tv Direct Impact RT December 16, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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so costly, unless of course you have outside actors who have interest or interest got interest to protect if their military is going to reach and then, you know, something could happen in adverse to, to perhaps to. and that's where you would get of not you will buy that conflict, but because of the way the region has always basically got to run the or rent, it appears the likelihood of a pilot. caustic is not well versed is brenton fan because because my were not ready to jump up and take on. that's not what were in a hurry to do. but if outside actors who have a gas interest to protect and something goes wrong, when you know when they're petrol in the area, then anything is possible. in that case, you wouldn't be surprised to learn that american oil, john ex automobile is already entrenched in guy on those oil regions and as openly said and refuses to leave. so make sure to add that into the equation by
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considering the oil dispute between dependence, where the and diana, american multi nationals are there and they leave at any time. so the on the public, sanchez, as you probably know, i've been doing news for some 30 years now and 2 languages and all over the world interviewed for us. presidents work that most of the major news networks. and i believe after all of that, the news should be honest and direct and impactful. and this is direct impact
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the so let's start with a few here a lot these days, right? especially from which countries like ours about the problems of climate change and global warming. but there seems to be almost an inherent hypocrisy contained within some of these speeches. first, there's the obvious irony, right? if not a downright hypocrisy, in this case, the type that hits us in the face, like a blast of very from a take off of a nearby 747. and here's what i mean. have you ever watched how world leaders and they're released, the media and that corporate peers arrive at summit's, where they then lecture poor countries on global warming? they do this right after they've disembarked from their multi 1000000 dollar private jet, a private jet. and by the way, pollutes the environment at
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a minimum of about 14 times in what a commercial jet would pollute the the more they try to burn more fuse. and why is this happening? all of a sudden it's because of the one word sanctions, sanctions, specifically the sanctions on russia. remember one present abiding curtailed imports of oil and coal and natural gas from russia. well, here's what's happened since that, right. 2 things that have happened 1st, the cost of energy shot up 2nd, that force rich countries to look for more fuel to burn because then now would make more money on it because the price has gone up. so they're burning more fuel. i'm
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going to give you some examples and the u. k. for example, the u. k, which has always publicly denounced fossil fuels, has recently ended up breaking its promise to close at the coal plants and is now burning even more coal. and then there's a european union since attacking russia economically, right. it has increased by 11 fold 11 fold. it's important for me of coal that it's getting from places like australia and indonesia and south africa. but perhaps the most ironic example of climate cape pa chrissy comes from germany where they are closing and retiring one of their largest wind farms to you know what they're going to be putting there in place of that wind farm . are you ready for this the replacing that with a coal mine?
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that's right. they're extending their coal project and saying 9 to their wind far away. it's not just the rich. it's not just the rich nations that consume and burn the most energy. it's also rich people, and here comes the prose, according to university of massachusetts and hertz, and a study they did. those who have enough resources to be in the top 10 percent of incomes in the united states are responsible for 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions. imagine that huh. 10 percent of us produced 40 percent of the harmful gases and who pays the highest price for all of this. because this is really where the rubber meets the road. right? well, it's definitely not the rich nations like ours. it is in fact, the poorest. it's a bali islands a secret to us. they contain the mano of all people with
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a home alliance as this. they are the home of our people to day and we want them to remain the home of up people into the future. you see that guy right? there, that's the foreign minister of to volatile. that's a chain of islands in the pacific country. these are showing a warning to the entire world and look, or he's giving this speech from to prove his point. he made his historic comments to the world with half of his body underwater, and amazing looking at him with half of his body underwater, just like half of his country is now under water. in fact, it's estimated that within possibly 15 years to value will disappear completely. that is for that reason that they're now already and talks to try and move every single person who lives there to some other place. which country they're gonna end
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up and who knows. we're talking about families by the way, that i've been living there to their ancestors and these pacific islands for more than 5000 years. according to archaeologists, as you know, maybe ironing of this situation is what makes their plight seemingly so unfair. right? these islanders, who are the least to blame for the climate change, are the ones who will face the biggest loss their country. and maybe that's why these recent comments from a former presidential candidate seem to me any way and probably to you just so cruel. john carrie is president biden special envoy on climate change. recently he was asked during the congressional here and if we should help those poor countries and maybe offer some reparations. carrie was adam and saying, no, no reparations. for countries affected by climate disasters,
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at least not from the united states, said gary. if kelly went further, when he told that congressional hearing, the us would not pay reparations quote. under any circumstances, are you planning to commit america to climate? reparations. that is, say, we have to pay some other country because they had a flood where they had a hurricane or a type know a while under no circumstances. and joining us now to talk about this, how topic is marco fernandez. he is a researcher at try continental institute for social research. he also does a lot of writing himself as an alternative or independent journalist, and it's a pleasure to have him join us marco, thanks so much for being with us. and let's just start with the question that a lot of people ask themselves when it comes to this whole climate issue. and that is, is there a sense of hypocrisy, you know,
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when it comes to the climate topic and at it and how, how bad is it? well, there is, there is rick, there's a lot of the brokers, the, i would say, 1st of all, there's a concept that present lula from brazil. my president has been say, in international gatherings in the last months, which is the green. now, colonial is a green. now, colonial, this is a very interesting concept because what he means basically, how much in many situations in the last few years west who countries has been using the agenda of environment issues, which is a true agenda is a legitimate and that is a real risk for the human kind, but they've been using this to block the attempts of development in the global south countries in the developing countries. and this is a lot of examples. i mean, brazil is being suffering of this lately. so i don't know if you're sober recently
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. there wasn't yeah, but, but in that yeah. but, but hold on that. let me just, i'm going to stop you for just a minute in the case of brazil, it deforestation, for example, is a re issue. and if my, if my hip and if i lead or who happens to also be a hypocrite, by the way, or any other leader in the world who happens to be a hypocrite, says to brazil, you guys have to be able to control this. i mean, is that neil colonialism or is that just common sense? no. the thing is that of course, i mean what's happening now in brazil in the last year. so that's let's take bruises. a good example. we had 16 years of a writing stream, right wing government absolutely devastating for, for the environment. amazon for is, was burning almost every single day. we had many issues with that. and of course we had a president. the actually was incentive 80 people to burn it for us. i mean, people, i mean, the aga businesses a big farmers, etc, or mining companies. okay. this is a problem, but this is,
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this has to be solved in brazil. it's going to be solved by some kind of sanctions from washington or farm from brussels and what's happening now. exactly right now we have a new president, a present that is absolutely committed to stop burning to for us to actually restore to amazon forrest. but now for us is there's a, there is a negotiations between men console, the countries of south america. some of the countries when say it would be a union, they are threatening to put sanctions on south america. if they don't comply with their standards, what do they say is like, this is absolutely nonsense. i mean, we have to negotiate. we go to a table we negotiate, we can just have unilateral sanctions from european countries because of a problem that we are ready solving because, i mean this, this very moment is soviet issue and he's committed to it. and so, well a n n a here's, here's what's interesting, good. could you imagine, for example,
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that luna was a right winner and you're right. and lulu, i had business deals all over the place with all these people who are doing the deforestation, etc, etc. and you're right, but let me tell you something else. if we're going to expect the non right wing people supposedly, for example, in the united states, we hear the joe biden is a socialist and a communist. well, let me tell you a little bit about our socialist communist president, right? here's something president biden wright has apparently approved. and let me, let me make sure i get this right cuz i'm going off of my notes that i was preparing the for this interview. he has, according to several sources, i prove more well and gas permits on public lands here in the united states than any other president before him and certainly more than the trump administration. so apparently trump as a right winger and biting is a left winger or a socialist or a communist, as they call him, which is ridiculous. but here, when we look at the facts, he's burning more, he's, he's doing more damage to the, to the climate than the president. trump, who is supposed to be
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a right winner. so what the house, what do we make of this market? i mean, the thing is that again, i'm going back to present lula because, i mean, he's been, he's been raising the joshua's in, in all the, the national gathering that i think it's a very good position. one of the problems is that we don't have an international um stage to discuss these issues because i mean, if you go to united nations or the cops, the cops that this is, you know, like this environmental gatherings every year, which is really nice. yeah. yeah. yeah. love that would be the it's the summer that they have from time to time is yeah. don't know the ones where the big rich countries with their big bridge elite his friends fly in on private. yeah, exactly. yeah, exactly where reminded read. but the problem is that there's some agreements in his meetings in this, in the summits every year. but nobody follows it. and for this is one example in
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2009 in a cop, i don't know, maybe a cops 12 or something like that. the western countries, the rich countries, they committed the pledge to uh, gave a $100000000000.00 a year to fight climate change to, to give to the developing countries a global south countries from 2020 on we are in 2023. guess how, how much the western countries gave to fight climate change to the global south 00. so that's the kind of thing that's happening. i mean, the western countries come with they are gender, come with they agreements, they flags things, but they never comply. so what, what, what, what does being say, of course, i mean your right we, we cannot depend of like a x or a or b presidents to fight this issue. we should have international united nations
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should be doing that. but guess what? western countries, they don't follow united nations p r b on 90 nations. so that's the problem we have . and if we go to the issues of developing development, the global south countries, i mean very recently, there was occasion you've got and you're going to is, is trying to build a pipeline for oil to go to engineer and then to export to other countries. so there was a necessity of funding, of like, overall $10000000000.00. but at the end of the day, some of the environmental and deals from, from europe or not, it states start to put pressure on the banks on us bank through a pm banks. not to uh, give money to the project. and guess, guess who is going out and getting money uh to again, to guess which country. china could certainly say, i'm sorry, this is
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a problem. of course we need a transition of energy. fossil fuels can no longer be there for in the next 30 or 40 years, but the developing countries, they can not have the same rules that apply to the western countries because they need to develop. yeah, i mean, western countries, they destroyed the planet for 200 years. they had been destroying the planet, and now they, they want us to pay the check. come on, john kerry recently said, and i talked about this a little while ago as i was presenting you that he promised uh, a committee in us congress that he will give no compensation. no kind of monies to any of the countries that are suffering from the climate change problems in the world. what do you think of him coming out and definitively making that statement that we're not here to be writing checks to these countries that are going through this problem? that's a hell of a is it is we can i give you some numbers?
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um, this is a, it's a very, it's a very famous already data about because i mean there is a, is there going to station a wall is data. they had been doing a very comprehensive research about the carbon emissions of historically since 1751 . since the industrial revolution, do you know who is the biggest polluter ever in the history? united states? i would get, oh, i was get a guest only because they've been added longer that it would be of the bread. no, actually not. united states had emitted 25 percent of the carbon in, in the history in the last 200 something years. and europe, the $28.00 countries of european union, 22 percent. if were china, because china is now the big, the big, the big feeling of the story. china has admitted 12.7 percent. and of course if you
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go to emissions break up to, i mean you can compare chinese 1400000000 people. united states is how much 300 something needed. so, so that's the thing. western countries, if you go, if you get north america in europe together, it's 62 percent of the carbon emissions in the history. so who is supposed to be pay this check? now, not agenda numbers, you know, south africa. marco fernandez, is a researcher with a tried continental institute for social research, and he's going to join us on a, come back by the way, i'd like to continue this conversation with you. all we gotta do is go on to twitter, you can find me there. my handle. there's a rick sanchez tv. that's rick sanchez, tv, whether it's extra twin or you can find me there and i'll see you there when we come back though. here's what i want to talk about. is it true that china is the country that pollutes the environment the most as we often hear the answer when we
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come back, don't go away. the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the consumer must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed neg, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say, even closer to the,
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you know, as we come back, i was thinking it's quite common these days to hear politicians in the united states shouting a china for many more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than any nation in the world. we save us all the time. i mean, they literally scream it. or what does that mean to think? is it fair to compare a country like china to ours? a country like china, that by the way, has 4 times our population. so look what i found. when i looked up the per capita, carbon dioxide emissions, less of countries at the very top, the united states, with double, by the way, with china and bits. marco fernandez, is a researcher with a tri continental institute for us social research,
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and he's good enough to join us once again to have this conversation. so something recently happened which has seemed to put on hyper speed, the burning of combustibles all over the world. and it's pretty simple, it was when we historic sanctions against russia. and those sanctions caused a couple of things a big because the, the price of energy to go up. and as soon as the price of energy went up, then a lot of the countries in europe and the united states went in there and started buying and burning more. so those sanctions have actually ceased since it's been ridiculous to think about this, but those sanctions of actually increased and worse than the climate situation in the world. what do you make of that? well, this is the price would be for disability of this war. since the beginning, as we know, i mean it's not, it's not only, i mean thousands of people are dying. the economy of europe is collapsing, germany is downhill. and of course,
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every war makes 1st of all the wars already a big emitter of, of carbon. and of course we use crazy sanctions as we know. i mean from you gay in gemini, i'm going back to coal mines. it's crazy. we're going back to 19th century the pieces. right? yeah, no, here's what they did it. yeah, here's it to your point. here's what they did in germany. they have this place where they have these wind farms. very famous part where they've been developing this wind farm project for many, many years now. and they just recently decided they're going to get rid of the wind farm and replace that very wind farm with more coal mines. so they're taking out the wind farm and putting in the coal mines. the same situation is going on with the e u where they're burning more and buying more fuel. same thing is happening to a certain mix that but maybe not as quite as clear. yeah, with uh with the brands. so you ask yourself with these types of examples, what the hell is going on here?
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what a clear example of the policy is that then replacing, replacing the window, the black hole, ninety's margaret, and one more thing just to put a little bit of spicy on your, on your point. let's go to the united states military. i mean, do you know what is the world single largest institutional consumer petroleum in the planet? this is called the department of defense. the us military, united states, military is more, more polluter then, more local danbury been sweden than hungary den feeling. i mean, sweden, i'm talking about a very highly industrialized country, the department of defense, what's more carbon in the air in the planet then sweden, the whole sweden, together. so this is what's, what's, what's happening. i mean, there's a documentary i think it's, it's about to be launch. i've seen the trailer from every morning,
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which is fine. but as a journalist, she's been doing a documentary on that. how much the u. s. military is cruelly up the planted climate. so, i mean, this is a kind of thing, i mean, and you know what? all the military's in the whole planet, they are. what does it call? i mean they, they are, they don't have to comply with all these pairs agreements keel to agreements. the military, they have a free pass, they can do whatever they want. and many of the media terry's of, of western countries as well. they don't even publish how much carbon they meeting . so this is a problem with that. yeah, because of course, yeah, that's classified information. let me ask you a question about the sanctions thing that i that i was thinking about as i was listening to you. um, do you think that which came 1st, right? the chicken or the i did the,
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the western countries in the united states apply sanctions on russia. knowing that they would benefit economically from those sanctions. or did they apply to sanctions because of the war and ukraine? and then after they saw the result of the price of gas and everything going up, they said, wow, here's an opportunity. let's just jump on that opportunity. so was it, was it, was it planned? or was it coined such as a point break? i would say one thing that was in the united states knew is that with this move in ukraine, they would put europe on. they are nice. europe became a vessel of united states. i mean, germany is paying the price. i mean, germany, how much from germany now, is it spinning with, with energy? like, i think like 4050 percent more because they don't have russian guys anymore. and guess from who is they are buying mostly from united states. some also from them
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from india, which i also crazy. so russia sales order to india. crude oil, india refines and sales to germany and falls and hey, you know, here you k, this is crazy. yeah. and by the way, when you think about that, and those of you who maybe don't understand that you are politics of this when, when you think about those, be think of just in your head, look at a map of the world and look how far the united states is from germany, look at how far it would be to go to draw a line from russia to india, and then back to either paris or berlin or any of those countries in europe. and now imagine that you could just take a north stream pipeline whether you're for a guest that i'm not pitching north stream here, i'm a journalist, but just look at just look at the math, right? and then just draw a line from the coast, or from a border of russia into germany, going through the black sea or wherever. and you go, wait a minute. this is crazy. why are they going halfway up on the world twice when they could simply just go from there to their hello. exactly. that's the sanity that
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we're leaving. and it's simply because they want to be able to get more clients for their product and their product is oil. and if it means sanctions of it means more kind of hate to think that that's what they do. but is it possible that they knew? that's why i'm going back to this conversation. what came 1st, the chicken or the egg, right? what came 1st, the need or the sanctions? and in this case, i'm wondering if someone in the back room somewhere didn't sit down with whoever, probably not president biden, but somebody else and say, look, here's what's gonna happen. if we put these sections on russia, we're going to end up making more money. so what the hell, let's do it. i mean, is it possible? well, these guys do math all the time, read much more than that. then we do marco, you're fantastic. thanks so much for uh for, for having this conversation with me. it makes for, it makes for real deep thinking and it's a problem that we really need not as americans, not as chinese, not as brazilians,
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not as cubans, as we all need to get together is the people of this plan. i think figure, thank you. thank you. thank right, that's a yeah, it's a big better to be here. always. so before we go, i want to remind you of our mission. simple, really. i want to try and be silo the world. you see, we've got to stop living in these little boxes true. don't live in boxes, they are everywhere. i'm actually interest and i'll be looking for you again right here, where i hope to provide direct impact the the
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number you need, you visits typically from here to nancy kim's in the book, the national shifts newberry gets to the young showcase in genes. nathaniel. so who's going into the, by the ways that the boys, the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that text them put the notes up under that to
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the adult. so is this how is where the media reports? the idea says the health is just, it's so this something by mistaking garza, we're actually waiving a, make shift white flag. meanwhile, families of hostages. how, why, how mazda expressed outrage, alyssa, so instead of the after 3 days of a wide operation, israel's army has withdrawn from the janine refugee camp, leaving i have on the destroyed again, uh to rewards from uh, the getting a refugee camp in the west bank with 12 people was killed in a deadly idea. raid get another scandal in washington as a game on video film. the in a senate office goes online.
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