tv Documentary RT December 10, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EST
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so it gives us these funds to because we cannot accept something to print for century uses that we are indifferent and so called independent, but towards the french for a new frame army and french army for us on orleans that's not possible for us because of the eclipse duration, after the civil law. genuine big. oh say to the american army that doesn't want it didn't ones that american army stay in friends. why? what is it an acceptable for french authorities that need to be acceptable for us? we will said that the munition we want solvency and i think that's a, this is this research look to be a good fit against the west of globally is to be for all people for us. that's the most important thing in the way. also to see if a frank, as i understood is just part of the problem, but do you expect that the african countries and african leaders will abandon the see if a frank in the near future definitely to these areas. some brother,
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this is the what i'll come rugs a 5 minute to do a multi present enough money as me go to was a popular and brother of australia in new jersey. you know, it's and yeah, it was received. i was received by the president of my, the vice president of nature, you know, and brother of book united, but i'm proud of it president will book enough for so or ups in one to create a new kind of morning thought resistance. and when it's i resisted so everybody of understand the new generations and mississippi could change the system and i think it's within the policy. but if they sufficient, alida understands that we need to be in the way of union for change the system, their audience will be difficult. but if we altogether as a well the bottom african is 5, it means unity and others. this way of, by last week, i mean we'd be able to, to change this monetary system. i think recently
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a number of saw head countries withdrew from the g. 5 saw his groping, kicking out un missions and for an armies, and now the ship has rejected the un mission, where so many events happening right now. what are the routes of those developments? so with those of these, this built them in as an aggressive globalization such, we organize some of the provinces to, if waiting for us, we can go from there is a quick selection, the 607. yeah. because we understood that it's not possible in the 21st century to evelyn plus so much which naturally when so much and that's why the resources but or on natural resources. i explained, i still, i still in, excuse me, by the wisdom of the gotcha. and why do we say, is that the west, the, or the gosh as tending our associates, this is us. we are on the west as you say, the beginning. so we kind of extends that. so when i, and this,
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what i was drill at least one of the most sing bought in the political, to be sure you know, for us we can go for go to as to the beach and then with the french speaking off, we go, i trouble a boy, and i forgot, and i just, and i so, or is the poverty of people and the same way i, i so as i and i knew that there was many permission, low on surprises where a base in or this country. and i said, no that's, that's acceptable. so we've, my brother and sister were created to the movement, but an african emergency with the now i'm busy, many, many african french speaking, going to measure we do french speaking african countries that they ask for up to in europe. and we organize, we some overlook how organization, a african organization, rustic mobilization against french new coding, at least enough to is i could create some kind of as it goes system an atmosphere
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will style to the french quarter. and that is, and when we were able to create this utmost, but it's really kind of said that the munition inception we put inception, is the mind office of people we try to thoughts to teach them is that it's not acceptable. it is a 21st century to be again called a nice bio for a country is not possible. and after that of does aggressive globalization some but you're taking military people and this was and it's a city lynch is a role as a mission. we've us, as it made oil, who did the so called put it is not included. the for house is some kind of reinstatement. you know what it means when so many to react. we've always a wheel of people and 10, uh, shut down the president's bets. the president was, should've done last year because we dressed movie lies. it goes,
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it's crazy then just as it's exactly the same way of him. when's a shot of him with shut down by the rest within it. and it was a revolution is that it wasn't included the it was a revolution sucked executors assuming, well, that's up in today, insides the roots of what's up in this is a g 5 sided g 5. so it was a creation of french nation already got she and group and nation. we wanted to of some country a lie to the army for be or, or is this man, but we knew this of allies, this, the, him, it was a people killed one matter i left it was it, people will destroy the but we need to be clear about the situation as this already got. she will destroy lead, you know, want to be so for a park now come read for fight against attrition, because zip the reason i as it is from the ally of the actual light and bot net of
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the west. i'm only, gosh, we need to be witness of what the situation we doesn't want to do is a way of bullcrap. we want to be on this for a fair in terms of true. does it people destroy country and, and how do you think that this newly formed alliance of saw how states can replace fully replace all of those organizations that mission be treated? and i will give you 11 information that will be said with of some of a country with joy. this new question, instrument of garden is my witness. that will because zoe is a growing that this fiction was address. woodson. i forgot an easy switch. so what's up and in need, and the money in booking of us went up and in many of the country in a request in synagogue in been the good is my weakness. i feel that it's
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been many, many people, well fuzzies, that we of that would be a very, very big changes in my mind. just recently, russian deputy defense minister us spec. you have cut off, paid a visit to new chef. following molly amber, keen. if also, in your opinion, do you think that we should expect a drastic change and the security atmosphere of the region as a result of that visit? first, i think that the most important defend of africa as african mission. nobody would be able to different most of except this 1st, but it's regarding the way of meeting for over 2 forces. there is a before that was ition in just was, there is people, is the mission will belong to the natal world. you know, uh, westland mission definitely was somebody gotcha. and the single top is the nation
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tried to resist, begins this wisdom, or the gosh before it is there was a west against the hist. today is the question of west in haste. is the question of people, the nation will belong to the maple? and is of if i mission we're going to meet you, but i was. and is this which of what i, what russia like the of them. like, what about going to try to make it out is there was a need to add for head, for the mission to resist. again, was standing by at least and within a gemini. so it was a visit of the russian minister in my mind. these would, it's important, but i need to be clear about the situation. and i already said that's in the russian parliament. this is the only nation we'd be able to solve. the problem of us we can program is african nation and is there is some bottom that we want to add
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those as goods. but this new part of the need to understand that we doesn't want to change one color neither by nova we will sub that. the munition we will respect before the mission and if some a new nation, i respectfully respectfully, we've us. i think you to be a good in different lives. what is your personal opinion about the visit and do you have any information about the details of the item of more details? i knew what it was during our list and rush it through the things that you of the same kind of information. i have the only thing i know because a present of mondays, my brother might be br, the ed we will receive by humans of his shoes few weeks ago and quote number 18, many issue. even though i know, and many of us know that to today we need to of a really mean it that we bought from there. we come at bus to resist against the
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sofa table. we swear in realities of methylmercury, of the western move to national mountains as in reality. and as i think that there is a, there was many, many, many, many aspect of the new kind of collaboration between russia and the new chair, which is exactly the same way or for collaborations aries, since it was between money and government and the russian authority, we we saw that russia towards these wish me and sort of i'm now as i said, that lowest wish on me for you want to be clear about distribution and the sides. that money on government ends. and meghan armies, if i'm uh, as we quoted them in africa, we're able to take back a is a city of key that is, that's a big, big, big victory. you know, and i think that it gives a possibility to all the nation of the country to have hope to make some very
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drastic changes in the well for war against see this new kind of demos. now let's talk about the how mos israel conflict, who do you blame for the escalation? and gosh, i blamed synchronize. and in my, in my, my life things as i was one colonized quarter lives. a zone is lovely. this is a real your permission. and maybe cody, gosh, it is important to clarify the situation and how much is a self defense organization? i am agree we've. what's the did stephen october? first of, of my way, i don't believe in violence. i don't be leaving the many, many, many things that they saw in the most resistance, but i respect and that we always more respect thomas designs. that's how we more or ways respect, how much provides the west. the mission,
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almost right to resist reveals all the way on meters. that's how about data. i'm black, i'm in. i know what's up often and what's called a musician. he's because we leave and don't quote and you kind of go to musician and i forgot to do this very important to explain that. so it explains that and, and, and if i am against globalization in africa, i'm kind of be for coordination him in. but his stands us and that's that's we must be wise. so for us, responsible for the escalation in buddies spend for me ease and how is the western mission? well, she bought bradley colonization by this time, some kind of be acceptable and we, we never access it. and it is the same way where it gets cold immunization. because by this time, because i am against coordination and or pushing of was back up the part of the stuff. when i see shoes, time goes up to the australian government refused to recognize all the crimes
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and press secretion against the board. as you know, people in australia that's kind of updates that exist to this too. and it kind of the cooling musician definitively and what's up in his opinion will return your in the same way. so many, many, many, many countries. so what is your assessment of the western position of this conflict? and how do you think that the global self can learn some lessons from this situation? so listen is a global source need to understand is if we had, let's unites it's, we never be possible for us to win against. so west that only gosh, because we've got to say watch we want. but if it is there is some tension between them. some time, but the west side of the she is always united to when she need to ex,
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with what if you against the jump, what is it going? the issue is real. we know is that 0 and this will be everywhere in west of nation . and when i said she's iron this little be i don't, said julie slo be there is some jewish people. what those are in this we uh, we have some listed in the, the west side on east. we have some chris, suddenly there was a only so this is a political ideology, is not their religion. this is nothing at music. it's very important to understand . and sometimes some people who hate you as i or these because there is it for some issues that's, that belongs in this lesson is, this is my problem. you know, to me, to be clear about the situation. bits of things like global souls need to understand that to re culottes, resist the goals. and vegas, if we don't care for these 2 g c architecture of imperialist. and inside this imperialist of the head of bailey's, there is the,
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the new or liberal, or the gosh, you know, with the intimate form of clothing and it's it to make form of capitalist. and we cannot fight against colonization adults to the carefully deputies is less and these was for an easy was for them we, we meets definitely is as i, on this lovely all your time and again said and talked about the shared threats. the people of gods are facing and the people of africa have phase throughout the centuries. how is the destiny of the african people linked to the destiny of palestinian people on how can a common destiny help you solve your problems in africa? we need to unify forces, i guess a comb with him because you feel no table to understand that. we must
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stronger when we are unified. we love to be able to win against a global most a global basis. why? well, or that is a, a connection with the measure. we chose away some nation because it helped me because eliza is usually 5. they hired me, $50.00, west end of the gosh, she bridges. she'll do ya see friends with augusta. jim, i'm gonna be got, she is real. jo, american already got some photos in the unified. why? even if we can speak or mean what's the more, why us so you may have one more thing. what but more than one is no table to read against. wouldn't mission, so commission and the approximate, just looking on mine. we've or the resources we have when we learn about abraham agreements, many arabic country reps country headboard to make some
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connection reside on this policy. i kind of distance that is the 21st century. you see you heard of brother ballasting and suffering people press but you, i would work reeves ignition or pressure prison. betrayal is the 1st enemy of the said that the munition and i think that is african resistance that we have tried to making right loud since many years is heavily to make and create some really links us for this reason that that we would receive by as it has blah few months ago, you know, it was the last year. and we're going to continue to, to work together on some history and see for i would love them to come and help them in need of a common resistance. if you're able to understand things like many things which change in the issue. yeah, it's an interesting point you have about time. and again, mentioned on different occasions, the need for
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a convergence between difference like minded nations. and how do you think this multi pull or world order pushed by russia, china, latin america, and even south africa so, so it can help you achieve this convergence that you're talking about. i think that's a deliveries ation of the words really gives a possibility for us many country to understands that america as a rule of americans are royal force, the nation is over. i think that's the i was a brig send me a few months ago. and i saw that the, the world is changing, the world is changing. we've out west and process, you know, president macro and wanting to be acceptance. a breach, submits the president of the brakes and we refuse to equipment of president macro in south africa. was it being victor? many african, many president the,
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the of the global souls before i do it for you. it's a complex story. that was the mission change? no. is it moves as we come hot. we've with west and prisons, and i think it's a beginning of the big victory because the dental and vision, the spot means that the quantization of the month before the orientation of most of it is a declaration of the c split. it tickled and it goes economical assistance. so i think is that we are going is a good direction breaks south africa as of april or for country, or we would use the south african, the authorities to the know what's, what's a resistance means because they pay the price. but it, even if there was many, many, many program, again, south africa and somewhere to go to legal discrimination was the majority of black people in the mean to reach you on the black board was the ends of what was a white already got see is see that is still alive, and so
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a suffolk of it is that's a country. we know what's the revolution mean? and i think that the connection between south africa in brazil rush china, india, even if i don't always understand the position of mr. moseley of the in jump. but i think that breaks we'd be the, as a new page of the story of the 21st century. well, when it comes to africa, it is described both by the western and the eastern hemisphere as a land of opportunities or the golden concept. they refer to as both the western block and the eastern block. but how do you differentiates between the approaches maintained by russia and the western countries with regards to building relations with the african nations? i think the russians more pregnancy can and the russian lesson to so grass
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was comes be, it can be the 21st century economies issue. so rush mixed up within the, at the beginning wasn't call segments really. as the beginning of his presidency wasn't really concerned by africa. but i think that the, the, the conviction was the west and so betray of the west admission making made him understand that the need to be very careful to both of the station 1st and in need to change is it's our lives. you know, so to the rush, you take back the, this is a hot of a z on guy cooling, at least a mission, you know, as a shift made before. even if it wasn't different at most of it just by out of time . but russia and me supporting you know, really pregnancy approach and this,
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that in need work. we've africa nation is a wealth, said that the munition on some issue. but that was very important. i forgot to mention it understands that mr. which we never be the mission of african is lead to ends and guide of russia. really great prison and for his country is what else are going to, is a president on this? was that they respect small, but is a chicken for is going to africa need to be misha off a whole this now let's move on to the role played by you. when peacekeepers on the territories of africa, how do you assess the role played by the un peacekeepers there? as was seen some protest stage by a number of african countries. against that you weren't peacekeepers demanding
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their withdrawal from their lands. why is this happening? you wouldn't be as keep a part of the system. and i think that the majority of people today about learning africa books, you know about those or what understands that way new studio is united nation majority of units, emission is western mission. and russia is to begin installation, but when you look choice up and it's real to, to do things as rubin is united admission as a re enrolled on it as well. united nation as a beth of western nation. and when you, he united keys, piece keeper, you, he couldn't, you know, to me what of our land for 6 use access to the resources. does it mean there, around and natural resources? so, you know, people is a way can now people is woke up not working so well nobody system but it is really alive. is my mind
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a life in this then deeply, what kind of musician we are facing today to end this ends. that's west of only gushy using many stretches, u. n. g o. you needs united nation beast keeper, and some thing like that. it's run, run much strips. we understands their system to that. and so on. the beast keep the on our country. is people who belong to this country 1st and so with that being said, can the united nations be considered a non biased or independent organization? is there is no real chance in united ignition united admission that we never, never, never, never gave us something important for because musicians never because through the condition belong to the people based restrict, you know, it's
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a nation is not based for us to go to the is nothing but my cool is that the nation is in new york, new york. so most clearly know confirmed is for us, where we go annual things as relates, admission can give us some, listen about, oh, we need to organize and society. we kind of exit united nation hold the united nation recommendation because really was and behind united mission is the munition of america and is, are your been mich? you've talked about pen african a so but this is while african societies are very diverse, they find it difficult to unite as a result of their ethnic, political, and even religious differences. do you have any viable suggestion on how to make africa united despite all of those different things that the, that saves you a good nice unless you would you go to nice. i to say that's we have very,
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very we divided, you know, the mobilization we organizing or as i forgot the country see less last 7 years. as a, is a proof of proof that we can be able to unify our forces into as one voice. why don't people one distance, but not for goodness is us. what does and division? but if the goodness is the ideal of said, the munition of our population, i work many book on issue. my last book was probably my best to philadelphia from them with the frequency we had as translated in french, english and in spanish, and this wading through time. explain what's on the bottom of it, then it is a what's up to you. you need to allow people when to speak about the vision. we all know more difference. that's all the different people in english, english as a result of the english. oh, you of some people different english and you have some people we brought ahead,
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very values with one mission. why the, you, some people want to see us iris d vibe people. but we also said, what's the story of a check off the jump was thoughts, house symbols that we have, we had us african and that's the basis of our, of our benefit that i deal with as a symbol woods even into the tree of many branch. but we have what, what's as the most important thing to us in organizations and it was for african natural language both for you. i will come when this was a pleasure talking to you. can you set up with it for me? i'm actually because myself, thank you the
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acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new shelves. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the
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the i really thought that we were going to die. and i crawled all the way to the right. and then i hid behind the board. and this is have people continue to stick with the system basically we want to make sure that certain to dangerous, for a regular civilian shouldn't be in the hands. those people who are in statements
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for taking away the injured children are rushed to hospital in central gaza. softer on these really strongly good blitzer rates, a large residential building, being tested from beneath the rubble. i swear i do not know the number of casualties, but it is definitely a large amount of the 3 story house with chrome while it's just full of it's not have to build and we're leaving the company. it's about 50 families and several displaced people. we were that needed here from the north of golf courses all started to and could be the lead beat would see the lead and the mind and the resolution is not being implemented. the un chief admits the security.
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