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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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find the black, oregon trade, the at least 10 people are killed of ecuador des, engulfed in violence. the country's president say as an internal arm conflict is under way us criminal gains on least kale so forced to suck the american nation and gals that more than a 1000 are killed and sports more people. when did you notice really strikes again homo, the southern city of around that time with at least 30 to publish the me in journalist, arrested bonnie israel since october 7th. we hear from one reporter who has recently released their systematic toilets on
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a daily basis. they told us with me for 25 days, just sitting on my knees, 16 hours tortured every day. the conditions, good, difficult, but i was really plus also i had this, our israel reportedly instruct its hospitals to prepare for an influx of household face, admitting free singly deadly strikes across the border with lab and all the welcome to the mid week news roundup. at this wedding state, january the 10th a full bulletin, a head, let's get into it. we begin inside said mary kay, we're at least 10 people have been killed in a series of attacks by criminal groups across ecuador, president on the old boy has declared a state of internal armed conflict in the country and say, he's his military is fighting norco terrorist guns,
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the will, as you can see, chaotic scenes from cities in ecuador showing a glimpse of the violence on the streets, scores of casualties, helping rush to hospitals and middle ongoing gun fights in broad daylight while criminals attack and shooting up seemingly random people, the unrest erupt after a prominent drug cartel leader disappeared from a maximum security prison and was on the day of the country's president and of all has reportedly gone into hiding his palace in the capital city has been to populated and one of the leaders spokesman outlying the details of the presidents uncompromising decree to eliminate the guns and they carry the decrease as the following. provide for the mobilization and intervention by the armed forces and national police across the country to guarantee sovereignty and territorial
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integrity against transnational crime and terrorist organizations and religion and non state actors in accordance with the provisions of this executive degree. or yeah, as well. take a look at those scenes that struck the nation and beyond. a group of armed men stormed at ecuadorian t. v studio on tuesday, which was broadcasting live taking stuff hosted isn't due to the fact 8 shows police here arresting via sealants earlier in the dramatic images from this thing which you may find distressing. depicted the news room employee. he's being held at gunpoint in that scenario. the cameras cap rolling as most men overrun the room, forcing journalist the color on the floor. people were heard pleading for their lives shortly before the channels broadcast was taken. don, it's on tier if any of the employees were injured. here's a local reporter, alexander gail, from the ecuadorian capital, with more on the nation wide term. well, you know,
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the, the president of back, what do daniel, nevada has announced a state of internal conflict in the country in which more than 20 criminal groups are involved. the by was said, the base, the armed forces and the national police will walk to neutralize the threats that have been riots across equity o since last night. police officers have been abducted as well as around 125 prison guards. one of the most serious crimes occurred today when 13 who did criminals seize the premises of national tv channels t. c. television. the such and criminals have already been neutralized by the national police. according to our sources to employees of the channel were injured . but we're still waiting for the details. this kidnapping operation, which last at about 2 hours in total was broad costs on national television for about 15 minutes. what echo doors leader is the 3rd youngest, currently globally, and came to power as a result of snap elections after parliament was dissolved last may,
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the businessman put combining drug violence as his main priority upon taking office, but killings have continued to soar, but i'll feel truly a previously laid ecuador for 10 years is the incumbent president on the level is on 5th, for the job, is the name of the we are in the states of internal conflicts as organized crime has declared war on the states, and the states must use all legal force defined by our armed forces, a national police take to the streets, respond intelligently with full support using all available resources to defeat these criminal kindness, 7 years of destruction, hatred, and accumulated mistakes. the rule of law disappeared because of political persecution. and today we cry. bloody tiers, they so the wins and now they will reap the whirlwind. unfortunately,
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president obama has no experience is completely unprepared for this job. but we must unconditionally support them as the country is engulfed in our conflict. a will following the disappearance of cartel leader, adult 4 must see us from prison. riots broke out of several other guilds across the country. the number of guards were taken hostage by inmates. some other drug gun figures have reportedly managed to escape amid the cans to these disturbing images circulating on social media partly show gang members executing prison guards in the facility from which the cartel boss escaped. according to echo doors, penitentiary service, 125 security guards, and more than a dozen administrative workers are being held hostage by prisoners in 5 jails across the country. equity wayne president on a level dakota state of emergency. on monday, i've given clear and precise instructions to the military police chiefs to
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intervene in the control of the prison. i have just signed a degree for a state of emergency, so that the, all the forces have all the political legal supports and the actions once by seeing and the congress prison says the result of all decision to confront them. that is why the government has taken actions that will allow us to regain control of the presence and response. the smell. cold service groups are trying to intimidate us and believe that we will give in to the months we will not negotiate with terrorists, nor will we rest until we return peace to all ecuadorian. well, we got reaction on developments from lots and american and target being studies. professor tony shaw, who sees a current attempt by the governments across, done on going culture or ecuador, who's become the new columbia around mexico. when i used to hearing the stories of
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organized crime, taking power within the prison system, the new president gun, you know, boy is holes around just a few months back. the very narrow, the one, the presidential election is sworn a holy war against organized crime. but right now organize prime is the, uh, bring in is we see from these ongoing uh, rebellions within the present system specifically. and why i see right now what we have is this showdown between organized crime. in the ecuadorian stage, the ecuadorian state has responded with a heavy hand with military and police interventions in these jails that are in rebellion. we have to go deeper because the near liberally ginger of your tongue is not for is not resolving the social crises, which means that equitorial use, they become a potential recruits for these organized gains. that kenzie,
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what we saw was pablo escobar, most notoriously in columbia. some decades bags this the showdown between organized games in the neo liberal state with many ecuadorian youth trapped in the middle to feel this empowered in the future. rise and then become the human material that can be recruited by these gangs. alright, turning attention on the program now to the middle east conflict and gals where at least 15 people helping kills and dozens more wounded. now as really strikes hit the southern city of a rough or overnight, those figures from local officials, video circulating online shows the scale of the destruction as people scramble the full victims. from the rubble on apartment building, which host to displace palestinians was hit, the southern part of the and cliff has been the focus of increasing is really heavy bombardment. despite most of gals as population having been moved to the area.
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scores of wounded and dead, including many children help being taken to the to wait to the hospital. the palestinian health ministry stays the enclaves. death total has risen to over $23000.00 people since october, 7th, highlighting 70 percent of the victims of women and children. journalist homes that children reports from rough yesterday around 11 p. m. a. ms. dykes targeted uh, a residential house specifically uh, 2 apartments belongs to uh, the belongs to lots of family. and we witnessed the arrival of didn't casualties here at out to a hospital. and the other 5 casualties arrived at the use of immeasurable and the job hoss with the whole sort of north i city and look for not far away from here. and there's thousands of injuries as bill. these are
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family was a shooting inside. this was the gym apartment and many of these palestinians are actually forced to go to the children in the inside of a dangerous area. for example, it was a very quiet and yesterday it was empty of this guy was empty of drones. is there any war plains, but suddenly around 11 p. m, as i told you, and there is to act, i get it. this was done. sion apartment is 10 to a bloody. the subcommittee. well reporting from the ward for an enclave is a deadly endeavour in itself. according to the committee to protect her list and you 79 medial workers helping confirm killed in kansas since october 7th, at least 30 to palestinian during this have also been arrested during that period
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by the idea of the director of the new art of press office in gal who was recently released shirts, what he said he injured during his detention had an adjustment in the play even though i was arrested by these rarely ami from my family home and by law here. they did not charge me with anything, but i was held for the 3 days in prison. i think it was the prison now that kept them so long crossing. there are thousands of prisoners that these railways should, that told us they have arrested 20000 prisoners. the conditions, the side of very difficult, the detainees in prison, all various cat, they are being tortured, tragic circumstances. the red cross told us that from october the 7th, they've been unable to reach the posting of prisoners. all digits, a nice hope to be released. i was released have 3 am hands down i arrived at the posting out of crossing were held in dollar and shackles to provide the movements
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and who it was put all the i'll i so we could not see anything 24 hours. but tom is from 11 pm to 4 am. they gave us screwed, but it was bad. other than food and everyday life of the situation inside the prison is very difficult. there is systematic torture on a daily basis. they told us with me for 25 days, just sitting on my knees. 16 hours tortured every day. the conditions, good, difficult. but i was really well to another gals in the city and the side of the enclave knob. at least 13 civilians have reportedly been killed in con eunice in the past 24 hours, several sites there were targeted informing raids by the idea. local media say a most separate residential homes, were turned into rubble in the southern eastern parts of the city on military drones. at the tech displace palestinian sheltering inside un affiliated schools, a girl whose cousin was killed in one of the strikes. shared her hardaway
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experience the lower charging under a palm tree when we suddenly saw stones and trap know everywhere. some of us started running and others lay on the ground. we started screaming for help and then the ambulance came and brought us here. we'll get us that base turtle this month for a schumann has been reporting extensively, ford r t from the and they've since the start of the war. he's not discovered his facebook account has been suspended. i'm sure shared his reaction with us to the a good post, the 3 or 4 times a day together with them on 6 or 7, all the different social media platforms updates here from mazda of elk. what's happening sometimes 1st in those pictures. so sometimes videos of the mediterranean work that you are doing here. uh, sometimes it just updates. uh, providing news, the people about um about the latest self,
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what's happening on the grounds. and then yesterday i was, i wanted to post them on an interview with us. i have with the those put in both testing, coughing, gbc, talking about the they're all over a 100011, june the receipt and laza. and while i clicked polls, it said that my account was suspended for 24 hours. you to the sick this content i heard the you know, a lot of other social media and so what's the result the father joined that is true and also complain about them. accounts being shadow bands being respected, being close down. um i had a couple of tick tock accounts, that's where shut down my i have to goes the stop over that is to get i've also got the balls. i know how to do work on it again. and so these things do happens, and unfortunately it shows us nobody. i'm a to else the so called the 3. well,
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are you concerned that if you keep reporting on social media, that you will be suspended again, perhaps indefinitely and, and what is your plan for how to deal with this problem? as you say that many of your other social media accounts like take talking in spam have. busy so been suspended in the past, it says into the unfortunates multicultural forces us to be more creative and to find other solutions and ways to get the truth out. so we need to place back up. that sounds like the follow is know about about them. just teachers that gets the band or cancer or whatever. so there would always be challenges. what is showing that we would almost overcome them one way or another as well as grind, fighting intensifies in southern guns. and these really army has confirmed that 9 more of its soldiers helping killed the total number of idea of loss is no stands at $187.00 trips since the ground invasion begun. then they talk tobar. on tuesday, israel stated that one of its tanks accidentally killed 6 soldiers in
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a friendly fire incident. israel has reportedly instructed as hospitals as well to prepare for a new influx of casualties and made increasingly deadly strikes across the border. with 11 on the warning comes as the idea of sage, it's killed, one of his beloved senior commanders during a strike on lab. and on on tuesday, the militant group has denied that place. on monday, another has blocked him under was confirmed killed, and his funeral has been health. has ballasa, as it targeted is really come on base and retaliation for the assassination. since the beginning of the conflict in dallas, the israel says it's for apartments have killed at least $130.00 militants and 11 on another 19 across the border street. or we can cross to live now to journalism i left college in baby routes. good morning to you my like. so there's
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a legit id f killing of another has blocked him under the lebanese militant group. denies that what more is known? well this is a uh, the news coming from the east side where 40 and above the targeting and local vendor was it was the commons at all the unfortunate ones. it was the commended of the drones unit. and the latest thing was what made it to the asphalt person. and then you have had got a lot of people from getting someone who is trained to be the ones responsible for the georgia unit. but she had mistaken the name and we have been meeting different things from that is what you decide to do the whole day since the beginning of the morning and been hospitalized the night. a clean saying that the, the, the of the storage unit is not the time of the through the day they would forge how's the love items that's good to buy. that is where the muscles and the photos
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that were none of them was no indeed it hello the, the one the, the who was on monday who was, or some of a huge is announced by has with lots of it. so basically it has a lot of method denied or to hide the fact that i mean for members with kim, we have the been doing and we have written and dealing with this since years as a media. we know that they were a nose if the mother was killed by the side. however, they would not tell the whole story. or what does this come up there was and chief porch, mostly that is what you would and about. and so yesterday, or the or the for the mark just because the law with no, none of that was announced. and either however, this is really confusion comes up to has will last targeted the north and leadership headquarters in so far using doors. and that's why the x rays
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are starting to show the audience to so that makes sense. and so the work that we are is a month and we know what you are doing and we have this service you can accuse to see uh when we need to have someone or to target someone for lunch. but this is not the case that i basically lighting in order to show that they are taking overage the northern but us to me and to buy for the city in borders. hello. this is not the case yesterday, the holding somebody when you side from who is there a cost in order for the to buy for the site and continue also with the borders despite the fact that that is right, you have actually killed one of the 1st will over to you, why the credit for the future of the has, will i be the what school? on monday, i'm that think she's actually the number of people participating in the, you know, from 45. so there's 216000 deep bridge in the village that
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is less than 2 days away from the borders. thank you so much for giving us the update on that. we'll continue to close the following the border area. a journalist muller college in beirut live and r t think okay, let's take you to new york where the un general assembly has meant to discuss washington's recent vetoing of a does a cease fire resolution. you may recall that now the latest session. so a heated debates of israel's own boy referred to from us as quote nonsense. while the palestinian representative call freshman military interests. no one can understand that the console is calling for protection of civilians. is deploring a tax against them. is calling for immediate, safe and un hender to many terry and access for humanitarian assistance at scale. it is rejecting force displacement and concerned about
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3 genetic spill over y at the same time being prevented from calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. indispensable to achieve all these aims. this skiffs so friend yeah. needs to end. a sweet baby is being held hostage in you referred to discuss a ceasefire that will keep that from us. not see that the doctor, them in power. the un, an organization that remains silent when babies are taken hostage and women are vicious and the rape has become an accomplice of terrorists. and if the u. n. is that the accomplish to terrorist, he does know just different case 6 justification to exist. notice star change of tone, the us secretary of state on c, blinking while on
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a visit to tel aviv said israel most cooperate with polish thing in regions instead of conducting aggressive operations. stimulus israel must be a partner to pass. they need leaders who are willing to lead their people and living side by side in peace with israel. and as neighbors and israel must be most stopped taking steps, the under cut housings ability to govern themselves effectively. extremely settler violence carried out with impurity settlement expansion, demolitions evictions, all make it harder not easier for his real to achieve lasting peace and security. while ortiz fairly, isabel has been looking into the apartment to turn on the war from us officials on the media as more american people in cities throughout the country, raleigh, in support of the palestinians, or better late than never as the saying goes. and there seems to be a shift in perspective on israel's room let list attacks on gaza. there's not just
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from us citizens the but also from the upper ranks in washington as he is really bombardment than gaza brings the just told over $23000.00. and as protest against israel continue, the demands for an immediate cease. fire are now coming from the us president himself not easily. of course, he had to choose. there's a light light, there is no pass from his doctors. the understand i understand the passions and i've been quietly
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work requiring working with these really government to get into reduce and significantly get out of gas. but it seems like top is really officials are not quite aware of bite and silent diplomacy with israel's finance minister, calling all to 1000000 plus thousands, nazis bringing star criticism from even the likes of mainstream outlets like cnn pushed with a jewish supplement should be established in the territory of the gaza strip so that there will be a jewish presence there for a long time. so the terrorism does not grow there if not, 13000000 nazis in gaza. if we want to destroy us when they get up every morning and we will wake up in 10 or 15 years to a new october 7th to me and as of course, the population of gaza. so take that in for a moment to 1000000 quarterly holding nazis and guys. and so babies 2 year olds,
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3 year olds, old ladies, all of them. not please, as things have gotten so bad for israel's image that even scientists are shifting their chose the group known as americans for peace now has become the 1st pro is really us group to call for a cease fire and gaza. continuing this that was taken were poses unacceptable risk for ease real goals and civilians and the entire region for the sake of the security and wellbeing of seville in some israel and gaza. the vitamin ministration was pushed israel to bring about the immediate cessation of hostilities and people from war to peace making even a made us secretary of state anthony blankets visit to solidify support for tubby. his demeanor seems to have no other choice, but to take a more empathetic approach towards thousands to any calls since he really is, are suffering from insufficient access to food, to water, to medicine, to other essential supplies. children. most of all we continue to raise with israel
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the need to do everything possible to facilitate the provision to give that a try and ate the gaza. they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by something's really ministers and lawmakers, calling for a re settlement palestinians outside of guys or what's even more surprising is the harsh criticism coming from within israel itself. showing a mass of rapture in a seemingly united front, within the cannot sit a parliament member emotionally accused his own colleagues of having blood on their hands of them for the blog is on follow hands because of i because documentation, occupation blinds you power blinds. you do, you behaving not just a screaming noise, but almost as full. and as south africa's genocide case against israel will soon be hitting the head court. the uproar against israel is becoming so strong. that one question even that you case for and secretary seems to struggle in finding an
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answer. but if you're asking, i'm only worried that israel have to as taking action that might be in breach of international law because this particular premises has been bombed, or yes, of course i'm by that. and that's why i consult the far off as well as when getting this advice. one of them's expos. now fractures within washington is real and the international community on the war and gaza have been building. but is this too little too late from the west? and after tens of thousands of lives lost, well the outreach be enough to stop israel's primes. if the u. s continues propping it up with weapons, perhaps not, but such a shift may prove that peace is the only acceptable solution rather than unless stuff. well, we also spoke with an adviser to a former palestinian prime minister jamal's that troops believes israel is simply trying to drive thousands from their mind to this government as all it does
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by and if any of them says are planning for the trans fair. these 2 ministers being viewed and smoked are just a case in the cabinet headed by the neo and they want to divide that by the senior initial buy. yeah. and if i settings the front of see him over as a thread, as a 1st phase of trans setting, the main. yeah. and they entered as far as i and which is the fast. so this is nothing new is right from the beginning of the war against god, the big, the glad that what they're doing on the grow, the zillow site, i guess the senior you can guess what, what's the meaning of $100.00 to $3000.00 per stadium. what up to
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70 percent of them are kids and women, there's about 10000 people are mis. there's about 60 fat, and most of them the most of them are in danger to, to buy the bid as well. so what we are facing, it just came in and uh, and this year and the uh, addressing which one to this month. and it's not a mess. not that is a sense, but the better thing and people from their own houses as they are on land and get all the country to but event, then the size that instead of administer is really president, is the occurs or has cold. so i thought, freak is appealed to the international court of justice, quotes, atrocious, and preposterous now it's.


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