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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the i these earliest like hits of sponsibility and salvage as a killing of least 20 people and injuring many more. a warning, disturbing images ahead. i mean, 11 year old girl was killed and then these really slides at the refugee camping guys right now to report our hubs that i've called the body was pulled from the bowl and then discovered the gold diary that we did not have
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chosen on the attorney whose actions and you asked of he'd let us know this was them, he blocked them and it's supported from the west. texas president was a part of added on slums. these are also killing policy and civilians and says western countries are complex. it that's as a driven desk told in gather, surpasses $21000.00 other in the test over reset and the party of entry election results continue. the opposition within the nation calls for even more the broader gonzalez, international reaching. you lived from a new center in moscow. well, coming to the global news. uh hi of my club porch here with the updates. now this auburn guys are now at least 20 people were killed and then these really attacked the amount of hospital in the city. oh, how the it is,
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a warning that some of the following images are disturbing. the others video is really used by the time of cnn reg, crescent society. you can see casualties throughout the location. ambulances from the aid group arrived at the scene did tend to, when did, and remove the dead. the, the attack also when did numerous people, including children. nearby medical facilities, struggles to code for the influx of patients. the wounded were taken to hospital in every possible way in cause, in ambulances or by foot is now the desk told, a guy that has exceeded 21000 since the war started 2 months ago in a central part of the region, the recent is riley has tried to destroy the school run by the united nations, and then my guys, the refugee camp. now the camp house displays how families we had lost their homes
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. as a result of the relentless idea of bombardment of the region. people with sheltering in the school when he was targeted, local journalists rami abo gary said this, this report from the side of the attack, we are joining the ambulance here. how is taking which is taking some of the injuries of our guys or if you can, mainly from new york for the school for that is run by the other off. and then we arrived late because of telecom blackouts. we have a crew member at the hospital, usually when there are casualties. a crew member reaches out fee a wireless communication. today, we were informed that the hospital received casualties from the, my god, the refugee camp, mainly from the school there. we arrived at the scene as for the difficulties, they also include the roots, they hinder us from the wrong thing. it's
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a sense of location of an incident. the crowds of people, including the refugees and the bombardments themselves and the on crew members of these 2 children that are living just to close, very new york to the a school that it was a parental, a hedge by heavy fire error this morning is the most as a very few decals put in the name while we were sleeping with, felt that the building was shaking has side to the built in my sister got a had a injury, i was also into it and my oldest sister was wounded in her hand. this is the situation for us to cruise throughout the guys us rep, particularly here, and the middle of the guys us to at wherever the contributors are mounting day by day is a diary of an 11 year old girl was found another bubble in the magazine refugee camp she and several friends she wrote about were tragically killed in an idea of
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a strike local douglas, nor her rising reported about the incident for archie, wanting the disturbing images all i had. i found the size of those homes when people were on the top, on the top of this distorted home on the top of the truck. but i've been trying to evacuate the bodies of people who are still stuck on the bed. i. so the family of siena and the all see, she is 11 years old and i was missed and i saw them evacuated by the why evacuating and why the people that are you moving that up? but we found his notebook and he was acting head diety. and when going through the diety, i found this page where she, you know, on the 23rd of december, which is one day before she got killed, had diety. and let's see. uh,
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wanted to do my bed. we did not have the i could not complete the trans they think because i was really overwhelmed. i could not do that while i'm seeing it, but the in a sense to me being evacuated, it was so hard for me to induce to undo it. and to, to go through what's was that, i think, especially the mother. i mean, it was so painful that i could not even go on as complete the terms. they think i was losing words. i felt like i cannot sounds like anymore. seem to fit into
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a such substitute for these kidding sides. she was talking about how she and her siblings like has this that hello and had cousins would play in together and acting together. um, as being games and with the aids. and as anyone who's mentioned as a diety, they would tell us all of that. something along with the mothers and other siblings . uh, but headphones, it ended up that would actually outside of the home. that's why they were not. they would not accepted by their strength hosted alone about getting them. these are children. they have nothing to do with war. they don't have weapons or anything. they were just sleeping. you can see them. they were just sleeping. i saw them yesterday and hugged them just yesterday i was kissing and hugging them. there was nothing left for me to say. god will be their judge. i hugged and kissed them and checked on them
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a 100 times. god will be the judge against the occupation. the occupiers have destroyed in us. look, these are children's memories. what did they do wrong? they wrote down their memories in the diary. this is a memory i have of my daughter. i mean, while the zeros by minister nothing. yeah. with his claim that the idea of is the most tomorrow i'll be in the world. he made those comments in response to talk to you as president of on who the said that there's in yahoo, his be basically become, was that a hipaa? to set it up as of today it has been exactly a 2 day since the attacks started. for 18 days, all humanitarian values have been destroyed. we have seen these real snow as it comes in stadiums. what kind of work is that? strangely, they used to talk about hipaa. how are they any different from hitler on the attorney whose actions and you last of heat this know this is was then hipaa and the good support that from the west. all kinds of supports come from america,
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with that support that killed more than $20000.00 gas since the id f, as the most moral army in the world. it fights and destroys the most important and cruel terrorist organization in the world come us, which has committed crimes against humanity while aired on praises. it and hosts of senior officials that we spoke with our case john list and column. they've had the old job, and he says that he's rules reaction to the initial will have mazda tacked on the 7th of october, as long spiral down to the boston degree or flu atrocity, the violence, the number is increasing. thoughts tremendously that somebody should tell him exactly. and if i knew i needed to step back, but the more you compare to it, the more here looks like it. that is, unfortunately, he has all the support behind it and the he has this,
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did we cover several raid a tool he is using it as a tool for his personal, the color politics, the whole idea to, to conduct a just war or immortal war is vivita starts with that being is protocol is for some sort of this process to yes, i'm us did, etc, or read it, the civilian people in the, in the, the occupied territories around cuz that, but in your reaction is ryan's reaction to it is thoughts or i'm just saw is so all the proportions by the former idea of chief of staff says that he cannot foresee an ultimate is really a victory from the war and gather. he says that's because of this really casualties
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. the remaining of hostages and the masters of displaced eas, release the citizens. there will be no image of victory because the image reflects the loss of 1300 lives and 240 prisoners. despite their return and approximately 200000 refugees who failed to return to their homes. a group of armed militia was almost limited access to uh, advanced battery is, is resisting against one of the mid threes that they called themselves. one of the bigger super powers of, in terms of military backs by the united states. as so many other western countries . and it shows nothing. that's another thing here. so i think i'm a strongly convinced that the idea is to, for us to sell this categorically based the sly, that they are finding the gaze tears sense of why the world is watching them
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killing more than 20000 palestinians with it. and also for the casualties that are not reported on that basis. i think old and old, we see a big failure that these are, these are trying to cover x. but the tools of the matter is that they have lost the game and to africa. now when is your republic has a now, is it's coughing, ties with the international organization of law. frank, a funny, i made passions with it's for my call. it is the national council for the protection of the funded land and the government of the republic of new year have decided to suspend all forms of cooperation with the organization. the decision to suspend the republic of news from the organization. as well as for multilateral cooperation, we know responsive dictates, and interests. so friends, the o i f, this credit itself and only confirms that france has always use the frank and for me as
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a tool to defend french interests. so founded in 1970 the why of connects countries and regions through french language and culture with over 18 members. it's a key player and international relations among sancho nations. these jazz move to cut ties with the o. i access the. ready us and the series of steps to defend itself from what he calls western influence. and we spoke with locals who said that the support, the move and a the collaboration with barry's. it seemed for these like study. it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that we'd like you heard on the radio. is it the only a full socrates have binds no idea from using the roads sort of they were the ones who wanted to impose criminal sanctions. if they want to this country to be as fixated financially economically then from a security point of view that it's looking for us. if we wish that it was knowledge of it denounced it 1st and not from which said it's suspended. no idea. and i know that said from some, it's frank of funding you the alpha and the major with the problem of under development in africa, in french speaking africa,
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it's the same from which says that all currency cannot be used among them, which continues to plunder a single wealth, which brings us terrorism, which continues to purchasing uncomfortable situations and says that it has a ball. okay? no, i mean it has plummeted. all. well, mine small everything we have. well, no, this is from which prevents us from having diversified palm is like china and what it says, no, we don't need fraud. and we don't need french policy in africa give or new like we are and will with, from, is. and then i find that any political, lincoln corporation mustangs, that's what we have been saying to myself for a very long time. the night just should leave the franco send you the get to do the protests. be advanced in the sub in capital i made demands that the result of recent parliamentary elections be an old after a victory. bobby incumbents lead as ruling coordination of the off position keeps calling for the raleigh used to continue. they announced that on friday the was thoughts camping on the streets and the similar auction to the beginning of the
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2014 to may done cooling, key at the who has gone camping before. raise your hands, who has slipped out in nature near a lake in a forest, who has a tent tent blanket sleeping bag. let them bring anything. can you do it? let's ask people to bring more to donate theirs by one for whomever needs it. on friday at noon, we will go out for a 24 hour blockade. right now, the situation is central. bell great appears mostly mostly calm, while the initial right and i told demonstrations was marred by an attack on the local say, the whole are to see the sweeney reports today would have been on down to the a very disappointing day for the office. they said, hey, in the serbian capital bell rates are being 2 demonstrations cooled on wednesday. the 1st uh this afternoon uh, cooled by the students from the university of bell. great,
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a gathering outside the philosophy, faculty, the media fall out numbers. the pro test is there was some tensions between the students, the use of the opposition movement on the opposite from politicians who arrived. there was some kind of discussion around a lack of strategy or lack of tactics. instead of this consent coding for the elections to be re run, we did have the students coding for a 24 hour cam pounds, which will start on friday. now, this evening's demonstration a game, a 100 people no more than a few 100, gather the game and central bell grades and they most of the local television station. but it has been characteristic of the protest move. and since sunday's a demonstration with sol, 2000 people gathered here and entertained by the opposition to smashing to the electoral commission building, which is behind me this like 2 classes with police,
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the, the smashing of windows and the number of 5 being sets of on search 5 people were taken into custody on charges of criminal damage. a number of police officers with offices were wounded. on monday the students under use, they tried to block the roads, the game, but this didn't really have the desired impact, the main highways and all the fees remained open again on choose a, a very small demonstration, a gain of a few 100 marks from central bell guide, and this time they went to the high court, now walking around bow grades throughout the course of the day. it doesn't feel like a city that's on the brink of revolution. the people felt ready to going about that business as usual, that going to what that going shopping. they using the tough by using the restful saddle whole as per usual for the cool things can change very quickly. the authorization code for a large demonstration take place on saturday. this is the same day that some 20 i
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holding stations all rerunning elections. this is of a 1000 posting stations nationwide, so he's not really going to change the outcome of the election. we all position already said that they are boy equal to those. of course we are still on the ground . we'll be reporting from the demonstrations. i will keep you updated with the latest of the founder of said the as needed. then the socialist bullet to go potty savvy, his country must because of its independence. despite any western attempts to destabilize it, we're going to leave you with this interview and this conversation. i'll be right back with more stories at the top of the the transfer to things that they could not achieve on the elections, the fair and square elections that then not the story is not when these elections and the only way that they can try to,
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to to over to the government to change serbia. unfortunately the one to change or beyond the product with me is on freight is using force. you know? yes, there is lots of similar to between my new green and no rate days. but it's one big difference. president is looked into which and our security system is not corrupt. we strongly support not just present to support constitution noise. when serbia serbia have elections on this elections, serbia choose n. v will make sure that the serbia won't the respect it was sold to support it from the
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west. you know, might then have name your own way done the old forget that. but the, these riots have official name. the may was your, to my, to the time this, this is speak about the mind that is the biggest achievement on the democratic world. they want to do due to my son in serbia as well. you know, when, when you support wireless and the citadel great, you support the civil war. you support, you support the dreadful your support of the king, the 3, the no one really want in serbia, but people outside of the serbia want service independent states is look he's. we have small,
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not no power power the don't care boil or yes. but we have our freedom and that's it. be able to stay free and the read to my them be can not be afraid. renew this morning. defendant is not really the is that's really favorites from the rest specially know serbia is in these island in the need to see and we want to stage. we look preserved at that time i was minister of defense when we made the combination of the of the 3 of the company king made it that in utah see made it easier to read over through if you over terms of government, if you change the government to serve you serbia, the furnace very swiftly and without any question about like what the nature of no one will ask for the people, but they really want. but serbia will be become
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a member of the need to this government present to the judge and all of us because the support team can never ever deduct 0. never have to be boxed with denise. yes, they do that. but cannot. there are 2 that know it's a, it's very questionable when they challenge our election process. mean united states, you know, that president bush was elected by 10100. was that for the margin of the difference? and that's 100 votes. of was counted by his own brother. so imagining survey on the brother of our president. comfortable too much to bear with the appropriate account of some sanctions or something like that. so that's, that's his way. that's his way to try to push some pressure to lift on pressure or serve. yeah. and is opposite of that on feasible. the 3 or he elect elections. you
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know, we have our roles v r v i. we have not sums i didn't know so, so, so, so some massey, a country that you can do whatever you want to do, research institution institution, to set what they said. and they said the elections are fair and extra stuff. fair. no, no one wants to go to jail because because we are the elect elections. is it possible we don't want to is not measured of, of my real or any real? it's not possible even though they see that to be over g. the see, the 3 in your frontier can do accept those tools to support the victorious. you know, i will the people remember what's happening. capitol hill and noah said all sides should be a peaceful all
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a sudden. no. you have no respect though. no one have right to go in the capitol hill? no on the hills can right to to try to penetrate uh in uh, in the, in the city hall in bell rate. no one. that's it. so i, i'm, i'm ready, but it's satisfied that i'm boss of there. understand, understand that she can speak, she can, she can make silence whatever she wants to do. but the most important thing we search our research are, have a decision looking look, researching back in the old days. would it be was a position i was arrested because i lead the demonstration against the induct time case. we deal with reinforcement and cross the luncheon. she's us are
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being hero. she was arrested and sold really souls. okay tribunal. i lead the demonstration against that. we have riots for 2 days. after that, i was election after that i was arrested nolan listing was completely normal and i know what i, that time, i know that this completion, norma, that i will be arrested. there was environments, there was a rise in the street. there was, i exercise my right to far and that's it. no, no one said nothing. political parties in jewish activities to european union or whatever it was that was, that's completely fine. no, we separate testers was why didn't they are they are arrested because they are wiley and you know, that's, that's kind of french thinking process. the not kidnapping did not,
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they did not put on the street. and so let's negotiate about the rent. so there was a rush to by law or these, the last and no one can negotiate about their release. there is judge, is there prosecutors, there is institution. that's the only way that you can go into jail and hold off from jeff. and that's, you know, negotiation via the 1st, via, via, via states, parent government, recover roles and institutions if you asked me, i never had a desire to become that serbia become foster for your opinion. and i think this is wrong. and you know, your opinion is quite a strange organization. the oldest thing that they have the date entitled to have an opinion about everything that they prosecutor, him judge, you know, and if i may say so. so be a part of your opinion. and frankly,
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i don't give them why they really think about this. she's very strongly there. and the most important and most of the most important part of his freeze governor of serbia. she's independently the, she's lost independently during the, you know, president to which never allowed no one to impose sanctions or rush now and the time i was minister of the interior in that time i was very proud because i with presence, which is it was only minister of the interior only me so the police in europe will not become part of entourage of syria and presidents which is never met, presents which isn't dependent on presence, which is a free man. only freeman can lead the free, free state and free nation and the service of free and so present to disease where it is told me that i think that is something that that was vitally known and
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respect on all the rest on the east. you know, serbia, you look published. so when you see the europe in union here can union is all life is kind of alliance of the territory that the government looks states, territories. serbia, is a government serbia stage. you know, we have our own interest. and we chose our friends enemies, choose us without, without coverage. but in european union, they don't know who their friends are with the enemies are. and what they enter saw, you know, serbia don't look like that. a su pressure, salt or something. mentally ignore that. this that's happened of course because small, small nation, small country. and when you have nuclear power, economical power, they ask for something, you know,
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is not always possible. but you said no for everything. you must have some kind of balanced politics. but bottles, politics, and this is politics, the serbia thing independent. this is that's easy. i know that tend to be filled up every day. but as you can see, it's almost 2 years. the 3, not all i not, not be boxed or done throughout, shakespeare, you would expect that to small serve you much. bigger liter state countries. much develop and strong country finally collapsed over the kind of the pressure. certainly not so great to see this might mean to try to over to the government. there was premature. the not wasn't
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ready for that. and so this people who are leaders or positions are people who was leading by embassies in delray. and they heard what they want to think on the 23rd since june. we are ready to see everyone supports us in the streets of the serbia in the villages of the serbian serve young people differently. that's the reason why they was premature. they rate may be to try to, you know, to, to, to most of the process the, no, no, they, they, they, they, they, they show us that they're not capable to do what they, what they promised to them. but people know that alexis was fair. how we can help this full, really,


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