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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the ukranian sheylan hit the residential building in belgrade in central russia, killing one person, and the injury and 4. so that for could take legal action against israel at the you ends international court of justice in the hey, get charges as well with violating the genocide convention during the war and gaza . the you are that jesus is role of attacking the human terry and convoy following a route mapped out by to tel aviv a safe. the region faces a crisis up on thinkable human suffering and fold inside the russian miss out and tragic. s. space after flying across the ukranian border, but fails to provide any evidence to support the claimed the
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on the hour every hour you'll watch an hour to international live from must go. if you're just waking up. good morning i'm. they show a josh with the top stores this our one person has died and for injured from ukrainian shelling that hit a residential building in belgrade, russia among the one that is a 10 year old child that sustained the injuries from trap. now, many of the injured were rushed to a local hospital where they are receiving medical care. several, a residential buildings were destroyed in the attack as emergency cruise raised to rescue survive us to the attack on boulder outcomes. as russia has launched, the massive f strides across ukraine, the number of casualties and not yet confirmed ukrainian prime minister dennis schmid, all has a to use to moscow. a 4th of targeting civilian and critical infrastructure. russia denies the allegation saying must go on the fires at ukrainian military positions.
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the little show great and was little the front was if you crime didn't violate international humanitarian law, there wouldn't have been any casualties. despite the truly massive strike launched by russia air forces on military targets across you cringe yesterday, and today they targeted the military industrial complex, the military air fuel structure arsenals, and also stores are tillery shelves, sort of. so you know, they targeted and then bolts, arms and fuel for military hardware. the places where you create in the army units are deployed and where a nationalist and foreign mercer's have formed. this is evident, not just to experts, but for any and by some server. we have a report before the un security council in which the russian ambassador and eventually made it very clear now that the civilian casualties that did take place happened as a result of the ukrainian air defense missile. he actually held up, uh, you are code wanting to videos online that show that the civilian areas where there were casualties were not shipped by russian artillery. they were rather hit by the
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air defense system of ukraine. furthermore, when speaking before the council, he pointed out that the ukrainian military seems to be falling apart and we have ukrainians all over the world scrambling to avoid military service. that's not a good situation for the ukrainian forces, but yet the western leaders want to prolong the conflict and supply them with more money and weapons. here's what. and eventually i had to say before the 50 and member body that leads the united nations. nope, this kid has him got those words up and then that's the reason was prepared to use western weapons and anti missiles to kill not just the residence of dunbar, but also their own citizens in their homes and in public facilities. ukrainians are also furious because the country to the shirts is of the head of the keeps for shame. they are forced to fight for this corrupt and unpopular government. men of military age are being stopped on the streets and public transport and implementation and violence aren't being used. disposal is up with you and universities across the world. ukrainians who have fled. the country in light of
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the conflict are now scrambling to give up their citizenship, or transfer their property to their relatives or spouses in order to avoid the new military conscription laws that are being passed by the ukraine government. that is desperate for a more bodies to throw into his armed forces. and now at this point, uh, we also have western leaders uh saying that they want more money and more weapons for ukraine to continue the conflict accusing russia of being solely responsible for what has gone on in the country. i was worth noting that the british representative said that there weren't, were you brains, air defense systems which were provided by western countries. and by the assistance of western countries, more civilians would have died, which the russian passenger pointed out was a very cynical and this honest thing to say when it was this very air defense system that killed the civilians that died. and it's because you crank continues to violate international law by placing the air defense systems in civilian and
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residential areas. so quite a meeting that took place of the 15 member body that leads the united nations very clear differences between the major countries represented on the council that i had the publish mandatory claims that a russian miss. i'll enter the, it's as space from across the ukrainian border of senior russian diplomats in poland says moscow is unable to respond to the obligations on to wall. so provides evidence stay with us. south africa has taken legal action and i guess these role in the united nations international court of justice claimed states that as well as violating the genocide convention r t correspondent know the video can be it has the story to one of the us that the reports contains some disturbing images as it does also petition to the international court of justice to declare it is running a potted state and is often many people have often um, seeing that
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a lot of how global. so the diary to sanctions played a significant role in undermining the a patrick pro. take that in the republic of south africa. what is the government doing practically to show solidarity with the people of palestine, either been to skip the perceived lip service the into mrs. hughes and basically in response to those questions and those concerns of the pretoria government has now come to this point where it has filed an application um it is due to to the proceedings i gave the as well before the international court of justice, the owner of this request is just a huge, it's off, but what a lot of people have been saying. it's more than a $120.00 to a 100 days off the war crimes identified in the impact of time and in the application so that people also accuse it is well off waiting to prevent students find and put the queue to the director and public inside which also genocide,
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according to the application, x and omissions by israel or genocidal in character as they are committed with the requisite specific intent to destroy palestinians and gaza as a part of the broader palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. the applicant further states that israel, since the 7th of october, 2023 in particular, has failed to prevent genocide and has failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide and israel has engaged in is engaging in and risk. further engaging in genocidal acts against the palestinian people in gaza on top of all of that. so that's it has also requested the international court of justice to indicate to provisional mrs. being forwarded to protect the case. but that's a deal home to the rights office team and people and the, the jim assigned to convince to, and the from the release of, from the application that we see so far. we also understand that so that's recap.
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um can read the case. i'm the the genocide convention because both so that's a tough and install a signature use of to the convention. and the oldest thing to the, the application you would also know and understand that. so that's the time has been one of the most vocal international supporters of punish dean is the governing routing party. the african national congress has often to go on what it says the parent knows between the black. so the african struggles against the racist. why? it's a particular gene, and the situation in the middle east to this also been logged to pro palistine and proteus, but in the south african cities, as well as smaller pro, is re be marches that, that have been disrupted by count approved testers. and very recently the jewish board to offer deputies the room for presenting the jewish communities of africa. i have the said that there has been a mess of rise off,
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but rather in anti semitism in the country since the outbreak of the conflict on the 7th of october and at the spawn to those tools. and all those accusations that you saw, the african government is just not holding back. it has made its position very clear in expressing its support for the for the scene is meant to be ongoing attacks by staying in gals, where at least 187 people have been killed in more than 300 wounded. in the last 24 hours, this is real intensifies. it's a tax and central and southern areas of the policy, an enclave, or the warning to help us to. some of the following images are in deep disturbing is at least 20 civilians are reported killed in israel's were sent to talk on the refugee camp, located the of a cd of they all belong. most of the dead off children,
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family members gathered outside the hospital to say good bye to their loved ones. and i did so i'm going to home and i lost my children twins. all house was bomb, tend to rumble, fell onto the children. the attack took place on that birthday, december 28th. god bless me with my children after years of getting now good, retrieved what he had given my 2 twin children, the pleasure of my heart and soul of passed away as these really defense forces continue, military operations in palestine and claymore, civilian lives, those able to escape move to day, all the law refugee camp. we see displace policy begins with flying to survive in circumstances that with forced into some have displaced the they've been displaced multiple times and ship based stories of escape, scribing the difficulties then counted the way. our law on my side in october,
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the 7 square by switching safely in our house and i was preparing the children for school when i had the sound of rockets being launched with all a sense of denture, and that's something strange was happening. 2 days later, these really military asked residents in the industrial area to evacuate, what's left with the residents, and followed him on to that. when my parents house is located, we're late to evacuate to the judge area because of this red there and went to july . but the volume of rockets involvement said shaking the houses in tower and was spend terrible mind stair west them to pay attention to the guidance and to see us as human beings. that is all i ask. we will return to our homes even if they have been raised to the ground. a lot of the guys minimum, what i, i had a hard time moving from a kara to lose or ron. and then i had to move again to their elbow law. in this case, i had moved 4 times from jamal a camp in the north before which terrible my father who suffered from high blood pressure diabetes, and heart disease was with me when he died 2 months ago due to the extreme cold and
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like a food today as you can see where sleeping on the mattress in the sand, with my children, including a one month old baby and my paraplegic mother. we have no tent shelter or anything but gods protection team. also in northern garza and is really esther icon, a residential neighborhood in the city of bate law. he is set to appeal to 13 people. then you went, office will the coordination of human mutare and a fast says the 2 of the deceased where local gen, unless let's take a look at the current number of policy and casualties since the start of the hostilities on october the 7th. as reported by god's help from industry, the death toll now exceeds 21000 people. 3 times as many have been injured and 7000 on this. and meanwhile, in the west bank, about 300 people have been killed with 3800. that's 3800 wounded in his really rates the year and says this year loan has been the deadliest
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f off for policy and children. this yeah, has been to death last year on records for children in the west bank, including these jerusalem with conflict related volumes, reaching unprecedented levels. children living in the west bank including east jerusalem, have been experiencing dryden violence for many years. you have the intensity of that volumes has dramatically increased since to her wrist. that gets acts of october. the sounds to the united nations human rights office has also been reporting on casualties. but in the west bank, it says more than 290 policy ends up being killed in the idea of rates in the past 3 months. and 79 of them are children, the you and says the id f detained to me in the 5000 westbank residence during that period with some of those prisoners allegedly being abused. gentlest bahama, nadia purports from the west bank city of ramallah. since the 7 october right now, there is a concert is conditioned by the i did get a civil as soon as those banks. it is
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a and especially that austin was bank citizen was kind of getting on douglas and i solve it honest of more than 4700 policy man said transferred 1800 to that and i guess it is deficient which means the addition i would supply also including blooming and children. so that situation are difficult and able to envision it is up to and it lashes out of the class has a lot of sorted collections between the level. as soon as i lose, we're hearing reports, a recent is really raids overnight across the west bank. what more can you tell us? are, are these raids increasing? yes, actually know about a student has and boast back and it does what i've seen in the unit from the i did on the close of tax the getting and getting out of think i thought setting for even physically we think and including children without more than $260.00 children were honest and sensitive also, but i know according to the bus, you know, it was under the club. so the children audited on the movie could use it on to future business. well between is right on thomas. because the, those 3 children who are in the school is coming to us,
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secure declines that comes in. are you an agency that assess palestinian refugees has accused israel of attacking an age come boy in gaza? fast response to vehicles following a route designated face by the idea if it is really soldiers fired at an age convoy as it returned from northern guys. i'm a long or rude designated by these really army. our international conway leader and his team were not injured, but one vehicle sustained damage. aid workers should never be a target. video footage from near gas city a p. s to show people trying to run psycho humanitarian, a truck. schools of policy unions are also seen surrounding the united nations vehicle. the you in stop relief, official says the obstacles blocking the delivery of age to gas that are almost insurmountable using getting 8 into guns. easy. think again,
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3 layers of inspections before trucks can even enter confusion and long queues. a growing list of projected items costs and bombardments, damage fields, convoy shot at delays, a check points. this is an impossible situation for the people of gaza. and for those trying to help them, the findings must stop wildly un continues to cold for the immediate and secure provision of humanitarian assistance. it's reports, the neighbors are limited and played by logistical hurdles. us support for israel is that fastest find the idea of locking you in trucks from entering the policy and in place, even though you as an all says otherwise, no assistance she'll be furnished to any country when it is made known to the president that the government of such country prohibits or otherwise restrict directly or in directly the transport of delivery of us humanitarian assistance. there was an exception in the us code that allows h to be provided if the president decides it is in the national security interest
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of the united states. dr. ramsey, the rude editor of the palestine chronicle says the us cannot have a national security interest that would allow is russ crimes. to continue from the very start of this war, go is well, has received gone so and gauze as kind of parties who are kind of cobra for what happened october 7th. in other words, they did not create any clear distinction between palestinians, ordinary palestinians, civilians, and laza, and how must have meant or any other resistance movement in this trip. this is not my own calculation, but rather if you listen carefully to what these weigh, the media is what you, the media pundits and even officials and, and, and a top government ministers. that's what they have been saying. this is why this is, but it's so glad from the very beginning said we are going to cut off bozza from
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walter electricity if you will, food medicine and all those supplies. so there was, oh, more on dependents to me and people in gauze. and what do you see right now this, this fam and that is on the way in gaza, is consistent with this trajectory. where overtake 21000 philistines have been killed so far. so this is is easy war on palestinian civilians and, and what we see right now is consistent with all that has been taking place. we have a serious moral crisis in washington. so i don't know what kind of national security interest that washington could find it more legally, politically, just speak valuable to allow for this hideous bribes to continue to take place and what the tire world is going in for an immediate and comprehensive supplier. the united states says, nope, garza did not have enough. how can you explain that to your children,
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to future generations of disciplines and to all the stores are following here on our, to international the polish military. as the latch that a russian miss all entered, it's asked space from across the ukrainian border. so a senior russian diplomats in poland says multiple is unable to give a response to the incident until also provides evidence our to correspondence. roman costs are reports. a polish, a military has conducted an emergency meeting after and on identified sign object has entered folders aerospace from ukraine side. now, according to initial reports from warsaw, the author, it was followed by the publish aviation, but later disappeared from all of its radars. that however, did not prevent the published military from claiming later date was a russian miss without presenting any evidence whatsoever. now, according to the chief of polish general staff, the data has not yet been confirmed. he said that there was some kind of raise or
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conformation, but still he failed to demonstrate that, according to him, groups sent to the sides will still check the flight routes will be on identified object. now, here it's worth reminding that last year in this cycle from ukrainian territory fell on boulder soil getting 2 of its citizens immediately after the incidents that ukraine and president blaine's rush of the incidents demanding that nato gets involved into a direct conflict with the russia. but said police investigation later revealed that the miss style was in fact ukrainian from the countries air defenses and the speaking of ukrainian air defenses. those systems were overloaded this friday as a russian defense ministry has confirmed that's over the past week or so. it's conducted at least 50 groups, flags, sends that one massive strike using both high precision weapons and drones as well according to most goals. the strikes were targeting ukraine's military industrial
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complex, as well as locations where artillery shells amanda bowls and that few 4 minutes with needles for stored. now this soul comes as the ukrainian air force spokesperson said that it's been a long time since they witnessed such a massive break. ernie always spoke to john less than political analyst, and john verola, who says this isn't the 1st time poland has pointed the cues in finger at russia without providing any evidence as there is no evidence. i do not believe that this that it wasn't russian missile. i mean, no, not none of us know for sure. but, but as, as your report said, the incident was there or a year ago, right. and the policy was, they lied. they lied, they acute dropped the cues. russian without any evidence. so, you know, he pulled at the history of crying moles releasing this information and trying to stop the fires of a great a conflict in europe. so we,
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we can't address pulling at all for so it was very clear that the white house is conducting a genocide in gaza and they've killed at least 15000 civilians. so they have no right to start lecturing other countries about their conflicts. but let's, let's be very clear about that context now as far as specifically with ukraine. okay, yes, there is a divide in the american ruling class where more, more people are getting this illusions more, more people would like to negotiate. they realize that they cannot defeat the russian again. this is just a part of the american ruling class. they realize they cannot defeat russia and they're correct. they will never defeat russia. but still, we have to be very clear that very, there are a sizable group of people i call them extreme is fanatics who are hell bent on conducting this war. continuing this war in order to destroy russia, put it on its knees and take established control over the region, land mass, and those people, they are the ones obviously empower 7 norms, power and they will continue to dictate the terms of our, of us,
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our american foreign policy unfortunately, so the republicans and anyone else who wants to wants to limits our ability to wage war and ukraine. they will continue to try, but i do not believe they will succeed much because the powers that want this war are far more greater in the powers that be arguments in the c, i a, in the pentagon, of course, the whitehouse, they at the end of the day they will continue to conduct this work instruction. and in 2024, they will try to escalate this conflict, protest us, and so it'd be, i have been gone camping out on the streets of the capital as a call for recent parliamentary election results to be overturned. that's after the official tally showed a victory for the president's ruling party. archie correspondence, dave sweeney. a reports from belgrade today is the 1st day of protest instead of being kept doing well, great over elections that the opposition side with fraudulent we have outside the foreign ministry, west students have the set top. com as part of
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a 24 hour sleep pile. so as part of the protest movement, they said that they chose this venue deliberately. they thinking for an intervention, some of following support. they said what i also about this that they wanted international sanctions on president alex on the voltage on seeing if it goes within the government. now you can probably see behind me the flags of being float of the european union. i'm here, oh my god, of course, these were flags that were very prominent on color revolutions across europe. and of course they viewed i might on to and ukraine in 2014. now, the police have sailed off the roads, the happy to let the protest, mulch and carry on on him to this has been characteristic of the demonstrations the previous phase where police have allowed marches to proceed to venue as including the high court where protest system on did the release of the people that were arrested during the vaughn and protests on sunday. the electoral commission
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building where i protested, trying to a full se way in and they were confronted by police. they smashed windows set fires, and a number of people were wounded. 35 were taken into custody on wednesday and thursday, the smaller march is filed into the comp hawkins, the national television center here in. so it'd be either in belgrade and they'd listen to a number of speeches, again, asking for boutiques to resign and asking for those elections to be re run now. so follow the move and haven't really gotten much in the way of momentum. the numbers, the demonstrations have been folding, that'd be much smaller in size. so the next 2 days where they are litmus tests for the movement. president, bluetooth, who gets himself will be looking on. he won't be overly concerned by what he's saying. this doesn't represent really much in a way of a stretch to states power. of course, things could change now and saw today that demonstrates as here. i've told me the organize that said that they are joining another protest. i must protest,
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it is being cooled by the political opposition. this is going to attract people that you say from across the country, whether that happens remains to be seen. but of course, we'll be on the ground to give you the latest as it happens. and now to syria, where it's rarely ad defense is garrett out a strike on serious military infrastructure. russian ad defend systems were used to shut down 10 guided missiles targeting demoss goes according to the deputy head of the russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties. military facilities with damaged, with no casualties reported. it's not the 1st time the idea of his attack targets on the syrian sword. a states media reports, a resident strike, killed a senior arabian adviser. we spoke with political analysts, tyler. it brought him most as russia shoots and a clear message that israel has no right to bomb the syrian soil. i thing good isn't. i was not in a won't be so we are interested. i'm all too old,
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especially let's close. i'm dying man. i knew that to do to and did another consideration. so sancho related to this, to a tional community. i mean that kind of, yeah. or do you want to and you'll or, and he things as long as will really come funeral, he will stay in power. so he does, he does not care about abuse or security with emily. eastern dieting is i can be a spikes sincerely on the other places may wage and your are using a war and the told me go out of control like uh, what to minister steve's for us so, so if you're not for upset then like what a cigna coverage on the 9th of nations go to said, and i can give that to you. if you're saying i could think kind of the time now. yeah, that may be, i think that i saw must send a very clear message to somebody that is quarterly then to
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a tech city and kind of gets into a tech even though run into just inside of city. and why? because if you are talking about here, i mean kind of guess in photos or some sort of working, you see the under the mission of the cnn news due to maybe off, i'm in the same as restaurants. and so is it a, has in the light to bomb any pearson or any citric shop for anybody to be to was inside the city in 2 days? because that should be consumed with the debate relation of the students who are pregnancy argentina is need to have scrap the countries previous plans to join the bricks group of nations reaching south america's largest economy, brazil. president polezza, if he has all the plans for getting his country out of its deep economic crisis mass purchased of a ruptured in the streets is critics say the reforms will only accessible the countries current financial troubles. the president has planned radical changes to
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deregulate the economy and cut out the government. the rug proceeds for the delay wants to abolish a price limit for housing rentals. eliminate some work up protections and scrap legislation meant to protect consumers from a price gouging or protest to say the reforms will adversely affect the most vulnerable people in the society say, you know what is being experienced most in the neighborhood and what we see a lot of today is a fee or being less without food as a result of the measures that are being taken. if you are completely victorious, attitudes that sick to lock us up in our homes. if you are putting us back by 150 years old kayla know seller, they freeze salaries, they freeze pensions. what they do not freeze is giving away all our resources suits and state companies. our country is in danger that they didn't really release decree is the same as adolf hitler's decree of march 24th 1933. when he finally did every rights and introduced the nazi model in a single decree,
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which brought the weimar republic to an end. political analysts, the norcross of excess, the newly elected argentine in liter, isn't doing this country any favors by sticking with the greenback. i think this is one of the worst movies really possibly could have made. it doesn't seem motivated by any real analysis of the situation. argentina's in economically speaking or an understanding of the current world markets are currently exchanges which is desperately needed in order to deal with all of their problems. it seems wholly base in a childish adherence to ideology. really, jamie really believes something called a free market is embodied in the western economy. and he is held on dragging argentina is to into the dumpster fire. that is the was dollar the federal reserve and the decaying uniform world.


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