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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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since after so many years of the brutal war, the gaza has been coming on an habitable spot warning from the u. n. as the war rate is on a many tier and 8 struggles to reach those years. all pass to fight against the genocide accusations in the us court have it that the sees around the globe reported we speak to pass a politician to take the good side of the us military presidency in a rock may finally come to an end house for more than 20 years, that's aspect guides. you 5, struck down the american led onto terrorism pollution. following the series of deadly us a time. the now it is $59.00 pm in moscow. this is our to international with
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a global updates. and i a mike up watching now straight to get that destruction dominates the landscaping and all of which has borne the brunt of id of assaults over the last 3 months. there were a few places of rec for f, e. jermaine, at various, mostly on livable, local douglas the bottom would stop by half the report. we report from the city of faith law here in north, in gaza, specifically from the koli for school, which was stormed by his really forces they pushed, evacuated to leave, to other areas. they arrested a large number of men, not to mention burning a vacuum. his belongings, including cars, personal items and even food will document the extent of the damage and listen to the testimony of those who were displaced. initially we saw refuge khalifa school because we were scared and our homes were threatened by destruction and showing
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that as we thought shelter here. assuming it was under the united nations relief and works agency control and considered safe for us for their we were besieged by these re lease for a week. they storms the houses in front of us and behind us blew up the school gate . took men from one entrance and women from another and placed us in the alka some square for 2 hours. they left our food and belongings behind, assuring us that we'd return. 2 hours later, we saw fire and smoke rising from the school. they burned our food drinks, clothes and all our belongings. when to come, they left us in the open for 2 days without cover or sustenance. then we sought help from locals. some returned to alfa, correct clinic, others to other who sang. this place was full of displaced people, even before my family and i arrived there are huge number of displaced people in schools and the agency clinics. i couldn't find
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a place for me and my family when we noticed these really soldiers withdrawing despite the fire. and despite diseases, we return to the school. we drank non portable water contracting many germs and diseases. a child has only concern used to be finding a toy. now worries about removing debris just to survive. that child's dreams have turned into nightmares about shells and rockets. we have no homes left, they were completely obliterated by the bombings, just total destruction if there is no place for us at un schools or their clinic spouse. so even if we try to leave, the school will be sniped by the spray leaves. what kind of? there's no food or drink, people grind week to get some sort of flower for sustenance. i haven't received any flour for a week ahead of how they know i have neither food or drink, not even to canada. i'm appealing to all concerned parties to help us clean the
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school, so we can live in sanitary conditions, demands the dispatcher of the committee that would allow support to reach us, bringing food to feed the children. i love me to have despite the dilapidation of the shelter, people are forced to reside here due to the destruction of their homes, out of the way, somebody people, 8 or 4 months age groups have been wanting of a drastic humanitarian situation in the young place of the late, his voice comes from the un office, all who please had a blink portrayed of the reality on the ground. cause it has simply become uninhabitable. its people are witnessing bailey's threats to their very existence. while the world watches on the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stop are being killed and displaced. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and con boys are shot at and as commercial supplies vital to survival are almost
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nonexistent because of the city of trying to you and is, has also been assigned to bub and battles. and the aerial bombardment for that shows smoke rising above the area half the strikes on friday evening. 18 people were reportedly killed after a house was destroyed in the attacks. the hospitals are overcrowded and struggling to get supplies. those that do receive aid only a get a fraction of what's needed, not the world health organization said it's finally delivered some more medical spots, the facilities operating well above the capacities. this is the 1st time we've been able to make us delivery in about 10 days. so hospitals have been running short on some supplies, but we hope that this delivery and future deliveries will help to meet the needs of these to these hospitals, which are working at 2 or 3 times their normal capacity. according to media reports easily embassies around the world,
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a trying to put pressure on politicians and to host nations. specifically their report at the looking for support to count the south africa as claims i'd be international court of justice as it's being accused of genocide in gas that are these know if we can get has the story. so that's what this increase for an intern miss. from the international court of justice to prevent as well from committing potential genocide as really taking a different turn. i've also gained some sort of relevant urgency that a lot of people question a few days ago. and even though is why has now decided to appear before the international court of justice to defend himself against the genocide case and i filed by so that's because it does seem like the decision to defend itself will make it very hard for each round to brush aside the, the adverse findings because as we speak legal terms, all being the symbols, countries are just doing statements in support of south africa and proceed reports
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. as you mentioned, that seduced that is all fine. ministries also instruction embassies, to praise diplomats and partitions in the countries the to issue statements against the basic and the case at the international court of justice. and all of this comes off to. so that's because said that the magnitude of depth of destruction and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the gaza strip meets the 3. it's cold of the 1948 of genocide convincing and the international move in that seem application that i think has sent it to the international court of justice. victoria argues that the damage inflicted by dr. emergency competing against because as soon as the statement of october comes to choose, the genocidal acts, it states that the diesel has killed in excess of more than 22000. but as the new, including over $7000.00 children would, many of them i'm presumed to be missing,
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or rather did under the rubles not forgetting that the application i'm going be good to be condemned. mazda is targeting of the readings and hostage taking on the statement of till the vx an emissions by israel complained of by south africa are genocidal in character because they are in tended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial, and ethnic group could also understand that, so that's, it just says there is dispute between it's and it's all related to the interpretation and application of the genocide convention. and while the application focuses primarily on as well as conduct since the 7th of 2. but it also discusses be brought up context of as well as conduct towards the scene is during the course of the 75 year long apache as occupation of tennessee. and david sees we also form of the view that's at the moment. less than a week off to south africa submitted the application. the quotes announced that it
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will hold public hearings on the request for provisional muses, the on thursday and friday, next week at the portable, also been to decide whether to impose those provisional misses, the and that decision, according to a lot of explicit ad either this could take more than weeks or months, but some of those reports of also mentioned that if the is really foreign ministry states that is well strategic goal at this particular moment is for the court to to reject the request the for an injunction and recognize that to be is really military is operating in the gaza strip, according to international go. and just speaking last week on the international, many states that had initially said that they had no doubt that as well, has been complying with international bold or international issue. many children books and everything it does to defend itself has been very quiet recently,
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especially needs pertaining to the cold case. except of course will be by the not ministration, which is coming to rejecting. so that because appeal. but of course the in the next week, if the international court of justice faces a very important taste is always taking the, hosted by him as on october 7th of being. and we took it to you for nearly $100.00 days. family members of this have gathered in tel aviv to demand that these really government do more to rescue them. of course the live towards the middle east barrow cheese by after nor should i have the demonstration. all right, good to have you join me right now. how intense is the one of the people that say the good evening to you and said, we are in town until a b one, a square? that has been the remainder of the names that attack holdings really into the hostages plaza and the place of massive weekly rallies of the relatives of those
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who remain in captivity. and god. sometimes they supposed to be named these people who have gathered here to die and have been gathering here in the last 3 months. is clear and pressure on these rail and leadership and st mold. in 90 days since the abduction homes, people don't feel the government is doing enough for fresh and during disappointment, for a bigger and bigger over how the situation. the multiple phase ram is we can know which one on weekdays we demand the return of the cost, which is now i was trying to shop meaning 136 people remaining and precipitate guys on waiting to be saying, the prime minister relative to the sat is really uses all means and i believe that was reported on one of the such meetings and yeah, why sat, criticize the families,
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say the statements and activities in the media goals or have mass the words were sent or large and exhaustive from the way, say reports on that is really intelligence team was in cairo earlier this week. they just need one of the channels is really, is here to go. she's with her mazda mazda south, denied the same rose all following. she assessed the nation of i rudy even senior field. the it happens or less of a, by his religious tried in cost farms and now the mediator, the lanes. so the reason that the oceans um and the own sauces i forget about the average families are and then taking representatives on 6 families of the cabinet went to doha. so mate with the us basset, or in car, and gets our room from ministers to try to move the goals that are full or so what are the families and so it gets suarez and theories 1st of all like
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a few many parent access. so today is, you know, the red cross failed to visit, say, hostages, and as i'm concerned is also our ball says safety of these really no preparation. and yeah, the loading air strikes us in families, worry the loved ones. it would be more collateral damage. and the idea of marshman concern is doubled off of these really army mistakenly killed 3 hostages during the combat. and guys, a mid december 3 man 2426 and 28 years old. were waving a white flag and reportedly took off the assurance to show that they were not arm twins. the army shot them, the investigation continues. but the army already admitted that the rules of engagement had been violated by israeli military today, joining this massive rally behind me when the idea of soldiers and families of israeli military who died in fighting in gaza. so he can see offers of the families
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and the supports hers up for mentors, but 136 people still remain incomplete between guys which means rallies and protests will continue back to you. he lives and try to r t of at least very chief my f in austin. i bring this up to speed with what's going on until, i mean, thank you. thank you. the hundreds of people in london have taken to the streets to demand that the easel and it's on slots on gas. the protective shop it out that he's all is a terrorist state and they call for freedom for policy in the march to place in the north on the you case, capital city were heard from some of the demonstrators, the voice desk support for the people of gas no anymore,
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it just goes on and on and we watching it in real time the whole time you know, such a meet and everything was equally things are happening on the on the other things to be united nations like this, the company failing because israel's actions in
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gather, are facing even more criticism online. over 83000 people have signed a petition to expel the countries in baset and from the u. k. the petition was posted back in december, but the number of signatories, kyra candid, this week, easels and bassett, a spot fresh outside, outraged by the, by justifying the ideas, bonding of schools, mosques and residential areas. garza has an underground tunnel city and in order to get to this underground tunnel city, those areas must be destroyed. one of the things we realize that every school, every mosque, every 2nd house has an access to tunnel. so this is of course the munition phonology for destroying the whole of golf every single building. and so do you have another solution? how to destroy the underground tunnel city? although use ready office of code for the complete the element nation of gather
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since the october 7th attack, something has gone as far as to denied the enclave be stripped of access to electricity and water. meanwhile, a senior have mass official said. the user also does not exist on the policy that aligned. these role stands responding to face contract criticism in europe with this process 1st minister describing the relentless idea of a tax on gazda. as genocide, he has had statements from senior ministers and nathan, yet whose government they have made statements that the population of kaiser should be reset. thoughts moved out of gaza and going as far as saying that the settlements should not be. and as a site is not tough to me, to estimate claims and then i don't know what those are. we are seeing only a few my tv in crisis for nursing senior members of the nation. yeah. who government making statements are, frankly, the textbook definition of a guesstimate claim. think about should be condemned,
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and the strong white legs crossed live to political commentator, infinity web. i in the u. k avenue, i'm glad to have you join me right now across the globe protest as i've calling for a cease fire in guys as a civilian deaths to grows higher. how do you think support from the international community impacts the situation in gaza? well, i might festival, i would say it's uh the style to the orthodox christian christmas christmas site. so my, my wish way should follow the wolf adults phrase. i'm very happy christmas and happy celebrations. i believe up until the time for january i see it's assigned to goodwill. unfortunately, there's a lot of the not scope. well, in the well, the maybe i think the chat you brightly mentioned the some of the price of the
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guides, very busy and, but they've been across the u. k. ah, that'd be the big own garden for some time. but i can see continuing the coming weeks and um, it is pretty much across the board because uh, the way i see the, the pictures pop very cool was traditionally uh, side with the dog. um that's the way they perceive the fit. your are you shipping in the west find dallas at the moment? um because you you, if you had mentioned this uh, patrician um is praise call waiting for uh the uh is right. the best of trip or times uh actually to be with uh i'm not sort of um question i'm usually. ready sure he shouldn't, because uh, normally uh about his or something which is protect the cooling for. i think one of the problems here is this, the tech to is are, these are best to be slightly different from the previous ones. and she was the
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form of a good a. m p. i'm all i proceed through. she's finding it very difficult despite the fact that she's paid on best and since 2020, to make the transfer via should move from bang. approx are compiling politician to a and passive data where you have to think about goodwill, betraying the fuel country under country you're there. there is other possibilities . um, and of course the position does say with the keys it's uh of, of tracing the store between people waiting the guy on the subject should see that the goal is to try the situation and, and should be factors or little bits of marriage. because if you, um it's, i'm in the board, she's, she's side such a free service. it didn't do on the l. b,
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c, we've got a book. well then both costs are you can try it out where she said a number of things, right? sure. it seems to be pretty inside of our tree and not jet for match age. and she was justifying a pound re, uh for a huge amount of a flat ring which is guided normally goes to a bar. the majority government bowman. so including my stools and what am i just wanted to know for you to properties and dryer courses? the schools are full from the is for us to live to base to be there any way to, to feed hung us is to completely destroy the infrastructure. all because that was their money and success in the well into bright people would be the key is the charter sides have been defeated without flat, like the whole of the rest of the sort of the in population are not, not that's a big something in writing games now, butler courses now the chase,
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the south africa's, i couldn't drive on to the edge, special justice on the home. the, the obligation to genocide guides publish that means in the in goals. and these are all various things which seems to be taken into account. but what we do each barrel is that's a huge number of people in his trial who are not supportive of a strong in stream government and empower amazing. and would very much light button should be removed. i think the, the job of the i is right. the best i should really be to represent is reynolds right beside who people are. they show adult apparently representing the new page based government. i'm not writing a project but wants to do. she's gone for lunch, so they more measured. i exercise
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a sense of responsibility for the the position she's and i'm also side. but having seen some of the previous a boss is they seem to take your more regard if it needs to be a jet per box, a good adults sort of in flames that tre shouldn't. ready office say we all want separate about face and go was uh, but easy to actually uh, place to say there's no, uh, a situation uh why. uh, that could be a choose phase solution. i onto the common side buttons. some of the other comic she paid all the best one, but i see all the provide try prime minister and actually politicians is not the joe. all the old and bosses or to tell you the thing, you know, they have to look at. so the example of the russian about investor in the k a just a very good example of somebody is incredibly polite,
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measured with will say he's 5 is rodney isn't to be 8 on the i think this is a very key point. now going back to the subject of this petition, i think it's talking about a fee for a $1000.00 the signatures very, very quickly. um, but to be on is it falls into significant bag with a spray. all the position is which was on this very subject. there's no notes on this up to him, said the buses up to date because it's right is around the gauze. all right, we devised until december, the 11th. all right, thank you. anthony web, but we really appreciate your insight into all of this. we, we said look forward to having more of your insights on as issues develop around the world and mid least. thank you. my. thank you my right. why do you like have decided to shut down the american legs? so cold anti terrorism coalition in the country following
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a series of deadly us attacks. and that's according to one announcements by the middle east of nations, prime minister, the remote, the sub. we search our firm in principle position and ending the existence of the international coalition after the justifications for its existence at the end. we're in the process of setting a date to begin a dialogue for a 3 party committee that was formed to determine arrangements to end this presses. this is a commitment which the government will not back down from and will not neglect any matter. that completes national sovereignty, overland, sky, and waters of art. there are wreck, there were calls before the wes remove its forces for many years now. and again, they were renewed calls that started on the thursday because there was an attack. once again, a very big attack in terms of who was killed or there was a top commander of the p, a mass as well as 3 other people that were killed and 6 others were injured. now, what is the p m f? it's popular mobilization forces, which is a group that was formed in 2014 and they have fought and pretty much every single
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major battle against ices. now they are supported by iraq and they're composed of around 67 different armed fractions. but again, like i said, your rock supports them and there are around 230000 uh fighters. so the targets of this us drone stripe on thursday was imagine that the pencil going cuban mark here, that the pencil going considers to be a leader of a new wrong fact service group. and there was, supposedly they accused the sound of planning attacks on, on us troops and us personnel. here's some more from what the pencil going have to say regarding this attack and why they did it. those forces have represented a threat to our forces. and again, we maintain the inherent right of self defense and will take necessary actions to protect our forces. but again, the rocky government says hold on a 2nd. this was a man who was part of it was
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a killed commander of the popular mobilization forces. and we are the ones we support the popular mobilization forces and this up to us to the side of civil basically if a man the wrong or right to sort of to you to violate the country software and see and also to wireless, the agreements between iran the rocky government and call us and forces led by the us, a force of force for iraq. this is despicable because they see that they came into the country. they came in with a drones strike and the kill someone that was very important to them. and this is what the rock had to say, the prime minister in his speech prime minister, also, donnie indicated that the attack that led to the killing of the deputy chairman of the popular mobilization authority, jamal jaffar ali brought him in general hutch, essentially money was a blow to all the norms, charters and laws that govern the relationship between iraq and the united states, as well as being a heinous. and i'm just to fight crime. you know, you gotta read between the lines. say that we all know the us invaded
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a rock more than 2 decades ago. the invasion, what was the trump top on call? community charges about weapons of mass destruction. we will know that some b. s. i never knew a lot of people knew at the time it was b s, whatever american forces still doing that well, officially the call listen and that it's intervention in iraq trying to supposedly help of slides. isis that ended in december 2021. and some of the forces left for 2500 us forces stayed behind and they stayed behind to help help iraq. you forces in the rocky governments with the training and assisting in their flights because they still have a tax. why so? so they're there to help, but while they're helping, they're eliminating people who are helping and slicing every single major battle with ices and killing up key figures for iraq and this, whatever on the doesn't like the who the have managed to do what america has been doing. for a number of years, the who's that use and assigned have sold it out to the palestinians that basically sign shooting g 7 country linked cargo vessels going through the red sea. so let's
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just repeat that one more time. the who these are sanctioning of these western lincoln, his rattling ships going to the red seats is just what america does over the it's a sanctioning other countries for whatever cooking, meat excuses it wants to drop, drop off. you know what i mean? so it is, and it's all coming out exactly and they don't like it. and instead of taking it through the diplomatic groups, one would argue all they have to do is a drone strike and they just, and they just kill a person, you know. but again, there, there are rules that have been established for very good reason, but again, we'll see that the u. s. consumer continues to violate them. again, just like israel continues to violate un resolutions and actually rushes you and them basset, or describe the situation for the united states and the issues in the middle east quite nicely with some of us have a good issue for us. what is happening, interact, see, is a direct projection of the violence and gaza, where for 3 months now, the bloody alteration of police violins ongoing. there's also an escalation in all
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the occupied posting on territories and also on the border between israel and lab and on the u. s. is covering for israel sections and holding all the members of the security council hostage preventing the adoption of a resolution. calling for an immediate cease fire. washington is on demand and all efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the post indians. these causes raging the arab world and business taking very dangerous forms like the actions of on saw a law in the red c, r a and today is not only to conserve the collective security council signal that was directed to add on. so a lot of all the unacceptability of the actions, but also too cold to hold has in washington for whom another conflict in the middle east is just part of its own geo political game. and the us secretary of state has been in the region several times in the last couple of weeks trying to save the situation somehow. but it's not looking promising. well that's the update best our you can visit our.


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