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tv   Documentary  RT  December 15, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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i'm just doing a posting, it's also an older, as i say, i'm, we talking, you know, they, they pull just over a 1000 voters, but some, a percentage of those cost a votes, a nice day, you too much, that you no longer reside now, according to the american election, all this constitutes a vote of fraud, and it's worth again, just to remind rory that back in 2020 a bind info to was twice as likely to use a postal waiting system. as a trumpeter, i've seen the video footage. i've seen it going back years now people stopping these ballot boxes con, get into it right now, but talk to us about the implications for the election next year. what a cool says poll a cost a great deal of dial to it with the credit. but let's see of this fragile us election system. now of course, this isn't the 1st time that the elections are being contested. you can cost online, but 2 decades ago when the democrat, our goal was that allegedly cheated out of the vote, which was then given to george w bush who then became president. but each year,
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having each electro sancho, these on target isms have become more and more heat. and of course for the 2020 elections we saw the capitol hill right. so now who knows what we're going to say in in 2024. now we're seeing a us president joe biden, who is community facing impeachment charges, who is deemed by his opponents to be one of the most most corrupt presidents in us history. and he could be running off against donald trump, who himself may, for us, could run his presidential campaign from behind. j. obasi coming to me in finance, bringing a pile of guest legal on to be down a loan, as well as talk, show host steve mazda of gentlemen. thank you so much for joining me there. today you saw the topic. what we thought was about what to do about male for the 1st of all, off of the boss, a 1000 people, well polled line. i'll go to you 1st is not really a,
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a good number of people to poll for a 1000 people just to get some results. well, historically, whenever you take a nationwide poll, you do not need a large and or large sample. you have to look at the, the minimum amount of individuals in order for it to be statistically significant. but here's my question. how many of these people did they find who are basically admitting a 1000 be 20 percent admitted that they had that they were involved with some kind of shenanigans? and here's the question, gentlemen, it's not whether you, you went to a different state or voted elsewhere. the question is, why did you do this? did these people individually for some particular reason on their own? so was find they decide to do this or was this a part of a bigger scheme that either a them controlled them or perhaps suggested that they do this? that's what i wanted. what did things they did they never could. jones in the woods, do you think they were given an extra $10.00 in the saving soon? so to do this?
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well, 8 percent in the same poll said that they were, they did receive some kind of gratification or payment to vote. i don't think i don't i, it's unclear to me. i don't think these are the ones who said i cheated because i was paid nonetheless. i think why them, it's a great point at the beginning there if, if you have 20 percent admitting that they broke the law. uh then imagine how many did not admit that they broke the law book in this country. it's become a stablished fact just like we changed definitions of words, races of marriage, male female. it's become established fact that there is no significant vote abroad period. the in the a p did a study, i think in 2000 in 2121. and they found $400.00 cases nationwide. 400 of voted, fraud in the 2020 election. i mean,
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which is just ridiculous. i've heard left wing pundits over and over and over. say there is no vote of fraud. how could any body say anything like that? in fact, a judge in connecticut just over turned the primary from september because there were pictures, videos of people stopping the street that would drop off with ballots. so there is voter fraud and it is a problem. no, i line ok. so there is about a fluid i had a guess earlier, a fullness that as a rigid back. he said, the problem is that people couldn't vote without actually giving some form of identification is that you just will kind of go, you know, i can votes here one day and then you know, half an hour ready to go to another boat to boat and boat again, is that how it works? of it's been done. i'm here in new york city and had i not volunteered myself to provide identification. i don't know if anybody would have asked me. well, as
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a gentleman, there's something also which is important inherent in our history. since the expression vote or the vote often since sam g and kinda and the mafia were supposedly involved in the chicago election since lyndon johnson in 1948 since the dimpled and hanging of pregnant chad in 2000. our system has been a joke. and in other countries, whenever there is an election, they have the result of the half an hour. we have to wait days or weeks, we had, then you've seen this philadelphia where they covered up the ability for inspectors or people to see what's going on there. there's documentary after documentary of, of actual balance, either being lost or set on fire. so the thing is, they, nobody's interested, we've been to court a 1000000 times and gentlemen that the individual of the lawyers who broad cases on behalf of president trump, after level of di did what kind of an incentive is that for somebody to get to the bottom of this bond to stave, uh, you know, we hear a lot about, uh,
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we had a lot of main see media whether you're pulling c n, n a i a flying in a jo bite is applied to way of one of the following fox news. yeah. and put a lot of independent news people out there now on, on rumble on youtube like tucker calls and, you know, alex jones, for example. these, that voice is already heard as much all even reported on. is that the way because that's the way mainstream media goes. it doesn't allow anyone like yourselves that go have your social media towels to really say what you really feel is do that the news is changing state or? oh, absolutely look it they like when i say that they say that there is no voting for it. it's the media, they will preface a story. they will preface a story on the, on of, on an election being challenged and claims the voter fraud by saying there's no evidence of, of widespread voter fraud in this country. it's been established. it's that it's
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a fact and that's how they operate. well, you know what, how crazy this all is. if you request, if you pass a law in the state for but that voters have to show id the same id, they would have to show to get a driver's license. the same one, they would have to show it a social security office or, or um at a bank, if you make them show it to both it's racist because they say some blacks can't get those ideas and blacks when they do poll, say what the hell you're talking about, pardon my language, i mean it's the left to go to any lengths to make it more than easy. let's just say to vote and it and the media turns a blind eye to it all. they participate in it. no, i know, i don't understand. i mean, just about every country i've lived there other than a few of you have to have id when you're walking around even can you, you know,
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i called because i live in 30 or to the care for 20 is in england for 20 is i'm hand right now, i'm russia. i even will who i why possible. i mean just just in case how can you not have i d, i mean, is it illegal to not have identification and you can't get in anywhere with that. look, this is actually a magic. let me go back to a couple of things the united states, actually, we used to go on and monitor elections. i think that if again is laquisa would monitor electrons and other countries. there were countries where people would put their finger in purple ink and it was on the level. gentlemen, i don't know about you, but i'm voting constantly on on which has the best pizza. i'm filling our course. oh, do you have the code? is it to have one person assigned a number? when that number is used in any capacity, it's no more. nobody cares. we're in the enter the movie and this, this,
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this an arc. i don't know what this word is, but here's the best part. and let me just leave you gentleman with this. maybe not leave this early. the republican knowing knowing that this is happening or mentioning nothing about this, nobody is saying this year we're ready with teams of lawyers and oh watchers. it's going to happen again. half of the reason because most people are acclimated into a way to, to what you're saying. well, that's the way it is. what are you going to do? and when that happens, you can forget all the media when the public expects it to happen, it doesn't react negatively. that's the problem as well. i know done the was just, yeah was of a few minutes. that's now i'll, i'll just tell you briefly now when i, when i had to vote into the they, they would drop a black ink on my mail. and i wouldn't, and that would, that would not disappear until that nail grew out. but that's the only way that we could vote by and so he's a as old as like getting your hospitality. but steve,
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if i may, um, you know, like i said that we, we do have the, the, the, the election either the cycles, a guide, and now we see trumpet in iowa, sod thing to, to, to fling abuse i. but i buy them cooling, the most corrupt president in american history. i mean, come and take these claims seriously, or is this just, you know, they're on the part, they're on the road. they just bide mile. they, they're going to be bad, mouthing each other between now and election day. oh, well yeah, i mean, that started a while ago. i mean by that is been bad mouthing trump and mag of people in one breath. and in the next breath he says, we have to all come together. uh huh. uh, yeah, trump is on the war path and these, these targeting bite. and because he's confident that he is going to be the nominee . and he that he hasn't appeared at any of the republican debates. there's one more
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coming up in iowa. i doubt that he'll be at that one. so he's going after he's assuming he's the nominees acting like the nominate. and he's going after. um, he's going after joe by and let me just say this and kind of bring it back just for a 2nd to the to, to the fraud. you know, eric hold of bob obama's former attorney general. i ran a quote from him that on his way out the door said there is no vote or fraud. what we have to understand is that the media and the left in this country called donald trump, every name and the book accused him of everything. a nazi, a dictator of joe scarborough and m as nbc former republican congressman said if trump selected again, he's going to execute his enemies. i mean they know no shame. so in their minds anything is justifiable, shooting on elections is justifiable. they'll do what it takes to stop the truck, and that's very dangerous. and again,
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the media i believe feels the same way. and when you have that, you know that complacency all around it, it's inevitable that you're going to see what we're seeing. yeah, line. and we don't have so much these days about america being the lee or the leader of america, being the leader of the free will do it here. that sentence a bunch of these, i know, but alright, let's move on line. know, i mean, i'll see a question, how divided our policy is unable to example. republicans, are they, are they divided that they have pro donald trump? i'm pro somebody else or i, i'm with the democrats. do you have pro by the, i'm pro somebody else, is it other party is divided, or are they 100 percent behind their mind? i will say that, but as far as the republicans go, they are fractious. they are skits of frantic skin sword. democrats are 100 percent in unison. they are in lock step,
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whatever they are told to do. they do it and the illuminati i deal with, but not the, the, the con you are showing the, the, the hollywood types are meeting and raising aliens and millions for the a sensible candidate, joe, i think it's gonna be gavin newsom. but that's me. but what you're seeing right now is they are in lock step. and when they say vote, they vote republicans, you know what they're talking about right now about just facts. just fighting between nikki haley or vic, remish swami and they're talking about this ridiculous comments about whether there's plagiarism on harvard campuses or transact lead fringe issues. i'm sorry to say media and fun, but issues that have nothing to do with the rank and file folder. so as far as i'm concerned, the, the, the republicans are skipped so effective and they're going to lose again because i'm telling you, let me just leave you this. if i catch you, i'm leaving here again or you leave. yeah. we just got a line. no. but we're right,
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if gavin newsom comes in and has an even more let not him personally, but let, let's assume there was an even more obviously corrupt and, and violated been violating election told when their right mind is going to bring up this, what lawyer was going to risk his license or his practice to bring this up again, the message has been called told if you're in election deny, or you're through, look at rudy giuliani. look at what you're doing to him. look at sydney, paul. look at john ellis. look at others. right, wrong or indifferent, there was a time in this country when lawyers could be effective in to an in jealousy representing their, their clients. today you will have, you will be branded this bard dismembered discombobulated and for ever just a band and you'll be on to kind of get rid of g o l. but so you have all of these back and nothing. i've said again, nothing is in line to, to prepare the country for another election word this to happen again,
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word this extensible fraud, to be, to be evident who is doing anything to cover it up. i don't or i was that it was that about a minute left of steve. same question to you. i or give a reaction to lie don't if you like. yeah, well i got the as far as the candidates go. um i most democrats don't want joe biden to be the nominees. having said that, when you put a head to head with trump invite and you know, a lot of them do both provide, but trump wins by about 4 points. nikki haley, the former governor and former you in the us invested to the united nations when she's head to head against joe biden. she beat spite by 14 points. so it's crazy, but again, i think trump will be the nominate. i don't think buying. i agree with live. oh, i don't know if it's going to be gavin newsome or michelle obama. something's gonna happen. he'll drop out before they'll drop out at the convention. something's got to something weird is going to happen. and i believe brock obama is pulling the
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strings from the, from a distance and telling everybody what to do rather interesting. i had a pleasure, gentlemen, what a gray on us, how have you both of the same time. thank you so much for joining me. legal to me like i would a lot as well as talk show host steve. most of the advisors again gentlemen, thank you. so i say man is it's a sign, a defense cooperation agreement with the us station american troops. i don't weapon me and then know that country which board is wash and now the signing is scheduled to take place in a washington on monday. housing is defensive is it says that now and then would be defending itself. i'm not of the agreement demonstrates us commitment to fiddle and security and creates conditions for cooperation in a crisis. situation in the future of finland will not defend itself alone, but as a native member and together with the united states but kind of raise by that. so defensive way man would enable the states to co operate in all the security aspects
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with a document in laws. the based on the nate says status of forces agreement. now it regulates the movement of trips, the station, the of equipment, as well as pack station. moreover, it enables the u. s. the congressional funding for investments in finland. we spoke with finish. unless you guys put it in, he believes that the agreement was full supplement, mainland, and it endangers the people of that country. the 1st of all, this is against a was doing what the finish was. we have learned in our history from, from the actions of the western powers. this is the, is like a going to operation barbara's a 2.0. this is implementing a search kind of phone disease which though history books called warning, not to do again. first of all, this is doing without any democratic prose is there is no referendums. there is no
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parliament already discussions each be dated. steps to words. are me very dangerously against russia and what we can expect from, from the united states. we just look a shame because it today that, that the, all the crazies back stuff would do their bones of and in their situation. and of course, usa, we will not do the fighting, the fight to the last screen, each person and every reasonable people in finland understands just great threats which is closing off to russian border and giving possibility to place a very dangerous use weapon systems. next to the urgent interest of russia. so, so we see a very green situation and unfortunately, it seems like that the politicians in freelance haven't learned anything from the history of partner. so any court has binders. the media from reporting
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about the close door twilio ousted prime is a wrong con, excuse of disclosing a secret diplomatic caleb con. good faith, a lengthy prison sentence. it's the same. and in question was a diploma in cable between senior progress on the and us officials con has said it's evidence of a conspiracy to topple his government. he was ousted by parliament and a vote of no confidence. last year of the he visited moscow's improve, tries in russia and practiced on the part of the point to the success of who was known for being a couple to west and policies has denied wrong doing. his lawyer says the case was fabricated to prevent him from running for re election. and i think the pursuit and use is the basically the new carefully of everything that the gold is acting like. and like it came to the court. the court
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has especially been designed to declare a conviction against serrano and this and this even the basic sites, the basic requirements. so to open and try it out of being denied. i'm used to see that to me is being tired in a very small role. there are no body ok then his family, some of his family members, but i found the sisters out loud and very few lawyers on his be off of are allowed in the ready to be off the dentist that are what proceedings are being the underway, one, but the good there's the just says that you would have gone through the ball, the proceedings on the media. and now the media has all calls will be there from the open already is uh, even if somebody from uh who was part of the facilities we've been in the jail of of the board which is hired in legit if you force it to be outside of the,
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do you a media has been directed by the court and not through the board that, you know, even the social media reporting is not. uh, they're trying to, uh, uh, uh, just of the facilities and connect amount of time without any legal but, but, but his unity is, they are just trying to make sure that he is biased for a split of his boss. he's punished for is a, is use about the war is, but is the start asked about the international politics and the independent thoughts? the more than a dozen members of the british paul and then a spoken out a getting supply weapons to is that they said that if the u. k continues to deliver almost to the idea of a could be complicit in world crimes against civilians in gauze. all to correspondent say those people, it's israel's punitive operation against guys a grinds on with so many civilians getting killed. it's harder and harder for
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benjamin netanyahu government to maintain international support. even a strong ally like the u. k. is starting to feel the pressure from within its own parliament, british and peace, or demonic to know whether their country is also responsible for the civilian dental. in the debate on the sale of arms to israel, i said that we have to recognize that if we in any way 8 or provide support to a state perpetrating more crimes, we become complicit in those war crimes. if we facilitate the provision of weapons to israel by americans flying from the acro terry base, that is simply unacceptable. and we are complicit. not only does the republic of cyprus have the right to know what is happening in the southern british base, but so to the citizens of the united kingdom, we need to know that there is no complicity here. should we not be able to expect more of companies in the u. k, and that they will not be like a moral drug dealers on the corner selling to whoever we never, regardless of the consequences. we expect the companies that live among us in the u . k. not to be funding or aiding and abetting death in gaza as is happening at the
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moment. and according to human rights organizations, the u. k is explored almost half a 1000000000 pounds worth of weapons to is with since 2015, including components for bombers, nissan of tanks. and i munition few k provides approximately 15 percent of the components for the f 35. stealth fighter. currently being used to bomb the civilian population of gaza. the u. k. research being completed in and facilitating serious violations of international humanitarian law. if it fails to hold arms exports to ease real immediately. while in reality, it's likely that the british government is noted breach of its own laws on the transfer of weapons to israel cord to k legislation demands. that weapons transfers must be halted in the event that they may be used to carry out war crimes, but billions worth of u. k. weapons have been used in the m and on israel to pack and civilians with absolutely no consequences for the profitable ads industry. that's applies to you. imagine that given the u. k. central role of the creation of the user id say that
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it would take its responsibilities in the region more seriously. well, you'd be wrong. u. k has remained completely silent and calls for seas for even when those calls come from the get knighted nations. the responsibility on the u. k . is higher considering the historical legacy of the you can the area. the yuki doesn't seem to be active on this agenda. so just compliance with international law, it is about time there is a paradigm change towards the question of palestine. well, it's almost a 107 years since brittany infamous ball for declaration license the birth of this item is really stayed in palestine inside the rather than being central to efforts to foster peace and understanding of the war to our region. the british are no central to the provision of the weapons being brutally deployed against innocent palestinian civilians as well. i'm just the raw vice chair with the risk on this policy. she thinks that regardless of what parliament members say,
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the government rules and weapons say, so there is a exact correlation between what's happening and palestine and what's happening in ukraine. in both cases, the western powers of backing up the shift stick. a site with the supremacist audiology against the people who live the uh, the in both cases you have a state which is essentially a supremacy site, a site that's an estimate composite site. whether supremacists try to keep them on even what, how physically the night to local populations, i think the pressure is going to continue. i most likely to happen is some sort of talk about resuscitating the control mechanisms before we examining the control mechanisms, which of course, we see doug walker to the deals that they inspect on the do half of the power, the offensive loopholes that me a whole lot of on the so without,
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without being written down anywhere essentially. so there is no ability to oversee what is really being recorded fire with a 5 way a break then go way will be right back the the after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies, the plundering of the occupied territories, had my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard. changing grew ended. 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare
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a state of emergency in response patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army. and began a guerrilla war london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilian en, sprain of chemicals, scale being and cutting off at these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the arm specialist because that particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill deep or its fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in low, le, we're the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957,
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the british empire was forced to recognize malay in independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in south east asia. the, the, the, i really thought that we were going to die. i crawled all the way to the right and then i hid behind the even board and this is how people continue to stick with the system.
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basically we want to make sure that certain dangerous for regular civilians should be in the hands of those people who are in st. paul, take know where the sometimes it is impossible to behold nature and not just the mesmerised by the beauty that our world has to offer and share with waterfalls and glaciers and well for seen beauty around every corner. this feeling is ever present. this is the
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republic i'm here with the city of columbia. the israel says is mistaking the killed 3 hostages, held by hamas and in gauze, off the wrongly identifying those individuals as a threat or the admits that it's both of these are full. so for the evidence to incriminate russia in a devastating 2010 plane crash, killed polish president at the time. it said that on male, in building 20 percent of the ballots were rigdon broken and disgusting. positively us. the next several season is in full swing. a new poll suggests that more than 20 percent of americans who use male in ballots during the previous presidential election have admitted to votes of the.


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