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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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a wedding, a 175 use virtual. do you have sense of all we going to lift that stay the at least 8 people that killed as eco dog is engulfed in violence. the countries president declared as an internal conflict is on the way as criminal gangs. so unrest across the south american nation groups these hostages and take control of multiple presents a state t v building and the universe states for micro dorian presidents. rafael korea speaks exclusively to the other model unfolding the name oh, here we are in the states of internal hom conflicts, us organized crime has declared war on the states and the states must use legal force to fight back and 15 people are killed by his vanity strike and rough uh,
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instilled in goss, i'm thousands on to the blinking says the civilian death slowly to heights was stopped short of calling for a cease fire through his visits and tell him the, it's just on the 7 and it must go. this is all the international with the latest, we'll use his grades. happy with. always start with a bit of breaking news. they saw him in south america, where the presence of ecuador called for the urgent meeting of the country, security council of the criminal groups launch volumes and sikes across the country . you said the government would do everything it deems necessary to restore peace as the armies given a green light to neutralize the groups. the president, daniel nobela, has signs and executive decree, declaring estates of internal conflict, just identified terms national, organized crime groups as terrorist organizations and belligerent non state actors
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as ordered the armed forces to execute the military operations to neutralize these groups. invest has engulfed sounds on the cities across eco don't. at least 8 people are being killed in riots. and in the city of dia, quilt, according to the local authorities, the critical group as opposed to the bay to the university and incentive to take hostages of police. and the army are trying to reduce in order to the streets of police operations that have already resulted in arrests, this voltage shed by law enforcement agencies. so the capture of several meant the broke into a television building and a foot board. and you may find the following images disturbing. if the men took over the television studio and the nations, the 2nd largest city, trying automatic weapons and explosives, media work is in the building during the site to be had tating for their lives before the feed was coats and the channel taken off a. in the name of the we are in the states of internal conflicts as organized crime has declared war on the states of the states must use all legal force defined by
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armed forces. a national police take to the streets, respond intelligently with full support using all available resources to defeat these criminal gains. 7 years of destruction, hatred, and accumulated mistakes. the rule of law disappeared because of political persecution. and today we cried. bloody tiers. they so the wins, and now they will reap the whirlwind. unfortunately, president noble, it has no experience is completely unprepared for this job. but we must unconditionally supports him as the country is engulfed in arms, conflicts. according to ecuador penitentiary service, a $125.00 security guards and full team administrative work is being held hostage by prisoners in 5 deals across the country. this video, which is circulating online, is set to show members of los kinetic us. one of the controls,
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the most powerful drug guns, executing, present gods and the facilities which the head of the group how described earlier. the video though, has not been independently verified. in the meantime, a great 10 minute your presence is be seen on the streets across the country. those necessarily gave its full support. so the armed forces on the police, including on this these in pardons for the use of force, the necessary to restore security. we heard from diego square is an old preschool on the list from visit ben, his whaler. and he says that the ongoing invest in ecuador has been time for a long time striking. it's these go in the scale of this actions. this is not a key on this thing. i mean, this is something well plan because you can see where all the critical areas are actually attacking all the is. yeah, critical knows i'll get all this especially for the kids, but not on the way again. i mean, did there,
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these are things that are happening everywhere in the content. there is more comfortable way and um, it raises a lot of questions and makes you suspicious about how easily this happens. eh, and also home. there was some isn't how miserable it is because it's basically okay, you've got critical targets on the city just like a university, tv channels and whatnot. but these are actually sloppy criminals. this is not a military operation in that sense, but other st. and then also there it has this huge impact because they're basically eh, targeting stop targets. well, it's such a paper was led to following the prison break of adult felt much yes, but it's a known as feed. so there's a lead to all of it. and it's always criminal gung loss canals. it was linked to drug trafficking unmoved. if a higher, the drug lords have also reports the escapes and conservation during the flare up
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in violence. if adobe presidents of daniel and above has felt that the government will restore peace and security, it always puts you in a slot as if i have given clear and precise instructions to the military and police chiefs to intervene in the control of the prisoners. and i've just signed a degree for a states of emergency so that the armed forces have all the political and legal supports and their actions. what we're seeing in the countries prisons is the result of our decision to confront them. that is why the government has taken actions that will allow us to regain control of the persons that have been lost in recent years. and in response, these not co tyrus groups are trying to intimidates us and believe that we will give into the demands. we will not to negotiate with terrorists, nor will we rest until the return piece to wall ecuador ends, the places, and the 1st time lead backwards all has promised to crack down on the gun culture. we discussed the issue with lots, an american account based studies professor daniel, so ecuador has become the new columbia around mexico. when i used to
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hearing the stories of organized crime, taking power within the prison system, the new president. i know now boy, is holes allowed just a few months back. the very narrow, the one, the presidential election is sworn a holy war against organized crime. but right now, organized crime is the upper end, is we see from these ongoing rebellions within the prison system specifically and why i see right now what we have is a showdown between organized crime. in the ecuadorian stage, the ecuadorian state has responded with a heavy hand with military and police interventions in these uh, jails that are in rebellion. we have to go deeper because the near liberally tenure of your tongue is not or is not resolving the social crises, which means that ecuadorian tuesdays become
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a potential recruits for these organized games that kenzie, what we saw with fabulous go, but most notoriously a columbia. some decades bags this showdown between organize gains in the neo liberal sea with many ecuadorian youth trapped in the middle field. this empowered in the future arise and then become the human material that can be recruited by these games. maybe don't. now at least 15 people have been killed on dozens injured bodies or the striking rough fine southern gaza. the shell hits an apartment building despite the area previously been designated as a safe zone by the idea. video is circulating online shows the scale of destruction as people scrambled to pull the victims out from under the roof. or the idea has really small footage of his operations in the palestinian enclaves by
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including a seat by sci fi, think in the ongoing ground defensive as what does this strikes by these very navy, from positions in the mediterranean to the north is as long as that there is a strikes on neighboring lebanon targeting, what's it called military infrastructure that well, the international humanitarian organization, doctors without borders, says that it's connie shelter was hates on monday. the reports full of people were hurt, including a staff member's, a 5 year old daughter. he's currently in a critical condition, central gaza as also coming to is very showing on the published and your health ministry says that at least 57 bodies on 65 injured people were brought to the hospital and just the past 24 hours along with it that's all in the in place as now sufficed. 23000 people since october. the 7th. that's according to the palestinian health ministry. with over 59000 injured, 8000 missing. and almost 2000000 people displaced. local journalist tons of
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children spoke to us from the southern board. a city of rough. the latest news in golf off uh is what there is. and is there any s like uh, barely morning around for m a. m tiers, dish and house. a lot of people, a lot of display status tvs, are trying to find a place. it does offer a wide variety of operation by having by the id or a human in a situation in the open areas and other mossy areas where the idea of hospitality is to show through. there's thousands of tents and there's a thousands of children are thousands of all the and thousands of women's screen and sheltering in tank. smoke as prepared for winter. so it's very cold. and right now, winter it is started and more challenging for the palestinians. bells teams phase
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most challenging is increasing the number of displaced people if you dropped off with the that's means there's problem with food stopping with water problems with a lot of things. the effective states on st blinking has mets with is really presidents. isaac said, so i'll get during his latest release chip, that sort of thing to us. for example, i want to say the united states of america present by then and the same expression and your sec through blinking for your more all call of duty for the fact that you're standing steadfast with is around all. thank you, mr. president is always great. we value the presence leadership in these incredibly challenging times the these really so they gave washington's something per month. a cooler reception though, as relatives of the around a 150 hostages, were still being held captive by have mussing gaza gathered outside the meeting
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between blinking and hooks up to the button. the release of their loved ones. you are suggest states, all the media conference, and the expansion always read assessments makes it difficult to achieve. i last name please. the beach. israel must be a partner to policy any leaders who are willing to lead their people and living side by side in peace with israel and as neighbors. and israel must be a most stop taking steps. the under cut housings ability to govern themselves effectively, extremely settler violence carried out with impunity. settlement expansion, demolitions evictions, all make it harder. not easier for israel to achieve lasting peace and security. so ms. really officials beg to differ. the finance minister, for example, does a small trade set. the jewish settlements shall be established in garza and strongly labeled the entire population of the territory as nazis. the statement was met with rage on us, mainstream media. jewish settlement should be established on the territory of the gaza strip, so that there will be a jewish presence there for
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a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there. if not, 13000000 nazis in gods. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th comes to me and it's of course, the population of guys. so take that in for a moment. to 1000000 quarterly go nazis and guys, and so babies. 2 year olds, 3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. not please us news outlet plates co as question the true intentions of prime minister netanyahu his wife. it's inc garza suggesting that up for loans, conflicts, and that surgery would be a destruction from his domestic issues that they could face jail time on. corruption charges is what i supreme court recently ruled against destiny. ours for both of all of the judiciary and we can his grip on power in the us. i to based group americans for peace. now says that the by the ministration is making no efforts and the blood shed in the middle east. continuing this that was taking the
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war poses unacceptable risk for ease real goals and civilians and the entire region for the sake of the security and wellbeing of seville in some israel and gaza. the biden administration was pushed israel to bring about the and immediate cessation of hostilities and people from war to peace making. i certainly welcome it. honestly. i don't find it terribly surprising. i think, you know, most of the world's population, including many jews are just repelled by what's happening. i think as it, um, it is a genocide and um, and so you know, naturally a lot of people oppose it again including many jews. and i think also for design is they see quite rightly that of israel is really destroying its credibility while you're starting to see in the mainstream press more honest assessments of the devastating civilian casualties in gaza. even the mainstream press,
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which has been very defensive of a visual, has come around to starting to talk about the fact that this is the most deadly conflict we have ever seen. certainly, since world war 2, you've seen articles in the associated press saying that the washington post saying that the rate of civilian deaths or something you know, again, unprecedented, certainly in, in, again, since world war 2, even greater than world war 2. and this is a sea change, and i think that again, israel has a problem. their p. r is now not working for the 1st time since 1948. the goals are based journalist month. so schuman has reported extensively from the enclave. since this dots of the is really how much escalation and he's discovered that he's, facebook counts has been suspended. we discussed this area with months, so himself a good post, the 3 or 4 times
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a day together with them on 6 or 7 of the different social media platforms. updates here from mazda of elk. what's happening sometimes person has pictures. sometimes videos of the mediterranean work that you have doing here. uh, sometimes it just updates uh, providing news to the people about um, about the latest sale for stopping in on the grounds. and then yesterday i was, i wanted to post um, i had an interview with us. i have with the most put in grove custom, coughing, gbc, talking about the all over a 100 of them. you live in june the receipt and laza. and while i clicked poles, it said that my account was suspended for 24 hours. you to restrict this content? yeah, i heard that you know, a lot of other social media. and so what's the result the father joined. that is true. also complained about them, accounts being shadow bands, being respected,
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being close down. so i had a couple of tick tock accounts. that's where shut down my have to goes stop over. and that is to get, i've also got up on a how to do work on it again. and so these things do happens and unfortunately it shows us nobody. i'm a chief of the so called the tree world. are you concerned that if you keep reporting on social media, that you will be suspended again, perhaps indefinitely and, and what is your plan for how to deal with this problem? as you say that many of your other social media accounts like take talking in spam, have also been suspended in the past. it says into the unfortunates multicultural forces us to be more creative and to find other solutions and ways to get the truth out. so we need to create the back of accounts and let the follow as know about about them. just teachers that gets the band or cancer or whatever. so there would always be challenges. what is showing that we would almost overcome them one way or
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another, whether you've any and supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has accused israel of killing thousands of innocent people in gaza coming came as the lead to addressed his followers, his office, he corresponding use of july with more. there was a sense of the people of gauze. i have shattered the grandeur of the west side. his real. this remark was made by him on supreme leader i to law hominy on tuesday. he was addressing together in march, a 1978 process, the new last city, a home that is seen as the start of the downfall of the for her us back. that'd be roll. anyone. how many a power which would be why and as long as revolutions and what's happening today in java, he said these moments of the machine came to fruition and following the loss of many lives, led to a movement that was able to overflow quotes, be arrogant and depressive positive emerging, there was dependent on the way he said, the same thing is happening in palestine today what
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a small resistance group is standing against the world superpowers there. well equipped but have failed to bring a small number of people in gaza and their needs for the generator that 30 of designers regime is committing crimes. first of all, these crimes will be recorded in history. they will not be forgotten, even after these honest regime is destroyed and whites off the face of us by the grace of god in future. it will be written in books that one day a group came to power and committed these crimes. they killed several 1000 women and children in a few weeks, looked at garza and the role of the people's resistance, a tiny group, a states with a population of 2000000 living on a small territory standing against the us and all this glory and his sidekick designers treasure these the different platforms, humiliated the idea of saying and resorts to show as women and children and gaza, while falling short of achieving it said goal of destroying from us. they want also
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fails. the emergence of new friends from the so called excess of resistance from young women on a long can, syria that are been engaged in attacking is really and american forces is the support of policy. that's of course israel and the west have responded by targeting the resistance leaders and basis over the past weeks, including senior members of us. it was high school in shelby and our gc was for us . but what's more, fucking was the recent terror attack any of on the city of clermont, which was claimed by ices terrorist. but now it was as was engineered by these royal and the u. s. supreme leader said, the country will find and rigorously punish the perpetrators of the deadly attack the most of the sold incur mon, what's quote, a conspiracy to draw you want into the gaza war. acute one that will start in the
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bits a and catastrophic incident that took place in kind of mind which afflicted the nation . we do not intend to make our conversations, but we do insist that the real perpetrators and the people behind this incident or identified. so they can be found and stops. worship had had also it's largely viewed as in me used to make one more, i'll get another last on the anniversary of the u. s. association of all your gc was forced cavender last time. somebody money was viewed as the heart attacks of the resistance fraud, which i swear to the safety of american forces in the region at the time when so a money was alive and now after his death, the same force has driven washington and the idea of distraction and finally, by to the us, where donald trump's legal team has presented arguments, saying that the phone president should be immune from persecution is charged with trying to legally over to his of 2020 election laws. like his ations,
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a trump has labeled as politically motivated. i think is very unfair when a the policy is prosecuted by the by and so in almost every notice came out today that are really the july precedent as we said, it's the same thing. this happened with this whole situation when they talked about the democracy, democracy donald trump is set to go. busy on trial in march on charges of elections version of the allegation is that while he was in office and not viewing the 2020
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election as legitimate misused his power. and the allegation is that he tried to subvert the electoral process in the united states. now, this ruling uh and this legal case could be pretty big in american history. it would be the 1st time that a former us president has been convicted of crimes. and it would set a huge precedent as you heard just hers. donald trump said this was opened pandora's box. now trump's legal team essentially argued uh that, uh, from their view. uh, this is not a legitimate prosecution. this is politically motivated and that donald trump is certainly not the 1st former us president to have enough areas, reputation to authorize. the prosecution of a president for his official acts would open a pan doris box from which this nation may never recover. could george w bush be prosecuted for obstruction of an official proceeding for allegedly giving
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false information to congress to induce submission to go to war in iraq under false pretences? the president obama be potentially charged with murder for allegedly, authorizing drones strikes, targeting us citizens, located abroad. the attorneys, uh, their arguments they presented was not really bought by the judge. the judge said that, you know, farmer, us presidents are not above the law. their actions have to be in compliance with the law and that if this, there was not the ability to prosecute them, they could, you know, target their political opponents, they could give away state secrets, et cetera. however, it was pointed out by trumps, the attorney is it is donald trump did break the law while serving in the official capacity of us president, he should have been charged and tried with an impeachment trial. there should have been an impeachment and a trial by the us senate that is the constitutional procedure. and it's worth knowing that that did happen to donald trump on both occasions, on 2 occasions he was in peach. adam, teacher and charges brought against him,
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did stand trial and us senate on and on both occasions, he was found not guilty, and he remained in office so he was acquitted in the impeachment, proceedings that went on in the us congress. so this raises the question of these prosecutions that are now taking place if they are not somehow double jeopardy. and donald trump is facing charges that he has already faced up for crimes the allegedly committed in office which for which he was found not guilty in a trial by the us senate. so this raises a lot of constitutional and legal questions, but many look at the polls and say that is donald trump is able to get through all the legal difficulties. this is not the only civil case or legal prosecution. the donald trump is facing that if he's able to get through the prosecution and the legal trouble, he's currently facing this very good chance he could win the upcoming election as phone numbers. do not look good for joe, but we heard from american social host, steve multi packs, who says that even if donald trump is found guilty,
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you could still win this year's presidential elections. and i've used this word before and the word is unprecedented. we've never seen anything like this and we've never seen anything like what's still to come between now and november. i mean, just think about it. a former president who happens to be leading in the polls to win the next presidential election indicted several times. the end is facing several trials and is in court right now with his lawyers, claiming that he's of you own from prosecution for any crimes he may have been committed either you may have committed while he was in office would have trouble, you know, winds up being found guilty of truck winds up in jail, he could still run for president and with what you have the president biden's justice department going after indicting the president's chief rival, who is the head in the. busy pals,
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and putting them on trial in an election year leading up to the election. this is what happens in, quote, unquote, you know, 10 group countries in and kangaroo democracies. it doesn't happen in the united states of america and it shouldn't happen. and that's all for me. pizza scott's, but i'll be passing the bus on on. so you know, neil who behaved in around 30 minutes time with all the lights this. thank you very much. vehicle the the the
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at the end of the 18th century, britain began to illegal opium, afraid in china, this hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy l. b. on. however, the ruling chinese dream dynastee tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards, barley, arm denmoore, lead train, chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open its boards for trading the legal good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french
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troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un making you one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the do obie and wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states. and started each age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the many people questioned the name was true, provocative. collateral murder instead of collateral damage the feel for mission. but as a former marine company commander, i knew enough about war law launch of war to know the town was in fact, or there is no video of more market in history in the public domain. there is
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no video type that shows how a country like the united states has wage war. there's nothing out there that is so on the on east that is on census, that shows what was in the modern era is really like nothing. and that's why the us government doesn't want it in the, in a court room where they want to try drilling and such. that's why it's not part of the indictment against it because it's so embarrassing it's, i think it's really important that especially young people by watching i know it's tough to watch it and absorb it and understand why it is such a significant piece of journalism. my firm can hope like a courtyard roger and i just.


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