tv The Cost of Everything RT December 21, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm EST
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the versus brushes, or the versus the is either one of these 2. the students 1st is that the issue was to this as well as the war in gaza escalates with thousands of people dead in tens of thousands injured opponents. palestinian, profess a right to unplug it, has been killed and an idea strike the thoughts. oliver was killed alongside his brother, sister, and full of her children, and i says is ready will claims bomb. and he's home in northern garza. the idea of had notified locals to evacuate, but he did refused to leave real thoughts. oliver in early i gave an interview saying he had no choice, but to stay. the also adding that if these really ami canes, whose daughter home is family, it will be evidence to use against the idea. well,
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let's discuss this now with done colleen who's an investigative journalist and filmmaker on the project found of on captured media done. thank you very much for joining us today. um, you were acquainted with delta oliver. can you tell us when you 1st met him, please and about your friendship with him. thanks for having me. i had the good fortune to meet doctor referred to other rear in 2014. i actually met him through twitter when i was in his home neighborhood of such a east of gaza city during the 2014 is rarely wore on gaza and actually met family members of his who had survived is rarely war crimes. multiple family members of his had been executed and when i tweeted a photo of those family members, refund responded on twitter. at that point he was in malaysia and he said that those are actually his family members. and he thanked me for documenting that. they
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had been killed and then i, when he finally came back to guys a month later, i got to meet him and, and, you know, drink coffee and have a meal and tour around the ruins of his neighborhood with him. can you tell me how you felt when you heard the news that he died and those idea of strikes as well? i was absolutely devastated as so many other people were who were impacted by reflect other years work as an educator. as a teacher, as an activist, he impacted so many people's lives through his teachings as a professor of english literature at the stomach, university of gaza, which is now been destroyed by israel. it was bombed, also in 2014. he taught one of the most important things i think he taught to his students, was teaching these young people to deconstruct their prejudices. that they had
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learned as being victims of zionism to differentiate between jews and scientists. and this is in total contrast to the portrayal that we see after his death in the media on social media saying that he some kind of rank anti semite which couldn't, which couldn't be farther from the truth. and he was an incredible palestinian intellectual will be, i think, remembered for generations and will live on through everyone who he taught, who read his work and will read his work in the future. mm hm. but he wasn't without control of a see the was was he thought he did sterile and you know, some criticism when he compared how much does that suck on his well they don't so but so the will also get so vote prizing. what are your thoughts on that? i think that's it completely apt comparison. that you know, it's not a one to one comparison between the gaza strip and the warsaw ghetto. but the fact
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is, the gaza strip is, is uh, filled with people who are disenfranchised. who are stuck there because they are of not of the right, the proper ethnicity, according to the dictates of design is to project of israel has national ideology means that non jews have to be stuffed into this mass of ghetto, where they are shot. they are bombed, they are now being ethnically cleansed, and it's a long project of genocide, not on like what the jews of europe suffered. and just like the jews of europe in the warsaw ghetto, rose up against their, their nazi be seizures and those who are murdering them. so to have the palestinians of the gaza strip. and so i think it's a, it's an absolutely necessary comparison. and i don't, it only makes me respect dr. refund and other we're even more that made that. mm hm . no you have to say struction done all we you affects it in the attacks. you don't
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so, but you must have family members or acquaintances that were impacted by will happen then. personally, i don't have any family members in israel. i do have, i have friends actually who live around the gaza. what they call the guys are built in. the settlements around the gaza strip that were completely terrified the one who was hiding in his house when the mazda attack happened. and the 1st thing i did was text him to see if he's okay and, and he said, you know, he's hiding in his house and i've been in touch with them ever since. so and i am not affected personally. i sympathize with the civilians who did lose their lives that day. i mean, i think there needs to be basically an, an investigation into what happened on october 7th. and there's very clear evidence of is really that these really military enacted what is called the hannibal
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directive where it killed its own people in order to prevent them from being taken captive into gaza. and that's something that we know from is rarely media from testimony of survivors and military figures who were there that day. however, israel has refused to get to allow any investigation to take place and is doing the best to bury the evidence. so, i mean, i think that's the key thing to understand is that we need an impartial, international investigation into the events of october 7th and the use of the hannibal directive and my personal connection to it is very minimal. and i don't think it's honestly very relevant. okay, okay. i mean, it is so divisive. this issue though, i don't think i've known anything quite as divisive. you've done if you support one side, if you don't, if you support the other than you and also the other bit discuss relations between the dogs of the west buying to and on this rail.
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i'm, i'm sorry i couldn't, i couldn't quite understand. so the question i just said, did you and don't to alorie i discuss relations between public opinion people and these valleys. where do you spend time with each other? oh absolutely. i mean dr. refund l a rear c held on to see, maintain the belief that there could be real co existence in between and peace between palestinians and israelis. and that there could one day be forgiveness from the palestinians to uh, to the israeli people. but that requires the deconstruction of zionism of the the project that requires millions of palestinians himself, his family, his students to be locked in the gaza concentration camp. and so it's not a matter of just pretending this is not happening, or equating the 2 sides. it is talking about it is,
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the idea is that piece comes through justice, not forgetting about crimes, but there needs to be some kind of a tribunal at some point, some kind of a truth and understanding and justice commission of what the crimes of zionism have committed against the palestinian people and i think that is what you know if you, if you look at it actually i, i did an interview with dr. refund all the rear in 2014 in november of 2014. and you can look at what he says specifically about that in my article and in on captured media where i have the, the video. and you can really get a sense of what his thoughts are and what his teachings are. additionally, so he believed in piece, but only that piece comes through justice. mm hm. and looking more globally, the situation has been jogging on for, for over 2 months now. and according to the palestinian health or authority over $20000.00 civilians, including thousands of women and children,
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have died in israel's response. now we have seen even some of israel storages all eyes starting to raise the voices and, and criticize israel's approach to this military operation. do you think that is where we'll take heat or continue to i think israel will continue. it's attack, it's a salt on gaza as long as it can. and so it comes down to support from the united states and united states is using all of its diplomatic capital in particular at the united nations security council, where his repeatedly blocked ceasefire proposals from and to the point where it was the only country to oppose a ceasefire even the u. k. you know, abstained in the most recent one. and now for the last 3 days, the unit,
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the united states has been doing everything possible to avoid a vote on a, on another security council resolution calling a seat for a cease fire. and delaying it will rewriting the language and so you can see that the united states, through its support for israel's ethnic cleansing genocide of gaza, has isolated itself and is, and you and this is part of its, its overall decline not only in in the middle east but of course, in, in europe to, with, with its support for war in ukraine. so, i mean, of israel. the other aspect of this is nothing yahoo wants to extend this war as long as possible because his political career depends on it. he's facing, uh he, he is facing charges for huge amounts of corruption. and as soon as there is a cease fire village rarely public is going to come for him and they're going to
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want to, they're going to want to know why october, why these rarely military failed so miserably on october 7th. and they're going to want nothing. yahoo! his head, i mean he's his, his head is on the chopping block next. so it's in his interest to extend this war as long as possible. indeed, we have seen demonstrations instead of even else way and supports of those hostages that would take and um, do you think the nets and yahoo stated goal of defeating disjoint? come us militarily, is realistic, given the conditions of fighting in gaza and the nature of that must have minutes since lots to say that not hiding in with the civilian population. you know, i'm sorry it cut out in the middle of your question in the, you know, problem done. i would just say, do you think that the prime minister netanyahu stated a lot of destroying her mouth militarily, is realistic, given the nature of the up in wolf had the on the must minutes since themselves. you know, from the beginning, nothing yahoo is,
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has had to completely content you contradictory goals. one as you said, to destroy him, us, which it can destroy from us. his ability to govern garza but it cannot destroy how masses, ability to militarily resist. um, as we've seen now, were you know, 60 some days into this mega solve on the gaza strip and how mosse and other arms resistance group in the got groups in the gaza strip. continue to uh, surprise, these really military kill it. soldiers destroy tanks and armored personnel carriers. and even, you know, you, if you pay attention to is rarely media. everyone knows the security establishment knows that they're not going to be able to be a moss. and this is just a matter of time until they're essentially forced to agree to a cease fire. so the idea is if you, in a in is really military circles. the idea is to create the humanitarian catastrophe
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. so severe in the gaza strip that it makes it on livable for the 2 plus 1000000 palestinians who reside there, that they will want to leave and go to egypt or anywhere else. that is, the real goal of this operation does a really is really not risk radicalized thing, the palestinians that are in gaza. we're seeing these, this voltage coming out daily, of people suffering and dying. and we're also seeing these getting involved as the law has has nothing yahoo, not on the mind. you go national security by going so heavy in this operation to yeah, exactly. i mean, if nothing, yahoo, after october 7th, had sought to negotiate with home us and say, look, we need to secure the safe return of the captives of the $200.00 plus captives who are taken into gaza. then there could have been some kind of resolution because why didn't, how much do this?
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the whole thing was a military operation carefully plan that sought to get to take captives into gaza in order to extract concessions in order to force israel to the table to negotiate and support the palestinian issue back on the international agenda. however, instead of negotiating nothing yahoo, in the days after october 7th rejected a ceasefire and a negotiation proposal from home us through cut or and only, and then ended up agreeing to it uh over a month later. so all of those people who were killed in the gaza strip, including is really captives who were killed by is really bombing died for nothing is real, could have negotiated all along and eventually came to the table. so and now you can see the, the isolation, the international isolation, the damage to israel's image and the, and the degradation, the further degradation of the is written in the as rarely political spear. well,
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it's talking about international i solution done you, you bring me on very nicely. so my next question around 10000 civilians have been killed in ukraine since russia lotus. this operation data announced that go into the un human rights office around 20000 civilians. i've been killed in garza in the past just over 2 months now. i don't want to to make it into attending. so it's a numbers game because it's, it's really big. but you don't see mastercard and visa, withdrawing from israel. you don't see the international se banking system with join. it also outlines withdrawing. what do you make of, of that? well, i mean, the ukraine was turned into a, basically a nazi state in the 2014 might on to buy the united states. and the unit and the united states armed not and trained nazi militias in ukraine, on russia's border. so if anything were to happen similar with united states,
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of course, the united states, if would invade with, in, in a heartbeat, in my opinion. russia's, a special military operation in ukraine was necessary and justified because of actions that the west carried out against it. and therefore, as you pointed out for judging by the numbers, which is a kind of harsh logic but must be done. it doesn't compare to what israel has done in a much shorter period of time where israel has intentionally targeted civilians. and so you see the rank of pop receipt from all of these. not only countries and leaders that you know to use russia of committing genocide in ukraine. meanwhile, they are carrying out and supporting directly supporting and diplomatically supporting the genocide of the palestinian people in gaza and the real. and
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now they want to punish any kind of descent inside the united states. so we're seeing a crackdown on free speech and universities we're seeing in the us congress has declared that anti zionism is anti semitism. so i mean, the, it's, it's, it's pure hypocrisy, but it's actually worse than have poxy. it's really the, the power of zionism and the corruption of the united states is fully on display indeed. and we saw similar sorts of things in europe as well. and in the u. k with it's well over in power is dining all bonding palestinian protests for pro palestinian process. and then the then u. k. home secretary to a problem in um, advising the police also to be very cautious around public profile. less than you in process because it also seems to be some sorts conflation that we've seen profile to send you and pro from us. right, exactly, exactly. europe,
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i mean, you know, in europe is really if, if it wasn't destroying itself internally enough by following the agenda of the united states during the ukraine war by, you know, sending all of its money in weapons to ukraine and some failed attempt to carry out a regime change war in russia, it's now cracking down on any amount of descent internally where anybody who expresses support for palestinian liberation or criticizes. israel's actions in gaza is suddenly labeled some kind of terrorist. and, and it's, it's, it shows everything that these western liberal democracies fundamentally at their core believe in the absolute power of the state and, and our fascist. i mean, really this is an expression of fascism and is against all of the professed values
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of western liberal democracy. so it's a really mass golf moment and it's quite dangerous. i'm not done. i believe you're working on a documentary about garza. can you tell me is a bit more about the projects please? well i'm, i'm actually working on a documentary about the, about jerusalem more than, than gaza though, although it is also related related to gaza. i mean that the, the thing to understand is, for the last 100 years of zionism, the way that design it's movement has generated sparks that become massive amounts of violence. have been through incursions and provocations at the locks to compound the, the holy site in the old city of jerusalem, which is sacred to 1200000000 muslims around the world. as well as very important. it's the most important site for palestinians. and it's also wholly for all jews, it's the holy site in the world for jews. and so what israel has done is tried to
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create provocations and that has led to wards and, and, and, and massive amounts of violence. again and again from the 2nd intifada in 2000, which is known as the locks into fata to palestinians to today the posted in what they call this war is the locks of flood. so by israel attacking and provoking around the most important national site, that is, that has repeatedly led to created these sparks that of that of that have led to flames engulfing the country. and so that is what my documentary will expose are. you can send this conflicts, might spread more widely in many ways. it already has. i know it's such on this before with has the law, the who the rebels. the us is recently announced the coalition super text, the series canal and the red sea from here to revel at sites. are you worried that
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this might spiral also control the definitely, i mean, you know, the, what the rebels all they insisted was a, was that there was a ceasefire in gaza. and so the united states could easily pressure israel into, into making an agreement with some us to have a ceasefire. but instead, the united states is isolated itself and now is sending some kind of coalition to the red sea to attack the hu, these of u. m. and which i don't think is going to be successful. now, of course the, who these are supported in one way or another, at least ideologically, if not militarily by iran. and of course you're on, is also tied though to hezbollah. and so, in lebanon, i'm, that is not to say that has bullet head does not have autonomy and doesn't represent lebanese interest. however, there are, of course,
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ties there. now these real was trying to drag the united states into war in lebanon because it can't fight has ball itself. and it also wants the united states to fight iran because it can't really handle the entire region alone. so if that were to happen and basically if we were looking at some kind of world war with the united states fighting has bola and iran, and israel involved to, we have to understand that you're on, as we saw when general. so the money was assassinated by the trump administration, a few years back. iran could easily target not only military installations in saudi arabia, the u. e and cuts are they could also destroy energy infrastructure throughout the region, which would collapse global energy production and market. so the implications are enormous, not only in terms of human life, of course,
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but also the wellbeing of the global economy. so i mean, in the united states should really take a step back here and, and then reconsider its position to, to, and its relationship with israel. will not rob the troubling note done. i'm afraid that we're gonna have to finish that done. going investigative journalist of phil make as well as the founder of on catching media. thank you very much for your time today. it's been a pleasure talking with you. thank you. so much well, finally, just before we go is talking reports has revealed more than 200000000 doses of co, with vaccines enough to help several countries were expired and been by the e. u. during the pandemic. now, so many developing nations were pleading for the jobs to be shed, or the west at least 215000000 doses of coverage 19 vaccines purchased by your country. so the hate of depend demik have since been thrown away as an estimate of the cost of the tax payoff for $1000000000.00 euros. and that's almost certainly an
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under estimate says the 1st cut on the virus vaccines were approved in late 2020 countries have collectively taken delivery of $1500000000.00 more than 3 year for every present in europe. many of these now lying landfills across the continent. but let's go added the, the real number of wasted vaccines could be much higher. so many you countries were reluctant to disclose how many the discarded, according to what's know, how many destroyed the most staggering 83000000 doses. it's a wasted over 49000000 with another lens coming in. so it is 16 by 2 in the heights of the fund that make western countries frantically. both has many doses as a code leaving some other nations in dire need of jobs african. so some of the west shortages with the west and refusal to show more vaccines called a trail by critics. what can you was among the nations this all thousands of lives lost to the fund demik? we heard from some locals. you said the politicians could have done much more to
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help the people that it might take one how the day before time to do that before then how do you handle it with that seems that to inform the needs and now they've not been using that the government should never sensitized the citizens to take dave, i've seen because a lot of nice information, mostly about seeing the height of about to the menu, lots of drugs. and that's the stand by this unfortunately, but most of it went to it because of lack of a visual kind of thing by visual and that the government didn't give
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with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 32 on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and trucks on the list to the content of who they on least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. somebody, i know the question that you download, the philosophy followed there, do so they put the actual most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity inbox on a journey through africa, peach races general with ice, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish value at legacy. still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is sam and i come from england and i've come
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really to find out more about the, the mission of willie and the history in the region. the relatives on the victims of the late fifty's really shuddering of the city of a rough hospital at least 12 public billions, were killed. the you and representative labels these various types on garza's health system sadistic, visually forces, allegedly, till at least 11 on, on to menu from to the relative thing cause a city that's according to you and sauce top to learn more from a public opinion, red crescent, and spoke to person unfortunately, we can't even reach both people who are injured or killed because we are denied
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