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tv   Inland Visions  RT  December 15, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EST

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so we can round this thing through without you, if you don't agree with that. and so that's exactly what we're bonded. now sources are saying that this is all a bit of political theater that was worked out in advance, suggesting that it satisfied everyone involved. so what did the you get out of it? well, it's engagement to ukraine for one, but why did or bon get? well, go figure that on the very eve of the summit by some strange coincidence, surely part of the 10s of billions of yours and cash. the b u had promised to hungry, but was withholding under the pretext that hungry had some rule of law reforms of its own to do just happen to be partially unblocked after 0 assessments and several exchanges with gary and government. the commission considered as the congress has taken the measures and committed to take this means part of the confusion policy funding would no longer be blocked and therefore hungry may start claiming reimbursements of up to around 10200000000 zeros. overall,
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the funding that remains low to hungry most around 21000000000. what a great example to set for ukraine of how not to be correct a few 1000000000 just a pop out of the room for a few minutes. get this, not bribery. if you do it in front of everyone's maybe or bon figures that he can still go on records for at least not voting for this move before this meeting or bon had been consistently pointing out that even the european council's own report card for ukraine issued just last month specified that of the 7 explicit free conditions for even entertaining the thought of opening negotiations on the question of membership for ukraine. it only met 4 of them. teams lewinski had been making noise in the lead up to this you meeting, saying that your brain had posed for filled every obligation, but or bon was giving phone bostic side i to that particular claim. the use of the report card issue just last months. it up,
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you frames all of that problem and it's corruption problem. obviously not the kind of things that can just be squared away in a month. doesn't exactly stream quality work. so what did zalinski focus on instead, and his appeal to the world, he addressed this meeting of european leaders on thursday and said, quote that people in the europe will not understand if pretends satisfied. smile becomes the reward for the outcome of this meeting in brussels. in the case of you frame not getting what was it all just sounds like the foundation for i have wonderful, totally not toxic relationships. and while ukraine tries to join the european union, some rather unruly behavior may hinder its attendance. for example, police say that a lawmaker in a small western town and ukraine ended the local debate session by blowing up some grenades, wounding more than 2000 scares me. 2000 people. i should say. i'll show you a give you a warning ahead because some disturbing images coming away right now the
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yeah. already. so $26.00 people suffered injuries including the man believe to of blowing up the 3 grenades. these reportedly in critical condition. ukrainian meteor say the lawmakers were debating about next year's budget funding when the guy blew up those grenay of students are robbing of the streets of cherise capital that protesting against the upcoming constitution overfull. the, the, the initiative of him, the national development. by placing too much emphasis on individual wealth and restricting free educational services, dr. places and that board accountants and then come to disperse. so testers, sporadic classes, as we understand that breakout between authorities and that story continues right
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now would all come rule. so across rumble. odyssey a kilogram, lots of places for you to get your latest up to the minute information from oxy international for the meantime, we all boxed the the sometimes it is impossible to behold nature and not just be mesmerized by the beauty that our world has to offer. and share with water falls glaciers and rougher
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steam duty around every corner. this feeling is ever present. this is the republic of the city of elani. the, according to scientists, north of syria, is a unique place where all kinds of dangers of geological processes can be examined. earthquakes, mud and rocks, lights, the geologist, ego invest, coff has been observing them for decades. and he's got some interesting insights to share the,
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so this is stunningly beautiful, but what makes it so that essentially a gives you the right opportunities to, i guess, study the dangers of geological world. i mean, i guess what i'm asking is, why is it such as so dangerous a process space mountains are dangerous because they're constantly growing. i know they continually accumulate potential energy on the 1st of that energy policy, but the foster that destroyed. but this destruction isn't uniform. in some places, it's a continuous process or with small, robust pulling off all the time out there in other places. laundry rocks come loose, and the course of the beauty and danger of mountainous terrains, applying the constant evolution grows and look up for this endless accumulation of potential energy within these huge rock messes. i had the fonts, do they grow the foster that destroyed? so rock slides are common here and i said yeah,
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but they're also coming in the congress has in general uh, what causes them a boiler people things it looks like the coolest by rain full. but in fact the coolest by the growth of the mountain structures. i mentioned yup. and secondary by surface erosion that happens as due to the wind, sun temperature and water freezing between fractures and crags. i hear from this to so the scale of rock full scale can be very different. i don't, however, the launch is rock slides because well, i'm not sure what it strings and image is being waged on the accumulated stress. well, that's when the biggest rock slides happen. we know that the rock slides can provoke glacier to fall and break off. we know 20 years ago this happened. and because devastation beyond belief, we still don't know how many people were killed. cam grounds were destroyed, communications destroyed. so why is that? what causes that? a yellow w. c, with all the coal good is austin and again,
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alden river valley and people here, well unaware of such processes, even though several incidents have been reported in other countries by them at the most infamous, what's the, what's gone and debris? i have a launch which occurred in 1962 and again in 1970, it was kind of getting 18000 people in the early the, in the town of young gay settlement in the case of the coca disaster, the total ice rock and every flo forgive with 150000000 cubic meters, and the energy of that ice in rock slide was calculated for the very 1st time. well, it was estimated at around 3 mega tons. if it was huge enough to similar rock slides happened in other places to go totally in peru, which has already seen 3 or 4 that were recorded. we'll see one of the major rock slides in the laser bro, big rock slides and keep happening across the world all the time. we do a bit them, but again, people are in the dark about this before. the coal, cogan, owls,
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and disaster junior. it was how many offer they studied this rock slide that they learned what it was all about. so with this month's lives can be very devastating, in fact to some of the most devastating of the geological catastrophes that can happen. some of the ways that come through are up to 25 meters. what causes them? why are they so devastating? but even a much low is a mass movement overall can soil and the me stick with 5 by the addition of water oral move on to water carrying the wrong console near what the there is. one important fact to, however, more than both rock and soil can be in the form ascend or even find a punch, it goes to the board. it can be in the form of big boat is even huge on this. and then it all starts with the form of these boulders, not with the movement to watch. i mean, for example, you can see the steep monthly cods and that's the scully's on the slopes of the mountains going causes moreno's,
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which are accumulations of answered the 5 debris which drop down the slopes since the slope, so steep with a gradient exceeding 60, going up to 90 degrees over some mass falls quickly and sometimes as it falls, it get some makes with water and continues to full as it liquefied mass video as it happens as much slo caught slight these are phones were that literally made by huge mass of roll can debris coming down from the time it is and this movement produces a lot of energy, right. so i guess the density of the rope mixed up can be up to 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter. because while the density of water is one gram but cubic centimeter and the right to see the reality of, in other words, we want to alone con, do any of this stuff or one a month flow can deal with it comes to the ground, there moves a load overall can soil is also much low as common single waves, a wave packets, the strongly stable on each wave light that is called
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a solid ton. once a wave like this reaches a flat to area. it's us losing speed and that's in this cross sectional area, increases a score and so the entire way slows down until the solid material comes to rest. beyond that point, you only want to continues to run a solution, although often water is still kind of raise. roll, been soil in the form of fine particles don't material, then it can create a new much flow. you were a continuation of the 1st one. so we know that when assumed, i mean strikes just before that happens, all of the water receives into the ocean and then we know that as an army is coming, is there any indication that a mudslide is immediately going to happen? is there any little for to people can know to look out for a motor as doing it to man. but so now me is usually caused by a size make shock. it can also be caused by massive landslide into want to, which also translates to a gravitational short wave month flows on the other hand,
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to move stones all pretty quietly. and so they don't have any key signs to help us see them coming. there's nothing we can do to prevent them from happening either. the only thing we can do is to stay out of the way and never try and change the cause. instead, we should let them fall, the pa, this, they've broken like these gullies here. let them be, stay away from them. what about earthquakes? i would assume that this area is pretty jill logically active. and there hasn't been a severe earthquakes here in the past 100 years is essentially ready for the next one. it's bound to happen at some point right for, and you might see things that have been quakes in the caucasus and there will be more in the future really because of this mountain. rage keeps evolving. the geological points of stress keeps shifting. so tensions increase or decrease here in the end, it's pretty difficult to identify whether tensions are increasing the,
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although it's not entirely impossible to do that. what we can do in terms of prevention is, is make sure that all the buildings here, a capable of withstanding as quakes because we all are right now in an area with a squeaks up to a magnitude 9 can potentially occur here. but i do so all the buildings and facilities have to be designed to withstand such powerful quakes. the we are in the legendary protected area, the very name of which sounds like it's from an epic alternative miss. the
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mountains of the gloria is a true reserve of material and spiritual culture as well as a natural wonders alumnus and bay of has been working here most of his life the . this is a fascinating place. now i understand that this is a list which is actually named after a woman who is believed to have saved the entire one year people. can you tell me more about that legend, company like 13 to 14 century during the tell us that won't go to invasion. the island suffered a crushing defeat. there was no way to run. an old man were killed and there was blood and death everywhere. some children will funds and the young woman took it upon himself to gather these children. when night fell on the land, she left the children over the mountains and through the forest following the north crossing until they reached
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a cave. and is that last valley where they could find shelter and 0? so he is fighting hungering cold. she sustained them on the hubs and berries for several days. then they went out of the villages, that list and the families that welcomed and adopted the children when they reached finally taking in as many as they could. by the time of her pulsing, the children had grown up and married. and she was buried in is that less good, great. on that. today, she is considered a hero among these set and people. so this place is often called the sun valley because it's in the sun adults. tell me more about that so much. this is sun valley, literally because they were more sunny days here in the other valley is a b, d gold gold. a couple of years there was also less rain full hair con. spring begins 2 weeks on the full ends, 2 weeks later on that. so that's why it's cool, the sun valley, the
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tension is interesting to me. that springs sometimes grows, even individual trees have been worshiped. why is that the population? it grew in the 14th century when people with forced to flee to the mountains because of the talk to them on goals. it was a hard life with little land over as little says that it was the home is when me good last thing on the 2 months. and they had nowhere else to go. the people had nothing to for you to the children. so they had to find places to get grain was the started with, they raised capital survive, but the capital is often stolen. as a result, they quickly improve the skills in animal husbandry and crop farming out of sheer necessity. the did to preserve a natural result as they chose areas unsuitables agriculture as the places of
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worship. and so they prayed that one thing. yeah. and so i know trees have been worshiped across generations and across different cultures. what about waterfalls? there's so many here in a sense, you do you watch them, but sure it's what you're so many, lots of holes in the sense, you know, i think there are about 35 huge ones and many smaller ones. very well, for example, in a lonnie, a national park there at 19 water falls. but if we count, the rapids are smaller rivers and streams of mineral springs and so on are about 18 or part of carlos valuable about these water fullest. but it's large and small is that they not only provide fuel or drinking water, but also i know is the part of ok. the 19th century people from the lowlands, especially those suffering from tuberculosis, came here and spent the summer near waterfalls and mounting rivers. pines also bats . i noises the trees, not only do they produce oxygen, but they are
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a nice and show. so that's it. the
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waterfalls are truly matrons, artful masterpiece. they're more than 50 of them here, but at least the coin of studies of glaciers. so high mountain lakes and waterfalls, the so if we get right into it wire, there's so many waterfalls here in the center. google. nobody else was most of that . so we can say we just go to lucky. the waterfall is something out of the ordinary . so many waterfalls to be formed, the landscape needs to be very diverse. we're lucky to have a variety of landscapes here. i said to you is that the center of the clock is it's geographically. landscape is extremely diverse. in a sense yeah, we have both small, a lot of holes in limestone rocks like this one here on the cuts it and river and very high waterfalls that come from lacy. as the water only flows, the air and some of the phrases in the winter. there are so many landscape forms in a cynthia will thoughts, cliffs stops and benches,
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and hence so many waterfalls. so landscape diversity is the most important factor in this regard. now, mentioned glaciers, glaciers are everywhere in a city in the mountains. but in terms of waterfalls, they don't just form every where. why do they form in certain places and not another vehicle? that's true. we do have a lot of places, but not all of them give this to was the full scope of the product that you need. a particular type of landscape for a waterfall to be formed. a form of a cliff is needed with a very steep rock face, so that the water falls thickly over the precipice. to focus on this type of landscape can be found at the mid degree pinsky waterfalls, for example, very popular to its destination. and i'll send you the list is more often formed on the low gradients, smooth slopes over the airport. if there's a slight bike that lazy it will melton gradually turn into a river. well, if there's no steep cliff, they'll be in a waterfall. so to answer your question, not a little gracie is, can stop water falls,
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you need specific landscape conditions for that. how long does it take for a waterfall to form for it? so that is in fact a very ambiguous question on such a lot of holes are all different and that can be different starting points for that formation. for example, if we know the facts with mountains are needed to begin with, we could assume that there's a glass here, and it needs to literally just a few days to start melting for that waterfall to appear for good rain, filling the canyon of the water for the past, but if we consider things more broadly on a larger scale, it sometimes takes decades or centuries full waterfalls to form a fast that the rain must be formed. then the necessary climate and then either iglesia or, or a river bed will appear, which will wash away the destroying it and creating an opening from which the water can flow. so yes, in fact, the formation of water polls can take hundreds of years. so it all depends on where and how it's formed from iglesia before just the river. so it seems to me this
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water is coming down at a tremendous force and even the bigger waterfall with the greater heights even more . so what does this do to the landscape? does it break the rocks as it moves stuff? the switching over the data multiples do eventually destroy themselves. they self destruct during the lifetime. but of course that doesn't happen instantly. there is such a thing as water erosion, water, they can literally grind absolutely any rock. and by looking at this waterfall, you can see how the water has made the surface of the rock very smooth. over the decades. of course, it will take more than a 100 years before the water finally drains off the ledge and tons from a waterfall into an ordinary water slide. when a stream it will simply flo rapidly down the slope. so yes, waterfall is destroy themselves, but this happens over an extremely long period of time. so the process cannot be detected the,
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the, the, this might seem like a strange question, but we've all seen the images of beautiful frozen waterfall, where the water freezes in almost freezes, a waterfall in place for some don't. what are some waterfalls actually freeze over? and some just dry up for free on the condition of a waterfall in winter primarily depends on its type. for example, it starts from iglesia, then of course the water stops melting in winter. at some 0 temperatures. some water polls might still have a very thin trickle floating down which gradually freezes and turns into a beautiful and large mass of ice. but if we're talking about water falls formed from rivers like this one was everything depends on precipitation. if this
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precipitation that melts the ice, it will continue to flow, but the amount of water will decrease, of course. but if a spring dries up for the winter will freeze is of the ground, then the waterfall will also cease to exist during the winter. of course, in one countries with tropical or sub tropical climates, multiple flow continuously portfolio round. here in a set, you almost old water folds i the freeze will simply dry up during the winter. now climate for may seem to be an important role for waterfall. for example, in africa, victoria falls because of the drought there have dried up on occasion. but here it seems to me my duty officer because of the glaciers climate change and global warming would cause more melting, which would make these waterfalls even stronger. is that the case of, of cause global warming affects the planet to climate and will most likely affect waterfalls as well. especially those that begin with places. because the higher the
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temperature, the more ice melts and the more affiliated will flow. however, for example, with a lot of holes in a cynthia to go 2 or 3 times, why doesn't they on now? the temperature would have to ride a lot say by 10 degrees celsius. and this would have very serious consequences. not only for water force. so yes, they will become slightly larger as the climate woman's, but most likely it will be a subtle increase in the coming years. now. the group tlc, had some advice, don't go chasing waterfalls. but for me, maybe for a different reason. and they were thinking of that can be dangerous, right? yes, of course waterfalls. very beautiful. people always tend to approach them and refresh themselves under the spray. like we must always remember that nature can be very dangerous, especially in the mountains on this. so for example, the caucasus mountains are considered to be growing and plus again, to get back to one of your previous questions, waterfalls eventually destroyed themselves. water grinds the rock and may not do it
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smoothly. it can shape office, most of which falls from a great height and can easily kill a person when folding from a height of a 100 to 200 meters. even a small stone will gain sufficient speed. the goal is very serious injury law for them. so when approaching waterfalls, you must always remember about safety, about your personal health, and keep a safe distance away. but there are also harmless waterfalls like this one. because we clearly see here that there are no particularly lounge protruding stun was that good for. but of course, it's always better to keep a safe distance from such things. ended my of the beauty from a little to the side. good advice. that is a view and it isn't. thank you very much, appreciate it. thank you. the,
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the the release of the russian states. never as one of the most sense, the dfcs. nothing was all sun set up, the speed, the one else calls question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians today, s r t. suppose that keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the tv service was for question. did you say they requested
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the oh, what i would show seemed wrong. just don't safe house because the application and engagement includes the trail. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground. the a genocidal assault on gaza has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics. the united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the complex. cuz also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world,
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criticizing israel and zine or folks has become essentially the criminal act the, [000:00:00;00] the federal palestinians and gods are reportedly killed in the latest as really strikes on the south of the unclaimed is brittany of the desk told in the lead 19000 people since the volta again 2 months ago. and while children are particularly affected by the fighting, a palestinian organization is providing them with much needed psychological assistance. it showed that on male,
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in building 20 percent of the balance were rigdon broken and disgusting at the


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