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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the idea of the bombs of red crescent ambulance telling at least 6 of the crew and putting a medic and a journalist that israel intensifies airstrikes in areas. it previously declared as safe stones. 3 more countries joined the list supporting the data side case filed against as well by south africa at the international court of justice and bangladesh. government is not bothered by the us, and you take criticism of its general elections that according to the countries of foreign minister,
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the you're watching are 2 international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we start in central dies, where is rarely forces have targeted a palestinian red crescent ambulance telling at least 6 of the crew and putting a medic and a journalist guys are based a journal of times of show on report ballasting and recross sends the got targeted by that is really forces for members of the policy and request sent killed and this attacked and there's 2 injuries inside this. i'm also killed before one hour of this attack. the it was an error is try to residential house just in front of and talk. so hospital a recross sense analysis on their platform that they can them for doc doc on the, on police, the condemned to that talk of the house in front of a shot and also hospital as well. so the numbers of casualties in the middle of
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gaza strip is increasing every single hours because that due to the is in the uh, ground operation in the middle area in the middle of the center of the gaza strip of the ground. the position is getting wider every hour and the very close. that is what you were planes here in the roof. safety owes also there clearly to hear and they targeted a residential house and out of city. in the middle of a city, there is a 15 pounds of senior were killed, most of them, childrens and women's, we witnessed arrival of casualties to our community hospital and the rest of the casualties delivered to uh, how about yourself. i'm not john hospitable. so the hosp within a single district is getting clearly targeted by the is there any forces and the number of casualties is increasing from the civility bells and civilians. and from also, uh,
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the 7 different schools as the medical crews. and they are basically targeting the a, the workers who works the people who've worked with international organization. it's very clearly to see these uh, we can say a work lines and work crimes every day and god of service at all. so this is rarely forces. he the force and a few floors which are full of people, more than $100.00 inside the building. they struck it without any advance warning people to turn that part of the children, women, and others. every one was killed. the colors, as i saw, the apartment was on fire. we risk those, we could, but there are still many people under the rubble. it's earlier. my colleague nick aaron spoke with sabri side. i'm the deputy secretary general of thoughts, a central committee who says, israel is waging a war against all the people of palestine and
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a bid to capture land and force out residence. it's not the war against guys so far . it is the word against the side inclusive officer for you, so you can submit it is towns in the west bank and beyond infiniti all back in september we gave this famous speech at the general assembly of the u. m. he has the map that shows no us back of no god. so people applauded in palestine and beyond understand that this is no longer award. if i'm as no, it is the return of detainees up the all claims because it i bought the eviction of for the sims from the west bank and gaza watching all the brothers and sisters being slow to i am for them guys. my family is mendoza. i've lost 50 southern members of my family situation is very desperate. so when you with this such as seen, you would basically hope that the, the international community at large would wake up and give palestine upload at the end. and the lady comes back and finish with this madness. there is an increased idea of precedence of the west button right now with the idea of checkpoints
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increased security measures. how do these impacts the daily lives of palestinians in ramallah and other cities? movement between city is a minimum of people in the go about the elevated ives only wasn't that i guess, but it's all in need to off with work methods is norman and norman see in the situation as a to at and before this of the folks over whatsoever, and the busses between cities is now limited also because as an, as active, the newer check points and have to put in. i'm gates at the entrances to the cities, engine is which makes a movement also a more difficult, and it is more of a company. the veins collecting the financing and i thought that i was endorsed back lives southern minutes, out of meetings expanded quietly and behind the scenes. people in the west bank, tired of sitting there, expecting that there is an annual income, may be enslaved anytime soon and see doctor anthony, how is kinda is having
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a medicaid uncovered medicaid leverage medical support. and the police again as well as military and back inc. about is allowing him to go to, to the, on the market. this is a situation that is best on it. this is a situation that is on scene since the 2nd level and i processed these off to the atrocities are being committed. so we look with dismay, we look with desperation then all dave's namibia and pakistan have joined the list of countries supporting the genocide case, filed against israel by south africa at the international court of justice. the may be as deputy ambassador to the un called israel's actions, quote, tantamount to genocide. by intents and by number, the actions carried off by israel a tend to mount to genocide and the international community is bound by principles that do not afford as the luxury of complacency, while lives are lost in critical infrastructure is destroyed. the remich
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ramifications of this crisis will reverberate for generations to come. for this reason, we welcome the support and action by the government of south africa at the international court of justice may be a both identifies and aligns with the arguments put forward by the republic of south africa and reiterates long standing support for the inalienable rights of the palestinian people to self determination independence and freedom from pakistan has welcome the south africa's initiative and looks forward to the i c. j advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from israel as policies and practices in the palestinian territory. because the health ministry says over $23000.00 palestinians have been killed and is really attacked since october 7th. and the number of wounded is approaching 60000 in the face of this shocking numbers. and as rarely liquid party member has called for gaza to be burned to the ground, i still say that god is
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a must be built and the terrors will not think that they are beautiful eyes in front of them. i don't apologize and i have no, no see for those who stayed the r t correspondent know who you couldn't day brings us the details of south africa's international lawsuit against israel. so that's what god has put together a formidable document outlining its evidence off of what it says is a genocide taking place in the gaza strip. it says that is well, have to send it into a new level of criminality. and that's the matter we chewed up the trust, which is committed by, as well as a fee that the threshold of the 1948 convincing off the prevention and punishment of tennis slide. it says that these are actually intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of a palistine and national racial and ethnic group. all of this has come together in this particular document. and so that's because voice is not alone and saying what is happening in god's eyes in humane but because no one wants to take up the mental
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. so africa did saying it identifies with what the pointless thing is a going through. the acts in question includes killing poly students and gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental home and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction. the ad so o attributable to israel, which has failed to prevent genocide and is coming in genocide and manifesto violation of the genocide convention and which is also violated and is continuing to while it it's all the fundamental obligations under the genocide convention. it is not obvious that wisdom governments onto not heavy to address crimes committed by as well, and then not willing to stop the war. many of those countries of a former colonialist themselves in practice continued to colonize many parts of the african continent. so holding is while accountable for its crimes could bring attention to their own controversial passed by this admission merit list
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counterproductive and completely without any basis. in fact whatsoever. instead of simply saying a loose lock may in mind of the states accuse the full crime. that is why it is, i think the n c by its willingness to defend itself at the you in court. smell over is really presidents as a catalogue has the describe. so dr. cuz lawsuit, as a choices and propose service with some of these wells as the top of fissile things of africa is collaborating with, give us the self efficacies claim likes both effectual and the legal basis and custody. choose the despicable and contemptuous explanation of the court. south africa, east coal preaching to the terraced organization that this call in for the destruction of the state of israel, south africa side, and also includes concerns relating to you as well as conduct towards. but the student is doing the close off it's 75 year long, the cottage, an occupation of put a student integrity, how it by, as the mainstream media news is
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a script on the global directive. more and more people are signing petitions around the world and beginning to realize that they have been live to so that because requests to the international court of justice could have very significant consequences as well. and it is yet another test of geo political alignment. the west versus the wrist and a strider and professor of international law. the university of johannesburg told us more countries supporting south africa's i. c. j. case will help resolve the conflict in gaza. the reading of the quotes might play a significant role in understanding the obligations of member states on the genocide convention 1st of all. and secondly, what measures the should taking circumstances of this kind in a little bit event. uh, you know, home done to the civilian population by acts of this kind which may qualify as x of genocide. and i think it might contribute to the development of international
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law in this recall. furthermore, i also think that they may also be kinda t uh on the kinds of internal measures that the state is state made. an applicant for this matter could be entitled to or could be successful in obtaining from the quote. and i think um, because of the importance of the gaza or mexico, we could expect a good number of states joining, i think that's uh, that is a good sign. and it can be of great assistance in determining the outcome of the proceedings. they use double standards undermine trust, and it's a values that's the message from republican service. good, president miller, i detect who has criticized brussels for sacrificing his principles for a political agenda. decided to give us candidacy because the you also decided to
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give candidacy to ukraine in this way. all european principles were violated for 20 years. we have been carrying out different processes to join the meanwhile, you green was put forth as a candidate for geo political reasons. i can state that the union has lost as you were, being values. i think an increasing number of people in our country are euro skeptics or the serbia later in bosnia and herzegovina has also drawn attention to the decline and the u. e. u. economy. he maintains that the block was the thriving 5 years ago, but now suffers mass strikes and oil and gas shortage is to it. it says, europe has entered an error of scarcity, as it follows us, influence and directs us resources against russia, which has survived against the waves of sanctions. the president is paving the way for republicans service, goes independence from us influence in bosnia or to tackle this localized as loyalty to us and to f. 16 fighter just to fly over bosnia. on tuesday, the american embassy justified the move to counterbalance tribune sentiments to
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seek independence. all right, let's cross that live now to negotiate valid serbian american journalists, blogger, and anti war columnists. good to have you on with us how. ringback you assess the us move to send those f sixteens and assign against the serbian minority. i think in a word desperation because it was supposed to be a show of force. except that to show forces against people who successfully shot down to ep succeeds as late as the 1990 notably 1995 in july. and then again, you are the customer or a 1999. so it's not like the serbs and boss me or sort of be, are afraid of f. 16 especially not comfortable practicing. you know, ground a tax with the members of the bossy military, specifically with members of the box, the military separately, sending a single us to supporting one community against the 2 authors in bosnia, which is not exact in peacekeeping or peach making. and the whole thing, width of desperation,
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because of their essentially trying to forbid the service to be serves on account of them. timing this fly over with the anniversary of republican service, which creation back in 1992, which happens to be the peace of states even indeed, orthodox calendar. it happens to be the patron saints of fuzzy and so all of these hills us and brussels are pointed by stories of buying you screeching that you know, that is not allowed. that is discrimination. that is not a constitutional, but nowhere in the day and constitution does. it says you can't celebrate any rich holiday. in fact, none of the holidays list. they're entirely discretion of the entities, but people look as it should be one of them. nobody's banging the most incorrect for the racial for celebrating. and holland he gets paid. but no, they're obsessed with this issue of, you know, you can celebrate whichever day you want. the thought that they had been searching and welts are telling them. now, the best, the washington itself supports the break away regions of kosovo and taiwan. so why here do they have a different play?
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but it's very simple. there is a playbook, there is no principal. the principal is whatever to us says is the law. back in the late 19 i use early thousands. the great evidence of us foreign policy at the time of the rama, which literally set in an interview with the serbian magazine for unique perfect logic. but there isn't, according to the us of the communist borders of internal borders and have a swab. yeah. became sacred international borders in 1991. and then the borders of serbia stop being sacred to 1999 because the us tomato central. that's literally that's, that's the only uh, so they are basically saying the cost of or is a special case that they made up and they bombed into the distance. and that's why it's legal and legitimate, which is not. and even the international court of justice when they meet, when serbia, as its opinion on the matter, try basically measles out of it under us pressure and said, well, you know, it's a group of people declare something that's not strictly speaking lead,
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but it wasn't a group of people that declared anything, a voice means you went back professionally fusions and what they did in kosovo was clear. now, in bosnia, u. s embassy insist that there's no right session. but again, they're the ones who are saying that, you know, the servers are violating the big piece of which is the us broker deal from 1995 that ended the civil war by part issue the country. the issue is that the serves are the only ones not filing things at peace tree. they're actually advocating for abiding and it's, it is u. s embassy, the e. u viceroy. the self proclaimed high representative of german choice is lar, pena's is, is the king, the fox news and, and the government and sorry about that are literally violated the day to be spring with every day because they're trying to invent these new powers in the forty's that are not only nowhere in the constitution border explicitly against the constitution that was signing date. yeah, the american understand that extra and trailer blame over the violation of that
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they knew agreement. like you, you said there. i mean, dick says the us and you take control of bosnia is legislature well, washington blames their public serv skipped for fostering separatism. so what's really going on here? well, i didn't know. look, i mean the americans are always going to say, oh, you're a separate assistant session is because that those are dirty words into us. so, i mean with this, the current political debate in washing the issue. usually it's really like the different disagreement and it's an x is one of which is the box contribution, their public record, it can be looked up online, the originals managed to get lost somehow and don't know that's, that's really on, on the head of the so called the international community, like they're very, very clear, very explicit as to what's supposed to be taking place. and there is no home for some kind of federal government. there's no room. yep. all of these are ford use the ports and so on and so forth. things that they've been imposed unilaterally by this self proclaimed high representative from doesn't represent the anybody in
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particular who already has delegated fight watson to you because it didn't exist. you know, this was supposed to be like a temporary oversight institution. a 4th year or 2 will 5, not 3 disagreements assigned to 1995. it is now 2024 and you know, and they're saying, oh, well, you're violating the suffering to your boss. me, i'm sorry. what suffrage you are literally running this country as a shock, pop it, and your towing only functioning right because of how to ration is easily just functional. and nobody seems to care. nobody in the west to, to, to give it to, i'm part of my french heading said the us embassy is trying to look, they're trying to intimidate the server, which is not going to work and has. but the worst part about this is that they're encouraging the most militant, detached from reality elements remote deposit and wasn't specifically going to keep the once again because that's what happened. 1992, starting a war,
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they will expect somebody else to fight for. and the last time this happened, and i was there, it resulted in the 100000 dead people in boston ever destroys. and the u. s. embassy and the european union are promoting the 2nd. okay, we're gonna live with their new belgium, alex and serbian american journalists. blogger and anti work homeless. thank you. thanks for having the dish has government is not bothered about the us new case criticism of its general elections that had to shake his sienna. a 4th straight term is prime minister, as, according to the bangladesh foreign minister. we're not bothered about those are people who have given a mandate in our favor. those came and said the election was held in an impartial, transparent, credible, and violence, free manner shake as he now has made a come back in bangladesh and this and that election, which so a, historically you will talk to an out. but this was pretty obvious. and uh,
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there was no surprises since phil meeting opposition thought in bongo they went back in november, bundle beach, an option to spot the b and b. they had announced a boy court of this selection. and they did so because they said that does he not? government was for a secure thing. the position members, in fact, there too was phil, has he not government afflicting some to 20000 ford opposition? members behind falls off today organizing nationwide filters. seeing that there was economic and cost of living prices under hussy knocked off. and now what i was said and done, cuz he knows me to come back. she has the gone, the longest time in his cell phone, la beach, and she was getting congratulations messages from across the world. would not the us, not the west be, have been upset in the united states, remains concerned by the arrest of thousands of political opposition. members and by reports of irregularities on election day,
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the united states shares the view with other observers that these elections were not free or fair. and we regret that not all parties participated. canada expresses its disappointment that this electro process has fallen short of the principles of democracy and freedom and calls on the relevant authorities to work transparently with all parties to move forward towards democracy, respect of human rights and funding, mental freedoms. but i need to point out that bonds are the selection, they have a one to towed by around $127.00 international observers, which also included countries like the u. s. and russia. now the us on so on record has gone on to say that the bond will be selections for free and say that it was a given a teen sort of salts to the election that was held in bond movies. so really, there are a lot of discrepancy in what this statement is coming from the us and what that one of the silver, one of the bundle, the selection. let's see. having said that, now there was also a russian of the day who has scott symbolically says that if the u. s. as in
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satisfied with the elections the resolves, they have till they have the follow to be civilized on navigational data. something that chief is e. now, herself has been seeing time and again she's going on to see on record that the u. s. has been trying to meddle in the info and wanted to, to bundle the issues. also going on to say that the u. s. has been trying to talk to her government now. whatever said and done, she has gotten another tom and she has been getting a congratulatory messages from across the world, including her to super far naples to where you want to me as a friend. the neighbor, china, from the supports bangladesh in advancing various votes, collection political agendas in accordance with the law and is willing to work with the new governmental bangladesh, chinese willing, on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, unknown interference,
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and internal affairs to work together with the new government of bangladesh, to further enhanced traditional friendship. i spoke to prime minister, shake his dina, and congratulated her on her victory for a historic 4th consecutive term in the parliamentary elections. i also congratulate the people of bangladesh for the successful conduct of elections. we are committed to further strength and our enduring and people centric partnership with bangladesh along the elections and the results have cost the attention of the was also very interesting because the we bundle of dish is placed in asia. it's strategically phase between 2 easy and super far india and china. let me find all the bees has done a very, very interesting evey. the good balancing act between the 2 countries. now also very important that bundle. dish is the 2nd largest economy in south asia. and has enough gum back then becomes important in all those sense. i like bonds all the
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director of the india foundation says the bangladesh elections were open and western countries are wrong to criticize them. the bullying as it happened on january 7th, was absolutely to be in fear. and to the extent of the, uh, the mention the bathroom has been sold to share. it was an extreme even conductor than been over the last elections. beautiful. so why is that? isn't that i'm up to the index shows there was such as blank or cons y that was done for me please that opposing it is because the minute pollution party, which is a, b and b, a y corporate directions. now why didn't being the board got the choose? because very light is the dental bundle in any way. so bad being demanding the bill should be appear to take good government. the she because he thought should lead to governments install appear to come government an election. so the date on that appear to get dollars. the oldest we didn't do is the all the best in countries which are the decided thing bundle of dish, well elections,
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the both the police symphonic here take a moment. so i think it's a fuel to the bulk of seats, the countries we have elections be placed under the existing governments. austin product here at the government in bangladesh. well to south america now where the visit of to us politicians today on a has triggered an angry response in venezuela, which accuses washington of using its neighbour to the east as upon against caracas . this allows us to be sets in the direction of games, venezuela, on the defensive criminal activity, by transnational corporations and public governments such as diana's or a matter of bypass design interest in the united states. it's all earlier this week, the us deputy assistant secretary of the department of defense, visited the gay ana and a move mooted to support regional stability law. former secretary of state my from pal also jetted in and met with a guy and he's presidents a major sticking point and relations between venezuela and diana is the disputed
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territory of essex. about the region officially belongs to gayona and as rich an oil and minerals. the neighbors have argued over ownership for more than a century, although tensions escalated in early december 2023. when it is, well, i hold a referendum in which essex about voted to switch allegiance and condemned the move and called on the international court of justice to intervene. after the icj i called for a coming of $0.10 and you k weighted into the conflict by sending a warship, the guy on his territorial waters and away then as well. and president nicholas madura labeled to move a threat, responding with air enable exercises close to the countries border with hang on a problem. all right, let's get more on this story now from independent journalist jewel frazer. it's all this week. we have seen an official visit by a us defense official. today ana was former secretary of state mike compel also popping in for a visit. why this sudden spark of interest in diana from washington?
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well, i assume the answer is fairly up. the us, the production of oil and gas in the discovery of ireland gas because it should be noted that eastern. so do you asked has had diplomatic relations to with guide on us for 50 plus years. this is the 1st time that it was a 2020 was the 1st time that they had a visit by the us secretary of state on 2020 was the euro when or production began in earnest in, in guy on a. and of course, it's also a matter of perhaps geo political strategic interest. because um, it may also be a few to the united states in further in its agenda in relation to diagnose naples and it's way in a didn't joel, can you give us some more about the historical roots of this border dispute between
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venezuela and diana? so oh, it's a widely publicized course, but basically it is started somewhere back in the 1800s. and there was at that time diana was british diana and the british. and then as well were contending over the territory known as the as the cripple region. and still fantasy i sought help, interestingly enough from the united states in resolving the conflict until there was so they had opportunity to it. they had to rush, so they had to us and u. k. okay, me to decide who was right, who had the right to that region and it was determined that that region should belong to a guy in a banners realize that it was basically line staff and they did not agree with it.
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but they humbly went ahead and signed and allowed them to take the area, but then because they were never happy with 5096, they were able to then have another agreement signed. and it's on the basis of that night to $96.00. the 6 weeks agreement, which is known as the disease agreement, that the un secretary general because as the ongoing tension was april in 2018 to rephrase the matter to see it's a national court of justice. so it's been going on for a while and the main issue is that then it will then as well as people believe that the original agreement to allocate that line. tagano was basically a matter of collusion between the west and caused them to do as far as that it was not a year assignment of the territory to die. i know you will venezuela and diana agreed just last month to avoid the use of force in their feud over s a co. now if you had


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