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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  December 31, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. the term banana republic has long been used by us mainstream media to describe the political instability in countries of the global cell, most commonly thrown at latin american countries for the many presidents having and thrown behind bars for corruption. well, could these chickens have come home to roost? as the world watches several cases brought against the us? 45th president, donald trump unfold before the cameras. today we'll take a look at the us drama, and the many cases of world leaders to go from president to present. all right, let's get into the m o. the is the 1st in us history. a former poetess indicted on
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a myriad of charges ranging from corruption to some that are tantamount to fomenting a clue, or blocking the transfer of power. donald trump, now the face of this watershed moment ahead of the 2024 elections here in the us, where he is by many measures. not only the leading opposition candidate against incumbent joe biden, but the leader of the path to win. all these trials, he's facing our spark in the conversation of a weaponized justice system against political foes. while this is the 1st for the wes, this is not the case around the world. so joining us to discuss the many people who have gone from their nation's highest office to a miserable prison cell. it is ecuadorian journalists, esteban cadell, he is the editor at the cradle. you can follow him on twitter or x, i still call it the former, followed him at esteban car,
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lock c a r l o p. so as them on, as we watch these trials of donald trump unfold, historic for the us, no form or opponents has ever been indicted on anything ever before. you being a journalist outside of the us and also and ecuadorian citizen. what goes through your mind? what do you think of what's happening here in the us? well, i think of seeing everything that is happening relating to trump. uh, the 1st thing that comes to my mind is that uh, it's a situation that has been a long time call me. and as you said, there is no former president that has actually been indicted or much less made to uh, you know, sent to prison for our crimes committed during their administration. and which we trump embrace is a lot of questions because what it, what it feels like it's, uh, it reminds me of, uh, what do things said recently that uh these uh, is uh, political persecution of, of the 08. 0, is persecution about political on it?
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and uh its uh, he talked about the roth and as of a traditional system and i think uh, this is uh, very much the view outside because uh outside of that you was with him not a general and see that the things the same way that uh people inside of the us see it. uh, we do not exist in that same bottle. so uh, the situation withdrawing with the coming elections with the with bindings on legal problems which are the attorney general's into us seem to be honestly this interested into looking into them. it feels like, like i said, like something that has been a long time calling because it also speaks to the, to the level of the patient that exists within the united states. that up, according to some researches uh, is reached a point that is uh, essentially reversible, you know, between democrats and republicans and another thing that jumps in my mind that he's
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a dave, it's a part of the system. you know, and it's uh, it seems to exist uh to serve the same interest, you know, in turn, i mean, maybe the republicans and the democrats may have a different system lar, some small. busy outside, when it comes to foreign policy, you know, it almost doesn't matter who is sitting in the, in the white house because in the u. s. foreign policy has for so many back. it's now being centered on, on war, on sending weapons on law fair on sanctions. and now, i don't know if, if the drums case is indeed a case of an offer, but the way that it's being deployed it's, that's going to be racing many questions. so for 30 or 40 years now, the u. s. has often chided latin american countries for prosecuting its own leaders . us mainstream media likes to use terms like banana republic, to describe some of these arrests of these presidents in central and south america
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. do you sense any, have pock received or perhaps even irony right now, given this historic moment for the us, or there's definitely a high level of the bumper. see a given what is happening that you as an even before. and i have a lot of irony indeed. yes, because uh, the, this idea about, uh, nothing american countries are running a republic says, um, it goes from a colonial his perspective, you know, and this idea that we kind of go over in ourselves that we need, you know, overseers that we need to do was we're told essentially, and this call is from the, from the euro. when the spanish, the for to visa french, the british it to go over these land. and, you know, do what they need to do with the indigenous population. and it's, if it remains, it may have to say might be or remain. so now we have a us precedent, essentially facing the situation that is um, in the scope,
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the base to what has happened before in the, in many left in american countries of both to be honest enough in america, the interventions or the, the yes, the us interventions they have being and usually targeting people who represent the national these movements or you know, along political lines uh, unless these movements communist and socialism and not so much when it comes to the right wing. so i would say that's mainly the, the biggest difference right now with what we see, we, what is happening with all the truck. all right, so let's get into a more specifics of presidents past and present in south america who has faced legal trouble. talk to us a little bit about lula da silva in brazil. he was president from 2003 to 2010, but then he found himself in some legal trouble through what is now known as operation car wash. he was convicted on corruption charges,
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but then fried and clear to run again in brazil as most recent presidential election against incumbent jr. bull sonata, he emerged victorious and is currently the president and brazil again. but now both denado might face legal was he. ringback might end up in prison to what's going on with brazil and this sort of ping pong match of political foes behind bars of what is currently happening in brazil is essentially the return of the rule of law of institution. them lady, eh, because i think there are more parallels between what is happening to both so nato to add to what is happening to trump down. what happened to that because the was the big thing. busy filter of the of the use of the judicial system to persecute uh, a person for political gain, political objectives. so what happened in brazil with the job the investigation was that of the united states department of justice initiated this investigation. they
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initiated to us small prosecutor office in brussels of hardest right. city. and so, you know, and f b i agents were meeting constantly with uh, with this prosecutors. the judge and the case was meeting also was talking to prosecutors directing them on how to to lead the case towards the worst of workers party who represent that a, a national project, the a project of national development, least, i believe 36000000 people out of over the he essentially and that in new jersey, he is up in albany or, you know, he doesn't have, he has his flaws. but he's, he was the target of a campaign that sought to remove him from the ballad in 2018. and he was put in prison is of course, you know, some supreme court, they, uh, an old, old, old the evidence which where, uh, essentially what they are known as corps agree,
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bargain testimonies that were a pain eh, after many trials by the prosecutor about them in any event by the prosecution to get the testimony that they wanted. that's it. they're all political goals among other types of manipulation. i think on the other hand, most of that old t, uh, he's under trial for uh, for corruption, for a different cases. i believe probably the one that has been most spoken about is that you keep in gifts that the, sorry, if i'm going to gave him for both scenario and he was also a bar now from ronnie for also some field 2030 because in the lead up to the 2021 election he, i won't go into gathered. i don't know how many i really was about a dawson for a non boss. so there's in a room and essentially yelled at them about what he said was gonna be brought committed against it, against them via the electronic voting system in brazil. so. busy he tried to
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manipulate the election of a solid, you know, and this is where the similarities to the trunk situation come on. smart and we're not always, uh is, i'm, i'm that represents the computer. so you know what, whoever present that. she's the, essentially a neo nazi, he's a man of the bus will be leaving the rise of indigenous people. he's the one that believes that corporation should do as they please. i don't know if you remember of the ring he's any or and there were these giant forest fires in the i'm a song and they were for a big part that were initiated by the practices of this corporations with both scenarios. you know, they actually allow them to go in to, to ex bell indigenous people from their own communities to raise the 9 to, to burn down trees so that they could set up their operations. so it does the situation in brasil, it was a case of law firm that extended our across nothing america, it extended to my own country and it was all the other break a scandal. it ended with the persecution of left these meet or 5 go there,
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with the incarceration of his vice president autoglass, who had spent 5 years in prison. and during now you know, you can survive 25 present massacres. he and also at the same time in the, not a single other birds executive was ever persecuted. so that shows you how and the judicial systems in your countries have been a kind of, uh, turn against a popular projects, a turn against political. and i guess political figures who represent a in general represent uh the same ideology coming up next, there's only one country in the western hemisphere whose polls show that they are even less happy with their government. then americans find out who when we return with esther bond codio sit tight,
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m o will be right back. the the the 1898 of the united states won the war against spain and gain control of the philippines. the people of the philippines held that the americans would help over throw spanish rule and a grand independence through the country. but the united states was by no means willing to give freedom to the philippines and saw it as just another colony. 1999 . the filipinos began armed resistance to the new occupying american troops were
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barely able to occupy the territory of the philippine republic. but that patriot started a desperate the rail. a war washington was forced as in new reinforcements and triple the number of its troops on the islands. the us army suffered heavy losses. the americans took 8 out of the population. general jacob smith in revenge for the gorilla attack on the garrison in the city of bile on dba porter to kill everyone over 10 years old. the monstrous gulf of terror, according to the most conservative estimates, led to the death of about 200000 philippine notes. the americans managed to suppress the gorilla as only 14 years after the beginning of the war. but the united states was not able to stop the national liberation struggle of the filipino peoples in 1946. after the decades of the dramatic ordeal, the philippines was finally able to achieve independence.
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the dangerous and ways when joe biden bear hug benjamin netanyahu. stan brace design is the agenda and all is deadly consequences. no matter how the american administration wants to parse as rules. israel's war on gaza, the united states is ultimately accountable for israel's military campaign. the welcome back to the m. o i manila, chad. while it's no shocker to anyone that in most western democracies, most of the public is never too happy with who they elected to office. i don't know, maybe it's buyer's remorse. maybe it's something else. esteban cutting you the editor of the cradle is back with us to i guess try to unpack that. so how about peru, esteban not long ago, just before christmas of 2022,
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president federal castillo was carted off to jail. immediately had been impeachment vote against him. what were the circumstances around custio's case and where is he now? precision is it because figure is a different case. i would say because castillo, essentially, what happened he, he the, what uh, could it be considered as a. busy cool city. so, um apartment, it's a, even though he didn't have the legal or the constitutional grounds to do with it, but he did it because he needed to achieve bulk of inability because the us making progress on about a year in 5 months into his he's a government this the you was a real teacher, he came essentially from nothing. he's a, it was 1st left his precedent, but he came to power with the issue. she couldn't a really go over. so when he saw power, man,
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but when he attempted to the salt parliament, it was because for the past year and a half, she was not able to do anything. he couldn't even swear in his own ministers. because the far right groups in the program congress. but i'm not a bit and they wouldn't be launch the launch of 3 impeachment proceedings. i can stay in the time that she was enough. is the one that came out from the moment you step been from the moment she wants to elections? the one that came up. so eh, cuz the also has a, the issue that uh before the one, she started to distance himself from the, from the region of last, you know, one point in time $21.00 and it was the band event as well. and project with the band, because my daughter and then a few months later she will not get took. i'm much more uh and loved in america we, we say uh, give you, you know, warm water like i you want to play with everyone, but you have absolutely no strength to do so. so you play to do play to this trend . so the other side will grab all of the media who have all the corporations and will have the backing up the united states. so now people there are being ruled by
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a president of the novel, but a lot of what kinds of 12 percent approval rating. the congress guys on 99 percent approval rating, i believe, and stories of these and 71 percent of peruvian ceos approval, but a lot of it. so that tells you a lot of where, where she stands and she's. busy also be not investigated for that's about 6 the professors who died one cuz the west point embrace on. so because they are still in prison. she's the recently been saying that he's the victim of a plot that uh you know, they try to do is booking someone. but uh, as far as we know, this is something that uh, submitted it to himself. and the interesting thing about the that i was finding and that i, when i was researching is that, um, open the crowding democratically elected president stuff having elected in producing the mid eighties. i mean, the arrested. so, you know, but those tells you how the corruption runs in the country. yeah,
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the peruvians are even less happy with their government. then americans are based on these polls. so these incidents with presidents, they're not isolated to latin america. it happened in france in 2021, but without much global van fair, certainly not much talk about it. here in the us. france being america's oldest ally, saw the former president nicholas or cosy convicted and sentenced to prison for 3 years on corruption charges. they say he quote was influence peddling and violated professional secrecy. mm hm. that sounds familiar. stateside 2 circles. he is now facing yet another trial that's scheduled for 2025, around a ledge money received from the late libyan leader and well marked adolphe star. cosy, who's a lawyer that turned politician faces, charges of corruption, again,
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criminal association, illegal campaign financing, and conspiracy and misusing libyan public money? your thoughts on circles the i think it's what's most interesting about it is why you said how little it was spoken about, you know, starting to see she is actually not a hasn't been arrest if she has been. uh, i think up the up most of the pain. eh, he, uh, she, she scroll deal we, we, dog at the office is very shady. uh, when i was looking into it, you know, cut off the before nato started bomb being uh, libya about 2 days before and nato answered. she said in a television interview that he have you been wanting to. ready complain of, oh, sorry for cnn to, to wherever you close before you know, maybe it was, uh, was the when uh, ads deals with friends. eh, it'd be suited perry's under uh, surfaces government for the 1st time in 30 years. so it was, uh, you know,
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and like i said it's very easily is a very interesting case that he's not spoken about. and i do think he's no spoken about because this is a through all the french and. ready her, and as you said, this is one of the main highlights of the united states. and at some point, it feels like when you, when you are western liter and you align with the, with the, with the aspirations of the united states, you can almost done the wrong. yeah, let's not forget that media circus surrounding good off his visit to paris, where he was allowed to pitch a better 110th outside the l as a palace. if we took a wider look at all of these various presidents of these so called democracies all around the world, they're getting done on corruption charges, right. it's the theme for all of these presidents, but yet nobody has been brought up on actual charges like war crimes, crimes against humanity, or anything real like that. not only the presidents, but people in the administration's. i mean, look at george
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w bush has people and the lead up to the iraq war. why is it always corruption? but nothing like killing millions of people. i mean, except for slow but on the los of it. but he was tried at the hague, of course, but we don't have enough time to discuss his case. i think that the focus is usually put in corruption because the, the focus wherever puts on on war crimes, on the, you know, legal invasions in that would force western countries to, to confront their own legacy, their own history, which uh, you know, what they have left behind and we're talking about the cypress. he is indicted on corruption charges start to see was one of the aspects of behavior in war. he was a bit of a surprise was the 1st going through the start of the media. you know, you have of iraq, obama getting a nobel peace prize, and keep in mind that a, a, i think drug more bones. i mean, the president, he's also an architect that you've been wor um, that were in syria. so i think of it the focus usually falls on corruption
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because it's something that allows it to western uh, so called democracies to circumvent the reality of what they have done across the world. because the moment that they have to confront that is the moment. but the car, the car was you know, and don't forget about the united states, for example. there's not a signatory of a international criminal. uh, eh, the international court of justice. and you know, the same with israel, which is one of the biggest culprits of human rights abuses of war crimes in the, in, in modern history. so i think it's, it's about that, you know, as you said, these are white color crimes. you know, these are a and then what are the sensors isn't in there is left on the wrist. yes, i am very glad that you brought up the, the nothing yahoo because he keeps flipping through the legal cracks as well. but again, that man would need a whole episode to discuss as well. all right,
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as the bond patio editor of the cradle dot c o check out his work there. thank you so much for this. very enlightening and fun conversation. right, that is going to do it for this episode of motors operandi the show that digs deep in the foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host middleware chan. thank you for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by how us tired vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the truck allowed the flag for me to try to still know we, we would have to shop for different scenarios that you should be. you know, when you, if you have somebody really aggressive, are swap of beach and control them. so pretty classmates, i'm telling you it's showing up as associates do, for example, to go on to, to the logistics at least if i'm on a nice with them for pretty to. so the insurance go for assist you on the paper because he wouldn't have got the going. it's pretty pretty slim. assume with us. but i think we've got the vehicle. no refresher the goes items
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the to to shop. um yeah. not normally at the are you leaving to on talk to you, jake? uh the uh the the
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fitness in the function. the cleaning the, the for the boat. awesome marie polena. so the move found, we could assume it was uh because of the record of loading and stuff out for you. yes, i have a life force. right. so what kind of a story how's the keys? cuz those exist to the 5 units, but on us and not on the pants style much,
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it took me on to businesses in the mortgage rates, the a society of dear credit accounts, offensively, it was a fine you that arise serious souls. lucian's on the, on the west side in ukrainian side illusions about their own strength illusions about the strength of the russian opponents. basically, the, you know, the took their to rush or, and new crime was adored. i just have to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come from coming up. and those are loose since i've been shopped with the the
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don't yet. citizens come under heavy shilling from ukrainian armed forces, just minutes into the new yeah. reporter for people killed in more than a dozen, one that russian president, vladimir, birth, and address of the nation as must go celebrate the new year. wishing only including those on the front lines. best wishes for the holidays. deals of proclaimed 2024th a year of a family in russia. then you, you sure soon we will become even stronger. we are together, and this is the strongest in guarantee of russia's future. congratulations, my dearest, happy new year 2024. israel intensifies its attacks across kanza and is.


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