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tv   News  RT  December 28, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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of late but yes, the mold in 20 palestinians are reported killed the enemies rarely strike on rough off city in john's or the death to exceed 21000 with an estimated 55000 people injured the doctor and dropped off at egypt. border describes how locals are struggling to survive. many wounded children, a child and his father came to meet. they were the only ones left alive from the whole family. he was missing one quarter of his school and almost no wise. there are many such cases. it's hard and painful to watch. the 10 people are dead after the idea of struck the southern guns and see the outcome units increasing the total
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number of debts across the region on thursday to 50 the on the hour every hour. this is our team to national are coming to you live from months ago. i do show a josh top stories, the salad beginning, gaza, where at least 23 palestinians are reported killed and many more wounded in n is rarely astride by heat, a residential m. busy in the southern city of rough or near the egyptian border, you may find some of the following images disturbing of the area. it's going to be housing, many displaced palestinians who had recently fled to the south. as the idea of focus. it's initial bombardment on northern part of the region. the latest attack struck near the to a hospital where many of those injured are currently being treated. local journalists hands of child and reports from russell. huge and very loud here
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strikes a targeted uh, residential house here in the city just of a far away from our community hospital for about. busy 2200 meters only. so this s, so i targeted a residential house. these people who was inside this is that your house is actually displaced. people from gaza strip. so we're talking about a 23 casualties uh, cost by that is a s like on this is which in house we witness about arrival. uh 21 uh, casualties and thousands of injuries here at our community hospital. i'm from local sources. we hear that there an arrival for 2 casualties. how to use it for my job. that's because university also. so situations here is actually uh, getting really worse. and this is actually a maternity is after i'm fits like catastrophe action. when you see people, they cannot get regular treatment or they cannot get a medicine, they kind of get
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a food, they kind of get their rights to a thing in the say areas, for example, in the, in the areas which is what the id of ask these people to play to which means with all of them that you will find what that you will find that exist if you have something like that. it's completely dark here. it's actually a human, certain disaster and everybody is actually seen the posting is suffering every day . and things getting really worse beat every day. the death toll and gas that has the past $21000.00 in just 2 months since the fighting broke out, the majority of the residents are now considered display. as the many people have selected the southern city of rough or close to egypt. as israel ordered them to, and yet the adf is to be detecting southern areas of gauze are including rough off a local doctor at a community hospital spoke to us about the situation that or yeah, but i mean the, as a, with collab assignment doctor, my name is co op kasan, i work in
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a hospital in rafa. this is the lady hospital. we think, although i am an awesome ologist. i study to become an off tomorrow just and now work here. every day we receive at least 30 to 50 patients. i did not try to leave palestine, this is my homeland. i could of course, try and leave it. but if i leave and all the doctors become afraid and leave, who will treat the people? we must treat the sick. we have a lot of wounded people, a lot of complex. i was, we need to exam and people check everything, prescribed medications, and sometimes operate. this is our duty. we are doctors every day, many people with complex injuries come to our hospital here. you know that there is a war going on, and tons of bombs are being dropped and civilian. is there many people who have inner auction, their penetrations with scroll injuries with inflammation. and the big problem is that we don't have medicine or pills. you can treat a person, prescribe pills,
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but he will have no where to find them. we work in the hospital from 7 am until the afternoon prayer examining a large number of patients. there are frequent bombings around the hospital, many wounded children, a child and his father came to me. they were the only ones left alive from the whole family. she is missing one corner of his call and almost no wise. there are many such cases. it's hard and painful to watch either the child was left in the family without sight or the mother was left without eyes and lost her site. and there are many such cases you operate on a person, if you can. and if there are no drugs, you prescribe them and they are not found, but a person could be cured and regain his sight if they were available. when you were a doctor and have to see a patients of any sufferers, not only from loss of vision, but also from the loss of his family, no home, no fear family, so you treat them. and then where does he go next? there is no place anywhere, no apartment, no house, no relatives,
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any loss went. all right, well both sides or even arms or legs. this hurts me as a person and as a doctor. what helps this face? we are believers. we believe the justice will one day prevail. it cannot be that the world is watching. what is happening in gaza in silence. some davis will and this is our destiny. we're doctors, we help people. we should not leave hospitals even if we're scared in their farms. all around us, we must not stopped working. each person sees his own destiny. we think all up for this, there is no need to be afraid for yourself. we are all targets and this is our destiny . meanwhile, 50 palestinians have been reported till the in recent idea of attacks throughout the region. the northern city of bait la here, which borders lab and on then my guys a refugee camp in central guys. i am. the southern city of canyon is near egypt of o being targeted by israel.
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the an idea of bombing in canyon is on thursday, killed 10 people and injured another 12. and that's according to the policy and breakfast and society the all on all the hospital in the area is said to have been hit. many times. ambulance grew frantically brushed down to tend to the wounded in northern gas, a major medical facility located in bay like he was devastated by the idea of attached earlier this month. despite the damage doctor's outcome, i'll add one hospital, i'll still fighting for the lives of the when the patients as a try to cope with a lack of person now and supplies, including few for electrical generators, local journalist, most of bob reports. the efforts are underway to restore the canal and one hospital in northern gas it after was really attached left it and ruins. now
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medical teams are trying with limited resources to reactivate this hospital and address the disastrous health conditions in the area around no function in hospitals. or medical centers in the north of guys, only a few medical points and shelters that provide basic 1st aid. here the pals team and help ministry and medical teams continue to work to reactivate the hospital and salvage whatever they can be. but then the see to feel the common days when we get the required resources, we aim to increase the number of doctors and stuff in all the specialized departments. of course we have faced really difficult challenges, but with some colleagues and mates and install from the administration. we have accomplished the miracles in the repair works. and all the issue we are facing is the lack of fuel would have to rush in and conserve batteries to keep the lights on, because ex canister, so fuel to evolve. this will generate us. for example, in the pediatric department, i would like to call out to medical professional support can involved in gaza or in
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gauze in china roles who can come to come on as well on hospital urge. those who work in the surgical field to come to come out on one hospital to restore the surgery departments. oh, it has. my son was in critical condition, almost suffocating. we came here and think, god commode one hospital took us and think god was found someone who helped us who provided care for my child. thankfully, the doctors were able to save his life out of the sure young i. b. m. do the lifeline pulses again of the college. one hospital. all bede partially. however, we did requires a lot of work for us to activate a, such as of the hospital to salvage whatever is possible from the collections health care system in northern guys or somebody that could buy indonesia and medical officials have demanded that the world health organization can investigate the ideas up to a patient of the indonesian hospital, one of the largest medical facilities in northern gaza. is there any forces read at the hospital or allegations that home us militants were using the facility of mass
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as rejected those claims as well? ordered that the medical center, including all doctors and patients to be vacated, completely, were heard from the chairman of the indonesian medical rescue committee. he says, this country needs help from the international community to restore the hospital. so we've asked the w h o both openly and through letters, and we hope that not only the indonesian hospital will be put back into operation, but all hospitals in gaz with all the maximum efforts made by the w h o. but in reality today the w h o is even complaining about what is happening a gaza because they cannot do anything. so now we're all complaining together. we complain the w h o also complains. if they complain, what can we do? we can't take any further action. what we're doing now is supporting the governments so that it can make
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a maximum efforts. take proactive approach as to the un security council for dialogue with the european union for example. so that those who were previously pro israel become pro palestine. this is what the government must do to remain active in diplomacy. the current condition of our hospital and casa is very miserable. it is completely empty. after being abandoned for 2 weeks and was occupied by israel too late, but we don't know when we will be able to operate this hospital again. so we hope that there will be a ceasefire. now, we heard that there are plans for a ceasefire, and hopefully if there is a permanency sparks, we can make the indonesian hospital fully functional again in the humanitarian crisis, will continue. then there will be a house prices, then the civilization crisis. so after this war ruled efforts to rebuild the guys are really require enormous energy. there are currently no permits for volunteers
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to enter gaza during this war. one of israel's efforts was to hide in the indonesian hospital and the hope that how most would not attack the hospital because it was an indonesian property. this is an indonesian asset. moreover, how much knows how good the relations are between indonesia in palestine. however, after israel occupied in the nation hospital and we all condemn that action, i'm often asked permission from us the indonesian people to get israel out of the entities and hospital. it was only after that, that israel finally left our hospital. they go with the to the united states now with set it up, lynn said, gra hom, as cold for direct attack against iran. he or started that iran supports militant groups that are hostile to the us. so american forces should quote, blow it off the map. but that around there know who these the, who these are completely back by. ron, i've been saying for 6 months now,
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hit or ron. they have all fills out in the open. they have the revolutionary guard headquarters. you can see from space florida off the map, if you really want to protect the american soldiers, make it real to the i tell you, attack a soldier through a proxy or coming after you runs or marks come after repeated assertions by washington that iran was deeply involved in a tax on commercial ships. and us troops in the red sea to around is denied the allegations. this comes as the united states has created a multi lateral security mentioned in the region to tackle what it says is an ongoing feat threat. a hernia was about to a geopolitical expert and professor at the university of toronto. he says, washington, well, played face as a direct confrontation with around would have serious global repercussions. ears are good for the us military industrial complex,
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but i think it's pretty clear that the united states under obama, under bush, under some so they never, it never struck the run itself because they knew that there was how the ocean would be swift and severe. the run today is much more powerful than it was back then and the united states has many more problems today, then it had back then. so obviously, any strike against the run by the regime in washington would have severe consequences. all we have to do is look at the persian gulf spaces on the other side of the persian gulf are all wonderful. and those regimes that polls us bases would be seen as hostile by iran, if they are strikes from the united states,
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and therefore their infrastructure, including the oil and gas assets would be all legitimate targets. so if the americans want to carry out a strike against iran, that would mean a global economic crisis, like we've never seen before. meanwhile, the us led, missing the in the red sea lacks the support of some of washington's allies. that's as some friendly nation saying they are not willing to participate. italy and spain were among those who said they would not send warships or personnel to join the task force that follows the stimulus statements by saudi arabia, egypt, and the united arab emirates, which that they have no interest in engaging in the mission. we heard from a retired us air force lieutenant who says, trust in washington's plan has been shattered. you too, it's widespread support of israel. the concern is partly
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that it's an american lead operation, and you really can't tell what the americans are doing. i mean, you know, it's not clear that leadership is not strong in our country. so i think maybe they, they don't know to know how the american, what the american plan is if, if any ships in that group are attacked or if american ships are attacked, every thing that the americans do in the middle east is designed to keep things off balance, which by definition is to destabilize in terms of what israel is doing. i don't think there's a lot of thinking going on in, in the support of that. and, and clearly there wasn't a lot of thinking going on when they proposed this naval operation. the united states policy has never been interested in stabilizing the middle east. it has been interested in assisting israel in its expansion and destabilizing the countries having them work against each other. we had to south america now with
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that as well as president nicholas. my daughter has ordered more than 5600 military personnel to participate in defensive exercises. this guns after the u. k, deployed a warship to the coast of diana and a show of support for its full my colony. i made a lingering territory of dispute with comcast. we believe in diplomacy in dialogue in peace, but no one should threaten venezuela. no one should mess with venezuela. we are men of peace. we are a people of peace while we are warriors. and this threat is unacceptable for any sovereign country. of threats by the decadent fam or british empire is unacceptable . are too correspondent jessica sosa is in venezuela and sent us this report of the british ship pigeon most trans arrived on the cost. okay. and,
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and then as well, i responded with a statement in which it showed that this was an active postal provocation. and also that it violated the agreement signed in a jar and the president of venezuela and guy and assigned the documents which should become a roadmap for resolving the dispute over the territory of escaping venezuela. regards the statements made by london when it's sent dismissal to the cost of guy on the, on the threat cash. the did that it was just the right to take actions that it can within the framework of the venezuelan, the constitution to protect the sovereignty or venezuela president. nicola, is my due or speaking at an event to welcome to believe there in armed forces, which takes place every year on december 20th. and now is the start of sizes in the eastern caribbean, as well as on the atlantic coastal venezuela. according to him, we are talking about defensive action that i see on a student. let me remind you that when london send it ships stated that the step was thinking in the context of the dispute between diana and vintage will over the
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territory of ess cable. as for the territorial dispute itself, the documents signed by the president of diana and venezuela says that would meet us call made themselves not to take any actions that could increase tensions in relation to the venezuela military said that this military maneuvers that are being conducted now have already completed the 1st space this thursday for the sizes will continue in the following days. early or were heard from daniel shaw, a professor of latin american and caribbean studies at the city university of new york. he points out britain's long history of exploiting the origin and says, printing venezuela as the bad guy is just the reverse. a british trying to provoke venezuela trying to present then as well as the aggressor. when we know the history of british colonialism in the caribbean and south america in africa throughout the world are demands here in the and so i warn, inside period was movement. continue to be us in england. and empires of the world
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hands off of venezuela, hands off of palestine, hands off of the riches of the global. so u. k also sees $2000000000.00 in venezuela in gold. akin to wait here in the united states in my country, the us government and corporations have done seizing. sit, go and pay the visa, the vin as well in oil refineries worth tens of billions of dollars. this is highway robbery. this is no different than 14921620. when the empire is of yesteryear seized the resources of the middle east and of the americans and of africa and asia. imperialist continue to think that the entire world is their backyard. but we're seeing that the van as well, and diabetes, and other sovereign people's will not fall for this again to west africa now, where burkina faso as hell to serve any to inaugurate an annual prize in honor of
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russian president vladimir putin. the head of the organizations that base about the location. this is tom wrights invited to your ranks and fellows. it is with immense honor and pride that i stand before you today to celebrate the official launch of the flooding. recruiting international sovereignty prize. this event marks the start of a unique initiative to recognize an honor, the exceptional efforts made by individuals, organizations, and entire nations to preserve and strengthen their sovereignty. comrade activist the name of vladimir putin, has been associated with strong leadership, resolute defense of national sovereignty and promotion. of balance cooperation between nations, by establishing this award, we seek to highlight the crucial importance of sovereignty in a complex and constantly changing world. sovereignty is not simply a matter of geographical boundaries,
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but an expression of national identity. we got an invitation and it's really an honor to come here to this ceremony. pan african ism is really achieving success. are countries are engaged in this process with a win win partnership of i see this prize as a very good thing. we want to show the west how real man and reward a real man who fight for the true cause of humanity. and that is why i, in my structure firmly support this initiative that they award ceremony took place and the 14 a capital of what to do go, we're heard from some of those in attendance is what they had say. they brought from the time of independence to the present day. the russian federation has in no way being involved in any form of colonization or exploitation, especially in africa with the advent of caps and abraham trial. right. we have seen that fits maiden relations with russia in relation to, but keen and fast. so in the lines of saw hill states. yeah, these up go to. so there are for kids who are in a sort of state of fear, saying,
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yes, we electing goes one calling us to go to another. no, no. first, i want to say that russia did not call the noise. absolutely. any one on the other hand, russia has foamed partnerships with several countries. now in the same way that we had demonized russia, but one points was demonized. and because they was strategist, so they were able to raise the heads. some of the meanwhile, after of 30 year break must go, his risk reopened. it's embassy in burkina, faso is capital. the facility corresponds to other russian diplomatic missions in west africa, in terms of size and staff, the russian ambassador to the nation highlights as the warm relations between the 2 nations. a little bit. i mean, it's the people of working a fossil have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to the values that the russian federation defense in the international arena. we have a very long standing relationship and defective and friendly cooperation can be noted at the governmental level. we have already signed some agreements in the past few years. they operate in the fields of education and military technical
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cooperation. some agreements require changes to take into account the events that have occurred, but these agreements are valid. as for future deals, of course, we are discussing the signing of certain propositions and the fields of sports and the recognition of diplomas. some agreements require changes to take into account the events that have occurred, but these agreements are valid. as for future deals, of course, we are discussing the signing of certain propositions in the field of sports and the recognition of diplomas. i'm sure that there will be others, such as economic and investment, to east africa now, where the bodies of 4 people have been retrieved from a river. after reportedly being killed at a form in kenya, a relative of one of the diseased says the men were tortured before being thrown into the body of water. the young, we believe the delmonte guards tortured them until they died. of delmonte is a very well known company,
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and it's mostly associated with the killing of young men in this region. the company has more power than us and believes this above the law. if you follow the last 2, nothing will happen because they spend a lot of money just to by justice, while the government should ensure the perpetrators are brought to trial. if the victims violated the law, the company could have them arrested for a murder. our government tried to fight colonialism, but we kenyans continue to suffer at the hands of companies like delmonte. a warning and disturbing images, i had the divers retrieve the bodies and found bruises consistent with georgia, the victims that left their homes to find work, but later sneaked into delmonte plantation and u. s. affiliated company where they took some pineapples, according to delmonte and investigation into the incident, is underway. delmont, say 10 years, co operating with can you know, sorry to you since they continued to investigate the circumstances surrounding the full bodies retrieved from the sticker river last week. the post mortems are still on the way all security footage from when the men attempted to steal pineapple
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shows no foul play on del monty's pause, and instead shows them running away towards the river off the dropping bags of southern pineapple as they tried to run away from security guards. this is the latest in a series of deadly incidents on the del monte farm. a u. s. affiliated company is one of the top suppliers opinion krupps in the world. the products include pineapples which are mainly sold to british markets. the cooperation has been embroiled in numerous investigations relating to the depths of locals and allegations that formed gods used, excessive force that has been real misery, which is caused by this fund to local community members. it's important that someone who is buying these pineapples knows about the allegations of violence connected to the from the let's have to central africa now where at least of 40 people have died due to that lift lots and lands slides. the incidence has left the
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residents taken through the march to recover ball bodies according to a new in climate experts even highlights the disastrous implications of for urban design and extreme weather conditions. as communities grappled with the aftermath of destruction and loss. precedents for count, they attracted to the 1st land slides of houses were destroyed and no one was able to rescue any one. we're appealing to our local government to get involved so that we can look for bodies. but the missing traffic is it still? is it raining in the morning and continued until the evening? the next day we were forced to remain inside our houses when the phone of a sudden fluids had wrote down the walls and we were lucky to have survived. ready we started experiencing motored rainfall would increase, and with no time they were flowed so low that we're gonna move so far. we have lost 5 people and we are still searching for all dad's building. and finally, in the morning, we was shocked to learn. latan neva had lost some of his children. another family
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of cities, including the parents perished and the body of the mother was found this morning. what has happened here in the college who is no surprise that people knew very well that it was dangerous. so they constructed in regions that were risky. the charitable wing of the russia neutral cam company is sent off its 5th dispatcher, of humanitarian fertilizers to nigeria. the shipment contains $34000.00 tons of much needed supply and is the 5th to the series of shipments to the west african nation announced that the were a cam says that the shipment default. tasha fertilizer was loaded onto a vessel in the port of vin. spill in latvia, and it's now enbridge to nigeria, the united nations world food program facilitated the delivery for all cam group is committed to donating approximately $300000.00 tons of mineral for to lies
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a to developing nations, the initiative and leave. it's the unprecedented global food crisis. the prevent scrub losses in countries to face the risk of finding the well uh those are the stories this out. thank you so much for sticking with us. i'll be back up on top of the hour. what's most or is the of the the
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wake of not having written down when you say no. now why why, why, why being can you label it out monday. the only problem that week i'm told that the.


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