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tv   Documentary  RT  January 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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held in bodily so really there are a lot of discrepancy in what the statement is coming from the u. s. and what they did was a bill from one of the bottom of the selection. let's see having said that now that was. busy so a russian of the day who has got to go recently says that if the u. s. is in satisfied with the election, the resolve the have so they have the follow to be civilized strong. nobody is know that is something that chief is, you know, herself has been seeing time. and again, she's going on to see on record that the us has been trying to meddle in the internal politics of bundled the, she's also going on to say that the u. s has been trying to talk to the government now. whatever said and done, she has gotten another tom and she has been getting a congratulatory messages from across the world, including her to super far needless to leo hunting. as a from the neighboring china,
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from the supports bangladesh in advancing various both selection, political agendas in accordance with the law. and is willing to work with the new government of bangladesh, chinese willing, on the basis of mutual respect, a quality util, benefit, unknown interference and internal affairs to work together with the new government of bangladesh, to further enhance traditional friendship. and i spoke to prime minister shake has seen it and congratulated her on her victory for a historic 4th consecutive term in the parliamentary elections. i also congratulate the people of bangladesh for the successful conduct of elections. we are committed to further strength and our enduring and people centric partnership with bangladesh snowball of these elections. and the results have caught the attention of the was, was of a interesting because the we bundle of beach is placed in asia. it strategically phase between to asian supervisor, india,
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and china. i let me point out the bundle of these has done a very, very interesting evey. the good balancing act between the 2 countries now also very important. the bundle dish is the 2nd largest economy in south asia. and has he not gone back then becomes important in the old sense because we live from new delhi on ortiz runjun, shauna. thank you. mentioned let's continue the conversation now with our coupon. so the direct so all the india foundation many thanks for joining it is very nice to see you today. so the bottom of this is government is on face by any statements coming from the us and u. k. with regards to the general election. but why all the election spacing, any criticism a told a phone, observe is, have already quoted them free and fast to see for the list to be very clear that the bullies of the top on january 7th was absolutely free and fair. and to the extent, uh uh,
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they mention about those as being associated was an extremely valid conductor. then below the last elections. there was some wireless and the elections, the websites and marketing calls. why the? because the minute pollution party, which is the be in the market, there's no why didn't be bought complexes because very light is and then on the when anyways, so they have been demanding that there should be up here because government the share cuz he not should leave the governments install a pickup moment, as you know, change would be the pickup mode. so what is changes the all the history and please be sure to decide as the model of these elections the moment. so i think it's a beautiful, let's see. the country is really election state please under the existing governors are asking for the government in bodies. so the 1st one, the 2nd we need to understand is that on the sheet because he not
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a leadership model of the shrubs, made phenomenal success. and i think bothers of success with the solid issue has been stella. it's actually the 2nd largest economy human, the next. so many places it's bought where it has come down, which is actually not the only example for salvation countries, but more to pull the data small, big way and share cuz you're not going to build on a bit of of the, the pollution part, the b and b has a lot of is do, some are supported by do monthly is long you, which is actually already goes slowest organization. and which was the part b, which in the the creation of bangladesh which i mean the building by my visual exclusion. so somebody really strange phenomenon going to be the one beside the woman. and they have shown that by what it means. so for the rest of the building
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that has to be served on sundays. but there is more because of the white glove and the boilers. a lot of number of people who are scared to come over because void is . it's interesting that you say the people sound good. that's a very happy and do those supports the likes re election, but then we have countries like canada. he said the elections did not comply with principles of democracy. and then we have other countries like india and china will be congratulating the win is for holding fair elections. so we have such a range of asked to choose from these different countries, but really it's about the people in fine. good. that's right. and is everyone on boards with best and want to go postal views also. so you need to understand, i have need to bundle dish and them both times bundle dish under sure. cuz he now has made phenomenal progress. people are buying large where the happy there may be certain sections of the population which already goes law most which feed the top one is. these are picking up all we found very little, just
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a little slow. my vision of the society who may be a movie, but i don't know what the reason why it listed in the countries that opposing her because many of these countries have moved on bullshit in dealing with other kiddos . you can see things on the spot where to get to pick the ones which were supposed to conduct and the election is going on continuously. and there is one of the reasons why here, cuz the not hold any sensible about it will be the, the administration because get the administrator show them. the boss has been busy all morning beyond the amended the, we're the elected. they are not the people from the why the demo set up. so i think that the students aren't please need to be very clear. why the deciding thing. all 3 in spirit election in bottle of the uh they have more problems in the dealing with boxes, phones, the gear, thicker government, or for the sun because you're going to be the one is done with the some sort
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of where the neighbors sold, the rest of these many thanks for speaking to us, alex finds out direct, so i'll be in the foundation. appreciate your time. thank you. the the under the patients building and zimbabwe as a country, a ways they promised shipments of russian grain. it's making its way that off to a stop at the a be a report saying, mozambique that report says, is a gateway for shipments two's involved by end of the neighboring countries. 5 of the african nations on the list to receive between 25 to 50000 tons of free, great, including packing of phones. so molly somalia, the central african republic on our trail, the washing program was instituted to events, a blue crisis. it withdrew from the ukraine gray, the export deal. and typically the relationship that is involved with enjoys the relationship that we share with the, the, the,
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the federation of russia has been very long and protracted one coming all the way from the days of our independence. so this is defined by a number of exchanges that the 2 countries of a also participated over the years and the just all the 50 lives as 25000 tons of different devices that are coming to is involved with it. and that, that relationship is also one that is commendable, and one that should be celebrated by every se, baldwin, and particularly those india from the community. now 50 lives as they have always been a very key component of our inputs when it comes to agriculture, all production. and do we have always depended on the important components of
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the 50 laser. the 2 that we use in the country and germany citizens face a train, cancellations across the country as an ongoing railway work, a strike ops, to travel tails with protests, by farmers already heading during road traffic. thousands of trucks is invalid and being glossing the holes and blocking the city's main service. s. as in response to the government's decisions in slashed fuel subsidies to farmers and truckers, politicians seek to punch a 17000000000. you're a budget got. a tease contributes a right to mazda reports from the same web protest as have tablets. this is a 3 of the farmers protests here in berlin, in front of brandenburg date and well, error, a few fewer trucks. here, at least they're still quite a few tractors, but not as many as they're we're on monday and you might be wondering why. well, it's quite simple. they have to pay the bills and already they're here in the 1st place because the government is flying back some subsidies for diesel fuel the time
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when energy costs have exploded. so they can't really afford to just hang out here all week, some of them. and although some are sleeping in their rigs, they're able to keep their trucks on the inside and others are here all week. and they're standing around fires that they've made. there's firewood, kind of laying all over the place here on the medium between the truck land and the tractor lands what some other say they just simply can't afford to pay a hotel in berlin for a whole week. so i'm have to go back to work for a week, but pretty much everyone is saying that they do plan on coming back for the giant protest day that this set here on for monday, january 15th. now we've had the opportunity today to walk around and speak to all sorts of people who are still hanging around here on the sub 0 very fridge. today, our government has to go to destroy us. i want the gas. i want the guys from russia that tell us that we would be put, our media tells us the reason these people don't want the gas of russia.
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that's wrong. we have friends. we are here because of the extremely high cost of, namely fuel and emission costs that we can't cover. we hope that berlin's politics and the senate will change so that they will think more about small in middle scale businesses to how they financed themselves to florida. we have heard from various sources here on the ground that the only members of parliament that they at least recognize to have come over here had been from the right wing alternative for germany. alternative for adults then party. it's are going to be a nother silly night, so everybody's getting things ready to eat here and lots of canned food. but again, the, the number of trucks has kind of died down a bit and, but they are, were told, expected to come back for the big day on monday. they're just going to find a little bit of time to warm up in the meantime. from civil war as to
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inflamed hostilities, the world is shaken up by extreme unplugged the events. so risk for us, maureen cool intelligence office on un weapons inspector joins me to discuss recent developments or assistance to some of his chief takeaway we've been discussing earlier. and us positive side and then how he was head cold during one of his re election campaign speeches in the south carolina, which is probably something we're going to see a lot more off because protest as they were quoting for an immediate cease fire in dollars a this is an issue that's really hit the american public in the hall. it's really hard. do you think that this might be this pulled up for the camel's back full by didn't, cuz this thing is popular and he just completely plummet, haven't when this might this be the, the one particular topic that really ends his chances of re election? well, i think it's a combination of things that are, that are haunting the,
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by the administration. the 1st and foremost it's and i have to be careful with what i say because i respect my elders. i mean, look, joe biden was elected president by the people's united states as a contested election, controversial election. but he was elected as an american. i have to respect c as if i were in the military. who is my commander in chief of in politics. you have to divorce yourself of politics. but when you look at the president today, you see a man who's incapacitated by age of to should be in office today. not because of any legitimacy of the process because of that is, is frailty. as, as a, as a human being. and he didn't know where the secretary defense was for 3 days. i can't imagine a scenario where vladimir putting didn't know where sugar was for 3 days. so. so i think that's the big problem here. and so everything else is sort of a manifestation of that. you know, we've had foreign policy failures. afghanistan,
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huge failure. this ongoing russian debacle is a failure of the ukraine crisis is the failure. and what's happening in the middle east and shit just another failure. but in american election year, it's very rarely form policy issues that decide elections, of james carville, who is the advisor bill clinton back in the early 1990 to the claimant to make it a run for president. you know, famously said it's the economy, stupid. and so the economy is normally the issue, the fact that we have form policy issues, step in that means it's something else is at stake here. and what's at stake here is how we define ourselves as american people. you see, it's one thing to say we're for ukraine over against russia, but it with is really guys that we're talking about genocide, real genocide. i'm not talking about the, the nonsense that the, you'll propagandist put out about rep, russia did with you painted, set up the genuine, targeted genocide of the palestinian people. and this is a,
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a bridge too far for the american public. because even as much as we historically have supported visual, we cannot support is one time slaughter of innocent civilians. and i think that's the problem. it's not a form policy failure. it's a failure of the american identity. we're supposed to stand for something better. we're not perfect, we make mistakes, but at the end of the day, we're supposed to stand on principle and you have no principles. when you support the genocide of the palestinian people, which is happening today. 11000 children. maybe more because there's so many buried under the rubble that have yet to be counted. i am sick and when they hear american officials like tony blinking, say far too many testing to be careful. how many is enough for you, tony? how many is enough? at what level do we cut it off? okay, 11, thousands to me to children is $5000.00 enough. is 3000 enough. this is this, this to fill of the, of the bite administration, the total lack of moral character. and that's what i think is going to hurt and not
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the form policy issue with the fact that americans look in the mirror and don't like what they're seeing. because what they're seeing is a person, a citizen who is being silent in the face of atrocities being committed by a nation in the united states is supporting those drugs. that's what's going to buy them as we bring can, isn't as well right now for chokes a full time since october, the 7th. the diplomatic claims that he's pushing for pace, but do actions speak louder than words? because, you know, got washington sending more and more weapons to as well. well, even bypassing us congress in doing so. so they just giving lip service to the piece, but just not following for much of slips. here's the piece lip service to the constitution . the very document that 5 who we are, what we are as a nation, as a people we the people of the united states of america. that's how that wonderful document begins. and when you just start, when you throw it away for convenience, because you know that if you had to take the case of just like we care about peace,
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she says that we supply israel with the weapons and we continue suppliers or with the weapons that are slaughtering the palestinian people. we don't care about peace . we don't care about peace. tony blanket isn't there for peace. he's there to secure israel's defense. so normally that's okay. if your friend of america, we should security event. but we're securing the, the security of a genocidal nation. right now to i'm going to into another hot spot now turning to ukraine, also hoping for another piece daily. and this particular region as well, us officials and mainstream media have been increasingly hinting to k of that. it can't be russia on the battlefield. we'll have to make some territorial concessions if it really was pay for. the question is do ukrainians on this, these 5? do they want a piece themselves and what the wisdom patrons allow that? that's a, it's a very good question, but it to be honest. who cares what you're trading? thanks. who cares what their western patrons think?
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no rush. it was struggling to to find a peaceful way to resolve this problem. even before the conflict, all you created had to do is implement minutes. even when the collective west france dream united states turned her back on, mentioned in the fall of 2021 in december on december 17th, 2021, where she put 2 draft treaties on the table, one for day one from united states. talking about a new european security framework that would have prevented a war. we ignored it, even when russia finally had no choice, but to go forward with the special military operation. because you trained using a large needle trained army training for the purpose of killing russians in the don't best resort it on the wish that army on the don't best pressure preemptively attack. but even after that, russia struggled for peace. they met 3 times. the dealer was twice in turkey, they had a peace agreement that would have ended this work on terms extraordinarily favorable for you create ukraine ignored it at the best of the west. and even since in russia
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has been working, working, working with all the while, rushes working for peace, russian soldiers of indict russian soldiers have been killed on the battlefield. the russian economy is suffering. the russian people are separate. do you think now that rush is going to throw away all of that sacrifice the russian government in as i've followed them and made it clear that there's no calendar that's driving this, that this is, you know, this, this is an operation that's, that's driven by you know the results on the battlefield at the nothing alone artificially. i always liked the calendar to dictate what you train. his collapse of western support is, is dissolving as we speak there bankrupt. they have no weapons, their army is carry writing. they have no replacements rush, it meanwhile, is getting stronger every day. i mean, 1500 russian patriots are voluntary every day to serve in the special military operations of russians getting stronger and stronger and stronger. at some point time, the correlation of the force has basic military mass dictates that russia will in
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this conflict. you know, i had a meeting with a number of, of, of the senior church and officials and with, with, with some i talked about the ward more detailed with rums i could there of, i focused on, um the judge is judge is image in the united states and how the united states viewed it and how is important to correct the record. because united states we, we talked about the church and services with tears. these are evil men, these are bad people. and i'm like, look, i've been here and it's just the exact opposite. i mean, every, every nation has a history, every nation as problems, just the church and officials, very honest about their history and their problems and what they're doing to resolve these issues. but that was my focus was to talk about how i as an american, because remember, i'm a private citizen. yeah. but i view and i'm do it. i called the citizen diplomacy. i'm, i'm, i'm a private and basher of my country. i'm representing me as an individual, but also in an unofficial capacity. the american people i'm, you know, when i,
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when i sit before somebody like rums on could there of i'm, i'm representing the american people. and so what i was trying to impart was that we have to learn more about you. and i would like you to learn more about us because i do believe after meeting the church and people that are future should be one, a friendship, not conflict. and so that was primarily what we discussed, there was a typo that the ukrainian towns were offensive. wasn't that i think this is a, is, it's about to start. it starts, it is going to start at. but it seemed to know to very well as to what it politely and do you think that's but it was really surprised that now the waste was seeing waning western support because of the the failed counter offensive. well, from my perspective, this was an inevitable outcome. i, i, i wrote about this back in may in june when they, when they, you know, hyped up the counter offensive. now one of my experiences was during the gulf war it back in 19901991. i helped plan the marine corps assault of the
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iraqi defensive positions. and so i spent a lot of time. you're working out what for the correlation to forces, what are military make up the balance of forces the composition would we'd need to defeat the the, the iraqi problem. and so i took that experience and i applied it to the training front and i went, there's no way you train could ever defeat the russians because the 1st of all you need here, not just a curiosity for you near me dear supremacy over the battlefield. there's not a you training air force capable of doing that. you need to suppress the totality of rushes defensive. they couldn't do that. they didn't have the ability to sustain the attack or the russians. meanwhile, pulled this uh, this, this general colonel general alexander roman chuck, of who had experience as a deputy commander of 58 the army. he was at the combined arms academy rewriting russian defense of doctrine. so they took the man who re imagined russian defense
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of doctrine pull them out and put him in charge of this operation front, where he designed the defensive. so you have the russian mastermind, the building the defenses in the trainings trying to attack within sufficient force in properly trained forces and properly. how do you go to war with the equipment you just learned? they're not familiar with the equipment using tactics, you know nothing about. sadly, this was the inevitable outcome. and if i knew that every needle planner do that, every american officer that which means that is knowing, let ukrainians go to slaughter for what reason? because we believe that we could inflict enough harvey even while slaughtering the frames and of harm on russia to create a domestic political problem inside russia. but i'll tell you this when i was here in may, i was here a dimpled beer victory day. after seeing that, if anybody out there thinks that the russian, people don't have the stamina for conflict, they don't know the russian people. they don't think the russian army as the
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stamina for conflict, they don't know the russian army. they should have known this. the western planner should have known this. and again, as an american, i can't tolerate that. we allowed people, we call our friends, call our allies ukrainians to be thrown into this me grinder this bloody assault. this is stupid, is what the british did. and 1916 letting the soldiers go over the trenches, over and over again against the germans, getting them slider to day. nothing. that's what happened this past summer. it's a tragedy. it's absolutely tragic. indeed, i'm going to circle back to the us now because we discussed this earlier how the defense secretary lloyd allstate was recently hospitalized for days for the white house wasn't even in phones, it was all take away from the is, i mean in terms of the chain of command in washington, what does, what does that mean? well, get this put this in perspective. united states is facing a number of military crises around the world. first of all, we have a situation with ukraine, where according to the president,
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we have to be prepared to defend against a russian attached to the russians break through. okay, i don't believe the russians are going to attack, but if you're going to prepared to defend, that means that you have military commanders who were making decisions, moving forces around the cheating, certain results. and that's reported through the chain, the command to the senior military officer to build a person which in this case is void. austin should be communicating to the national security council into the prison. united states. what's happening? we have a situation in gaza the same. think americans deployed carrier battle groups as a deterrent, meaning that it wears telling people like has beloved any wrong. and if you get involved, we will respond. therefore, we have to every hour be re evaluating this, which means military commanders are reporting up between the 5th to lloyd austin was communicating to the present national security council. we have china and taiwan. around the world is military crises. and the secretary defense disappears for 3 days, and the president doesn't know about it. what does this tell you?
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it's a total collapse of leadership, an absolute collapse of leadership. and here's the scary part. as i said earlier, i most i have, i don't like joe, by anybody knows the history of him and i know that we've worked in jazz over the years, but i respect the fact that he's depressed. but you have to be the president to be the president. meaning you have to be in command the, the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say it's even closer to the worst? a little thing is just it was still a little the slow that was done. so right now, let's show the clearing. the style at the post is only the at the is that i, that's a get a minute come, other students need which is easy to saw on the screen. so of course, to ensure material which is a 1000000 level i'm willing to identify july. the 2nd is oregon,
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which will screw well in the middle of something that we did present it to not degree that the results would you 20. and then would you do me a solution for sure. and i'm comfortable to much what which insidiously suit him. they process the to the watching is why isn't why in this control, if i give but loony of the store in this, this, you should have in a short order, but i'm not going to stay less. so could i scan when i am, what i could catch at your desktop session?
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let's just sean your just is funny. mine is when you sit on while it's in the the, the, the, there's many problems in u. s. society now that they're facing because of the, their model is again, it's not able to fulfill the expectations of people guessing growth in, in, in, in homeless mass us and growth in poverty. this is a lot of traffic ations on the people who say so that they need to find a way to, to vote for, you know, solving their own problems and trying to police the world, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the idea of bombs, a red, crescent ambulance killing at least to 6 of the crew, including a medic and a journalist that says as well intensifies airstrikes in areas that previously declared as safe stones. 3 more countries during the last supporting the genocide k filed against israel by south africa as an international court of justice. and the bangladesh government is not bothered by the us. and you take criticism of his general elections as,


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