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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EST

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we still have some common ground, the the headline stories. this are a she monetary in groups decry the idea of assault or on one of the few remaining hospitals operating in central jobs and which is parked the miles of occupation of the facility. is really our strike on the southern gaza leads to journalists that the seller about a 0 is bureau chief, is among the victims. the civilians of gods are due to the world as blind. what's happening in gaza to sun emerging at the new world order on the prices of international relations is the focus, didn't you? dealing with the balls i club, russia, india conference is being held for the 1st the
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across the world around the clock. this is our t welcome to the global news run up live from our most coast. you'd use the world health organization say each for the past 12 days. it's been all unable to reach them. the weather in gal so they can monitor being improved and it's the latest attempt to deliver supplies to be in bottled region was cancelled due to a lack of security guarantees. medical staff to remain in the part of this trip or forced to work. and that a critical life go back with mentioned basic necessities. this video, by the way, it shows publish daneen read christmas volunteers treating a wounded man and with a power outage in develop. well, hospitals across scales are under increasing pressure. according to an assessment from one n g o 10 palestinian children become a kid, sees every day. here's a local journalist with a distressing report from northern gouter,
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which has been robbed by is really bombing rates. months of new massacre was perpetrated by these really occupational against the alba family. in the northern gaza strip. about the 4 story house was targeted with explosives resulting in over 80 feet, talents. he's a numerous injuries. i am currently amidst the pile of bodies and debris in the south. well rescue team struggle to save lives under challenging conditions that limited resources. and also i that of the more than 10 families residing in this house, which was bombed by occupation aircraft yesterday. dozens of martyrs remain under the rubble. a lot civil defense teams are working for the 2nd day straight to recover victims late last night. we managed to rescue several injured individuals and transport them to medical points in the north where the occupations massacres have persisted for over 90 days in this brutal war. yesterday's horrific slaughter of the abu elder family continues severed limbs, a building of over 5 floors,
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more than 10 families residing in it, and dozens of martyrs beneath it. we continue searching for remains under the debris, the shade russo massacre. as you can see with the looms of women, children, one of the elderly and use this house shelter, displaced people around 10 families, totaling over 80 individuals. they were forced out of the south fatah. we area, after some of them were detained and later released to go, these really army directed them to the wall of the family's house, where they thought they were safe. however, f, 16 missiles struck them in the middle of the night without warning. these are israel's targets, the children women innocent uses that. i don't know. israel's targets are civilians distant from any resistance. we cannot say they were targeted due to any resistance presence. and it's in families are displaced and seeking refuge of the brother. we say god is sufficient for us and he is the best dispos or of affairs as our prayer
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against them. this is much it although no to many working in the ours transportation line and the alan b crossing is known to have no affiliations with any organizations. and he opened his house to his neighbors and family after their homes were burned. and the saw fatah, we area our message to the silent on just international community, witnessing the killing of women children, and the innocent is to take a stance against these heinous crimes. where is the arab islamic, and humanitarian conscience? we appealed to the entire world after $92.00 days of war. the occupations series of atrocities, northern gods, it continues. this family fled from the self entirely area to the food area in search of safety. however, is rarely occupation forces and systems stripping safety from all areas. leaving behind dozens of marchers some casualties, or some more upsetting images here from the jet valley, a refugee camp showing the aftermath of another idea of striking up,
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reportedly killed at least 20 citizens. we heard from an eye witness underneath. at 8 o'clock, we were all sleeping peacefully when we were struck without any prior warnings, door, 83 women, and 22 men in the home. at the time. we were displaced a job aliya without any belongings, as per these really instructions. so that's my brother and his son, and my sister and her son. all my family members have been displaced, including my parents, and my cousin told i made the escalating is really invasion of gals, or the idea was released this for the each of its troops and action on the ground. the country's military officials same the so called framework of come us and northern garza has been completely destroyed. however, they also say the war is likely to last throughout the entire year. right, let's turn attention on the program. the 2 central guys, local media reporting,
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8 people have been killed in an id f or a strike on the ton of dirt out the la head of the gas and health officials accused israel of targeting the ac. so hospital withdrawal and fire, that's also in the area. the palestinians emphasize that taking the facility out of service would be a quote desk sentence for thousands of would be on the situation has also been described by m. s f, the doctors without borders and you, as well as the head of the world health organization to the health facility report is immense. needs especially health workers, medical supplies and beds. but staff said their greatest need was for their hospital and its staff, patients and families there to be protected from strikes and hostilities. no hospitals are functioning in northern garza, were another w h l mission was cancelled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permissions elsewhere and does a mere handful of health facilities operate. locks as the most important hospital
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remaining and causes middle area and must remain functional and protected to deliver its life. saving services for the erosion of its functionality cannot be permitted. doing so on the face of such trauma, injury and humanitarian suffering would be immoral and medical outrage or further. so it's really stepping up. it's are a strikes on the goals in border city of rough up despite previously calling it a safe zone for civilians. at least 7 people were killed in the latest that tech on a site, housing, the displaced we heard from some of the survivors. this is the searching just as is happening to us. why are they doing this to us? my brother was skills, they killed all my family. we fled from northern gather to the city of russell. my husband was scaled. my husband's sisters were killed. they killed my brother, my uncle. they killed the free one a know if it's enough, we're tied of the will. of course,
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with this morning before the show at us while we were sleeping and killed 33 people in the house, mostly children and women, and many others were injured. no one here belongs to any military organizations. through the, in the middle of the night, we woke up to the sound of showing very close to us. this is my house. many were killed and rescue teams could not help everyone. then a nearby place was hit. that's why the rescue team had to go to another place and left people under the rubble. the owners of the house were displaced from northern gaza. they have no military affiliation. they are civilians, they have nothing to do with any political organization. a low scores of gallons. how being fleeing bottomed odd cities, with many setting up camp writes on this stripped southern shores, i made the carnage of the war. the tranquillity up the coastline has brought some much needed rest. spike to locust as well as water. all be of course, seen water. here's the story. some of the insured was less than the width times
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of the war. i came here because it's the only place where i feel like i'm away from it. i came to gets rid of the fear of the war and we were deprived of life. so we'll look for a place to live near the scene. we come here every day. so that would be the oil. really old memories, like the life will leave before the war. i tried to renew these memories, were forced out of our homes because of the heavy. well the my as of course the see, here's the only thing that helps us. we can breeze fresh air here. we also use it for drinking and washing because there's no portable or usable water. there's no ground water. the water is the only one in front of us. i hope that there will be a cease fire soon, and we will return to our homes. if the house has remained well across in the west bank, an infant palestinian girl was among 3 people killed in this really check point car roaming and shooting and spent on sunday evening. an idea of security camera
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capture this footage of of um, slamming into officers who then opened fire according to his really police. the child was in a jason vehicle and it was accidentally quotes. and of course, the 4 year old girl was pronounced that of the sing along with 2 policy and even sealants. we discussed the tragic incident in the west bank with ramallah, bass, journalist, and political homeless mohammed and the jeep. you got to see on what the cost cost is concerned. russell is that this offer for you all the charges. okay. you have the old heavy and that is the dental that takes the um, the homeowner where he is on his watch, from bid to northwest jose alarm owens. uh, that is why they sold drugs. alvin fire again is the tool similar to the heckled one day with the closer and the basic stuff may try to take more cloth with jonas on him. and that is right is it allows us to provide to me that kind of kept him onto trucks with them to the hospital does, which is
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a picture due to, to this that coordinates evaluate. this is actually a stop. it was of luck today for the policy has and those bank, what is that? isn't that a figure out where killed the engine in one and run the 3 month which doesn't which it brings the total number of civil cells. and so in those factors, civil so, but right now, 357, which is a high number of the person that says they receive the year 2024 by 100 percent. it is a solution. i get a set of all students, and most of them mohammed and the jeep, there was more deadly updates to bring you to journal or something killed. mine is really are a struct on the outskirts of the southern gals and city of con eunice. one of them was the song of the elder 0 future. the . the reporters were in an area,
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the idea deemed the safe cell. and when the car they were traveling in was headline, this 3rd passenger with serious loss, which is ours. while it's up to who lost his soul in the strike stays, the international community has turned the blind dine to the sufferings, helping counsel, valuing when a new world should see this with its own eyes, and not to israel's view. they have to listen and see all that's happening to the palestinian people. what did, how does that do to them? what did the family do to that? what did the civilians of guys are due to the world as blind to what's happening in gaza? this is our faith. we have no choice, but to be patient that's i'm, i'm a, as well according to the committee to protect journalists in g o. at least $179.00 media workers have been killed in gals, a since october, 7th. local reporter homes at chill on told us more about the latest debts on the fatal danger involved in just doing your job. in the end class. that is really uh,
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drones targeted a car, a tv car belongs to, to all of my colleagues and most of what i uh, comes up to those our friends here in the ground. the working really hard uh we meet every day and he was working together in the field here and goes this trip. we travel from location to another every single day to deliver uh, the advice of the palestinians to the world. most of the fall was working this morning as usual and real fast at the lat close to any outgoing flashes. not close to close to uh, is there any off the ground? the operation the targeted the car? the was driving the most. if you want inside the car, we feel really bad to see our friend spying every day because these are the voices
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of the house. and it's very necessary to mention that these careless, these workers be out working really hard. they are actually scared to visit their own families. if we talk about the families for a few months from now. how does almost his wife, how most has, has become son? and his mom has read his family watch and train inside one of the houses in the southern areas and the safe area of their house has gone targeted by the workplace . lost many of his family members. nobody is actually say, mean for example, if i would like to visit my father, my father sheltering and one of the houses in and drop off city. i'm scared to go there because i don't know if the what mike is say was target mean. our last
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one of the my family members for example it's, it's scary, it's a scary to share our experience. so the one, it's unbelievable. also, nobody will believe what we say, because the body is actually getting punished by the government, by the sudden areas and it's supposed to be safe. we are working you onto that and you're not going to stop delivering cod covering what happened in here in the ground. we all was the all was targeting, targeting people who are active on the ground for capturing every single evans every single day to target these people. okay. really startling statistic. this one, the mortality rates among journalists in gals is actually higher than another of us
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soldiers in recent wars. that's according to a report from the international federation of journalist. next, as we focus on the human stories, all the ongoing conflict, we explore the fates of policy and in reporter mohammed apple had tub, who was killed by an idea strike back in november, along with 11 members of his family of the we are calling the civilians to leave guys a go solves. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the
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as that of the geography of the bleeds is rarely crumbs continues to this day. there's 2 weeping and wailing on every street on every corner in every home. the what is his fault because he's reported if a palestinian tv who's transmitting the truth, 3 of his brothers children, just small babies, cast off in pieces the i'm deeply concerned about the evaluations of international humanitarian law law. generally, it's every possibly being killed over a 4 week period vending and the conflicts and police city victory, the
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stuff the left and we can't take it anymore. we exhausted him. i asked him, i really, you know, international security at school and i have no immunity to edison. that's old enough for the shelves of these. how much the less of you asked about the day on many slogans that we with. and that's old. they don't project in a june list settled on the flooding. that's definitely the heavy hit. i took the dump project to us, then mattie slogans. i'll click behind. i'll do hots up. was here just half an hour ago. and now he has left us along with his wife, his son and brother, and many of the victims from his family. so see you have the privilege of being a journalist with legal immunity. under international law,
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human rights and the false geneva convention protecting civilians during war time is non existent in the palestinian territories. once we are facing human guides and it goes beyond the limits of possibility and surpasses international laws, we only read these laws and principles as the original terms. but in reality, this deterrent of this message is indeed a button to me, which is why i wanted to discard. mohammed was not just a journalist, he was a professional who focused on the fact that we are victims here. under this via ended this war, we are old victims, part of the k to another over a headline stories that a international experts are meeting in new delhi to mull over what's being called a crisis of international relations. and mit, an emerging multi point of world. it's part of the agenda of the 1st the ever fall die club, russia, india conference, which kicked off this monday and the science asian countries, capital city, artesia engine. charlotte is there for us. this was the 1st time that while the
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ease in india holding a bilateral on india, rochelle relationship as we speak right now. it is a 2nd session which is on the we, which is essentially on in the all russia relationship. lots and lots of speakers that there's about a 1000 to speak of. so from the russian side, about 2000, about 20 on the, from the indian side as well. this collaboration, the wall, the discussions job has done with the international foundation. he'll recall the recalls on the foundation, so this is a collaboration of sold since you, denny law. school relationship is a special one. and in fact, the very fact that the 2 countries have been becoming to those are the northern just films of trade, but also the historic partnership, the friendship and just philadelphia is very sound good. a wizard. most school in december and really to swinson by laughter relationship and now we're seeing this.
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so this event happening in the, in the capital city of india. so that's the office if you can expect a lot of challenges that that perhaps would be, oh, will come through this particular for them. the challenges that i mentioned about sanction several sanctions that have that have been slapped on most to by the west and how that has impacted the relationship between indian 8 and russia. the tree and relationship, for example, in which both the countries of very successfully gama was so far. but of course this is a new world or those. so if you say uh both the countries are talking about discussing about this, going to be a press conference which wouldn't happen sometime later in the day. and of course, we get more details as to what are some of the key outcomes to do both for more on why relations between russia and in the are making strides, despite the western pressure or t dot com. so you've covered, we've got analysis there from our been good to through hits, the can find taishan,
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which is co hosting the russia, india conference happening in the okay. and the other story to keep you across today. the world's biggest aircraft producer, boeing isn't hot water over an incident. that's so one of its jets make an emergency landing after losing a door in mid flight over the us. the company shares have tumbled after the night spent thoughts. boeing 737 marks 9 or liners projects by american authorities on till their property investigates. safety is our top priority, and we deeply regret the impact this event has had on our customers and their passengers. we agree with and fully support the phase decision to require immediate inspections of 7379 airplanes with the same configuration as the affected airplane . in addition, a boeing technical team is supporting the n t s b's investigation into last night's
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event. we will remain in close contact with our regulator and customers. the incident happened on friday when a portion of the airliners fuselage was blowing out shortly after take off from portland, oregon plane promptly turn back on, landed safely with a 171 passengers and 6 crew members on several other countries. i've also been quick to run their fleets of the same jets pending pro for boeing 737 mux plates, which entered service in 2017 already built off on on wanted record. in october 2018, a 189 people died after one such jet crushed off the coast of indonesia, due to so called design flaws and maintenance problems. 5 months after that's a crushing ethiopia. so the dense, more than a $150.00 people on board. another plane of the same. the investigation of doctrine
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should be pointed to a problem with the jet sensor or prop experts, us and min cure casa sage regulators must in for stronger measures to prevent such disasters. but definitely it should tell them it's on the professions about not as var size because during the accidental we'd exist in 2019 uh again yeah, we need to differentiate the accident and incident and innovation. so incidence up in the 5000 in many aircrafts being blank or to pass out i know that kind of fast craft then the seriousness of the action stuff needs to be taken should be monday to buy the 3 bodies everywhere, including the airlines themselves. they should take a high level of fathers and because incidence,
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if they're not taken care of, they might end up in front of accidents which might to jeopardize so many of the operations, including the reputation of the manufacturers. among the key events of the past year was the russia, africa summit in st. petersburg. july's forum brought together more than $6000.00 representatives from over a 100 countries. we started with moves big human rights activist, who's in the z. yeah. yeah. mchale is also the daughter of the country's 1st president for her thoughts on africa's emerging roland geo. politics. you should preview of the full entropy, which you can find at r t dot com. i just seen as ya marshall. she is a prominent fighter for human rights, who gives a voice to gender based violence survivors in 2020 josina. michele made the bbc
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list of top 100 influential women in the world. she's the daughter of sonora and russia. national. nelson mandela is her stepfather, samuel, and michelle is a former leader of the most in beacon socialist party. and the 1st president of independent mozambique he tragically died in 1986 in a plane crash during his presidency. russia, michelle is a former chancellor of the university of cape town and the current number of the africa progress panel. she is the only woman in modern history has been the 1st lady of 2 countries. nelson mandela is a world wide, renowned anti apartheid activist who spent 27 years in prison for a legend. trees. and nelson mandela was the 1st black south african president, ruling the country for 5 years. that is,
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the relevance of bricks is really to try and bring a bit of a balance in international politics and in the financial system as well. and have countries that are able to say, we generate this much more, this much more. and we need to be able to say, we need to be able to dictate how it's used. we need to be able to have a discussion with international powers on a one to one and say, listen, you wanted to niecy on here. you need to come and fetch it at a fair price and you're not going to slave all people in order to get that 2 sides of your father's legacy education. and his plan, a frequentist vision, the stack of education for us. he had associated philosophy of change. he wanted people to change and the minds and the hot and build up a new understanding of their position and society. he wanted equality, vanity, and he wanted the economic resources of the country to be distributed equally. your
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father was associates. absolutely. is that so relevant to today's the ad i see in africa. i think it is absolutely relevant. it's perhaps not in the context that it was at that time. but we need to find a formula that actually response to the needs of the people. at this particular time, we need to look at the results of independence. our countries had an increase in the level of education, reducing literacy, for example, because it was focus the governments with focus on saying that we even do cation for free. we give them access to health for free. and then, you know, you can actually start looking at other areas of areas of development. unfortunately, we have seen lots of resources on that. you know, access to education, access to health, access to water is not something that our people can actually enjoy a free. and that's, of course, has a big impediment, is a big impediment full social development, full economic development. and of course it is also on politics. collodion, powers,
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still existing and present in africa. in the ministry shape. we have thousands of french and american, and hundreds of precious soldiers in west africa and many other areas. and sometimes they ways wars against the notion of the governments and, and the continents such as what happened in 2011. and for example, libya and i'll try to away from, from, from this year, the young africans from around the continental, how do you think they could engage with such legacy as that of your father? absolutely. taking us inspiration. and we need to us by a to be as great as that. we need to look at total continents and say, we'd be candid when you talk about the presence of all these 4 and forces you're really talking about in the context of coming to continue in, get the resources,
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right. it's the niecy on is the, is, is the or the, yeah, so the goal about these was a being somehow for to in a different shape. it is not very different from the reason they were there in 1920 . that's love. it's almost the same reason they were there with the process of colonization, but this is a different way of doing it, and it forces as not to pick up um, but i think after everything that was known from our lead us with the level of education we need to invest in our people, but the young people who i had to change it to cool have a very sense of very big sense of being african and wanting to do the best with the content they need to night. right. predictions on predicament, sir. focus next those we joined peter and guess for a low cross talk style about 2020 for me. bring us that goes for that. it's right ahead here on 247 or to enter the.


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