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tv   Documentary  RT  January 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

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the, the i'm learning limit or sometimes i'll say learning nickel language lehman. i am right now in anchorage where i live anchorage, alaska. i'm just happy to share a little bit of about my here. in 1798. you've seen rush through gloria who is a russian ship builder. married a and a looted woman, alaska native woman from a fog, which is near code here. and they had 4 children. one of the daughters stayed in alaska and married to dougherty plus the cuff. they moved from kodiak and $1847.00 to be part of the establishment family for the village of
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nuno check the small community in alaska. that still exists. and that it was set up initially as a retirement community for those who had served in the russian american colony and served their time probably about 20 years. and they were looking for a place where they can raise their families and have cattle in the catch fish. and what is interesting, my father is born in 1917. his 1st language is dominant language. and the language that still you could tell was his dominic language, even late in life after he had spoken english for all those years. his 1st language and dumb language was russian. the, do you remember any major little points which your mom goal during the russians
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could go to bed? so it just says no effect when you are 60 yeah. yeah. of $0.04. what sort of avoided fund to us that you're going to have so so it has been done by the 20th. i forgot the rest of it on the email. so you have a 100 years old. i don't know how i got there, but i do see those for now little intel is they do now, is it something that can i turn in? so i like everybody knew each other in the building, everybody's full price and i learned russian language way before i. i didn't speak english until i went to the 1st grade. and when we spoke russian on the
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church, crowns, we used to have as a, uh, we can hold on each other. and when the teachers heard that we were speaking english and they would wash a mile from it. so i think that's of choice. and i thought i had never having my website builder for that's and that's what they do. so i always have a change that is full question. i would never, as mentioned anyone at that time and it was until years later that i became proud that i speak of the russian language. my name is uh greg. uh, greg. i got a gaudy my origin doctors name. i'm a born and raised here and you know, check this graveyard has many and many of them, you know, some people from way back when a lot of our families,
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lot of even to the russian area and the other marriages. so we just want to mention some of my family is very unfortunate is family comes and goes. but uh yeah, i had crossed as built the older style orthodox cross. my brother eric there is larry a scroll cause is actually a brother of mine to skulk of. that's a name from the original russian man that settled here. that was my original family . i meant to ask you, but i, my real name is the scope of. we're very proud of our ancestry. we don't. uh, were you to deny or is history? we don't and i are russian blood. i'm a leader of native corporation and the tribe. and so i have indian blood in me, i know that i got from both sides and for very proud of our car. larry edge in our history, very rich history grew up knowing river russian, we have version in her blood. well,
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there are some typical things because when we joe, we laugh to stories advisory laugh and relate to tell the stories and trips and trips tours. and so we do have some of that and i'm sure that's pressed down from, from the russian age on down to today. special ed or say you are the most. i'm so much of horst, a good deal to explain it to those who didn't understand both languages. the boss and the dogs that i want the others, you know, there's a, a door to door salesman who is going around the village and you're in the notes check and he goes up to one of the houses and knock some of the door and the housewife comes out with a broom it says step was to buy and he says, oh stool pi apple pie, any kind of fire. she goes to super. and my father told me when his leaving and is here to see was almost 93 when he died. but
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probably is high eighties. he was talking about one of his cousins from then it'll take one of his best friends when he was growing up and is a young man who went on to become very successful in business and sold his business later in life. and, and was obviously what we call him a multi 1000000 and it was, it was well, and my father was a hard working fisherman on his life and as well, you know, he, he was able to support his family do well. if he didn't have the same type of financial wealth to him, but he told me this. he said it may be rich, but he says, i'm rich to i'm richard, family. and. and that really has an impact on media and.
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and so, you know, he left his life for some left behind some resources, but the reality was what he left behind is this what you saw today. we see generationally young children that are making a difference in our world. and the, and my father and mother really were rich, like richard found the, just my grand kids go to the grandchildren garden. he says, my rock and my brother isaac's wreck and my cousin, naomi's rock. my brother ju, those rocks, grandma and grandpa ro, our names on these rocks the so as far as they
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know, my grandpa and lauren built this cabin red one and then my grandpa and grandma this was their cabin. is the cabin knock, not anybody home. is there somebody of that? yeah, that's my blue sky and the address there. the address goes. gotcha. and this is mitch kevin is kind of like our doctor. we have which is our summer getaways to get out of the city. so we normally now live in anchorage and you know, living here is it, it's rather exhilarating and it's, it's fun. we spend more time together as family here, and we have 5 grandchildren staying with us for several weeks. and we
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have 3 more coming in tomorrow. is there actually coughing there? the shrimp sometime? no, that's good. i just so bon yeah. here is you know i had one before with an old barrel stove, little old one. and then i built this big, fancy new one, but we loved one years, one here. so our distribution for russia didn't come over from russia, hoping that there was a tradition, everyone in the village. they had no running water. they had dusting every day. every week they took vanya and once or twice a week, certain days, and so they live on yours and my mom and my uncle and mike, in the village. they always had vanya things seen and in here i insulated. in those made old fashioned way, i should wait, you see how he puts his corner kind of rush in design and there. but inside here in
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the hospital where you're coming off for high, so to speak, to cancer or strong to disease which flush on these rocks, this little stove, your stroke it up or there's like, my good budget was good for the bones in uh, excuse me, young as the most expensive bunch of new nozik is the best. uh there is no one got bon, you're like me. the elizabeth church just it isn't that give choice individual very up to the new brothers leave it. oh yeah. i'm a father,
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arch priest, thomas. teaching of andrew, and this is the transfiguration of our lord, jesus christ, orthodox church, our russian orthodox church. oh, we have people from all over the world, our all over the united states and canada. just just from all over wherever your opinions here that come through here all the time. and this church is the, the most uh, photographed church on the road system in alaska. where you know, this was built in the late 1890 certain of course choosing 190100 40 licensing. wow . yeah. hello kristen, how are you? hi. okay, thank of the go on to take a lot going show you where you're going, but you're gonna have to because it's pretty narrow that you're just kind of pulling up the whole steps. this is all hand built stuff. really cool. this is all
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log construction and it was all hand made and they're getting dry rod from the inside out and, and of course the roof needs replacing and so that means redone and, and the probably end up having to have fire suppression, a few other things to preserve the icons and everything else in there, but it's a big project, probably anywhere from half a 1000000 to a $1000000.00. probably just, even though it's a little sample, it's very hard to raise the kind of funds you got to have big donors. and one thing that we found is, is you know, at some point they were opposed to making it commercial and tourism. and so we were cause it was inactive parish and especially some of the older generation didn't want to make it even historic. they wanted to, you know, preserve it and not, not take donation. so much like that. but, but now we've changed, you know, we'd like to share our faith and share it with others and, and, and bring people in to be able to see it. and they loved to give good,
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good hearts. sure. for people and there's a lot of people leave, you know, even every penny counts. so think of a few dollars or 5 or 10, maybe a 20, a good lord willing who in a few years that will be like no. and it will stay that way for the next 100 years plus. so and hopefully the parish will grow with prisoners and members as we go forward and people learn more about the orthodox face. the russian states never as tight as i mean, most of the best english i'll send, send up the consumer calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the states on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck,
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even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center question, did you say even closer to the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to living on mac, have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is, will be i'm for as soon as the cold were as st
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. jude. i know you weren't the dykes mission hearing was so last time we are in the south central portion of the stage and the building that we're in right now. it was built about 20142014 was our 1st service over the course of a company years they built the church here. the main page is asia. i grew up with friends in a very traditional and they call confessional. this ran family kind of parish. i was lutheran pastor for almost about 10 years, and i accepted a position that elizabeth her securing rosella. and 2003 moved here.
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and i, well, i guess arrogantly, i thought, well, i'm going to go to alaska and make them louis ring. and well, when we came to alaska, i believe it was saying herman of alaska that pointed as far as the orthodox church, when we came in contact with the church, we met the people, we attend services and there was absolutely no question in my mind or in our mind we as a family, we encourage that orthodox who was our home in our whole life was preparing us to come back to the orthodox church. and i did did the development payable payable, and i last core municipal. and i personally that the payment and ident religion, the legend, federal even right? yes, it is federal when i have kept the same kind of for us to attach if they want to go
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to why don't come out, that's what i mean. that's not a sound good if. if it just means to, if i'm going to one of those customers, then explain the shop. is this part of the price of this progressive investment, which, which is kind of important, a good vision of the fungus control stories and you have an interesting sitting out of town longer for them, which is totally fine, really quick. okay. i don't see any when again, i got away from people around town on friday. and so this time you sam even by safe penny for anything that was made in federal. if somebody this back up with them, definitely get advice. probably when trying to finish that up. my them. right, so i'm going to north the sound in the upcoming here. there's like i move in,
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i think more keisha next on investing left out for us to come from. oh, it's again was tell you this black only thing was like you let me go to the community. 6 elizabeth nikki and his zip on somebody's going to make it sound quite silly. me see any problems with this? can you pull it up? i think that's a try. me. yeah, we'll try to me. ok crossing instead of your i said so we're from come with them. and believe in, i think more thing if i know grandma, you're familiar with because i don't think there's even if there's any interest needed from us. but so that's the one that has, like, like, i mean, you get to deal with the night service because it's because it's quicker receiving outside more instructional costs which day. hi, the soonest i looked into and i saw it from another. said i from what do you have now roughly so you know
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a lot of new york here i made of ones to point to point to oh is this same stuff the from the from you i know i mean you shut back on the golf with so thank you for finding it. it's fun. yeah. so the proper protocol, that's the web, the kind of thing. what i had a question is like a name, and you just fill out the best card cuz i was when he is in epic central time, there's a right to that because really and so then the other method of the thoughts dunlab pretty more fam. i said, was that it tonight?
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so then i noticed that it was a said yes much that's gonna lay such kindly by face, which case doesn't matter. me either. either i'll put that on. let me put that on a put that up real quick space. left hand zillow, but they always ask you, is it what i like about? i can just uh, labor based in lubbock and i'm param, scholarships, go really fast now that that's good. i don't think what's going name your best credit. that's good. there's still space private funding. there's no equipment, you know, nothing if it's quite, you know, work what, you know, equity air and there's still a, i'm glad that we drop it in with us 2 and 50 of them. i did that. but just as those that i didn't know, i didn't come by the end, you can take it, i'm done. i give them the time time took so don't know, is there somebody if i don't know where to go? if somebody drove me the switching in feeling dm's name did have an sco sandboxing thing here,
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and i suddenly, and then you give that to me, of course, as me as that all of the printer. so typically look, joking, you need to play the and look to get the feel for that stuff and, and get cool. mutual. the, the, in the earliest years of the russian america calling the, the, the charge was to go and produce economic value primarily through for. and so the, the russians hired the, the l u and the elliptic people and, and engaged these people in getting for like from the sea otters and perhaps seals, c, lions and,
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and others like that because they recognize that back in, in moscow where the, the, the more elite people live that there was a market for 1st and that was important, or i says one day coming from or us that they for us to beats with them. and they were trade for beats. the very 1st lesson for traders could bring these beats over moving many beats so many beats. and they could make a lot of money trading bids for, for the government also said the native hunter wanted to get a gun see if they wanted to print for a gun. they were done the gun on the rifle for a so call they'd have to match the height of the rifle with 1st and that was a trait. so that's how they trade it in no space. but today,
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in acreage, we have a winter carnival called anchorage for rendezvous and, and we celebrate some of our traditions. and one of the traditions is, is this for the tramping of, for the selling of it? there's actually a marketplace right here during, for a rendezvous or we call it for randi we're firs are sold. and so it's, it's kind of part of our traditional still in the fun part. and we have a winter carnival that is the largest winter carnival in north america. the . 2 this is our brand of the winter phone and we're
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out to center celebrating the, the last the winter. even though we'll have winter here for probably another 6 weeks. but we're celebrating the last part of winter and the hint of spring with blue sky and goods sun and the there's have been going on for i think this is a year of a address for under quite connection with the anchorage for rendezvous, or at least some kind of special connection. last year i was selected to serve in the position of what's called lowered trapper. and so i was chosen probably because i had served in elected office in alaska. i served in our legislature but also is the lieutenant governor of alaska. and i've been engaged in quite a number of, of boards and commissions. the other community service that deputies right here in
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a city is the dispos acreage for rendezvous. since i was child the biggest event and, and just still the biggest event today are the dog sled braces. and we were able to enjoy them. and once the once in a while, we would come to anchorage from the notary. but more often, i would listen to the dog sled races on the radio and we'd hear about the today. we came out with 5 of our 8 grandchildren who sent you the say
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wow, this is what's called a sprint. that means they're running as fast. the whole way, the what's really interesting is sometimes the dogs are a, they're not group and dogs, you know, they, they're training out in the country if they're not used to be around people. so they come to downtown acreage, there's all kinds of smells and things, and the dog is going to and they come in here and they hear people insuring and they said it's, it's so difficult for them. so it's a good measures going to want to somehow get his dogs around people too. and so they're not social security is the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent, natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local be both of any resistance to the british
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was answered with double cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they are. men, women, and children are shot when ever they can be met with squatter. henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus strategy as fast is rightly described as blood soaked in races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent, then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees still 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of old recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far.
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the, the society of your credit accounts offensively, you know, it was a fire that arises serious souls. how illusions on the, on the western ukrainian side, illusions about their own strength illusions about the straight for the russian opponents. basically the, you know, the take their to rush or, and new crime was a door that just trying to be checked in and the whole structure would come, come some come into the looseness. i've been shopped with
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the bodies, really a strike on stop and gas, at least 2 journalists dead. a sign of all g 0, bureau chief is among the victims the desk told in gas in years 23000 as these were all continues it on slots. locals react to another day of death in the house near ours was targeted without any prior warnings, causing many destined injuries. we were sitting at home when, without any warning, the house next to ours was struck enough with this injustice children's elders are dying. where is the international community where all the arabs they should see you're all watching this already is investigating major rupture out in the central heating system for a suburb of moscow. after about


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