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tv   News  RT  December 25, 2023 11:00am-11:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] news, the headlines right now here were not to international as a russian forces take control over the key city of morrow to getting caught. it's relatively near the regional capital. i'll book the net public. bring you our exclusive report from the ground in just a few minutes. also, it gets been planned, organized, it is now being carried out according to the technology's principles and schemes of the so called milan revolutions, rushers and bassett. of this toby sized president. alexander, who judge has improved the overnight protests in belgrade were in fact, orchestrated by western players. as officials draw comparisons with the 2014 might end. cool. when can you say at least 70 people killed and then as rarely strike on
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a refugee camp in central gaza. the palestinian red crescent saying the destruction inflicted on the region is unprecedented. there is no safe place in god's the end. every palestinian help, evacuated already. 4 or 5 times long things are happening everywhere. hospitals, the schools home, they have destroyed everything. what happens in garza is just on the president. i know the of the one to hear. you elect shut off on human rights or instead of national again, i mean at the local pastor and bethlehem, condemning western powers for allowing israel to commit atrocities in gaza without considering the will. we all live on world wide from moscow, with your news front and center and fills it as well. so let's get into it right
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now. so rushers, defense minister, sort of a show a good research. the country's troops have taken control of a city of modern income based on the don't ask a public. you made those comments and then addressed to the president vladimir putin. and that city is a former ukrainian stronghold, a relatively near the regional capital. the story active offensive operations, assault teams of the southern group have today completely liberated the city of margin code. it is located 5 kilometers south west of the regional capital didn't. that's over the past 9 years. ukrainian armed forces built a powerful stronghold there. thanks to the decisive actions of our serviceman, the strong hold was breached deliberation of that city naturally reduces the defensive capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces and gives us additional opportunities for further actions in that region. well, this year, as catholic christmas, russia is celebrating something very different. russia's minister of defense survey shall go,
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has officially announced that the small town just outside of the city of denette, marty, and has been liberated. and it has been a very, very long road. the fighting for this town has been ongoing since 2014 at a different level of intensity, of course, but with the beginning of russia special military operation in ukraine. it of course intensified heavily and it was very hard for battle on both sides. i have to say basically the grant in forces, they very quickly evicted locals in the tent. every single rustic house, every single apartment block into a stronghold. so it wasn't on cover. so it wasn't uncommon that the fighting was ongoing, not just for every single building, but different entrances at the very same apartment block would be occupied by the warring sides. so that was exactly what made the fives full of this town so long, so bloody,
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so deadly and so difficult for russia and ukraine. i like we were the ones who witnessed the very final days before it. so from the hands of the ukrainian armed forces to rush to his hands and we saw when we actually had a chance to walk, what used to be the streets of this town. have a look the past couple of days because couple of weeks have been quite productive. forces here outside of the net to observe some of these territorial games. the ground is covered in a thick layer of ice and is treacherously slipping from under foot as were stumbling towards the front line. the rising sun reveals
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a ghastly landscape. the show. this is muddy. i personally covered the search box was as full of money for the bottom mode. no, i told me uh save it at the net screw business. pretty much you name its every major town here in the don't box that has been scarred by this war. let me tell you might in colorado what's the left event is some of the worst examples of how sleepy town can be the faced. it's unrecognizable of the buildings, but simply no way of telling as to what used to be what's without 1st consulting.
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the map of the fighting is still very, very close. yes, most go has claimed money into for itself now. but it is still a long way till russia has a chance to at least start thinking about how this place can be rebuilt and restored. if it can, as a tools, prussian troops have already taken the fights to betray lines and strongholds outside of it. the town is a new thing, but safe though. any daytime activity attracts the attention of s p. v. drones prowling the skies before them. democrats about some of the 7070
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so it's kind of not showing us the ukrainian armies bloodied and bruised following its held bent carter offensive. its resources are depleted. so russia has stolen the initiative and has begun its own march forward. the don't get them the students doubly for a long time holding on to every basement, but most likely they with bad troops behind them. so they held the ground. it feels like it will be all over soon. the enemy has already weakened. they probably no longer believe in what they believe before. it gets done up reporting from monday and come out see the, the russian. i busted a so be a how should dining light on the open eyed protest in bel grade? he says the so being president has proof that the unrest in the capital was instigated and focused directed by certain western place. so do you mind doing good?
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i do all these protests and the element of violence is indeed on the rise. it's been planned, organized, and is now being carried out according to the technology's principles and schemes of the so called milan revolutions. this is true. the opposition immediately began protests, which are encouraged and supported from the outside. voltage spoke about this, but i can't go into details here because this is confidential information or his data is irrefutable that there is incitement and support from the west to. this was quite an interesting meeting between the russian invested there to serbia and the president of serbia. he gave us quite a little bit of insight on the situation because the russian and basset are also russ said, this was their narrative that there's going to be some sort of revolution in serbia is simply untrue. and that the serbian president has got the situation under control lot of categories, all statements that
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a revolution of popular discontent has begun in serbia are again coming from the west. they don't have the slightest reason. people vote at the turn out was high. the choice of the people is obvious, it is not based on empty promises or calls to overthrow the government. support for who judge is based on concrete changes in the social and economic sphere that were achieved in the previous term of power. which for this meeting comes after the opposition forces lead protests on sunday in serve you as capital well, claiming that the elections were read because the ruling party won. the election commission denounced the violence and claimed that the raleigh was an attempt to do routed from its activities. another point is the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman muddy is the heart of a who has pointed fingers at the west and has said that this whole situation resembles and my dad style pool. while the serbian prime minister has thanks moscow
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for giving it to warren is and a heads up on the situation. i can only say son too, but perhaps this will not be understood in the west. but tonight i especially feel that it is important to stand up for sub you and thank the russian special services who have this information and share it with us. we share it with everyone else and everyone else said it was rushing this information and fake news. so the current serve you in governments has been presented with the dilemma they've refused to cut ties with the bradshaw. well, they've also refused to take part in western sanctions against russia, but at the same time they are trying to get their e u membership. now, so far there have been no other international reactions, but as soon as we get them, we'll keep you updated while meanwhile that people continue to gather in the serbian capital. some of them have been holding banners while others just kind of sat around a kind of a, the situation does seem to be. com. that is in stock contrast to the previous
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evening when thousands hit the streets, the money, the results. and the reason collections be a know the offer of victory by the president's ruling coalition. some of the protesters even try to force their way into the bell. great city home of the the . well, that's how the novel or he's of also a drawing comparisons with the chaos on those streets versus the 2014 and might on
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cool and ukraine requesting. all right, that's to infiltrate the state institution in this way and try to reach any goal. proves that what i said 5 days ago was not my whim or an attempt to political marketing. if we allow ourselves to fight for political goals with violence and tearing down the state very soon, we will not have a state. now you see how true the term modernization is. it was just a few days ago following the elections of the serbian prime minister on the opposition forces and critically n g o was walking behind the scenes defend unrest and destabilize the country. and one of those mentioned c i t a, it sounds great is the center for research, transparency and accountability as a sub and n g o founded about 2122 years ago. they like to look at elections, but look at its website. that's right. that tells you a lot, doesn't it? it's partners patriot and the sponsors,
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the rockefeller brother fund us aid as well as the british and german embassies. why would they be involved? one, as we heard from former greek and bassett, or in diplomat, literally this kristen douglas. he says it's very likely that western powers are behind the unrest in belgrade because for example, they're unhappy with. busy b as independent policies. one of them being so very friendly with the russian federation, distractedly to hold from the outside. basically because serbia is one of the few countries in the, in europe that supports its itself. all the policies, all of the serbian government is pro serbian to, to protect serbia. that is not something that the wisdom country wants to see. and i, i, i think, and they fear that we are, that they are trying to create the situation that they created in the cube,
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the democratic elections. because, i mean, there is a big difference between what the governing party but what the opposition got. and this is not, so this is not something that the west wants to see. and this is, this is why we're seeing now this, this, that'd be guys in x, which i think that they come from, from the list basically because they want to get picked up a government that doesn't follow the wishes of the west that the wishes of, of the nato countries, i hope that the ship and government is able to prevail against these uh, these uh, acts of undermining the election results every day. the elections were done there. what was quite fair. well, i don't see anything unfair that has taken place in in these elections. so i hope
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that the serbian government is able to restore order is sort of this epic or sure thing is to central gaza now, where authorities say, and his radio strike on democracy, refugee camp was killed at least 70 people, pell, assuming an official saying the idea fit a residential area, the death toll will rise. people have been scrambling to the level of try to find any survivors. and one such survivor told us that there was no prior warning from israel. they would bomb that location. in particular what should we do? whereas civilians living space fleet seeking safety and security. yet we were suddenly struck by easily war planes without any warning or destruction to about to the area as the united nations thursday's real dispatch civilian populations. they must act on this. but in reality, civilians are being destroyed and runs to tell you that indiscriminately without mercy. so many victims have been taken through. i'll accept hospital that still more or less functional. in recent days, the outskirts of the city of the at all by law have become particularly well
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bombarded by the idea of that area includes several refugee comments. and the un currently saying roughly 2000000 palestinians have been displaced by the conflict that palestinian red crescent has been helping to rescue people from the rubble and try to send them off the hospitals that are still working. it says uh the work of its emergency cruise has been severely hindered by his ready war plains, foaming the main roads. the spokes person says the destruction is unprecedented and the international community has got to intervene. unfortunately, we're facing down great challenges every single hour in order to implement over to you, military and mission and evacuating the ones of a people. what happens and gaza exists, genocide, palestinians have to evacuate from a place to another. and also as of course, palestinians to evacuate, sort of, they bombed them and dropped off the bombs them. every single,
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please. there is mostly for fleece and garza and every palestinian help. evacuated already 4 or 5 times mom. things are happening everywhere. hospitals, the schools coons, they have destroyed everything. what happens in garza is just on the president. i don't think this happens in any of the work. everything is a target for it as an occupation forces. everything means everything and children, women, every single civilians, c williams are just putting a high price of this continuous war. and this should not happen in any place in the world. i think the international community we have been calling on the international community repeatedly since the beginning of the escalation since the beginning of this work. and unfortunately, well we have seen is just the humanitarian situation is worsening and worsening. what happens should not be acceptable, and according to the international humanitarian law,
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civilians should not be of target hospitals perm ethics, health care workers should not be a target and the even the infrastructures which is for the civilians should not be a target. schools should not be of target. however, all of those are a target. i'm just wondering where are the human rights that we have been raised? great on talking about human rights. what kind of human rights is it still maintain? the god only now responds to this wedding desk told and got an american civil rights group, has been a 100 and us citizens to put pressure on the by whitehouse, to try and help and restore peace the bite. and then restrictions calls indifference to an active support for the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing being carried out. by the far right, the national government will stream our nations international reputation for generations to come. the fact that the president,
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by the means that he did not even ask for a cease fire in a recent conversation with that on there who speaks volumes about the administration's heartless and immoral approach to the genocide in gaz. the northern gauze areas are mostly in the ruins, certainly the main northern parts of the yang place. but the remaining owls chief, a hospital still attempting to operate his just cost to be overwhelmed with patients or health care workers struggling to help everyone. if there was a severe lack of personnel and supplies the world health organization to describe the situation, there was absolute misery and chaos. the largest hospital in goza for the 3rd time this week, where it's still the case, an absolute misery. the people still on the floor it's, it's almost impossible to walk in the critical cases. doctors and nurses, absolutely stumbling people, find out that they need blood for their son and daughter were dying. there's almost
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nothing that this team can do this very small technical team can do to help all of these people. it's absolutely chaos still, just a bit further north. the is riley on forces, have left very little other than destruction. local joining us must move some bond reports, not from a place considered on fit to live in a muscle. but you hear from the people here project in northern garza, we managed to reach this area after these really occupation forces. we drew the level of destruction east indescribable. the armies using a new strategy that involves destroying houses. this is the market street is really forces rick and demolish this house is not to mention the all the areas cont, by the dozens of incendiary bombs and fierce air strikes. the widespread destruction is evident from autopay, then nothing. unfortunately, all the houses in this area have been either bombed or completely destroyed. we must unfortunately rebuild all of this area. do arabs approve of what is happening today in this region? almost every house now has bodies beneath it. and people we haven't been able to
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rescue yet, remain tracked under the rubble. do people see the tragedy and folding and gaza? do they see the state into which the people of guys that have descended and this is on the surface of the situation. you see before your eyes, we cannot describe. the destruction is comprehensive, destroying everything, houses, people, trees, and animals. no one has survived. unfortunately, almost all of the world sees what is happening in gaza without intervening in the matter. no one has been able to stop the war. it's not even a war anymore. it's just a slaughter. this is conflict and it's of this form. unfortunately, the region has been destroyed. the region no longer even exists as it did before. only ruins remain. i cannot describe what i see and i cannot convey how i feel. until today we have been unable to save people and help them. unfortunately, the situation is catastrophic. very catastrophic. let me it's about coming to nothing remains of the memories and the buildings and the streets reduced to these
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images. this is not what's the bar in northern garza video. it was christmas eve when the is ready. 5 minutes had been a minute and you offered a grim sign to christians around the world for there on a wavering support for his nation's war. they were facing monsters, monsters who murdered children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children were raped. and beheaded women who born babies alive with the babies . hostages, this is a battle, not only of israel against these barbarians. it's a battle of civilization against barbarism and knowing this that we have your support. i want to thank you for your support. i want to thank you for your prayers . well, following that and you know, it was a rather disconcerting message, the idea of continued as the bombing of gaza hovering the southern city of con eunice over night and well into the early hours of christmas morning. a children injured by the attacks cried out for the parents as they would treated at a nearby hospital.
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the same time is nothing you know, issue that message. and a timothy scene featuring the baby, jesus lying and rubble was on the veil to the church and back about him. here's what a local pastor at the say about the concert. we have told him and pitt, by the silence of the world, the depths of the soul called 3 lines off, one after the other to give the green light for this genocide against a captive population. and yet another layer has been added the
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theological cover with the less than to stepping into the spotlight hidden palestine. the bible is what then eyes against us or, or what very own sacred sex don't want you to be in front of us. i never, ever want to hear you would like to set us on human rights or international law again that, i mean this we have not life. i guess it does not apply to us according to your own logic that really strong comments right there from that past that well, i was bringing up the subject with the older and pine. i for con is able mendoza in zimbabwe. now he says that the west attitudes towards africa, it dictated by what he describes as a colonial mindset in genocide in color saved by the van that has exposed the contrasting responsive
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uh, on the one inch to the ukraine, which the width and was, was, was outraged and the genocide instead of saying about really the width is required or needs, this isn't the real real and, and, and as such as does nothing in the least. but on other things, i have to highlight the other 2 of these to them, you know, was they really stupid goes weights and what, what they had been know decisively a continuation of what they've done under flow. you can do to, to that see what you have in the front, and suddenly the colonial friction, how is the idea of conduct. so what has already become a, a scorched us campaign, is ready. officials say that other countries now need to take any refugees from
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casa. it is imperative that the international community explore potential solutions to help civilians caught in the crisis. one idea is for countries around the world to accept limited numbers of gas and families who have expressed a desire to relocate, we simply need a handful of the world's nations to share the responsibility of hosting gas and residence even if countries took in as few as $10000.00 people each, it would help alleviate the crisis. i was discussing this just a bit older in a program with mohammed, i was away from the stuck out of the university of tucked here. now he says, israel is intentionally created a situation by which god residents have been forced to abandon the the whole issue of his own distribution that have conditions such a crisis actually told intended to method use side on to me as a nation. all the information on the also for the. ready in order to create such a crisis intention,
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the may june the force due to the. ready population will be their own gym cheap. actually you why they are troll supplemented was about the other cancers to take that that if you use other for useful get this stupid answers to some kind of a wishful change in terms of the government. the chase about lives, you want as easy as i was told you, the walls of the police are not the, the issue is about the gate code a sense if you take the stop to go to a, the replacement, the venue of destroying the listing and close the, the senior and the state to students to the new changes all the issue, the trouble me to uh, even with the dental and vision much the other 2 to the call let y'all do that. ready because over from the man i should or she, i've seen the jimmy, it would be
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a tool, this investors for them. it's. ready much more secure too, because now if she me now is the guy that was good in the 1st line of defense forgiveness, then period federal design design has expansion. the vision often does he want to go to the door to say 9 and they said to go to a jordan a form a is there, any prime minister says no fuel should go to god despite the suffering, the blockade is go to civilians. in 5th, the restrictions will help to eliminate hom us is the quickest way to add this voice to block fuel from answering gaza. the press selling these royalty allow fuel into gauze oil have mass is morally and practically wrong. these fuel quite literally fuels have mass may weapon the tara tunnels. the tow tunnels can be used without ventilation. there's no ventilation without tuck. 3 city. there's no
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electricity without fuel. no fuel equals no tunnels equals have mass defeats mass side fonts, a big share of all fuel that enters gaza. whoever wants to end the war must. becky's will in preventing even one throw up a fuel into gossip. and while i was discussing this with the legal adviser around the body in jordan, she says that the israel wants to eliminate as many civilians as that come from guys where it's a very strong all the machines in the hospital as the they need such a kind of stuff nice so that i use the, i know the weight, they don't care if children die, people die. they don't get, they want absolutely to, to bleed to death as much as they can of the computers and, and this is a sponsor to drive it to the 1st time and the 1st floor where the videos with the, just the, the, the, off,
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the already. so you should should be political now on the street, it's a shame for all these conventions. when they are on a boat, the stop stops 3 and the big must have good happens again. yeah. well, a bunch of the world us celebrating christmas today that includes catholics and protestants in africa. we can show you people in but you know, fast, so celebrating with a mass and the capital about 17 percent of the population, about west africa nation. all catholics. here's what some of those who celebrate this event in barking of fossil told us. we hope that this love of god will be engraved in our hearts so that we can in turn be peace makers. so christmas is the celebration of love. may we be able to experience this love and peace in our homes, in our living environments, in our society, it is very important. so everyone, happy christmas and may we spread this piece and love around us must all do so that
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in this way we can bring peace. so the prince of peace,


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