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tv   Documentary  RT  December 21, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EST

4:30 am
the more you should so it means if you have, when you feel who am i see, that's one way and i'm familiar with this, so i'm gonna stay on the old stuff last time. i feel like there's are a mary from a serial number. see me membership when you to i've got the, i'm seeing a little boy is the middle of police to join me at that of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about the waste management. now and, and they could see could remain for centuries. that's my of my choice. the. so it's pretty at the cost your system is a multiple and you have to put the team could have to deal with the issue the the,
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the sultan tells me you floated up to $15000.00 people in bed incoming. your mess the rest of 6 days. the sultan says, victims have desktops, the heads were cut off, placed on sticks like soldiers on parade. the details may looks except the hands of each victim. so you could keep a tale of how many they had killed and pay them according to the and at the end of the moving appealed reverie. our true istic sentiment, the statute,
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luminous and terrifying. like a flash over like many of us are reading sky, fix them, and for the brutes. you mc connie is typical if you'd a p as in africa at the time. and few that just 9 months to purchase machines and $10000.00 in a single day on the, in the movie and the germans. what about to begin? what they called the annihilation of the, around the congo when my jenny was joseph, come up. the guy in the belgian congress were reducing the african population by 10000000 in the a little while i not got any boots. i really do good a good degree. and i know the, i to get those who got to do the upgrade with godaddy to the day and really
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that it uh, that don't go to florida taking then to me, what is it? oh, got you as l i s as well. say that the i is gonna come in and look at you and see you've done with a new and you're calling during the week i came up to your little kitchen and you hook on and then some wood. uh where, what uh what, uh go. i would have to do tomorrow. would be at the go come the little kitchen to the and got a bath assumed a duck. yeah. okay. by 2 or. so i'm again with the goal to to can the one with the i like that 18. the sound kind of gufferson, zach up ways you quote and i come up with them, talk with a,
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what in some kinds of says what was to go to them. what would you do? i, you know, conditional code would have to go to, i told him, i don't. well, because he's not because the teacher says he always, you know, kinda, it's a good idea. we do a lot don't. well, because about getting books, a vision of my to you because it just the one divided that the some of the and seen the done with the human. so by the dba, poor the actually you might know i could see more or i could see my old but was because she, i'm a god. yeah, new normal then but and she, she lives that i look at that might be of them. but i would love to print stuff and i see that i see
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somebody to guide in and then that's who really i'm guess for the screws and cream quantity. and cream key is the mtv. just see what is the the n a s as well also. so what not when you, when do with that, it was also went to try to get me well, i knew, well maybe i may be as bad as the so to discuss the 2 subjects for convoluted remembrance for a william turned upside down on his he includes me nice little bit to sign the light on history. the world has beside
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the of the oh my god, god god, god can job to
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route to connie is thinking pretty easy to photo a rec glow in the sky. another village so destroyed by 4 days called on the freaks of, of a terrible side, the girls hanging from the tree at the entrance to good that dangling feet, nor tough by how you get a french officer to the just as comrades to pick to the mountains and to stop cups. so now clause is closing in on you cool my
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station. my who lives my everything below the thing was to know what he belonged to. how many powers of douglas claimed him for their own. i was going to dismiss somebody to fully managed to discover that is a schema come to see the glory of a captive like me. i would sooner sacrifice my life, then submit to these to me, jason and surrender my position. the men's plan covers on the threshold with great feet completed in a voice of low, neat wistfulness of tone that made my blood run cold for these cupids club with zullie here at the village of the inquiry. it was july 14th,
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the french national holiday pop and next the so called drama. the inquiry was strange and anything, conrad had. imagine the minion having the i mean. yeah. or the to many i would do any of the, i mean the yeah, yeah, yeah. i'm the one that she need to. i'm gonna get a uh well not, not. and then yeah. what i really desire was on country with them separately. uh once it got the e guys because of the club and do they came face to face just outside the village. it was 7 30 am on by steel de diagrams
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thrown by eye. witnesses detailed, the 2 men's positions, the gods, the waste of his weary brain. deep by shudder, we can reduce the images of well, some famous party. so i tell you, it had gone mad. the active listening. the
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just 60 meters separated people from the madison to stop 60 minutes between life and the as i am peeped over the edge myself, i understand better. the meaning of his desk could not see the flame of the candle, but it was wide enough to embrace the whole universe piercing enough to penetrate omaha beach. in the darkness, she had summed up the judge on the high acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my
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new shells. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and think i think it will have chevy and it shows the patient unix begonia fit the willingness, the camp, coupled or appreciate what are you doing the adults, but then you would just give them a shot the, the level so, so that's it for me just so that way you know, you hear them step is just the fluid. so i know control is the
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cancer only as a visual of moving in, but i do have to make sure that people come the middle of it. so it's frustrating that was mentioned to them yet. so please, i show you a different level may assist you. mind when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throwing up at the let's just sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't know if it was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the see it is done with this or fix it on this one was if the control so sort of all the the man trump died instantly. and unlike foolish, countless african victims, he gets his own memorial circuit. when was it that i'm
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going to push it don't was who for the the president was, you know, somebody from the news group and he did the she, barbara, she said no, got you. i'm under the impression with us. i know how to offer some of the offer, some of the, the kitchen of the
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asking kill clubs. there's no way back to you like to use it to shoot this logic of colonial west africa has become a single single private possession. i like to have the episode racist advocate specifically and use it because i am a black chief. the king of like top i am not on the offense man. i am in a free can like you of the evening. some of us are freaked on such and decided to break crowns and put and then took up the envelope. crazy planned but he fled under heating
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a boastful night. just before don't be phone. he is the age of the village of my just the window of scouts floating dead to bullets with the head the body to human, to support the game video easily. so then the, what do you so don't say to you slow when you told me the so he was the,
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the 1st thing i noticed was that you agree to that this magnificent tree literally sucking the life from your problems. so the solution for me for the training as well. so we're going to show you our the others and it's only one or 2 and i finally found okay, to move michigan to disagree with the one who's gonna do the move out. so,
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but guessing i knew what the we, we the know what it was, 321 a couple of them see here. yeah. okay, exactly. got it. okay. yeah, this is how we prefer the solution. okay. it's not for sure. what am i that i can to run the,
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you know, i used to get hungry enough working best is that to assess a ropes course that competitive testing. that's me. thing. great. what's the month when done? the item is done on it and we want to get it covered. when would that be good to know what the company one is going to give them to somebody come and help community a and a new one and a new modem to, to come in. when they come on pressure on the sale, you're not reaching to the to the young who's not appropriate to the the no one to read that you're going to use the new one with the goods. but you go box, public, viewable by team. does that when enough to apply to the kind of guy
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who was with the bus i came in here to elizabeth was no problem. we opened humanise, humanize me. yeah. what about, what am i to let you know you're not going to go with, you know what i need to do to machine to, to go in within this a couple of the funds. i believe the appraisal didn't speed up with one of the top one is the one that was on the
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i want to rip, you don't come from out of the ground really and see the people are going to be free of you forever and find the future bright, but now i sees you never really died. your white supremacy, just like good is still holding our modern world high. well the we've got so used to looking away. we still go into someone else, always has to pay the price file a come since the, the man
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the i'm backing up. so it just just grown that iris strikes and the police killing of black people in america, spots world wide protests, the instances the history i traced the course and is uh as burst into the present
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the, the as of zullie coats and roads us to work today still killing from the people that i learned that the test will never lie down. we cannot simply forget the interest to seize us history. we must confront him if we ever hope to be free for the future. the, the, the,
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i recently went on a trip in west africa. well, i followed the road of colonial mexico. why that elizabeth colonialism is, i think it's in the past, the same thing, which is ruining people's lives today. the,
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the the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is
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the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing, press 4. so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and visit us deals to help me living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is, will be the, the 1st time in history. if any anti countries culture has been cancelled, the very modern weapons cancel a culture. they need to ask one of the associated malice total. and one thing it function just means that in the one who puts the glue, the phrase now, particularly the refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be
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up to that i get 20 miles folks to which will be on there. it's charlie phillips that go with that most of the subject to the one of them eat the moist blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected too expensive with somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot closer. oh no apology. does it have to use it? a little symbol is joining total condemnation grows daily and now including those to instigate to ca skate shostakovich that the i need to. yeah. of course, to left the sheet of those things that will just be done with you. i'm gonna need you to the
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distressing images from southern guns. there were at least 12 people are killed, 1000 and really strike hits near a hospital. in the rough rescue and relief efforts are hindered by communications, which is also in the end they've side based real expands. it's a funky ration order for accounting units, neighborhoods that come the red crescent organization accuses the idea of targeting hospitals. but 55 people are reportedly killed in the city and also ahead fronts, jails of former row london doctor for almost a quarter of a century over his role in the 1994 genocide years of occupations. that part of itself.


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