tv News RT December 19, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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the, the testimonies gathered by human rights wanted to euro med suggested the palestinian civilians with torture to want in our gift. essentially, think one fundamental light conditions. one media outlet says its own evidence. they ask us to meet on our lease for over 5 hours. we stop like this were beaten with sticks, with fire, and on the heads our backs everywhere. these family occupational armies talked in old lives supporting swatches. and today we witness to yes and now the strikes this time you talk to a charitable organization offering a to solve all this resilience rates on the w refugee. come see at least 13 people killed in bombings. this brings the death all over the past 2 days. that's
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a 120, according to local health officials, survivors of struggling with the people in the association. i notice the lead in with any political party, school resistance, the targeting the association within the residential leading, when many are killed and injured, they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in these threats. and the state department spokesman says there's no magic part of funding, making it clear that ukraine's prospect of receiving aid from washington. i'll admit 5th the from of go to the world. you're watching all the international monies pizza. scott's here with all the very late suspect people don't wanna send you, the civilians face guantanamo light conditions and it's very to tension that's according to the human rights. what is the euro met, which has collect to the civil testimonies of torch within fence compounds.
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detainees are blindfolded and subjected to hearts interrogations with their hands. tied lights are turned on and intensely, shone upon them at night with the intention of exhausting and torturing them. they were mad human rights morning to our claim. they have gathered testament as apparently from release policy then detain, is proving that these rarely army has allegedly been beating and torture and arrested thousands of all age denying access to food a will to also preventing them to move. geneva based organization mentions one particular facility where arrested palestinians are held claiming the detainees are denied me tempers, lawyers, and representative allstate international committee of the red cross that they of course have to write for. and this is what the morning to assess about the conditions, the prisoners, a house in this get to me on camp has been turned into
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a new guantanamo like prison where detainees are caged and inhumane conditions. euro med monitor cited these rarely armies use of open air, chicken, coops to how's the detained and withholding of food or drink for long periods of time. i have to tell you that we are requested the interview with the had all the you were met, human rights monitoring, waiting for the response. meanwhile, these really a newspaper harris published a report on the same topic, claiming hundreds of palestinians i rested in gaza street during the idea of military operation. there in the, in clay, have been held for weeks end of the pension facility near these really southern town of via sheva. the paper also claims that several of the detainees died in the facility with circumstances of that that's been clarified. we sent also a request to the paper asking to disclose more information on that matter. meanwhile, i just do a channel pro cast interviews of those guys,
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and the child claim claims have been detained by i. yes and release later. and this is what those people have to say about what they have to go in for them. do you agree with that? notice we will say for now house is the occupation all me came to us, oscar for all the documents and i d. 's. we provided all id, they arrested us and to close to an unknown place. we stayed for 3 days without knowing where this place was. without food, without anything. we would torture it's and then taking to the detention center, we will touch it more and displaced. they released us, so we returned home. but now you see the torture we do it, we will hundreds. we don't know the exact questions they asked. all we have mass. we said no, no to him us. they repeated the same questions. all you have mass. again, we said no, they taught you a task b to slow through us. they tortured us in waste words cannot describe the truth. but suddenly they asked us to meet on our knees for over 5 hours. we stopped like
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this who were beaten with sticks, with iron on a heads our backs everywhere. i saw the model when i got that when they beat us, tortured us every day, the set, your intelligence agents, your, i'm us, your collaborate is being sold and our families coast and mothers beat us with sticks. told us to be really. they took her idea. we didn't know where they are. we didn't know where the documents are, where the money use. it took everything we own without any shame. some people died in the detention center, diabetes patients, blood patients, of patients, people with arterial diseases. there were 3 torture people died without any medical treatments. do they ever med, human rights monitor is now urgent international committee of the red cross and the united nations working grove, responsible for a detention matters at to put pressure on these really authorities to rebuild the
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fate of all detainees from the guys as tre, print. these every arrested civilian and investigate alleged violations that these detainees, i'll be subject to, to ask this monitor group claims. the idea for reported last week that interest is more than 500. what they call hard terrorist operatives and began to street. it was in november $350.00 of them allegedly associated with mass and $120.00 others with palestinian islamic jihad, which is another milton grove bass in the guise of street. we contacted the army also asking to comment on the issue, still waiting for their response. meanwhile, isabel has said that it streams do not want to kill palestinians as they can provide useful intelligence. that afternoon would suit god's ends with the wide flack coming out to surrender. why would we shoot them? absolutely not. i'm telling you whoever got confused here. even those who fault and
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now they don't to alms and raise the hands, we arrest them. we don't show them, we get a lot of intelligence from the cap this we have, we already have over a 1000. 0, the little more. it means that you are not allowed to shoot anyone who is raising the wind deflector. that disease ornament type of, of, uh it's raining of, of, uh, uh, how do we culture, our soldiers actually when you heard about that type of orders or a arrangement for these are the forces. oh, for these of new york meters means that they are going to only looking for and the intelligence of the the are going to say that every may in how in that as a is how most every made. you know, as that is how most, uh, 1st of all, the 2nd uh, they are going to force every one of those detainees to, to admit that he is a,
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for how much i mean is that there's information that if i'm not in how much, how i can get i how i can offer any information about how much i'm not this. i am not a membership of this, of this organization. i'm only is a senior citizen living in my home and they take home to his home and the others. it's an easy, are going to investigate him to check about him. ok, you are. how much you should the drawer for how much, what type of information i'm going to, i don't have any type or the kind of information to does the investigator of this office or society office of disability, hard type of thinking for best leadership. while a mouse has shed a video that appears to show 3 elderly hostages, asking to be released on condemning the idea of a bundling of them. but it isn't clear if a video was filmed on the dress. my name is. hi,
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i'm berry from now. you're whose cupids, occupations settlement, i'm here with a group of other old people. they all have chronic illnesses and are living in a very harsh conditions. we are the generation who built the foundation for the creation of israel. we are the ones who started the idea of military. we do not understand why we have been a band and here you have to release us. it doesn't matter. the cost we do not wants to be casualties as a direct result of the idea of military strikes, release us with no preconditions. don't let us grow old here in know the gods a strikes on the job. really, a refugee camp have claimed the lives of at least 13 palestinians with those in small injured his report sent for missing of the produce as a new crime committed by these rarely occupation here in the northern gauze. this trip boost charitable association that assists people by providing age,
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under the severe humanitarian conditions, most target to its place attack. this full story builds an inch of all the flats and then into the ground. neighboring houses will also affected by the strike. there are a few patient continues to show em tail policy in the us here in northern gaza despite that'd be most suitable health facilities to accommodate the large numbers of ages until probably do. many of these association helps the poor and needy displace from their homes. they provide clothes and things like mattresses to keep them warm. they truly help only the poor and needy. the situation we are in is dreadful, guardian, for jobs we leave near the association. old we know is that the association comes to help us and l children is the role of the community to assess the needs of the pool, and people with special needs, the ease really forces. i'll tell you in an association of assist before we comp them more than this, the people in the association are not affiliated with any political parties or
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resistance. they're targeting the association within the residential areas where many are killed and injured. these really occupational armies talked in all live support in structures. and today we witness to yep. and now the strike this time you talk to a charitable organization offering a to song. and to all this resilience, the south of the in place, which was previously declared a safe. so the city of rough uh, was hit with a number of his early strides, typing the lives of 29 people overnight. a warning you may find the following images distressing. the number of children are among the casualties and tragically, daughters were unable to save a baby wounded in the strike. 3 residential buildings also destroyed with many victims, remaining product onto the rebel. not far from rough uh is the and bought. so the city of con, you nice, which is dealing with the bloody optima of i guess strikes on monday school is the
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victims. that'd be in most to nasa hospital, which is a facility that's already said to be a breaking point. local journalist around the i'm a gary gives us an overview of recent is very strong on gasser. as ray iris rides. and dig around invasion has 10 types of gun unabated over the past to 24 hours. with more is where a this strikes hitting various parts of the region including a malay and that you validated with the g can, where dozens of people have been killed. the during every strikes on various toes, different tones, and they jump out of the area where as really operations are re, operations, have gone on a basic sense. the out to break of the 80 was on the gaza thread also. and the goal is as thread every, as of the eastern causes us to have thoughts,
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including by 03 d can already to refugee can also generate geek village to the east of the middle area. there have been more strikes, more is really the tank shows here. over the area over the past 24 hours may lead and early hours of today the days don't. as visa strikes had a number of houses, people left on the on the levels without, without being rescued vice risk fuel services. and the 3rd 3 because of the lack of the shorts, short phone off the services that are through the region over the past $74.00 days off as were 80 was in dollars off. this is the devastating humanitarian crises escalades in garza. these images show a crowd of palestinians desperately trying to get food. now it's enough to groups say that the amounts of goods allowed in the enclave isn't nearly enough because
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got to buy your a met monday to sho alarming levels of hunger. 71 percent of gases population faces severe hunger with 98 percent experiencing a chronic lot of food. 64 percent are resulting to consuming real food or even expired goods to survive. your meds has raised alarms over the scale of these are the crack down on siblings since the stones have its genocide and goza, israel has imposed a comprehensive located on the strip and prevented supplies of food will to feel that the humanitarian necessities, from reaching the more than $2300000.00 residents of the strip israel is use of self ation as a weapon has taken intensified since the 7th of october, and has included cutting off whole food supplies to goals ins, as well as booming and destroying the strips. bakeries, factories, food stores, and water stations, and tanks. meanwhile, us state department spokesman,
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matthew miller announced israel has started providing humanitarian assistance to gaza through crossing points on the enclaves southern border. but the official did refuse to and so just how humanitarian aid will make up for the conflicts colossal desktop. on sunday cam shalom crossing between israel and gaza open for the 1st time for the movement of 8 in the gaza. second, for the 1st time since october, 7th, trucks caring commercial goods moved into gaza on saturday. and we hope to see it is channel solidified and expanded over the coming days. you would accept, wouldn't you, that it doesn't matter how much you mandatory and 8 is going in. if everyone's dead, it is a very difficult situation. we're in right now. we're trying to accomplish 2 things . number one, to minimize civilian harm, to work with these really government and also to get him out here and assistance. and that is also important to ensure that the house needs to ensure their have food, water medicine. let's cost live now to retard us. a false left hand and cannot turn corrupt kolscott current rates. have you with those?
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um we recently have the us defense secretary vs. so the thing supports for israel, what's the thing the country to change its type 6 in gaza to minimize civilian casualties. do you think that's israel slightly to change his tactics though they haven't been so far. and i don't think that they will be. i think that the, the us agenda is slightly different than these really agenda. and these really are pursuing their agenda. and if the these are, these continue to pursue the agenda have as they have been for the past 2 months over the past 2 months and the way that that happened, do you think of us will still continue to support israel? uh yes, i do. um the, the degree of, uh, genocide. i mean, i think it's fair to use that word that has already been conducted is more than enough. the whole world has condemned it. the united states has not. so if they haven't condemned it at this point,
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i don't see that they will condemn it at some later point. when one of yours is so, so behind israel, in the face of this, this devastation that the whole world is seeing and gaza. why is the us funding alone as you pull to in many instances and its support of the country? well, american politics for many, many decades, has been dominated by a pro israel approach a pro scientist approach. both parties are heavily subsidized and campaigns elections. this kind of thing is very much influenced by a pack, for example, which is just one lobby and also efforts by the israeli government. and it's, it's organs to really ensure that when they want something from the united states, they get the message really doesn't have the freedom to say, know, are paul, i mean the people do, but our politicians do not have that freedom. so they pretty much go along with
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anything and it's a, it's a real a, it's, it's embarrassing in many ways and it's also criminal in many ways because the a just wanted to pick your brain about something else while you had come to us is announced this 10 states coalition is naval coalition, super tight shipping in the series to now do you think you'll be offensive and preventing cargo ships from booth e a types? it's hard to say, i think the cargo ship companies and the commercial shippers have already decided not to take the risk many. and i think that that trend is going to continue people avoiding the red sea avoiding the suez crossing. and so i think they'll be less to protect the fact that this unit is standing up where this a collaboration is standing up will make more targets it'll,
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it'll actually increase the danger of a, of a consulate going up on me even more the present. but instead that he sees as the 2 state solution in israel as, as the best way to end in this conflict. but surely, that seems further off and it has been for a long time. now. do you think it's realistic possibility? no, and i think that um, israel has imposed a 2 state solution for for a long time. certainly could oppose it. and this destination of guys, it is actually part of a strategy to ensure that if the 2 state solution is ever imposed, the, the, the land available to palestinians and the number of palestinians existing and what is really israel considered as israel proper will be. so small that, that the 2 state solution will be irrelevant. this is, i think a big part of the d is really agenda in gaza and also in the west bank. i mean, this is a long term project and we're just seeing latest iteration and date. well,
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time to cut costs give you tied us, uh, forklift, southern colonel, thanks very much for your take on the situation in the least at the moment. thank you for staying with the conflict is red in the us all the only countries that go against, well, consensus about these fi and gaza, that's according to listen. i'm positive since you validated you've been here on his remarks of the un security council meeting on resolving to be at least, i mean it was legitimate. and then since the beginning of these somebody else military operation in gaza, i'm more than 19000 people have been killed with 70 percent of the victims being women and children. there is a consensus in the world for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. the only state, besides israel that oppose this, this opposing the entire international community is the united states to the could have been the 90 you. instead of these have been destroyed at least a 122 monetary and work is killed. and it's really a tax on how much that's the great system. so it's a loss in
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a single conflict since the united nations was founded. moving on now there's no magic pots of funding, that's how the us state department spokesman and matthew miller described. you credit the limits of prospects of receiving more 8 from washington, easy to fund the prize zone, is the research or constituting any anything outside of the box. there is no magic pot of funding that we have available to draw on if congress doesn't pass this bill . that's not how government funding works. there is a, there us funding streams that we can draw on. we have use those funding streams. we have nearly exhausted them and over the next few weeks will fully exhaust them. and that's why we need congress that. well, those words you just heard from the us state department spokesman, they come at the time when the white house is still trying to negotiate in order to swing its funding package for ukraine. they're asking for an additional
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$60000000000.00 that would include not just money for ukraine, but also for israel and as well. and at this point, the white house is negotiating with republicans in congress about possibly getting that funding in exchange for stricter policies at the us border with mexico. however, it's worth noting that we have a situation where it appears. there's not unlimited funding coming from the united states. there's top it is, could be the final aid package where you crate the lift gate, feel somewhat confident. here's what he's at. keep right? yes. planning on this. so i'm confident that the united states will not betray us, and all agreements with us will be fully implemented. so he's confident that the united states has his back, but the you as a seems to be running out of money. and it's important to know that public opinion in the united states is not in favor of continued flow of weapons and funding to ukraine. 48 percent of americans say they don't think they,
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they think at this point, we spent too much money on ukraine. now. 27 percent say is the right amount, small 11 percent say not enough. and 14 percent just don't know. oh, that's the least polling data among americans. a real lack of enthusiasm for support for ukraine. those numbers are much higher among republicans. they are among democrats, and at this point we handle the situation where the president united states by it and who is trying to secure this in a package. he responded that he's going to continue pushing cause a package. bunny kind of laughed it off as well. this is what was said, mister president, called our congress to do the right thing to stand with your crane to stand up for freedom. and i want to thank you for being here and help the cause. the . it seems like a very dramatic shift in tone among the circles of power,
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not the in do is the as and we have the beginning of the special military operation . at this point, we see the circles of power, the united states, the congress, and even the presidency. they're not so enthusiastic, not so excited about boring war weapons and funding in the kia. so we'll have to see how this plays out if that aid package does. finally, go through and if in fact it is, what many suspects could be the spinal aid package to get them back to the middle east. now where the rainy and oil ministers confirmed, that's a nationwide destruction of petrol stations in the country on monday was caused by assigned by time. disruption of gasoline pumps happened due to the cyber attack and refueling operations had been stopped. design is and i, me, and america wants it to challenge and probably people in this way. but the people in the ministry of oil will not allow this. and this conspiracy will soon be towards it. a group of hawk is known as predatory spiral,
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has taken responsibility for the wide scale, disabling of federal funds to run on monday. let's go into local media group, which is accused of how many links with israel also claims is gains access to the service. the run, the pay and management systems are, those stations are on service extends all the runs, federal stations reports, disruptions that's all on now reports and the open running is awesome. i am at least experts cut off some loose as a run as well. we'll continue this side, the sparring tensions will not rise to accept will that's the real issue between uh, between e one and its neighbors because uh and uh are the united states because they. busy they are having these kind of a cyber attacks, one against each other easy. it can go from a few years past, which stuck next, which uh, as the american and these really same as cyber aspect on that you a new, a new technique. they're a site and you the, they really and government does the same also to the americans or to these really
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so it's going to be cyber attacked, vice versa, each time in order to stop it has the region has to stuff. so as long as the what, the, what we go on and the problems we go on between iran and the western countries, the cyber attacks we, we continue uh, for a long time. you run to not extend lovely the word it. yes is read because he's right. has the nuclear bomb. so each of the countries they just on the sidebar affect each other. and yeah, movie can in order to prevent any, was sent to r a c, a id to the, to the read to, to that region. so those 2 countries know that they should not do any fee more than just cyber attacks. are very but arguments against each other and over to germany, no way of protesting farmers have forced billing into deadlock, both in traffic and politics. buses over $1000.00 trucks is sort of the city center,
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the drivers, divani, the government keeps special tax cuts. so i could go to fuel in place the the process, the said, the outrage over the financial burden they would face without the ties codes menu, urge the government to consider how the monetary strain would impact the ability to maintain crucial production levels. some promise even went so far as to demand that those who propose to build it would be from power to contribute to visual mazda and gives us the take on the story. first it was ducks, farmers who revolted against you, climate policies demanding that they reduce the number of belching and advocating. how's under threat of land confiscation? now it's german farmers and their tractors that rolled into berlin to protest against german chancellor. all i've sold is treating them like cows, cash cows to be precise, because schultz is desperate to rama job some change and decided that it's farmers
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who is going to shake down to plug a part of a massive it's 6 feet 1000000000, euro full that he blew in the countries budget, when he quietly took cash from a pandemic recovery fund and used it to pay for the green energy transition, which the court ruled past months to be totally illegal. so team schultz had to take that cash back out of the green industry fund and put it back where he took it from leaving a big deficit about his massive isn't a hole in the head of the person who came up with this dodgy scheme. so schultz is coalition partners last week decided on a plan to drum up some cash by the old classic of increase taxation and spending costs. well, someone who's got to pay for shots the screw ups and the farmers can at least be built for more cash and even free, taxed that the government tax subsidies for the simple diesel fuel that powers
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their equipment deserves to be cancelled. sacrificed on the altar of climate change pharmacy. it was pretty chill about being murdered in the name of climate change the hell to show its whitewash. the screw up. let me put it through. this makes up production costs much higher. we have to compete globally and on the market, we kind of sustain these rising costs, and yeah, we have to pay the taxes, that insignificant costs. the last thing we need is an additional financial burden on the market. considering our limited income, the situation isn't stable and it would adversely impact all citizens. we cannot afford to let this happen because of the our name con, our objective is to stabilize society, ensuring every one is fed by securing the food supply. the primary motivation behind the interest is to prevent hunger. meanwhile, schultz is presiding over the only major economies set to shrink this year. that's according to the international monetary fund. so was dirty,
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strapped for cash. surely it's time to really get radical about focusing on the absolutely most critical interest of the average of germans daily life die. so about the social career that see the situation worse ends as a result of russia's war against ukraine. for example, because the situation on the front, the, the rates because of the supporters reduce their a to ukraine. because the threat to germany and europe continues to increase, then boiling, we'll have to react, well, sounds like germans or do i have to move cheap right now if they want shots to prioritize them or maybe they can just stay home and self identify as a tree or plant and appeal to schultz is green found disease because 2 plus what teams schultz considers to be about a $17000000000.00 euro gap. they figure that in addition to taxing farmers, also jacking up the carbon tax on things like fuel. we'd probably get the job done, they figure.
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