tv Documentary RT December 29, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EST
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production seem increasingly just interested in funding any more seasons. all right, well that's gonna do it for me for an hour to stay with us. my colleague peter scott, is in next in about half an hour's time with more news by the the we often see strong and successful people realize their dreams, but it won't cost. and how long must they wait before that 1st blow stuff? yes, which isn't present to the 50th result that she does not spend most produce to you . can you please just this is about an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit trying to become a customer though it was more than was just like it was almost swipe as it was for
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only me the, for anyone in the car could. so when we 1st met constantine, then a feeling about free diving. and when we heard of his desire to be a customer don't, we just had to feeling him again and we followed his journey for 7 minutes to get ahold because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip, the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time and the launch would be canceled. douglas during the day will go to any of this is suggests glitched away from somebody else. you need to do more of the little misconduct, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, it's the most magical time of, of year christmas is in the spring in russia. i don't while so prisoners traditions seem like working style prisoners in new year. and roger is a whole different thing. the we decided to head the system, the picturesque russian town, which is about to turn 1000 years old in 2024 with its snow covered church, its traditional houses and a true festive feeling. is the perfect of setting to find out more about new year,
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had a christmas traditions in russia. marietta chief of a historian and it's now just help us understand more about this especial time view . this place is a winter wonderland. it's absolutely amazing. um, i wanna ask you about some of the christmas traditions. is it true that they had to be reinvented overtime? talk to me about how christmas became new years here in russia. left shit, the and actually it was under peter the great that we started celebrating new years on december 31st like you to agree that there should be public facilities with fireworks and bon fires. and suddenly, after he died, however, and christmas remains the main winter holiday with the tradition surrounding the new year, celebration were reinvented during the soviet time. after the 1917 revolution, the bolsheviks wanted to eradicate associations with christmas present. so new years was banned and the 19 twenties and thirties scheduled by the 19 thirties and new generation had grown up not knowing what celebrating christmas felt like smoke
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. so the soviet authorities decided to reconstruct b or reinvent new year celebration some of the stuff. the 1st new year's eve was officially mars in the winter of 1935 to 1936 goes to new jersey. so you could argue that the soviets deliberately created new years, traditions month, but they tried to make sure that it celebration was different from christmas. is it true that the christmas tree was once band and then brought back and then banned again and then brought back a it seems like it's a uh, an interesting relationship with the christmas tree or the yoga and the russian traditions. yeah. been used cars, l a store and the guy wouldn't say that the christmas or new your tree was ever bend for a long time. there's a widespread belief that the christmas tree was land during world war one, but it's not true. it's just that many russian families decided against christmas trees because they were associated with a german tradition. and germany was russia's main enemy at the time so that the
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tree was only officially bend of the 19 twenties and early 19 thirties kind of by the soviet government. because people associated with christmas because it's in 1936. however, when new years eve became institutionalized as a holiday, so tre reemerged, in people's homes, and most importantly, and official places like they started putting on shows for children. but again, it was to celebrate new year's eve will not in christmas distance kim, i am involved with them. what about a christmas decorations for that christmas tree? does it have any special meaning what goes on them? is there anything special about how you decorate a christmas tree here in russia? i would have, i, let's say your small cri decorated christmas trees were 1st sold in german confectionary stores. so the 1st ornaments were actually confectionary items, such as candy, apples notes, wrapped in foil, etc. when those were the predecessors of christmas ornaments that are chewing, when christmas, trees were allowed to get and, and the soviet union,
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they also began to manufacture tree decoration. so you, i think, and soviet ornaments are an incredible historical source because they reflect political, historical, and other realities of the day. and it's no coincidence that new years is the main family holiday in our country and such. and there is this tradition where you open a cupboard and pull out a dusty suitcases with their parents, grandparents and even great grandparents holiday decorations i've done. it really brings generations together since and many homes who have for newman's hailing from different arrows and lots of historical context on one christmas tree. and that it's another thing that makes this celebration. so families centric can i get somebody to see me, the car, almost a century, some of the most beautiful christmas tree ornaments have been made of right here at this factory in this, you know,
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extremely fragile. these masterpieces are all handed made from glass. let's find out more, the fire glass and the air. these are your ingredients. how do you get from those raw materials to get it? ornaments bloss and fire are an animated things, but when you combine them, when you heat glass by fire and breathe air into it, you get an ornament. well, you breathe life into it, and you've got an ornament, a living, same of sorts. here's how it happens. these ornaments i've done find their way into every household. it's so rewarding and so important. now i hear that you can't even stop for a 2nd. you always have to be in motion. what happens if you stop so, so nobody else and you're right,
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you can't stop with animals because flashed and cooled down. and once it cools much, no matter how much air you blow into it, you won't get an ornament, english things about. so it's a process that can't be interrupted. what is the most difficult ornaments of a summer? first thing the most difficult in my opinion is a ball. yes, because you use a technique called free blowing. vall needs to be perfectly even in round. it's not easy for moles blowing allows you to make ornaments in any shape you're given a mold, and you just flow molten glass and to it, because there are certain nuances and tricks to so generally it's less challenging to deal with, but always shift it seems to me, this isn't unusual career or how does want to actually become a glass blower. now you're right. they don't teach you this craft anywhere. i teach apprentices here at the factory. that's why they hired me because they wanted to train a new generation of glass workers, or it's a unique profession,
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were few and far between the, the ornaments produced here are some of the most famous in the world. so what makes them so extraordinary? the so this is interesting to me, it's my understanding that in the 20th century, there weren't any christmas trees at all for a while at least. so how does this idea of christmas ornaments to begin in the 1st place nursery lets you let's in, i don't christmas ornaments in russia, india and the 20th century. and people certainly is that great to their christmas trees, backs them nationally. you'll to fiddle with the festive page in the early 19th century. that's all name. it's far as policies in agents haven't seen the above. the tradition was gradually adopted by wealthy people. h. rows of children usually
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enough corrupt to the habit of thinking right in christmas trees. was established in the eighty's in a case of javascript where, where they didn't produce the ornaments and i was searching until 1976 more than a scrum using child the story of the we're in the museum. now this here we have the earliest on them and some of these play i'm a bit of weird. some are made from glossy to here. they are worked out as a call to you and there are many of them. maybe they weren't easy to make people cheap and in great demand because by 9 from 36, there were almost no ornaments left in the country. was we have remarkable, dry riches. yes, this is the very supposed plausible to be to if it was definitely it has a layoff silver inside shirt city. but it used to have a coat of locker on the outside too, but it's obviously appealed the way since 9 has had to 6 years. which i mean their sales to both devices and with treasury rate. so what, so here we have the oldest and the most important decorations we deal with it. we
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also may be gallons and gallons made of paper flags. the each of these decorations are hand repeated by the artist working in this factory. you'll never find 2 identical pieces. the beauty of this is fascinating to watch. i know that here at the factory you have a special technique. what makes the painting that you do here? unique? i goes to the ornaments that our factory out completely handmade will expose glass blowing and painting. they're done entirely by hand. that's what makes them unique . we also have ornaments of painted with water and color technique frequently. it's our in house convention, very complicated, technical, very labor intensive, was meant very beautiful. you can't find to barnum and slide these anywhere else. now, in a world, it is increasingly becoming mechanized. um,
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you do everything here by hand as you've already mentioned. and it doesn't seem to lose its magic. do you think people need this magic? what's the case here? going? yes. name the put them up. so only you're just precisely because we're living in this fast, hey, a hi tech world that people can waive this kind of want to see. so any motion we confusing our product floods every morning and creates a specific mode and no to ornaments are identical. so even though they may be similar here before the end at new year's time, when you walk out into the street, uh and you see your ornaments out there, does it give you a sense of pride? what do you feel going yes, gets very rewarding to see our hand made more comments on christmas trees. i'm going to see how they make people happy on your how they glitter and shine in the festive lights and it's
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a great feeling the know what about santa claus versus the father for us or did matos, we know we have santa claus. everyone has a history there, but yeah, models um kind of interesting. it's my understanding that he used to be kind of a horrible evil figure. but how did the turn into this a jolly guy that brings in the new year's spirit? there were different characters in slavic mythology, but just one character united them all i didn't see was known under different names as the school 00 i'm or else go or just did was cold and then it was a being a god that was responsible for winter frost's boy, but he was never associated with christmas or new year's eve can use later in the mid 19th century, father christmas appeared analogous to saint nicholas and the what. so when you get father frost, as we know him today is a soviet invention. you know,
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it is current appearance took shape over a long period of time. the generals, by and by he got a long winter coat, usually bright colored and grew a long beard. fennel got a long magical stuff and so on. but it's true that he was constructed from various images. this is that as a whole, because of it is a. so it's a beautiful place, shall we go? check out some more of the social. okay. but actual the, so we were talking about father for us to get models, but here he is accompanied with the snow made and so you go to scott, can you tell me about her, what's your role? how does she come into play? i thought you need to this new start in. it's a fascinating story, as i told you before, father ross has always been associated with saint nicholas santa claus and christmas, which was odd for us. so be at home today storm. so they decided to invent
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a companion for him initially, different characters were tribes such as little rabbit, puppets, etc. what's more, father frost is a mighty character and it's some little kids were afraid of him. you know, when the snow maiden was added to celebrations, children felt more at ease. she, she acted as a kind of intermediary between children and father process with whom you call. another thing that's important about this, no maiden is the link with same mix, as was disconcerting. for soviet authorities, assange could not have a granddaughter for obvious reasons. i thought it was, but our father for us did have one. i do. so it helped me strip away the image of religious undertones. group and kids just loved the snow made into disputes and then put a deal a search and did some very cool. now what about did better as himself? is it true that each nationality around russia or within the russian federation has their own version of good models? what i see is different peoples of russia ethnically, a very diverse country. they have
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a lot of different characters and traditions of their own. you know, if there is a common thread in the new years is a transition. it's a passage into something that is unknown and therefore dangerous vs and where there's uncertainty and danger. and there's always superstitions, rituals, and believes which help people safely transition into a new state. and yet the in addition, there is this widespread belief that nature is governed by spirits or some superior powers, which leads to the emergence of various nature related figures. these either punish people for a wrong doing or reward them for the good they've done. there are many heroes like that throughout russia to see the best known, perhaps is the tar piece by an old man who looks like father frost all day, but he is always accompanied by his daughter and kind, morris spirit, somebody more lives in good alia. they have a kind yes it said was actually a burly young guy, and she is described as a canadian young fellow, frost underscoring his uniqueness as opposed to our familiar father, frost. okay,
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so in italy they throw things out at the last minute in england they leave the back door open so that it can let the new year out in spring for some reason in the last moments of the old year, the 12 grapes before the beginning of the new year, what are some russian traditions for the new year? the civil on new year's eve is mainly a family holiday scene. so you have your whole family or your closest friends gathered around the table. elizabeth tv is usually on people watched the president's address. we followed, of course, by the times of this bhaskar tower clock on the red square on the you're supposed to make a wish while the clock is trimming. again, some people just to think of their wage on the other scribble it on a piece of paper burnett and slip the ashes into their champagne glasses. and this
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way it should come true. so after that outdoor fun begins, most people go outside for firework. does it, so is a study of calf, ask about food there's, there's a lot of different new year's traditions when it comes to food. one of them is official wearing a for a coat of but talk to me what kind of food you guys have it me. as i spoke, i say it's a talking about traditional new year's food. we make all kinds of parties salads with need fish and me and a new such as the famous. i'll live here, solid harring under a 1st coat with them a most of salad. and so for nick isaac mandarin oranges or an interesting symbol of new jersey. previously they were part of typical children, guests assorted sweets and pretty boxes and were considered a rarity. so these days mandarins are easily available all year round it, but people still like buying them in winter because of this association with the new years. if you call clover all the menu is about prosperity,
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just not everyone can afford caviar on an average day change. but if you're going to have the or at least once a year, it's probably going to be on new year's eve. it's about celebration abundance and sharing with your loved ones. yeah. for some reason people tend to save their best dishes for new years and they get probably it's because it's the most of families centric holiday of all the. so as you can see, these traditions are flexible, but there's a sense remains the same as they aim to the strong positive emotions to which help perpetuate these traditions over many years and yet, and they'll go to like how we did trial of it. so thank you very much for conversation is been incredibly interesting. the, the agent council remembers many traditions that have been long lost in big cities . here you can get a real taste of the beautiful and festive russian winter. the
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nice, this place is amazing. it's a magical wonderland frozen in time. what can you find here? and so, so that you can't really find any place else. well, but the stuff is one of the oldest towns in russia. we will celebrate this 1000th anniversary next year with them for as and not for me is founding much here, these to that just from his 1st mention in the chronicles. and you would have such as from here that much of russian history is played out of football and you've got what makes it especially unique is that it has retained its original appearance. but almost originally it really don't can. you can see the beautiful 10 poles and dimes you actually is due to the area being up a victim of logistics in the mid 19th century. with that still the roads and railways bypassed us is that organ the times that still remained as it used to be done on video. now, when it comes to christmas, traditions and new years festivities, a lot of russian traditional folk or kind of make their way into the stories and the traditions. can you tell me a little bit about that when all go for
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a lot of it comes from russia's past, started and i since 1700 on new year celebrations of coincided with stuckey. well, holy days, she missed, they would begin on christmas eve. let's see. we have to get, by the way, you were not allowed to eat anything on christmas eve, except such people. charlotte kind of weeds, partridge, there's just an only after the 1st stock came out, got the will. then we would celebrate christmas at the beginning of the holiday season and stretching all the way until epiphany. hello, good, willing seriousness. there were many interest things. additionally, just like fortune telling people have always been interested to find out about the future. that sort of thing. but so i can't help it ask, this is a slay. it seems like the perfect time of day with all the snow. do you want to go for right now? yes. cost as well. hey, coach my past the so i have to associate this with the crazy russians, but you guys also have
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a tradition of diving into free z. i see water is in the middle of this cold juncture. it's during the a tiffany. can you talk to me about the tiffany and the traditions that you have associated with that shania profession is about remembering the baptism of jesus and george and by john the baptist, excuse him, a christian must follow the life of jesus christ in every aspect. even in the little things truth, christie, i know that price was baptized, i'm not days, right? results are all people take a day just like him well to, to start pretty serious tradition my see crazy to those who wants a positive i did it started with it still exists here which regards to so people take the obligatory data like it was interesting though but them no just no one catches a calls from you, man, you are personally, i've never heard of anyone getting l after taking a depth on a patient, either level sco so well. there is a little secret them, but the, the water under the ice is 4 degrees celsius, loaded safe. they can be minus 1020 or 30 outside. you know. so when you get into the wall, so you actually feel warm and go out and they will rep, just remember to get are quickly and put on some warm plants estimates. you'll be
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just fine based on the actual progress. but now for me, i was just talking to our team. it doesn't get much more christmas than this right now because we are dashing through the snow and a one horse open slide is the definition of jingle bells. but russia, you guys have an association with christmas in winter, the track of which are 3 white courses. can you talk to me about the truck and the significance of that? is that what are the outs in the country? people prefer to try? cuz we to go really fast, unless i know that it's easy, it's a right faster and a slight and then a carriage or a peasant cops are shorter is that the person is like during fast, will enjoy the adrenalin rush. if can we love extreme speeds, extreme cold and sometimes even the arctic stream drinks. so russian winters, there's a stereotype and their dark, they're called their gloomy it's. it's kind of a negative depressing star type. but at the same time, you have lots of the traditions are christmas and the celebrations and parties. and so it's a warm time that's associated here in russia. talk to me
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a little bit about some of the other traditions that you have here in the not 0 quinn's or is the season when we celebrate. so you have deal wholly dave's just what book them christmas to appear for me to do unless i use some of the lease or some of the most important holidays for us to be able to get us about. merriman joy and celebration that the police about ancient rituals and fortune and tell them to get done. yeah, you just mentioned struck a uh, the holidays or it's the time of fortune telling, i guess that comes just before christmas most talk to me a little bit about that tradition that you have here in russia will be out or what? so yeah, as i said, safety begins on christmas eve, we call the state, so shell, neck, and russian. besides this type of christmas eve was the day when children began singing carols, as they would go from house to house, praising jesus and asking for gifts to ensure that people felt that if you didn't reward cover, elizabeth something that would she would have a difficult you ever had in a bad fortune telling something. women are fond of doing. curious update lights and i was going to happen. you have to put a team. there were many different fortune telling rituals. sports long traditional
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way of doing it was the eaves dropping to someone else's window to learn about the upcoming year. i showed you gals would also throw a show over offense much to see which way the total was pointed to some of the data that was supposed to be the direction from where the future husband become yoshi and i that goes with also sometimes how strange isn't a straight succubus, what's your name? they would ask you what they believed they could learn in the future. husbands name this way, but assume critically. it was considered a sin not to be married during those days and the machine you were supposed to have fun to visit each other in price jesus slide, but there was a catch the bus or the it wasn't appropriate for women's ago visiting around christmas time. when it matters just what people believe that those stuck. if a woman was your 1st visit to, then all the women in your household would be ill all year long. but each so late to save it traditions and match 3 really 7 people started saying should say, how are you celebrate the new? yeah, so you will spend that little surely nobody mirror, they saw that they have to payroll and that soon get rid of all of that junk with the phone us, which that the but that is mostly soviet mythology and use that over to show. traditionally though we've been
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vietnamese on me. i got that not meant to supply american soldiers limited resistors. most of the slaves burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and even lee laid up day by all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that way. it's too late. but yeah, the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals a band of machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes,
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i used to move shortly. a customer on both of us for some of the doors at the post the beach on has an issue calling to us from clean optic travel to heis island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land archipelago. sierra really asked me for i was and i was or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, would it be a way and we see that's one way and then put some of the what the some stay on. the old stuff was so much you feel like a mess almost a little more. c means membership. when you to, i've got the serial. no boys to mail it, please join me at that of the arctic pioneers main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then could see, could remain for centuries. that's my, of my choice of. so it's pretty at because your system is a multiple in your company to include up to deal with the issue
12:00 pm
the, [000:00:00;00] the 3 palestinians are reportedly killed in an idea strike on the mccarthy refugee come up, the israel said it mistakenly killed over 80 people in that area earlier, this was a real drivable mistake. this should not have happened. the choice of munition was incorrect. the desolate garza surpasses 21000 a christian pasta investment him to the western powers have failed to hold israel to accounts. to have to understand this or as for what it is,
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