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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the the israel releases fresh videos of its operations and the strikes on the gaza and loving on as us secretary of state visits and tel aviv to solve the firm. washington supports united states of america present by then all your more all call of duty to the fact that you've standings that for us to move this around. the bangladesh elections attracts greater scrutiny this time from the us, such as brand that the recent parliamentary pull results as dishonest, the supply international observers calling them free and fair. and in the latest twist, in the jeffrey epstein saga abuse excuses to around some claims who was forced to
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attract for claims. but the existence of sex types to bill clinton and the prince. andrew, after receiving its friends to her family the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international . we start with the latest on the conflict in does that where the death toll has passed 23000, according to the gaza health ministry. as us secretary of state and today, blanket arrives in israel. the idea for at least the footage of its operation in the palestinian enclave. residential areas. the is rarely soldiers are seen firing weapons during ground operations while they is rarely navy strikes out at gaza territories from the mediterranean sea. in the north, israel has launched a series of airstrikes on lebanon climbing, is taken out of military infrastructure. the international humanitarian
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organization, doctors without borders, says con eunice. shelter was targeted on monday airports and 4 people were hurt including a staff member's, a 5 year old daughter who is now in critical condition. central guys, it has also come under, is really showing in the palace and in health ministry says at least $57.00 bodies and $65.00 injured were brought to el aux the hospital. over the past 24 hours. the desktop in the enclave is now surpassed $23000.00 since october 7th, according to the palestinian health ministry. with over 59000 injured, 8000 missing. and over 1900000 people displaced. local journalists, tons of shalanda spoke to us from the southern border. city of rossa, where more attacks were reported. overnights. the latest news in golf off uh is what there is. and is there any s like uh, barely morning around for m on a,
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a. m tiers, dish and house a lot of people, a lot of display service tvs are trying to find a place to drop off off the uh, the wide freight regarding the position by uh how, how big by the height of the day in a situation in the open area is a mossy areas where the id or possibly a palace used to shelter. there's thousands of tents. uh theres uh, thousands of childrens are thousands of all the, the, um, thousands of women's screen and show things in 10 small as prepared for winter. so it's very cold. and right now winter it is started and more challenging for the palestinians. bells teams fees, no trouble with increasing the number of displaced people. if you drop off with the that's means there's problem with food problem with water problem. good. a lot of the palestinian news are bearing the bronze of the medical disaster. the save,
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the children charity says at least 10 miners and guys have become empty cheese every day. the young are also reportedly 7 times more likely to die from an idea of bombing. then adults and according to the you and children's of fun to 9 out of 10 . and since under the age of 2 phase quote, severe food poverty. here's the story of one child whose life has been shattered by the war you want us to. so i had this child mine, i lost both her parents and she was taken from onto the rubble to the innovation hospital in northern gas am. unfortunately, they couldn't provide the necessary medical services that resulting in the child coming to nasa hospital via the red cross. initially, nothing was made about her because we'll have so many members have been killed in the war. and guys, i managed to identify mona through the internet. i went to nasty hospital. we saw that her eyes are injured, as you can see. and she also has
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a jewel injury which brought her to intensive cap. we won't be there to receive the best possible treatment until for unite with have surviving system. we request a medical transfer outside of gaza to receive treatment. the most crucial aspects of a person who's their eyes, so we want to preserve mona's. additionally, we dom on treatment for the child stool. as the child cannot eat or drink staffel, we request a transfer for treatment. this is the simplest right for human being to be in good health and color. are you a secretary of state and to they blanket has met with as rarely present an isaac hertzog during his latest middle east trip for dogs. thanks to us for its steadfast support. i want to say the united states of america present by then and the administration and your secondary blinking for your more on the call of duty for the fact that you're standing steadfast with is around you as the president is always great, we value the president's leadership in these incredibly challenging times,
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the b is really public and gave a cold reception to washington's top diplomat. relatives of the hostages were made last captivity gathered outside the hotel, were blinking. that was heard sides to demand the release of their loved ones. about $130.00 as rarely, and for hostages are still believed to be held in gaza by the militants. as the invasion on does it escalates public resentment is also mounting world wide . well, anti war demonstrators had told us president joe biden, during the campaign speech in a south carolina church. he had to choose. there's no light one light. there is no pass from his doctors the
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understand i understand the passions and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out. gosh us. well, guys are based a journalist months are schumann has reported extensively from the enclave since the started the is really how most escalation and has discovered his facebook account has been suspended. right. let's find out more from months or himself months. or as i said, there, your facebook account has just been suspended. do you know why? thank you for having me. all you have a good, a post, the 3 or 4 times a day together with them. on the 6th or 7th, all the different social media platforms updates. hear from us up about what's happening sometimes 1st and those pictures. uh,
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sometimes videos of the everybody said in work that you have doing here. uh, sometimes it just updates uh, providing use the people of all to about so the latest. so what's happening on the grounds and them yesterday i was i wanted to post them as an interview with us. i have with the stadium, the gulf testing, coughing, gbc, talking about the data all over a 111 june. that is see it and laza. and while i click polls, it said that my account was suspended for 24 hours. you to just click this content, so i don't know what that just took, the contents was got. so that's what happens. interesting. as you said, you've been reporting extensively via social media from the gaza. talk to us about your reaction when once you saw that your account had been suspended. oh yeah, i heard the, you know, a lot of other social media. and so what's the result of other journalists who also
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complain about them? accounts being shadow bands, being respected, being close down. um i had a couple of tick tock accounts. that's where shut down my have to goes to stop over this, but i've also got the falls on the how to do work on it again. and so these things do happen, and unfortunately it shows us well, but the other, 2 of the social, the 3 worlds that are trying to control us here, even through just what take out the tools on different social media platforms. so it says that it's a bit unfortunate multicultural forces us to be more creative, to find other solutions and ways to get the tools out. and one of them is by ensuring that we also go out through the normal traditional ways such as, for example, the national tv, through tv station like yourselves. as we have been doing that, i give the lead for the last night to this is who said your account has been
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suspended for 24 hours. are you concerned that if you keep reporting on social media, that you will be suspended again, perhaps indefinitely and, and what is your plan for how to deal with this problem? as you say that many of your other social media accounts like take talking in spam, have also been suspended in the past. so we need to create backup accounts and let the follow as know about about them just in case this gets a bond or cancel whatever. uh, we also have the because people who are very supportive, all the freedom of speech working inside of these companies that are also working out of the 247 to ensure that these bands stopped. so hopefully this would also help us out. we also need to look at alternative social media platforms that's provide 3. it is pretty that when it comes to the 14, the for us, you have to ensure that it's has the full for each to the billions of people out
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there who are looking for the tools as we also need to leverage each of that. so let's say, for example, my sears account skip band. well, osman, or maya or adjustments accounts can be used to split his or head content instead. so there would always be challenges. what is all that we would all just overcome the ones. busy right, months or show and gaza based journalist months are thank you. thank you. so is really finance minister, but as a law smell, troje has shockingly referred to the entire population of guys as nazis drawing and raged reaction from some us mainstream media posts of the jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip, so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there, if not, $13000000.00 nazis and gaza. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning . and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th, 2000000 as of course,
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the population of guys a. so take that in for a moment. to 1000000 quarter hold nazis and guys. so babies 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them, nazis a former palestinian national economy minister, bass them car a told us that blinking can hardly be trusted to promote and unbiased agenda and these really palestinian conflict a lincoln. unfortunately, some day, one of the is a, the additional guys us, the clearly stated that to use is i'm, this is june and he's coming basically in 100 percent support of what does and does as what is actually doing has been given this blank check of approval from left onto the united states, but also from various western country is named it within 5 se city germany, except except i think that the lincoln has 2 things on his mind. one which is major, which is when he gets his bus to the elective. and the,
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according to the doctor was getting from the us for the different balls that the thanks to by the, is the heart of the stance these it'd be punished. i kind of the what kind of something happening in, by the side fees of the closing data, the voltage, this is causing the most involved and he's using the progressive voice menu to both of these. because basically all of these who voted for him in there is a 2020 a month looking for him. now in 2024. a does result of that. he would definitely lose the election in some few states where he needs those votes and they leave michigan and then other than other states. the 2nd thing is what's happening in the, the, let's see. and the amount of the hosting is and the blockade that is being imposed 48 percent of the population has got to do so basically what you're saying that these children are not here for this shipment. so the through this reflects the mentality of this reflects the aptitude was that you have to be honest,
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the only it is not the only person that is this is and they say this of people who would say that's the message i think he is reflecting is looking at the matter, i'm speaking about volunteering this to bbc program anchor has been challenged by a many who say later, for the tone of their questions about the war in gaza. which suggested that caring about a country which is so far away is unreasonable. oh my lord that i'm in what i'm yeah. and then they cool most economical model cost. so i see that definitely the money that they can most economical. i'm not the head of the who. so the, me, i need my law lock on my head that so what i looking at yes, him with a headache and they had that had this. i mean a mother and this by the, by the time the unable to you who i got a video exploring visual bell, i had the visual now i move, this one is adding over here. and i'm and i get on to this how the last of the model has got a for the b r o b a. all right,
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let's discuss this now with use of mallory journalist and a political analyst who joins me from the amend capital uses. good to have you on with us, i'd like to hear your reaction to the bbc anchors questionnaire. first of all, this was a, this ingenious question that was filled with a pa, garcia and double standards. human is involved in this, in this conflict because as easily as mentioned, human steals is a moral. and he made it to an obligation to bring an end to active genocide. genocide that is being committed by me is really we gene while the rest of the world remain silent. and some western nations are most western nations continue to few will support that genocide by their continuous military support. to be is really regina. now, what this be, you know, what does this b b c reporter want and response? when posing that question you, the question is basically why jim and getting involved when,
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you know the conflict is uh, know about 2000 kilometers a, wait, what does she want? the response to be that just because human as far away as, as you know, shares a different geographic location than that of the palestine in gaza. does that need that human should remain silent and not get involved in that? try to help out in repay, but suffering that the palestinians has been can be, you know, as israel has been forced upon the palestinians. and this is not just the moral obligation and humanitarian obligation on human. but any nation has a humanitarian need to bring an end to this type of suffering. and if the case was human should not get involved because it's just far away from guys have been. well, if that's the case, what about the french and spain and the netherlands, hoping that the american revolution fight off the british occupation back in the $1775.00, is what countries that costs up the world of weight. so they support the american
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militias against what was deemed a legal, british occupation. and this is a similar situation to that which is happening in palestine. we have a native peoples fighting this phone occupation represented by the israeli government. the government that is submitting to the site and they need all the help that they can get that just from human. but from any sweet nation that's deals, it is an obligation to uphold the rule of law. and to step in, in order to bring an end genocide that the entire week is going to be shuttled. and you said, i don't want to imply that the bbc percenters attitude represents a everyone. however, one in the west fields. but what do you think it says about the mindset of western policy in the middle east or saw? well, i think what it says is, the western end was policy is more chaos and destruction as we have seen
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throughout many, many decades. and the reason why i'm, i bring up the bbc and the bbc reporter, is because less mass to get before a major ward is about to be launched by any western nation. they 1st need to sell that war. the 1st need to call all of the outputs. they're politicians, all of their associates, in order to create this false narrative of a booty man. and this is a theme tactic. i'm saying narrative that was published before the record happened, whereby the bbc pleaded and for 2 roles in treating this false narrative that saddam hussein or act because of weapons of mass destructions. and that's the rec food, i mean, it was justified the us and british lead occupation, which saw the desk of about a 1000000 iraqis cool died because of a false narrative that was treated by the likes of the bbc and other mainstream
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western nation. so let's not forget, the policy of, of the us in western nations has always been to cause instability and chaos in the middle east. we have a long list of this throughout the history. and for the bbc to tactically is for typically post the question or treat this as no narrative that young men should not get involved in palestine because they sure know of voters with palestine is just a way to keep the middle east divided so that the us can step in and occupied, you know, really impose military occupation of the nation's natural resources without any nation getting involved. and then so this is a big story in the past of us and is really in western had demonic domination of middle eastern regina us. and as to allies, it's clear that there's support for israel is steadfast, but washington's rhetoric does seem to be softening, although it really hasn't stopped as well from ramping up its actions in gaza.
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healing has been the militants 11 on and using this replacement language regarding the enclave. but what do you think it says about us influence in the region? i think what it says about the us includes in the region, is that again, they want to continue occupying the middle east directly and interrupt me. they want to destroy. they want to serve estimate, they want to basically quell any form uprising against the western international hedge. a monic architecture that the middle east has been witnessing for, for many, many decades. and must not forget again with this course with the question of the series of questions in this false narrative being created by the media. always trying to betray that. the threat that face of the world is coming from countries in the middle east. countries like m and countries like direct concepts like iran, within reality, you know it's, it's not, this is matthew m and that is sending despite digits and dropping bombs, half of rules away on innocent people. it's not human that dropped and the nuclear
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bomb in korea shima to link hundreds of thousands of, of japanese. there's a long list of blood chaos and destruction that has been spilled by the american men, scientists, western, uh, you know, entities. so they are in the position to dictate which country should or should not be involved when it comes to bring an end to the suffering of innocent people in palestine. i haven't really, but their uses now a journalist and political analyst in the capital of human. you said, thank you. thank you. when out to bangladesh, where the u. s. appears to be trying to it's way the recent parliamentary election results by branding them as this honest r t correspond that range and trying to dig deeper into the story. a shake as he knows me to come back to mama this off to winning an election, which so a his tar recruiting your total out. but this when this come by because it will
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surprise for anybody really. why is that? because back in the when, but the, me not position thought the in longer these bangladesh, nationalist, spotty b, and b needed nouns of white quarters. the elections this off to us on 20000 or the position members was sent behind, bothered by the, his, the non government for organizing nationwide protests against a government against the cost of living crisis. the economic crisis, the baby leaves the scene on government is responsible for none the less with the swiss shake has he not get the 5th consecutive term? and also she also becomes the longest serving fragment and stuff of box. now these she's been getting congratulations messages from across the was like know the us the us to now has been silent and now it's cesar, the elections held in bangladesh were not fed and they wouldn't not free. let me on the line the this after us observe of giving a shuttle thoughts to the bundle,
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the selections, calling them fair, also calling them free. now remember, no elections were monitored by around 127. international of zillow was also some 159 for them showing this has now said that if the you are satisfied, we are willing to try and de stabilized funds of these. now this is something that she can see now herself has previously. and she basically said that he was assigned to is a very long abuse. and telling me the politics send that to us was trying to talk for how long the lease, remember its by sweet directly, please. between to ation, supervisor, india and china. not enough. so in the implication along with these elections and yet to several people try and get to all the details a whole and a new twist and the ongoing jeffrey epstein, files saga abuse accuse or sarah ran some now stands by her testimony about sex
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types of bill clinton and the prince. andrew exist. that's after she walked back the claims in 2016, under alleged threats to her and her family. they all the videos that exist, the people that know they exist. um, i'm sure i'm very frightened of them being released. so how do you know, dan, that's epstein had cameras on the island. it's not a secret that everything was recorded. multiple victims have come forward, consuming my account, along with others. i've also seen recordings in his office. we've just heard a woman who is electric. they want to have jeffrey apps, things, sex slaves who is exploited by the bullying. and businessman has reinforced these claims that she soul, the sex types involving prince andrew involving the former us president bill clinton on the british tycoon of richard bronze and the, the type. she says that she had seen these types. she said that she was sending the
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video footage uh by a friend of course these types of yet to be independently verified. we haven't seen them yet, but these obligations were revealed in the recently what he's court documents. and she says this, this is what she rhodes. i personally kind of confirmed the i have with my own 2 eyes, seen the evidence of the sexual acts, which clearly identifies bill clinton prints on through richard bronson. having sexual intercourse with my friend. i will be more than willing to sweat under oath and testify a quote with a these 6 types. so she's very clear. she says that the, that faces with every community identified as she, with somebody to these allegations on the purchase breakfast television program. good morning britain, and she said that she is being forced to withdraw all those claims which she made to join this back in 2016. and i would like to retract temporaries, and i have to sub to you and walk away from this. it's not was coming forward tonight will never be had anyhow, and only bad things will happen as
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a consequence of me going public. and i know this to be true. this will just create a pain for my family. and they have really helped me pick up the pieces once before and i come ask them to do that again. i guess one pass and come to make a difference. now, representative for jeffrey epstein, his lawyer out into chavez, who of course himself is implicated in these latest trove of court documents. now they're trying to pull tre, running some as an unreliable witness due to this retraction. but she has insisted that she is being colors. and she's not the only one that says that she's being pressured by are the extremes, lawyers, all those associated with the court documents. and if it had to cover up a pump, somebody's fitness. the example would be that all of the case involving a friend to run some who claims that she was threatened by representatives of the clinton family that henry clinton, who was of course, running to be the the nobody for the democrat presidential candidate in 2000 that i
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still found to barca bowman, but it is alleged that she sent special agents round to the house of her friend and said that if she continued to testify, if she released the, the details of the said badge sex type of her having sex with henry's husband bill clinton that her all have family would come to home. now she says that those agents arrived at her house and they forced to essentially to sign a document, a disclosure documents saying that she would keep a lid on this. and that she was candid, a substantial cash payment from the cleaning some foundation. she also says a friend that's threatened to suit jeffrey at the same for the damages because of what happened to on his island, but was bullied by out into sivitz again. his lawyer, who again, as he said, is implicated himself in the light is on his what side of the bill clinton is not the only form of president that's been named in these lights. is this like just
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drove of court documents? donald trump said most of the pays and run some says that he had sex with a woman that i'm named for me to gain. that's actually is new york months. and now again, we have to say the old amends. that'd be named if i run some, have vigorously denied declining somebody. site is al faces allegations indeed f as a big names coming off as well. ok, the 1st sponsor of court documents is not being released, just take us through the contents. so that's why this is the latest trolls of documents. some of the names have been in the public domain. some of them have been known before, but hundreds of names have been released now in these on the old co documents, which really showing the lights into the new rate behavior of the rich power for it is also exposed, more documents to more co testimonies. photographs of young women on epstein zyden and details of the obligations of the sexual abuse of these young goes
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by epstein. now of course people have been waiting nervously, unconsciously failing that the name may be in these court documents. some of them, like i said, we've mentioned prince andrew, bill clinton and richard bronson. others include perhaps surprising the professor stephen hol, can the aspect for this is the magician, david copperfield, the deceased pop star, michael jackson. i'm this count, this businessman named and those documents as well. we have to say as well, but just because they've been named, it doesn't necessarily imply and a sense of room doing, but some of costs accuse of having visited apps, things private on and noticed peter wide and well run. some said that there was a never ending flow of goals that we can go back to 2000 today. of course, jeffrey epstein was convicted to all procuring a child prostitute for sex. and a number of those charges were dropped in a plea deal. you still have around 13 month sentence, not sure it was on a release,
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but then a late months later, he was charged with a string of fences possible serious ones, including sex traffic. and he was found dead in his prison cell in 2019. but it said that this was death or suicide. by hanging out, of course it'd be lots of questions raised uh over that. but since his death uh precluded the possibility of these criminal charges being successful. because uh the because he's deceased in 2019 only those criminal charges against him were dropped, meaning his victims were very angry. but he managed to evade justice. now, i'm sure that they were going to be more revelations, as more or more of these documents come to lights. alright, just stay with us. i'm back with much more news in about 30 minutes, but also be sure to visit our website r t dot com for the very latest breaking news and update the.


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