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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST

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that crisis like this and their insurance him off. you don't need this baptist baptist. why it must have been that says, you know, there's a lot of folks narratives out the image of christ. yeah. the nation. he says no, you don't need that. yeah. that's not a traditional baptist that i mean i don't, i don't as the money to get it. it's a very di marya. i would agree that the symbol of every christian churches across the a throat attack kills a how much depth to me to in favor with the minutes in group on lebanese leadership, accusing his route of attracting the country and to confrontation also has the nice 5 civilians including a newborn, are killed in this way, the striking,
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the head forces of the palestinian right pressing 1000 of the states and were sheltering not the u. n. c. meeting garza saying that the tilting was clearly mocked. should monetary and psych facility clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof and just 2 hours ago. and you can see behind me and all around me, loose area was hit. thousands of is really soon that countries military taking out the established narrative around opportunity. 57. the question now stand, did many of those die that said because of the i t s do lives really messed up with the collaborative west states, fire war and gauze wages on. we look at how it never struggles applied foyce when it came to the premiums. the,
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the round the clock bring new scores that others might not, this is all to international. so let's see what's happening with around the world. and we all start off all, but it's in, in lebanon. and elijah is right here. try and strike in vain. root has killed the deputy director of the local, how mos political bureau officials of the military. we're poor to be a taco so claimed the lives of 2 of its colanda is lebanon, has condemned to strike, suggesting it may open a new phase of this, or strike is another, is really crime. that assured the aims of bringing lebanon into a new phase of confrontation following the ongoing daily attacks and the self is gale. and wouldn't many people. this explosion is definitely a challenge to live in on and a clear response to our efforts to prevent the spread of the war from garza into a lab and the cowardly assassinations carried out by the zionist occupation against the leaders and symbols of our pals to me and people inside and outside of
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palestine will not succeed in breaking the will and steadfastness of our people. it proves, once again, the abject failure of this enemy to achieve any of its aggressive goals in the gaza strip. when the question of who is behind the assassination being actively discussed, as well as for immediate spokes, passing through and his 2 pennies was well, greg at 1st clear, but then monday, the waters well fuss mentioning as well by name? he bent it has stopped touring. the best one to who might be behind the attack. don't you expect that a striking in downtown be rude, might have, might me to a has but long response and open that northern front, which of course is real and united states have been very concerned against a 2nd front opening took away. so i think it's obvious, obviously, in lebanon, there are many physical attack. it's, but whoever did this strike was very surgical, and when, for some us target because it's rather zip all eh,
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whoever did this as a, as a, grew up with, from us. uh, its once again, whoever did this, its not an attack on the lebanese state. it's not an attack on this because the blood terraced organization, whoever did this, it's an attack on from us the kill military. and he does have a solid ivory born in the west bank city over i'm gonna, he rose to become a senior. i need to of have mass. subbing is the deputy needs of the groups political bureau since 2017. there's a founding come on to of the last minute, tre wayne was arrested by as well in 1992 and where it was released on exile to syria. and in 2010 they to settling in lebanon. he had also been on the us terrace list since 2015 while we spoke with jonathan fiscal, unless nathan more roof says that this system liked her, the father escalation in the reach of the bay area where the talk happened is
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close down. much of the neighborhood was out in the street to help and cleaning up the bramble rumble that happened there on the streets of feldwood are empty. everybody's watching right now on television, waiting to see what will happen now because this is clearly a escalation of stage and war. we know at the is really military has announced that he's on highest alert and there was a statement from his beloved, indicating that is also all his troops are on the highest alert. and we know that united states announced just yesterday that it would drew its ships from the waters across from palestine and living on it's clear that they withdrew them into a safe, his own, probably in the entry attic for the there's been an attack in south lebanon from south live and on into occupied palestine hitting
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a gathering of fist really troops. and there's been 2 attacks on american bases in syria just in the past the hour in. so we can see, or the, the response will mean a change and whole of the war. and the reason because is where i lost the bottle on the ground. and as a protest, as packed the streets and rumbled off in response to the assassination points we need, as of has blocked, to take action demonstrations, also to pace a neighboring joint. and what people have found is way flags in support of the palestinian resistance. that's what you on this will have a new shape has no, this is a great i your one, couple of seen those as the some was thanks. it goes on tones weakness this night. it is a 100 so i can give you. but i seen as the state of investigator from a law on the owner of the tunnel. so and how do you know that i'm, i love that service that i get, i get a solution of him and it was the bank stores for demonstrations and to collections
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with the idea and think this will contribute to the violence is conditioned and very young and is still the lowest back, the policy is are, and so the asking price was the people in guys of but today let's make this a war different from the previous floors that is from the 1st a close, the sing douglas, and full dose between garza and israel. so the soonest of those think of some of the people in god's up by providing food supplies because supplies, any kind of donations. so they feel they are helpless and they won't have anything except the demonstration of the, with decisions here. and also the, i'm the other printers, i'm the position of the woods countries, didn't it is to stop the war. show you all an idea of spokes past inside the countries on fish has not been put on highlight. so named subaltern. the idea of is in the very high state of readiness in full arenas on defense and offense were highly prepared for any scenario is the most important things to say tonight is
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that we're focused and remain focused on fight in some us. well, so, so we'll work out on the 7th of october as well and has a full i have tried to find across that i've been able to. now, the united nations has cooled only parties involved, to refrain from father escalating the conflict a semester. all of a sudden, the cost that any assassination on lebanese soil will have a strong response. what is your message to house on the throttle? i think our message to everyone has been is the same. that's because of the escalating tensions and the fragility of the situation in the region . we are calling to for maximum restraints from all parties. we don't want any of any rush, any rash, actions that could trigger further violence. last year in august, the security general off has with leslie. it has some sort of law warrant that any
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attack an assassination attempts to be conducted on lebanese territory against living use of the police send in or around in. so others will have a direct, immediate response in kinds of, you know, because there hasn't been assassinations on live in east territory by these release in decades now since the 2006. so this will mean we should be expecting an attack in kind of the 12 head, some target similar in value in the design as the entity or the live in on lodge. to complain that the security council about the this encouragement on lebanese sovereignty. and if for political leaders as a said a lot already was are legitimate targets in other people's territory, then that means that is really politicians on anyone's territory are legitimate
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targets to this is where the international law was written. so we don't have these situations, everybody's waiting for a speech while i say it has the most with all of the situation, all physical law, his should be speaking at 6 p. m. i a better time that was scheduled and exploration. if that's, that's a nation of somebody money. now we, we're expecting him to speak, of course, about this recent assassination. and we should, you know, the whole world is probably gonna wait to see what he says. and his raving john list has called for a bullet to the head of any one approaching israel's buddha. with less than a couple of i must say something needs to change. i don't want to say the word conception, so i won't say it, but something needs to change. and the thought there is such a thing called perimeter. there's such a thing as a security zone est should be such that if anyone gets close to the border, they get a bullet in the head period. and if this happens and from the border,
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they will stop looking at all the shepherds, the pretend to be such. in fact, they are, has black people. and they benefit from the fact that they are dressing up and posing the shepherds, and they enjoy immunity. and if the state doesn't start responding to this, then we will go back to the same situation all for one that's let's cross live to lock, holler at the job in the set of my a team. thank you so much for joining us. more like it's great to have you with us phosphate. i mean, i do just have to get your reaction to those lots as well as there should be a buffer zone between bell assign they'll to buy for the sun. i never knew, but it should be on the bus to your site to be on the fence line. because this has been the situation for 75 years. and it's only changed in 2000 of the done invitation all the solve 7. and this liberation has been paid for and loved. it wasn't an easy invitation. that wasn't said by the u. a negotiations. it wasn't
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anything easy for us. we issued that by that 2006 work. we paid a lot lot for that. so is it our skin by being on the borders an overnight they should be the ones who back up on the borders, and they can go like for as much as they want. 5 kilometers monkey majors, they can, if i q a, the, some of the, the lifting aside, we are not going to evacuate. if you just use the number of the printer, the use, the model here on our side junctions below, you will see that they are all jones that uh for the villages themselves limited. so what do you, what do they expect us to do to evacuate? the visitor, this is most times they want to give us and what is in the head because we are living in our village just with the it's been a just have to wait the event with them for some of those coming from. i don't know what in the world to come and live on this and the peace of mind. we eliminate this
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not to be able to live in the bed on our terms. and we have paid a lot of blogs for that. and so whoever the head is, the one with stephanie is the one what exactly we could always put a senior people on the lens and the just on who has demolished 531 villages and 1948. and to have the seniors from coming back to the villages who has wrote the jews and designing that's from over the world, talk to find them to have them all to find the lives of the justin. yes. and they want all of that. if i to any, to us from all of the villages was this is, this is so, uh, so they can, this is still gonna come out that's happening in 2024 and the world is watching. this is a june and it's towards the cost of yeah. when did you take that person who talks about the likes to live and these on on, on the expense of other people? i don't believe that this is
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a genocide going on from fema didn't know on the word as watching the feed was watching and not only watching inside the know they are also participating in getting the people on the side and they are backing up with what goes on with the latest technology. nonsense humanity. this is basically that matthews, coming back with a different model called the a very, i mean a very strong opinion. i can understand this is incredibly and noticed the topic. we speak to people on both sides of it, and very often the pools that we have all of the same f, one feeding pain from feeling for strange. and i'm, i understand that in your particular case, it probably feels different places because 2 of your colleagues were killed by and is really stripe reporting on the lebanese, sorry, difficult. uh, and i just wanted to ask you from a possible perspective. does that in any way to tell you what the john,
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the step. c from walking because it quite and it has become a deadly profession and not reach it and not see because we are the people of this land and whether you what actually it is or just a civilian view. i thought a good for this, right? you need to go to this a when you are reporting or do i just doing what i said you are doing as a human you are the target for the is that you just because you live on your leg just because you happen to be and the money is or the sitting in and one case it's complicated even more because i come from somebody who was excited from high fight and 1948. so for me, it's less than that the target because i'm sorry, do that for being a human who comes from somebody else activities. i live on the side of the board that i am a to live. so end up in a personal perspective, i am being a target for the is that you just because i exist,
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regardless of what of what i'm doing, existing itself is a set up for the e. one existence, my finding his existence. everyone's existence is that that's for the is what you need because our existence defeats, it's the end of the fun that it says oh, having. and then without people for people with up and then we are not some, some people who came out of no way. we had and then we had, we had a culture, we had anything, but that takes to claim that we are people that we actually had from all of us on the to school at that time. but it's fine. on the other side, we come from that the way that we are joining us or what ever we are. we are trying to get people who are these kids on the board. those are just because the apartment and was with her some just because she was that she was there and had
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a house. she wasn't a dream is. so is the case is they are not doing not to go to the as to what the, what they do with all the people that they have up to 5. so they've been around since 1978. have they evacuated all the people from talking to the know, have the immaculate and all the people from all to fight for this time? she even was the next to the most. because the 1948. no, this is the problem actually. and this is what one of the story and spending was, has said, and one of his deep to what happened in 1948. he said that the problem was basically that they did not evacuated from the west bank. and so i'm giving you the heights, ask them, does that? and they are trying to go to dick what has happened then 7 to 6 years ago now. but if, if you racing the people of gus that i am communicating with so many people in the occupied by his 5 and i to 48 and they're saying that they are what is that the
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land is that to a, the is just in the draw which i'm the only shown that they wouldn't let not accept the presence of the dns and the other between them. if anything happens that lessons, the existence of the unit in occupied part of the time and the incident, you just fine. but this is the time for them to have to wait or exciting, or is this the remaining 1st indian and by this time, but this will not happen. it does not happen when we went on, the sign is plugged in 1948, and this will not happen. now often we know what they are up to. we are here to stay as we have this is our genetic code. if you know that we can name it, but if you have it in all the d n a, we are people that refuses to be a. we are people who refuse to be forgot that we are not the just deep
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but i'll say like it states or they knew all canada we did not die from 7 to 6 years ago. we will not die. no, not thank you so much for showing us are possible story, but also giving us a sense of the sentiment on that side and that full her in the new. yeah. that piece comes as quick as possible so that the not stop. so and that was mark hyatt, john this to on way the next you very much. i as well to southern golf now. wow. and it's rainy strike has hit the palestinian or red crescent society headquarters, handing at least 5 civilians and creating a new born baby thought to us the end times. death, toll tops, 22000 the know things can be seen fleeing through overnight. ations building some 14000 refugees had been taken shelter that we have from united nations team, either and hong us to describe the actions of the as rating on some of them here
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though, i'm out hospital, it's a palestinian red crescent society facility. clearly marks with the red present emblem on the roof and just 2 hours ago you can see behind me and all around me, loose area was hits. 5 people were killed in and creating a 5 day old child. no child in the world should be killed. let alone one sheltering on to the end, the amount of tearing organizations this war has to end the palestinian red cross in the states. that is where any forces hit the 8 so of its headquarters with the adjacent auto mall hospital. so being attacked by his way, the tribes, the dead and wounded were taken to the nasa medical come in the meantime, acceptance of this stablish narrative within as well about the how las attack on the 7th of october has started to unravel. so the 2 is right, is a now assuming the idea for its actions that day saying evidence reveals that some
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civilian casualties were caused by the pigeons onto charlotte coupons. he has the story at the moment. oh, how the recluse at the newport music festival, near the gauze at boulder, survivors claimed that the shield horror, the unfolded could have been avoided. a single phone called by audience officials to the commandant responsible for the party to disperse it immediately in the view of the expected danger would have saved lives and prevented the physical and mental injuries of hundreds of policy goes, including the planes this, the negligence on the gross oversights is beyond belief. 42 people now assuming these waiting defense establishment, claiming it was a negligence facing the policy, should not to be an approved. so close the goals, especially as the military were aware of a potential attack. in the assessments of the situation, there was concerned that there was going to be a day of battle on sunday,
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which might include an intensive kidnapping of civilians and soldiers, or incense and rage and infiltration by terrorists with aim of capturing a nearby town bulky boats. it's almost 1st time as well as military has been to choose the culpability over the massacre. a festival over 350 with tube. the site for the, for the people were taken hostage. well, initially the entire desktop was blamed on homeless lead to report suggested that these really forces may have been responsible for some of them. according to police force and investigation into the incident. also revealed that an idea of comb with helicopter that arrived at the scene from the base fire and the terrorist. and apparently also he had some of the revellers who were there. however, those claims were rubbish to by israel police. in his statement, it said the pirates off the cold made basically false conspiratorial claims. meanwhile, the audience has come under scrutiny for its use of the so called hannibal
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directive at the cooper its via the news music festival. the call traversal procedure allowed all idea of soldiers to do well as it was necessary to ensure a calmer it wasnt kidnapped. it was been the concerns that was being too widely interpreted and getting some sort of gave him caught blows. to kill a colleague, a back to face them becoming a hostage, perhaps almost fight is took, some of those capture didn't move to barry comports, the audience turned up and fired was exchange from both sides. a battle raged for several hours. it ended when one general made the decision to take things further, the negotiations over breaking, even though the cost of civilian casualties attempt floyd to light shells out behind. suddenly there was a terrible boom and it's clear to me, there was a tank. i was hit and witnessed the fragmentation of the shell. a skirmish broke
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out. only 2 from the 14 hostages survived the harmless hostages of also find themselves killed like all the soldiers is from a shop. no, i saw people line on the ground outside just like sheep to the motor and say, substituting gar commandos and the terrorist they were killed in the crossfire. they eliminated to everyone including the hostages because there was very heavy crossfire. 2 tank shells were shot into the house. it was a small keyboard. however, let it go by and probably one of the most a sextant operational dishonest as fees 3 young man is said to emerge from a building near a group of his waiting soldiers. they were shiftless waving a white flag and crying for help in cheaper, despite that they were shot dead by the soldiers swore to protect them. cool, so the she'll get you into fighting into julia, the idea of mistaken. we identified hostages as a friend. as a result,
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the soldiers for them and they were killed. an investigation is underway as to why is where the troops fight on individuals waving a white flag in violation of the only d o some engagement. yet the decks was one script too much for many of israel's people who protested when the story became public. and with each passing day is moved booms weighing down on garza, the families of those still being held may be wondering if that loved ones could be next. watches defense ministry says that as pull to the terror attack by ukrainian sol says on the board, the region of billboard this wednesday, according to moscow at defense systems, intercepted a total of 12 missiles which included 6 totes can use another. huff isn't all costs guided munitions, and yet they prefer the russian energy destroyed 9 ukrainian missiles. and all of this comes off to of the weekend terrorist attacks that took the lives over the
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2007 and, and bill grids, city center on the collective west claims to jump in human rights around the world. but recent events in god's i have seemingly underlined this messaging with the rising death told me it's a little but silence. a sharp contrast of course, and how western officials have consistent a reactive to events in ukraine. i took a deeper dive into the double standards in play. it's an ugly tree of history, has exposed time and time again. oh man, all creates an equal but some almost equal than others. because certainly some does of life. 30 some does of justice and only some people tears. it's difficult to look at the i'm sorry,
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it's difficult to look at some of the images. this is for it is combat. it is bloody, it is ugly and it's going to be messy. and innocent civilians are going to be hurt . we're not gonna wrapped in near real time to every event. israel has a right and responsibility to defend itself. and we're going to make sure they have the tools and capabilities to do that. they're just throwing critical infrastructure, which provides millions of people across you train with drinking water, gas to keep them from freezing to death, and electricity, trillion buses, cars, even ambulances, have been shout. we can never let the crimes brushes committing, become our new normal bombing schools and hospitals and apartment buildings to rubble is not normal. we stand strongly for the proposition that is realize not only the right, but the obligation to defend itself. and to do everything possible to make sure
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that this october 7th can never happen again. the death toll involves a rose, 1005010015000 as 3 day the death toll roads. but it was never quite high enough to move copy and code to test the thousands of opens the call pet bombed homes, the scoring tales of the on folding horace guys a is becoming a good idea out for children. we cannot see more children with the wounds of war with the birds, with the shrapnel littering the party with the broken bones in action by those within fluids is allowing the killing of children. this is a walk on children. how do you assess what's happening right now in terms of humanitarian needs in gaza? the west, as i thought just didn't point to it for those self appointed champions of human
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rights and not in the in washington and brussels dry eyes around the moment came on, the piles of bodies disapproved too high to be ignored. and the goal post changed. it turns out the dead, all right, to, according to who, how, when, and why on like russia and ukraine. and unlike what i'm austin, on the 7th of october the killing of civilians is not a warning of israel. i'm not denying that it's happening now. of course it is. uh and, and its tragic, but it is, is not the goal of israeli forces to go out and deliberately take innocent civilian life. and they have tried to make efforts to minimize that. well, someone in debt is raised some target practice, please, because by the un, it's own admission civilian casualties and ukraine up to almost 2 years of war. and despite private opinion of botany aiming at innocence. although then what 10 of these markets to achieve by mistake in just a few weeks. but then again,
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you can trust any of these numbers any way they say to me is, i have no notion how soon is it. tell me the truth about how many people are killed . so it wasn't enough that causes was stripped of picking the teeth in life paged in a snivel oberon just 25 miles long, and 5 miles wide. they would then even strip stupid dignity to die. the countless 2nd rate sickness with which western politicians have by and large treat to the palestinians is now undeniable. remember, a sort of wonderland preaching about the crime of targeting civilian infrastructure . target has a tex on civilian infrastructure. with a clear aim to cut off men, women, children of lot to electricity and teaching with the winter coming. these are x of pure carol turns out that only applies in ukraine. gallstones can be stopped.


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