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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the . a at least 10 people are killed in rump and gun violence in ecuador. how's the president declares a state of internal alarm conflict in the south american country. south software in ecuador and tv studio was rated of its stuff, briefly taken hostage in the middle of a live broadcast. also ad on the program again is that more than a 1000 people are killed in scores. more wounded as is really strikes. i can't tumble the southern loose city a foot off spot. and we also hear this our from a palace to be
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a journalist who said he was physically abusive. retention by the is really electric. there is systematic torture on a daily basis. they told me for 25 days, just city on my niece, 60 our store to every day the conditions of the difficult but i was released the from must go to the world. welcome to then use our own archie. i'm in the middle. we begin the program, and so i sent merrick at where at least 10 people have been killed in a series of attacks by criminal groups across the ecuador president, done the, on the board gnostic, there to states of internal arm conflict in the country and states his military is fighting narco terrorist gangs. the
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k all take things here. so you can see from the cities in ecuador showing a glimpse of the violence on the streets, scores of casualties, helping rush the hospitals, and made ongoing gum fights in broad daylight. well, criminals attack and kitten up seemingly random people the on rest, erupt. after a prominent drug cartel leader disappeared from a maximum security prison on sunday. many of the countries president nova, was reportedly going into hiding his policy in the capital of the city has been evacuated. one of the leaders spoke spent on the line, the details of the precedence on compromising some money to eliminate the kings. indicate the decreases the following provide for the mobilization and intervention by the armed forces and national police across the country to guarantee sovereignty and territorial integrity against transnational crime and terrorist organizations in belligerent non state actors. in accordance with the provisions of this executive decree yet, um the in seems that shocked the nation on the,
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on the group of armed men, storm that ecuadorian t. v. studio on tuesday, which was broadcasting live, taking stuff hostage video footage here shows police arresting the sealants they favor earlier. dramatic images from the scene which you may find distressing. depicted the news room employees being held at gunpoint to visit the cameras, kept rolling. of most men overrun, live in forcing journalist a color on the floor. people were heard pleading for their lives shortly before the channels broadcast was taken on its own. clear. if any of the employees were left injured, after being fried by the police, emotional footage showed the former hostages being embraced by loved ones. i'd side the building. some interiors, there's kneeling to pray, a local reporter, alexander the own, from the ecuadorian capital. with more on the nationwide turn on, you know, the, the, the, the president of back, what do daniel,
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nevada has announced a state of internal conflict in the country in which move and 20 criminal groups are involved. the by was said, the both the armed forces and the national police will walk to neutralize the threats that have been riots across equity. oh, since last night, police officers have been abducted as well as around 125 prison guards. one of the most serious crimes occurred today when searching who did criminals seize the premises of national tv channel t. c. television. the such and criminals have already been neutralized by the national police. according to our sources to employees of the channel were injured . but we're still waiting for the details. this kidnapping operation, which last at about 2 hours in total was broad costs on national television for about 15 minutes. will tell me when the bullet came to power as a result of smell collections just months ago after parliament was dissolved back in may. now the error to nominate empire,
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but come by thing. drug violence says main priority upon taking office. but feelings have continued to soar, but all field korea, who previously led ecuador for decades, saves the incumbent president, is on the fit for the jump. the name of the we are in the states of internal conflicts as organized crime has declared war on the states. and the states must use all legal force to find barked. armed forces, a national police take to the streets, respond intelligently with full support using all available resources to defeat these criminal gains. 7 years of destruction, hatred, and accumulated mistakes. the rule of law disappeared because of political persecution. and today we cried, lady tears, they so the wind and now they will reap the whirlwind. unfortunately, president,
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nobody has no experience. he's completely unprepared for this job. but we must unconditionally supports him as the country is engulfed in arms, conflicts will following the disappearance of cartel leader, adolfo must see us from prison. riots broke out. i had sent several other jewels across the country. a number of the guards were taken hostage by inmates. some other drug gang figures, reportedly mothers to escape amid the chaos. one of these disturbing images circulating on social media a part of the show gang members executing prison guards in the facility from which the cartel balls escaped. according to ecuador, his penitentiary service, $125.00 security guards more than a. busy in the administrative workers as well are being held hostage by prisoners in 5 deals or from the country. while the carrying a state of emergency on monday, the president of this to say, i have given clear and precise instructions to the military of police chiefs to
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intervene in the control of the presence i have just signed a degree for a state of emergency. so that the, all the forces have all the political legal supports and the actions. what we're seeing in the congress prison says the result of all decision to confront them. that is why the government has taken actions that will allow us to regain control of the presence and response, the smell of cold service groups trying to intimidate us and believe that we will give in to the months we will not negotiate with terrorists, nor will we rest until we return piece to all echo dorians. some more reaction to developments ecuadorian academic. fernando cutting mina told us that the country's government has consistently failed to enforce security in the state to use the building to get most a new. and this is the most violent event in the history of ecuador. i would say that politically, there are at least
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a 3 of us consequences. the 1st is that the 100 days given to new presidents have already ended. and in this case, the main counter wait is not the opposition of political parties, but rather criminal structures. this is an unprecedented case. secondly, the president's proposed holding a referendum during his election campaign. he sent out questions last week. but now the situation has changed to another tea issue has emerged, the possibility that people deprived of their freedom mainly leaders could be sent to prison in other countries. that is the possibility of extradition. and the 3rd is that it calls into question above was main security policy, which he calls the phoenix plan, as it does not bring positive results. this is a very strong political blow for the president and, and national political structures as a whole. instead of a rigid approach, a smarter one is needed. in my opinion, this is a very serious issue. but again, firstly,
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there is no clearly defines of government institution that would develop security policy. for example, there used to be a ministry of government and a ministry of internal affairs. now they're united, but we do not know which of them is responsible for what they both exist. but there is only one minister who is responsible for both. i think what all this means is that the public sector, which is not the military or the police, is smaller and therefore unable to determine policy and therefore confront these kinds of problems. but we'll continue to bring you the latest from ecuador on there and online or website or to dot com has more details about the shelf game t v studio hostage crisis is well as a government's ongoing efforts to cross down on gun violence and the lots in american countries, the ok, 10 minutes into the program. let's turn attention to guns. that were at least 15
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people have reportedly been killed and dozens more wounded. others really strikes it. the enclave. southern and most city rough uh. overnight video circulating on line shows the steel and all the destruction. people scrambled to pull victims from the apartment building, which posted displaced, palestinians was hit, the southern part of the strip post being the focus of increasing is really heavy bombardment. despite most of gas as population, having been moved the area scores of wounded debts, including many children, have been taken to the to wake hospital seeing here, the policy need health ministry saves the enclaves total. the total has risen to over $23000.00 people, highlighting that 70 percent of the victims are women and children, journalists tons of children, reports from rough yesterday around 11 p. m. uh and is to like targeted uh, a residential house,
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specifically uh 2 apartments belongs to uh that belongs to lots of family. and we witnessed that i live on all 10 casualties here at out to a hospital. and the other 5 casualties arrived uh after the use of the luxury on and the job hasse with the whole sort of no varsity uh, look for lot far away from here. and uh, there's thousands of injuries as bills. these. a family was a sheltering inside this as the gym apartment found that many of these palestinians are actually forced to go there. and children in the inside of a dangerous area. for example, it was very, very quiet. yesterday it was empty of the sky was empty of drones. is there any war plains, but suddenly around 11 pm, as i told you,
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i'm in there, so i targeted this was done. she'll apartment, it's 10 to a bloody, the sort of new as well, just doing that job reporting from the war toward and to have can be a deadly endeavor in itself. according to the committee to protect journalists and g. o. $79.00 media workers helping confirm killed in kansas since october 7th, at least $32.00 palestinian journalist. i've also been arrested during that period by the idea of the director of the new art of press office in galsen, who was recently released, shared what he said, see injured during his detention. i had an adjustment on the display, even though i was arrested by these rarely all me from my family home and by law here. they did not charge me with anything, but i was held for such a 3 days in prison. i think it was the prison now that kept them so long crossing. there are thousands of prisoners that these rarely shouldn't,
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that told us they have arrested $20000.00 prisoners. the conditions inside of very difficult the detainees in prison all very scared. they are being tortured. tragic circumstances. the red cross told us that from october, the 7th, they've been unable to reach the posting of prisoners all the time they use hope to be released. i was released, the 3 am had band i arrived at the policy to have crossing were held in oliver and shackles to prevent the movements and who was put all the l i. so we could not see anything 24 hours, but time is from 11 pm to 4 am. they gave us fluid, but it was bad. other than food and everyday life of the situation inside the prison is very difficult. there is systematic torture on a daily basis. they told us with me for $25.00 days just sitting on my knees, 16 hours towards you every day. the conditions were difficult, but i was released. but i wanna move from there to another southern gas in the city,
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a nearby one where at least 13 civilians have reportedly been killed income. notice in the past 24 hours, several sites were targeted and bombing raids by the idea of local media. same most and several residential homes are turned into rubble in the southern and eastern parts of the city. while new treat drones attack displaced, palestinian sheltering inside un affiliated schools. canadian, palestinian during less munster schumann and has been reporting extensively for r t from johnson since the start of the war. he's still discovered his facebook account, which he uses to share his work, has been suspended most or give us his reaction. i did and posted 3 or 4 times a day together with them on 6 or 7 of the different social media platforms updates . hear from us about what's happening sometimes. first in those pictures. uh, sometimes videos of the mediterranean work that you have doing here. uh,
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sometimes it just updates uh, providing use the people involved to about the latest self. what's happening on the grounds. and yesterday i was, i wanted to post them. i had an interview with us. i have with the stadium both testing, coughing, gbc, talking about the they're all over a 100. i mean, i've been doing the receipt and laza. and while i clicked this post, it said that my account was suspended for 24 hours. you to uh, restrictive content. well i, i heard that you know, a lot of other social media and so what's the result the father joined that is true and also complained about them. accounts being shadow bands being disconnected, being close down. um i had uh, a couple of tick tock accounts. that's where shut down, i have to go to a stop over. that is to get, i've also got the balls, i know how to do work on it again. and so these things do happens and unfortunately
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it shows us nobody. i met you of the so called the 3 world, are you concerned that if you keep reporting on social media, that you will be suspended again, perhaps indefinitely. and what is your plan for how to deal with this problem? as you say that many of your other social media accounts like take talking in spam have. busy so been suspended in the past, it says into the unfortunates multicultural forces us to be more creative and to find other solutions and ways to get the truth out. so we need to create the back of accounts and let the follow as know about about them just in case that gets the band or cancelled forever. so there would always be challenges. what's in charlotte? we would almost overcome them one way or another. a non sarah shima now as grind, fighting intensifies in southern guns, that these really army has confirmed that 9 more of its soldiers have been killed. the total number of idea of loss is known as tons of the $187.00 troops since the
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invasion began. and late october on choose, the israel confirmed that one of its tongues accidentally killed 6 of its soldiers in a friendly fire incident. they might not compete with them if during the operational arts to see, to destroy the crowns infrastructure of the weapons production plans, unexposed. and most caused by the firing of a tank which detracted an enemy, talk it through the fields. apparently the tongues sell impacts resulted in the explosion of a nearby electric pole. doing 6, an injury, 14 idea of sold just additionally, israel has reportedly instructed its hospitals to prepare for a new influx of casualties have made increasingly deadly strikes across the border with 11 on the warning columns as the idea of said killed one of his beloved senior commanders during a strike on 11 on tuesday, the militant group has denied that plane on monday. another has blocked him under was confirmed, killed. we're not seeing images of his huge funeral procession as the law sees it.
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targeted is really come on base and retaliation. since the beginning of the conflict and gals, a israel states it's bombardments, have killed at least a $130.00 militants and 11 on many other 19 across the border in sort of favorites based journalist smolik colored sees is really reports off has black casualties in lab alone or someone come predict between as the yesterday, the news coming from the east side were reporting about the targeting and the local vendor was which was the common 0, the unfortunate ones. it was the commencement of the drones unit. and the latest thing was what the to the asphalt person, and then you have had got a, another people from getting someone who is trained to be the one to dispose of it for the georgia unit. but she had mistaken the name and we have been meeting different things from this or you decide during the whole day since the beginning
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of the morning and been hospitalized. do not use a claim saying that the, the, the, the, the storage unit is not tower. and the oh, through the day they would forge how's the love items that's good to buy? that is really a and this is the photos that were none of them was um, no, i need it. how about the, the one the, the who was on monday was also a huge is announced by hands with lots of it. so basically it has a lot of method, denies or heights. the fact that i often commanders with kim, this is really confusion, comes up to, has the last target to the north in the leadership headquarters in so far using doors. and that's why the x rays are starting to show the audience and to show that americans and to show the work that we are in
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a month. and we know what you are doing and we have the service. you can accuse the apartment when we need to have someone or to target someone suffers the law, but this is not the case. okay, another update today is really president, is that curzon has called south africa is appeal to the international court of justice. boots, atrocious, preposterous. it relates to per tory, is filing of a case accusing israel, of carrying items, operation, food, genocide, alden, character against gassett on thursday, april saving one, start in the international court of justice and a while by the south africa. as soon as the israel fall, supposedly genocide does nothing more atrocious and for fostering than this flame. so that forget, filed its legal objection with the un international court of justice in december, urging the court to take measures over these really on small. the 1st hearing is expected tomorrow, thursday,
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the organization of islamic cooperation comprising of more than 50 countries, caused by the lawsuit against israel, cherokee, and the leisure left in the american state of the libya. for the express support for the policy going into the world. the 1st on the list from south africa told us that cooperation along the global side is strengthening, while the west responds to ongoing attacks against gals that has been lucky to live in the, to google saw countries believe in the field, right of human rights. and the right to it was a stance of posting and people and the people off of the world. and part of the process of believe us fight is solidified, that many international actors had a case by piece of africa way. they banded together to fight a very brutal and a repressive regime at an international level. putting this on a day or 2 with a sort of against that are kind of the master code and part of the pulse of, of interest such as the lives of africa and the of the rest of the global. so why they can't seem to believe this actually is to increase is the lack of response,
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qualified was an active lack of a compassion. and so the deputy with the over 24000 feet do us have billions. that'd be good to the master code within the has a strip for too long. with mrs. form policy is busy, especially the punch vacation around human rights has been gone and has been seen as contradictory. and it's been seen as for critical. and we look at the human rights of trustees, counted being funded by the us in incident with an act, as especially on the issue is of understanding and default page national communities, especially. so last week of realizing the israel funded and supplied onto the of ideas and she in south africa, has decided to take up on this action to ensure that some full international accountability on the international arena. and not the that the, the lives in the product of policies remain up in and, and for say, can okay, turning attention on the program to germany where citizens face train
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constellations across the country as an ongoing railway workers strikeouts to travel chaos with protest by farmers already hindering road traffic. take a look at this is for a land dozens of tractors helping blasting their horns and blocking the main street refers from pacific. it's all in response to the government's decision to slash fuel subsidies to farmers. i'm truckers. of politicians seek to punch a 17000000000 euro budget gap. that's the spike, just to point out the mazda of some set berlin edition. got to you, cried the german shelf. sir. seems to be too busy talking about that. instead of the protest right here, the visuals, i don't job, i talk just as significant as the german contribution is. it will not be enough to insure your queen security in the long run. therefore, i call on our allies in the european union to step up their support for you create the planned weapons deliveries to ukraine. for most
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e u member states are not enough. but what's interesting there is schultz just doubled the military aid that was committed by germany to ukraine, right at the end of the year last year. and well, the message that we're hearing here from these protesters, these farmers, is that the government is just right with mismanagement. i think that this movie thought on the green realities does expenses have risen to a level that makes it difficult for many farms to survive. those funds determined to continue all provide so you must prepare for financial ruin. we must stop the garden and call lucian's plans side on the visitation fee down to the federal government's proposal to compensate for its financial shortcomings by cutting agricultural investments is outrages. this has left farmers feeling extremely angry . we demand the withdrawal of these proposed plans to the ball and the farmers have to ensure there is food for the population. but it's been made so difficult for
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them now with these cuts the best scraping by a subsistence level, and that work is no longer economically viable. and you end up with a situation where a 1000000000 euros for ukraine. that's right now what the government is committed to supporting ukraine. well, what about the money that these guys could use to maintain the subsidies to help them offset the high, very high cost of production as a result of energy exploding because of the mismanagement of those policies. so what these guys are saying is that those feel subsidies amount to a lot in terms of their annual revenues. one farmer said $10000.00 euro, is it? what is what it represents for them? and that also gives you bit of an idea of, of the scales, the magnitude of revenues that's that they are dealing with when they're saying that $10000.00 euros of revenue
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a year that those subsidies represent on diesel that were just cut that, that, that puts them in to make or break situation and yet you think they're just rolling and luxury, or least that's what it sounds like when government officials speak. one government official said here that, well, if the small farmers have a problem with subsidies being cut, then they should take it up with the, the big farmers because it's their fault. and what's ready or running about this is that this whole move, it is just unity all around, which, which we keep hearing from public officials, right? it's all about unity, whether it's on ukraine, whether it's on everybody needs to be on the political, typically on the same page as the government agenda. it's always about year to year, the year and we have that drilled into our minds here in europe. and yeah, this is true unity not only truckers and farmers coming together to send a message to the government with all the half that their membership has behind it.
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but also their unity with the people and the people's unity with their cause. and finally, this news, our $11000000.00 worth of confiscated, elephant tasks have been pulverized in nigeria now after the illegal commodity was smuggled in from other african countries. here's regional journalist, tennessee, a base, a reporting rather sad thing. it is a historic moment. 4 nights area, the 1st ever destruction of confiscated elephant ivory profiles weighing about $2.00 fonts are being pulverized. the latest airport by a party seems to send a strong notice for wildlife traffickers in a bid to combat the legal wildlife. trade protects when lean population and promote biodiversity of body, say the destruction was all sorts of different just for,
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for them. and to prevent the spread of sonata diseases. estimated to be just kind of need to talk to somebody else you need to do this is money gas of this to cost you continue to spend about strong cigna long working at chase based exercise has taken place. bradley, 3 months, author, a similar event start in which it is destroyed. 4th tons of feast time. william scales already say was removed off of the process, will be used to construct a monuments at the national park in memory of a flame as the front office of the largest frontier. nigeria is a source transit and destination point for level wildlife tre, including ivory and found willing scales despite pain is signatories of a convention on international trade in endangered species. authorities and
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conservation. they say ignorance and weak measures are the main problems that they are now trying to fix. so what you have is the nature of what they've been designated for the little wildlife tree. and also and, and julia is the trust of points for illegal white life for adults going out to the what, especially from the west african and um, central africa and um, built into the audience and the rest of the world. now it's, they like busy that so because the government of the day has not been serious, they bought the car. you know, it's these choices, but correctly we have the government that has said no to these and that's supposed to, it's just, it's on the ground to ensure that the legal electorate does no trapping and you decide to continue to hold on all international divisions according to concentration is like serious the front population has windows from an
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estimated 1500, to less than 400 in the last 3 decades. already say the sidway sun is even made worse by the growing demand for wildlife globally. and by curious porous borders in december, a video of a soldier chilling to endangered allison in northeastern border states spots outrage on social media like terry as mirrors minister phase for environment, for lack of said, the ceiling, not only reflect a disregard for wildlife preservation, but also highlighted big, urgent need for enhanced awareness. according to the un income generated illegally from traction. i've read between 20162018. so that around $400000000.00. the bulk of the money is made at the retail level where the products for process and sold to the final buyers. meanwhile conservation. these are pleased with the


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