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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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the, the guy he has problems, he's a residential building in southern dawn. so that's been sheltering, displaced the palestinians that is as well intensifies as strong scenarios. it previously declared as a safe side 3 little countries during the list of those expressing zip codes for the genocide case, filed against the israel by south africa at the international court of justice as well as well prepared for us to do the escalation on his food with lebanon, his pulse tickets, hospital people passed a new influx of casualties in moving the
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a very welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news update. as always, it's great to have you with us. now we stats in garza where at least 15 people have reportedly been killed and dozens more wounded in an overnight strike bias well on the enclaves, southern most city. rafa. that sounds the idea of came through a page $150.00 targets in 24 hours, mostly entire tree to the south. these emotional scenes are from a hospital in rafa when one is a bidding a final farewell to their loved ones is ready strike hits, an apartment building which house displaced palestinians, eye witnesses say the residence shelves, and 14 families. some with newborn children is rarely forces. she's a force and a few floors which are full of people, more than $100.00 inside the building. they struck it without any advance warning. people worked on that part of the children, women, and others. every one was guilty for the days of the city. i saw the apartment was
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on fire and we risk those we could, but there are still many people under the rubble of the hospital. in rafa is overwhelmed with the arrival of schools of dead and wounded, including many children. the palestinian health ministry stays the conflicts. death toll has risen till the 23000 people, highlighting but 70 percent of the victims. all women and children, journalist homes are too long the quotes from russell the yesterday around 11 p. m . and it strikes targeted uh, a residential house, specifically uh, 2 apartments belongs to uh, that belongs to lots of family. and we were in the arrival of tim casualties here at 280 hosted with them. and the other 5 casualties arrived uh after we use of the luxury on the job hospital also and no varsity. uh look for lot, far away from here and uh, there's thousands of injuries as well the,
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so the family was a sheltering inside this uh uh, the apartment found many of these palestinians are actually forced to go there and show to the inside of a dangerous area for example, it was very, very quiet and yesterday it was empty. of the sky was empty of drones. is there any war plains bought suddenly around 11 p. m, as i told you in there. so i targeted this residential apartment 10 to a bloody day. so to me and then the central garza city of the out, the red crescent seems a busy transferring listed to hospitals on another is radio stripe. many of the patients uh children have the greatest good offices. and hundreds of gardens rushed
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towards a trucks carrying fluwens cans food in the budget and caves, coughing. so that's, that's the world health organization going disability to provide aid and support. hospitals is diminishing, facing millions of palestinians. and jesse, i'm just reporting from the war tune enclave can be a deadly in depth in itself. according to the n g o committee to protect the list. 79 media workers have been consent, killed in gaza since october, the 7th. and the at least $32.00 palestinian joining us. so be the rest is by the idea. during that period the new, our press office direct in garza was recently released from detention and shad, his ordeal had new jersey. and before i, even though i was arrested by these rarely all me from my family home and by law here, they did not charge me with anything, but i was held for such a 3 days in prison. i think it was the prison now that kept them so long crossing
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there are thousands of prisoners that these regulations that told us they have arrested 20000 prisoners. the conditions, the side of very difficult the detainees in prison, all various cats. they are being tortured. tragic circumstances, the red cross told us that from october, the 7th, they've been unable to reach the posting of prisoners all the time these hoped to be released was released. the 3 am had bound i arrived at the posting out of crossing were held in dollar and shackles to prevent movements and who was put all the l i. so we could not see anything 24 hours, but time is from 11 pm to 4. am. they gave us screwed, but it was bad. other than food and everyday life of the situation inside the prison is very difficult. there is systematic torture on a daily basis. they told us with me for $25.00 days, just sitting on my knees, 16 hours towards you every day. the conditions were difficult,
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but i was released them all days. namibia and pakistan have joined the list of countries. supposing the genocide case filed against as well by cells, don't forget the international court of justice. they may be as permanent representative to the un quote as well as actions quote, tons amounts to genocide. a quite intense and by number. the actions carried off by israel a tend to mount to genocide and the international community is bound by principles that do not afford as the luxury of complacency, while lives are lost and critical infrastructure is destroyed. the remich ramifications of this crisis will reverberate for generations to come. for this reason, we welcome the support and action by the government of south africa at the international court of justice. media both identified and aligns with the arguments put forward by the republic of south africa and reiterates to long standing support from the
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inalienable rights of dependency. and people to self determination independence and freedom focused on has welcomes, south africa's initiative and looks forward to the i c. j advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising for me as well as policies and practices in the palestinian territory. because a health ministries i'd say about 23000 palestinians have been killed in his way the attacks since october 7th, and the number of wounded is approaching 60000 years in the face of these shocking numbers. and these wally could policy man, but his quotes are going to be done to the ground. i still say that gaza must be bones, that the terrorist will not think that they are beautiful eyes in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no, no see for those who stayed the i think i'll respond to the kind of guy brings of the details of south africa's international lawsuit against as well. so that's what guys put together a formidable document outlining its evidence off. what it says is
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a fitness law taking place in the gaza strip. it says that is where i'll have to send it into a new level of criminality. and that's the magnitude of the atrocities committed by as well as a fee to the place. hold of the 1948 convention of to prevention and punishment of genocide. it says that these are actually intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of a policy national, racial and ethnic group of this has come together in this particular document. and so that's because voice is not alone and saying what is happening in god's eyes in a humane but because no one wants to take up the mental, psychiatric a did saying it identifies with what the police, the news of going through the acts in question includes the killing poly students and gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental home and inflicting on them conditions of live calculated to bring about the physical destruction. the add some attributes of
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old city as well, which has failed to prevent genocide and is coming in genocide and manifesto violation of the genocide convention which has also violated and is continuing to while it it's all the fundamental obligations under the genocide convention. it is not obvious that wisdom governments onto not having to address crimes committed by as well. and i'm not willing to stop the war. many of those countries of a former colonial as themselves who in practice is continued to colonize many parts of the african continent. so holding is while accountable for its crimes could bring attention to their own controversial passed by this admission merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact, whatsoever. instead of simply seeing the loose lock made in mind of the states accused a full crime. that is why it is, i think, the n c by its willingness to defend itself at the you in court smell. it is really presidents as a catalogue as the describe. so dr. because lawsuit, as
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a choices and propose service with some of these wells at the top of fissile thing . so that is collaborating with give us the self efficacies claim less both effectual and the legal basis and custody. choose the despicable and contemptuous explanation of the court, south africa, east co periods in for the terrace organization that this call in for the destruction of the state of israel. so that's which is fine and also includes concerns relating to you as well as conduct towards palistine is doing the close off it's 75 feet long. the potted an occupation of palestine integrity. how ever as the mainstream media news of this group on the global directive, more and more people are signing petitions around the world and beginning to realize that they have been lied to. so that because chris to the international court of justice could have very significant consequences. whitney as well. and it is yet another test of geo political alignment, west versus the wrist. let's discuss this with
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a guest. now let's close lots of journalists, causewell clauses by from islamic bonds. many thanks for joining us on the program this evening. it's very good to see you. i'd like to just be or thoughts on your assessment on south africa's decision to pursue this little stacy gains to as well in the i c. j. and do you expect the number of countries supporting south africa as low as they have to grow? when you have gotten to the product, which on the pockets on in history, it pockets on has the, you know, the pockets on the falls. ford has, has mentioned that everybody on this box for the 25000000 people does have it on the globe. but that stuff is fine, so let me just read that your pockets on has been, i think it's turning on on is the future of the red. but never did. of all the issue off is the, is the policy in the pocket fund. these had kick uninstalled side, you know, was things been cited for the time of the pockets on came into being born on guard
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back, fox it's on, has been spending, hug me, i'm sending to the general police and let me tell you, he's not the kids that had a box on me and all sure, you know, and just put the legend to resolve to bring them up, you know, but it's not too hard to fix. 6 and on the policy and again the is that i, they definitely flock. economists flagged my progress, i'm just excited with the only thing in the left which i'll do. 3 the incoming for granted park the fund has taken strong, you know, a reaction against is there any aggression as well them on the 20 of the minutes of his i need and then pockets on uptake and done well the show and the name and therefore i could find the boardman to fix side the big side result of free companies from do the, the vision about uh uh you know, the funny thing and then is 90 does problem. and if i could find how are digital, uh, this device again is dying,
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but it is pumped through the relationship between uh, you know, the checking tradition for both of these items lifting it. all right? so the pockets on each side, the pocket funding for ben will have it fixed spotlight with pallets and i think the box is fine. is going to put them on. i have, i have spoken to some off with the minutes of the boxes on the board. mm. hmm. boxes on is i sleep lobbying and this is our lives and they are, they are actually watching the last side with call from beacon was gone through, you know, the give the actually both of these dynamic, they shouldn't get to look like this on to fuck it's almost smart to big side with the policy and then they have they can side with police and then i'm definitely as you told you are yes, the pockets on is actually loving the weight is when all of the other countries against the design, when it comes to dishes for the thing and they as well the, the you and the special reco to on the right to housing says that 56 percent of housing in gaza has been destroyed or damage. and that the i,
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c. j should be taking this into consideration into south africa case as well. we'll see what reaction to that statistic as well as the, as the charges. i yeah, that's just boxes on. i dickens by a hi. it's always dick inside the police the next. and what has gone through the flats or damage if i could find was what was going to actually say is the biased against, is that the addition i spent and what i am get, the problem is somebody else's box is only going to laws as far as the way the, the people you know, the park is fine, they will do everything, whatever they fix, to send them is the address. sure. no problem. and one more thing that you focus on closer to, to the, the issue where do you think is the, you know, the americans use their stuff? i think this is the vice of that you pockets on as let's stick on the sun in the long side. big soft weekends. and i just told you i yeah,
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i still the lobby. oh yeah. with salon side, we thought it was big. i've read, see if we can see the other thing, whatever it takes to specify the policy in it as well. the pockets on of all was posted to a technician to the box on the, on the sport, the independent pilot thing, and made a bad lot obviously. and then looking forward to the most sense of all these ago, the motions only depended on status that the pockets on has dickens done for the long side salt. if you're going to just stop in for the, i did this time about, i can told you. so i'm just talking about these. the park it's on, is the, you know, but the body said the blessing in disguise. pocket something down is the best time against lifting it, but they believe markets only believe that it's a blessing to discuss this with a lifetime to solve this issue and the solve the saw for all 3 good, you know,
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bring to the good i think dish and but i take that back to some of the best thing to do something like this onto one of these fun thing because i think the box on the bed is not very large onto the independent policy. then it is in char i. k was the best ones that was thank you for speaking to us today, joining us because what class or for me is learn about, appreciate it. thank you. the size of the wrong, the country's parliament has hosted the 5th emergency meeting of palestine stands and committee with representatives from the organization of the atlantic cooperation and other countries. a rainy lawmakers have demanded that the un on the i, c. j looked into his way the crimes in gaza. i thought that we do most of the international organizations in states including the u. n. i. c, j. inquire about as well as it commits, crimes against humanity. we have my, the to south africa regarding its claims against as well in the i, c j as well as opposed to the instructor. this hospital stay prepared for
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a new influx of casualties limit increasingly deadly strikes across the border with 11 in the morning comes as the idea of says it killed one of hezbollah as a senior. come on the is, do you run a strike 11 on tuesday the militant britain, i was denied that came a day earlier. i had another husband. among the, however, the walls confirmed killed. these images of his huge funeral procession has the last agent targeted in his really come on space and retaliation. since all type is well, sizes bombardments have killed at least a 130 militants and lebanon ended up in 19 across the board in syria. international affairs research on the list and i missed it, did say that by escalating tensions or as border with lebanon is what he's trying to involve. it's key, i live in the united states, and hey, sir, we are in some of the choices of either continue with this war one or trying to drag that american into this one by having a larger war or opening
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a new cross as we are with the same uh on, on the house of live and on it has a saw it once in a jeep to finish. uh, eh, it costs and strikes on its boulder and to have done what are we talking on for it? part of the big project of the, of the is right. the government always has to be is right from there is or to, to the see. uh, i have a uh, the escalation function you, we'd also so, but this is my reading for the coming defense stop sending signal is expressing tie with ease a separatist sentiment smells with the chinese foreign ministry spokesman as a non being had to say, she blasted washington for meeting with the islands, officials behind to pay things back to shoot you a ways the united states just kind of play by. and by the way, i'm trying to principal and the provisions of the 3 china us drone communicate has
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handled taiwan related issues prudently. and properly stop official exchanges between the united states and by one stop sending any wrong signals to the taiwan independence separate this forces. i should not interfere in taiwan elections in any full time on is preparing for local call events rate on presidential elections that are set to get on the way on such a day. the break away islands of the kids, mainland china, us using every beings to windshield pros, aging tons of days when well, chinese officials of warrants b, u. s. a gave, sparking ty, when he set forces to contribute to call. so a told is that motion to demonize is china to justify its military presence and the pacific, the china is reiterating its position on k one because sovereignty on tie one is one issue that china will not compromise. and this a year is a very special year because tie one is running a very contested election. do you think that the island states as an it's due to,
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is it still dependent on the results of these elections? no, because ultimately what the parent mean to fate, a pipe one is a sign o american issue. it's an issue just to be decided be competing in washington. the island local election um at the end of the day administrating on tie one, no matter which party come to the office, they currently also to washington, you're washington says john, they say hi, a fall, right? well, the west in the main stream media seemed to say things differently they, if that coding the elections in taiwan crucial. so why do they have this different perspective? united states is waging the intense media campaign to rach up tensions in the eastern, in the western pacific to justify the continued us military presence in the regent . japan, korea, and us just recently issue
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a joint statement on the south china sea issue. but the irony is not all of these countries border south china sea, neither of korea, taiwan, nor united states border. so i was trying to see so, so is more of a case us is looking for, excuse to get involved and to maintain his military presence in the, in the region as well to south america where these 10 people have been killed in a series of attacks my criminal groups across the equitable president, donald lebow, has declared that quote, states of internal arms conflicts in the country and says his military is fine. so they gave signal coach harris guns the the, the they split. it shows. cale succeeds in several cities in ecuador, with a glimpse of the violets interrupting industries, schools of engine to be rushed to hospital. it was well gone fine to taking place
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in broad daylight as criminals, a talk, and kids not seemingly random people. and it could dory and tv studio was swamped by a group of on demand wall for costing life. police arrest disease, silence who were taking stuff hostage. i could always president smith. i was supposed to be going into like we own rest of up to off to a permanent drug console leader disappeared from a maximum security prison on some of that, which sparks wyatt's several other jails across the country. these disturbing images circulating on social media apparently. so down to memphis executing present guns and the facilities on which the cos, helpful sled, and other drug guns that goes reported the escape submit the chaos countries president has promised to bring the jails back under control of the scene in the congress prison sees the result of all decision to confront them, that is why the government has taken actions that will allow us to regain control
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of the presence and response. these now called service groups are trying to intimidate us and believe that we will give in to the demonstrative and get a moment. i'll say it's fairly, isabel takes us through what goals equitable into this unprecedented prices and the 1st place. what we're seeing now is a civil conflict between the organized crime and the state. now this has been a long time brewing in ecuador, but this is all due to neil liberal policies influenced by the united states. now when i say a right wing type of heal liberal policy, i mean the us coming in there and dictating the country's foreign policy. now one former president russell craft was an office, and as he left in 2017, i put or was the 2nd safest nation in latin america. it had a very low crime rate at about $5.00 homicides out of 800000 per 100000 people. and then when lending marino, who was the following president replaced him,
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there came in a more western back type of policy, and that also was followed with kia malott. so who was the president before daniel navarro? those administration allowed bribery, they allowed corruption within the administrations and within the police forces as well. so ecuador had, eventually a homicide rate increase to 500 percent or around $25.00 out of 100000 people in 2022. they've also reached high levels of prison violence, as you've seen, with 416 inmates absolutely brutally murdered since february of 2021. at 4 doors that has also largely increased exponentially since 2014 to about $74900000000.00. ecuador is a prime example of what happens when a country a band and ser sovereignty in favor of doing what the united states wants. now when we're talking about the u. s. is presence there, we're talking about multiple high level us officials coming into equity works. now
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. this act was seeking to further increased bilateral relationships between the united states and ecuador, at hundreds of thousands of age for the military in ecuador was given by the united states. now, this has largely heard that country instead of moving it forward, which is what the united states has claimed. thomas more about donald, about where the country is youngest of alexi lida. yeah, well, he's 35 years old. he's very young. i mean, he hills from a billionaire uh oligarch background. his father is over a no boss who owns a new boy corporation. now he's a banana tycoon, big sport, bananas and ecuador, and he was elected on october 15th of 2023. so he's barely been in office. he was born in miami, florida. i was actually educated in the most prestigious universities. he got his bachelorhood. and why you, you actually studied at harvard and got an m b a from northwestern university. so you know that he's definitely in stab with the type of us foreign policy. uh that
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many people in ecuador have criticized, which is what led to this moment. now, modeling ecuadorian, academics and on the atari and minos told us that the country's government has consistently failed to enforce security in the states to use the most to new in the this is the most violent event in the history of ecuador. i would say that politically, there are at least 3 of us consequences that i see the 1st is that the 100 days given to new presidents have already ended. and in this case, the main counter wait is not the opposition of political parties, but rather criminal structures of this. this is an unprecedented case. and secondly, the president's proposed holding a referendum during his election campaign. he sent out some questions last week and now the situation has changed to pollution. another t issue has emerged in the possibility that people deprived of their freedom.
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mainly leaders could be sentenced to prison in other countries. that is the possibility of extradition. and then the 3rd is that it calls into question the ball was main security policy, which he calls the phoenix plan. this, as it does not bring positive results show this is a very strong political blow for the president and national political structures as a whole. and germany citizens face trained constellations across the country as an ongoing railway work. a strike guides to travel tails with processed by farm is already hand during road traffic invalid and thousands of truck disappearing bloss thing. that whole is and locate the city's main store. if, as it's in response to the government's decision to slash, feel subsidies to farmers and trust is as politician seek to punch a 17000000000 due or a budget gap about despite the massive sums that the latest fishing out to ukraine with people on the side of the gym and swanson is fixation on that at the expense some of the edge of his country zone economy. the visuals are the job i talk just
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as significant as the german contribution is. it will not be enough to ensure your queen security in the long run for this up to. so therefore, i call on our allies in the european union to step off their support for you create the plans, weapons deliveries to ukraine for most who you member states are not enough. but what's interesting, there is a schultz just doubled the military aid that was committed by germany to ukraine, right at the end of the year last year. and well, the message that we're hearing here from these protesters, these farmers, is that the government is just right with mismanagement. yeah, i think that this movie thought on the green realities does expenses have risen to a level that makes it difficult for many palms to survive. those funds determined to continue. all right, so you must prepare for find that she'll ruin. we must stop the garden and call
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lucian's plans for each side on he was an issue on feet down to the federal government's proposal to compensate for its financial shortcomings by cutting agricultural investments is outrageous. this is left farmers feeling extremely angry. we demand the withdrawal of these proposals, plans to the bottom of the farm is have to ensure there is food for the population, but it's been made so difficult for them. now with these cuts the best scraping by a subsistence level, and that work is no longer economically viable. and you end up with a situation where a 1000000000 euros for ukraine. that's right. now, what the governor is committed to supporting ukraine? well, what about the money that these guys could use to maintain the subsidies to help them offset the very high cost of production as a result of energy exploding because of the mismanagement of those policies. so what these guys are saying is that those feel subsidies amount to
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a lot in terms of their annual revenues. one farmer said $10000.00 euro, is it? what is what it represents for them? and that also gives you a bit of an idea of, of the scales, the magnitude of revenues that's that they are dealing with when they're saying that $10000.00 euros of revenue a year that those subsidies represent on diesel that were just cut that, that, that puts them in to make or break situation and yet you think they're just rolling and luxury, or least that's what it sounds like when government officials speak. one government official said here that, well, if the small farmers have a problem with subsidies being cut, then they should take it up with the, the big farmers because it's their fault. and what's ready or running about this is that this home.


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