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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EST

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the good the, the deadly is really military, a sole tongue jobs rolls over into a new year. 12, some palestinians still hope for peace against all the content of what i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to every one, but the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. enough of the tragedy that we are suffering, the most of the destruction that has befallen us. we are morning people in dunbar come under heavy shelling from ukrainian armed forces just minutes into the new year with reports of 4 civilians, pills, and more than a dozen. and when did we bring you this are on exclusive sit down with a decorated here. old russian military operation in ukraine took part in combat
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across the conflict. we are also able to advance around that loosely chance from the right side. this came is a major surprise for the enemy. they didn't expect just to be so assertive in the area. and as a result, the bible says we see chance because very quick. just a few minor skirmishes the you're very welcome to the news our on this monday, the 1st day of 2024. thank you for spending part of it with us here on our team to our top story this january. first. there's little cause for celebration in garza city is really military kicked off the year with a fresh round of strikes only enclave wherever some palestinians are hopeful. they will eventually see peace at some point in 20. 20 a loved one. the let model have a hope that the world will end as soon as possible, god willing,
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and that will return to our homes that were destroyed if there any homes for us are not destroyed. and i hope that my children will be released. no, we hope that the new year will come and we will return to our home. we wish for peace of mind and to return to our homes to review our message to israel is to withdraw from gaza. enough of the tragedy that we are suffering enough of the destruction that has be following us. we are morning. they have wiped gaza off the map. i will show on the contrary, i hope that this year will be a good one. the good will come to everyone that the war will end soon and we will return to our homes and our country. we are very optimistic that the war will end soon. my message to all the arab countries and all the countries of the world. i hopefully will hear me. we want to return to our country in the north and live in peace. this is what we want. even if we only live on the sand, let me pull
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a part from this staggering child death rate to engage some international end user . also raising the alarm over the mental states of young palestinians dropped inside the worst of children have been exposed to him. the dramatic episodes we some patients recovering from physical injuries and some having lost the time of the members. the cobra strategies had been taken away from them. there was no safe place and no sense of security. it messed up now. well, the suffering of many young thousands began long before october 7th in 2018 teenager is a dean now was right, lost his leg after being shot fine as released diaper a year later he was able to walk again thanks to a prosthetic limb, courtesy, a volunteer groups in the us, after returning home to gals, it is a team, took part in helping other amputees there. but his life was ultimately cut short last week when he was killed in this really are a strike,
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steve. so it was they who aided it in in the us. sure. the young, i'm defiance palestinian story with us. and i in 2018, he joined thousands of other palestinian refugees in gauze and protesting peacefully at the gaza borders for the great during the great returned march. is a sniper, is really soldiers and that shot him from a very far distance and his leg is like, was amputated. our organization brought him to the united states where you had a new prostate prosthetic legs built for him to enable him to walk and return to school and finish school ended. we hired him to become a field worker and humanitarian aid worker. he was quite interested in photography, so he was a practice. we were training him in that field to support our communications team. and just on christmas day, while him and his family huddled together in fear, i suspect as most palestinians do at night, their home was bombed in demagogues,
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a refugee camp in central guys by an air strike and his entire family was killed. his body remains under rubble today and there's no way to remove it due to the lack of heavy equipment that can remove large cement blocks. and it's just a terrible, terrible tragic i. tragedy. i knew him very well. he was a good kid. very positive, very smiling all the time, always ready to, to do anything you can to help even during the last few weeks, when i was in touch with him, he was expressing his desire to do more on the ground there to help his people. let's go live now to get us to the southern gals in the city of count eunice and speak to journalist i come out. so tarry at hello and good to see you. this january, the 1st i crum fireworks and most of the world for new years. but does it gets
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balms? what's known about the latest that what do you guys that has been living? i got a lot of back today, particularly the talking about the gaza. whether you bombardments were continuous. ringback is, and we are being was continuing to advance that tends to advance into the 60 and the kind of significant discipline office for the day and good. they're heavy fire week would be dyslexic. the least pregnant nearly from budman to attend. we find out also the whole new cups f i r, which lots indicated an ongoing and confrontation between so you've got a significant difference and it's, i mean, sufficient bandwidth that comes the group number of find this thing is as i said before, that under the i've been losing their homes, losing the nice and losing their hopes as with the word is and the 1st thing, the new here and the front, the signal dots of the person, the new bombardment seconds and lots of great things that holds and science. so breaks that means and results. let me just expand on,
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not because we heard from some palestinians yesterday about their wishes, their hopes, as you say, for peace heading into the new year. what are the prospects of thought at the moment dr. to win the prospect out of prospects of the destruction. because basically you b as in the army, the starting on most of the things we have been hearing about is understanding through it because we use the injuries. and it was among the women suffer from c on the ground from here. and what the experience is, and then go to the bottom is that is x and that i think and a large number of decisions being cuz i'm kind of in this area on the, and the fuel cap and of our, of the mountain in the last stage. around 40 people where it's coming for the host with a check with elizabeth and who are good and many others worse than others and rubbing 3 or 4 houses. simon is with targeted and 3 or 4 from midwest. the whole, the whole family members working. so the kind of thing is i'm not giving neither
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individually or collectively because of backbone going, i pushing against them and because of the activity and just to make it as tight, i'd like to start getting them. and that just taking that lot, at least the whole family dies, or like most of the family, the size, i mean you work down the streets and this is the news you've called when you work down the cities in gaza, or you'll see people as i think with a very i grabbed the phone, the ones that were broken and destroyed all my goodness. i ran a heavy i got the number that goes are the names of the children that were targeted at our state. i just been saying i'm doesn't have a nice house on friday seniors. i should've pressing just and you'll hear under that. i've been of there holds it 22 or must have 20 to buy this thing is we're going to add more than 67000. are and a significant number of them into struggling for them. not. this is the new year for the product, and that's the part of savings. understand that sometimes these when some,
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but they don't know when and they don't know the invoice of that piece and they don't know whether that case would be pro thanks to the efforts of the c one versus the stipends. it's inside the t $11.00, it's allowing him to for new to continue our tank. so the resistance that is going to what they don't understand how they don't know how deep and they're how they know certain base, what state. and they know that and to come sometimes as you explain not of these all the more remarkable i'm just thinking when we talk to people on the, the results of, on their determination under hope that the you are coming will be in some way, will ease some of the suffering i couldn't find to today i'm for the last number of weeks and months as well. for all your report, journalist oc from also tarry live from count eunice. well, celebrations in dolton by a sub, been marred by the deadly ukrainian shelling of the city of done yet just minutes into the new year. local officials say at least 4 people have been killed and more
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than a dozen. and wounded ortiz, remind costs read reports from the scene of the after this is a central street here, and this is all done this before. it's targeted by be you creating a military shortly after midnight on new year's eve. several stores here for damaged and some buildings were completely destroyed. right now i am walking on the shattered glass and debris from the building and in the background, i can still hear the sounds of our children, shedding tears. i left the old before my mother and i celebrated the new year. i went on for smoke in the balcony. sometime after the midnight explosion started somewhere nearby, very loud and in the very center of the city. to be honest, it wasn't comfortable that i'm from the rubles with leaf through all of this. i cannot stand on my feet because of it. then a car caught fire. a shell flew into the side of the house. in addition,
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there were several explosions nearby glass shattered in several houses. it was unpleasant to say the least, the center of the an ask looks like a more so. right now there is still a fire brigade riding holes throughout the city. was the flyers caused by m c. c. the shelves are simply laying around everywhere. shortly after midnight on new year's eve from uncle astray, varsity, unnecessary, public. well which seeming, you know, and inside to the conflict, troops are bracing for another year of tough fighting on the front lines. we set down exclusively with a decorated russian military hero who took part in
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a series of decisive buffaloes. there the following is the extended and few with leaving it regional. a slice toward the studio today in our studio were joined by hero of the russian federation brigade commander leah need bridge. i spoke to colonel. good afternoon and thank you for your time with my 1st question is one that likely crosses anyone's mind upon seeing you, regardless of their age, which you have the hero of russia start on your chest, where are you awarded for? oh yeah, just because it's vastly, i must emphasize that the style represents the recognition of the heroic aspects of my entire unit. my brigade successfully accomplished the mission of crossing the substitute, and that's driven to my knowledge. we with the 1st to achieve this, no other unit than set before us and not have sense. more of it, we managed this with 0 casualties with the navigate. this was down to capitol planning, followed by precise execution. they wouldn't have been possible without my battalion
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commanders, my company, commanders, and all the personnel. let's go to the last battalion, commanders understood the task and commanded the personal expertly as both an individual and the commander insightful. i am profoundly grateful to them for this . i can only come on this at every level demonstrated exceptional performance is that includes recognizance company commander major. dimitri mirror on his troops laid the groundwork for the main forest across the river. battalion commanders, known by the code names bid and dusk lead with scale and provided a continuous critical assessment to the situation so so, so all of this was achieved through exemplary teamwork. so once again, this star is a testament to the collective achievements of the entire brigade, which is why our leadership honors us with this prestigious award. my. so let me plug into the original kernel results. i'd like to clarify some things for our viewers and the names of townsend settlements for rivers like servers, cadets, for example. the people who have lived and worked in don't pass since 2014 know
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perfectly well what service can don't ask is and why it is important for me. they know why we have to push the enemy out of there, and how later, after capturing this foothold, we were able to liberate a huge chunk of blue guns. but with public, i have to highlight these things so that it is clear to our viewers. i'm on the page explain in simple terms why it was so important to take several ski. don't have the skipping it because it was because i knew it's going to the river and service keep on it. especially in the sense that it is not too broad. in some places it reaches up to 70 to 18 inches in width. on average, it is around 40 to 50 meters symbol. i was a lot what made disposition important was that the enemy held a strategic heights at least the chances and could harass us all the time and were completely wrong in order to seize a piece of police. the chance confront from the enemy, which we had to carry out consisted operations on both the rights and left flanks. while on the left flank we could advance over land, unhindered by water or other obstacles,
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the right flank present to the challenge. the enemy realized that so they concentrated the forces on the left flank, leaving only moderate numbers on the right for that goal was to keep us contained and prevented from crossing the river 1920 miles. the last part of the operation took place on the left for mission was to gain a foothold, set the stage for a fellow of offences and in circle is the chance from the right flank. in fact, originally the goal was to just establish a foothold. but since we were able to do that very quickly, the mission was updates, instant costs, and so we took up the offensive was any practice. in other words, not only to be secure to position, we were also able to advance and surround loosely chance from the right side to say, this came is a major surprise to the enemy. they didn't expect just to be so assertive in the area. and as a result, the bible says we see chance was very quick for just a few minus skirmishes almost a year or 2 ago. and it's speaking of numbers. i wonder if you could tell us how many successfully liberated towns and villages who have under your belt. can we
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talk about that? somebody like who could we need to? could you? just so this isn't really a secret for anyone who follows the buckle path of micro gauge since the stats of the special military operation. my brigade has deliberated $28.00 residential areas including 2 terms and as we talked about earlier, played a role in the ration of lucy chance, the terms of robust noise and some other than that are also free. now thanks to my man, it's just like, uh, i think it's very easy to see why you fight. why your brothers in arms are there while you serve in the special military operations own. whenever a town or a village is liberated, when you finally have a chance to talk to civilians who have lived under the key of ruffians, occupations these people were forced to give up their russian identity, forced to live in poverty. we all remember the words of their ex presidents and said, you will hide in sellers while our children go to schools like normal people,
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you must have seen with your own eyes the peaceful residence of the towns and villages reading you with their liberators. perhaps you could tell us now, if you can remember, not even the things that they told you knows were probably similar most of the time . but rather what you personally felt into your heart. at the moment you realize that you would actually set these people free, and that's what you basically no, you know, my goal is because i could give some examples of how the ukrainian troops treated their own. yeah, they believed we were coming. that's all key part of the lines we saw, for example, back when we were fighting to free revision. right. you training soldiers were well aware that many of the civilians didn't have the time to evacuate. i'm hiding in the school basement, or in the cardboard factory where there was a bump shelter for into sports, and there was no secret to anyone. the civilians are sheltering that, but the ukrainians use our tillery to demolish all those buildings. i think this summer so that was during the early days of the conflict, the 1st 20 to 25 days. you're just right. it's on imaginable to me that someone
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would treat their own people like that. so from the, from the beginning, i told my subordinates that our mission is to liberate and every soldier in my unit needs to show to the civilians with his actions his deeds and even his words that we are the friends that we've come to housing and give them to someone, the residents, even the ones who are brainwashed by the key of governments about the russian barbarians occupies coming to claim that land so much when they saw what we did compared to the sections of the ukraine unami. it was obvious to them who was in the wrong many times we'd help the locals bring them water and food. and so the ones that came out to the house is the people we met. that was usually, sites was small and to us the ukrainian troops are fresh. that's why they killing the room with me as you will now relate to they tried to betray it as if we were the ones that talking civilians. the people on fools that say to me, we can see where the shots are coming from. what i can see on tillery is firing
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a robust noise from the subjects of them separately, and that's of the water where they don't blinds. they can see that your directory, so the shelves are coming from you that you used to create ukrainians. knew that there were civilians still in this area. perhaps it was the ukrainian army leadership being spiteful at the civilians. i wouldn't sleep. i mean, is that stay under the so called invaders with russia on which, so they were angry about that to or something like that, or the assets you to the local population is very positive. especially now that russia is here to stay. rebuilding road schools and residential areas. the only thing that people are concerned about is how quickly they can go back to a peaceful life. to forget this terrible periods, which probably scott, the souls of every man, woman and those on the people's republic on internet. and so i know every civilian i talked to, i only had good thing. the only negative sentiment was angry at the fact that we haven't yet, why it's always criminals of the face of this is. that's the only thing they would
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ask of is part of loud, such as free dr. these past exams and show but loved ones. that's the kind of rhetoric we would have pulled up. also the perhaps it will be a question for others later on and not for the ones we're currently fighting with weapons in their hands. but for investigators as to how we can prevent the seeds of naziism and fascism from sprouting again, like they did after 1945 or after 1947. this is not a conversation for you and i to have. it will be for future generations to with friends. as you probably know, there's a lot of debates now about our multi ethnic country. there was a time when we ignored this subject after the soviet union collapsed. but now we're starting to bring it up again, and our enemies are now attempting to weaponized this issue against us in different ways. we have seen the incidents in logic last august, though, as well as in several former soviet republics. we have seen the incidents and much
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clogged august, as well as in several former soviet republics and were proving with our own actions . this is not the case, including in our armed forces. i'm sure you have a very diverse brigade with people of all ethnic backgrounds fighting alongside each other before. could you tell us more about that, but it does come across the list because that's to yes, i was assessed and we have the best for guys. we've got, they will probably be easier to say which as most of these we don't have. we have everyone from the far east all the way to the dumbness. i have a scrap company come under major mid on. i'm old over. what a dad and guy he is, is it his blood to fights, injustice. he's a passionate guy. and he uses his hot temper to fight for a good cause. go armenians. tahj ix was backs darkest on these. so there must be at least 20 nationalities in douglas down alone. yes. i'm trying to make sure i say correctly. so anyway,
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so no one is offended by the right. so no one is offended. so yeah, that gets done. well let's make words it since 2023 after the mobilization starts, as of course we are working with volunteers and these volunteers come from 11 russian sealants. the 2 bosh, marie ruskin. tons of people. we have everyone. you see, we never look at the ethnic backgrounds. see, so what is it called when you talk about the 6th row or something like that in the passport that we don't look at that the most important thing is to speak decent russian. so i'm going to be able to understand each other what i mean. so we can understand one another, not because the russian language is best or anything like that. that's all to just load them. i read people, for example, have not learned to speak mary on the radio. they talk and then stand that the enemy will not hear or understand. because i'm pretty sure there are no married people on the enemy side. so we find the solutions as well. so they speak to their
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mother tongue like, you know, show kind of go over this originally while we were talking, i remember the story that happens quite recently. there was more showing of a peaceful neighborhood and don't ask me right in the center of the city. we arrived at the scene when the medics had already arrived and the 1st responders from the emergencies ministry were working. the investigators were there too, and it was showing started again after everyone had arrived in the same area and everyone ensued again. then came out again with his but there was showing again the attend a man was standing there, a traffic police man with a fenced off. the area was standing 10 meters away from me. and during the next explosion, when i was lying on the ground, he was standing there and he was hit by shrapnel. unfortunately, he died later on. here's the questions from a military point of view. and so what do you call those people in uniforms who are showing the same neighborhood where there are only civilian targets? no sign of military positions or anything like that. what do you call those people
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in the military uniforms were showing the same area with intervals, waiting for as many civilians as possible to arrive at the scene show up, shooting over. yeah. well, actually i don't want to use profanity, but criminal scoundrel, what i'm trying to find was, after all we, the military exist for struggle with the military. and that's what we trained for by humans, which we are trying to fight on to fight with civilians. i think the shelling of them that is productive in nature to create and maintain tensions so that the residents have done that they're not feel comfortable in life. and so they're constantly times arguing about the shelling and so on. or maybe they would push the ministry to go further. so there's and that's going to be deep in the rear so so it's creating his own have tension with the goal of inflicting shelling so that as many siblings as possible, it effective my guess is i think that if the tensions side of everything goes quiet
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for a month or so, they will not be fuels dealing with them and they have to keep eating it up. the image will take up difficult, for example, because lots of these things work out well with if they have to. now, this will be a very big help to the people who sit on the scene, or it will reduce artillery showing themselves. so maybe someone will realize that it is not necessary to shoot and civilians even if he wants to fight. so we'll stick away the problem, it's the minutes he talks of the fight with them is to them, we'd like to continue. that is not always possible to understand. this is some say to understand the criminal, you have to think like ones that are calm, things like that. for one simple reason for the good cause thing, it doesn't lend itself to normal. healthy logic. how do you destroy civilians? what do you want in your time? to be on top of your side of things from your commander. well, what do you want? there's a little crime scene. your god willing, when the special military operation is over. i think military investigators and
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prosecute is we'll have to investigate every case of showing every civil being killed or wounded and find the scoundrels who committed these crimes to go to 0. we've documented everything down to the gun that fired the shots. the investigative committee is working, there is some adoption, these are people in military uniform, but they are not to military. and you've been here since anyway. oh, well, you know, no, of course it's not. the military, were you in the military? i used to sharing among ourselves, maybe some i'm brags about a successes and victories. right. well, how can a man brag in this situation? you know, i find them the next today, killing 15 civilians. so we've been talking to brag about that. that seems to me that no matter how much of a brute you don't have to, how much of a scoundrel you're welcome. even if you're an investor on the expression. but in any case, you'll be a shame that you killed civilians bragging to who to the same kind of people i guess. i don't know, they're still doing. floria comes from the world war to us,
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the worry, a fights with a warrior for worry of fights with the civilian, then he's not to worry. you, william sort of the machine. yeah. unless you missed the results. we began today with the gold star of the hero, the russian federation, and we will probably end with the same topic. again, i would like to ask you, what do you have in your hearts, but probably like this. maybe there is a desire to dedicate this star to someone in your past presidency or maybe the future. yes. because the star of the hero is not only yours that isn't here too much. this is our country. can you talk about the last one? i know you can choose that much. i would like to say a big thank you to my come on this and see periods of toilets and mentioned to me in the right way throughout my life because experience is forced over the years. it was not yesterday that i became a brigade commander, colonel, and so on. all this is hard, painstaking work. when it come on to see something wrong with his subordinates, he corrects them and helps them so much. so i think got the i had such good teachers and superiors in my life. the pharmacy perio, general fellows, was killed,
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tragically, also incumbent. he was a deputy army commander, a very good man, general, a beach of the cool commander at the beginning of this special knowledge, reparation we set together. and now he has been promoted. the man who was our from i'm trying to old. so he radiated such energy that no one could be idle in his presence, or finish his very good qualities as a leader, columbus, where he helps us to find the right way and swimming with his energy was always over fleming. the commander of the a's army was once a cool commander. he knew exactly how to lead and where to deploy different commanders to when you kennel, general, and ash continuously. there are more of course. it's as naturally, it's impossible to mention everyone i guess switching. but for a voice of deals, but yes, it's impossible to mention the moment when i was young, letting me have it. but she was one of my mentors so which he made office is very aware of that past and sort them have to treat themselves to the subordinates on
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the service in general. these are the people who made me what i am today is the one thank you flu j, perhaps for people of my generation. yeah. who grew up at the crossroads of the soviet and russian arrows. i personally would like the gold star of the hero of rush. i'm sending you the serve as an example and a less on that to future generations. so that they do not forget isn't your do not forget just how this serenity swords to switzer july. the tiers and unfortunately sorrow. thank you for coming to our studio today. we have with us the hero of the russian federation, a conrad colonel lee. i need resolved. thank you very much for one of them now. thank you. very enlightening interview was that was a january 1st visit to the going underground studios next fit type for option in moments, then i'll catch you again at the top live for most go. this is our to international
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the the i'm actually in retention. this is a special edition of going underground, john field joe, one of the greatest john lives in history is dead award winning all sort of hidden agendas, heroes, a secret country of films, the war and democracy in the coming war and china. palestine is still the issue, the way you don't see the expos, washington consensus, imperial war crimes all around the world. and his last he is, he campaigned tirelessly for britain to release whigs found a junior.


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