. yes, very well said them is a by say, quarter i see i that's what we need integration and piece when i have to leave it the secretary general of the european lives of industry, physician cohesion, thank you very much for joining me here today on auntie. thanks again. you're welcome. well, that wraps up. this thing is out as always, it's a pleasure to have you with us on off. she did check out the the com is a little really interesting. so is i will be back on the top of the hour with the latest global updates. so join us then the.


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