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tv   News  RT  December 12, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the, the the headline stories this, our distressing images emerging from the westbank city of janine for several people are reported dead following on the grades on the policy in, in region more disturbing. the pictures i had the, this is dallas. uh, were several people are reported killed in a central district of the strip with locals, rumbling this is really foaming raid rubble and a race against time to rescue survivors. the budget that we put out, of course, with the bodies of women and children that are given us as we are not human. these really all me pulling down the bus home. the house is more than 70 people. we spend
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the whole night trying to, even with the bodies, indescribably horrible. while there's more than a dozen civilian casualties and overnight idea of strikes. some cities in southern guns that of the enclave death toll continued to decline. russia pushes for more humanitarian, a to gals of a un security council delegation visits that are off of border check point in egypt . we've, you're exclusively from us who's on point there was a decision to see the live for most go. this is our to you. my name's unit. know neil on 30 minutes of news, abuse starts. know at least 3 people have been killed during an ongoing idea of
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freedom. the city of jeanine in the west bank, according to palestinian officials. a warning you may find the following images distressing is on verified footage, but allegedly shows from this scene the parties of several men on the broad house. the need health ministry states for victims were killed by a drilling and strong. some other inventory circulating online shows. idea of trucks, bulldozers plowing through buildings in the city is really soldiers are seen as well. reading a number of houses reported they detaining locals. well, frontage of smoke rising above the streets has been attributed to an idea of artillery. striking according to media reports from the scene. the ongoing rate engineering is part of a series of similar which really attacks across the west by idea of troops of allegedly blow a refugee comp there. the hospital in geneva with flushes said to be in full swing
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in the area. any other old verified information on this as it comes in to us, and we'll keep you updated. oh, okay, let's move to gaza. um the central area of the strip is real, escalating it on boardman. their report say 5 palestinians were killed, including 3 children in an idea of striked out hither, residential building and durable video here showing the aftermath of the recent since really bombardment, several types of pack pauses were destroyed in the residential area. neighbors are scrambling to find survivors who may be your hope to be from on to their level. witnesses, the surprise,
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a moment of the to the tubes out the course of the bodies of women and children. the medical crews couldn't read them. all. ambulances are transporting victims, body parts, look at them is that they're searching for victims down there in the rubble, because there aren't and excavators, or emergency services to help us with all the locals are taken apart the rubble with their bare hands, with their killing us as we are not human. where is the help from our country? they are traitors. it digital and the few of these really all me boomed on the bus home. that how is this more than 70 people for displace families from the know out of 11 grandchildren, only 2 or 3 out of life? this is a history, but we spend the whole night trying to move with the bodies. indescribably horrible . and this is a residential area. houses then close to each other. the world doesn't want to listen to us. whenever the house is destroyed, we speak up, but it's all in vain. the world has forgotten us. with god is with us. we no longer
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care about the world for the ocean i is to set by a sac kenneth, the children were sleeping when the rumble saw on us, every scene was covered with big dust. we didn't receive any warning. the explosion was so powerful that we couldn't move the thing god was devised, but our neighbors here, the majority of them were killed. some say the 1922 people in the house. lucas managed to pull out some buddies, but most of them are still under the rubble. hopefully we can pull them out so well, let's turn attention on the program to southern go sir, is really flourish. list all the night. sky as id for a strikes again, ring fire on the city of con eunice. local media reports the bombing raids left several dead. the largest medical facility in the area has been receiving new patients. big enough for hospital stretched a breaking point. after over 2 months of age realtor,
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sol palestinian health official said gas as death. 18200 almost 50000. others have been injured since october. among those receiving treatment tops . no sir. hospital is a boy from northern cal, so you survive them. there's really a tech but will never walk on his own. again. the child has already had one of his legs amputated and he's waiting for a 2nd operation to remove the other. he was wounded in an idea of striking legit valley a refugee camp up left most of his family that the logo wasn't trapped under the breeze. i called to my brother, he lay next to me, but no one responded. hoya and had now when the 1st little one, the men were upstairs. my brother was also in the 1st floor. that's how my mother and sisters my grandfather, grandfather, and my owns with our children were all lost, their lives, the only people left in my family after the shelling on me,
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my father and my brother and my uncle with dentist. uh for that. see for canadian, palestinian, during this month story stream um spoke to the program earlier from accounting you this, the stikes are not stuffing still escalating the time around 600 meters away from the hospital and the air strikes to continue from the sky. from particularly from the scan from the sea. and the people here in the hospital really do not know where to go or what to do. we austin, way to get, sees for the governments of the world to wake up and try to help 2300000 civilians here to the point to genocide for the last 6 to 6 days. even not allowing enough eat to come in. so we don't know what they are waiting for. the people that are asking where is the warranty functions, with auto door superpowers,
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especially the united states, a new p loveland is actually the home world about the values of democracy and human rights. where are they, you know, with tens of thousands of casualties and 80 percent displeased population here after legal press for the kids a month sewer schuman meanwhile, a un security console delegation has visited the egyptian side of the rough uh, border crossing with gas. that's the only entry point just to point dollars for a to the impossible then cape, according to the world body. no, this is a startling stuff. every single gas and that's more than $2000000.00 people is now going hungry. speaking exclusively to r t rushes you an impostor, said it's spiteful that delegates see the situation on the ground for themselves. we believe was going to so christy to pick and members of the quarter
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unflinching, who sees the system function members always say that we have to really be good to to use the space. so this will establish distasteful sort of the suffering for the senior people and government to communicate to the cost of your silver card. and then we have to come to you the vision of those decisions by the security funds. the decision today was due by the board as many un security council investors, for 2 reasons. google reported on
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the, on the 7th and the agreement to sort of to we were supposed to to vegas. we are discussing the community, the assistance regarding your maintenance through the partners in particular, these are the facility facing the group as little as, as remote use meetings. as we discuss with them, there was a decision us to go and see if we go to mice. looks at a palestinian report or a select canal brings us the latest on the situation in kansas. southern city of rough over last night, data hostage and dissolves in a part of the course that are in play. very. they look as here to have with news to
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one of the have used to and if you on on say, is it a, the, a thoughts on residential building? dozens of people with colored is a 1000 parts of gaza. a roof off on the new owners, as well as the data and by the hand that to keep to and the so you don't have to repeat the income. in addition to the la garza, this is your hand became a very difficult the here i made did. and going is it i it is 3. can that info that's out of it? i can pause on. it'd be clear thing to over the guys on the district to conduct themselves on the human side in a bit and thought the 2 guys are mainly, maybe it's in human study and in the ongoing and then increasing in the high end. and the number of the thoughts of better off hon antonio and it may be bullshit. they lopez to head to the border age hmo. does that have anything between guys on the and a bid, or maybe in an attempt to escape a put on a did?
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did they said and it said that info the and does a bill cause he had all polling all the all in use a death related for the day and i did mention a vis or is it that will add that? so we live with it's a gaza as do they, how bad to have a 5, not a maybe to have the that the united nation would have the it's appreciate on the interest of at least the, the war and then made a can a, is it, uh, its the on the on them and addison a be a expected that may be in the upcoming days or maybe weeks and maybe the, and i didn't mentioned as well as the outcomes is also an addition. it's a russia on the china may have, they did own a push out on the interest of the world and just so big telling the ongoing, coming again, different opinions, the he and, and gaza as well. another aspect of the conflict reports suggesting is real use the american supplied wide phosphorus,
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munitions. the shells southern lebanon has raised concerns at the white house national security council spokesperson, john kirby said. washington will investigate the claim. we've seen the reports. we're certainly concerned about that. we'll be asking questions to try to learn a little bit more. and any time that we provide items of white phosphorus to another military, it is with a full expectation that it will be used in keeping with those legitimate purposes. and in keeping with the law of armed conflict, mr. kirby was responding to a washington post article on both hand is really a talk on 11 on in october which wounded at least 9 civilians. the report source inquiries by human rights organizations have also called for investigations into what they are calling a potential war crime. white phosphorus is an century munition that can cause faithful burden, some respiratory damage. so the w h o has one that it's use may be an international law of violation if directed against civilians,
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the idea on cuz the law had been exchanging fire across the lebanese border since october 7th, american political level is jackson hankle dots. the revelations will persuade washington to stop sending weapons to visual or crime. being committed by the israeli state is just another old weekday for then. and this one was notable because 9 individuals, 9 civilians were injured for were hospitalized. smoke was pouring into the homes of the civilians in the lab and on they had to be cleared out of the town and this is nag or cultural town. so they're worried now about their crops being impacted by this white phosphorus. the united states, of course, is going to continue to supply arms and funding to israel because that's what they do. we saw just this week, benjamin netanyahu prime minister of israel, came out and said that if anyone dares even question whether or not is real as committing war crimes like the international criminal court, for example, who's launching some initial investigations?
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that those actions, questioning whether or not they're committing more crimes is anti semitic. so i can't expect that anything is going to change is the death of 16000 civilians and gaza. $9000.00 of whom are, you know, probably children or close to the age of under 18. i don't think that this is going to change anything. so these attacks are relentless, of course, not just on the people of gaza, but also in neighboring countries like lebanon and syria. it's really just par for the course. not. there was a significant data over the weekend, which some may have missed on sunday. the world marked the 7th a 5th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights. the de prompted the un high commissioner for human rights in the palestinian territories on israel to reiterate the call for an immediate spar in gas. of this proclamation made by the united nations general assembly 75 years ago was not just their optical. it was
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a promise for a better future. that's all human beings, without exception or inherently equal and deserving of the same rights and freedoms . 2 months later, we are witnessing a living nightmare in gaza. civilian spies, desk, sage destruction, and deprivation of the most essential human needs. more than 70 percent of those killed in his riley attacks have been women and children to give life to the universal declaration in palestine. we need an immediate cease for the release of hostages and ultimately an end to the occupation guaranteeing the rights of the palestinians. the self determination. i'm providing justice and equality for the people of both palestine and israel. yeah, peer requests. there are now the declaration was adopted by the u. n. in 1948 in the aftermath of the 2nd world war, the document aimed to secure universal equality, justice and the right to fundamental freedoms. some critics now question whether the spirit of the decree is truly being upheld in modern complex around the world.
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former american secretary of state hillary clinton house faced the slew of condemnation. after an article she penned all of the human rights declaration, stirred old memories of her redirect rule and u. s. military adventures and on her backing of some ongoing worth to you support of possibly these rails human right. to commit genocide, this is what you support. how have those human rights worked out? the dozens of countries in the last few decades. your definition of human rights is now being practiced in gaza. yeah, a lot of such messages like that were at directed up smith, clinton. well, currents us that group stayed on sunny, blinking, he use the underbrush, sheets, wonder line washington's a part of commitment to human rights. a human advice belong to every one. have the universe cell in july, simple and interrelated. today, as we recognize 75 years of the universal declaration of human rights, the solid,
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deep commitments to protect human rights and holds human rights abuses accountable . while it is worth pointing out, i suppose that it's just been revealed about more than $22000.00 us main. bombs were used in gaza in just the 1st half of the conflict. washington supply to further $15000.00 plus even more artillery shells during that period to replenish israel's arsenal. and just 2 days ago with the us state department circumvented congress to approve at $100000000.00 plus sale of tank munition to the middle east allies. on top of that, the u. s. was the only country to be so the un security tons of recent call for a cease fire and gas. we un human rights lawyer done couple of questions. how the us can label itself a chump in of human rights on one hand, while at the same time funding and backing the legal assault on 1000. i don't see the us as a promoter of human rights and in any regard. i mean,
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i do think that the, the case of guys, it shows the us as an aqua c on this. i mean gods is now number one in terms of very a number of quite despicable statistics. now including over a 100 un staff, people being killed by israel in gaza. this is the most in history since the founding of the united nations in terms of the proportion of civilians being killed in this conflict. it's more than in any conflict in the 20th century. even in world war 2. so in the u. s. is funding this is providing diplomatic cover for the us. it's used its power to enforce human rights to selectively against countries. it doesn't like meanwhile to, you know, it could again, it gives cover for countries that commit abysmal human rights violations. again, the case of israel and palestine is in examples of the us is own domestic human
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rights by the way, are not very good in terms of, you know, the u. s. has more prisoners per capita. and in terms of absolute number than any countries in the world, for a developed country, it has the worst, the health care. it has the highest rates of poverty and hunger of any developed countries. so again, the us doesn't even practice what it preaches in regards to tell me people have some more eye opening remarks to tell you about speaking at the you in a prominent american activist on former army colonel. how slum washington, for its refusal to bring peace to ukraine. because this prophet here from the war, the foreman, german counselor, has said that his efforts to try and get peace on ukraine in russia or torpedo by the united states. and that is rarely ex prime minister,
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enough to all the benefits of the same things. so secretary state lincoln said that in the last 2 years, the u. s. has provided over $70000000000.00 to support ukraine and european allies to provide over a $110000000.00 in weapons. lincoln said, if you look at these investments that we've made and ukraine's defense to deal with this aggression, 90 percent of the security assistance we provided has actually been spent here in the united states with our manufacturers, with our production. and that's produced more american jobs, more growth in our own economy. so this has been a win win that we need to continue. well, i would say to my secretary of state that when, when is not for the civilian and conflict areas, that remark for mary in right came during a session of the united nations security council. and it was echoed by russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un who did not hold back. and his statement on monday, as he accused ukrainian president's landscape of retraining,
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his people by campaigning on a platform of peace and neutrality and enforcing his country to fight and die any us funded war. speaking of kias meet from washington support. the russian ambassador compared zalinski is government to a dying drug addict that needs a continued fix of funding and weapons. but he pointed out that it's the us defense industry and it's backers who reap the benefits. i said suddenly, it's just a 2nd us officials came out in true colors and finally told the truth that we had warned about from the very beginning to for the military assistance to ukraine is another profitable commercial project for washington. there is no positive scenario for ukraine, which has turned out to be a bargain and cheap in someone else's jew political game, or the safety trainings are unwilling to fight. according to the confessions of the grand and meal treats, which were recently published by western media, average life span of mobilized records on the front line is 48 hours. my question
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to my western colleagues, who are you going to supply weapons do? if fewer and fewer people are ready to die for his alaska regime, but antagonizes its countrymen to people that use their representatives for the us at the security council meeting, referred to washington's legal aid for ukraine as legitimate and insist it is added to russia, which holds the keys to ending the current conflict, ignoring the report as interference from the us and the u. k. the put a stop to peace talks between russia and ukraine in 2022 here. so we tried to shift the focus when asked about the goal of washington's a to key, as we all know why rush recalls repeated meetings on this topic. $655.00 days since the start of its illegal full scale and vision of ukraine. russia has failed to accomplish its war and it is failed to break the spirit and resistance of the ukrainian people. we expect russia to spout any
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justification. it can, no matter how absurd to mask its failures on the battlefield. it can with dried forces and start meeting is responsibilities as a permanent member of this council. instead, where suspends its time and as counsel criticizing legitimate assistance provided to defend ukraine from russia's illegal actions. meanwhile, when it comes to the fate of us to aid for ukraine, it is currently facing a deadline in washington. the vitamin ministration is bringing and zelinski on tuesday to try to convince lawmakers to pass around $60000000000.00 and funding for the next year. with the white house warning that ukraine's war chest is set to run out at the end of this month. and finally, to in buffalo dunbar square locals are seeking to bring a little joy back into their children's lives and made relentless, ukrainian shelling and the dance floor is where some are finding the way to do.
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just stuff ortiz donald quarter, got an invite to watch some potential future stores. and actually, up here at the dan, sports school and danielle children, enjoy an estate from the realities of living through war. they get to learn new dance skills and they also get a bit of that normality of life that every child's with deserves the only so you know, if she knew her were under close and showing i don't go out at all. i'm starting remote spring, my current statements year. how only go down since i like. it makes me feel calm. i really like to practice here for that, but how should i? yeah. when i come here, i forget the horror taken place outside my window. the shelves are flying, because when i'm here on the piece, i give a motion to my feelings. it makes me feel better because it's so much easier than holding it all in. i comes here to distract myself because it hurts to live like
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this, the new but there are many different situations in life. quite judge for myself, for example, i have some things going on like call adults some problem. so something else. but when you come to training, you forget about everything because he of the dancing music and half most of the other cousins and phones, it's very cold. the school was founded around 7 years ago by its trainer, katya. a couple years after keeps forces began to wage war on dunbar. according to her, most of the republics danced. instructors had left by them. and her goal now is to give these kids in the future that she herself was denied by war, the math. and so she says, yes, i've been a dancer since childhood because my career as a dancer was finished at 18 when the war started in my city for them i decided to
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teach because there was no words to reform here. i didn't want to leave, so i had to choose you i through teach or you don't participate any words of answer the. so we decided to teach and i realized that i'm even better. it is. i gotta show my kids or happiness and they learn everything, not like me. i didn't succeed because of the war. and i hope then when they will be adults. so it'd be conscious dancers what i did, they will have a good future sort of choreography is very well developed in russia. i think they will succeed and the work will be over by them. so the, the cost of school offers lessons to kids between 5 and 15 years of age with teenagers gaining the skills needed to begin dancing professionally. and the younger kids learning the basics, the by a wake up, a goes to the kindergarten, then i go to events,
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classes. i've been doing that for weeks. yeah, that was my shanrice family. my name is marsha, i am 70 years old. i study here. i like to study here, there is do stretching, a good coach. and who would you like to become when you grow up? so i want to become a coach the next to people like katya in schools like this one. the children have done yet score able to enjoy that childhood. that so many kids around the world take for granted. sonya it's people's republic. add on is never been so popular. some great news on show there you are watching 247 r t international. got you again. the
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in 1881 began to expand its property in north africa. france decided to attack and easy, of the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french fleet on coastal cities. and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city, please eric and the bay of doing this bomb. at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations. the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the people up to an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy,
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the june easy as rose due a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the branch troops did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest sleep. within a year the rebels where defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to need, yet, the colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its air of identity and populated with european settling. such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until denise.


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