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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the russian city of bill good once again comes onto the trade in the fire, can nestles where deceptive ones struck a residential area wanting to people, according to abortion, defense ministry, the lebanese levels or gathering to pay the final farewell to a from it in have mass, so official killed and it drove striking, very rude, and that's as he is now being hailed as a hero in his homeland, in the west bank. we all expected him to become a martyr. the jews themselves. and they wanted to assassinate him. oh, this is a dedication to the prisoner's men to follow stein. these ruddy strike hits the polished by an reg preston headquarters for the 2nd time this week. killing one
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passing and wounding at least 7 refugees. un office of coal for an immediate cease fire. so we thought the ceasefire when we are going to see more to be put in despair. let us off a medium but many more. and of course, when we see the forces fixing to stop the result in evasion is law, makes vague claims responsibility for a twin bombing and arrive with left over $100.00 people that were all standing now is the size of the 1st blast that took place here right behind me and the phrases can be seen here are the, this is our team to national reaching you live or my ross and come from the russian capital of welcome to the updates from around the globe with michael project that we start our news all with the latest from the central russia web,
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the city of boca with, has once again come on the ukrainian fire, according to local authorities, rush as ministry of defense. as the 10 ukrainian rockets were intercepted, one muscle struck a residential area and the additional findings show 2 people were injured in the attack can have been transported to a nearby hospitals will keep you updated has more information comes in. all of this follows a series of attacks on the roads that began last weekend and resulted in the depths of over 2000 and the citizens are the russians. the rest of the defense ministry announced that he had preventive multiple, he freed in attempts and the region, according to moscow at defense systems, regularly intercept, the training and miss missiles targeting the area. it responds the rush as long as the series of strikes on the country, if military you, for your mama, while inside the basketball finds pay their respect,
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soon expressed their sole authority with the people of belle grove. during a game fans held banners reading, we stand with belle grove and russia, and sylvia brought us forever. so i'm one of those have been gathering across the middle east to pay their respects to the deputy head. all the mice political burial, sally, la, rudy. and the problem it into official was killed in the new legs. these really drill and striking, very rude where his funeral was also have holding now thousands gather to bade farewell to our region, the lebanese capital. busy and as waves upon the students, flags and carried banners of different political factions. library was buried in the cemetery the of the city loud refugee camp. a local journalist by like colored st of this. 2 they don't hesitate with most such
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a mass to the participation in the unit of what's the patient has been doing the big from the palestinian, the refugees from that huge attempts come on over 7. and in addition to that, and they've been used to disposable control, all of the been to send a betty to list it's of unity between the 2 people and also a message affinity of the ascent of a stomach to let's see if the end of december to a message of the strong support for it is the stuff in front of the in the a position of is that you the invasion and as a mendoza mother and on and the lebanese people shelter the resistance, palestinians, in the us we go hand in hand. our victories approaching, if the situation escalates, were ready to support the resistance until the idea is to see if this is a painful loss for us. yet, at the same time, it is a source of pride. it is impossible to, we cannot is real, can't do it. and we will resist everything points to us engaging in
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a bigger war. we are ready for 2 months. she wanted me to let everyone who has been killed is like a son of mine. we're one people. everyone's thumbs up for each other, one there, hurt or killed, had this. i don't want you more for 11 on because this crime is it tears and that's a cell phone. it was so many p, when i'm sending that the warrant and the more it's gonna be, so there's no incentive and was that is what it is. that is what you just bought. joining us today and the good thing, and he did some, the extra stuff was just done, so 11 and in it on and today, and that it out. and this is some, some set up, e and b and sign is and then the westbank palestinians bidding a final farewell to the slain official in his hometown. he was born just outside the city of ramallah, but spent most of his life in all the middle eastern countries. his mother says that he has long been to talk about the idea of i meant to attain to me. did we all expect of him to become a martyr?
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the jews themselves told him they wanted to assess and ate him. that's why she wouldn't stay in one place for long. the last time i talked to him in person was 20 years ago. then i only saw him through my phone camera. he was in syria and then and car scattered all around until those villains assistant aided him. we didn't talk for around a year because he was worried about those bastard stays valley to rent them to assassinate him. he has 2 daughters and a son. now i'm worried about his kids and wonder how they're doing. and his wife told me and said they were holding up the martyrdom of my son broke her. then she moved to memorial services around the way in oliver louise hometown, hundreds of get a to on of the slow, you know, special as a hero. i really assess the size of her bravo was be not by everyone. young. the many had did a big issue, but he's released all the strength and they want to show today victorious that they have accomplish something. but i don't do anything in gaza. exceptional children on fetus with mothers and commit crimes. we've decided out of these blog is not more
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valuable than the blog of the people of casa. all of this is a dedication to the present. no spend to follow stein when he was young. people loved him for locals for tall, and how much everyone loved and respected him, even though he didn't state you know, to real much, she was arrested and then to border to you. and i got news about him on the 7th of october before that, and we went totally every day. she would send the videos and pictures of himself and his children and tell us about his these. we didn't talk after that for safety sensitive. i sent him many messages. i don't know if you saw them, we'll be able to solve it. and together now, the palestinian palestine red crescent has announced that its headquarters had been targeted by east ready forces. one passing has been killed while 7 all those who had sought shelter on the 5th floor of the building where wounded this same buildings had come on the shelling just the day before with destroying the 8th
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floor of the 8th goose headquarters. the newborn baby was one of the victims which you would relieve her, was a disease full size instead of the mean for a cease fire and gazda is urgent and the more. but why do we have to know with the last 3 months? he said then kirsty base and then some bung, b 's a very limited to money that in a, including backseat, basic many that lies for a more to and of course, tate in the situation, you would expect that these rates of they have or the past capital driscoll coming a little to give you that information you've got. so we thought the ceasefire. where do we are going to seize more be put in despair? look yes, have a medium but many more. and of course why we need to see is the force displacement to stop. we can, we know that we cannot up so smoke before the don't want, shouldn't this, we had already sent that he was fully informed me. it would be for the $155.00
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blown grains donation is. the set is close the side and it would how it says be settled twice. so you do that. we have not get that too hot. such a number of people app uh, in, in, in these conditions where what do we have see in these b c says getting what we have seen the tongue in what we have seen ease. uh huh. a trauma i of 2. then we made as many before cool us data t miles had already video the situation a some beautiful and data for what we read. we need to like now pci. few, many that introduced by just a rough eye of the south of gas. it has not been spared, so these are the selling agent. and he's really drove the slide killed an 8 year old child. and when there's several others, that's for the shows, the grieving parents morning, the disease of the family had fled from the norful bang club in search of safety, yet found none. we were displaced from the l shante camp and
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relocated to the also on neighborhood. and rafa we took shelter in the store along with 17 people. then the frequent air strikes to get on board with my nephew was killed and my sister and her other son moved out of the situation is no bathroom in the no fly. the largest refugee camping gather frequently comes on their idea of fire. now people in the ruins jabante are come to struggle to survive as waste war. the floods the streets, local se, let's don't kill them. like a side entry conditions. well, as you see, there were sewage water everywhere. we live with stray dogs and caps mit the car bitch. we survived the bombing disease. my to us, the water level is about 50 centimeters. nobody drain the water, took out the garbage and fix the sewage. whereas the united nations released and works agency, they just tell us to head to their shelters,
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but they don't care about us. other places of refuge in the north of gas, or i know better condition. that's cool, was this to advise riley forces. classrooms where left, but yet people have returned to take shelter in the facility because for many of them, there is simply nowhere else to go. level douglas, mom would stop our reports and how locals were trying to rebuild their lives in northern gather by then it's a habitable one after the is really occupation. forces withdrew from the city of bates law. here in the north of the gas a strip, dozens of families returned to inspect their homes and reclaim parts of the buildings where they could live far by in light to difficult humanitarian conditions in the shelters. families are trying to reclaim parts of these buildings and live in them breathing a new life into the we had the government and started running water. so we transport one attempt to do a survey for how far away we live in the shelter and going by. you know, we don't kill them out of commissioners for the young children now,
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so do nice. without them. we have the chicken box and then we get the solar. and then there was some terrible thing about diarrhea and vomiting. this made it impossible for us to live in the schools. the children had to go through intestinal issues that, that we had an 8 month old baby who died from dehydration. so we came here with us to rice, land is and this, what do you call this home for? this is what they used to make a portage. we started the key, that's where the poor and even if we spend 2 or 3 days without food, um it's not a problem. so out of my home and never mind leaving the god. i'm a mother of 4 children we before there were 6. and now there are for our life is just really come to suffering, we manage and then we don't manage. it says, i don't know how life can go on. and as a, him, honestly it's very just a heads up to more than you can imagine. yeah. and sometimes my children sleep without food and then what is it that they wake up crying,
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wanting to eat and we can't feed them? is there any safety help up? yesterday there were 50 murders, just wanted to know. there is no security for them. and what should we do? where should we go? this is the reality in the north, the beginning, so strip as locals face the circumstances and try to rebuild their lives from nothing. i mean, my code football ortiz from the northern kansas strip. the southern corners of the well they've been categorical in condemning what they've described as he's ready atrocities in gaza. but all of these fonts just all i washington has a different take are the us state departments books. boston has stated that they see no signs of genocide taking place. genocide is, of course, a heinous atrocity. one of the most heinous atrocities that any individual can commit. those are allegations that should not make be made lightly. and as it pertains to the united states,
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we are not seeing any asset constitute jessica ibex. but on these really fast and public to go on lives, a colleague doing my bubble with the size of the washington's definition of done the side changes depending on the nation in question. it's, you know, the game of interests and the victims of the victims and, and i show and they get in conflict to we so a lot of them and get those into another thing that those of loans. and then as realize the out of last year i keys or whatever. so this is, this is the main game. that's the, the, the so foot wide the, the why so for me see i good when sit in dealing with the, with the understanding is left of those people. so for the united states, when it comes to them, and when it comes to is that i am to invest within then is that it has the right to do that. they don't care for them. but as of the schedule up, isn't that the listing inside and i think in things like in the guessing new kid
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and it's the same thing happened as i feel confident in the united states would lead, send them to alicia to flight, did a good result. and they're doing that now in a korean and the shaky. so they or the receipt to bring is it a l. uh to the as an any, some the country i didn't cut off extensively that does not kill civilians intentionally. and the, this assessment is not the 5th, they sit there and then another stiffness a few weeks ago. and they said that they don't have any of that. is it a gift specialist, any, and intentionally a global call for sci fi have been growing in recent weeks. but the us remain steadfast in blocking any meaningful peaceful resolution. look on is really don't list or i'll be by man talks us through what's driving nations farther and farther away from support fatalities. in times of trouble,
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israel usually receives its support in the united nations from number of its allies . but now during the cause of war, israel is beginning to see that support slowly slip away. only the united states is stopping the resolution of a cease fire from passing at the un singlehandedly, enabling israel to pursue the war in gaza. at the same time, israel's european allies are beginning to abstain from the votes. more and more countries, even arab countries, that israel has normalize relations with, via the abraham records, are voting for the ceasefire. hampering israel's efforts to ralph on us some countries such as south africa and chad, a folder in basset. it was from israel and other even more powerful countries are beginning to speak out against israel's activities. this really government should do more to discriminate sufficiently between terrorist and civilians. ensuring its
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campaign is targeted on him, off leaders and operatives after israel receive such a devastating blow and october 7th. what can be the reason for the erosion of its supports? the reason seems to be, is really rhetoric many right. mean politicians, including military personnel located at the cure. yeah. which is basically is roles . pentagon right behind me? i've come out with statements that seem to apply that is more as nothing more than simple revenge for october 7th. i don't know what the leave i've ordered a complete c. jim gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off, we are fighting against human animals, and we're act accordingly when she human beings or dealt with accordingly, these real has imposed a total blockade of gas. no tricity, no water just damaged. you wanted how you will get the house. so all the and the other comments make it seem as if israel's not trying to avoid in this,
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in civilian casualties in gaza. why the balancing accuracy was the scope of the damage. right now we have focused on what causes the maximum damage. somebody's really politicians are actually saying that the 2000000 palestinians living and gaza should be expelled power along the knock book of 1948 maxima, expelled them all. if the egyptians care so much for them, they are welcome to receive them in cellophane, tied with a green ribbon. sell them at right now, one goal, neck and neck, but that will overshadow the neck, but $48.00 neck button, garza and neck. but to anyone who dares to join their neck the because like in 1948, the alternative is clear. the prime minister, on the other hand, is insisting that israel is pursuing justified goals with legitimate means. we will act and not on the e mail, right. of self defense button to found an outcome and value single future,
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but also in a way that minimizes civilian casualties. nonetheless, united nations representatives are expressing concern about ideas behavior in gaza . we remain convinced that the palestinian people are a grave risk of genocide. we demand a humanitarians who spire to ensure that aid, which is those who need it the most. we're using the term risk of genocide because the process that is on the way is absolutely indiscriminate affecting in this case . more than 2000000 people is really officials are not taking the you is criticism lying down. i will not meet with the un secretary general of to the october 7th to massacre. there is no place for a balanced approach. a mouse must be raised off the face of the planet. due to his remarks, we will refuse to issue a visa. as to you when representatives, we have all ready to refuse the visa for under secretary general for humanitarian affairs martin griffith. the time has come to teach them as us and the united
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states is playing some sort of middle ground where it's allowing is roll to pursue the war. but it's trying to get us to take it down a few notches. we're not dictating terms to the, as rarely so we, we, uh, we did talk to them about what they're thinking in terms of transitioning from high intensity to what we would consider lower intensity military operations. we agree with these rallies that this uh, this conflict could go on for months, australia, canada, and japan who voted against the ceasefire. back in october, voted for the ceasefire this month. and even u. k. the voted against a ceasefire. this month of stains, france voted for a ceasefire, and as president emmanuel monochrome said publicly, but israel could not fight terrorism by killing innocent civilians. over the past 20 years. israel, it has in bought a numerous military campaign since
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a gaza after suffering from us missile attacks from us terror attacks and from us kidnapping of soldiers. but israel always stopped short of a re occupation of gaza due to international pressure. this time however, things look differently after october 7th, where israel suffer the rate torture mutilation and murder over 1200 other citizens the worst one day tragedy of the jewish people since the holocaust. the attitude in israel towards gaza has completely changed this time. israel is going for a full obliteration of from us and temporary occupation of gaza until a caretaker government can be found. and even though there are growing calls for a ceasefire and even grumbling in the american administration, israel seems to be going all the way. this is robbie berman reporting from television for r t a terrorist organization. these law makes state is claimed responsive. but let's see for a recent deadly by making any run. the incident took place during
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a commemoration ceremony for a deceased. iranian general, more than 100 people were killed in nearly twice the number where when did the care of his group describe it as in my tide, i'm a patient artie is use of july, the reports from this point of, of tragedy. this is the main cemetery of juan southeastern city of care mon, we're wednesdays. when was the ways in the middle of a large profession that was here, holding a memorial for this lane. everyone in the military commander general is awesome. so the money who was assassinated back in january 2020 by the united states in iraq. of course we're on standing now, is the size of the 1st blast that took place here, right behind me. and the traces can be seen. here are the applause and the explosion left some deep marks inside the ground. and this shows the list out of
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the and the disruptive power of the weapons used in be in sit. and of course, this one of the fact that the police have cordoned off this place to be 5 security after the incident and a wave of new population, new crowd has entered the cemetery with people curious to see and visit the applause. the site of the blasts in person and also to pay tribute to those who lost the lives in the incident force and thousands of people and pilgrim so were here last so lives and dozens more were injured. indeed was said as long calls a terrorist acts, of course one blames the incident on israel. israel has not commented yet on the whether or not he was behind the incident, but the one waves it on is relevant. yesterday it running presidents, brian bracy said that as well as behind the incident and that the he from is all that is revel face
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a harsh revenge of over the past days israel has been targeting some of the senior members of the r g c in syria. and also recently of a saw had i really, who is a deputy of head of all the come us. he was also targeted by as well. so it won't see a connection in the spring of attacks that have been carried out by israel against some of the key members off the resistance access. and that is why one i did want to end people even here, they have been changing slogans against the israel thing desk to israel, believing that is really intelligence services having behind being said, well that's all for me right now. my colleague more i'd have might be able to back in the top of the,
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to take you on most various from around the globe by from the now the, [000:00:00;00] the take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the this is idle assault on gaza. has made itself felt in a variety of ways in terms of geo politics, united states and israel stand together virtually alone and isolated the conflicts because also seen the rise of extreme censorship all across the western world. criticizing israel inside or folks has become essentially the criminal act and i'm learning layman's or sometimes i'll say, learning nikolai, which lehman i am right now in anchorage where i live anchorage, alaska. i'm just happy to share a little bit of about my harris in 1798. you've seen rush through gloria who is a russian ship builder. married a and polluted woman, alaska native woman from
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a far deck which is near code here. and they had 4 children, one of the daughters stayed in alaska, and married regarding boston cuff, they moved from kodiak and 1847. to be part of the establishment family for the village of nuno check a small community in alaska that still exists. and that it was set up initially as a retirement community for those who had served in the russian american colony and served their time probably about 20 years. and they were looking for a place where they can raise their families and have cattle and catch fish. and what is interesting, my father is born in 1917. his 1st language is dominant language and the language that still you could tell was his dominant language even late in life
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after he had spoken english for all those years. his 1st language and dumb language was russian. the do you remember any major little points which your mom goal during the russians could go to bed? so this says no effect. when you're a 60 yeah of $0.40, which is a boy yet. but to ask that you're going to have some so knows what it does by the time it is uh, forgot the rest of it for the email. so you have a 100 years old. i don't know how i got there, but i do do those for now. little nail is they do now. is it something that can i
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finance like everybody knew each other in the building, everybody's full price and i learned russian language the way before i. i didn't speak english until i went to the 1st grade and when we spoke russian on the church crowns, we used to have a we can hold on each other. and when the teachers heard that we were speaking english and they would wash a mile from it, so they just have to and i thought i remember having my website builder for and that's what they did. so i always have a change the school question. i would never as major anyone at that time and


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