tv News RT December 28, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EST
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of the, the to stopping images from something called a what is really asteroids to at least 20 people lose money on the attorney whose actions and your last and heat this? no, this was then he left and it supported from the west. the talk his president back comparing is really tending of civilians with the actually does not need to ship to west and partners off comes to fit in the horizontal is being called the old. so i had, i am standing today in tallahassee more base and i am refusing to enlist the criminal
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attack on garza won't solve the atrocious slaughter that how mos executed an 18 year old is rainy is jail for refusing to join. the idea of claiming finance is not beyond. his friend says that anyone who rejects to takes not bombs is ro, is accused of anyone who refuses to serve in the army is treated as an enemy and a traitor. the government of israel has treated all of its people badly for many years . this war is probably the worst moment in israel's history so far. on the funeral, alter and rainy and is nomic revolutionary. god will come on de killed in his way. and yeah, strike is now on the way we will be reporting live from toronto to fit later on in the program. the we are live from most good. this is it all kids national and it is great to have your company this out. welcome to the program. while we all start and also in garza
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what 20 people have been killed in his rate. he had talked to me of the amount of hospitable bucks in the city of con us, just wanting to for the images all disturbing. so this video release right here by the palestine read precedence aside to shows the level of disruption at the site. forty's of the dead, all being found on the street. my locals. well, the age groups ambulances arrived shortly off to the strike. images indicate that piece of vipers remain the well many people, including children, while wounded nearby medical facilities have been struggling to cope with the influx of new patients. the flaws of hospitals are now some of the peer me spaces enough to treat the fix to local health professional. say that that route, i mean 8 places next in solving process for people to receive treatment.
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meanwhile in garza city itself is raney full says demolish 3 tunnels near the run peasy hospital. the, the idea describe the lat, presence of passageways as dozens of meats, as deep that's said to have run onto the hospital and ultimately leading to the very heart of the city. a come on and on control center maps and numerous weapons. well claimed tough being found on site. many of the dead and wounded have been taken to the nearby i'll access of control in recent days. the area surrounding such a debt by law has come under intense ideas. fine, as, as told the latest that goes the desk towing cause it has a pull to the exceeded $21000.00. that since the will started an audio tow by the central part of the region, a recent is radio stripe destroyed
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a united nations run school, which was out the my goal is the refugee come. so the account house families who had little staff homes as a result of from 5 minutes. so what people sheltering that when it was hit. so put you on a strong animal gallery, shows us the altima. we are joining the ambulance here. how is taking which is taking some of the injuries of our guys, or if you can, maybe late from new york for the school that is run by the other. the other off we arrived late because of telecom blackouts. we have a crew member at the hospital, usually when there are casualties. a crew member reaches out for your wireless communication. today, we were informed that the hospital received casualties from the, my god, the refugee camp, mainly from the school there. we arrived at the scene as for the difficulties,
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they also include the roots, they hinder us from the wrong thing. it's a certain location of an incident. the crowds of people, including the refugees and the bombardments themselves, him to all crew members of these 2 children. that are living just to close, very near to the, at a school that it was apparently hedge by heavy fire over there this morning and the mozy refugee camp while we were sleeping with felt that the building was changing. has, sorry kid. the built in my sister got a had injury. i was also into a 10 my older sister was wounded in how hand. this is the situation for on the as a cruise, throughout the guys us rep, particularly here and the middle of the gaza strip. wherever the contributors are mounting day by day, its meanwhile as well as the prime minister has hailed the i guess as the most moral ami in the world. his comments came in response to talk his present one pulled next me off who watson hitler the does as of today has been
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exactly a 2 day since the attack started. for a 2 days, all humanitarian values have been destroyed. we have seen e's real smell as it comes in stadiums. what kind of work is that? strangely, they used to talk about hipaa. how are they any different from hipaa on antonia whose actions and you less than hate this? know this is, was them, hipaa and it support it from the west. all kinds of supports come from america, with that support that killed more than $20000.00 gas since the id f, as the most moral army in the world. it fights and destroys the most important and cruel terrorist organization in the world come us, which has committed crimes against humanity while aired on praises. it and hosted senior officials. we spoke with the top cushion john this on calling this touch your show. he believes that his rouse reaction to the initial i'm off the top on october 7th, as well, spiraled out of proportion degree or flu atrocities. the
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violence, the number is increasing. thoughts tremendously that somebody should tell him exactly. and if i knew, i mean, you need to step back, but the more you compare to his, the more here looks like it. that is unfortunately it, he has all the support behind it. and the he has this really cover several on the raid the the tool is using it as a tool for his personal, the color politics. the whole idea to, to conduct a just war or immortal war is vivita starts with that being is protocol is for some sort of this process to. yes, i'm us, did, etc, or read it on the civilian people in the, in the,
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the occupied territories around cause that but in your reaction is ryan's reaction. 3, it is thoughts or i'm just saw is so all the proportions. meanwhile, an 18 year old is really has reportedly been jailed for 30 days after refusing to join. the armed forces is what you have to say just ahead of his arrest and even death. if i only about the status of man, i am standing today in tallahassee more base and i am refusing to unless i believe the slaughter cannot solve slaughter and the criminal attack on garza won't solve the atrocious slaughter that how mos executed violence won't solve violence. and that is why i refuse this outfit here. well, the teenage statement was published by the mess up board network. the organization officers, legal assistance with radius were opposed to the old to patient whole kind of stimuli and to refuse to soften the minute tree. we spoke to ariel tab adults,
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an active as in friend of a team. he says there was a stomach problem in as well as the names of those who refuse to join the army all drived through the mont in the town meant, nick is a very good friend of mine. yesterday he refused to serve in the army and was sent to jail for 30 days. he only gets 10 minutes a day on the phone. mostly he talks to his parents. i'm sure it's hard for him. there's a terrible faster situation in israel right now. anyone who refuses to serve in the army is treated as an enemy and a traitor. i'm sure his situation is very difficult right now. he may even be getting beaten up. the government of israel has treated all of its people badly for many years. this war is probably the worst moment in israel's history so far. this is genocide that israel is carrying out in gaza carrying out on the palestinians. israel is only making it worse. the government has tried before to introduce anti
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democratic laws to abolish the courts, to abolish democracy, and to create for itself a fascist state were only pro military voices will be heard and where the palestinians will have no voice. the situation is very difficult and we as jews are trying to fight it as best as we can. this includes refusing to serve in the army, going out on demonstrations, supporting laws that try to bring democracy back to israel. most israelis consider the war and gaza to be self defense, but it's not, it's not self defense at all. it's an attack without any morales whatsoever. thousands of women, children and families are being slaughtered day after day, but it's not quite legitimate in israel at the moment to talk about an airbus who talked about it in a sense of jail. jews are fired from their jobs, their friends stop talking to them. they're subjected to internet attacks and letters to their homes. well, let's take a look. what's happening in the west bank now? wow. hundreds of palestinians gathered in the city of to car him to me in the 6
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people killed in his rainy raid on a rescue. g come again to stop and images are coming your way for attention shows metix desperately trying to save lives. so often tragic pace painting. we have some of those adult to hoops, say soc instances that led to many of the desk assaults on ambulance crews have been reported. in addition, the ambulances were stopped delaying the arrival of the one that some people were killed at the side, and others due to the delay in the arrival of ambulances. the seizure of an ambulance is a cold blooded assassination. we have in the intensive care, a young man to a step in his neck by a soldier inside the ambulance. in front of the power, medics started behavior indicates their barbarism criminality brutality of these occupations. i spoke to the curse on to engineering and, and details, and they told me that it wouldn't, but i'd if present janine or to cut them or not most they send the force to
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a circle on sit around the man hosted because to good event, i mean in just do an exec lashes to be it's last what to the hosting. so these folks, i'm bosses sometimes the oddest, the in just, or they obstruct their movement, which is sometimes schools this because they'll continue believing and that i'm going, that's kind of the, provide them with a leak with and looked at as i say, a basement. so that's was the issue right now, and then um, what else is the claims that they quote the net with the is there any and we'd better decrease the gross before that they want to go to bring in just the, from the field or for the classes but despite does that quote the nation when they come to the if the quote based on us and what's happened yesterday and it was kind of when the i, they opened, unbeknownst enfant injured, they stopped one of them according to about his to him because of the sort of sauces. so that's is i have this for the 1st time. and then i see, i see this is i've been job behavior by, by the, if want to kill both injured. instead of allowing them to receive a music,
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i please months to revenge as well. as motivates in football, me the golf strip, patterson, i'm boss, which is and bob boy's set stopped in an exclusive and to talk to the full wasn't is coming up throughout the day here on tools of course be found on our website. but for now is just a short pip. actually, what is happening is it is on the site. and there is little difference between women and children. o been the for those little kens any human being and goes to actually is a target. this was the, the, the, the, the, the, they use of this for the us nowadays the is any targeted the oil signal inflection every with cost the phones schools most. it just shows uh,
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uh, seats. um, what else is the eh, you and buildings, everything. even diploma technicians live the custody, the diploma technician and goes a bit targeted everything. unfortunately, it's you live close to schools, hospitals catches malls, the you and the offices you in been just that is because the target these areas and tell us, and we don't care about who is going to die. because is what, you know, it is focused on how to increase the, the, the, the victims and the policy that victims. and this for,
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they want to revenge as you want to show to the international community. and even to the point of seeing is that the kind kimball actually well is talking nowadays is the, is there any complaint machine? all the is the state that behaves the uh, getting machine the well, let's move now to the democratic republic of congo. why police have clashed with the position supporters protesting the results of last week. presidential election . i look for pull to have that story. the company's opposition has organized protests over the electoral fraud. fillasy security has been already declared the window and we've $21.00 and
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a probing says out of $26.00, we've more than 80 percent as the we know there's declared not to be election, but according to the index around uh, commission the election has been without any any violence but on the ground, the opposition detaining many violence cases in debbie also there is violence . a include also the boot demo where people are also the most rating. but any go might now the situation has come. and there has been a deployment mandatory deployment, and i've done that because got done that has been a sincere nice programs where people,
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they are trying to p apart from chromebook and they've become a not that big. so they, there has been a strong military deployment time t t minus to speak to some numbers of people position that convince. so what that doing is your full un dot will forward. she's have to respect the one of the people the nothing will come out of this. the main objective is the pure and simple cancellation of these selections . we are in the information regime as per the requirements for article 5 of the constitution, which grants the people sovereignty. we have written and informed the cities authorities. when to purchase a beat to march against these, pushing the minds of normal men, it makes sense. the government has no right to prohibit to march. that is organized in accordance with the constitution of the d. all see we had elections where
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chasing was will organized. how can we understand that at 4 pm and 5 pm inserts incentives? they wouldn't and machines, it was done knowing the, it was organized by watching you spend the next day off to 2 days. they would continue with the votes. this was an authorized demonstration for all the security reasons. and you saw how the organize, it was stuff and they were indeed disruptive elements who stuff and stung frank. that was when the police came to restore. com, the nearly a decade has paul since the 2014 might onto in t, as, as the end of us read is russians on boss of this new and says the west stuff behind on the denial traces of its regime change tactics. i was made out of meet single thing here, one security council i will as a this is a typical scheme of colonial explanation by western countries. the bane falls, the logos could be increasingly monday, just for the gym for the technology. with this in mind,
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if this is to answer the question why the decision will be great in government to postpone the signing of the agreement was met with so well organized. unfortunately, to focus we have no doubts about the carol b, u. n. d u. s. and igniting, encouraging and directing people, was allowed minority using fraud, i think on some new knots as well. the meeting of the un security council was convened with all kinds of experts presented by russia to talk about how the conflict in ukraine got started. western leaders want to act like the conflict started with rushes, special military operations in reality, as you had started in 2014 and pressed with these violent overthrow of the elected president of the crane to combine a move and batteries and use it by the united states. and the european union intentionally intending to destabilize ukraine and metal in its politics. this is a fact that, of course, western leaders like to gloss over and leave out. but russia very clearly
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demonstrated that with expert testimony and details and backs now uh the us delegation and us representative. the british delegation and the british representative and the albanian delegation actually walked out while the information was being presented about how the united states was responsible for the euro maiden events that set the stage for instability in ukraine. however, after the presentations of the us representative had no problem, then getting up before the meeting and saying that russia was simply spreading conspiracy theories and lies, do you know, climbing the whole thing was an accurate, despite not offering any rebundle to the clear facts presented by the russian panelists, here's what the us delegation had to say in response to the information russia sided before the council. colleagues, today's, and from a meeting is you have another shameless effort by russia to justify its aggression against ukraine. today's meeting is another attempt to rewrite history through the
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prism of the cremeans distorted world view. this is a reminder, rush or prioritize is using this council to spread this information over the maintenance of international peace and security. russia is a state carrying out the colonial imperial war and ukraine. russia is a state striving to undermine democracy, in effect, emerging change and ukraine. but russia brought receipts before the council. we heard experts testifying about how it was that funding was provided to these embryos. how it was that nazi extremist organizations were provided with training in camps and facilities throughout europe. i mean, there was all kinds of information presented. and one of the people who testified on behalf of russia and laid out the facts about where the euro may need to came from was actually the former ukrainian internal affairs medicine. this is an official of the government himself. he served as the ukrainian internal affairs
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minister until 2014. and here's what he said about his assessment of the events. i diverted a study to the bloody events on the ukraine for more than 10 years. and on the basis of the results of that, i am absolutely confident that the on stage crew was a scrupulously planned with direct leadership of western countries. first and foremost, the united states of america, the united kingdom, germany and poland. so it's been 10 years since the euro made movement that was demanding that ukraine become friendly to the european union began. and that set the stage for the, for any and government being violently toppled. russia took this opportunity to present before the un security council. the facts about what led up to the situation in ukraine today, back to the western media jobs conveniently, loss is over. and facts that western leaders decided they didn't need to even listen to and decided to them dismiss as lies and conspiracy theories. despite all
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the evidence backs receipts presented to prove what rush i had to say about advance a new frame 10 years ago, or 10 years on. and now the west seems to have found a new nation to disrupt. so the is and the cross has the card to political trouble makers, us according to the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman protest, how plain spell grade for day is often recent parliamentary elections. so the ruling party hold on to power. the opposition has cooled for the results to be involved and announced on friday, but they stopped camping in the streets at craig, how the 2014 my down crew and kids got started who has gone camping before? raise your hands, who has slept out in nature near a lake in a forest, who has a tent tent blanket sleeping bag? let them bring anything. can you do it? let's ask people to bring more to donate theirs by one for whomever needs it. on
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friday at noon, we will go out for 24 hour blockade. right now, the situation in central bell great depends mostly. com for the initial night, 12 demonstrations with mod, wanting to talk on the local city who ortiz speeds. so we need to access through today would have been on down to the a very disappointing day for the opposition. hey, in the serbian capital bell, grades are being 2 demonstrations cooled on wednesday. the 1st uh this afternoon uh, cooled by the students from the university of bell, great, a gathering outside the philosophy, faculty, the media fall out numbers. the pro test is there were some tensions between the students, the use of the o position movement on the office or from politicians who arrived. there was some kind of fee to discussion around a lack of strategy or lack of tactics instead of wisconsin coding for the elections to be re run. we did have the students coding for a 24 hour cam pounds,
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which will start on friday. now. this evening's demonstration a game, a 100 people, no more than a few 100, gather the game and central bell grades, and they most of the local television station. but it has been characteristic of the protest movement since sunday's a demonstration with. so 2000 people gathered here and entertained by the opposition to smashing to the electoral commission building, which is behind me. this led to classes with police, the smashing of windows, and the number of 5 is being set. and around $35.00 people were taken into custody on charges of criminal damage. the number of police officers were officers, were wounded. on monday the students under use, they tried to block the roads a game, but this didn't really have the desired impact, the main highways and all the fees remained open again on choose a, a very small demonstration, a gain of a few 100 marks from central bell guide,
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and this time they went to the high court, now walking around bow grades throughout the course of the day. it doesn't feel like a city that's on the brink of revolution. the people felt ready to going about that business as usual, that going to work that going shopping they using the categories and the restaurants that will hold of as per usual. but of course, things can change very quickly. the authorization code for a large demonstration to take place on saturday. this is the same day that some 20 i holding stations rerunning elections. this is of a 1000 posting stations nationwide, so he's not really going to change the outcome of the election. the old position already said that they are boycotting those. of course, we are still on the ground. we'll be reporting from the demonstrations, and we'll keep you updated with the latest fun me an eye for an all i. that's the message from the a rainy and on back to the,
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to the you. when he says his country has the right to autonomy against as ro is, comments came to the world, 40 off to and reading and commanded was killed in an ass stripe in syria. around reserves, it's legitimate and inherent rights under international law or in the united nations challenge to, to respond decisively as an appropriate time the necessary. what aquanda was a member of the wrong is nomic, whether nursing regard cool, and his body was brought to his home country. besides state to be buried, your only soul munos gassett in the rocky city of now shop. they carry the quantity of coffins through the streets before sabbath was held up to him. um ali fine. he spoke with a house on a smart to him and the system professor of west asian started subpoena positive tyrone. and he, uh, describes the likelihood of iran retaliating we don't exactly know how they will do that, how will they pull it off? there are scenarios to be taken into account,
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but what certain is that there is something coming because what's at stake for one year is it's the times when it comes to israel. the terence means a lot for a lot because the terence is about containing that's what i'd say, right in see in israel and it's regional policy imposter. and with the origin of that determines yvonne's national security will be at stake. so there's a, there's a lot to be dealt with as such. i, i think that there will be something coming now. we don't know what exactly, but taking the strategic culture of the, of iran into account strategic proportionality has always been the case. so the one is, will try to retaliate on the same level somewhere out side, i suspect as well because these ladies across
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a line. but they also because of their knowledge of a bronze proportionality, they didn't steward woodson, yvonne. so i think the one is, will stick to that as well, because that's basically in line with this mentality or for a strategic culture of a strategic proportionality basically. well, i'm afraid i was a bit of a team because i did say that we would have our correspondent use of july, the reporting live from the funeral. all come on to he is that the business live television. and there are a lot of people that some technical problems have a much, but as soon as we can get that connection stable, we will be returning to him. so stay tuned. we'll get to him in the under way. in the meantime, no, it is to buy from us, at least for the saw we all had to have a st side and had to go with christy on my, on the cost of everything set to tv,
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