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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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in the fuel can units in south and gather was pounded by idea of strikes and local hospitals. i strongly did cope with the influx of with that civilians. and that that idea of is advancing south wasn't being played relatives of those of dr. by had my eyes take through the streets of tel aviv after the use ready media set of the 3 half of the dues mistaking the killed by the idea of waving wide flags we hear from some of the protest ring ring. they have no more for most reaching you negotiation for the release of all the hostages. now as a warning,
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gather ranges on people around the world continue to gather a demand or government's call for a permanency is fire the route. we're continuing our coverage of the conflict to the middle east. this is our thing to national reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i am michael fletcher with the latest either 50. okay, man units in southern gas, i have come on the intensive extensive use ready bombardment with numerous casualties as the idea of advisors south was in the x rays. now this video shows people when did in 10 units for web brought to nasa hospital, a desk stolen, gather, has time to almost 19000 and they have been also assessed in telecommunications, black housing, guys as well as tv and canadian john list mine. so sure man has the details of
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the account, the the, the the problem is with the communication laptop, the middle when it comes to the top of places adjacent from north
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somehow there is no place left with from the east to west 11 i was here in the hospital and now those to like near a school happened in dire out, blah, him the central pac called the center plants of enclave. now we're told women and children were among those killed with the area on the continuous bombardment hospitals. one that may soon face a grim problem, a lack of coffins, a local john les rami, almo gary reports on this. these tough ends are seen all the time. it's all locks,
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monitors, hospitality. individual guys are stripped out of date, written by law every time and then during a day that people here carry the dead bodies and the such capital competence, which has as that, as you might see and was prepared for carrying that did buddies. and over the past period of time before and that goes us thread factories and facilities that manufacture such companies, whether plastic ones like this one or material one made of materials have been a or shut down because of the israeli war on gauze. or had been or have been damaged, partially or completely lives has been reduced in the gaza threat because of the is there a to warrant garza and these companies just come into the territory. that by means
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of that you might have to be an assistance be that sort of most of the many countries, such as those confidence, such as egypt and united emery's these conference are matter for both plastic and material. and they have the zips up to this moment. we're not sure of them, but is likely we will run out of that soon. due to the mountain numbers of those cute i made these rails relentless bombardment of gas, i accept hospitalized and a growing pressure that we heard from the russian citizen who works there. and if you himself lost 2 family members in the war to, to minutes or the opportunity on my use this to 4 days ago, i lost my sister and at the beginning of the war, i lost my brother. my sister died in my house when the neighboring house was bombs, 8 or 10 people died there and they were about 15 wounded. as for alex, the hospital personally, i do not have enough thread in the vascular surgery department there, not enough temporary shots, and there are not enough medical supplies that are used specifically for vascular surgery. patients such as hyper and more than 80 percent of medications have disappeared. this indicates
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a terrible situation in the field of medicine. some supplies, many people do not have enough medicines and they die because of this. this applies not only to the wounded but also to the patients who go for human dialysis. we now have more than 1000 patients who have moved from the north to the south into the central region. thousands of patients go for human dallas 3 times a week. this is a huge burden for all doctors and medical stuff, of course, simply not enough because many have died. many are wounded and there is no help from abroad. more than 2500 cancer patients should receive cable therapy. but cannot several people die every day because there are no medicines. no one sends these medicines from abroad to european hospitalized made for 250 people. and they're now $1250.00, a maximum of 12. people should be an intensive care, but now 52 people are there. there just aren't enough hands to work on them. a lot of patients need to be urgently evacuated from the country. more than 2000 patients need emergency operations. if such a patients are evacuated from gaza, then there will be a place where the wounded can come and then we can reduce the burden and to help
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people. patients are lying on the streets. i swear in the corridors, everywhere, even near the toilet, there absolutely no places, therefore it is necessary to open the eyes to the scale of a catastrophe that now exists and which will be even greater. honestly, i haven't seen this anywhere else that ronald indonesian hospital in the northern gas. it has also been effected by the bod, meant in the show of support for palestinians. eagans in jakarta had been conducting a fundraising campaign for the civilians of guys that we had from upon a scene in diploma in egypt. easier about the assistance they have been se for lice is therefore helping. but as you know, people say they have or the 10 to egypt and this is a, was a him about a see that the board. this is a, the little denise young on the going on. they are sharing for the, the,
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at the flights which is have been been about to egypt. but we still looking. busy it's not a vision devising inside against us. we like the people that by the senior most people to be in part of science to see and paula science and not evacuated from palestine because this is all online. this is our home line . but until now we auto start getting get, since it's 75 years. so now there's a know i need to loosen on the ground. that that's why it is going to be in all the different colors to at each for to sits. it was, i'm just yes, when i knew that god bless them and of asking susie and some of the community was truly beyond expectations. in fact, the donations collected exceeded our targets almost reaching half a 1000000000 root by us $30000.00 a. most of the funds came from music fans. there were 17 bands performing in the
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series of humanitarian concerts for gaza. each band mobilize their fan bases and donated to this event. frankly, i feel very touched by the enthusiasm of the people. someone from the palestinian embassy also came tonight. mister moore mar our donation was received directly by him. this is certainly not the 1st nor the last time. we will do this. we will hold events like this on an ongoing basis. as long as we can do it, we tend to continue supporting palestine. families of these rarely use kids not by him as of taking to the streets of tel aviv demanding immediate action from the government to free the remaining hostages. of this comes out the idea of soldiers in gather mistakenly killed 3 of those, abducted. and here was watch some of the protest as had to say the idea of
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what the deal now was to us view. there's nobody coming out every day. and we're on the table right now. they have no more say here that there is an option for a, for a bargain for him to come us. and it's the coming in today that these are holding, the se option is why we change the company will make the deal. first is more important than anything is right now. i have a, i'm like, yeah, let me. so let me switch. you need to go station for the release of all the
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hostages now or any kind of russian roulette families every day. we don't know which one of the families of the 130 hostages will get a knock on the door with affordable. next. several important details from the ideas investigation have spot the wave of discontent, intel aviv, with new intensity. they say that they have to do useful work, kills what actually waving a mix, shift wide flag in later comments. the idea of was quoted as saying that him math bulletins, previously use wide flags to really use really sold us into i'm bushes now one of the killed. so hostages was reported the shopping for health in hebrew. right before he was shot dead. the idea of bolts bus inside of the army identified them as a threat. while these are of all the chief of the general staff stated that the troops that it was possible for the bed, the responsibility for that that's i am now little firing at the hostages was against the armies instructions for opening fire. it is prohibited to shoot at
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people holding a white flag and attempting to surrender, but the shooting was done during fighting and under pressure. many good. the patience of the relatives of the families of the hostages are sending. they demand these rather governments now to do more than they are saying is riley prime minister and he's war cabinet are not committed enough and it is not their 1st priority to bring back the hostages. about one of higher than thirty's riley does deal with the can see with the over the terrace of, from us. and some of them are elderly, women's children and their relatives of those hostages. saying to these riley government that we will work this more and more will be in front of the heads of what those of these rally are. me where the cabinet, the work cabinet, the prime minister, are meeting, and from where they are and doing all those decisions about what really happened the just chris and a maybe the not see any more. and they,
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they like to more desperate says that because they want to convince is riley government that there is no waiting in the ward gazda effect. the how suggest are those coming back home to live? these may that samuel is so desperate and so mad because they understand when you are at the war zone, it's not safe for nobody. and you can't understand what is going on and you are not understanding where you can fire, where you've dense bomb and we're not because the hostages that return dell so told that they heard the bombs of these early army and some of the bumps even to the places like they were in the den and they could see that the. so john brought this behind me those the same ones that started yesterday. and they will continue in the days to come to your pub slowly. that is riley hostage. it was withdrawn. tom safe
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. he always spoke to human labor rights lawyer had done corvalle. he is of the opinion that these rules, main goal listed killed gavin's and it's not doing enough to bring back the hostages. that is what they're doing. and god, so let's face it. they're engaged in indiscriminate violence. they're the vast majority of people, they're killing our children and women. and in fact, on a scale we've never seen before. and so that's a problem here. obviously they did this by mistake, but also their rules of engagement are such that this sort of thing is very likely to happen and they find that you've shown very little concerned about getting their own hostages back. they probably could have had them all back by now if they wanted to negotiate more with a mazda. but frankly, that has not been a priority. the priority, frankly, for the years to be killing as many civilians is in the us as they possibly k 5.
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and it says things like, oh, i'm encouraging netanyahu to stop killing civilians and stop using these mega, mega bombs on, on. uh, the people guides it and yet, you know, then he sends these one done bombs to uh, to netanyahu to use. right. i mean, this thing could be added if the united states said we're not going to keep supporting new mil. busy terrell, right, we're not going to send you billions of dollars to prosecute this war, but that's not happening. it's just word. so i fear that this is going to continue, sadly for some time. and despite old bucks taking place, as well as showing no sign of slowing down this operations, the nation's broad minister has made that clear in the recent speech. and he said that the country would continue to exec metric passa to achieve the necessary results. to go through a that's without military pressure, i would not have been able to produce and outlined that resulted in the release of $110.00 hostages. and only the continuation of military pressure will bring about
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the release of all our hostages. so the guidance i give to the negotiation team is based on this pressure, and without it we have nothing. so i repeat and say to our friends that after the elimination of from us, because this trip will be the militarized, it will be under the security control israel method. yeah. how does woods are in stock contrast to the message being sent by washington? the, according to the white house, the war will enter a new phase that will focus on targeting him, ask leadership, and it should be added as soon as possible. it has to take as long as they feel they need to take to be able to eliminate the stress. but obviously we all want it to be over soon as possible. we have ministrations under considerable pressure because of because of the unrelenting killings of the innocent civilians. i think it's up to 18000 mostly women, children, elderly in, in gaza. and the administration is concerned that this could have an impact on his
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own elections. it seeing that even within the democratic part of theirs and they rows of, of, uh, support and over this assault with this particular issue, the united states basically has, has no choice plus too much. netanyahu do this thing the, the by the administration is really speaking out of both ends of a smile. you have on the one hand it, once it was like for the, for this re lease to liquidate all of home us. and they said that they, that they backed that as a policy all the other hand, they wanted to do it within a matter of few weeks. the reality on the ground, however, to do that would dictate that that it would take months and go out and, and even that yahoo itself said it's going to take months. the earlier president body and criticized these world and said nothing. yeah. who needed to change is
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approach adding the ease. really, government does not one a 2 state solution that in response, but he's very prime minister, especially rejected the united states ideas for a post war gazda. he's ready. president also said that now is not the time for a 2 stage solution. we heard from a full money's ready invested it to the us. who said that it's unlikely that these role would change its dance. there's bedding them. so indeed, there was a request from washington, the concern and to minimize them are casualties on all sides and they would like to lower the intensity. however, the goal is still the same goal, and washington understands that without the elimination and destruction of the masses of to organization, the war will not be stopped. so there is a tradeoff here, either you lower the intensity and if you do that you for a long time, so you can push the time, you know, in to the future. well, i think that from my present biden's, the point of view, they are a few concerns,
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1st and foremost is from uh, international community. and so way he would like to uh, put back and behind me. and there's also some concerns among his own people. and he's on the tardy so um, we hope that uh, we will continue with his understanding with washington. and then once there will be more pressure on, on, is where a maybe will change the tactics. but we will not the store with the intention and we've been campaign to really eliminated some us as as a situation inc, as a lessons duct, as it gets done, bold has gathered for 5 weeks in a row to protest, ease ready bombings and express water. elva civilian casualties, other physicians cold that protest is filing march, highlighting that medical staff working guy the hospital continued to be targeted.
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is them bold is just one of the cities where people are calling for the protection of health care work, events civilians. as similar riley's have been seen in more than 20 cities around the world, not a hundreds of people have also taken to the streets of pakistan's capital in show of solidarity was by this time i protest us to have the sides of an waived on the scene in flags while calling for an end to the atrocities taking place in gaza. we spoke to some of the demonstrators who say they can not turn a blind eye to what's going on. there. we are. okay, but if you're still closing your eyes to what is going on around here and then why do you think it will stop in gaza? israel doesn't intend to do this suddenly and goes up. it will infiltrate in each and every muslim country, or no muslim country. zionism is controlling the whole low media. and it's very cool. i'm really good, i believe is rarely is being supported by the us and the us as being held by the
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whole. well, they're a non muslim countries to why is everybody listening to america? is this most of bigotry for the whole? well to follow us policies are accepted, featured power around eas, could go back, us invested their head wage. a mom that the us german and french b u. m. bus. it is be expelled from hawk is down immediately. tell them so i guess as a pockets done resistance against occupation is big. right? kidding with him, civilians is not about distinction. these demand, right? where the, how much that are not is open to pressure for the principal is there, there was, you know, it was the video spots which the as far as the cities are processed as far as, as far as solidarity with the police, the name called the civil society of this law, these for testing had, i guess the last time that i had the last to impressive apartments by a large number of men, women and similarly attended this product pardoning banners like cards recently by
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you sign a doctor in that interview said that marcus tompkins, audrey capitalizing as late as he goes to the previous meeting, park is on, isn't fair at off to the guy says, working on to that argument. majority of park assigned is believe that if i, if they go see it because they have a corporation for the virus and the supporting her mouse. why are they, they say microsoft, the brand new land. and this is be a friend of mine according to the internet, as long as your instructor, i'm using my phone are to tv, so i'm about to walk as far as i knew. so that for kind of a consultation day, here's taking on a new form as hundreds. now also a get up for
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a pro published by march, knowing 1st hand what genocide and force displacement looks like. local john list, couple of them for me sent us this report annually on the 16th of december, south africa commemorates reconciliation day. now is the day that says as a stock reminder of your trust, the cheese inflicted upon blacks on that comes by. the approximate vision is also the days of the africans gone to the spirit of reconciliation among the oppressor and those previously disadvantaged and displayed today. the sub africans have given him the community of the elder out of pocket in south africa, and the sounds of to him as big as who the voices of those suffering and kind of fine. and is that about faces? you have a lot of listening but others christian but as, as jewish brothers and sisters that's out yet in, in all that out of pocket. don't really know what's happening in, in palestine with a genocide and so on. so we doing this march here to let them know that we are
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speaking up for palestine, the refill the pain that we feel everything that they are going through and we stand with spell aside. this is indeed, you know, a time with people and you to reconcile the differences. and i think is ideal time, you know, to, to be, can do this. and we can bring disagreements, you know, among the communities, all filled it out of pocket in the rest of the world. you know, to realize what is happening, give us time. we need to find that a solution for my interest and support is against above piqued. my interest and support is for humanity. we have to make a change. and we cannot the ongoing thing of the genocide and the fact that it's happening not just in palestine, it's so many places around the world decided to send me the with us. the cycle of the kind of students also meet up with us because they've tend to be on by 90 seventies. we also went through such things when people out of and here's the thing i want people to talk because do it shootings through
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a tow charges or just puts out things like we have been to south africa. now do i have been a part of this predominant kind of area? she is do some of the sentiments with those suffering and tend to sign and how they would launch the lines, then discriminate to the get in 5 easy and soft as it can. approx dates, governments, not, most communities have experienced the 6 of clinton and as they sion and displacements. the south african colored community originated from mixed race unions during the colonial period, while palestinians have faced displacements and occupation, plundering the establishment of the state of its trial. while the west continues its support for israel and refuses to pull for a ceasefire in that region, with thousands majority of them, the women and children have lost their lives, and millions have been displaced many around the world. and he, in south africa, continued to stand by the side of the world over including south africans, according to international solidarity. so the africans today are able to celebrate
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roles reconciliation dates, because of the international supports, against that about state regina, the n t, a part of the movement gone to global attention and support resulting in economic sanctions against the move in south africa. so many dependents, binion cause these same global supports, but it begins with various processors and such as these, advocating for the right and then end is really occupation that the home for me, for our to south africa across europe, marches in solidarity with palestine could also be seen both in france and germany, people gathered in front of the governmental building, scaring 5 policy in flags, and the use rules actions in gaza. a genocide spots just by the fact that both fire isn't valley has been tracking down on such protests. and in the united kingdom, pro palestinian demonstrate us once again forwarding to london streets. people
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could be seen carried in banners with such slogans as from genocide and freedom for palestine. local douglas on the ground sent us the support. the lot of people here being around people from all of us here
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in one year i'm here i'm here to i would expect people around the world. the large china has house that the meeting between for my mid least and rivals. yvonne and saudi arabia with
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a focus on conflict in guys and the recently reconciled size between to ron and we got a, they had a ron's delegation said here's the country remains committed to building those relations. what are some of it, you know, relations between the ran and saudi arabia have entered the correct path? the 2 countries are working with a serious will to improve those relations. we have very effective capabilities to strengthen and expand these bi lateral ties. the important point is that the relations between iran and saudi arabia will not be limited to the relations between t, ron and re on the positive effects and consequences of you ran saudi relations will cover the entire region and even the world you ran and saudi arabia or to coastal countries in the north and south of the persian gulf and play serious role in regional stability and security. yeah. oh yeah, yeah. us, china that broke the deal earlier this year for your ride and saudi arabia to
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resolve their diplomatic relations. the agreement before saw them reopening in embassy, as in each other's country, the receiving a cause for regional stability. last month you rides, president went to saudi arabia for i summit. he was the 1st thoughts visit in more than 15 years. we've heard from the side, but how much more i need a professor at the university of to ron. he says that the cooperation between the ride and saudi arabia can lose in the us grip on the middle east. both countries are very influential in the region and saudi arabia has been at war with the admin 4 years. and the ron has been been an ally, ibm. and so the fact that the 2 countries have reconciled to a large degree has had a positive impacts on the file between saudi arabian government. and also i think that across the region is these tensions. and it's also help.


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