tv News RT December 13, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST
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$0.17, it's all we going to let that stay the whole wills of will have been broken both according to the un relief and works agency as it confirms to all to you. if it is ready for this. have this for the un full in your contact. i think that i the 146 events, facilities have been demolished and we'll figure out the 20, the city of the killed and dozens move with including many children as is waiting for the intensifies has some fun units in southern guns and what the site administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight about speaker above the president's request for another
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$60000000000.00 to you, prayed as to bite and gift blossom is lensky, a 200000000 constellation. instead, the a will welcome to you, it's 70, i'm here in most go. when you're watching out to you international with the latest world news update is good to happy with us. i top story this, our every we with the full has been pro good. that's the reaction of the un relief and works agency to the latest is really it's hot on a you and school in north and gaza, as the agency can funds to all to that it has being one of its facilities. the associates shows the movement of destination. the school was supposed to be located in the town to pay it to hon noon. although the umbrella hasn't confirmed the exact location, the ideas claims that thomas was using the one facility as his phone calls
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a rock condemned to the attack. i think that it has recorded more than a 146 days radius twice, the gangs discontinuities including schools. the sheltering displaced, palestinian united nations relief and works agency consumes that the school being hate on the video is on was cool. it is probably in the north of the gaza strip. since the 7th of october, we have a recluse over $146.00 hits on phone roof facilities. and then many schools sheltered me to put a student displaced. people saw facilities with directly hit and some of the hate more than once or most of what have been broken and does the is where the ground invasion in northern gauze or rages on. the local journalist mohammed football found this report from the ravaged stump, aliya refuge account, which ones housed over a 100000 palestinians. and this is how the sea looked following the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the jamalia comp area, specifically the area of course,
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the cya ruin and destruction. results against the people in the landscape from the costume areas of the west village above their comp. we see the extent of the destruction caused by the israeli occupation forces following their incursion. fest bottles took place here between the idea from the palestinian resistance. they withdrew from the area leading devastation in their wake. now we can observe the magnitude of the destruction left behind here, bodies live in these the debris following strikes by his riley war plans. rescue and medical teams were unable to reach the managers, the challenge and conditions on the grounds. the destruction also reached the shelters, including the un relief, some work agency schools, which were crowded with thousands of displaced people who were forcibly of actuated these despised people, return to the schools, to retrieve their centrals and salvage whatever they could to survive. i meant the result shortages and challenging humanitarian conditions and northern gaza and the father, my live and the different mother said, we have no shelter, successful this agency. what receipts they came with apple doza,
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so they all mean tanks. we haven't found any of our belongings or anything. we are also destroyed about my brother and sisters. we have not heard from them for a days. no contact, no sign off, whether the alive will dad's the young people who joined the army with the weapons and tags. they surrounded us, us for all i. d's made us raise our hands and forced us to leave with them. as the people were helpless. what can we do moving now to central dogs where at least 22 people were reportedly killed and it is rarely striking a residential building this week. the correspondence round me on the harvey sent as this report from the scene just a moment before we lost contact with him for 2 days. and there was a very larger scale to strike, every largest used right on one of the homes, residential homes. and the, my guys, the refugee, which belongs to
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a family and the magazine because i much off this family had inside the house about 92 people, including the inhabitants and some of the displaced residents. however, being taking shelter was this house of a much 5 or 80 war place came overnight. andre, did this home ground founding this to rather reducing this a 3 story building tool rubble. as you might see here on the background, we're going to talk to people from the magazine refugee area about this as right, which was the largest. and the 1st couple of more than a couple of months off is where a to war and goes a little higher than the kind of yeah. and then you look at the damage to my house is very big. they say that palestinians terrace, but israel and terrorism is the real terrorism. children and women are killed in large numbers and people here are removing the data with their own hands. without
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the southern gaza where 20 palestinians have been killed and thousands were wounded as the idea of intensified attacks on hong eunice, which it early to day safe. so now we should warn you that the wind distressing images, a head of the children were being carried to the nearest hospital covered in lodge with an endless flow of ambulances arriving, and medics the assisting v. and just for the long stretches, rise in the holes. this comes and see is where the forces attach several residential areas in honey. this is where the defense forces have started to pump. the water into gauze is on the grounds tunnels which it claims are used by him. us report say the operation is still as an early stage. we can discuss this topic now with retired panel of the as well as security. i didn't see it on so many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see you today. so we understand
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this, ready on a is what the military has reportedly begun, pumping sea water into these underground tunnels and gaza. how effective is this toxic proving? so i saw uh yes um this is a boat that uh we concierge on this really uh, official, uh, re boss its, um, some kind of, uh the, a general is that the same that but the speed we know that we have falls already full and it will do what i mean do. uh, because uh, a sofa come us. this is a part of the, the means that the idea we use to get the, uh, from us members, a service. all the channels, all stay finding places because getting inside the so the, the truck and the holding this to kind of as a truck, so we have to get out somehow. and one of the,
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the me is to 3. it is a getting what to do with the ssl. i know that the width of good for you, i don't know really if they solve it to do this. uh and uh, especially we, we know that we have a problem in the dilemma because inside the stones, the last numbers are only no hostages. so we will need a very specific and instead of just the way sion about where the hostages are a health. because if we want to know if we want to again do a phones that they've lost, it is all there. we wouldn't do our own people. so it's very sensitive of our community and we wouldn't do each step by step as we have the information about the places that the home us numbers are in. absolutely that there are a number of risk about using this particular attack. take one being that the hostages might be being kept in those tunnels, as you just mentioned, is now another that these, these tunnel soft appeared to be mostly correct me if i'm wrong,
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locates in civilian areas and the shelters and schools for instance, where people also be lacking access to claim or so rather, and he does have people that are already suffering. so that's the idea. as we did normally to this made put even further exacerbates the, the situation that by, you know, contaminating the world to supply and gaza. not thinking uh there is also a security is uh, we have no problem about it because it is on the, on the drum the how much the 0 of the terrorist, the members on the list that you got, the people, the civilians, people to get in on the wrong do, some search shows the shelters, and the on the wrong system is only for the last numbers, victories numbers. so was on the row, is no disagreements. we don't have any problem with that because to be, this is wrong. not never, we will see the civilians on the ground because the numbers wouldn't know to that
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doesn't get to you. this is a system for the data on the terrorist organization and nobody except that they're re saw down on the wrong end of the stones. i see, so the, this technique was not in any way it cause a reversible damage to water supply or the environment stick woods of further accept or with the situation for the environment. the water, you know, the guns really is a long use of a problem. they call the day goals, and we know that we are funding in control the water accept, especially you got the when it says a, the problem is that the, the water from the sea is getting inside. they have sweet water that is on the drum, your funding to watch. the sea level is getting in due to the water system and
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they didn't do anything to save you through the years. so this is not a problem. the problem now in the panels is just dry goals that they build full and using it as a, a, um, a oh mcdonalds as a and pick that shows that they are hiding the tours on the wrong. its not connected to the on the ground, the water system, i say okay, so the, the un relief and works agency um, recently concerns was that, um and it's really a tag hits a un school in northern garza. now we understand that these ready always been conducting strikes to own across the enclave and a loss of you and facilities have been hit. the west civilians have been seeking shelter and you'll view how many, how many civilian deaths a to many when it comes to the goal of destroying come us always low cost to high. i think that uh that will uh we have uh civilians to
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get the codes. do you have any more civilians are getting had specially give way of getting into population and more of a population areas. and what we see now is that, um, how much is not doing anything do of in the same civilian. so a uh, casualties in the side. i mean they are hiding behind and um, making uh the human shield of civilians. uh, phone number. and it's a very uh, sensitive bo way of war that we are using because we are announced for the people and especially areas where will be that whole in the next few hours. and we are given a chance for the population to get out from the area and see how much numbers are
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keeping them with them to be the issue. so reach a very you minute area of if the problem for, for us as a human injury in all me, not too hot the city of civilians. but still we have the problem that the entity is hiding behind a civilian. so we have to work very, very in a sense of the way and it's a problem. and as we know when we are dealing with civilians, news quality, sometimes civilians wouldn't get hurt. and sometimes by mistake, you know that we always will. and when we are funding one place, sometimes you own being your own people and received a lot of the people of the soldiers, the. these are the sort of getting headphone for these very other forces. this is war. we kind of the boy in casualties that we don't want as a civilians,
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as old people. so this is what, what do we need to do is the most the weekend to get civilians all was and that these one we are doing. okay. yeah, the idea that they dropping fairly flights, the timing and the civilians, what i can go to remain safe, but it seems like wherever they move to the still having boulders dropped on them. it seems like within this tiny little area that being scuffled around. but then they'll safe any way, do you, you'll mission it is well is to destroy it. how much is there any point where the civilian cost would be too high? or is that a case if the how much will be defeated, regardless of how many civilians die? we're not getting into this uh calculation because so much wouldn't be defeated. and this is all i remember was not someone from us wouldn't be defeated. i still am. and the way we understand and i spoke about it,
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the in my last one was about it, we wouldn't do the most. i began to say civilian slide during the state because the i wouldn't be fully accomplished. how much will not be a is someone the you can still do a no um, a job that uh no, no i am a members and also uh the, the members of the awesome political and, and the people to the know, know how much would it be member of the diesel and the thank you for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time. i'm it us are we're todd kind of left the is where the security agency. thank you. thank you very much. the president zalinski made a pit stop at the folks news. the toll keeps military successes both as he
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travelled to washington speaking more dollars than mid ukrainian forces. folks down on the battlefield. he claims you trade has not lost control of any settlements this year, seeming lease hunting, applying di to rushes advance on the front lines. i think the most important thing to understand what's going on that's for us to indeed isn't occupied in a wheel ej a. you create a village during this year. here's a quick recap of everything president of the landscape refused to admit took place over the past year. at the beginning of 2023 russian forces liberated the town of sold a dog. then in may, russian defense ministry announced another long awaited victory this timing onto a most which is also known as bach lute. well, recently, russian troops almost completely surround to the strategic ukrainian strong code of, of the, of the ensemble. so race, the russian slice over the city of money. and meanwhile, us with public incentive to it's holly tube of those days. he never believes the
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ukraine to defeat russia. are you concerned that there is no money you claim could lose the war to russia? well, well, that's always been a big possibility the whole time. i mean i've, i've never thought they could when to begin with, especially the way we eased into it. what are the implications that refresher wins? are you worried about the implications of russia with quail everybody keeps and they're going continue to go across europe. i mean, they can't, but ukraine on the eastern side, how they going continue to go the rest the way through through year. i've never believed that scenario. i think it's, uh, i think it's a good selling point to spend more money in clayton's president has walked away with the $200000000.00 hands out from the white house as a be a fraction of a 60000000000. he came all spring for us, house speaker mike johnson has touched to hold on to tax pass funds until the buys administration provides more oh side. i have asked the white house since the day that i was handed the gabble, a speaker for clarity. we need
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a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win, and thus far their responses have been in sufficiently have not provided us the clarity and the detail that we requested over and over since literally 24 hours after i was handed, the gamble speaker the house, and so what the, by the ministration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. and, and none of the answers that i think the american people her own. well, as you've just heard, the speaker was less than impressed with zalinski page for more funds. for the press conference, folders, nothing much that we haven't heard before. i didn't said that the united states stands firmly with ukraine. he supported sovereignty and its rights to defend it. so he said america should be proud of the support that it's given when question on whether the ukraine would consider giving up the territories. that lensky replied no. but he said that the very notion of this was simply inciting, as he said,
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and the next year, nato summit was also raised. and of course, along with that, whether you cry and would be invited to join the military alliance and by them responded. and he said one step at the time. now he said that you claim must win the will 1st and then fulfill some unspecified condition. so nothing you, nothing concrete and stay with the us has allocated another $200000000.00 in aid to ukraine. what's behind this? well, that's like the president biden said that he authorizes $200000000.00. this comes from a presidential drove down all sorts. and that means that age and military equipment can get to the front lines quicker. it's not really a lot of money. it falls far short of this $60000000000.00 that was proposed in the us congress last week said this is of course voted that the on this vote when laws leave alone policy lines, the republicans voting against and the democrats voting in favor. now the united
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states has given $111000000000.00 since the special miniature operation began in february last year, but a few z as in for this continued a supply of, of financial aid to ukraine seems to be waning, particularly among republicans now. the citing, i'd like a strategy as we have from this speak in delivering this victory on the possible field. they've also spoken about some lack of oversight from the pentagon on how this money is being spent. and of course, the big thing that they want. and then not shifting on so fall is that all scheme for tying to immigration controls and supports for this bill. now, why didn't again, has seen the situation now. he's described as one of hope. this is what he told as and then sealed by didn't himself seems on show surprises called on congress and do the right thing to stand with ukraine to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank
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you for being here and help the cause. the . so steve, does the us have the money for this seemingly never ending conflict? washington says that the funds for ukraine are dry now that they could simply be finished by the end of the year. and of course, congress is due to break for christmas on friday. so that's why this is desperate attempt. the situation is critical and by doing is pressing for this bill to be pulse before said this is leave a full that's a prize. you can now many old me americans. and now that starting to question this constant supply of i do crane needy haul from those said, the poll said that they think that the money spent is excessive lots. according to a poll by michigan university. what prospects does the landscape face following
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this visit? well, i think it's fair to say that this visit so far hasn't seem to turned out very well for him. he doesn't seem to go this money that he's come copying, handful from the us senate. that doesn't seem to be a shifting very much, but he's also was noticing that he faces intense criticism at home. public support is waiting for the cranium president. and these have these very public spots with vitale clips. cuz of course america, who's accused zalinski of sliding the country towards also retiring. and he said that the independent institutions no longer exists, but he's also accused the cranium president of lying to the public about the situation regarding the conflict. he's also open, the argued with his top military come on to evaluate your username, who and he said that the conflict has come to a style mike, so then skis will probably be criticized him over this, but also he has right back on that slightly by almost conceding that the,
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the frightening and counter offensive has failed. now, as we said, congress is shutting down for the holiday period on friday. and it seems that the christmas miracle is a long way off as a landscape on top of the 8 on last, because also waited on you findings desperate situation on the front lines agreeing the key of risk losing mo territory. if it doesn't negotiate, that's the cross now to on the devil, a political consultant on human rights activists. many thanks for joining us on the park on this evening. so how do you assess the outcome of the landscape trip to washington? in the fact he was given just $200000000.00 rather than the sun. he was likely looking for i will. uh, thank you for having me publicly. uh, i think it's a public company asian. uh, obviously the train has left the station and the last key act as a war itself out. uh, you mentioned it. the new introduction were $111000000000.00. i've pretty much
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produced. nothing on the bottle ground and in a barrel. the merits, usually a football game and as be so overwhelmingly red calling for the washington to be almost defeated. did you cry knew it would be uh, probably uh, by summer. uh and so everything is just slowly but surely now dawning on public opinion that maybe just maybe they were looking for a ride where a home under the domestic problem, i are piling up here. the flesh is going to the roof. the 1000 border is out of control. and uh, that seems to be the one mind that the american ship as president biden's more concerned about trying to maintain some kind of
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a presentable face to zaleski why, to the extent that he is on for think of faith is tied to that. if that ends, and so the problem is that we are not even in 2024 yet. and the situation is almost impossible now to maintain a narrative is almost impossible to maintain. the new york times actually published a piece on the day that ends keywords in town. uh, basically implying that of the territories that rush 2nd falls off wherever last. yeah, yes, but that was that's a strange thing. is that the ukranian president, that is it, it would stop by as fox news, i came in a rush. i'd made no, as long as it's over the last year, which we know is, is $520.00 incorrect. is this just an attempt to, to raise neural to give the american people what they want to hear. despite the detachment from y'all as a a way it's actually more dire than this. i think uh is it as is uh, being uncertain and suckled by sharks at home. i mean,
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basically all these sponsors on now turning away from him, not because of the necessary to get died or be as accurate because the results on the ground. um no, but i'm home uh, blades are being drawn out and you know, the actors, it ends keep errors being prepared and there's a lot of suitors for the position. so he understands that, but he understands also that you needs to maintain the appearance of going forward with the situation at least long enough to somehow a set the stage for a what would be a smooth transition? does it have? does he have that luxury? does he control the there it's even in ukraine as much as you would like to. this remains to be seen. there's been a lot of us, you mentioned a time poisoning a time. on some of these, our key advisors. we have the beans key before that was allegedly beaten up in
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jail for all viewers. labinski. uh was a mom along with the andre debt of cash. uh, the one would reveal the content of those uh, those states those uh that it got states released in 2020 we expose. uh, you know, the extensive corruption not only between uh the buy than just rushing into a den for we'll check one discretion showing that you claim as low as offering to you at the tone. but it turns out now that davinsky is basically saying that it is the last case administration which is $64.00 states. and so this might come back to health. and yeah, let's come to the us. not because republican lawmakers but the shifting the agenda to, to domestic issues. now, do you think that those problems would eventually become the top priority rather than supposing foreign was a well, i think it is political theatre in that a lot of the republican, i mean, the ryan or either shape essentially is still 40 bucks on or on board with the
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ukraine project, why? because a lot of them, i've been physically spiking it rich. i mean, many of them are political careers. i or that to the point of the military industrial complex. so, except for, if you, my, uh, republican uh, representatives, uh, you know, the beach by cutoff actually is pretty much a lined up uh, with a jewel by them. but there is a need crease. uh uh, cognitive dissonance within the electoral rate. and as we enter electron season, those uh, realities are going to be hard to step, you know, put aside to show the site. and how do you assess the global rhetoric of the changing global rhetoric i should say, towards k of on the situation and ukraine. what are the prospects for 2024th, we see support kind of waiting towards the as a lead. stay as kids a lot, because again, the emperor has no clothes. i mean, uh,
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everybody in this calculated on this european miscalculated the americans miscalculated and everybody's trying to basically, uh, ditch responsibility by shopping to help with that or around trying to say, i told you so. but everybody, you know, 18 months ago was hot on, uh, basically the now seeing martian aggression and all were buying into the narrative that but ukraine army was going to, you know, take back its eastern provinces. and you know, as a t by the why me are last cyber much was also poured into this account. it will offensive narrative. and the result is basically, as you mentioned in your introduction, that is the russian army that has registered such this is, you know, steady and an implacable fashion. i can speaking throughout the day. i really appreciate your insight into the situation. i know a deb double a political consultant on human rights activist. thank you. have a good day. thank you for the me and thank you for joining us. a on all t internationally. it's always a pleasure as well for me for today,
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