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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EST

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sign so that bombardment of guys of stops are they will continue to stop ships. so then response to that, we have the un security council meeting now where the united states put forward a resolution and this resolution which was co sponsored by japan. uh, basically a fund that it was justified to protect maritime shipping routes. now, the resolution put forward had 3 amendments to it, proposed by russia. one of which objected to some of the language of the resolution . russia wanted the resolution to just stick up for international law. however, the resolution itself specified the members dates have the right to protect their ships and protect their, their rights, etc. in addition to the ad, russia wanted it to be with the resolution to acknowledge that the reason for the who these action is the ongoing bombardment of gaza surfaces. and whether we regret that despite repeated demands by a number of allegations, including representatives of the arrow boils,
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the documents fails to mention the real root cause of instability and the red sea, namely the price of gaza. the approach for the offices of the document grossly distorts the chain of cause and effect, and makes the document distinctly politicized unbalanced in the us and the u. k. d tote. all 3 of ross has proposed amendments, and then when the resolution was voted on, russia made a point of abstaining and did not vote for the resolution. now it's important to note, russia was not alone in what they had to say before the council, china and algeria also expressed and echoed rushes concerns. at this point, we have over 23000 palestinians have been killed. that is the reason that i'm ser ally, that these are stopping the ships. but yet there was no mention of that in the resolution . the united states simply ignored the cause of this naval blockade. we have the us representative claiming that had nothing to do with gaza. this was both all about
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power on the part of the who's the organization. that was the us claim. well, china was quite frustrated with the un security council for not taking action and moving ahead to bring about a ceasefire in god. here's what we heard from the sign is represented. it must be noted that the car intentions in the red sea are one of the manifestations of a spill over a fact of the conflict in gather. it is a fact that cannot be ignored. china has repeatedly stressed the urgency of achieving an immediate cease fire in gather it is the override in prerequisite for everything else until priority for international diplomatic efforts. we regret that the resolution just adopted by the counsel fails to explicitly called for an immediate cease fire in gaz. and now the united states and the united kingdom have a now, so they re killed a major bombard at the hands of the who see forces according to reports. this is the biggest attack that the who the army has ever carried out on. they say it is
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just a fraction of what they are capable of. if the conflict in the red sea is to escalate, regardless 12 countries signed onto the statements has to be united states saying that if there is indeed further bloodshed in the red sea, that it is the who these who are responsible for it and that there will be consequences for their continued action logic ships right next to this problem. it starts. he sits down with a prominent human rights activist from nigeria who does not hold box on israel's actions in dallas. i was offering his views and want a 2 state solution might actually look like going from like a friday. the, do you think the genocide case followed by the republic of south africa against israel at the international court of justice will be a significant pressure tool to stop ease. drought form is relentless. brought them
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into college students and garza children to dine on a daily basis. in a sense, and it may be moved this bombardment to places like con unit is where they said civilians to move to even a rough or this to assassinations going on the on different to manage out of the my pull by their recklessness displayed by the mission mission dental site. i'm gives the people tell us to try to oh, come on. so i'm assuming i'm on him. i need to be unable to back to extend the actual soft of this. i looked over here for
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good. see for your money, see that the house and watched the 1216 some television. well, by june, june would be good in hospitals, the i'm the homes get on and so i'm assuming the one that they do move up on things you kind of looked at the costs that you can look that back on. i'm fins on children and women and this is 11 is watching on a daily basis. now the south africa has taken the steps. of course we use the light below stimulus credited to some officials and inactive. i misread the
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cartoon. this is but it also shows the importance of the case is from on a split the quote this, that the country mouthful, on the slides by the metrics of america. so that kind of really, how are you i'm, that is was a slip. i because i don't of look up from south africa, don't seem few minutes on the problem. and that is why because it's good to refute. diplomats did you, i mean, it's a, for the present. there's of humor. every event is going to, is there a hispanic event? it is a sign it ran the wrong price want. do you think i'm happy you mentioned you said
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is going to be a reference point. the western countries and the united states of always seeing themselves as a boston of democracy, they say is when is the only democracy in the middle east? they be able to recover from this uh, damage that has been done because it, this has to be one of the most documented genocides in modern times. we seats play out on television every day. would they be able to recall that and have tomorrow style know, it's amazing, schumann writes this all the way that there is no way a straight line to west con, continue to pretend to be loved once of. don't walk us of humor, right? because your life to life is most basic human, right? all you need to be on life to be able to enjoy for that, right? so want to make it look beautiful, right? to live. it will know what the civilized commitment to how much is what is going on
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. so here's which is the worst kind of call. you're going to win the war by having access to a semi on a single but is try will nothing when the peace i'm on the west has prepared to are loud dispute. the kindest in texas is no way you can exterminate the assembly. and even though they want to place them on in front of the people physically, it is significantly encountering to the people. right? yes, i'll close the door. i'm the big one, my support this in this group. the government and so in the pretense to be in the law of democracy trying to call the supreme court
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in his pocket. so you up with this again, this, i'm the one from the west of the night in 2021. while nigeria was in the middle of the poke around insurgency and crisis. the united states will make us stop the proposal of a $175000000.00 worth of arms to nigeria sites in the leasing laws they need. the laws talks about the united states, not sending web posting countries with dubious human rights records. the united states government they said based on niger was a government human rights rep is about just last week. the united states president joe biden recently set them vented congress to sell is well $106000000.00 worth of westbury. despite the documents, it draws human rights violations by is,
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are in this conduct of the war and gaza. how do you react to this agreement? if i say this, i'm election. yes. governments in america and the president and, you know, in know, dr. wayne uh, east, i don't know for the strategies in america, but that we can get both funds the focus on the plus 15. see on the united states of america. when it costs that you might be choose which country is the same web post, regardless of your to my restaurant duty. we're not the kind of agents. and this is, america is a piece of sign of sort of a review site the some of the one that i'm actually kind of giving sending here is whereas a cuba easy. but surely, the only one day, lots of america that has the best
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you know, respectful fremont. i honestly a higher pets done that. that number, they even send their medical doctors along side on the wall drawn toward the teachers where, you know, but when it comes to humor, oh, a medical point that goes to finger cuba. where x x, the america move to back. it has been thought you might have done that, done. cuba all you, when i hear you. so i'm gonna pretend it's, it's 2 main things. practices butcher outside of the show that's going to kind of, oh, baby stuff. well, you know, so, and that is your country what an event or the country gunners you're like,
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you're not like media. most countries live on since the america on the bottom is on them. so for new award, now you've got new shown that the united states of america is the lead being followed me to a few my excuse me, please hold while nobody came on 2 minutes, then please has to stay with me. i'm sure you're aware that i've got about fee of uh, but just to move off of some type of move sooner. football. that's and i would love to talk about or see that, you know, i'm sort of see
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a into this process. so that's what i'm both cut off. it's not it does. so for a do change, you know, that little killing of guthrie, beginning of a sudden see you this is america does not fit best a human circle than any of these regions. let's defend funding. i'm happy you mentioned the killing of conduct because in order for right, you've said that one of the effects of that is the of the blow back of candid godfrey was putting information on the web post them moved south and then insurgencies in the hills region. we've seen the french ministry, there's been a great to add to french sentiments in west africa. we've seen a series of pools of people that beginning to look beyond a multi pulled up world that is not dictated by america. what do you make of this
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new change? in environment, especially the west that for me, a call from the crisis in this neighborhood. so awesome will 6 functions. clinton. you know, the lead, the simple and this is the christmas close by the 1 may be our own. the bessy unit is front office. a few, my nice record had the bench with the same amount for the country as due to robles because of politics may come with that of going to be fine if need be. i know that as us know, when probably more stuff unless it course kind of is still not feeling the best to fight at the territories
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in the sign there being john does west africa. we don't know what we mean where and what do, what is 252. so for the troops to this, going to happy me after coinciding dixon. funny. i'm for me that the sun moon, by the massacre. africans will have to defend themselves. africans will have to protect the continent. again, as i said, for public i assumed we do hope that once it's like 9 year, right? got it. i know that what queued behind stuff, i've all will support the with south africa. in this me go on sloth, i'd be guns, 5 ism, and pilots and, you know, as well, witnessing the the,
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the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. if the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world will receive re washing as for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and visit us deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the
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the that missed the phone interview, not just a lead in human rights activist. your also that nancy corruption at campaign to corruption as being a big problem in nigeria for many decades now in 2016, in conversation with queen elizabeth the 2nd, the day prime minister, david cameron of the united kingdom describe nigeria as tactically,
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corrupt in the policy. and directed western governments for being complicit in the corruption by warehouse and stolen funds. uh, could you share more lights on this one is to the for africa is warehouse in the way west from banks. i'm enough in my sense to do so. you this point, despite alone to accuse me this is a recent conference as credit card will take from susan on fire. here's a line for me is maintained on all the dictators that looked at the width of the country. i bet, come and see the safety of those i'm you have transplants and i'm assuming that this conference every yeah,
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since island is never one of the most growth countries use those punches with the new to the next best i said to this one, that's the kind of course, not the orlando that the set to be the same. so one of the dream to one goodness of possible duplicate on all we have see where the monday for the police went to find me. i'm actually not criminal pots, i guess crush. what stuck on this other look though, because they have beneficiaries of benefits and of course not staying on the subject of student phones, but it's the front of the you raise concepts in the past regarding the rules bank supervision of spending returned assets, legal be cool. so alternatives might denija and government have, if it believes conditions imposed on reasonable,
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or if it's 6 great to control over penetrated funds and i'm talking about things like the and by 2 loops where they will police you on how you will spend your money . this is what you need to do and all of that the sites conditions before you move function to and move slow to uh, slow for me. now, the admin dimension i ran to dictate which is paying money and it pulled off from that. and i've tried the ticket, but the money will not be protect, sofa land will divide the flow you. i didn't give you these unfortunately because the rare news. yeah. a sort of locking tendency. so it's difficult for them to challenge. you know that much of the coming up for what i think that is something i think i will be able to as far
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from local it as i'm in finance. i'm as in apple operator. but what is important? what's important is look for to join the west and the ruling class here to get the impression that corrosion is a quarter. okay. is that, is it money, fish? all the pressure off it pretty for that the system. yeah. because i option you save all parts of capitalism. yes, this is a company. and so when people, so our country is carl or because of carol, so there's really develop today. if you look, let's implementation of no new bro. wonderful. mix it up by that. and if i want that, it can be set to be at the price is the $1.00 that development in africa. then main
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trends of human rights abuses in africa. and who are the main perpetrators of interest aside the government and the some of the most of the 4 to lead me to political as the most fundamental aspect of the my consent to be. so she has the right to implement right to her. right, right. the see if i were to take it seriously. yeah. so for me on the government's enough, i would suppose for the on the development of the clinton by a line. the war back on the dictates the way the economy should be.
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if you take the forest on that because a lot by the president of the boss of dimension economic comes in divided by solicit without body is not picking c b, i am. if i was dictate, how do we have separate, repeating us suddenly, you know, the leasing diesel is the one that is because we looked on the basis of all the bretton woods and seduce me so far. the most african countries of 50 years post independence. i mean, in 2020, forced to set that we're talking about this pessimistic relationship that africa has with this colonial pause and the west. i mean,
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looking at the bretton woods institutions to the dictates and financial policies and economic policies for africans. and one of the most scandalous examples of these proximate is and was when the policy chief, joseph burrell, he said you wrote, is a goddess with not. we've seen the rest of the world as a jungle and that, that, that the government is to take care of this god. and what does that statement tell you about the west altitude towards international relations and how it sees the rest of the world? and what can we, as a consequence, due to those shows some pride and exits. sovereignty were happily progressive forces enough about 5 to 5. well, if i can look we're, i do use that to be here. so solution. cool to test this. yeah. i saw
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a wells advertisements and 2nd of distributions i bought from jessica, you know, and that's why some stuff with the counseling. we also have the uh, the, the content into things right now we use industry, we should be able to, to is also breaks on to the point of view of the, of the content you're going to like me to get to see very, very, looks good. looks good because the game will be tended to be more customer. uh, so that'd be the easiest way to run the i do the united states to drain the during the business day when the police on you know
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what to tell you just by jointly, organizations like books that finally missed the time of filing a globally we've seen a real push, like you said, the progressive forces, beginning to tool, we've seen a real push towards multi polarity at the african union. this plan is to introduce a single currency and the markets and the confidence. how do you think, at this push for, you know, the cation, what effect advocate as voice from the world stage? and how can we get back to the error of the or so jeff, for doctor appointment for my speaking of african units in the proctors, aluminum bodies with this present probably does. we have on the confidence attribute, i read from store 3 months africans. i'd be giving it to you guys to be prescription something with
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a wisdom and best dish making the work of democracy and development. so i'll be getting into joining the forces. so focus, we have to assume nice today groups on the each one click on the ultimate. so that would bring bod expert, whereby you were asking to say, you know, that we would know we should get uh the last 3 to 5 for the protection of the company. and again, as i said, you know, the steps, it would be to mrs. finally,
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but i'm quite sure that the more that will happen, the local interest i likely to support was south africa don't under just the show that we do, we do and that is where sort of baffled by telling the getting the site that you guys, you know, i guess i'd like to end this interview with the quotes for almost a jeff for the to come into. my said, you know, his advocate is when i the new east north west, we should always look for what we have for progressive african confident. thank you . so much, let's defend the following up for your time and for talking to us at our team. do appreciate. thank you. my pleasure. thank
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oh, the the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground, can the,
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the 22 nations of the bleat join the global chorus of voices supporting this of african law search, accusing israel by genocide, any doubts that which is set for its 1st tearing up the hague. today, speaking to archie, a prominent nigerian human rights activists and lawyers said that's all right, thinking people are a bold by israel's assault on augusta. not the i c j law suit is a groundbreaking show sometimes it's, i looked over here for your money that's off watched the plus $16.00 so well by june june would be good enough.


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