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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the, the city of hon, you, the southern gaza, is founded by idea of strikes and local hospitals all struggling to cope with the influx and wounded civilians by size, the idea is advancing southwards, in the all hostages still being held by a mazda poured onto the space of 10 of these express, the outrage is ready. media says the several hostages mistakenly killed by the idea of actually losing a weak shift, white flag yet another scandal in washington as a gay, porn video filled in a sentence office goes online, reportedly involving a democrat, congressional aid, the
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a very well well the you from the entire see international news say we're coming to live for most uh, let's say go to the top. so is this out? the city of con eunice, in a southern gauze i have come on, the extensive is ready bombardment with numerous casualties. that's the idea of advances southwards, in the okay. this video shows people wounded on us who wants enough thought of hospital the death toll in the dog in gov. i have climbed into almost 19000 evidence of in the system. telecommunication blackouts in gaza passed in canadian village model for the human as the details, the count, the,
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every night, the tv the problem in the communications black hole in the middle when it comes to getting the top of places, 100 pieces from north somehow even from the east to west
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11 i was in the hospital and the other so i can the of a school happened in the aisle bhalla and in the central parts of the own group. we've been told the women and children were among those killed with the area on the continuous bombardment. possibly move along. they may soon face and grim problem, a lack of confidence, local jobs around mammals, hardy rubles. these tough ends are seen all the time. it's all locks are marked as hospital and that midges guys are tipped out of daily by law every time. and
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then during a day the people here carry the dead bodies and the sucks cap for coffins. which has as that, as you might see and well prepared for carrying the did buddies. and over the past period of time before and the gaza strip factories and facilities that manufacture such a couple things. whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a or shut down. because of that is really war on guys on or had been or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza threat because of the as a to warrant garza and the scott just come into the territory. that by means of that you made a territory and assistance be that credit muscle. many countries, such as those confidence, such as egypt and united arab emirates. this conference are matter for both plastic
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and material, and they have zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them for it is likely we will run out of that soon due to the mountain numbers of those cute it is or less than this on bottom on top gall. so i'm so hoffman who is undergoing pressure, we heard from a russian citizen who works and who himself lost 2 family members in the i still have minutes. i have the opportunity on my use this to 4 days ago. i lost my sister and at the beginning of the war, i lost my brother. my sister died in my house when the neighboring house was bombs, 8 or 10 people died there and they were about 15 wounded. as for alex, the hospital personally, i do not have enough thread in the vascular surgery department there, not enough temporary shots and there not enough medical supplies that are used specifically for vascular surgery. patients such as hyper and more than 80 percent of medications have disappeared. this indicates a terrible situation in the field of medicine. some supplies, many people do not have enough medicines and they died because of this. this applies not only to the wounded but also to the patients who go for human dialysis
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. we now have more than 1000 patients who have moved from the north to the south into the central region. thousands of patients go for human dialysis 3 times a week. this is a huge burden for all doctors and medical stuff course, simply not enough because many have died. many are wounded and there is no help from abroad. more than 2500 cancer patients should receive cable therapy. but cannot. several people die every day because there are no medicines. no one sends these medicines from abroad to european hospitalized made for 250 people. and they're now 1250. a maximum of 12 people should be in intensive care, but now 52 people are there. there just aren't enough hands to work on them. a lot of patients need to be urgently evacuated from the country. more than 2000 patients need emergency operations. if such a patients are evacuated from gaza, then there will be a place where the wound is, can come and then we can reduce the burden and to help people. patients are lying on the streets. i swear in the corridors, everywhere, even near the toilet, there absolutely no places, therefore,
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it is necessary to open the eyes to the scale of the catastrophe that now exists and which will be even greater. honestly, i haven't seen this anywhere else. you won't throw it out into an easy and hospitality. northern gauze has also been affected by the bombardment in a show support and full positive indonesians in just cause. i've been conducting a fundraising campaign for those of it is of gaza yard from a past and in different my in, in the needs them about their systems. they have been in the for life the. busy airport has been brought to see a deep one. they have already sent to egypt. and this is with him by the see that the board. this is a to put them on denise young. on the don't not. they are shedding for the at 3 flights, which is have been been about to egypt, but we still looking for
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a position to buy the inside. it goes for us, realize that people that buy the senior move people to be in front of site to see and paula side, so not evacuated from us before. this is our line. this is our home line. but it, until now we auto start getting get, since it's 75 years. so now there's a no i need. so it goes on on the, on that, that's why it is going to be in all the different colors to, at each for to sits. it was gotten asked me to see how some of the community was truly beyond expectations. in fact, the donations collected exceeded our targets almost reaching half a 1000000000 root by us $30000.00. a. most of the funds came from music fans. there were 17 bands performing in the series of humanitarian concerts for gaza. each band mobilize their fan bases and donated to this event. frankly,
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i feel very touched by the enthusiasm of the people. someone from the palestinian embassy also came tonight. mister moore mar our donation was received directly by him. this is certainly not the 1st nor the last time. we will do this. we will hold events like this on an ongoing basis. as long as we can do it, we tend to continue supporting palestine. families of is are the hostages held. why have my singles, i have held a demonstration, intimately demonte immediate action from the government to free the mass off the idea of soldiers mistakes. and me till 3 is very hostages in gaza. with all the details from the idea of investigation, i'm strong as a way of discontent into the v with new intensity. so you say the hostages, who killed, who i've seen, wavy and make shift white flag and the comments the idea of was quoted as saying that how much visits have used white flags to is really so this into ambush is one
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of the killed sausages report to the will of thousands out in he, bu, rightful. he was shot dead. an idea of spence was 0. these. this statement about the is the model could of both the, such as the during the fighting and should j a. the id s mistakenly identified hostages as a threats. as a result, the soldiers fired at them and they were killed. most of us will have it as a level. does that make codio and nick? uh, thanks for joining us. yeah, it's another mass protests in to leave off to the idea of mistakenly killed as is ready. health hostages. why, how much was the mood at the moment? so the patience of the relatives of the families of the hostages are standing. they demand these riley government. now to do more and they are saying, god is riley prime minister in his war cabin that are not committed enough and it
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is not their 1st priority to bring back the hostages to bazemore higher than thirty's. riley's, that's see what the cosivity of the terrace of some us and some of them are elderly women, children and their relatives of those. so suggest thanks to these riley government that we will process more and more. we will be in front of that head. what there is of these riley army where the cabinet, the work had been to the prime minister, our meeting and from where they are and doing all. busy those decisions about what really happened the just great and day, maybe even the lots anymore, and they will do more desperate says that because they want to convince is riley government that there is no waiting in the ward. garza, if at the house that just are not coming back home to live. she,
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they are coming dead or if they are not coming adults, it will be good for is route and the for the next generation, it will be a bad sign because that they will see, that is ro does not commit that to do anything to help it citizens, that's where they can buy hostile terrorists. so the family started behind me today and arranged a big, broad test in front of the headboard. there's some of these rarely army and some of the hostages that's returned back to his rose and said about how difficult it was that being that could be the, the, and the children and also the as every day. it's have told their stories that there is no food in the dictations. and there is no almost was there. and then there is this no basic conditions and they were simulated. they were add to it that badly, and the manual of those plus digits are not surviving again each day. they're assuming
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about somebody else who is that dead and that they want. finally, that the israel will do, and it's thing possible to bring them back to pounds. and they're also going for the international community for the restaurants, at least to deliver medication that the these hostages are in desperate need. at one over the elder agreement that the return back to his raft was. busy was that because she didn't receive permit vacations and co sign that and told her story about how difficult it was and how she almost died because of that. so now there is a big pressure on the red girls to deliver the medications and meet the hostages. so they will see what is their conditions and who is alive and who is not then what say is their physical condition and that they have some hopes to. busy but each day
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that these uh, bombardment of gods and the worst continuing for them, it's the less and less chances that they will see one day they are loved ones back home. make just a quick question. is this a continuation of the protests that half of that started before or is this a new protest? yeah, this is the same actually. it started yesterday night after, uh, it was published that the, these riley army killed the by mistake 3 of the hostages. the ad garza street, that's where sure that these valley army finally will save them and they were running towards the army with a white flag. and one of them even said, had see loads that helped me in hebrew, and yet these riley soldiers killed them because that they thought that those are terrorist. and that the may, that families so desperate. then stone mad because vander,
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sense when you are at the war zone, it's not safe for nobody and you can't understand what's going on and you are not understanding where you can fire, where you dense bomb and where not because the hostages that fixture, and they also told that they heard the bones of these early army and some of the bumps even to the places like they were the then they could be that the so the process behind me, those the same ones that started yesterday. and they will continue in the days because he is pub fully. that is riley hostages. return home safe. yeah, that's what happens and make khodiyar and local jazz. thank you for that update. thank you very much. janice, i'm alice wyatt. read, sir, is the accidental cooling of those. most of this has only contributed to the outrage of families of both of those affected well, it's certainly very impactful for the families of the victims who have in recent
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weeks emerged as effectively be only a vocal faction of as rarely society that is publicly in favor of a ceasefire publicly in favor of the escalation. if you look at polls coming out of israel, a recent pool found that less than 2 percent of is rarely. society felt that uh too much munitions, too many bombs have been dropped on guys that it only 2 percent of the population. less than 2 percent. feels that be, is really military is doing too much in this military campaign and a majority, according to that full felt that the military needed to more be more aggressive in its military campaign. so as to whether this will lead to a serious shift and the public mood in israel. i certainly have my doubts, but i will say that i think it is likely to catalyze the remainder of the families of the captives. and to realize that basically, unless they are able to uh,
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force these rarely government to negotiate with promises once again, as they did for the previously released hostages. unless they are able to compel the government to negotiate for those captives that they could potentially need a similar stage as these 3 is rarely man sorry, that most hosted a meeting between former amenities and rivals, iran and saudi arabia. the focus on the conference in gauze and of the recently can see filed ties between tap on the re add the head of earphones delegation and said his country remains committed to building those relations or not so much it, you know, no relations between the ran and saudi arabia have entered the correct path. the 2 countries are working with a serious will to improve those relations. we have very effective capabilities to strengthen and expand these bi lateral ties. the important point is that the
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relations between iran and saudi arabia will not be limited to the relations between t, ron and re ok. the positive effects and consequences of you ran saudi relations will cover the entire region and even the world you ran and saudi arabia or to coastal countries in the north and south of the persian gulf and play serious role in regional stability and security. yeah. oh yeah, it was so i know that broke the deal of the see if it will on, on saudi arabia to is still the diplomatic relations. the agreement and full sol, them reopen the end of the season. each of those countries are pursuing a pool for regional stability, as well as the eros president, when, since the savvy arabia for a summit, it was a 1st visit more than 15 years. yeah. and from said, well home and, but i'm the professor of the university of tab on you says corporation between a ron and savvy rebate, couldn't listen to the us grip on the middle east. both countries are very
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influential in the region and saudi arabia has been at war with the admin 4 years. and the ron has been been an ally, ibm. and so the fact that the 2 countries have reconciled to a large degree has had a positive impacts on the file between saudi arabian government. and also i think that across the region is these tensions. and it's also help the 2 countries work more closely than before when it comes to palestine. so you wrong wants to push, so the radio or towards a stronger position with regards to the ongoing genocide. and i think this properly small between the run and so do you rate it does create a better environment for the saudis to tilt further away from the united states.
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and the less leverage that americans have in the so in, so the radio or across the persian gulf, the better it is for the palestinians. and it be kind, it is, it becomes a bigger problem for these ready to machine. a soft lemma in the us said the has reportedly been 5 appearing in a game on video filmed and a congressional office. the mos on the internet in a reason. days unless the media report said this offering question, then system to democrat. so that's a ben called in will quickly this list i made the scandal. however, he denied disrespecting the senate this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for a while off to pursue a political agenda. well, some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. i love my job. i would never disrespect my workplace. lamarche my just isn't if problem single kinds of reaction online if you like. but the senate hearing room video,
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you can watch actual sentences doing the same thing to you every day on cspan. this video footage of every person on january 6, but no one noticed the stuff and making a 6 typing the senate chamber. bizarre. oh, well, 51 from a senior us intelligence officials. so i know that's a student that the da pulling the video democrats have engage 16 a yes, and it's hearing room is a rush. and this information aside is a place for us foreign policy decisions are also made including economic sanctions . so as late as us nations will impose the gains, uganda over the east african countries. i'm p l g b c that just asian. we've. busy we've gotten the and profile really and am to 8, so i react to this mazda and simba awhile ago. he closed ques, come to us, he, with his questioning open l g b, t writes advocate. now he tells us how you got on the scenes. the current situation
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within the us senate, you know, you've gone to having come up with an anti homosexuality at 2023. again, we're on the tremendous pressure because they are, instructor was about to deny us by natural services. they, i've instructed, i go that's africa. bruce spoke, but unity act not to do business with you god, because you've got those come up with the low to stop the promotion of homosexuality. and this is very sad because we're wanting to do business. we want to be fred, we don't want homosexuality. and we want to set up a post, you want to sell our quote, copeland, our portal. but they're saying we cannot be able to do that. if we do not allow homosexual isn't in our country. so this, this unfortunately is continuing to create the diminishing of the credibility and the respectability of the american empire, the european implants,
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because we increasingly a saying get as decadent as in need of great, more change to be able to, to be on this, on this stage of international diplomacy, where we can be able to say, look, we respect to you, we respect what america say, we respect the senate, but unfortunately, no, the airport is being seen as imposing a morales. it is imposing obscenities. i mean distance is it is, it is uh, bringing pregnancy, it is creating its stage. i remember the big thing uh, not too long ago and was doing this. i remember that these 2, the best one is called why are you good? that has become fire minded us, did you this morning? one of the good rights activists mixed up, should i call you mr shepherd julian on jemma. thank you for coming. good. thank
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you for monday morning. why are you good? who sees empty? do you ok? justification for homosexuality? i told you is human rights defend? and i think best of samples come here when i agreed to come to the show, a service to use. i'm sorry. just think, i know you kind of just on him and i for comes we are debating this issue. why, why do people choose to be a good? and then number 2, that was another and i did when i sold that this sexual practices. i did this, which is called don't eat the people, some of the things that they do a really decadent where the involving justin people matter. that's absolutely you said it is the. so there's really a, i just need a full america to find its faith in god. it needs to hear from africa
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for us to tell america americans know you have to do a bundle dis eligibility, is that it's a, it's meant it's a mentor sickness. an indian nationalist, here's why you are so fussing to kill a see cassette. but this need to is tony being held by authorities and the czech republic is petitioning the indian supreme court to intervene on his behalf impulsively tried to have him released. they can go up to says, here's the person in the country on the us orders is on can seduce, you know, he also says he has been abused in the cost of the including being falsified to meet despite being a vegetarian for religious reasons. reasons, tech authorities agreed to expedite him to the us a few months ago. the case has pools of diplomatic scandal. us is also accused in government of being involved in the legit mode of thought. new jersey has been made,
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denied the denied those claims it is a premium quote, is set to review the message next month. the 2nd question is a member of the how the signed step with this movement, which has been fined to call about an independent nation and know the new india. many representatives of that move wouldn't have moved to canada. another prominent member was killed early of this year. the problem is of kind of saying that he believe the indian government was also involved in the martha india has the pizza, the denied the obligations i'm has expressed concerns about why people and it concerns to be terrace. have been given safe haven in canada, needs to be busy bucking to use ex total affairs ministry has seriously denied this and also asked what was he doing there? what was this man who is wanted by our law enforcement doing there? this has to be answered. we have not committed any murder that is not india's policy. what was he doing there? the answer to this is also important. those who are warranted under the laws of
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india course, serious criminals involved in terrorism. what were they doing there that we spoke with and died? so the indian foundation of independent research and the thing is canada, and us of been keeping probably some moving supporters on this side so they could try to pressure india. there is a good deal of eye focusing and void now, but there was one person was killed in canada. what came under warranty or dentist in india? no. why was it given canadian citizenship ready rental gun it out on a big boss sports? despite that, they gave him citizenship a know you had been good for whatever reasons and didn't go murder, go to 100 the other chapters and the dead fellow. he is a citizen of canada. i don't know if the united states, but he's also i'd be listed at the northeastern india. no. why is america keeping this paper on the disciplinary jack?
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yeah. the ultimate a statement that he's going to blew open ended that dropped. know all these, let us say if you make up the biggest a print, a new gore and you make a statement. the said that give you a drew up in america, bring. i think the americans would be very per ton and they would take very strict action. but in this particular case, when he said he'd go to google and did india and drop them, there'd be no reaction on the bottle for the americans. evidently, the doctor will. these things to all, but don't do it for the pressure on certain countries like india. david, who do know the pressure going a 1000000 different for certain aspects of foreign policy. religion and it just gets on the rest, wants them to conform. and that's a sense of loss go. a lot of inputs in a has been officially nominated to run full next year's presidential election, more than $500.00 people gathered in a concert whole nearby square as express of the support i'm approved, the nomination meeting. the number required by law for him to run as an independent
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candidate. also you correspond with the shape as spoke with someone. so you're joining us from is that raja in moscow where vladimir vladimir, which proved and will be officially nominated today. it's a huge event. the organized by no road in the front, which is the civil organization, a political organization which spawns russia. it was launched in 2011 by president putin, himself to come by corruption to challenge waste in the russian society. and it's an incredible credible organization. and at the launch today, we've met numerous people from the arts, from the military. i'm from sport, which we're going to talk to right now. so to carpets, why seems a lot important came to power and russia. everything in our country has changed. it has become strong, the armies tool and the people are strong and he has done a lot for sports, but not enough food and is
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a strong president and lead to our country needs all present is doing everything right. people treat him very well. they see that he has made the country stronger, more powerful. he's the right person. this appears that a lot of great things for this country, and i think everybody realizes, especially now with the warranty crane, with all the sanctions, with all the you know, all the problems, the cold it, i like everything that people really need a strong leader. and they need someone, especially who cares about russia, who are very glad to have this recruiting back for the next 5 years. the people here are great. the people here have for you. i mean, like on all, honestly, my rut. my uh, american citizen, just like 2 days ago, it was officially an old. so i'm american amount it was sent to receive. i have more freedom here in russia than i did in america. and that's the truth. to have the russian soul, there's really the rest of the sort. i know people here talked about it for people in the west.


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