tv Cross Talk RT December 11, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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the conflict during which time washington supplied a further 15000 bombs and 50000 artillery shells to replenish israel's arsenal. and just 2 days ago the us state department circumvented congress to approve a $106000000.00 sale of peg munition. to tell a view, and on top of that, the us was the only country to veto the un security council reason resolution for peace in gaza. human and labor rights lawyer, demco vol. x as the us is no shining light on human rights as washington funds and facts the killing of thousands of god and civilians. i don't see the us as a promoter of human rights and in any regard i do think did think the case of god's it shows the us as a aqua see on this. i mean, gods is now number one in terms of very a number of quite a despicable statistics now including over a 100 un staff,
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people being killed by israel in gaza. this is the most in history since the founding of the united nations in terms of proportion to civilians being killed in this conflict. it's more than in any conflict in the 20th century, even in world war 2. so in the u. s. is funding this is providing diplomatic cover for the us. it's used its power to enforce human rights to selectively against countries. it doesn't like meanwhile, so you know, it could again, it gives cover for countries that commit abysmal human rights violations. again, the case of israel and palestine is an example of the u. s. is all domestic human rights by the way, are not very good in terms of, you know, the u. s. has more prisoners per capita and in terms of absolute number than any countries in the world, for a developed country,
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it has the worst of health care. it has the highest rates of poverty and hunger of any developed countries. so again, the us doesn't even practice what it preaches in regards to its own people. the sets are up for an output for morehead to r t dot com. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back at the top of the hour, the the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter a little western. the leads are in a state of panic. the world is crumbling before their eyes. they resort to fake
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news lies and deception. instead of talking about the american back genocide in gaza, we're told antisemitism at home is ramping, or the trump is a tyrant when they themselves resort to authoritarian means to undermine democracy . the discuss these issues in more, i'm joined by my guess george, send me well we in budapest, he's a pod cast throughout the capital, which can be found on youtube and locals and emeritus. we have martin j e as in award winning journalist and commentator digital and cross up roles and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. start out with georgia in budapest. i suppose there is not much debates anymore. the public sphere has just been so cold, completely corrupted work ward as peace, peace is war. and if you hate someone there, the next tebler, i mean,
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so it's really boring. it's kind of a manic in way of looking at the world. it tells us our media so silos, the people only will listen to what they want to hear. i mean, we, we, we saw the saga over the, over the week with the american university presidents, you know, um, do you condemn other was a do support genocide which are obviously completely ridiculous. questions to be asking a lot of other important questions aren't being asked george, but that this environment we live in, i mean, it almost makes the caricature of mccarthyism george. there's no question um, and it's a mazda full, uh, changing of the subjects of something that's an american, uh, media. and of course, the american policy makers and the think tank because of a very good a doing. when you don't want to talk about one thing, you change the subject and talk about something else. so, we see we have more more evidence that this war in your brain has been mazda
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minded from the beginning by the united states. and this little ally or poppy or whatever you want to call it, they the united kingdom on. and so we see what, what goes on every day in gaza. it's a, it's, it's for risk and we see out of the, well, the react the, we have a vote in the united nations in which the 13 members, both for a ceasefire, the united states. um, uh you know, rejects that, you did, i did, gave them again app stay ins as well. do of the american media. it's all good. what's the big issue? what's the, what's, what's the, the, the really salient math that we have to address rather than to anti semitism uh, in the united states. and of course, there isn't really any evidence to present for this just as a they don't have anything. so you're just making it up. and it's very similar to
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what we went through in 2017 when we had the after effects of the shop victory by trying. but of course, you know, in a different way the shop uh, brakes. it both, well what, how do we explain this? what do i, what, what, what do we talk about now? oh, i think i can see the, its faults and the, you know, we didn't, we didn't do anything wrong. so therefore it had to be rushed or rush, or would that something, you know, something you know, matching the issue, but don't quite understand what it is they did, but i'm sure will find out an answer. so yeah, um what, what, what, what's it this is all about? oh, it's anti semitism. well, we'll just make it up. you know, we do, we'll, we'll wake up what, what, what this anti semitism is, but we'll just keep repeating it. and then when, when the new york times rate is on the washington post, we'll beat them under the atlantic and everybody else. and then it just becomes an echo chamber. we're talking about something that is a part of the real, but it's totally made up. yeah, well, but the wrinkle and all of this martin is that or that not many orthodox jews, particularly in the united states,
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do not recognize the state of israel. they think it's a, a, it's a fake, it is historical expression. it has nothing to do with their religion judaism, and they find zine is them to be a part you could tell there's a lot of these railways that the old exact them the same way. so if i gets there, if i somebody's huh pictures. yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a really convenient, really cheap throw away, provocative polemic attack on anybody who has an opinion. anybody has an opinion, you know, and, and, and that's been an egypt response for such a long time. now i'm just upset, right about the big media and political organizations using it to change the subject, you know, to georgia list away from, well, they should be learning about, you know, and the real um, the real story in those time, which is a daily real um absolutely, um, apocalyptic genocide who has been carried out by israel and how we can effect this
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and use to come is what i want to know how we're going to re cups and re edit this whole thing like a hollywood movie. i'm presented to our children, our grandchildren, under university professors, and historians general this and the say, no, we actually didn't happen to not, but i mean on of the mark it up to using invoking historical reference. they are. i mean, it's very much in a style and ask um, you know, no people, no problem. i mean, and that's what they basically want to make mistakes were made mistakes on it. that the a, through the official history, you've got to feel a little concourse. denial is going to be coming around again. um, you know, goes a holocaust denial and the anti semite code, you know, which is plates. and so you, because it mixes now to anybody, but particularly on this, the, i think is so ridiculous just becoming so foss ago that now you have a situation now where by might be factors. but a few days ago,
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there were murmurings from the international court. you see in the hague that it might look at um, will crime allegations against israel and, and miss neal who and what was known as response. you might have as you have been a glitch and he said this is do semitism. no, that's it. 50. i need to go really make it up, you know, so that, that's how that's, that's the limit of just how far this falls can go. but you know, the whole idea of the worry now that we no longer now know the difference between fake news and the real, the real narrative it. so any other channels, this is, this is a very interesting turning point. i mean, october 7th, probably will go down in history for a variety of reasons, depending on how you think about the situation in what will it eventually result. so there are too many people in power double. i don't remember what happened on jet on october 6th or what happened on october. 8th,
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that's going to be the problem, george. but for me, one of the saddest things is that the great supporters who procedures for free speech conservatives may have given up the ghost too. and that's why we're making this program. george bill. that's right. and there was indeed, is absolutely shocking when we had those the university president and some of these are the, the 3 among the 3 most prestigious universities in the united states. you are a university of pennsylvania uh mit um tava and, and they were just being a red x over the coals. oh is something completely fictional there? uh theres somehow advocating genocide of the jews that there uh the rambling that is elite liberal, elite universities. you know, way in which there are a very high percentage of joy students that in these universe it is, there's ramping that you sent me. it is on, and let you know. yes,
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it was at least the phonic was a kind of a trump and will lead the charge. but it was overwhelming, simple full of what she did. you know, you had um, lauren's drive is gonna be coming out of the all right. i may not like least divani, but she really did a great job there. and then we had the morning jo grab and everybody is somehow cheering this song. and this is a total find was a mean is a lives the the address thing in the, in the united states today, there's a, you know, the, there's a raging anti semitism and people calling for the genocide of the jews. and then when you're off, well, what's your evidence? that is what, what, what is it when we get it, can you show me where the somewhere was? somebody did this. well, it really isn't then like i'm oh yeah, well that slogan um, from the river to the sea, palestine will they say yeah that, that, that involves the destruction of israel, which means the genocide of the jews because that's just simply their interpretation. but that non sensical interpretation they like, why is this uh,
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reality and then people tweet out, oh yeah, people go into the heart of the going run, st gas, the jews. and then what some of that will give me one example, one example, anybody? anybody in any of the hobbit or anywhere else? and they did problem of the place, st. gas, the jews? well, the reason it doesn't matter is the, and that's why the analogy with russia gauges is. so ap set both. can you just find the one evidence of these live? it is one way which trunk polluted or the rushes into fade in the election just to, to do but trust your case. verizon. but, but the by, by dint of repetition, which way we live in, in this complete fantasy was so all in all the positive, well they, they looking at because i think this is absolutely of a risk that goes to visit monsters. what's going on? what's going on in the united states, they're arguing about it and decide what the hip look up is apparently all of these, these were on the road to power. and apparently martin in, in israel, all the talk is about the release of the hostages. this from the scan coverage of
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what's going on and gaza, mostly because people in israel are not interested. okay. and intentionally. and i find it very curious that if you said from the river to the sea, it was as will oh, be free. would that be calling for the genocide of palestinians? i don't think there's any one, but to interpret that way. you know, i think these slogans tend to get exaggerated and conveniently misinterpreted on the ground scale. you know, pretty well what we're saying. what is unprecedented is a new level, a new volume, new mess of fake news now, which is just all to everything is just don't see how we talk about the subjects is disposing out john this report on them. you know, i mean, it's getting to the stage now where people are starting to wake up. and unfortunately, you have the last 10 or 15 years mainstream media has made a conscious decision to follow and to replicate social media. social media is now
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the new mainstream media. social media is the new platform which is distorting all these things, you know, and i think these slogans of these, these things um, such as the one that you cited or others you know, are being used as tools for propaganda for, for field we also have the case and the last the new cycles, george of the weapon ization of rate. you and i did a separate pod cast on that. and when the investigator i permit, i don't have it written down here. but the investigator, when she was asked by journalist and this is really media, you know, what are you going to be presenting evidence of? it's all my job to do that. i am not a journalist at your job to do it, but she's making claims and nephews ations. while at the same time she's saying i, but it's not incumbent upon me to produce any evidence to back up my claims. i mean, if not, isn't circular. i don't know. what is george? perfect. exactly. so she put together this team of 15
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women. um and um and when this report from the higher ed kind of auster about the the evidence they said, well yeah, this on my job to find the evidence. i mean, you know, they will probably find the evidence in about 2030 years because, you know, many went in and out dead and all the women then upcoming forward. so now, as you making this boss assertions, i mean, you know, just saying, oh, you know, rapes that good. you said there was a, a policy of mass rates. and also she may have made it a, made it the assumption that there are videos, but we can't show them. i mean, the exact, the that's our, their game when the, when the issue of evidence at all we're, yeah, well there are the, well, all of these videos on the ground has kind of gram channels. yeah. um, but where all of it, i mean if the, if the publicly available, then you should be able to just show um, because they're all in a, i mean, you know, the city of the arts, i gotta jump in here and we have to go to a hard break, and after that hard break,
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we'll continue our discussion of bakeney and stay with archy, the . the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the welcome edge across stuff were all things are considered and peter will bill this the home editions remind me were discussing big news the okay, let's change gears. gentleman, while we have this, when i just think is this the fiasco about how to a twist and turn and reinterpret and dismiss what's going on and gaza. we had the same a new cycles. martin is the sudden fear that donald trump's might come back. and if he called us back, do you watch like abuse and $8.00 that you want? revenge. okay. and he was
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a trumpet given an interview with sean hannity. and he was asked that was centrally, is i'm question, you know, are, are you going to do it? i'm paraphrasing here. are you going to take revenge on your political, both and trump? and he has trump and style said on day one on the 1st day. and he talked about drill, drill, drill, and close the border. of course that was interpreted all to the liberal the, the eco system is that yes, these grow that most statute is a swastika on a shoulder. okay. i mean, it was just, it just a, do you think you're watching the babylon be? it's so absurd. but these people say, and i'm not saying this is a trump supporter, i'm just looking at how media is being weaponized against democracy because we all know the polling out there. now i've always dismiss bowling, but when you get down to certain congressional districts, that's when i start taking an interest. okay? because that's what wins elections. okay. not any kind of generic ballot or anything like that. so we're getting close here and there are panicking. and so
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they have to trumpets and that's the next settler, even though he wasn't hitler really, when he was president, i'm not sure what, how that works. but that's what they're saying martin. but that's, that's a, that's a, that's ever so slightly abusive would. i piece of use of the word hibler because that suggests that we in the west i agree or america. i hated hitler and we didn't really well we hate to him as an individual, but we didn't hate his. his policies and his fascism. another 2 and i think so from coming back in is uh, you know, service and some of the situation americans are you having breast and you have to contempt as he was so bad. who are so under performing, in terms of what we traditionally regard as political, the political, our, and theresa these days, you know, is people of voting no, not for what they want to look for, for whom they wants everything against the canada. and that's,
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that's how binary and pacific and simplistic american politics has become in there, but the trunk to come back and i put money on it and actually put money on it. i think it's becoming a such and see more and more every day because the light in this just made such a dog's breakfast of isn't tiles of so term, particularly on the phone policy. so, you know, because we're going to do the genocide happening in gauze and now with the possibilities of original was around, you know, it's just incredible. you, ukraine is just such a mess. you know, we talked before about the 7575th bus, a of, of nato pencilled in for the june. and how is bite and gonna, you know, just cruise through this without taking an absolute battery. i mean, but going back to know your point about distracting the gym this away from the real news agenda. trump was an absolute genius. this absolute genius. i mean, you know, we, we, he did it for us generally as we didn't even realize. and so we started counting
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articles, how many pieces per month we were writing with trump in the headline, because he was an absolute genius of just saying something or tweet to something completely stupid, totally polemic. and it distracted them into a circus of big media jobs away from what they should be reporting on. and, you know, i think we're going to expect more of that from trump to get some next time and an over simplification on some of these big subjects. you know, but yeah, what can you say um fort from is that a woman go, you know, and this is what i really annoys because when people people talk about um, binding, trump had an opportunity unless that option to which an awful lot of people understood. if you've gone for it to attack a run, when you had this american try and being hit by the main forces and in the go on like remember when you guys are wensel's? we met ordered missile strikes against syria always i think with somebody at nbc nbc said fine when he's become president. finally, he's presidential again because of that. yeah, i want to clarify with every everyone here. i think a dog's breakfast is
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a bad thing. okay. but my dogs, like back in the morning, i just want to clear the air on that one there. but you know, george, it's a good and yeah, you know, this is this resurrection of this. i think a new version. it's a 2 point. oh, about the trump is a tyrant. it's no coincidence when you look at biden's paulding numbers, martin is absolutely right. we have this and needless senseless more and you'd frame that they won't back away from. and then, you know, we're supposed to close our eyes and ears, about one of the most, capt. probably the most catastrophic and human rights violation and non lifetime. and that's thing something gentleman, that's really saying you don't think they'll get george. yes sir, that's a date. exactly. and again, as we're talking about earlier about the, the distraction, let's not talk about the real news. let's talk about the a, something that's a fantastic old, basically obsession with tongue is also a way of, uh, changing the subject. so at the, you know,
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the role of the lead media could be talking about the fact that this war in gaza is being enabled by the united states. i mean, the, you know, the bite and ministration isn't just offering diplomatic support is where it's actually pouring in weapons, or even even when people watching this risk destruction the united states gets boring and weapons and the ice cape or more, a money full, more weapons. so rather than that, and they're not putting it and they're not particularly transparent when it comes to the type of weapons and that it's really very much in, in, in, in the, in, in the middle of the night. okay. just because people are asking, you know, if you want your and asking the is asking that demanding, asking them to use more precision and they use, they send these to 1000 pound bombs. how can that ever even be precise? i mean that's like take out a city block. ok. the most expensive that i'm sorry to interrupt george. keep out that. exactly. but instead of that, so we have the new york times washington,
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both on the atlantic. well now publishing these multi path, multi contributes a, uh, uh, pieces on the original on of trunk, all the terrible things that trump is going to do. um, if he comes back uh like, like, do we both leave nato? uh and uh, like really upset about the website, apple, bottom right. oh my god, trump is going to leave uh, nato. and uh and so we were thinking about something that is fantastic or something that is down the road. you know the election still a year away. god knows what's gonna happen during the coming. yeah. but we're talking about that and then everyone everyone is exposed. really thing of this for really with this awful thing is going to happen, which is trump coming back. well, what about this, what about the legal of people dying in your brain a little bit with dying in the gaza? well, we don't, we don't talk about that,
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but we talk about something that is entirely up at this stage, a fictional. the fact is, trump hasn't been in power for 3 years, is by done. this is by this was, these was biting, this bothers, this contributes addressing that, i mean you, the video, you probably. so that's a jimmy door had a little item on robert de niro, because again, it's a, the, the, he's in an interesting, typical sort of figure. rather than there opens up as a hate or a trump, you know, you know, he just talks about how he wants to punch him in the face. you know, take him in the grind or whatever. and then when he is us, some of the goals are cnn. austin. um, you know what, what exactly is it about trump? did you find so detestable? well, i don't know really. um, he's just a crazy guy. every good up there. it is like, you know? yeah, well it the, you know, like from, i think so, and he can't even explain what it is. he hates about the drum and this people like that. and sean, penn, they should just stay in the, they're acting lane. i,
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i think the right actors. okay. but the political abuse doesn't deserve air time, but you know, martin, that is that they're setting up uh for them. it least in the american context here with the election here is the, is the, the new more on, um trumps of supporters. i mean, i think that's what it's all about. it's a they may, they're attacking trump and he's in every room. if you don't know, donald trump is, then you've been living under a rock for 8 years. ok. i mean, he's a very more well known quantity, but their candidate and that, and that they're part of your preference of the democrats are increasingly divided . they have an unpopular president. and so the way you deflect is just how bad trump was, even though if he was a dictator, george. and i have talked about this a lot if he was a dictate when he was president, you better change the definition of what a dictator is because he was the worst bit dana. and then in the, in the history of dictators if that's what you want to call on go ahead martin.
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yeah, he does. this is not good. what does it dictate? so the interesting thing i find about trump is you talk about the, the, the impact of what's, of what's going on in america and how people coming out of some of which on the goals of supporters. i wonder how many people in america would be curious to know what's going on and to me, at least because in the middle region, in this part of the world, most if not all the least the arab leaders of this part of the world old waiting for trump, to come back the old banking on it there, old putting the last book on trump coming back. i'm fixing all these problems because you have this kind of malays this, this a pass between uh, most of these countries and the bug, the ministration is that they're just basically waiting for the bite ministrations to move on. because we called, you know, all these countries comp workout, that differences they couldn't agree on, on really on a number of huge issues. and just recently, just 2 days ago, russia, an opec agreed to cut old production again,
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which is another smack in the face for bite. and it's another reminder that you don't tell us, well, international or prices are going to be, we tell you, you know, again, you know, we're, we're waiting for this weather. we talked about morocco and the western sahara dossier, algeria, or bigger issues in the middle east. about and certainly now this is even impetus for somebody of his career though you can jets in to come sense bash be which has together and stop the blood shedding. cause i think, i think some of my trump could do the, i mean to demonstrate trump and button here is button can only really, you know, cool for cease wise and cool. so for the end of this bloodshed blessing, trump would go further. so you would actually see, you would actually, you know, issue ultimatums to, uh, to, to that time, not really convince of that this thing with this, this thing it, this issue in the united states is so much in stone that it, that's why we're seeing the reaction to a judge last to
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a 35 seconds to go ahead. what i think, what my does that is very interesting and engage the americans and the british. they live in their own little bubble, they, they take it for granted that so the hatreds are shed by the rest of the world and they don't seem to realize that to do it, but many positive what they think of the trump is as being relatively good years there wasn't any new was um, there were openings in certain parts of world towards be such as in with north korea. and the bible is just stuck in the positivity is just start getting this cold will eventually is uni, polo will moment. and i and there's nothing good can come out of that. yeah. and there's so comfortable and that's no comfort zone. that's what they seem to understand even though and they never, uh, never engenders any kind of positive result. gentleman, that's all the time we have one of the thing, my guessing merit cache. and in budapest and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our dc and next time. remember across top of
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the historic rolling by india, supreme court will see the union territory of the moon kashmir fully incorporated into the country with elections to be held there within 9 months. also ahead these really occupation forces storm the schools of alpha to adjust the force of the displaced people to divide to a tangible bulge, months and gone flat is really forces continue attacking the jump. all the rest of you can, as this place, palestinians are pushed further south were farming intensive, 5000 swing. this being said, they don't know where they can find safety. we don't know where to go. they forced us to leave, but no one gives any clarification. they told us to go to the.
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