tv The 360 View RT December 19, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EST
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man, i'm straight out, use it on this episode of 360 views. while the lawsuit against media matters is playing out in a texas court room. what would be the effects for freedom of speech and social media platforms around the world? let's get started. the everyone hate to bully, but sometimes the only way to get rid of one is to find a bigger boy. this is exactly what is happening with the lawsuit filed in texas for the company formerly known as a twitter ex owner 11 mosque. as some quick background to ex, filed a lawsuit against liberal advocacy group media matters for america. seeing it manufactured a report to show advertisers post alongside neo nazi and white nationalist post all in order to drive advertisers from the platform and destroy x corporation. the advertisers like nbc universal and parent company, comcast, ibm,
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as well as many others have said they stopped advertising on x after there was a report by the group media matters stating there as were appearing alongside material praising nazis. now it's not a secret that liberals and liberal groups like media matters were not happy when the social media platform formerly known as twitter, was bought by you on musk. now up until that point, those, with a more liberal leaning, had almost universal control of the most popular social media platforms. therefore, they could control the information which those platforms promoted. more importantly, they could regulate and in some cases, compress information they felt did not align with their agenda and goals. even if it was the truth. what better way to destroy something you cannot control then to take away its revenue, which is exactly what media matters set out to do you on most got no choice but to
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file this lawsuit. if not, they would continue to chip away at his business until it was found to be bankrupt . but not only does this have to do with you on mask and his profits, but it has a key to do with free speech in the future. let's discuss with our panel. steve malls berg, political counter, and talk radio host, lionel media analyst, all the london social media, analysts, and commentator. thank you gentlemen, for joining me. the gang is all here. i cannot think of a better panel to talk about freedom of speech, talk about you on most and more importantly, talk about the future of what this could do of not only united states for around the globe. and the 3 of you. i want to start off with you, steve malls were actually, i'm going to align or 1st x complains that media matters manipulated the algorithms on the platform all to create images of advertisers paid post extra races, incendiary contexts. now the juxtapositions, according to the complaint, were manufactured there in organic and extraordinarily rare. but with
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a legal perspective, is there any solid ground? absolutely. if he can prove it, or we have little bit of a little bit of a kerfuffle here, the judge judge pittman a trump of 40 or reduce himself. so that's going to be interesting to see which, which judge gets it. but understand one thing for a lot of why did ever kids as well what, why, why didn't even refuse themselves. i didn't say didn't have to sherry normally, you don't have to but, but it would have been nice for i think you, i must have had this particular judge though at the federal level. i don't think about it or to a point you were actually because after all this lifetime tenure. but this credit, this is one of those kind of breaking news stories. but the bottom line is simply this media matters or any organization is planning that something is, is true, that is not. and it affects the, the, the reputation of the business, the income of somebody else that are absolutely able and have a cause of action against them for libel, defamation, whatever,
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goals without saying it comes now to, let's prove it. that's the bottom line. if they can prove it, the lines in, if not, but it's not enough just for a liberal organization to say bad things about somebody. if indeed they are true. and even if it affects your business, the, the, the proof is going to be the putting specifically regarding the algorithm. and the proof that is um, made available well as can be about the dollars. it's going to be said, can you show this actually hurt these businesses? and it doesn't help when you have actually very liberal leaving organizations like comcast and ibm coming out and actually backing up you? well, i must think they pulled their funding based on this report for media matters. but there's another part of this, steve malls berg, could this be a double edged sword, as we've seen for musk as he's now going to have to open himself up for discovery. but is this just in regards to x, interest media matters, be concerned, even though i doubt they hide very much i well, i mean i that, you know, kind of uh along the lines of what. busy my good friend live. oh said,
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i mean this is a, a blockbuster accusation against media matters and i am no fan of media matters over the years. i've been a subject of, of, of there's, from time to time. i didn't like it. but i mean, if they manipulated what, what, what must is claiming, i don't even know how you do that, but i guess they, the people know how to do it then. then by all means, i mean this has to go through and they have to be held accountable. but i, i think so that the, you know, well media matters had to do was not do anything illegal and that's what they did. just report on what was happening on, on twitter, how much which we did an anti semitic tweet, accusing jews of about waging a genocide against white over the years of a crazy, crazy stop. now he's been to israel her last a few days and he's remedied some of that in my mind in my view. but what it's going to be black or white either either must is right. and media matters really
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needs to be penalized severely for what they did or must is wrong. and media might, it matters the if the, if they're just printing what they saw and didn't manipulate that they have every right to to notify the public. well, all 3 of you are very active on most multiple social media platforms. so i'm not gonna put one expert, i have another. but i am going to go to all of you on this because you've actually become an influence or on multiple social media platforms. is it easy to manipulate? i mean, we talked about how you can walk by a phone and just talk about a certain subject and magically those ad appear within your social media feed. is this easy for someone like a media matters to manipulate so that those as or that those tweets appear along side as that they might that x might not even have anything to do with. uh yeah, absolutely. one day after this uh, media mattress hit piece was published. uh x, the linda. yeah. carino actually made a statement x to somebody to statement basically saying that the albert most minute like his. and they only found around 2 instances of these address appearing next to
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what they deemed far right content. so it's basically 2 instances. the media matches was trying to say it was happening many, many times. and now suddenly all of these brands dropped advertising on the x. but what's interesting, scotty, if you compare this to take the whole instagram, you don't see any media outlets or corporations of boycotting advertising. on instagram, there was an instagram investigation today which was posted by a very big ex account called judge designer. and basically it was showing that a lot of sexualized, adult content was being started to children on instagram. and yeah, you don't see any media matters, hit pieces against that. you also don't see any media. my to hit piece is about to talk, which have a well sama been logged in, trend trending. we have a weak where thousands of influence is raising been lot. and 911 attacks and the pricing has left to, to america saying he was, you know, a freedom fighter. i'm, well take talk did take action several days later. you don't see the cause,
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the boy caused that. so it's clear that media matches all of these corporations see acts as a substantial threat because it's taking away the ad revenue. they all ending on the right in the websites because everybody is now getting menus from at so they certainly did a minute. but the album in this case, okay, so same to always point right there. all i want to say this is less about the on must being anti semitic or the anti semitic charges. but more about just finding something they can take extra down with. do you agree with that? well again, yeah, i mean yes, he makes a great point because they've been after 11 months from day one and, and in every way, shape or form that they can't, there's constant did pieces on him not for media matters necessarily, but from the rest of the media i use public me number one when it comes to that and their goal is they could take him down. and then of course through tesla as well, which he owes. they go after that under the microscope and hold them accountable for that in space. exit, everything that he owns seems to be under the microscope div. that's right to their
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agenda. he's a threat to their domination of free speech and sensor in conservative. there's no doubt about that. he's absolutely correct on that point. well, i know i gotta bring in your legal expertise on this, and i know you have some of the issues your address, but also to look at how it one must chose a texas courtroom. even the judge, i think, is very cowardly, has removed himself from it. if he can't give a reason, democrats are crying that media matters is not going to be given a fair trial in texas. does this that also make the democrats have to face the same argument, which they are fighting in the case of president trump and his various court proceedings in more liberal states a wedding at 1st. but as far as i can judge, we q as a, we don't know why a judge has to avoid the mirror appearance of, of impropriety. and there may be a ways be may be a stockholder or you may show me the that i want to say why, if he actually help talking in twitter, something about that seems like he just doesn't want to get involved in something. this dirty? well,
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that is your opinion and you're entitled to it and i think we're missing a bigger picture here. this is a part of that. i don't understand it. i'm sure my, my 2 colleagues here will disagree with me if there's a piece, the medic, or, or, or not see, or, or whatever on on, on twitter show what i can see on twitter. what i am seeing in new york that people hold up in placards, and the, and the nbc affiliate is reporting it. here is the bigger picture. what kind of a world do you live in? look, i manage that mine, i'm not a not, you know, go on that recognizing this, but i'm under dog. and i'm so sick and tired of my social media being destroyed. if you don't like x or twitter or anything or instagram, don't look at it. there are not these out there. does that please? the new crane. nobody isn't funny. how everybody cares about that system except
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when they're in ukraine and we know where they're all that's different we. we can't miss that. the bigger picture here. forget about e. what is it anybody's responsibility must, must it's a quarter be this, this stairwell place where all, all mean nice things are said is the act it. so what if you don't like something and your company, you could boy got it. i understand being placed next to it. but my god, what is the matter with this? this is supposed to be the great frontier. remember when the internet 1st started, it was the greatest thing. sure. they were all kinds of weird owes and freaks and thirties. so my said, and you gave me wonder if you didn't like it. so was it merely mirrored what was going on in the world and what you were seeing on tv. that's the bigger picture that nobody talking. okay, steve balls work. i say that you want to respond. hold on. let's take a break. what? because when you're respond, not only are we gonna let steve mazda bird response, we're going to discuss if this defamation case will have an impact level.
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of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to the stash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the welcome back. i'm sky now he use and you are watching the 360 view you on musk is not backing down and his defamation case against media matters and now those who
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have a livelihood based off the social media platform ask, are we encouraged to joan are being encouraged joining with the lawsuit, does this only strengthen the case? well, let's continue our discussion with our panel. see malls work, political commentator, talk radio has a line on media analysts, ali london, the social media analyst and commentator. i left off with you, steve was working. i'm going to pose the question to you just like lionel said he does it like a social media sterile. you might not like what's being pointed. you might not like what's being set on a place like x. but should it still be allowed? that's called freedom of speech. and well, it depends on what the, uh, what, what, what's being said. i mean, you can have calls for violence. you can have calls for, you know, we're, we're living in an unprecedented time right now. where people never thought they would see this kind of thing happen the day in their life time after the holocaust, we saw the biggest killing of jew since the holocaust. on october 7th,
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we then have people coming out and blaming the jews with this blaming the jews for that. we're seeing jews under attack, jews under assault on college campuses. people being told to stay in place shelter in place, choose that is a when there's palestinian protests going on, or palestinian protests being in march through campuses or through cities in certain areas of new york city. the cops that did you stay in place? i mean, this is unprecedented. so if you're having social media exits on, organize this and spread partly of bolts rumors or, or, or bolts uh, a stereotypes about jews and making false claims. that's leading to all this. i mean, it's gotta be monitored. i don't think anybody would say you could shout fire in a theater and i don't think you should be able to shut fire in the theater, so to speak on social media. but all a is that, and the buyer, unless there's a fire, the other thing is always, it's not opening up pandora's box. i mean, whose responsibility would it be to say, what is the truth or what is not?
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and as we've said, it's also in the i have the older these days, one person might say it doesn't make it true. all right, well, we've seen it on mosque has made it his number one priority to respect freedom of speech side. we've seen you guys thousands of previously found accounts that were found on the previous united traits and twitter owners have been reinstated, you know, we still recently, casey hopkins who's well 9 british common sites a, she was just reinstated off to being banned for several years. so i know he alone wants free speech, whether you agree with someone or not. it is very important in any democratic society for people to have these views. but you know, there is a rough fine line between insights and binders and hate speech is valid. and what we have seen recently, of course, because of what is going on between israel and how much we have seen a lot of tension spreading online would say, you know, take talk, pushing pro, how much content we've seen, you know, jewish people receiving hates abuse online which is of course, different to free speech because that is pretty high speech. so there is, again,
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a very fine line. but, you know, who do we allowed to place this? because if we suddenly allow no congress so the you to stop costing laws that they determine hate speech and that can be a very slippery slope because we're seeing now in the islands. they are trying to introduce hight speed, slowest virtual. basically they can just find anything they want as high speed. so if you cool a transgender pass, then you know the wrong pronoun that could be considered hate speech. and that is rudy a slippery slope and that slippery slope has caused talk. right. i'm sitting here too, are the best talk show. hosts are great, it was in the country it and unfortunately that's what killed talk radio in the united states and possibly around the world as they deemed conservative talk. radio is a speech. and so guess what? all of these advertisers pulled out and now we don't have it on your am radio line or your response to control list shouldn't even be controlled. is there that line that we should just call the off button by the way, very quickly and make a very good point. page beach who needs to be paid is protected. paid is
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a thought, it's an idea. i have been what i a terrorism. i hate the yankees what our pay close. have to find that misinformation, this information, data information. what does that mean? we have occasion united states called brandenburg and stow ohio very quickly and said you can go out and you can save you the most awful. they just dealt with a, a k, k ran wizard. and then with us, what you were doing is not own deliberately intended to in site violence. and it does like, let's go now we're going to have very, very soon all kinds of, of christmas the vents in new york city, where i am now the being of the tree. and every day there was he was, i'd say all i bring or whatever it's called and show the reports and storm if they don't say violence, they just say show, well this is going to be,
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this is going to be a problem. what don't, don't say the something don't, don't allow this because somebody a take this the wrong way. do i live on a free society or what free speech is dangerous? it's all for some of the greatest ideas. started off with somebody doing which got him arrested. that's not remember or lose what we just lost during coven mania, when we couldn't even talk about madison. think about this during this biomedical martial laws. i'm. i'm very spirit and we talked about, well, you know that, and that was the government side of the room. that was the government agencies who went to social media platforms. and i would assume other media companies and said, you know this with his laptop uh, garbage about a 100 by and that's rushing this information. i wouldn't put anything i would allow anything and the call that vaccine. i wouldn't allow anything either. so the government actually did sensor and i agree with the 100 percent on that to but i think when it comes to this, i just think again, not hate speech, not good with something could be deemed taste,
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but something that is an obvious call for violence or attacking jews, or attacking a specific person. i think that's it. that's the problem that i get where this is personal to you. i obviously do staples work cuz you're having to live through yourself. you're, you're dealing with the personally. but i also have to bring up right now, january 6, they're coming back and they're finding anybody that ever said anything positive about trump or who questioned the election or question the result. guess what? you inside of january 6, i am very fearful. just like, why know, an opening this box because how they're you question the government. and with this case, it's not the government that's coming after the individuals. it's an organization acting as their weapon for these people that for those the government, the don't like how things happen. ali, on that point right now, are you seeing the same thing happening across the pond in the u. k. in the you, you have lots of you had a major protest happened in spain. you had a new government elected by gert walters and i answered in, are we seeing these start the same kind of conversations?
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it gets freedom of speech and, and let me just point out in the u. k, you have this thing called off. com that shuts down networks that they don't like. what they're saying is this opening up, could this potentially open up the door putting for those freedoms, coming back in the u. k. if this lawsuit stands as well? so i see there is a lot of sense to ship because we're same right now. they're all in our up for a 1000000 people taking to the streets, involved learn a madrid's and various other cities across spite and listen to be happy to 26 days . and you don't see this proposed in the media side. this is one of the reasons why things like x all very important because we need to be up to see what's going on and whether you agree or disagree with something, we need to be aware. we can pull my own opinions by doing all our research but, and what we all say now is a french minister that's different than the x. the full to shop x down in front will spreading what they described, dismissed information. this information island is doing the same and it is very,
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very concerning because, you know, we need to be able to have these discussions. we need to be at the report on the needs. because sadly, many mainstream outlets all facing people. right now we have in the u. k, the bbc news and scar news has become propaganda. outlets full have mass, they are not being impartial and the bbc's job is to be impartial site. the reason a social media is so important is for people to find that information themselves. and you know, they need to do the right research, instead of you know, listening to one that told on television channels so that we do have these threats of sense to ship. the eagle mosque is doing a fantastic job in defending free speech. but i certainly think what we're seeing right now an ex, there is a lot of anti semitism is a little bit like pro my stuff and you know, eat on is trying to protect free speech. but i think we will start to see some issues with that and regarding johnny re 6 you know, we so you know, even a journalist i would troy out from input was, was jailed for reporting on this. we are now seeing an attack on janice. we had in the u. k. the other day tell me robinson,
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who was reporting on the anti semitism much was pappas sprayed as was hancock. they pappas right him in the eyes. they had about 20 to pass. he doesn't offices arrest them. i know simply because he went back to show solidarity and just don't this much. so we all seeing these attacks and censorship and that's why platforms like i just need to be protected from these kind of censorship. most it yet stay walberg, you would think, considering, you know, i must because one of the new guys in the room that i was especially a platform. where is zachary or where is it, what is it dana? spite would take talk. why aren't they standing up in a coalition going and you know, you go after one of us, you're going to go after all this. why are they joining in, in this fight for freedom of speech? isn't that what their social media platforms are based on? now because i believe i believe that they know they see what we've been talking about, how the powers that be, the government is going after 11 months and,
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and basically is not going after them, leaving them alone, letting them their platforms run unfettered. so they're not going to muddy the waters, they're not going to associate themselves with somebody who's sticks up a conservative who's platform allows conservatives on when they to, to a great extent still sensor conservative and conservative thoughts. so, and, and, and incur the wrath of, of, of the, the government and maybe the congress eventually who knows. so, there, there's, they're done like fox is, you know, they see no evil hear no evil until it comes to them. they're just going to keep their mouth shut, and that's a, that's a travesty. it really is. normally, i don't like to give the last word of the person the of the 1st word, but this is a legal conversation. so i'm going to leave it with our legal expert real quick, last minute line or what happens if elan must wins this case, it will be step one. and then we're going to continue this dialogue because i want to add one more thing. we have to ask the question, this is not about even my score x. the question is what it is and is not acceptable on social media. every single day, we have pictures of kids here in new york,
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speeding up a police officer. so somebody with a camera films or somebody violating, let's say a bunch of you or his city, a jews or, or, or, or can bring them in screaming and at the somebody that is reported by someone with a camera that insights that incentivizes, that shows people you can mimic this behavior, but guess what, isn't free speech reporting? did it happen or does it didn't cite? does it make people able by showing you what's actually happening? these are the questions. these are the and by the way it transcends the court rules . it's, it's discussions like this that i hope a one the address is because we're going to lose the right to free speech. nobody's got to take it from us. we're going to give it away well and then nobody will know that it's even gone, because that'll be silence. steve malls guard line of all the one and 3 of my favorites. thank you so much for joining me. and i know we'll have you back on to discuss as this last to progressive groups like media matters have become the
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weapon of the powerful and the politicians to silence those they do not like. and as long as the so called independent groups are doing the dirty work and going after critics, the politicians can still claim they were keepers and believers and free speech. now because of this lawsuit, maybe, organizations will think twice about whether they're truly protecting a right or if they're being used to destroy it. so that's kind of here's and this has been your 360 you. thanks a lot the
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professional and video. see, for the list of all of a beautiful, they used. the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wars, the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this caused them as discontent. the people of l g area began their long term bite
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for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of torture and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps over these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france to start seize negotiations in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass towards the independence . but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the depths of one and
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a half 1000000 algerians. the least, 20 civilians are reportedly killed. busy in israel was late to strike on the southern . most galvin the city of hold off with the implants, both of death to reportedly adding towards the 21st. and in the northern part of the district. the new mass grew, was committed by the squarely occupation in northern gaz, resulting in a large number of casualties. many are still missing under the rubber ball main rage on the jump out of the refugee camp. see at least 110 people killed over the past 2 days, according to local health officials. survivors are with the.
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