tv News RT December 7, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EST
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allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions asked the better the answer is will be the be a range in president has to moscow for 12 foot climate through 10 with the pack expect to to discuss the costs of crisis. i'm strengthening of fi laptop with the west goals, right? you know, to tell them to solve the crisis and me because a lot of my parents and has given a loyal welcome during the wistful stop trip to the arabian peninsula of the final birth claims of russian. vincent national ice 10 makes the last ring out in the south in a golf and for the city all wrapped up. now it is rout hall gets an area. many palestinians has fled to replace the flesh from the city and
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was stated to novice has its own waste on the federal gets paid, the house will 3rd, during the spine cooling off the u. s. senate locked president biden's multi $1000000.00 aid package. ukraine. and as well as for publicans press, porterfield instead of the good morning. good afternoon. good evening, depending on where you who are joining us from. it is great. how do you with us this not was telling us of this. i would be a rainy. i'm president for him, right? you see is heading to moscow today. what he'll meet out of my fits in the lead, as we'll sit down to folks on t regional on international issues as waterfalls, to fix functions of trade between that to kind of shape or tease. and we're not culture of a household on what life had. the 2 leaders have a lots to discuss regarding regional and international is, is especially gaza,
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of course. and this made and comes of just after russian foreign minister, a surrogate liable met is a ronnie in town support. afterwards they signed a declaration to overcome the so called illegal us sanctions. let's have a lesson leave with this the subject level. we have just signed a declaration on ways and means to counter mitigate and compensate for the negative consequences of unilateral colors of measures. of course, this is an important step in increasing the coordination of efforts of members of the international community to overcome illegal sanctions which the united states and itself lives have made a substitute for diplomacy. both cartridges are of course, on the western science and spots. driving this point there restrictions much to the dismay of washington, of course. so it has grown significantly and is expected to grow even more so this year. so no doubt they'll be discussing their economic partnership. also much has been said about their military corporation, not for the 2 countries fall from the west,
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mainly because they have accused the role and those supports in russia and ukraine via allegedly sending drones and other weapons in washington fears the ballistic missiles will be on the way as well. we know that iranian state media has reported that russia will be sending the attack helicopters and advisors to fly drugs as well. so washington is concerned what that all means, especially considering the regional conflict that we're seeing evolve right now. we know that everyone has said that if as well continues, it's war crimes against palestinians, then there is the threat and the danger of the war expand and across the region. so it's a very interesting time for this meeting, especially after we've seen the meetings the last couple of days of let them recruits and traveling to the u, a. e and saudi arabia award. all this means and what will come out of this off and what the bigger picture looks like. this is what will be monitoring. so i want to bring in now, but it's gone as an profess at tyrone university said how med merante as it was
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great to have a one. i mean, the last 24 hours have been pretty busy for the russian president. you a saudi arabia now is meeting with be a rating and present it must go on confuse. i was told that person is a part, right? yeah. the only or i is the united states by supporting the genocide in gaza and insisting on this rarely regime, having all the weapons that it needs at its disposal. i think it has destroyed and, and wrecked its reputation across the world. and also in ukraine. i think across the global south, it is almost universally acknowledged that the united states by expanding may tell by counting out who in care and that they are the main culprit.
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so the west likes to consider itself to be the center of the world. and that it is the one or they are the ones who determine who is isolated and who is marginalized and who was civilized and was, i'm civilized. but i think the rest of the world, the majority of the world see things very differently now. and the west no longer has the cloud and the power to impose itself on the rest of the world. it has, i mean, you raised casa, i think it's, it's all this, the horrors that it takes and paste the will dominate the peaks between the 2 natives. i'm just going to off to how much influence to think president putin can bring to the situation on. similarly, what role kind of wrong play in resolving a crisis which is knowing that you are needing to be resolved. hey, ron will definitely continue to support. hum us islam makes your heart and all that
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kind of city and organizations throughout palestine and outside of palestine. it is the responsibility of you wrong to support the oppressed people of that country. we have to remember that when the united states and the europeans were supporting the apartheid regime in south africa, countries likely run countries like russia were supporting the and c, nelson mandela and other freedom fighters in southern africa. russia has also taken a stance in defense of the policy, new people completely at odds with the policies of the united states. and i think that is welcomed across the global style. russia being a major power, a un permanent member of the un security council has extraordinary influence across the world. so i think both countries have a major role to play in
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n d. s. and i think the fact that the united states and european tubman so insistent on opposing a ceasefire and helping his rarely regime carry out this genocide they have been completely discredited. so it is for the global south and influential fires, such as russia such as you want to uh, to find a solution. i mean, you mentioned that uh, on a number of occasions, the global south. i mean it, ron sold you, reva, c, u, e, egypt. that was to set that to join breaks, coming from january 20 punch, full, i won't roll up specifically and limit east and region. do you think that the organization could or will play in this tip shop, multiple weld? i think because its role will be very significant. in fact, i think the crisis in gaza enhances the status of breaks. and this way the regime is a diminished regime. it is a very,
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it is hated now across the region and across the global south. and it is shown itself to be weak. it is shown itself to be in humane and the west by supporting it exposed themselves to be the ultimate supporters of human rights violations. so that makes alternative groupings that makes alternative organizations more popular and breaks being the most representative organization for the global cell, which includes very powerful and it's looking for intro countries, is now adding or has added countries like you run. so you read the damage and others that are at this key is this key moment. all of these countries are shocked and angry and outraged by the behavior of as well. so you see a conversions in our region. you see a convergence across the global south,
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and i think that the strength bins breaks on. the final thing i do want to ask you to be specific day about the range in and russian president's meeting in most go. i mean, the trade relations of going from strength to strength is that obviously significant for the 2 countries in both. but do they have any importance in the why to region? yes, they are growing very rapidly, as you pointed out. also, with regards to investment and cooperation of oil and gas, we see a huge rise and much greater cooperation and investment and intentions to invest. but i think also we always have to keep in mind that the 2 countries are setting up a north south corridor. the transport quarter that will link russia through your on to the persian gulf and open seas, the high seas. so africa,
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the indian subcontinent side of the chinese ports can all access russia through the persian gulf and countries like so you're going to be at an average can also access russia 3, ron and the persian gulf. and of course on the countries can access russia. countries like india, which have important trade relations and china was a foreign trade relations with pleasure. can trade send their goods through your on to russia. so not only have high is expanding not only as trade growing and military cooperation and political cooperation going in investment growing. but also this north south transport core door is going to be key to the future of level trade. why will be very interesting. i mean, we're ready for the foreign ministers, meet the value of this week, assigning a number of agreements that see what comes out of this one as of what we appreciate your inside your input. thank you very much. that was so you haven't bronte. this
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will, honest, i'm professor at tyrone university, have a great day. i. this is the only yes, today it's not in my puts and himself made a what's the stop told to them, at least as we were just discussing, the role in golf out, oil production on biological ties. why the key topics all the troops as the russian need? i'm at the sounds you problem friends on you. a president organizer, we're welcome vista the, all the skies above the city was painted white and rather washed and set your pools
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as bloody mcburton traveled to the presidential palace. the russian head of state said, biological cooperation was key to the wound. ties with the weight of correspondents nicholas channels on reflection of the following events. it is very well known that why my food none mohammad been set up on a case since leaving tied show to phone conversations between the 2 leaders are behind, but this is their 1st face to face meeting since 2019. shoot me an email, just nothing can stop the development of our friendly relations over the last 7 years are relations of course have reached an unprecedented level. we have stable relations and comes in politics. we cannot make an image to monetary engineering. it's very important for us to exchange information and opinions about what's going on in the region here in the yard wide report has praise the relations between the 2 countries saying it has reached unprecedentedly high level in the last 7 years. thanks to wise saudi leadership has reminded that the ussr was among the 1st states
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to recognize the independence of saudi arabia that has crushed the today. russia respects very much the king's decision to choose independently their own future. life reporting has also said that the next meeting should be in moscow. the crowd phrase is expected to visit the russia next year for breaks, gathering lots on the agenda, of course, including the stability in the middle is human to terry and has to see in the gaz has 3 dramatic situations around israel have mass conflict that enters it's a month on the states, both most of the ends of riyadh supports the idea of the creation of the poly scan stage in order to guarantee and provide long term and long awaited peace in that part of the globe. he is the crown prince. speaking about the importance of saudi russia, communication, coordination, and cooperation in that field for setup, said altamont. there are many areas where we share interest and work to ensure
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stability, including in the middle east. thanks to political cooperation, we've managed to make a positive contribution to the resolution of a number of aspects in the middle east to strength and security. there are broad possibilities before us, which will be able to utilize for the benefit of the entire world. mister president, i'd like to note the your a dear guest here in the saudi land. the rest of the main thing was behind closed doors. journalist were not allowed to, but it was expected earlier that mohammed been so mine and why report we would definitely discuss oil market cooperation. both russian and saudi arabia are the leaders off all pack plaza, pulling all it is a very important visit to the region by water. my poor, not only in terms of strengthening friendly ties, but also in order to demonstrate and prove to the whole world that despite a norm or as asked for is by the west to isolates. russia most quote is and is saying, but got off both, right?
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i'm approved and then his counterpart here, they have stressed how close the ties between the countries out rule the way is the major economic part and full of russia in the region. so unless you have the machine to look at it, thanks to your position today. our relations are at an unprecedented level. the u. a is russia's main trade department in the world. last year the trading turnover rose by 67.7 percent. it will be even large this year. i think the same goes with investment uses. we conduct the number of large oil and gas projects. it goes and we also co operate in opec unless we co operate in the international arena. the way you contribute to log in stabilizing the situation in the world of media, being a non permanent member of the un security council, and all these willing words, they have been reciprocated by again, the counterparts of let them approve me here in abu dhabi relations between the russian federation and the we have a historical character which in recent years that are relations have been actively
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developing in various fields in the interest of both countries and peoples. and i would like to emphasize that people are very much appreciate your personal and effective role in strength and the bilateral relations of somebody in disregard this, i would like to say that the lee is russia's largest trading partner in the middle east in the gulf region. and that will be happy to continue our joint work to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields. easy. well, these pillars visa storage pillars. they provide a fantastic foundation for russia and the, and the you a to grow their relations. i have to say to remember that the way he was invited to join the brakes, the lions, which has already seen some expansions this year. and well, the way you might be a very welcome member here, given that pressure has been nurturing the spray, the nurturing this can only can political blog from its cradle one pass and i was fortunately being killed on an on, but instead of to be,
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is really on me talking to the board to city of rafa in southern casa, the strike comes, is the route past the to month, month. the explosions, tons the night sky, as a rough site, as well says the attack was in retaliation. mazda 5 and walk up from the city of territory. the idea has been pushing its ground operations deep into southern dogs, despite the previous assurances that that part of the intake would remain safe to bring in shouts. hassan, i'll send to you of a crowd of people struggling to access the very face the and seems repeated around the poll. i'm going on says wash the into it, including children, to hospital situates with consistency and rough uh as well things that strikes to
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only talk to our new patients used to fight last medicines. but we had from one to 5. you bit less from going to see and was stated to know the peasants home where suddenly everyone can see this house and we were thrown in there eventually that was pulled from underneath the rumble. west side from yeah, strikes is raised full says so engaged and has a house to house ground bottles in the south the i'm take out so i was her last flight to respond whether retaliatory attacks and then no the see is really all nice has is and to the city, all ton unit with this call right now when they yeah, chops and was a from us, had essentially hiding with huge complex the underground tunnels. the, i guess flavors. if somebody went in the passcode, okay, the military did you by the sudden the jump aaliyah to giant and honey in these areas we've broken through the defensive mind. graham of the terrorists are now
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emerging from underground and are fighting against our forces in face to face combats. our forces are winning and we have the upper hand of the dawson as have been killed, and a recent is rainy stripe on the trip, all the refuge account. and the news of the young place residential buildings happen, which is to women's and most of the sites you can see scramble to dig through the rubble searching for any survivors. in the meantime, the euro magistrate knew human rights wanted to claim the nitty $22000.00 palestinians have been killed since the world broke out 2 months ago. and was $9000.00 of the bed, a set of shows and canadian palestinian john this month. so schumann says she monetary the situation themselves is rapidly to tear. many people like tens of thousands of nets, can you? and as i said, it's be being that the award is on by the is there any defense forces thinking that going to it off off would be safer for them are so hitting about these strikes. now
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on that all 56 is the most use of the city in the us. the script is unfortunate. and however, it doesn't surprise us because this is that like the football games on the lights, we don't stop. it seems by the is the defense forces. the house of the yes, yes and what has been demolished and the 1st days of the war there is no one there . there is nothing there. and right now is there any tools are standing in that area, trying to look for some kinds of tunnels or some weapons or i'll tell them that we believe that science is there was some kind of media. uh, the more image that they are winning from vienna's had you know how well the bathrooms have been very, very strong over the lights, dislikes, never stop on the civilian population. here, the mazda of hosted to this point, we see over them with, as the,
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the women and children patients language around the humanitarian situation. he had asked for many weeks back when, for the interest fracture has been destroyed in the north and in the cities, a norm or hospitals, or clinics or anything that the humanitarian consists of collapse and the cutoff date. it says that he and the water and communication and for supplies from both boards, there's so many weeks ago. it collapse winful over 16000 front of seniors have lost their lives and over 3540000 has been injured. many with education and long term injuries. meanwhile, the lot of fresh water supplies and move in garza is forcing people to make desperate choices. we have for one locals who said they all tongue to full says something, not fit for human consumption. the homeless, as you can see, we're drinking civil defense water,
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which is not suitable for consumption. we use it as drinking water to meet the needs of our small children because there's nothing else. when the water and electricity are cut off, we use that the flush toilets and for other things. water is the most essential thing. if it's cut off, life ceases to exist, even if it's not suitable people drink it because they need to stay alive. thank god we're patient and will remain here. what do they want to achieve through displacement will continue despite it and the state of israel. thank god, brothers, you see all the destruction from the they relentlessly bomb a set of crazy and disorganized man or people are being killed. we have martyrs, everywhere. living conditions are terrible. essentials like water and electricity has been cut off. even the aid they were supposed to deliver during the ceasefire, they hit them a jeep center or convoys of assistance used to unload the destruction genocide. as
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netanyahu said before the war, the people of gods or human animals, none of the countries are with us. may god grant has patience, mercy for our martyrs and hugh, our sick hopefully will come out of the safe and victorious at least 2 people have been killed and 5 wounded, following a school shooting in western russia. the footage posted on social media shows children and brushing to lock the door and the cos room after hearing gunshots. young teenage goal is set to vote and spot on how tall sweats he hasn't gone. and if i have fall, the instant is fortunately being made to school. well, then i'll just put it right here. shows children hiding in a classroom waiting to be rectified, emergency services, witnesses claim. the sheer to have is no king on the tools of all that close friends as well. the,
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the us senate has voted down by does is a $106000000000.08 bill to follow the support you claim and as well that is despite the u. s president, passion of please to us to post the motion. i think if we don't support what the rest of the world going to do, let's get this done. for the reason the food has not totally overrun ukraine and move beyond that. so the senate voted to block the massive a package which included funding for ukraine and israel on wednesday, after republicans demanded that it include tougher measures to control immigration of the us border with mexico and democrats did not comply with just $49.00 votes in favor to $51.00 against the nearly $111000000000.00 measure did not obtain the 60 votes needed to start debate on the bill. that's even after president biden pleaded with congress to approve his request. specifically for ukraine,
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arguing that a victory for russia was at stake while the binding administration claims that funding for ukraine is a matter of us national security republican congressman thomas massey noted that not only is it not benefiting americans, but it's taking away from money that could be spent improving us infrastructure to support this money. you have to be economically deliberate and morally deficient. it's morally reprehensible to say that you should fund this. i've been voting against these resolutions in ukraine and the money going to ukraine since 2014, in 2014. we helped to over throw their elect the government, and we were saber rattling against russia. and i said, listen, the sanctions and the saber rattling and these resolutions, they're going to have consequences and they have had consequences each day that aid isn't passed for you. crime brings us closer to the christmas holiday for congress, and the possibility of a key a is left without us 8 until 2024. if and when more support is passed, it would be
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a complete failure for the governments of both binding and zelinski and his treasury secretary, janet yelling. note that the us itself would be responsible for ukraine's defeat. i talk to members of congress, my colleagues have of, i think they understand that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for ukraine's defeat if we don't manage to get the funding to crate that's needed. and i'm encouraging direct budget support here because of the author, the essential a reminder that the us government's quest to make you crane totally reliant on washington can have major consequences when the word chest runs dry. and congress refuses to fill it up again. full text to a to in the white house. that's what donald trump's claiming he'll be. it's re elected next year. the former president said he'd need to use a from home to long to what she sees as the status of the by didn't administration under no circumstances,
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you are promising america tonight. you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody except the day one. acceptable. he's going 1st except the day one meeting. i want to close the border and i want to drill. that's real. that's not all the rest of you. so i'm going to be good. he says you're not going to be addicted, right? yeah. i said no, no, no other than day, one with clothes in the border and with drilling drilling, drilling after that, i'm not into all the rocks. comedy is the box, the top of a snow of on to trump, rhetoric out today to the american press, legal and media. unless non we have strong slate. the statements learned. you find those claims already raging around. when he does this, it does nothing but verify and people's mind. and he's a megalomania that was also even more funny. is that the miller, d m, i is the military industrial complex and neal contributive mega, my, me,
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megalomaniacs, new teeth are now jumping on the fact that he's claiming that he would be a dictator and there were warning everybody you had. let him when i get through, we no longer. and i'm also saying that if you listen to the tenor of some of the things they're saying and the way they're raising this, they're almost instead god forbid, almost green lighting or our country action that we don't even want to discuss. this is, this is why it has raised the talk all for a moment with sean hannity. that was just, he was exuberant that he was happy. but yeah, politically, one of the most stupid things anybody could ever say, quote, these people live with out trump. and he's love him and he loves to eat. they love to this buys him. he brings it because he has put more people to work. they kept more jobs floating. then anybody and you
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have to ask yourself, is everybody serious? do they really think it's possible for him to be directed to oil and finding things are getting heated up the very un conference design to limit the play for moving nations are looking for. is that cop 28 over a funding designed to help develop nations cope with the change? this week we started with a very big beginning with the decision on the loss of damage fund and the filling it with funds is a good start for capitalization. and then everybody went into the detailed technical negotiation. so there's now a text with many, many brackets, 30 different groups of options, more of the global soc take that now needs to be consolidated. so that ministers next week and start getting into each of those topics and finding solutions. i, you $700000000.00 has so far been pledge by wealthy nations to mitigate the
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transition to clean energy for developing nations. now it's not even close to the estimate of 400000000000 needed and developed countries still haven't even met a 100000000 dollar pledge to help the countries deal with climate change. that was a great 14 years ago. auntie is not a political guy reports. as we speak, african countries are working hard to harmonize the positions and to buy. but the problem is not just in the presence of these also in the past, the some templates which countries which made the walls by burning the planets are expected to pay the efficiency 1st. because at the same summer to more than 10 years ago, these countries, the problem is to help africa. and i, the developing regions deals with the devastating effects of climate change that would be by contributing billions of dollars annually towards climate change acceptation. as it stands, as many of these countries have not fulfilled those promises, the question is how long will these coordinate.
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