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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EST

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say that was taken away. sorry, the historic ruling by india, a supreme court will see the union territory of general and kashmir, fully incorporated into the country. elections are due to be held there now by the end of next september. also in the program. the is really strikes claim dozens of lives in southern guns where the idea of his dropping leaflets, purging civilians to flee the area of locals us. where else does their tips go? also this to body of campus transformed into a war zone between the palestinian resistance and the israeli occupation army. we are now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in
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a significant number of casualties. goes down in northern gals that won't shelter thousands of refugees. we report from the gym bodya in complement, which has been on the relentless idea of fire for but to the big prize again, mix their feelings clear on gals over the weekend. so suppose across the globe, the mountains, and the immediate end to the assault on the pallets the name for all of us. mostly i'm sleet, to be united. see now, solidarity with innocent palestinians united against these world and the us, the across the world around the clock. this is our team here, national pleasure to have your company. my name's unit in the supreme court has ruled that the union territory of jen lou and kashmir is no longer a thomas and must hold elections as an indian state by the end of next september.
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let us breakdown and the historic ruling which you political ellis kartik shop, right? joining us from new delhi, we do appreciate your time on this a big day in demo on cost squared. take us through what? indeed, the court ruling means for the area and the people who live there. essentially, this is a reiteration of the fact that the entire state of the us quite a princely state of joint petroleum is an integral part of the union of india. now when i say a slide state, i enjoyed in this bit of trees that are illegally occupied by pakistan and china. what is going to be a bottle of bikers? we are the audio get a good bunk. this done. you'll have the exciting area, the shucks, gum valley area. all these areas are bought all the us by the state of jim when crush me, which has been headed to have been an integral part of india ever since. 194748
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of since you have the u. s. supreme court, which often looks at judgement spots supreme court. so other countries, i think they should also take a look at this judge wouldn't given by our under book supreme court to stop loving us in the united states were constantly calling for a discussion between india and pakistan over the issue of jo. moving push lead. once and put all this chapter is closed, it is a method which has an internal matter of india well settled. the, the integration of the state in full, under a common set of laws under the indian constitution took place on the 5th of august 2019. and we are very happy for this because this would now lead to much more development in the state. and hopefully an end to the mostly less killings over the last 70 years that i've been at the instigation. how focused on against the people
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of government crush me in india. and just to point out that the area is india is overwhelmingly muslim at stay that, that, that whole region. so with that in mind, what kind of reaction to the court routing, do you expect from locals in kashmir to this? i don't, i don't really think uh, you know, as far as the we get, if you look at the entire state, that is an area which is the doc which is uh, essentially, but the rest of the general agent has a lodge in the one seat population its only in certain parts of the christian we have valley where you will have a certain amount of most of the majority. otherwise, most of the state that are be people a lot of fits. what is doing that. we have other states in india, which of uh, we travel large mostly in population, but i think by and large, the people on the ground. the common man is happy with the fact that he will receive all the benefits entitled to every citizen of india under the constitution
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. a financial benefits, monetary benefits and benefits into homes, opportunity for growth, for employment. once in for all, this will also be, this is also a big signal to operates in the country to go in and invest in a big way in the state, increasing employment, increasing business opportunity, something that has been much needed and denied to the states for the last 70 plus years, the wider kashmir. it's a complicated region, as you alluded to, parts of it, claimed or controlled by an india of course. but then you've got pockets found in china as well. what sort of international problem vacations could this new by new delhi bring a look we had uh when, when the, the abrogation of article 370, to place in 2019 we had the smaller issue on the border with the china, 6 months later of these 2 countries, china and focused on will keep up there or brand as to the fact that this has
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disputed territory. this is not the people of the people in occupied the ok. a completely fed up all of the who of if some of us on, in that area, they want development. they want freedom, they have no human rights. they, they are looking across the board across the l o. c into india to see what is taking place here. and uh yeah, nobody wants a one. everybody wants to development. so i think, uh, it was victim of the. yeah, we will see a lot of, uh, nonsensical demonstrations in various fun, capitals, by practice i need, based uh, a groups against this uh, judgment on google supreme for we will, we will see a lot of this, but it's something that shouldn't be disregarded by and india is on the global stage handed as an icon of development, and i going to be walker. see. and i think all the benefits of development and democracy need to read to finally populate down to the common man is to juggle
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english me. and i find on the street, i just finally start you, you don't expect the, in, at least in the short term and violence to arise from this decision. i don't think so because we had uh when, when article 370 was abrogated, people that say they particular 370 is ever aggregated. there will be a lot of unrest, a lot of violence. well, there was, there has been a beast since then. number of federalist incidents. i briefly come down in the freshman university in the, in lots of demo we do have a few incidents but not as much as they existed earlier. ok. i think that i think people have pretty much reconciled to the fact that in the 4 years since the abrogation of article 370, since 2019 there's been a huge amount of development on the ground. and people have benefited, industry has come in, tourism has vastly increased in the states in the state benefits from economic benefits from these activities that populated down to the common man. and i think
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they have all, they can bank the development of the way. all right, thank you for your time, very much for the immediate reaction as well to this news that india supreme court was really let the union territory of genuine customer is no longer a ton of the steel political analyst project chopper live from new delhi. thank you . all right, let's turn attention to the war in the middle east, dozens of people have reported leaving kill this monday morning in southern gals that the city of canton eunice was targeted by escalating is really or strikes. ordering the find the following images upset, the relatives of the victims in town units are gathering to more and their loved ones here at the industrial hospital. all these are piling off with the medical facility already stretched, the breaking point, the gals that health industry saves the enclaves, entire desk phone since october 7th,
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has not reached just under $18.00 and people will come us claims this frontage was taken on the outskirts of 10 units, that's where the idea is reportedly expanding its ground operation into the size of the intake. the area was previously designated as a safe zone for gas is displaced population just to point out the pile of their, the ton unit. it's located just 20 kilometers from gas as porter, with egypt, but it's really encouraging residents to move further side dropping 100 simply fits from idea of plates. at least 1900000 pulsed indians have already been displaced. that's more than 85 percent of goals as the total population of those egypt refuses to tick and refugees, displace palestinians are striping to find any rest but from the finance further side still is really fire is also bearing done on the border city of rough up the i d. f carried out
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a series of strikes over the weekend. the continued into the early hours of monday . many homes are being turned to rubble. wilder inhabitants, where a sleep survivors say they're leaving markers up to see hoping to come back to recover the dead when it's face by the after digging through your rumble, without being able to find the children, they rolled, their names in the ruins of the building is a remind into a soul, there are children underneath the debris, mar abdulla, and must we hold did when we get machines under the water is over, we'll be able to remove their bodies from under durable. well, that meant they came. monetary and crisis images from southern guns that show desperate locals trying to elude supply trucks coming in from egypt. international groups say the amount of a being allowed into the enclave. it's not nearly enough. the world health organization has call for immediate certain unimpeded monetary and access the gaza, which has been under is really siege on bombardment for over 2 months. here's local
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reporter homes that challenge with the latest. from the rough, i have seen many injuries arriving to the hospital where i am right now due to the test strikes on residential houses before 2 days from now yesterday and today is committed many last care massacres across the southern areas. but the last few hours the id have submitted more than $21.00 massacre as a game against the residential houses across the garbage. which is going to increase the number of casualties to more than 1818000 casualties. of course, increase the number of injuries. this situation is and also is more
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cannot get any worse because because of the ongoing flashes actually making their operations wider. hundreds hoping in each hour flash and of course receptive houses for administrative hills. afraid to face the same thing. the same situation is the same experience. what happens to ship a hospital? how lots of how many cycles are going to stop there surfaces we do to the blushes, well, actually shifts and different areas. this is to be the last area. they're going
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to be displaced to that means if the better face this place, the game that needs to be out of this type everybody. everybody is dependent on this come to our country like egypt. jordan allows is low for this place and there's no more displacement to the palestinians out of that means for the lowest of palestinian tennessee one from the left homes that from the side. let's make this central guys are also under. escalating is really bombardment. dozens of children are among the casualties. have been rushed to out of the hospital there. according to the you and at least one minor is filled every 10 minutes in the enclave. the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed. 7000 hospitals are buckling under the overwhelming influx
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of patients and refugees. again, we must warn you. distressing images are had local mortgage over filled with no space for more bodies and refrigerators. scores of draped corpses lie right on the floors and tear out the law offices, family members, something gathering outside the building to bid final for well, some say there were some of the areas they were urge to flee to as well are know safe for sun where they left my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gaz. these rarely spread leaflets asking us to lead for safety. so we fled to see right and reach the as a cool area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy, and for an old, our dad while i'm in the, is really grand invasion of northern casa images of emerge of a partially destroyed school in bay. plucky, a smoke continues to rise above the damage building that used to shelter refugees.
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local journalist centers this report from the in buffalo region, one more items related to come by, witnesses report that the sound of is rarely artillery can be heard from the heart of 2 by the account, accompanied by the corrects of sonata fine. we're cautiously advancing towards areas quotes in the crossfire between palestinian resistance and these riley forces . we are now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. we're moving towards the line of engagement. we can see the smoke risings is rarely operations are ongoing in the situation is extremely powerless. the streets are completely empty. but the refugee centers are still crowded with locals and those displaced. they have trapped inside the centers and very large numbers. so let's just say a suicide drone targeted, a group of displaced people at the gates of a refugee sense of belonging to the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in gaza, leading to many casualties. it's not, defy,
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can be heard one small and us right targets the busy markets injured by the account . now we had gun file intense clashes nearby to evaluate campus transformed into a war zone between the posting and resistance and the israeli occupation ami, as well as harling images port out of the gallons as follows. across the globe continue to call for an immediate end to the violent protest hitting the streets into renewed show of solidarity with the enclave. suffering population. let's begin in europe. crowds gathered in madrid over the weekend to the 9th. the ongoing fighting and gal, sir, but it shows protesters marching with fathers, the red stop the genocide. well, 5 sins in berlin demanded that the german government cut all arms shipments to israel. those raleigh and shunted slogans accusing the countries political elite of empowering the idea of foaming a pocket styled chin. newsy. it took us also with a wave of support. 4 gallons of protesters in it's done bowling the center of your
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screen, or just the turkish president to sever diplomatic ties with israel. as a boy trips to the end says, well cries and pack us down are urging the growth muslim community 2 nights in protecting gal said vices across the globe, essentially with one message. the violence must, in the most part, we feel paralyzed. i never could have believed that humanity could reach this level of cruelty and just watch it on television. this is not a war, it's genocide, the way they're farming, the civilian population, entire cities, schools and hospitals. it's genocide, it's important we come out because this is the most brutal infringement of human rights. it's not ok. it is not. it is not what people believe it is not. the government are not representing or germany is not representing me. i am not. i do not support this support this. i'm gonna try and get them almost all of us. mostly, i'm sweet to be united now sold, rarity, with the innocent palestinians,
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united against israel, and the us this way as muslims. we all can help the oppressed down with the us down with these room. okay, we're turning now to our top story that of the indian supreme court's historic ruling. to fully incorporate the union territories of john move and kashmir from where we're joined by hard t correspondent when june sharma speaking from new delhi engine morning to you. indeed, a big day, tickets through the move, it indeed is a 9 month would. it's no slightest supreme court of india. i will take you to the key takeaways from that awarded that dog. the chief justice of india pronounced just a while ago. now the supreme court of india oppose obligation of optical $370.00 of the constitution. they clearly seen that article 370 was them to reprovision,
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also the supreme court avondale said that the boss location or obligations optical 370 is valid. what that means is that the positions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the violent, due to optical, $370.00, the abrogation of faith, which was done by them. would the government back in 2019 august of 2019. so these bunch of petitions, question the valid, the g or the by the government of india. now the supreme court of india has stabbed that the decision which was taken by the government of india back in august of 20194 years ago is the right decision. and that the word within of the bill follows to have taken that decision. also, the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead and they've gone on to say that they've detected although the election commission of india that there should be
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elections conducted in the state of dumb one dish nearby associates, september 2024. so by next year to restore the c toward all fall and someone push me to soon as possible. also, the supreme court of india is going on to say that someone who scenario does not have any install, a new sole balance, the so that the decision which disappears or to speak, and that would, they also carries a lot of historic, bought them. yeah. so what's the not going to affect? no, we, we've, we're talking about an area of course, room june, that has, has long been a hot spot. then you've got india's neighbors, china, unprotected pocket style, at who say that some of the region is there to are a tree. how well it also impact those living indian corporate to territories. now what, what follows this corporately a let me put this in
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perspective for you was now india in august of 2020 in august of 20. 2019 in fact the had to be to find its relationship with chris smith. basically a relationship that they said, oh, which was 70 yards, all of that, that's the history you were talking about. so when the disclosure ended in india, the state of course need was given us special provisions for this temporary position. article 2017. what this provision did was it did the state of cushioning fall is to meet the constitution. i'm, for example, it also exempted the state from the constitutional india. so for example, if, if the central government and india had to put in your, in please the had to fix permissions from, could squeeze this be the state permission. and uh, but of course, except for uh,
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some of us such as defense finance or the phone industry, for example. the v continue to big those decisions. but for all the decisions as well as the speed that had to give permissions to the central government. that was to the weight, so that special states of push news that had been there for the last 70 or deals of 7 decades staff was to the we and that of course stuff was challenged by the position 7 o professional. seeing that the government did not have the right to do, but now the supreme could have been the sort of stamps that decision by the government to renew what that means is that now the state of course move somewhere in question. you eat it sort of, uh it, it comes in to the means of india and the decisions that the government be explored . the rest of the country also then apply for a jump when push me in. so it's a big decision in that sense. and like you mentioned,
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you know that the state of junkers need also has a sense system for the state which is ib channel. so expect some of the options of stay, for example, from china or focused on this one. yeah, we'll see what comes from that. but i forgot to thank you very much for arranging our t corresponded ring. june trauma live from new delhi know the u. s. president is jew to host is ukranian culture part for to accept the white house on tuesday. the meeting comes and made a deadlock in congress with lawmakers at all. and so we're spending more money on the war and the chief of the us management and budget office stays the country, needs to focus on replenishing its own littering stuff that you weren't in october and back in september that funding was running low. you sent a letter monday to the speaker saying we are out of money to support you creating the site. this isn't a next year problem when precisely where us funding be exhausted. but we have
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is either a budgetary standpoint. we have about a $1000000000.00 left to replenish our own stockpile. yeah, as we can see here a pool suggest that many americans think the government is over spending on military assistance to other countries that follows a fail senate vote to prove a $106000000000.00 in foreign aids, including to ukraine on israel. republicans are demanding some about money. be used to address the immigration crisis on the us southern border. this as well, close to half of the public believe they took the is too high. republican, senator, gd, bounce safe. it's fun to talk. peace for ukraine. instead of spending more tax periods money on the war, what's in america's best interest is to accept ukraine is going to have to seed some territory to the russians. and we need to bring this war to a close. to another republican lawmakers smart gate saves america, should no longer support kids demands for more money or former pentico level. as mike and move toward our team of washington really needs to focus on solving
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problems on the home front. a united states, as it is, according to many wars on the one hand and that looking out for itself. and that is it sole stockpiles i might add, that the, the oil reserves of the united states are at its lowest point that it's ever been. and why we should be replenishing that oral supply because of the increasing tensions in the world and, and the need for uh to backup our own forces and our own home needs. uh, the, the uh by the administration is not allowing for any drilling that would allow for that to be filled in at this point. it would be very expensive. so its weight, we have a catastrophe about ready to do that. so moving on, us right here. and the administration is totally quiet about the rushes federal security service,
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the f s. b things. it has to obtain. several civilians suspects that allegedly recruited by key to carry a terror attacks in crimea. here's our senior correspondent, broadcast the up with a breakdown of the story. this year, ukraine has waged a campaign of tara across crimea, palding's assassinations, black male threats, and co welsh, and what they call a terrorism. we call liberation. of all i have to say is that we've been kidding russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of the us until the complete victory of ukraine. terrill will died of the chief of ukraine's military intelligence service sheet and he's supposed to that's have done everything to swamp cried mia entails every single perpetrator of every active tara was recruited. not
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one of them was it. you pay the intelligence agent? we're what civilians and coverage to blackmail threatened into these acts of violence, visit this armina lots of debts. that's basically why we lost our house around that time and all the quite intense of mine from capstone called me up. i don't know how we found my number. he started asking how i was doing and checked if i needed what i told him that i have so much that i didn't know what sort of job would coverage they showed me. he told me would figure something out. it almost always starts flu . simple to watch, a dual way, film a trade with track an individual who is what they asked me if i was ashamed to sit idly by at such a time. i told them to look at my passport and check my health status. they said that's age and health pose, no problem. and i can still defend my homeland. at 1st, they ask you to watch that in field. then pick up
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a package plant above the sometimes recruits would vote, could that or does they signed up for? for money, for out of desperation or even to fight for your grade. they didn't sign up for murder. when need the explosion to be loud and significant? not necessarily, well, it's on the way. well, i want to do it to the station, but are people that even if you do it at the station, people won't get hurt. explosions won't send out fragments, only 5. most public trades is what quoted before. they could carry out their assign tasks, so bobbing so assassinations, the actions were monitored. then they were followed up until the last moment, rushes f as be our operatives take the time that the longer that they track these
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people, the more they love, so have less dropped spots, logistics, money trails and hide outs. as well as far and involvement. it is the one they have already cutting now, strikes, releasing these weapons, they used for long distance delegates, both on the rush and crimea. this information is not the wireless pride to avoid criticism, yet less than the hand prints everywhere from british and nato explosives and designates as an odd with smuggled into crimea for a tax. the testimony of suspects about who trains the group the most. our contacts took us to the city of their pin, where there were ukrainian instructors later for an instructors arrived as well. they taught us to assemble improvised explosive devices and remote control devices set off by telephones. and so on. me, it's a potter for queen. it's all with the 3 we can,
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you'll span you whip on on all with that, which apparently also includes ukrainian women. these 2 aspiring fab for towels. the reno nevada slot was sent to crimea and tossed with seducing officials and service men in order to extract information they were tracks watched as they slept with numerous men will be it's they didn't extract the use for this particular section. operation for the delivery of ukraine was added to kind of magic, not the only dubious set forth by you katy and intelligence as these intercepted conversation also reveals. i'm wondering if we will do things differently now, east of them, and then google. he'd been with me styles, nobody would guess it was, you know, i mean up to so many explosions, they will lose their minds over the years. they'll think it was another head strike
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