tv News RT December 18, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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the, the idea of a maternity ward in the southern gauze, putting one child on looting. several of the dead bolt in the region. as of august 19000. we hear from witnesses fine of old. from anata. we went up stairs from the maternity words very quickly, and so people screaming on the 2nd floor for 2 rooms worth what i saw was one person and another person that's a huge being injured. all children in the illinois flush the queue. this is why i love using starvation as a way to getting us to be able to have gaza style the academic monster. alma 0 key
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believes israel is deliberately broken, humanitarian aid supplies, clean, bustle, don't glue. there is no shortage of humanitarian paid. there is a shortage of access for a lot of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access to any very official says, the idea should destroy the entire garza symptom completely removed. rather than make it look like the foam and not the desktop. absolutely, those comments have sparks contamination on egypt, incumbent president l. c. c. when the re election was i thought he's saying he received almost 90 percent of the life of most go. this is off to you. my name's brought her mom in 13 minutes of news. i'll news it stopped now. so i off in a southern gaza where is really
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a track of it. i'm a tennessee will add to nasa at a hospital in the city of hong units. one child has been confirmed, killed, and 3 of those injured because that helps him as he says, the decimal in the region has the pos, 19000, with another 52000 wounded. now warning, you may find the following for this to 7, the, the, the, for the, from the of them off, according to officials, a 30 year old girl was killed. she had previously lost her father, mother, and 2 of her siblings improved. this is really strikes. we've heard from 2 people who were at the scene of the attack from on, on uh we went upstairs from the maternity words very quickly. and so people screaming on the 2nd floor on where 2 rooms worth it was $100.00 on the one person
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after the 1st room this and helped to children. i'm an elderly lady to get out when i entered the 2nd room and there was a child killed to turn all over, but she had to like compensate the child and of course cute said no features left. so brain storage, right. so he the one uh the guy that was sitting downstairs, ive been displaced here for 60 days. so today i sought to attacks the hospital in the 8 o'clock in the morning. one shall arrive, but i did not explode with him, but then there was another one and i heard the rock coming and then i ran to see what happened. i was surprised by the screams of the children running down the stairs. i saw a person killed us, i've been realized. the building was hit by a rocket to the one i saw was one person in the piece and another person was killed . i didn't see him because he was completely covered. there were then taking the emergency. unfortunately, the injured are all children up from the message to the french, british and american people is from what have we done to manually as the people of
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palestine, so that you arm the occupation with shell rocks and weapons and ammunition to kill us and what are we done to you as the people in palestine does the in the meanwhile survivors of a separate building was taken to the same facility, som, being treated on the floor. we heard from a witness of the psych you in school school with over 20000 people who with their people trying to sell things to make money and trying to find the future all night long. boom boom. people they were sitting and rocking, fell between 30 and 40 people. one strike, not a single person could be felt. hold on there, the rumble, old that or injured. there are those with that. why? which i look this one like him who dies? saying in the south of the city of rough or has been hit with a number is way strikes a local search for survivors on the collapse residential buildings. off the slides
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killed at least 2 and wounded several more. according to the u. n. the southern border city has become the regions most densely populated area at 85 percent of those a space being sold directly to their across i a don't. so from regardless of the fed south due to the building that was in the children's world of a hospital in rafa where he describes the current situation. yeah, the total cost out of the situation here in guys is catastrophic. the world has not witnessed such a war before. now my family and i have to live in a refugee tense. the situation here is very difficult, especially because it is winter. it is raining heavily, it is extremely cold. there are no toilets and there's no normal life. we provide assistance to thousands of people affected by bombing or viruses transmission, especially children, death. we community because there is no clean water, no healthy food, or even a housing. most people live in the streets, people left their homes and their memories to escape the selective bombing of the
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civilian population. of a mandatory and twice is these images from southern gaza show a crowd of pakistan's grabbing a supplies provided by the u, a through egypt. and that's a good say the amounts of goods allowed into the young 5 is not nearly enough. according to the united nations, hauff of gauze as population is solving human rights for it says, is what i want them to solve for over 2 months. these really has been depriving guys as population of food and water policy spilled on or endorsed by high ranking . these were that officials and reflect and then send the stuff civilians as a method a wolf will be. this should be speaking out against this important role crime which has devastating effects on guys as population for the repairs of a in a sole stage of supply of medicine needed to monitor aid for garza bravo. there is a shortage of access savvy academic model. so as ot says, as well as deliberately blocking those supplies in order to use salvation as
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a weapon of war, he made those comments on the program good, underground. his equip preview. so there might be a sense ships, uh, air planes uh, by all means of transportation to hundreds of tons of humanitarian, a medical food and other supplies. number 2, there is no shortage of humanitarian aid. there is a shortage of access or a lot of access to be more accurate. israel is not allowing access of food. israel is actually committing a war crime, violate, think a long list of international laws, international humanitarian laws, by using food uh, medical supplies. uh uh walter um, uh, a gas and other essential elements. the vital elements uh for the
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palestinian livelihood as a what then it wants to force them. it looks like uh, the ultimate goal of israel is to push everyone on the border of egypt. then create a dfcs to situation where its uh, forcefully displaced them into egypt. it seems like that this is the plan. they have been bombarding costs, but those would pretext of tunnels under ground. and that's been several weeks. we haven't seen any glimpse of any evidence of such things. it seems like there, there is a systematic effort to force phone palestinians to the egyptian borders as a 1st step towards displacing them forcibly into egypt. the. the idea of has insisted that it doesn't target civilians and e with
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a bully missions if it seems that civilians are in danger. we a board attacks when we see unexpected civilians presence that we choose the right nation for each targets. so it doesn't cause unnecessary damage for management stuff in rough uh, fires condemn the incident. i demanded an investigation. also the pope has announced the coming of 2 civilians have been sheltering in
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a catholic church and gaza. the idea of admitted to mistaking the kidding. 3 hostages held in god despite them waving a make shift white flag and shouting in hebrew for help. the mother of his chief of staff said that failed the mission was complicated by the fall, global collect uh bishop, should from yeah. the 2nd decision could be a life or death decision for me. and i think that 3 hostages did everything possible. so we would understand it, they will they shirts so that we would see that there are no kind of explosives and they held the white glove with it and you know, it came all of the above. the shooting of the hostages was against the rules of engagement. it is forbidden to shoot at someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. however, this shooting was scattered, the i'll do didn't come back in under pressure to discuss this further as close live. now to political alice, i'm security expert and the crime is i will. so that's so thank you so much for doing. is it say on i see. uh yeah. so the idea is insisted it doesn't kill
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civilians. we saw that in the report just now it says it takes precautionary measures to avoid that. but then again, it has also said it killed the 3 hostages, that we said about the white flag. i mean, what's really going on here when it comes to the id f, and what seems to be contradictory terms? well, 1st of all, many things for our hosting be on your are to on 2nd. let me say that is where it has been feeling like since the beginning of this is why you didn't want to get into the palestinians and gauze all are there are a lot of lies a lot of fabrications. again, this time the sound against the fellows to me and people which uh uh, do not 10. uh let me continue with that. uh um, a bunch of them know, 19000 palestinians have been killed by as well. and most of those where ive been killed by palestinian children and then uh,
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i'll send you an uh uh 70 percent of the young children and women and uh, uh the, the destruction which has been inflicted also on the infrastructure is mainly on civilian infrastructure. and uh, just to, to uh, to show you what happened as you just reported you uh before. uh the, uh, 3 is what your cap is rid of. so even though there will, wherever a mid shift uh, wife's not gonna be aware shell clues on their website and enable a, please save us. which means that these weren't in a sole jose, uh, sure thing up there, but i think, i think move the sure thing. and since the beginning of this world is where enough target through the halls get those clinics on the scores, almost phone charges, almost everything that moves or doesn't even know that they're short,
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the others just just a little bit of a short. i'm a term of the uh, building up also hospitalization, connie orders, a couple of there's a go, the is what you do. so it's on his way to bug dawes went to, uh, come out at one hospital in the north of giovanni, all where they betted thomas city. and when did a in, in, in a big in a big a whole it's, it's just, this is, this is what is why any army has been doing unfortunately since the beginning of this war. at the meantime, they're talking about thomas as the bid and b as in david, a great thing with them, which according to our french, i'm not going to be in the photos your, which has indicated models up as up and this out is what a large on his way to the publications agendas have also the feeling of the news. okay. may have heard that the things that you've said a very much truly be reporting them here as well on all
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t. yes. over 19000 people have been killed in in gaza. yes. this is project at the end of the day, like, oh, wrong, this is something over, it's highly ation from is well, my question to you sir, is how a, how much seeing this and what move to, what motivates them to continue in your opinion? um i, i totally agree with you with that is somebody charging situation on how this isn't a very difficult and complicated position. now how much has acknowledged that what they've done on the 7th of october is that there were mistakes. a kidnapping is what you're the women, not kid. nothing is what it is. children was, was understood that was acknowledged by most of the, most of the, uh, for the beauty of i'm as a chairman of the political, beautiful us. uh, but i think at the moment is right, isn't given us. i feel the option is right now there's,
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why did your all of it is feeling how much you have to surrender and you have to lose is really hostages. uncomfortable. they're, they're not given us a all the time. i'll send you a resistance, a set of option where they can negotiate with them. so often almost as a result of sort of uses writing chapters. and that's, that's not gonna happen because it is the best way to just gonna go off to have us children, one of to one of these where it is already been talking about that they're gonna continue to control the goals of the time. this is what was started by prime minister and nothing else in which you said that is when we print junior to to uh, i'll put it in golf i've, there wouldn't be actually, this is what you just say. the session again is what it is. i'm not giving the palestinians on us and the option of a politic i'm 2nd month to the fellow student is why do we call this?
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which by the end of october 5th, we're not sure how to before. sorry. so before we go into the history and i said, we don't have a lot of time, i will, i'll see one final question. what about mid in the house? and so the director cuts me off, but what would it need? what would need to happen to get how much is well to the negotiation table to the best of my knowledge of the uh is why the department of store has given i agree, i agree in my to be here. the reason why the most uh, uh, uh, the is why are they put on uh, intelligence agency uh, to initiate uh, fox sewage. the property is to try to reach our new hood. no new sees file and use of hostages, but it doesn't seem to me that this is going to uh to uh, like that there isn't going to be a brick through. it seems to me that that has to be a very active intervention by the national community, by uh, sales countries to try to impose a southern month on both is one of us in which there has to be. and that is why any
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war, again, is gone, also a prison of extra money during which would be all for all orders. why any hostages in exchange for all the tallest indian prisoners inside his waiting to judge that would be the formula which would be accepted by on us. but i think a discount on hulu is right. it is as if anything to do that, which would mean that someone has to intervene and impose a certain bundle to impose a compromise on both sides that they can action. right, well, let's hope that happens and thank you so much for joining me today. i'd say a pleasure talking to you. thank you. thank you. made a lot of permafrost is says it was an awesome terrorism of all the ideas, to heal, to women, and several others of the catholic church in gaza. a, c o g and i'm civilians be involved and shot at. and this is even happens inside
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a holy family parish complex where there are no cherries with family seats, children and sick people with disabilities have known mother and her family is the georgia. somebody come out and tell him what killed and other people showed by snobbish and they went to the bathroom, like a house of mazda three's is known, was damaged. the generator here, some say it's terrorism, was full. yes, it is war. it is done residency. this is why scripture says, says god steps where someone break spouse and break spears, let us pray to the lowest for peace to the mazda, right. and also were walking to the sisters convince the judge said when gunner fire up to edit statement addressing the incident, the church said no morning was given to the people inside the compound it. here's the idea of what is called murder quote. in cold bloods is well denied the allegations and assisting them. the idea doesn't target civilians we heard from an
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official add to the world council of churches. he quit desires the extent of the is really a tax on the was the kitchens in the many of the latest statements, especially the outraged why the world they're not stopped this mattress. and this is our main problem is though, we rely on a human at the end of the human rights organizations, the united nations. as we also pledge for the western countries who are friends of is to stop this madness to stop in one word. because often or there is no card or victory in this war and a half of the population of additions and does a flood of gaza. we can see that even in the west bed any of the positions are thinking of leaving. today. bethlehem is in december waiting a few days before christmas. it is to us. it is on the siege like any other village
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of the city in the, in the west bank and the a box from juice and nobody can access jenko or bethlehem. so this is all pushing all these questions, all of the order that this has been happening even before the war with this likely new government where they are pushing questions out of the lead. even worse they are, they also are shooting an anything is they could 3 is like you need to do that and who are out in the street. the street to go in the back to the whole. they did the 12th or hugo they did. they just shut them up and stuff. it's a video apparently. so he is really so just eating and smoking in front of the tie that policy is, has appeared on the internet. this all just said there in the west bank city of gin and where they were recently are the rates bills has to be about future plans for gaza
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the nobody in the in the one him most of the quote, the mathematical and the reason we need to know what the method on the little 1st of the whole cannot read about the phases or the obvious says it has uncovered full killed mrs. of tunnel, some of which defend 50 meters and or why did enough for vehicles and drive through . the idea of says the tunnel system does not call them to is ready to entry. but a software is found only 400 meters away from the border. how much has responded to these very crime, saying no longer intended to use this?
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i was also having conducted its attack on as well. in october, i had an idea of spokes footman, rif, of his government pledge to eradicate how much we would hunt, how much leaders we will hunt them and will be the hunter thursday. even if they're hiding into thumbs, we would reach them. we would get to our emission rescue or hostages and different things from us. this is where the official says the idea should completely destroy the gaza strip. who else to kick out? all the privacy is a make the entire region look like come the form and not seeing death comp offsets . so i had all these right and would tell account. so made those comments in the interview with the local radio station, the baby to show the tell everyone in the garza to go to the beaches of of navy ships and load the terrorist onto the show. so 11 on the tie golf, a strip should be empty and level flaps, just like an honest with let it become
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a museum, the showcase and the capabilities of the state to preserve well and this waiting, anyone from leaving because this family. so this is what must be done to give them every shall be presentation. that was quite a har statement from. these are the official. he accuse policies of carrying out a 2nd holocausts on the 7th of october attacks. while at the same time he was urging the is rarely army to fully destroy garza. so essentially what he's saying is that because it should be completely destroyed and changed to an empty new z and like the alphabets concentration come. he said that basically what he wants is a know policy and would try to ever go and live there again, and that they should instead go to live and on and live in ripley, g temps there. but be honest with museum actually slammed him. david as lie appears to wish to use the symbol of the largest cemetery in the world as some sort of a sick, hateful, pseudo artistic symbolic expression. calling for acts that seemed to transgress any
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civil war, time meryl and human laws. that may sound as a call for murder of the scale akin to ouch, which puts the whole honest world face to face. with a madness there must be confronted and firmly rejected. we do hope that is rarely, authorities will react to such shameful abuse as terrorism can never be a response to terrorism. now the official also seems to be worried about another thing. he says that israel has to show its trends in front of his beloved when it comes to this current floor with him us, which basically the conclusion here is that is around most when no matter what. but this isn't the 1st time is rarely official, came out with such comforter for statements because last month we have the is really an is really security cabinet member who said that israel is pull rolling out the gaza, not the boss. we have another statement from the jerusalem affairs and heritage
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minister for has suggested that dropping a nuclear bomb on garza is also an option. so really here it seems like there's a recurring theme within is rarely politics. and these really officials of just coming up with this controversial and really drawn drop in statements. it certainly seems that way human now, would you see criticism of israel is codes, actions growing into a national even among some of its most don't allies, but you condemned these really actions in gaza even before this latest the escalation. yeah, of course you know that the, that's the is there any place in conflict has been going on for decades? so naturally a lot of the leaders have long been reacting to this. now this, this just take a look right now with the statement by the 2 key is, has an air the gun who essentially compared the is really policies in gaza to the nazi treatment of jewish people during the 2nd world war the palestinian
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territories. and the result of the occupation has become one of the most striking places of injustice. we view the whole of costs and the same way we view those besieging guys and getting out of massacre senate. now the reaction to this has been quite interesting, but not surprising. israel came out and they angrily lashed out at the surface president for his comparison to the holocaust into nazis. and he could they claim that the truth is president is simply just lying. why? he said was a lie and the simply it is clear costs and to submit system. there is no other way to interpret. are the ones crude and vital awards. it is anti semitism. clear cut. this is proof that the responsibility of holocaust rememberance is more relevant now than ever. but then again, you look at the number as you look at the rolling that told of civilians coming from gaza. and you start to question the is rarely approach to this conflict.
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really, i mean, even recently the us presidential by then has warrant israel, that it is losing international support because of quote, it's indiscriminate bumping of civilians in this war against how much of a is a problem. and then the love seat rise says that such comments by is very position to do nothing but undermine the countries image. and of course, i condemned the dates to discuss doing it. so supporting that susie. but for those people doing thoughts on google and not less than the total was themselves. yes, of course they go different physically but the but this piece is why you're quoted to, to if you're feeding the to stay your states. sure. ok, good in this way. then your we can me the solar jail, see where we could meet. you'll stay, you'll make a lot of damage to the real estate. so since we have both sides,
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this is debbie. been things to say, i'm not saying that the everything but the is letting me o me if you still use the ok i have done so is not the i don't think. i do agree it was because of the fight there, but these will be fairly cool and had to be very careful not fly away to meet the national. no, i would not say that these would be the using the describe the may the homepage. so yes, a bought the unfortunately, the problem, many people with many innocent people who wrote came out of the test that store agent saying come on present, l. c. c, a have one real legacy with us ortiz. so he received almost 90 percent of the votes . this will be l. c. 's. you said to him in office, i will last another 6 years. that's already said there were no significant violations during the voting process. the election was held over 3 days from
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december, the 10th to the 12th l. c. c is a full them, as you come on to who became defends, but as a full entering the presidency nearly a decade ago. local justice shahita, i mean, report from the private these hello announced by the national election authority was 66.8 percent. and they said that this was the highest ever recorded in egypt history. this election has been overshadowed by the dia, economic conditions, the high inflation, the soaring prices of food in basic commodities. and the searching a debt of, and i think that presidency will now have to turn his full attention to improving the lives of citizens. we see war raging on, on northern border in gaza, also in sedan instability. so a lot of egyptians are looking to see,
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see a full men military commander to bring security and stability to the country. and they said that no civilian can guarantee a stability in this coming phase. and then looking to him to ensure that the conflicting doesn't, doesn't spin over into addiction territory. that we heard from my political science professor at hell one university in egypt. he says, the nation voted for president l. c. c, because he's established secuity in the country. this is actually a mandate from egyptians to uh, president cc, uh, to address the chronic uh, uh it cannot make and political problems. egypt to sell them, to buy it, to the boys, to expose the, from the notes they sell use and every.
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