tv News RT December 13, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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the, the others are tier 21 and then a is are 212. the resolution is a dual body and faith is possible impeachment charges after the house of representatives votes to investigate whether the was president benefitted from the funds following business dealings pain jed civilians rushed to hospital. but he's really attacks the reported in the southern gather city of rafa need during the 4th is detained. a policy to red crested worker who was helping locals evacuate with heard from the organization was books, bus 125 for 4 hours. during that
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time he was harassed, beaten, threatened, as well as a treated in cumulative think manner the quite a 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our team to national hi a michael quite yet with the latest. now the us president, faces and impeachment inquiry has the house of representatives authorities all event authorize this and investigation into whether they do abided and benefit from nationally from his son, hondo's foreign business meetings. the evidence and covered has shown a very disturbing trend by the biden family. we've spent months in this investigation accumulating evidence. we have a simple question. i think the majority of americans have. what did the biden's do to receive the 10s of millions of dollars for my enemies around the world? us house of representatives, which is the lower house of the us legislature,
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has voted to formalize impeachment inquiry into the by and then ministration. this is a big victory for republicans. they attempted to do this back in september and were unable to get the votes. but now they are moving a hat. and the resolution basically authorizes the house of representatives to begin investigating, hunter bide and, and his tie is in his investigations and his business practices and whether or not this up basically resulted in what looks like some kind of bribery or influence peddling. now, republicans say that it looks like the buying administration has been basically utilizing 100 bytes and to make business deals. and the white house has then been handing out favors to those who do business deals of the 100 by republicans. they say this is one of the biggest examples of, of what they call influence peddling in history. they want to get to the bottom of
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it. the democrats are saying that this is simply a distraction and an effort to you know, conceal and distract attention from the upcoming trial of donald trump. there were some cheated exchanges about it on the floor of the house of representatives and the lead up to the vote. here's some of what we heard today. the house is voting to formally opened an impeachment inquiry into president biden. the facts don't lie, it's time to get the american people answers. this is an impeachment inquiry defined as an act of seeking the truth. what are democrats so afraid of it? there's supposedly nothing to see. president biden needs to come clean. he has repeatedly misled the american people about his knowledge of enrolling his families overseas business dealings. formalizing this impeachment inquiry will allow us to get the answers. the american people deserve a white house. that's called the whole thing. a baseless political stunt, and a statement from joe biden called out the us congress for not focusing on israel and ukraine. and instead, focusing on this investigation,
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biden chastised members of congress for leaving for the holidays without actually taking a position and resolving the disagreements around israel and ukraine. and he calls this whole thing a distraction. we heard some strong words of the opposition to the whole thing from the white house which sees this as a baseless political stand, as we heard here some of what we heard from the white house. i wake up every day focused on the issues facing the american people, real issues that impact our lives, and the strength and security of our country and the world. unfortunately, house republicans are not joining me instead of doing anything to help them make americans lives better if they're focused on attacking me with lice. instead of doing their job and the urge and forward that needs to be done, they're chosen to waste your time in this baseless political stunt that even republicans in congress admit, is not supported by facts. now the man who was at the center of the investigation and will d as the inquiry proceeds, hunter bite and the son of president biden. he was called before congress to test
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buying a close deposition. and this morning on capital hill, he appeared and he gave a brief press conference saying that he'd be willing to testify in a public hearing, but then did not appear before the close deposition for which he was peanut. this is 100 bite and had to stay in his press conference before not complying with a congressional subpoena. the. i'm here today to make sure that the house committees illegitimate investigations of my family did not proceed on distortions, manipulated evidence and lice. and i'm here today to knowledge that i've made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities and privileges i was a forwarded for that. i'm responsible. but is it just that as grounds for an piece mean inquiry is beyond the absurd. it shameless. there is no evidence to
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support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business because it did not happen. it's remaining to be seen whether or not the son of the president will now face charges of contempt to congress for ignoring the congressional subpoena. he was supposed to testify before the close deposition, and he did not do so um, and this whole case damage from a number of shady business deals that have been reveal verisk, my holdings, the natural gas company, and ukraine onto which is board we saw under bite and be appointed, and then we later had joe biden bragging about getting a prosecutor that was investing the company expired. that revelation has certainly raised eyebrows. theres been concerns about the arts that 100 buying has been engaging in and how he's been selling paintings for quite a bit of money. and they've been purchased by members of the business community who
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have been deemed to be friendly with the buying administration. he was saying this is a soft example of bribery. now there was also the issue of all that was revealed in his laptop. and we can recall how in the lead up to the 2020 both uh the api. i was coordinating with twitter and facebook to suppress the facts about his laptop and saying the whole thing was russian propaganda. well, now we know there 100 binds laptop was indeed real and it did have real revelations of business transactions that are questionable. this is the story that has not gone away for the buying administration hunter by in the sign of the president. the united states appears to have many questionable business practices. and it appears to many republicans that he use the fact that his father is the president of the united states and was breezing the vice president to make quite a bit of money for himself and for his family. at this point, we now have the house of representatives formally voting to proceed with an
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impeachment inquiry and that could lead to a full on impeachment trial. the us senate would then bow to impeach. these are the procedures laid out in the us constitution for removing a president from office. so this was quite a victory for republicans. it's got to be quite an embarrassing moment for the binding administration as this story that they have tried so hard to sleep under the rug. seems to once again be in the spotlight this time with an impeachment inquiry. all right, let's cross now to steve gill, radio host, and paula to go come and tell you to joining us live from nashville. it's nice to have you join me right now, steve. now i wonder what your 1st impression of the assessment is about the news coming from the us capital on the on this issue. so fond this attempt to deb investigation and i think it was really interesting that 100 by them failed to show up for the subpoena a deposition he was required to show up and testify under oath. instead, choosing to give
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a speech outside of the confines of us how interestingly he went to the capital, but spoke on the senate side of the capital so that the house started at arms, didn't have the capacity to literally take him into custody. had he been on the house side to force his testimony, so this was a circus, so he could go outside, not under oath, and continue the lies that we've heard from the vice administration, and from 100 by and, and from joe biden, from the beginning of this there is no doubt that money was blowing heavily into the bible. family was the only thing they had to sell was access to president and then vice president biden, where they were selling access to him to affect us policy. and as the story pointed out, we know that it affected us policy because of the reason why i was trying to get the prosecutor investigating them, fired, they were paying 100 by to about a $1000000.00 a month to accomplish their aims. and joe biden went on videotape and brag, but he did exactly what the reason i was paying 100 bind to accomplish. and that's
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just the tip of the iceberg. all right, now what action can we expect to see from this that a given that no, not a single house democrats voted for the residents. he said, what scenario is that you see? well, i think one of the things that this impeachment inquiry accomplishes is 1st a 100 percent of the republicans voted to move ahead with the democrats. were counting on the ability to pull off some republicans. interestingly, despite all the evidence, despite the clear evidence that the fight in the family had nothing to sell, other that access to jo by the not a single democrat decided that it was worth at least finding out the truth or more of the truth that has already been disclosed, so what's gonna happen next is i think they will re subpoena, honored by an ard with the fact that there's an impeachment inquiry under way. it gives them more authority to force is testimony. and more importantly, opens up their access to subpoena more bank records, more records of as best as partners to get more of the evidence that they need. i
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say, to convince a remainder of republicans in the house and maybe a few democrats. the impeachment itself is required under the law. the us constitution allows impeachment for high private investigators which can be obstruction of justice, which can be a whole host of things. but it specifically allows impeachment for treason and bribery. i don't think there's a question that we see bribes being paid and results being offered with respect to joe biden. and what he's done is a policy maker. first is vice president and, and now as president and the law in america is very clear. bribery doesn't have to me, i pay you mike. did you meet? i also pay your business associates or your family members. if there's a benefit, a value to you or your close associates or family members that constitutes bribery under american law. and now let's, let's, let's focus on this subpoena. the president biden has previously stated that people who defy congressional subpoenas should be persecuted. let's listen to that. before i come to you on this,
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the rental subpoena is on the january 6 committee. that committee goes out. but right now what, what are your take of this is by the now go to pick back is woods. well, it won't be the 1st time. i don't know him in moscow, the trucks. when you back up have that beep beep, beep sound. but every time joe biden says anything, you can almost hear the beep beep beep, knowing he's going to be backing up and correcting the record soon. so like with 100 buys, i had nothing to do with his businesses. i didn't know anything about his businesses . and now it's, i wasn't financially involved in his businesses, the story keeps changing. i think we're gonna see that continue here is uh as well . but the fact is, be by the justice department, and it's not the american department of justice. and the by and justice department prosecuted those that they were submitting for testimony about january 6th and prosecuted them if they failed to show sign legal criminal sign actions against
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them. and yet now you've got a 100 binds, facing the same sort of thing. and the only difference is that the binding department of justice, which is there to protect it by this family, will not perceive justice in this case the way that they've proceeded against people who happen to have an are or republican after their name. and we've seen this before, when you had a former official in the obama administration failed to show to testify about drug running on the southern border of the united states. he was given a pass as well. there's, there's 2 tiers of justice in america these days. if you have a d after your name or are after you name, you're going to be treated differently by the, by the department of justice. all right, now this is, this is the 2nd consecutive president to face it piece. been talking about, what does this say about the, the democracy that the u. s. pipe is and, and how will this impact on the coming elections? well, i think the difference is that there is actual substances improve already to show
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that joe biden has committed bribery as, as abused as on his bike, basically letting it be sold by his son to foreign interest. whether they're china, whether they're reason made in your brain or, or any of the others that we're paying money into a 100, by the end, the, by the family, with the 10 percent supposedly going to the big guy, which was always dad, always pop always. joe biden. the fact is, there's substitute proof here in the case of the 2 inmates. when surprised the truck, the 1st was about the whole russell russell russell hopes that has now been completely displayed, even by those who are promoting it valid knowledge and that there was nothing there . and yet, the democrats of rushed through a partisan impeachment just to harm press the top to damage his ability to lead, which it didn't accomplish very much. but they put the tag a few as a piece on him with a completely bogus impeachment. and then the 2nd one involved the january 6th riot that the capital where they a peach president trump, after he was out of office,
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which is bizarre and of all his own. but there was no substitute proof that he did anything the cause of january 6 that riots a capitol hill. they call the insurrection that he incited. and yes, he has not been charged with that by jack smith, special prosecutor who is pursuing federal charges against it for the events of that day. and he actually said, go and protest peacefully at the capital. that's the worst call for an insurrection in the history of the directions or all we have to leave you here. now steve, gal, radio host and political come and tell you to thank you for your insight on this. thanks, mike. great. for the god now and the latest news from a want to on the gas, but we have reports of these really strikes on the southern city of rafa. how late wednesday evening, the locals in rossville wounded, including sold into hospitals using any available means. there is no information
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yet about numbers of casualties. local journalists have is a challenge is now in rafa centers this report with details will be easily attacked . is there any more planes targeted multiple residential houses here. busy and roughly one of these invention houses located in trouble dot com. it's very nice, so sorry to mention that i was one of the largest if he comes here and russell was nice and that should house was not targeted and screwed here from out to a hospital went there. um pick up and thousands of injuries here we witnessed and we see uh because of these injuries i live in here. i go to a hospital how some of these injuries live in a so we use it on my job cost with them. we see that these injuries and just from civilians was women and children. it's very necessary also to mention as these are a spikes happened off the very, quite time. it was very, quite a is there any was,
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wasn't in the area and it was a very quiet times out of something the without warning. nice. has a bunch of houses was targeted by the is there any more planes have me through the houses was full of. busy full of families, as the idea of expands its military campaign, easy way of us pushing thousands of gallons towards the southern rafa refugee camp . the father is a beacon, me shelters are overwhelmed according to you and officials with hundreds living on the streets. and it makes shift tends, but people are exposed to the cold weather with minimum access to food, water and sanitation facilities. the scores of refugees gathered around to you in refugee warehouse desperate to desperate for aid . the walk, a struggle to contain the crowds before handing over flour and water russians hold
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on 1 point, one, median displaced policy indians, shells, reagan mighty, h u n. facilities and the south will be in place. and now to solve and gather, wed. 20 palestinians have been killed in thousands more when did as the idea of intensified attacks on con eunice, which is already adapt a safe zone. and a warning that there are distrusting images. i had the children with a lot of injuries, were carried by hands to the nearest hospital with an endless flo. 5 gallons is arriving, and medics assisting the wounded ask. they lie on the strictest in the hallway. now this comes of ease ready for his attack. several residential areas in con. you this a guy's a base, don't listen months or we should man reports on the latest developments. and the software we enclave as id of price range on the situation. so the
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most right now is spokesman source and facebook saying that it is decent price next. so hospitable to it's north, east on some of the sides of just equal to the boys on the, on a few people actually sooner that's around 2 hours like square peering gas tanks, winding puting sniper shots i keep hearing about people are trying to leave, can use to get, get, get, get bombs on the way either personal friends whose wife most her vice, his daughter most to next. one of his other daughter is,
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is missing or to now use. so unfortunately, there is no place people don't know what to do or where to go right now. staying inside eunice is the decision for most people. because once it comes to sleep and tenuous of the policy now reg crested insides of ease where the army detained, a later released member of the society of the humanitarian mission. the rescue was held by the idea for several hours where he was harassed and beaten by the city and red crescent spokesperson bill from side describes what a colleague went through. on such a day, the palestine atlanta crescent was leaving a mission to evacuate. a wounded people from the baptist hospital hospital in coordination with the w at
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o. and when the evacuation going for you was passing through the check point that separates garza from adults. so that was of destructive. is there any occupation that goes to stop the convoy for a couple of hours and they and they detained a work week, ronnie, for 4 hours. during that time he was harassed beaten instructions, as well as a treated in the leasing manner. his. he was stripped of physical asses. the blind folded his hands where a tide out on his back. and after 4 hours he was released is ready to occupation forces. let him walk over to quito meters to pass. it's really the check point. he was with your office or shoes and obviously it was one
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of the most traumatizing experience for him. this has happened in a time one c, as i've kind of meant that was the trying to save lives, evacuation 11, the to be at the house. and unfortunately, our products are being targeted on being as target occupation forces in gaza. whitehouse kid workers, comp, time ethics and ad universes should be protected under international indiscriminate . you have young law. this is not the case in gaza. is intentionally targeting mine, i would panama this, our health care workers and even or hospitals. and unfortunately, the international community is just continued to be signed that in the face of all these were crimes that as well as commented against the health system in gaza. and
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our critics who are just the trained to continue implementing their human need to be enrolled and helping the people who are in need of all the mayor of montreal's sub in canada. it has placed the support for israel and the motto of what the human cost, including thousands of dead children, the killing a $1000.00 pounds, each of the swedish mazda the 1st 3 months to a $100000.00 hospital children, children. the
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girls were heard from canadian, john list an activist evening law, who film the footage of the canadian man to what he put out a statement he was uh that video is got more than one point. 2000000 views on my, on my twitter, on my ex account. and he put out a statement kind of back in a way. now he, he represents a um, a small enclave. uh, in a suburb of montreal, that's a predominately jewish. it's about 80 percent jewish. it's actually a very weird, but our community doesn't have any a commercial or industrialized all entirely residential. while it speaks to incredible uh, anti palestinian look, he said that is you could kill a 100000 house, didn't you? children,
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and he would support it because good needs to prevail over evil. that's his direct quote. while it seems to me killing 800-000-1000 children or let alone 80001000 children as is, is there a number would be a sign of evil? not a sign of good, but according to his logic, and unfortunately the logic of a far too many people in this country. the israel can still be viewed as good as well as killing of large numbers of policy and children. i think this type of a statement doesn't play well for broader, montreal or for that matter. canadian public or the white house has acknowledged that the have mass captives may be in the gas a ton, those that easily intense the slot. some of the hostages come out and said that they were held in in time, so it's not beyond the possibility that that last could be holding at least some of them in tunnels, as they move them around,
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which we have to expect. they'll do the wall street journal had reported that he's really defense forces started to pump the water into gas us underground tunnels, with the claims have masses and using other articles as of the operation is still at an early stage. i mean to us, as i saw a retired connell, how they use riley secuity, does this have of the more intelligence is needed to avoid killing hostages in the process of flooding of the tunnels. we know that we have the balls ready, full, and it will do what i mean do. uh gosh, uh, a sofa from us. this is the, the means that the idea of what you use to get to the, uh, from my cell number's a theories of the gun was all day finding places. because you saw the soul is a track and the holding. this is a trend. so we have to of somehow,
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and one of the me is to do with these calls. i know that we're good for you. i don't know really if they solve it to do this. and especially we, we know that we have a problem in indiana because inside the song, los numbers, all we know. so we will need a very specific and intelligence violation of, of where the hostages are held. because if we want to know if we want to again do of dollars that they want to just all the we wouldn't do our own people. so it's very sensitive like cd and we wouldn't do each step by step as we have the information about the places that the how much the numbers on in these tunnel shops appeared to be mostly permit me. if i'm wrong, locates in civilian areas on the shelters. and schools, for instance,
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where people also be lacking access to play more. so rather, i mean because of people are already suffering. so does the idea of what do you normally to this made? could even further exacerbates be the situation that by, you know, contaminating the world to supply and gaza. i think, you know, there's a lot, a civilian is we have no problem about it because it really is all no longer drugs of how much numbers all the service to members on the let you go, the people there. so they need to be able to get on the ground, do some search shows the shelters, and the on the wrong system is only for the last numbers. there is numbers show was on the ro is no disability. we don't have any problem with that because to be this is wrong. not never, we will see the civilians run because if the last numbers wouldn't normally that doesn't get to the other u. n. has ordered one of its former official,
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stupid pay almost $64000000.00 of the body of keys is the man who created national of losing the funds by entrusting them to a man he met in a party. according to a new york post report by vod vitally eventual born, that was the report, at least the 2nd in command, the un logistics agency. he and his boss and allegedly invested over $60000000.00 taken from governments in you and agencies and companies all linked to the british business. man, david kendrick. what the you, when the crypt only about 10 percent of its investment loss? yeah. all parties involved in the case which is not going through. i need to know, are you in court system denied wrong doing with the candidate claiming that the projects are still in progress. now we've heard from the legal and media analysts lawndale who says that the un has the stubbing lack of supervision over its own funds. this was an individual who was given this money and he decided on his own
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perhaps without any kind of internal audit to hand over this money to someone. he met mister kendrick, he has to repay the money, give a year's salary. and if he does not repay the money, the filing said internal filing, so listen to this, you will not be eligible for you when pension. know, in the old days, people would who would do this would be looking at the full force of the most in, preferably, torrential of prosecutions. this seems to be, as we say, the legal bis preparatory, would you please give this back? would, would you, do you see it in your heart and maybe throw us in by the way, your salary. and if you play your cards right? and you give us back $64000000.00, you can keep your pension and all is forgotten. i don't understand. i don't also understand who.
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