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tv   News  RT  December 11, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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of some common ground the historic ruling by india supreme court will see that union territory of jumbo and kashmir, fully incorporated into the concrete, with elections, to be held there within 9 months. also a head on the program. the page really strikes claimed dozens of lives in southern gaza, where the adf is dropping leaflets, urging civilians to leave the area. but the locals of worlds is there to go to evaluate campus transformed into a war zone between the palestinian resistance and the israeli occupation. army, we are now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in
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a significant number of casualties at ghost town and northern gas that won't shelter thousands of refugees. we report from the jet malia in compliment, which has been under relentless idea of fire for over 2 months. all big crowds, again make their feelings to your own guns over the weekend as follows, across the globe, the month. the immediate end to the assault on the powder city, entered for it was a move of some muslim slate to be united to the now so there with each with the innocent palestinians united against israel and the us, the one minute past 11 am and the russian capital this monday, great to have your company for the our team use our and that is breaking news where we begin. india supreme court has rule left the union territory of general and kashmir is no longer
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a ton of miss unless told elections of an indian state by the end of next september . the move was welcomed by prime minister and to render moody. ortiz, india correspondent, french in charlotte has more. let me put this in perspective for it out to you was now india in august of 2020, in august of 202019. in fact, the had to be defined, its relationship with crush me is basically a relationship that the said, oh, which was 70 yours. oh, that's the history we're talking about. so when the british colonial rule ended in india, the state of course need was given us special pollution, this temporary position, article 370. what this provision did was it gave the state of crush me fall was to make their own constitution. i'm for example, it also exempted the state from the constitutional india. so for example, if, if the central government and india had to put a new one, please,
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it has to say permissions from crush me the state, the state permission. and uh, but of course, except for uh, some of the assets of defense finance or the foreign ministry. for example, the v continue to big those decisions. but for all the decisions, if was the speed that had to give permissions to the central government that close to the weight, so that special status of cushioning you that had been there for the last 70 or deals. now the supreme court of india a pause obligation of optical $370.00 of the constitution. they clearly seen the article 370 was the time to reprovision. also the supreme court avondale said that the boss of patient or obligation of optical $370.00 is valid. what that means is that the, there were a couple of petitions that were 5 of the supreme court, challenging the balance due to optical, 370, the abrogation of faith,
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which was done by the more the government back in 20, 19 august of 2019. so these a bunch of petitions, question the valid, the t or the by the government of india. now this a scene called of india has said that the decision which was taken by the government of india back in august of 20194 years ago is the right decision. and that they were within the policy to have taken that decision. also, the supreme court of india has gone one step ahead. i've been going on to say that the detective, although the election commission of india, that there should be elections conducted in the state of john one, chris, nearby 30th september 2024. so by next d r to restore the state toward all fall and someone who should meet as soon as possible. also, the supreme court avondale is going on to say that john, one christian needs does not have a nice install,
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a new soul valor do. so that decisions which the supreme court has taken that war. they also carries a lot of historic, bought them. well, that's the breakdown, the historic rooting with joe political level as k case and joining us from new delhi. thank you for your time today, sir. why is this court ruling so significant? what this is essentially mean for kashmir and the people who lived there and good afternoon. and jan, depending nice to be on your catalog. see you have mazda question that you're, you know, the supreme court judgement. what is the significance off at the end? how much the manual re give it? see um yeah. when you look at it at all, and deadlock independence, 1947. and then we got the, you know, the independence from the british raj. that is the time until today. you know, if we take it, that is the 11th december, and then a good 2023 years in the year. sense when we, you know,
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1500000000 people saw in this planet actually caught the independence. that is one of the significant savings. you're getting a independence or someone cd. and then picking you up. that time. 1947. 14 august 194715. we've got a dependence before that the pockets to unload. want to mission stories venue. c. joyce, that to degree into under degree in the area in the us tactic location of the area that it had been created must be it'd be a deal. wanted to come and use that to do to die. well, you know, which has a location that, that my position is very different story in front of a cemetery especially, you know, see of what happened. you know, don't know why. it was a wonder to confide you for the freedom to flight. it was a fight between the military has seen clean water with a and now when you get constitutionally going,
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you'll get legally segmenting that lead paint, which has been done. on the 5th of august at 20194, and the coffee is back was up to the legal constitution and asked for the laptop in law and an option of the constitution which we did in 1950. if you look at as a brought up, it shows what happened the to explain to you $140.00. so since i forgot 1947, then you know the 3 missions. what's the point if i'm not doing some nations like, is focused on this focused on when we talked about it, despite of the fact that the quantity of boxes done. but it was joe divide and separate. the separate is a separate then what, let me see the best aisha, the clock about what is happening in the best asia. it is the same thing. you know, when we talk about the mission theory over day, then you divide, jumping up the theme and the pot, and you leave
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a dispute all of this. and dispute with the people all that a upside to be from each other and mail it to allow the beast 2 seconds. and then i'm just talking of dispute, sorry to interrupt, but no today oscar this ruling, what sort of reaction do you think we can expect from locals in kashmir? it is as it stands. and i put on many muslim area, is there no fear of renewed violence or was this move more or less expected eventually he. 1 when we talk about what is the going to the actions over the use of the book as a full, as a country as a whole. and the people of that region, especially in german, gosh me, that'd been, be said they didn't edit any of the doc data. happy the big people because i've been using this idea of biting milk and see if i think the war. so i understand that the people i knew was good down to the, you know,
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because all 11 people are very happy but the wanted to come off through, but there were no actually wants to gain the overall quality cleo. maybe a very small game, like god, national conference will be we, you know, these comments. we just got b c because the idea was there that no one is the i got in the flag of the union that is on india. and when it 1st happened with the addition of articles, the 70, which was brought in 1948 and it was the last time we have to understand this particular, you know, understanding that in 1947, but to be gotten into. but it does, does after 3 months it was started and was the 1st one, a government crush me and it lost a 1000000000 on january 19, 491948 in between the us all. uh, you know that uh, optical, you're on your mic that comes and actually, you know, ma'am ben be sick, i'm serious assembly bus ball and you are ball and i don't object of the 70,
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which was temporary and promptly and then that's the time you want to make it a woman and try to divide the country in the prox, me, in the proxy, baby as, and you believe this is a lot of a one. welcome. not just by people in india, but also in the region. that's essentially what we're saying. yeah, absolutely. okay, it gives you the vision if you want to be peace and harmony, seeing what is happening since 1947 to date this and you had to step into the juice touch location. it has sort of guns because it has got the, you know, some position republic it had to go to china. i'm going to engage non bunch of stuff. this is just done just because of these and it doesn't create the design. you know, what we see on ground today is, is a box of that 0 flight, which we did it for more than 7070. yes. and no, legally. constitutionally, what's happening guttenberg say, that's what everybody has been done and absolutely, you know,
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believe the do this or they but stick to because of the vehicle front end looks up the only the constitution. the job is that that'd be the privilege in the constitution there. and they have the experts. okay sir, we must leave it there. but thank you so much for taking us through the live from you deli geopolitical level as k k center to the war in the middle east. dozens of people have reportedly being killed this monday in southern gal. so with the city of can eunice targeted by escalating us really our strikes of winning . you may find the following images of set the, the relatives of the victim scene here, a gathering to more and their loved ones at nestor, hospital bodies, there are piling up with the medical facility already stretched. the breaking point, the gals that health industry saves the in phase entire death tool since october 7
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has not reached just under 18000 people. unless, unless claims this footage was taken on the outskirts of town units. that's where the idea is reportedly expanding its relevant operation to into the sites of being played. the area was previously designated as a safe, so for a gas is displaced. population can units is located just 20 kilometers from gas as border with egypt, but is really is urging residents to move further side dropping hundreds of leaflets from idea planes. at least 1900000 pablo simians have already been displaced. that's more than 85 percent of kansas total population does. egypt refuses to take in refugees, displace palestinians are struggling to find any respite from defines further. sikesdale is really fire results. so bearing down on the border city of rough uh, the idea of carried out a series of strikes over the weekend that continues into the early hours of this
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monday. many homes have been turned to rubble from all the inhabitants where sleeping survivors say they're leaving markers of the scene, hoping to come back to recover the dead when it's safer. but after digging through your level without being able to find children, they roll their names and the ruins of the building is remind into a soul that their children underneath and debris, mar abdulla, and must we old did when we get machines under the water solar will be able to remove their bodies from under durable but here's local reporter homes that children with more on the is really assault against rough as city. i have seen many injuries i've. i've been to the, to the hospital where i am right now due to the is there any strikes on a residential houses before 2 days from now yesterday and today is committed many mascot massacres across
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the some of the areas the last few hours. is there a way to get the id, have submitted more than 21 massacres a game against the bench and houses, fussy, which is going to increase the number of casualties 218000 casualties. have of course increase the number of injuries, the situations and pad eunice also is large, cannot get any worse because because of the on the flashes actually making their operations wider. hundreds in each flashes. and of course,
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receptive houses for administrative afraid to face the same thing. the same situation is the same experience. what happens to ship a hospital facing many cycles going to stop there surfaces wait another due to the blushes? well, actually shifts and different areas. this has to be the last. yeah. they're doing this place to that seems if the policy is face this place, the game that seems to be out of this type everybody. everybody is dependent on this country like egypt. jordan miles is bo boyd, this place is no more displacement to the palestinians. that means
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close to palestinian. at the same one from lemay, they came monetary and crisis fund, each from southern guns that purports to show desperate glucose, trying to loot supply trucks coming in from egypt and traditional bread. say the amount of aid being allowed into the unsafe is not nearly enough. the world health organization, us call for immediate, some unimpeded humanitarian access to gas, that which is being under is really cj. i'm bombardment for over 2 months. well, i want to show you as well. central guys are also under escalating, is really bombardment. dozens of children are among the casualties, have been rushed to the lock, so hospital there, according to the us, at least one minor is killed every 10 minutes in the and the total number of child victims has reportedly surpassed. 7 sized hospitals are buckling under the
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overwhelming influx of patients and refugees. again, we must wear need, distressing images are to have local mortgages over fill low space at all for more bodies and refrigerators. scores of great corpses live right on the floor in darrow, but a lot of those family members helping, gathering outside the building to bid their final for welts. they say there are not in great shows the areas they were forage, the fleet, they are no longer safer. in fact, the same is where they my daughter has been killed. we were displaced from gather these really spread leaflets, asking us to leave for safety. so we fly to see right and reach the a core area. and this is what happened to us here. may god have mercy and for an o our that to limit the is really grand invasion of northern gas images held by merge of a partially destroyed school and faithful. here. smoke continues to rise above the damage building that's had been used to shelter refugees. a local journalist
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centers this report from the impact of dirty of the fire witnesses report that the sound of is rarely artillery can be heard from the heart of 2 by the account accompanied by the corrects of sniper fine. we're cautiously advancing towards areas quotes in the crossfire between palestinian resistance and these riley forces . we are now in bluff to which recently experienced intense, showing, resulting in a significant number of casualties. we're moving towards the line of engagement. we can see the smoke risings is rarely operations are ongoing and the situation is extremely powerless. the streets are completely empty, but the refugee centers are still crowded with locals and those displaced. they are trapped inside the centers in very large numbers. so let's just say a suicide drone targeted, a group of displaced people at the gates of a refugee sense of belonging to the un relief and works agency for palestine. refugees in gaza, leading to many casualties. it's not, defy, can be heard one small and us right targets the busy markets injured by the account
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. now we had gunfire intense clashes nearby to evaluate campus transformed into a was own between the posting and resistance. and the israeli occupation army was harling images, port out of gals at scholars across the globe continue to call for an immediate in to the pilots. protestors. i think the streets in the renewed show of solidarity with the enclave. suffering population. i want to start by showing you in your crowds gathered in madrid over the weekend to the boats. the ongoing fighting and gas footage shows protestors marching with banners that read stuff. the genocide, while thousands in berlin amended the german government cut all arm shipments to israel. those rallying shunted slogans accusing the countries political elite of empowering the idea of followings pocket. so she, lizzie, a unter kia, also saw a wave of support these last number of days for gas protesters and it's done the boat years. the trick is present to sever diplomatic ties with israel. i'm deployed
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troops to the, into small crowds. they're in the right of your screen, that's puckett stuff. they are urging the world and most land community to unite in protecting gals, a sizes across the globe essentially without one message. the violence must in israel's assault on the go. so 6 to push palestinians from their homeland. that's the accusation emerging from jordan's for administer. speaking of the ongoing, doha for him in 5th time. what do we see and gaza is not simply the killing gold for the innocent people, the destruction of their, their livelihoods. but we're seeing a systematic kit, f, as it seems to empty guys a, from its people. we've seen the amount of destruction in the north and, and an on some of the top very that we see uh, taking place there is just indicative of, of, of,
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and is there any policy that seems to have determined on pushing guidance out of guys is what is created then amount of hatred that wouldn't hold on to this, this, this region that would define generations for com. and therefore it's hair. think it's on people as much as it doesn't hurt. think of it. but is that that agent, this is a war that cannot be one as well, has already suffered strategic defeat. let us speak to journalists, mohammed, not cheap, who was covering the doha for them in cut chart. good to see, you know, how much direct remarks from jordan's top they pull them up there. take us through the reaction to that statement on, how's it being echoed by any other officials out the event? yeah, sure not in the 2nd. the last part of this much, the need to speak clear about the the security counseling issue. how does it need to know if it's expired or lost inside there at this time? no, and that is a b, and they went on how close by wonderful countries many,
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many times to both the them at opinions on of, on a $100.00 except the 2 countries and to prevent. but you obviously can't take also, she wants to pass this plan is the last name for my dad. actually that's moved by the expense of all the order to be brought to here and the discussions of the go hold on. but despite the fact that you actually printed off escape, i'm typically interested that as well as how much is the live there is most useful . yeah, i think i can use from us as an act on the said very small just by out of the that it was right. them from us from leaving your highness. shake when it comes to a cease fire in this moment with i'm us still alive. still intact and again with the state and intensive repeating, october 7th again and again and again. that was simply perpetuate the problem. look, this could be over tomorrow. this could be over tomorrow. yes. awesome. well that 6
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of the guys guys are looking to go for more than $18000.00, but to clean and invest. some of them are moving on to the question. who are they as well as doing? i'm fine to pay you guys. uh no, i'm not from last month or the women and some people say really gonna be one of the guys that i, they fund the 5 most option for you guys. so the, i'm give you is monthly and big one for i mean you have to spell it out and boost the birthdays. and so i'll, i'll davidson and i just passed to inform you guys the leaves about 10 people before the season. and the as soon as possible, because the other people to, they will understand the one, but it's done by good, it's from the russian go, but i couldn't be put in the united states as a result of the issue that's essentially a bunch of documents from people and no one is yet more invested as push one is the cheapest for this to be what i going to stuff that's whole bunch of premium policy . and because the, the counselors all started to and good the be lead the,
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what is the, the lead and the minds. and the resolution is not being implemented. and i are just a courtesy call seem to pass through over the humanitarian catastrophe and died right today to my view. for the you made 30 and the ceasefire to be the clips. it'd be aggressively the security policy on site to the weeds. but death does not make it less necessary. so i can problem is i will not give up the yes actually why the, what i'm happens to be best on how different still continuing to come to the, to the water and got all the, ask me turn bad auction, but chinese, that of the other guys as well as the auto lied to the the, the point of view of this war against government. so what did they like? it says on the phone for the immediate spot on this choose the lives of the
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journalist mohammed, not g, blind from the too hot for them in katara. thanks mohammed now living the program on russia's federal security service, the 1st base agent has detained several civilian suspects. allegedly recruited by key of the cardio turbotax in crimea. here's our senior correspondent, iraq goes to you with a breakdown of the story. this year, ukraine has waged a campaign of tara across crimea, palding's assassinations, black male threats, and co action. what they call terrorism. we call liberation. of all i have to say is that we've been kidding russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this until the complete victory of ukraine. payroll. well thought of the chief of ukraine's military
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intelligence service. she and he's supposed to, that's have done everything to swamp, cried mia entails every single perpetrator of every active tara was recruited. not one of them was it, you pay the intelligence agent? we're what civilians in coverage to blackmailed or threatened into these active bartlett's visit. this new armina lots of debts. that's basically why we left the house around that time and all the quite intense of mine from capstone called me up . i don't know how we found my number. he started asking how i was doing and checked if i needed what i told him that i have so much that i didn't know what sort of job would cover it. they so he told me would figure something out. it almost always starts flu. simple to watch a dual way from a trade with track an individual who does what they asked me if i was ashamed to
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sit idly by at such a time. i told them to look at my passport and check my health status. they said that's age and health pose, no problem, and i can still defend my homeland. at 1st they ask you to watch that in field. then pick up a package plant above the sometimes recruits would vote, could that or does they signed up for? for money or out of desperation, or even the fight for your grade. they didn't sign up for murder. when need the explosion to be loud and significant? not necessarily. well, it's on the way. well, i want to do it at the station, but are people that even if you do it at the station, people won't get hurt. explosions won't send out fragments, only 5. most public trades is what quoted before. they could carry out their
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assign tasks. so bothering so assassinations, the actions, but most of the then they were followed up until the last moment. russia's f as b r operatives take the time that the longer that they track these people, the more they love, so have less dropped spots, logistics, money trails with high doubts, as well as foreign involvement. the goals and the already cutting now strikes, releasing these weapons. they used for long distance belgians, both on the rush and crimea. this information is not the wireless pride to avoid criticism, yet less than the hand prints everywhere from british nato explosives, and designates as an odd with smuggled into crime may have for a tax. but the testimony of suspects about who trained the group, the most. our contacts took us to the city of your pin,
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where there were ukrainian instructors. later for an instructors arrived as well. they taught us to assemble improvised explosive devices and remote control devices set off by telephones and so on. i mean, it's a popular for queen. it's all with the we can use span you with them on out there, which apparently also includes ukrainian women. these 2 aspiring fed for towards the read up the slot up, was sent to crimea and tossed with seducing officials and service men in order to extract information they would track, watched as they slept with. numerous men will be it's, they didn't extract anything useful. this particular section operation for the jewelry of ukraine was added to kind of magic, not the only dubious efforts, but you, kate, in intelligence, as these intercepted conversation, also reveals. i'm wondering if it will do things differently now. you stop them,
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and then we will hit them with me styles. nobody will guess it was, you know, i mean, up to so many explosions. they will lose their minds over the years. they'll think it was another head strike. it will take them a while to understand that it was coming from partisans, as well as strikes from above, will be really hard on them. so you and i better be prepared to go down in the history. this, the left hand code is now going of the praise that rods and died in history. so got and abandoned by kids. and this is what separates you pay the intelligence agencies from those all over the world who look off of those loyal to them off to their agents. you can have what's requested a prisoner change involving one of these people that they sent on these missions and who a quote rather had that list discarded like waste.


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