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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EST

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due to the yo yo ma, i'm to put them out that they give us the, the, the, the international court of justice fits don. j here is so time for it is case against israel over i'm a legit genocide in dallas in the law. suits of which we're looking at live pictures right now as being parked by dozens of nations, including most recently the members of the power of lead. speaking to r t a prominent nigeria and human rights activism. lawyers say is that all right, thinking people are pulled by history. those assaults of delta of the i. c j lawsuit is a ground breaking loose out of show salsa. from this, i looked over here for good. see, for your money. see, that's off. watched the plus 50 from television well
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by june, june would be good in hospitals and the homes had all the hearing in the netherlands. the idea almost does it with more strikes, reportedly killing at least 20, including many children. and i was a local resident mix pop settings discovery in the rubble of this comic book here. this is the birth certificate for mariah, born in 2014 and for catching up born in 2018. apparently they was for us to as well as security, somehow responsible for the tober 7th attacks. but they're saying that it's quote, not bothered by western criticism, all of its recent collections. after this saw evasion, countries liter previously accused the us of seeking raging change. there the,
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the from must go to the world. this is art. say, welcome to the news hour and a busy thursday. let's get into it. a case of a legit genocidal acts being carried? i think guys that by israel is just about to be heard of the hague for the 1st time, live pictures by the way, from the netherlands. you're watching behind me. so it's out for kat files. the law suits the international court of justice. now the motion has been endorsed by many countries around the world. most recently, the 22 members of a prominent regional grouping fits natural and logical for the arab league to fully support the lawsuit filed by south africa against israel before the international courts of justice on charges are committing genocide. we look forward to a justin bold ruling that will stop this aggressive war and put an end to the shedding and posted in black. so that's return is so will be taking the stand before the international court of justice in the case that could save the ongoing
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is really a must rule and application to promote understanding filed by. so that's because all these the i c j to take into mrs. to immediately suspend is while the military operation in because the strip and also trying to take all reasonable mrs to prevent the genocide to taking a place to engage in that document. so that's the case. i think it's likely to buy top is really official, but including the is really defense. a minister who has referred to the 2 police team is in gaza as human animals, as well as a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who has made comparisons of, of palestinians to a biblical story of the, i'm elect nation, which god, or did the easily lights a to destroy is what has no choice, but to, to appear in front of the i c, j today and tomorrow because it is the signature of the genocide convention. in
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fact, both of africa and as well as signatories of, of the united nations the, the genocide convincing. and that to know states that all the countries that are assigned to that condition have the application to stop with the committee of genocide and also prevents and dependents. those who are committing genocide to that. i think it has long been very empathetic with the putting in people it has acquainted the lives of the people in gaza to those of the black. so that's because back in the day, in the days, in fact, let's have a listening to more of those that african official that continued to stand by the decision. the collective punishment of palestinian civilians through the under the full use of force by israel is a war cry. the deliberate denial of medicine, few of food and water to the residents of gaza is time to amount to
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genocide the collective punishment. that is really the exact same on, or palestinian people is in the front that has gone on for too long. right. so palestinian people i infringed on a daily basis. you know side in time it's not exciting. i see my issue, i why the, i did submit or not that we're bringing in because the session of the hague has just begun. as you can see behind me that one of the judges beginning to speak. let's listen it. application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip south africa versus israel. the court does not include upon the bench a judge of the nationality of either party. accordingly, both parties availed themselves of the right under article $31.00 paragraph 3 of the statute to choose a judge at hawk south africa has chosen judge dick gunn,
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ernest, the syndicate, and israel judge or on the rock. article 20 of the statute provides that every member of the court shall, before taking up his duties, make a solemn declaration in open court, that he will exercises powers impartially and conscientiously pursue into article 31 paragraph 6. that the statute, that same provision applies to judges ad hoc, before inviting judge most advocate and judge for us to make their solemn declarations. i shall 1st, in accordance with custom, say a few words about their careers and qualifications. judge dick on ernest most syndicate of south african nationality has had his distinguished career as a judge. law practitioner, an academic actor, obtaining degrees in english, political science and law from the university of south africa. you practice as an attorney and an advocate with the pretoria bar in 22001. he was appointed
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a judge on the high court in pretoria, and a year later he became a judge on the constitutional court of south africa where he was deputy chief justice for more than a decade and acting chief justice in 202-013-2014 judgments any case is also an honorary professor in the department of jurisprudence at the university of pretoria and to serve as a chancellor of the victoria technicom. and the university of victor, not just on in the hon. spurred judgment syndicate has received numerous honorary doctorates and awards. i shall now say a few words about the career and qualifications of judge brock. a judge i are on the rock of is really nationality. has had an eminent career as a judge in law professor. he holds a p h d in law from the hebrew university of jerusalem and serve as the dean of the faculty of law of that university. between 19741975. he
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was appointed to the as rarely supreme court in 1978 and served as its president from 1995 to 2006. prior to joining the supreme court judge for rock served as the attorney general of the state of israel between 194419751978 is taught law and a number of law schools including young university, the hebrew university of jerusalem, and the right quinn university. hercules, israel judge, correct, has also written extensively in law and has received numerous honorary degrees and awards. in accordance with the order of precedence, fixed by article 7, paragraph 3 of the roles of court. i shall 1st invite judgments, seneca, to make the solemn declaration chris prescribed by the statute and a request. all those present to rise the judgment. seneca,
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you have the floor. all right, so let me play the will perform my duties. alexa, size my powers. as a judge on the play face fully impartiality and conscientious as i st. judgments any case. and i now invite search barracks to make the solemn declaration prescribed by the statute. that is correct. you have the floor. i solemnly declare. i think really before my duty is an exercise, my power says judge, hold on, please. faithfully, impartially and cautiously. i thank you judge, correct. please be seated. i take note of the solemn declarations made by judge ad hoc was to indicate and judge
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as act the rock in order to clear them duly installed. as judges ad hoc, in the case concerning application of the convention and the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip south africa versus israel. i shall now recall the principal steps of the procedure and present case on 29 december 2023. the government of south africa filed in the registry of the court, an application instituting proceedings against the state of israel, alleging violations by the matter of its obligations. under the 1948 convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, i shall refer to this convention as the genocide convention. to found the jurisdiction of the court, south africa invokes article $36.00 paragraph, one of the statute of court. and article 9 of the genocide convention, south africa states that its applications concerns acts threaten, adopted, condoned taken and being taken by the government and military of israel against the
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palestinian people. a distinct national racial in ethnical group in the wake of the attacks and israel on 7. okay, we're just going to stop there for a moment on some of the testimonies come from the at both countries. so the forgotten issue. we'll cross back to them on when the judges in question is also speaking at we'll have the latest from the hague. but in the meantime, and we've got some live reaction now to bring you on the program, one of the signatories and date to the site. the african lawsuit, jonathan at pollock, joining us from tel aviv at jonathan, you're most welcome to the program. we've just been hearing the, the 1st opening steps there, all the dots at last through the judges making their opening at remarks in the netherlands. we're essentially in on chartered territory here, but one with potentially huge wellness locations. what's your main expectation for the hearing? what i'd like to start with saying that i'm no legal expert, i'm not
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a jurist. and this is not my area of expertise. what i do know is that what if it is doing and they've got to stay, must end. it must be stopped immediately. and only a few days ago, i've spoken to a friend in district who said he's originally from um he lives before the war. he lived and got the city in the north of district, and he had evacuated his own after it was bumped and had moved to the south. that is there that supposedly declared 6. and he had since had to move uh 6 times because of the fairly bombardment, including investor, which it was declared as a safe split that the last place that is gonna have declared est soon. uh he had,
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he said to me, we have no foods. we have no water, we have no medicine. uh, we are constantly wet and dirty. um i have taken my children out. same under the rubble of the bombing twice once and got an interest in one thing. the in the, in the states on israel must stop slaughtering of the people stanza, and it has to happen immediately. what i expect of the court, what i expect of the hearing, and i am weird that it will probably not happen today. but what i expect of the court is to forward there is going to stop doing governance to stop the aggression on the people together. and this is what must happen. so we didn't just break down . not don't jonathan big because that's the, the, the essence of the hearing is about whether or not is really as committing acts of
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genocide in gas it. but that could take years. any kind of and loss thing, declaration all not the decision on that. but what you're saying is that in the meantime, your man pressure can perhaps be puts on israel. stop doing that. and accommodations for a case in the hague might actually tricks and bring that more to the forefront. put pressure on israel's international bonkers. and even if it's not agreed upon by israel, do you see them popping up because of the pressure, even though it's real estate, it's essentially going to ignore it. even though they're, they're in the netherlands having their case, that the pressure is going to be the big issue at play here. and one of the important things to note is that the, it's within the court power the court's power to order. if you have to stop not to exert pressure on it, not to is within its order to order it to do so. and if,
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if it does not comply, it is that the you, that your insecurity comes with must do it with israel as in a friend. like to put the address already as an offender. off international in the court has the power to do that. and if the ratified the convention and recognized the courts a power to do so in the past. so this is what must happen. now, we're not only talking about, um, it's like i said, i'm no, i'm no expert. you know, what i do know is, is really society. and what i do know is that the discourse within these very society is genocide. and the, the, is the south african case quotes, some of it. but it is only just the very margins of what is happening within its very society in the genocide of this course. that is, that is common place in a very society from top to bottom. we're not only talking about put additions. now
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. the question is not only whether it there are, there is a structured plan for genocide like from, from the top that ordered like 50. if the had to have this, the military ordered the soldiers to, to commit genocide. we must remember that the is there in the army, is not strictly a profession army. it's a conscription army and in the current for it relies heavily on reserves. and when the discourse within his ready society is a soldier in a cycle, and there is absolutely no prosecution as genocide of discourse and no no richard, no reprimand to the to genocide to discourse. it also represents, it least in the very least, the large elements within days of the army. and we have seen videos of if any
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soldiers talking about the proper way to handle gaza and the punishment that must be, that governance must be met with at we've seen a soldier, we've seen a video of and if any soldier discussing how governance not, how does it must be raised, how governance must be treated. and then as an example of that, blowing up a building behind him. and that was just a few days ago. and it's all, it's a sorry to interrupt, but there's also being testimony, of course, from, from the officials. ben, give me your etc, talking quite, and quite direct rhetoric as well. but then again, you have large swedes. of these really population who very much and are affected by hostages being held by how much they remember they october 7th terrorist attack they are. they are thinking that we have to get rid of any further attacks on our land, on our people, and could say that because of what's in her mouth as charter that we're dealing
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with a genocidal attack against us, which would make things complicated in the hague. if it spreads out, if it widens, i for that, wouldn't that i'm, no, i don't think so that the fact that it's ready for, i'm attacked and hurt does not, does not mean that you feel can commit genocide, is it what can commit to massive muscle murder in integrated states, and this is what is happening if it is committing a mass murder, indigo. the strip is committing massacres in the gather, strip of innocent people targeting like wise, wisely and widely targeting the population. well, when they would, they would say just about the airlines are all going to, you're gonna, i'll let you finish. but they would say that they've dropped an endless amounts of leaflets saying we're going to, we're going to bomb this area. please get out so that that is not genocidal because
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we're telling the people before we attack theories to to attack come us, but we don't want to kill civilians. what do you say when you hear that argument from the is really government? so i will, i will go back to my friend that i've spoke of and he indeed fled the northwest together strip where lift gates were passed and he fled as far south as possible to what if the designated, if the states don't know that faith zone is not safe. and if the face on that is true, tells people to see 2 is not face, it cannot be considered the face of a and different. and therefore, the only conclusion can be that is really using the, the, the war is pete pretext to mean the, the civilian population of guys, a surgeon and further south toward egypt. if they open the say they do it really minister jonathan, i'm really sorry to interrupt, but we have to return to the hey,
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go with the south african representative as just started speaking. thank you for you very much for your time. one of the 2nd piece of the south african lots of jonathan products. let's indeed return to benevolence in south africa is jacob nice. the ongoing method of dependence dean and people through israel scrutinize ation since 1948, which has systematically and forcibly dispossessed, displaced in front, meant at the scene. and people deliberately denying them the internationally recognized infinity and the rights to self determination and their intuition. and to recognize rights of return as of messages to the towns and villages in what is now the state of israel. we are also particularly mindful of isabel institutionalized, redeem of discriminatory laws, policies and practices designed and maintained. dressed up as termination subjects from the publishing and people to apache on both sides of the green line,
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decades long with impunity for widespread and systematic human rights violations has imposed into these val. and it's the cabins and intensification of international crimes and pa, this time at the outset, south africa acknowledges that the genocidal acts and emissions by the state of each of them individually form parts of a continuum of the legal tax perpetrated against the people. but it's to me and people since 1948 the application place this is ralph genocide. ok. it's an emissions within the broad a context of ease of some into 5 year pottage. 56 the patients and 16 the siege, imposed on because this tip i siege, which itself has been described by the director of u. n. r w a f. as in gaza. s i silent to lot of people
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as the committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, ones on december 21st hate speech. and do you hear me nice in discourse? targeted college students is raising severe concerns regarding israel and other states. parties publication to prevent crimes against humanity and genocide in the gaza strip. this warning has been followed by a succession of warnings, including by the 57 united nations, especially to put this up the failure of the international system to mobilize to prevent joint asides in casa, today, we have joined in court by a representative of the published united states, the students who worked in the fields of human rights, including the residents of casa, who, in gaza, just
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a few days ago. they are some of the lucky ones who managed to get out of cause the future. and the future of the phillip understands who are still in casa, depend on the decision difficult. would it make on this matter with the leave of the quote, a now quote up on his excellent seat. mister, no, not the minister of justice of the republic of south africa to mix us about because substantive opening remarks. i think the agent of south africa for his statement, and i now invite the minister of justice and correctional services for the republic of south africa is excellent. see mister ronald amolla to take the floor. you have the floor. excellent. thank you madam president and distinguished members of the court. a decent order for me to spend jim in front of you on behalf of the republic of south africa on this exceptional case and extending our hands across the line,
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the myers to the people of palestine. we do so informally that we are part of your money to the the said one. these are the words or for a funding president. nelson mandela. this is dispute. it didn't result definitely come accede to, to the convention. on the prevention and punishment of crime of general site in 1998. this is the spirit and we to approach this quote as a contracting party to the convention. this is a commitment to the people of palestine. and is this like as previously mentioned, the violence and the destruction in palestine and is that i did not begin on the 7th of october and independently. the palestinians of experience is the medical profession and violence for the last 7 to 6 years. on 6 october the independent 3
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and the days since october, the 7th, independent to indigo. that's to be at least as 2004 is that i will continue to exercise control over the space to the toner and what us then crossing water, electricity, and civilian infrastructure. as well as of a key government functions. enter and exit by m and c to gaza is strictly prohibited with is that i don't know, but i think the end of the 2 crossings points to given that continuing restrictive controls by is an island over the to the total. gaza is that i is typical and see that by international community to be under delinquent or corporation. by is that i so definitely come on a google color condemned the tendency of civilians by how most and other police didn't. i'm groups in the taking of hostages on the 7th of, of, of october 2023. and as i did next,
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president recorded this condemnation. most recently, in this, not of above is what i had on the 21st of no of december 2023. that's it. no, i'm a talk on this stage territory. no meant to how serious, even in a talk and holding atrocity crimes can provide any justification for or defense to produce to the convention. whether it is a mentor for low on what it is that has the response to the 7th of october of 2023, i talk as cross to dislike and give rise to the breaches of the convention phase. it's such evidence and our duty to do what we can do to prevent insight as contained in article one of the convention. the south african government initiated this case. so the for to go where comes the fed, but is that our lives engage with the case in order to have the method result by
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the court of the careful and objective consideration of defects and submission food before it is a participant, the convention have intended this hearing is content is concerned. we saw the progressive request to the court for the indication of provisional measures and wouldn't necessarily have and not at all. and a particular focus involved the words of much into the key when he said the item, the motor of, of the universe is low. always bending to was justice. so the best case would it be presented by a team of 6 to go to concerts comprising of dr. a. de la c. mr. timber guns we're going to be processed. i don't to got miss blynn the chrome. mr. next to police and profess a gun. no, don't do our c, c,
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a console. we provide an overview of the risk of genocide does eggs in the prepay trouble, not ability to ex, of genocide, missed the temper guns with i, toby senior concept will exit mine is r as a ledge general say the intent process. i don't do good. see or concept, we're focused on the pretty much like the student diction. prefer megs to police. see are concerned with this cause the body else rides currently under. but believe me, pro concept will provide will present the argument of agency and post potential independent wilhelm and process. i got the new things concept was big on the provision of measures. i now would request my them president of the quote to call on the policy i think is excellent. so you mr. level. the and i now invite is
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a deal i seem to address the court. you have the format of the thank you madam president. distinguish members of the court, it is a privilege to appeal on behalf of the republic of south africa. in this case of exceptional importance. a. it's a case that i'm the school was the very essence of our shed humanity. as expressed in the preamble to the genocide convention. it's my task to address the courts on the genocidal acts that i've led to to this urgent request for provisional measures on the article 41 of the statute of the court. so that's a good contends that is written has transgressed article 2 of the convention by
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committing actions that full within the definition of genocide, the actions show a systematic pattern of conduct from which genocide can be input. allow me to place these acts in context. garza is one of the 2 constituent territories of the occupied palestinian territories occupied by israel since 1967. it is a narrow strip of approximately 365 square kilometers as depicted in the matter now. displayed israel continues to exercise control over the space, territorial watches, land crossings more to electricity. electromagnetic sphere.


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