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tv   News  RT  December 14, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the floor and safe as for taking away the one hour from the other put more kick off his annual morrison q and a session with the russian public. within 2000000 questions have been submitted for the highly anticipated event. also ahead on the program, we have a simple question. i think you'll know the majority of americans have. what did the biden's do to receive the 10s of millions of dollars from my enemies around the world? bombshell developments on capital hill as the us house of representatives votes to authorize an impeachment. inquiry against president bond didn't gals at locals accuse israel of carrying out a series of executions of a school in the north of the enclave. after politics are discovered up this side, it was being used to house refugees the my children. twice and
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14 year old sister were executed in a brutal manner while a sleep in the school. 6 children, a nice and all this perished, leaving behind a reading family the across the world around the clock. this is our to you from the team. i myself, you to know neil hello and welcome to the news our the new o 2 and a direct line session hosted by loving we're putting is expected to start in less than an hour's time. fielding questions from the russian public, local and foreign media. the nation's president has a busy time ahead with more than 2000000 queries submitted. well for more or less scroll slide to ortiz, senior correspondent broadcast the of who is covering this session morning to you. more of an incredible interest in this event, take us through lots ahead, as well. generally in years past vladimir putin but hold to simulate event. so
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that'd be a mattress on q and a session with members of the press. but that would also be a direct line with the president, which is way you to russians, millions of russians, anyone to consent, questions, complaints, suggestions to the president, and who for downside to substitute a short cut, tiny problems, they might have a vc. what has happened is the 2 events a become one. so to those members, the press a key of the whole is for now a little empty. the present can be sent to the table over them with his moderates as members of the press would be in the whole instead of just empty because not everyone has yet been less. he has for ask for the questions. obviously this there's no shortage. we've had the sessions, go one foot up to almost 5 hours flag mapleton has set that stable on 2
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occasions for almost 5 hours. this is 20th such such session as head of state, head of russia all busy. this is a very, a difficult time. not only for, for, for, for russia, but also for the world. a lot of changes happening in obviously the, the 1st issue here will be the special military operation. the violent will fab. and you can, because many russians have relatives loved ones or friends will right now on the front line 7, the country. but this is also an opportunity for russians to, to, to, to offer messages of support. like may put in last questions, pipeline questions, who complain about the many things. you know, the hardships that the people are suffering from. obviously sections haven't destroyed the russian economy, but they have stressed it's, and the government is in overdrive type. trying to trying to fix issues that people have encountered the problems that they made. they have the shortages with,
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with teachers, with, with workers. so obviously many, many, many fields the plug me could, could address here. we don't know how long, how many hours this will go on for. hopefully, of course, speaking as members of the press, the more the better, the more the time that you have, the more topics will be able to cover another less about an hour left until we begin. we'll be in this who and one of the chairs he and hopefully get to ask a question of our, of you know, what was a few fascinating use lines emerge from this event, right. thanks very much for know ortiz broadcast. do you have in central, most of, you know, if us president joe biden is set to face impeachment inquiry, it's off to the high serve representative authorized on investigation into whether the american leader benefited financially from his own hunter's foreign business
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dealings. the evidence and covered has shown a very disturbing trend by the biden family. we've spent months in this investigation accumulating evidence. we have a simple question that i think you'll know of the majority of americans have. what did the biden's do to receive the 10s of millions of dollars from my enemies around the world? the us house of representatives has formerly voted to open and impeachment inquiry into the vine and family and the role that hunter bite and it has been playing. essentially, there has been a long talk among republicans about the fact that hunter bite and has a number of questionable business connections. and now what the republicans failed to do back in september has gone for work and they have moved ahead with a congressional opening of an impeachment inquiry. now there was quite a bit of debate democrats at calling this simply an effort to distract from donald trump's upcoming twice trial. that republicans were saying the bind administration
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is at the center of one of the worst influence peddling scandals in american history. basically the binding family getting rich off the fact that joe biden is currently the president and was previously the vice president. here's some of the debate we heard on the floor congress and the lead up to the resolution. got a politician who does certain things, those actions then benefit his family financially, and then there's an effort to conceal it and sweep it under the rug. the best example is to go back to the ukraine energy company. very some of 4 key facts about hunter binds involvement with this company and job binds involvement for a ton of buying gets put on the board of a rece most 2nd, he's not qualified to be on the board of a response. don't take my word for it, he said it himself 3rd t, as he's asked by the executive, briefly, can you weigh in with washington with dc to help alleviate the pressure we're under 3 days later, the vice president united states now present, joe biden goes to ukraine. and conditions, american tax dollars for ukraine on the firing of the prosecutor who is applying
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the pressure to the company. part of i was on the board of my friends, there are so confident again, is one of my colleagues, you mentioned from the room 3. what are you worried about? it's an investigation. it's open, with hardly talked about what the resolutions about, which is how we're going to proceed. and how are we going to proceed? almost exactly as my french proceeded in 2019 to their play box. their play, their approach president biden has hidden from the american people, his knowledge of, and role in his families overseas business billings. even in the face of over whelming evidence, showing his knowledge and involvement, president biden still refuses to come clean. the white house is called the whole thing, a baseless political stunt. and a statement from joe biden called out the us congress for not focusing on israel
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and ukraine. and instead, focusing on this investigation. there's no evidence here. there's not, you know, what i just said at the top, they're going to go home tomorrow. right? they're going to go home this week and what they have they done. we me critical a to ukraine. have they gotten that done? we need to secure the border. have they gotten that done? we need to make sure we are for a government shut down in january or have they even had conversations to get that done. and instead of a big focus on police list, political science man who was at the center of the investigation and will the, as the in very proceeds hunter bite. and the son of president biden, he was called before congress to test buying a close deposition. and this morning on capitol hill, he appeared and he gave a brief press conference saying that he'd be willing to testify in a public hearing, but then did not appear before the close deposition for which he was peanut. this
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is what hunter bite and had to say in his press conference before not complying with the congressional subpoena. i'm here today to make sure that the house committees illegitimate investigations of my family did not proceed on distortions, manipulate it evidence, and lice. there is no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business. because it did not happen. its remaining to be seen whether or not the son of the president will now face charges of contempt to congress for ignoring the congressional subpoena. he was supposed to testify before the close deposition, and he did not do so um, and this whole case stems from a number of shady business deals that have been reveal verisk, my holdings, the natural gas company, and ukraine onto which is board we saw under bite and be appointed, and then we later had joe biden bragging about getting a prosecutor that was investing the company fire. and that revelation has certainly
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raised eyebrows. theres been concerns about the arts that hunter buying has been engaging in and how he's been selling paintings for quite a bit of money. and they've been purchased by members of the business community who have been deemed to be friendly with the buy and administration. he was saying this is a soft example of bribery. now there was also the issue of all that was revealed in his laptop. and we can recall how in the lead up to the 2020 boat. the at the i was coordinating with twitter and facebook to suppress the facts about his laptop and saying, the whole thing was russian propaganda. well, now we know there 100 binds laptop was indeed real and it did have real revelations of business transactions that are questionable. this is the story that has not gone away for the buying administration hunter by and the son of the president united states appears to have many questionable business practices. and it appears to many
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republicans that he use the fact that his father is the president of united states and was pretty, using the vice president to make quite a bit of money for himself and for his family. at this point, we now have the house of representatives formerly voting to proceed with an impeachment inquiry, and that could lead to a full on impeachment trial, the us senate with them both to impeach these are the procedures laid out in the us constitution for removing a president from office. so this was quite a victory for republicans. it's got to be quite an embarrassing moment for the buying administration as this story that they have tried so hard to sleep under the rug. seems to once again be in the spotlight this time with an impeachment inquiry by us correspondents kill up life. and while american media host, then commentators steve military girlfriend his take earlier on the program, us to just walk lead to do biden's current predicament along party lines. every republican and attendance voted yes, every democrat voted no to open in and quarter uh,
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impeachment inquiry into joe biden. and this is done for many reasons, but mostly the white house has not been cooperating. you have 3 committees that had been investigating already business connections between hunter, by and between his father. between is joe joe by his brother. and they are, according to congress and the chairman of the committees, they're not handing over documents, the white house that the congress has been asking for. so the official way to do this before possibly going to court to make them hand it over is you have to have the a peach ment. inquiry officially voted on by the congress president binding himself had previously stated. the people who defy congressional subpoenas should be persecuted not less. let's recollect that before i come back on this subpoena is on the january 6th committee. that committee goes after now the president is making the thing out straight all bad. now what is your take
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on that is body not going to take back his own words? absolutely not. and here's, here's the proof hunter bite and has already been cut a plea, deal on gun chargers that he, among other things, lied on a gun application. the democrats and biden are all about cracking down on law abiding citizens. take what to take our guns away when the women are gone, purchases, because there's too many people getting hurt with guns. ok. even though it's the criminals who do the damage and all of a sudden hunter by does it. and then joe biden doesn't say, bo, i loved my son. i support my son, and he's accused of lying on a gun application to get a gun. that's it pock receive for these have reportedly being discovered unless school in northern gal said locals are accusing is really forces of carrying out executions of the site. the idea of has, he had, has not commented on the claims. a local journalist sentence this from the c i s
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one can entire families are executed and left to decompose. a clear and blaming violation of international law. image speaks for itself with brick, somebody, an extensive destruction, evident, but occupations barragan's in system, denying it in china, a government school which accommodates a significant number of displaced individuals so managed to escape as the army advanced. however, some families remain trapped, the work of my children's wife and 14 year old sister were executed in a brutal manner while a sleep in the school. after the displaced return to the school, they were shocked to find that the army had executed this family and left them there to compose the everyone else fled, leaving this family bung verbal to a henry 686 children, a niece and all this perished, leaving behind a grieving family. what? while in southern guns that were sending weather how's compounded the problems, refugees are facing?
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admitted, deepening, humanitarian crisis. heavy done pores has made life even tougher. these images released by the you and relief and works agency show displace palestinians, and mix of tents drenched in rain and load up the darrow by law refugee killed people there have described the conditions as a quote living hell. the bombing raids um, monitoring crisis, which although it has affected everyone in does that. but those who are physically challenged how that particularly hard. we spoke to a woman who takes care of the deaf and the enclave. but what they have been injuring point. a lot of concept, of course the war has affected the death. for example, they might not be able to see if someone is signaling to them and documents regarding my daughters and sons all 3, i took care of them. i treat them however one treats their kids when they used to boma. so withdrawal kids up say oh look it some day or i say is going to rain just
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so they don't get scared out. israel is blocking access to people needing medical assistance of the janine refugee camp in the west bank. that's according to the red present organization which also states the idea of how detained a staff member up there is in gals that are representative for the military and grouping outlined to warranty the harsh reality of being and medic and the palestinian territories on such a day the palestine around to crescent was leaving a mission to evacuate, a wounded people from the baptist hospital hospital in coordination with the w at o. and when the evacuation convoy was passing through the check point that separates garza from the south, it was of destructive. is there any occupation forces to stop the convoy for a couple of hours? and they and they detained a work leak rami, uh,
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for 4 hours. during that time he was harassed, beaten, threatened, as well as a treated in humiliating manner. his. he was stripped of physical asses. the blind folded his hands where a tide out on his back. and after 4 hours he was released in the occupation forces, let him walk over to quito, meters to pass. that's really, that's a good point. he was with no closes or shoes. and obviously it was one of the most traumatizing experience for him. this has happened in a time when he, as a part of it, was the trying to save lives, evacuating 11 the wounded people at the hospital. unfortunately,
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our clinics are being sort of get it out of being a target for is there a occupation forces in gaza? whitehouse, gid workers, hospitals, time ethics and ambulances shouldn't be predicted under international humanitarian law. this is not the case. and gaza is intentionally targeting my colleagues. i would panama this, our health care workers and even or hospitals. and unfortunately, the international community is just continued to be signed. and in the face of all these were crimes that as well as commented against the health system in gaza. and our critics who are just the trained to continue implementing their human need to be enrolled and helping the people who are in need. but also in the west bank, the international red cross as like choose israel of blocking access to patients during a 30 hour long raid in janine city. at least the
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h l. us citizens were killed there during the idea of operation. it's reported as since the 7th of october, the number of fatalities in the west bank noticed it's a 283 people. the guy spoke to my good sources and you as about to know if he shows the refund as well as the people there who are and you can have it, you can and you can use to be on the phone and you close that and we are also targeted by the idea of pricing. as i said, this is a residential operation. it's like what's going also got you and your value and guys, all that is brought to that is the $911.00. but those are significant about those are and the last and destroyed the streets,
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the infrastructure. they disconnect the electricity, the water to the telephone line, so that it's time it. and they make it usable for cars even affordable to a site because they can choose those roads to go inside. you can pull up programs and the, i think this is probably the use of that, the role and still if i haven't decided to from the air, if i get it human about a senior as the pips or against houses in janine and that wasn't through safari, yeah, all the time, the people inside the cab hear the sound of those besides bin bag explosions that destroyed houses and they're getting smaller students inside that you mean reduced them. so they said that is what any moves about buckling guys as a suitable virginia with the discount, but did union city which is surrounded by a ministry closure and the people to kind of go in and out. and the, the hundreds of idea of the quote in an old product to investigate or to the bus, the 3 bears in the lot just to scale operation front hasn't
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done anything to protect the people, operate keno fast. so is a direct documentation made by the secretary general of the bertina, russia coalition, in an exclusive interview to warranty new system for laid out what's ahead for the west african nation and how relations with moscow are deepening. are you ready to the slots here to is okay, and if i will say that we're proud today of the fact that we're can always use have understood that we need a great nation like russia along cyber cannot fast so to move forward to develop our country and you are without knowing that it's gone and i can say 60 percent of brick cannot be used, are calling for russia. but it was we who initially began to demand russia today. many have understood. so our satisfaction is that today everyone recognizes the greatness of russia. russia is a great nation. russia is a power that can help us on all levels to develop in a truck or business country. so our satisfaction comes from the fact that many,
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many have understood that with russia, we'll get to this. already, we're satisfied because in less than a year there are children's russia alongside the root canal bus or it is. we see that if this cooperation will less at least 5 years brick and if possible, get towards problems, you will see that the present captain, you bring him to or you ask freshman, present, believe me or put them to help him built in nuclear power plant and bringing up fossil, which will produce electricity for a country, and that's already an advantage. it's already really promising by the tv leslie to the, to the support of the supporters of the terrace. know each other. it is the west and front. emily, i say, i reaffirm it, i'm ready to take responsibility. there you go. it's frost that supports the terrace. this is why we asked to cancel all military agreements with funds and today were satisfied with the results on the ground. well, if it weren't for that, maybe we'll even lose breaking up. also. we're getting it. fossil was even on the verge of disappearing here through the bad side of the front, which is our partner,
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a part that recording to them a privilege partner. we're kind of fossil has been under tech for more than 7 years front, which calls itself a great power has done nothing to protect these poor innocent people were always massacred by their mercenaries. so it is cross which is behind the stairs, and their interests are to wonderful lies our wealth and property. the news in news, so the money to lessen its rubbish and lousy its manipulative. these people are in the service of this imperialists are the ones who make our situation worse. they're the ones who plan all the attacks for the terrors. so their presence on our land should really be denounced. and i don't see why they're still here talking about the peacekeepers and all this for an arm is that on our land, they're no longer have a place here. we just want them to go home. well managed our problems, the african way. it's the mission of maintaining disorder, but not the piece. you saw that one, the blue helmet soldiers move from to adults, the mailing army, we took it all. i tell you that this is the peacekeeping forces that when all the
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texts for the service, they themselves are the tears you in is manipulated instrument twice. these are the instruments of great power, and they're the ones leading the world into this mess. so that you, one is not an independent institution. if that were the case we would not experience with experiencing today. we're moving to southern africa and bob way, where a significant discovery of natural gas has been made. the gas field is located not far from the border with mozambique, is in baldwin government's a nonce, the finding alongside the australian base. invictus energy for hi wright is calling a quote, one of the regions. most significant developments in the will ensure an oil and gas sector. whoever notes, all locals are happy, local journalists keep baptist takes up the story. a landmark discovery that could be rides and bob was energy, landscape inventors,
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oil and gas exploration company has gone from the presence of natural gas instead of buying an area located in the cub. bought a bus, a base and not the east of zimbabwe. this significant development is ignited the hopes for energy independence, economic growth, and job creation in the country. the discovery was made that the career to well following drilling activities that started in september 2023. we spoke to the managing director of the firm, contracts it but doesn't but government to undertake this project. and this is what he had to say. that we should get it from an exception point of view. more importantly, the guys will, is the capacitors in the beginning, sufficient to me not to be of
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a sufficient visit and probably be in ethics for task image. so this is good to go for the probably is me leaving you to be the best entity. so that we have enough results to feed is about we also feed the rest of the way a very clear that the bessie is more costly than what we already have with with the guys. oh boy, the coming months of the crucial and did the mining the to impact of this much mentos discovery with careful planning and execution. zimbabwe has the opportunity
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to do hon. is this new found desk wealth to achieve energy security, economic prosperity, and a bright, a few to avoid citizens for our t not id chief baptists, or christmas new year celebrations, may fonts be approaching, but the season will be marked once more by julian, the sons. in a british prison cell, next to enter a short documentary, but 1st full, we would come his story on a modern day quest for transporting say, this is lawrence the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian states. never had started as one of the most sense key and the best
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sense of the progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the r t supposed met, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the said, this is steve and twist, which is the you for your partner. and leadership depends tenacity in journalism and publishing. 2010 asylum just being held in progressively narrow
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a dock cold and cooler spaces has been since the 7th of december 2010 and one form or another. and we have now here of videos often present. where does the system fall down that the foundation, corruption being something that means it was fixed when have is kind of in the warm and slow on effect am would reduce equity in society or people would be less for the


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