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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the steve on the wall has rooms distressing images from gauze light coming a little bit of 150 countries of the u. n voted for an immediate cease fire. but us on this well remote, the few nations to oppose the non finding resolution. also a head between here and there is no life. there are no tense, no water, no food. thousands of for the fees will make ship to count on the gauze. the coastline designate to the safe, done by israel. the some of the displays say it's no better than anyone else for the amazon. so then plays. oh, so this out in the us. what the by and ministration seems to be asking for is
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billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight. the house paid to rebuff the president's request for an of a $60000000000.00 to ukraine. and so if i didn't give a lot of minutes lensky, a 200000000 consolation, instead the i will welcome to you. it's 3 pm here in most go and you're watching all the international within the very latest world, news is good to have you with us at the vast majority of the world's nations have voted for an immediate humanitarian, sci fi and gaza. but the us on day as well was not among them. earlier, washington vetoed a similar emotion at the un security council, and on tuesday, also oppose the non finding resolution by the general assembly. the head of the chamber took this to the flows have decry the assault on the palestinians, which we are witnessing is the unprecedented collapse of an already crumbling
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humanitarian system. in real time, what we are seeing is an onslaught on civilians. the breakdown of humanitarian systems and profound disrespect for both international law and international humanitarian. though, as i said before, even the war has ruins with us as the death holding gauze the highest deposit, 18400 people, according to palestinian officials. it was the same old and 50000, have been wounded on the is where the side, the body count from the october 7th, a tons by had losses. be revised down to 1100. while the military house were built over a 100 id of troops have been killed during the invasion of gauze, so saw palestinian political fig get to meet with de leon. he said, it's good to see the world putting more pressure on as well. to stop the will. is
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this the vote has proven 2 point one. it has drawn down the united states and israel's attempt to politicize the test of the resolution before it was introduced to the general assembly. and that is considered a victory for the united nations before it was the victory forgot. second, it'd be voting. the results have shown that the united states and israel are isolated to the expense when you have such a huge world consensus almost on and it was rejected in the genocide is really this committee i guess that'll sydney is it really is you guys have a clear statement, and not only the improves that is that the world is not as gullible as the of the lead demented the u. s. president. to believe the united states slides. i mean, if you heard the, it is because
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a representative to the united nations tended gonna why have to live in speech before we have. oh, you can. it's also a statement that the world does not believe is ready to utilize the world. does it a believe directory that the white house has bought into and therefore became complicit in the genocide committed? i guess about so many people and god and northern garza, the palestinian red crescent, out of the cases where the forces of violates and get some medical missions close and for the groups hold on, say the idea of strikes of both health facilities across the region to breaking point of the houses in the city and the north already went out of service. did you to, is there a lease targeting hospitals and essentially they have a home where the hospitals be seized, the hospital is with is there any chance denying anyone from getting into the
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hospital or going out of the hospital? this is the situation for tomorrow. at the when hospital in north, oh god. so right now, over for 65 percent, only, most of the hospitals in gaza strip have already went out of service. no. and goes to 50. and, and of course, there is not even a single hospital that is suspended at 3 p. m. you'd have, since the rescue teams can 3, it's many areas where people are and this is brittany, it's for our service. and the audit dropped in their homes. there is injured people at the hospital. that's austin at home for aging in medicine sort of goes themselves out of augusta as well already over one. and they have already exceeded their couple of cities and they are over lined with the wounded people and where you can see those wounds that are just waiting on hospitals colored overlays
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on the grounds because there is no list over at please. and even the intensive care units are completely pockets, and there is no way they can get a new patient. and this is comes with extreme shortage of medicine and medical supplies, but as one and what we have received since the beginning of the escalation up into this a moment from the humanitarian aid is barely need 10 percent of the needs. and as the as where the ground invasion in northern gauze or wages on local journalists, mohammed saw the thought this report from the ravaged w, a refugee county, which one's house to have a 100000 palestinians. this is how to say, look, following the withdrawal of the occupation forces from that your body, a comp area, specifically the area of course, the cya ruin and destruction. results against the people and the landscape from the costume areas of the west village above their comp. we see the expense of the destruction caused by the israeli occupation forces following their incursion. fest
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bottles took place here between the r e s and the palestinian resistance. they withdrew from the area leading devastation in their wake. now we can observe the magnitude of the destruction left behind to bodies live in east the debris for living strikes, spies, rarely war plans. rescue and medical teams were unable to reach their managers, the challenging conditions on the grounds. the destruction also reached the shelters, including the un relief, some work agency schools, which were crowded with thousands of displaced people who were forcibly evacuate to these despised people, return to the schools, to retrieve their essentially and salvage whatever they could to survive. amid the result shortages and challenging humanitarian conditions, and northern garza and the saw them, i live in the different river. so we have no shelter successful this agency. what receipts they came with the bold java. so they all mean tanks. we haven't found any of our belongings or anything. we are also destroyed about my brother and sisters. we have not heard from them for a days. no contact,
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no sign of whether the alive will dance. the young people who joined the army with a weapons and tanks, they surrounded us. us for all id made us raise our hands and forced us to leave with them as a people with helpless. what can we do? thousands of palestinian refugees of flux to gauze a southern coast is what is world has designated the town of i'll let my wall see a so called safe zone. the area takes up roughly 20 square kilometers and is mostly made up of barren desert lines. according to the idea of faith sold to a place from what her mouth has 5 dozens of little kids with that makes the town both a potential military target. and as well as like h is designated to humanitarian side b, u. n. has repeatedly set that our milwaukee is not suitable to shelter refugees. people are left to survive the cold and make shift dwellings, usually without food water, or the most basic. all supplies were heard from some of the palestinians seeking
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refuge and the so labeled 6 time mazda. then i was displaced from jack ballier to her new news, then to a rafa. but we came here and there was no life. there are no tents, no water, no food, and the un humanitarian workers here do not recognize us. we hope the world will be able to stop the war and garza, we want america, israel, and from us to end the war by the miss when the situation is bad. here we have been displaced from north to south. will left all homes and we're all for the time. so instead of america's goal is to display as the palestinians. and there is a told me that america and israel will push costs out into this tonight. but you know, sort of dramatic the, we apply to no more. i'm calling on the arab countries and the congress of the world to stop it. we're now drinking contaminated water, water, even animals, can them drink. they destroyed us. there was no food to eat. there was no bread and
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river i call on everyone to stop the war. we had done enough is enough with his way the bombing raids pummeling talk it sold across the palestinian and k is more distressing. images are emerging from the southern city of hong eunice. many injured children, including in sense of being admitted to nasa hospital at least 2 minus were killed during this ready selling at the city on tuesday with the total number of child of exceeds in golf and outstanding of the 7000. according to the local health industry, as well as quoting con unit, say, quotes dangerous calling about zone. despite previously having people to flee the safety from other and baffled parts of the strip to the southern and most gauze and city of russell on the bold with egypt has been seeing masses of people gather the un distribution center to receive humanitarian aid. this footage shows the shit desperation with schools of people crowding around a un willy warehouse. the work because of the long thing to see proof of identification before handling of
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a sour and move to rations that says moving 1100000 displays palestinians on the tall sconces in time of population sheltering in 90. 8 to you in facilities in the south. we heard from some of those people. so i'm here with my wife, my children, and my parents. there's 10 of us and i swear we don't have any flowers. did you receive the file? yes. how long have you been waiting? 5 days, the high number of displaced by the simians in dropbox specifically. and in the southern areas, they are, us keep the international organizations to increase the number of dc material. there's more than 1800000, displace palestinians from gaza, lots and lots of regions here in the city. and they are, they are always say that the same thing. they decide enough under the didn't get them or what they need. they all was asking for the international organization to
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put pressure on the is there any side to increase the number of dc material drugs and open more than one card or the all was asking the u. n. 10 key to put pressure to increase the level of that a fuel trucks, a gas cooking trucks, now pass can use this deal, you uh, using what to call their food this to a living incomes and they failed to meet the different things. so 1st thing is they need the medicine, they need the water proof tense because the 3rd so seeking, the money for hosting is here suffering from different diseases on these these, the needs of treatment. here in the front is low cost, but then there's a boost from the job to a hospital basically is uh, it's like a clinic slot official hospital. there's low no patient hospital across the
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city. you will see a high number of homeless people sleeping in the street. the sleeping basic needs to be read and they are asking people to help the leasing within and make sense for the past is actually help. the posting is the high number of display supposed to be in similar fi. cities needed more the 1000 tons per day. and they also ask to open the roof of florida, they need to, they need to send the patient outside to get with it. there's a lot of injuries here stuck regardless of the need. unfair region treatments outside guys and it's actually cycling. there's a lot of people in the law and god was the areas it's stuck there and they need help from dc within pay. these are you doing a good notation to help them to send their patients to outside goes out to get
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there to meet the treat are designed to abundance, public endorsements of the will in gaza. the us president has mentioned that as well as losing international support. he's also recently criticized benjamin netanyahu. his government and other close told me things to one of the things that b, b understands i think now, but i'm not sure israel's minister of national security been given year and his work having to do is that is real security can rest on the united states but right now, it has more than the united states. it has the european union, it has europe, it has most of the world supporting it, but they are starting to lose that support by the indiscriminate bombing that's taking place. i mean, the economy, the economy. i really appreciate america's support for the destruction of commerce and the return of our keys. it'd be a ball for intensive discussion with president by john and his people we received full bucking for a ground incursion and curbing international pressure to end the war by that also
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said as well, kind of with jacques, the 2 state solution. meanwhile, nets and you all who has rebuffs calls from the us to allow us to, you know, far to use from the westbank to government and gaza off to the rule is where the premier suggest to be and play that should be occupied by the ideas for an indefinite period. we discussed this with format is waiting for our ministry, director allendale. she says this between the bureau and the united states is the only the decent depos inside is red to the bureau. line rosalie, to stay there. of the thieves, the day you who are off will you be all stories when the only way of this is something that cannot be a g b that will see the future. so there is also
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a full wheaties web space. and this is when we, when we place is where all of these are closing dashes between these are the only those i see to the game really lies bridges for these very long these 1st of the by the cc 4 region, the region, the was the way the way to the, you know, the song didn't, but i believe it is so the glue it get here. searching back to the story, especially we add together and claims president tom who looks away with a $200000000.00 handout from the white house as a fraction of the $60000000000.00. and he came all seeing for us how speaking mike johnson,
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his pipes to hold on to tax pass funds until the bind to the administrator and provide small oversight. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed the gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win. and thus far, their responses have been in sufficiently have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker, the house. and so what the bite and ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people her own. well, as you've just heard, the speaker was less than impressed with zalinski is page for more funds for the press conference, folders, nothing much that we haven't heard before. i didn't said that the united states stands firmly with ukraine. he supported sovereignty and its rights to defend it.
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so he said america should be proud of the support that it's given when question on whether the ukraine would consider giving up the territories or lensky replied, no. but he said that the very notion of this was simply insane, as he said, and the next you, as nato summit was also raised and of course, along with arms, whether you cry and would be invited to join the military alliance and by them responded. and he said one step at the time. now he said that you claim must win the will 1st and then full. so it will some unspecified condition. so nothing you, nothing concrete and stay with us has allocated another $200000000.00 in a to ukraine. what's behind this? well, that's like the president biden said that he authorized this $200000000.00. this comes from a presidential drove down all sorts. and that means that age and military equipment can get to the front lines quicker. it's not really a lot of money,
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it falls far short of this $60000000000.00 that was proposed in the us congress last week. said this is of course voted that that on this vote when laws leave alone policy lines, the republicans voting against. and the democrats voting in favor now the united states has given $111000000000.00 since the special miniature operation began in february last year. but a few z as in for this continued a supply of, of financial aid to ukraine seems to be waning, particularly among republicans now. the citing. i'd like a strategy as we have from this speak in delivering this victory on the possible field. they've also spoken about some lack of oversight from the painted on, on how this money is being spent. and of course, the big thing that they want and then not shifting on so fall is that all scheme for tying to immigration controls and supports for this bill. now, by doing
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a game has seen the situation. now he's described as one of hope. this is what he told as and then skilled by didn't himself seems on show. mr. president, called on congress to do the right thing, to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause. the . so steve, that does the us have the money for this seemingly never ending conflict. washington says that the funds for ukraine are dry now that they could simply be finished by the end of the year. and of course, congress is due to break for christmas on friday, so that's why this is desperate attempt. the situation is critical and by doing is pressing for this bill to be pulse before set is leave a full that's a prize. you can now many old me americans and now that starting to question this
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constant supply of i do crane needy haul from those said the uphold said that they think that the money spent is excessive amounts. according to a poll by michigan university. what prospects does the landscape face following this visit? why don't think it's fair to say that this visit so far hasn't seemed to have turned out very well for him. he doesn't seem to got this money that he's come type in handful from the us senate. that doesn't seem to be shifting very much. but he's also was noticing that he faces intense criticism at home. public support is waiting for the cranium president. and these have these very public spots with vitale clips, kind of who's, of course america, who's accused zalinski of sliding the country towards also retiring. and he said that the independent institution is no longer exists, but he's also accused the cranium president of lying to the public about the situation regarding the conflict. he's also open, the argued with his top military,
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you come on to evaluate your username, who and he said that the conflict has come to the style. mike zalinski the public to be criticized him over this, but also he has right back on that slightly by almost conceding that the, the frightening and counter offensive has failed. now, as we said, congress is shutting down for the holiday period on friday. and it seems that the christmas miracle is a long way off, as it landscape on his trip to drum up stateside support for ukraine. president zalinski made a pit stop with fox news to told kids quotes military successes. what on that he planned to train has not lost control of any assessments this year, seemingly turning a blind eye to rushed his advancement on the front lines. so i think the most important thing to understand what's going on that's russia didn't occupied any we'll ej a ukrainian village during this year. so here's
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a quick recap of everything present. zalinski a party won't admit happened in just the last 12 months of the ukraine conflicts at the very beginning of the year. russian forces that took over the town of solar, dell and may be russian defense ministry also announced a long awaited victory. an altima of schools include box boots later, russian troops advanced towards the town of cooking hands on 6 weeks ago, rushed to secure the village of altima square. and the done yes. with public successes, with a guest, not press tv to unless tony miller, it's only good to see you. so this is confusing, isn't it? because it got ukraine's presence at the seemingly spitting from, i guess if it's a fantasy world where he hasn't lost any ground this year. and he's actually winning the war. and do you think he really expects the americans to buy that? so really simply telling them what exactly what they want to here as well. there is a lot of wishful thinking going on and do the whole ukrainian council offensive wasn't based on any kind of reality. but instead on wishful thinking, i'm,
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this is just the continuation of this. i was in done yet around the time of the accounts offensive before and during, during and i wrote very clearly that the dream counts offensive would be a disaster. it would come into the hundreds of countless ukrainian soldiers would lose their lives and would have no effect on the final settlement. that's proved to be the case. and many others knew it, do many, and they to establish some of knowing that as well, knowing that it would have a very unlikely to succeed. i mean we're, we're having a continuation of this policy. awesome for money asking for weapons. it's like an eviction. if it's a landscape, no matter how or how, how much it damages himself and his country, he can't seem to stop asking for more. and that's the reality of this war that's and sales you create and realizes the reality in scots ensuring meaningful piece towards the reality is the more they'll simply lose more ukrainian lines. of course, there's lots of it as of moving forward incrementally recently. and so that's the reality. instead,
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zalinski and many nights are policy makers are still making policy based on wishful thinking. during the, the months long paso, for the city of arthur law school balconies as cold as the lensky. i was always cold and get a full choice until it was fully taken by the russian military and the current in preston when he doesn't like to talk about that now it does pay. yeah, i think a lot of things are being forgotten in this conflict. i'm gonna throw out some of the courses a major, major by live, a lot of soldiers lost their lives so that ultimately russia succeeded in taking it and now they're trying to take the areas. how do you have god? yeah, of course goes to for just the training and foot just on the outskirts of done yet is whether ukrainians have been selling done yet. so i'm so we'll have to wait and see as the lessons making increments of movement now. but i think what's important to us nukes is obviously so chip says united states,
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is it more than the american congressman realizing that ukraine is not going to be taped. be able to take back these 4 regions? that's the reality. more and more americans are realizing its, i'm sorry, it's not going to be ukraine, who decides when peace don't start. it's not going to be the europeans either. it's going to be the americans who decides when you a few men stop dying. if this is, if this comes like the end with the storage. so if he starts to, to start the still such a massive gulf between the, what the russians wants and what you create in nature. ones that can be very hard to find as well. yeah. and data, i mean uh, just 2 days ago for my deputy ukrainian defense chief on the my, the said the situation on 5 positive friends is quite very difficult for kids. so landscape now claims it sold under control. that's why he was in washington trying to get more money for the war. of course it was he would take on that. it was as it saves a, the lawson from over the weapons facility is like an eviction. he can't seem to stop, no matter how much is damaging his country,
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the longer you create and goes on fighting, the more or less so that will address will take in my view. i think russell will be relatively happy with the, the touch it's taken, some save also wants to take the rest of these administrative regions. stuff. it was just that the cost on some say they might, they want to desa i, i believe the rest of the relatively happy with the touch that it's taking. but what they need is guarantees that some credit isn't a threat to them in the future. so that's, that was always the aim for, for russia. so tired, she added, think it's too important for russia for the more you, craig, and it's awesome for, for, for weapons. the more you mac and gives you create weapons, the more touchy the crane will lose. and that's the island you have a situation. i mean, when it comes to the prospects of peace rush or is always that a. so i'm paying the full piece to close to us and it's outlined on your plate itself. what are the ones that oppose that? what could it potentially take for them to, to change that in mind?
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some say enough enough, that's 12 piece. well, it may well may have to be a, the siding on the, on the battlefield. and that will lead countless mobilize loss. but ultimately, nate's is going to have to realize that giving losses security guarantees is a sense. so it's going to be very hard for nature policy makers to admit this. i think the, the, all of them for nato is to declare victory. to say that they stopped russia taking over all of you credit and that was never the last name. of course i was in key as in april when the russians surrounding us, it's only a handful of us and strikes on camp at that time. i especially wants to take care of it would have it like bugs out in 2003. so it never rushes a name, but that's the line bins pushed and the media that you create a star russell take move. all of the training on most of you created the most policy makers in the west on the stand at the touch. she was never russians am, but that's the rule of thumb for nature. to talk to declare victory,
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say they stopped russia, taking over all the decay, and that's a ukraine's a face. so face and that's made. so say face. and they can enter a real, he's like a peace negotiations that i think ross is going to accept, much less the most of it's the most of his wishes. so that's totally funny because we know that ukraine was lensky. yeah. have him come back with sons to and he's got a hands up is a fraction of what he wants to is from washington and a change of administration in the us next year. could mean it doesn't get any more money, a total. so what do you expect would happen if the us to stop the cousins funding to kids? how long could you credit last a? well, here stands it consoles, uh, the united states for to the console and create a new cream to be bankruptcy. crane would have new um, ability to carry on the conflict. so it really does rely on american money. and ultimately that's why this shipped to united states now is lensky and the
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actions of congressmen signaling that i'm not going to continue funding. you change the same expense ultimately that, that i think is where, how we, we will see this conflict ends with ukraine. not being support says, ultimately by nato because it no longer sees of interest that they don't think they can win. and of course, there's other issues around the world. you have the war in the middle east. many republicans see china as a some of us that the i'm not sure. so i think um those who said that this war with play hours until the last ukrainian sadly improved, proved correct. send money to work. so i think as soon as the united states is unable to funds ukraine, financially, i think that's when we might see a piece to face negotiations move into another fidelity. many thanks for speaking to us today. tony miller press tv, joining us appreciate your time. thank you. thank you and thank you for joining us . hey, on all to international. we always appreciate your company and don't forget to check our website all to console the latest news and documentaries. we're back to


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