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tv   News  RT  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the susan is a special genocide. our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the middle type of waiting call from us. but these imbedded in the fabric of public opinion lives in cause south africa says israel's warren, gaza, is being waged with genocidal intent as it calls on the international court of justice for an immediate cease fire and a motion back to buy more than 30 countries. there is no basis accusations of genocide against against israel. that's not a word that ought to be thrown around lightly just by international backend,
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for the call to end of the gaza bloodshed. washington denounces of africa's i. c. j lawsuit. as based on the, the right, an army confirms the seizure of an oil tanker that was previously confiscated by us authorities under sanctions against iran. the are watching our t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow on day one of hearings at the hague, south african lawyers accused israel of openly stating a policy of genocidal intent against palestinians in gaza. which idea of troops are allegedly carrying out? it is a special genocide. our intent is the router in the belief that in fact the enemy, this is not just the middle tired of waiting called from us, or indeed how most and that on file is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion
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life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. the dispute had crystallized as a metal door. this was consumed by his rogues, official and unequivocal denial. on 6th december that it was committing genocide in garza, despite the adoption of the conventions, to prevent and punish the crimes of 10 aside, the atrocities continue and the, the international community. according to the minister as failed to translate the goals of the off of the previous and into the attitude. and we know that the responsibility to protect the fulls on states. and those are some of the states that have acted
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a bit concerned and made it seem like the we're worried about the children and the people in the guys and the some of those states that the u. s. and the u. k. a lot of people say it's quite a lot of people and when they try to, so some sort of empathy and sympathy towards predicting and then posting and children. and a lot of people say those are always the crocodile tiers. and as of the longer the will continue, the, the more children and people in guests us continue to stuff up, but overall, so that's a good, really, really all you did. how did before the international court of justice today, many palistine and representative and people a so the practice you towards of africa, that's something more on that south africa to move on to active steps on behalf of humanity to protect the palestinians, people and ensure that the genocide, convention and international law do not become completely irrelevant. which is
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a prospect that must specify all of us. this is a case of death, could also find that the empower the genocide convention and is a very significant one for international community to me and go to showcase its usefulness. and to prove that it's not really or rather me a playground for the waste with the with to have now. so it's discontent. that's 7 . listen to this. watching african women and men fighting to save humanity and international legal system against the roof list attacks, supported end enabled by most of the west, will remain one of the defining images of our time. this will make history, whatever happens. a lot of people are speculating, kind feet and trying to make sense of what is almost a, its defense tomorrow, but to no one really knows for sure. so we wait to see what each valve will bring to the table tomorrow. israel's foreign ministry released a strongly worded statement after the hearing in the hague,
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and which should accuse south africa of functioning as the legal arm of homa, south africa, which is functioning as the legal arm of the how much terrorist organization isolated schools, the reality and goals are following the story was 72 months ago and completely ignore the fact that thomas taurus infiltrated israel mode, execute his musket rapes and abducted as legal citizens, simply because they was raised in an attempt to carry out genocide. we do not have any monday thrown from us our monday to is from the south african government. and in our case also is not against the jews as a people. our case is like this. the actions of the state of is that i the actions of geno sites that are committed in because of to we spoke to the south african minister of justice right after the 1st day in court ended. he told us the ongoing lawsuit regarding his really actions in gaza is a chance for the international court of justice. not to repeat the mistake it made with the genocide in rwanda. it is important to give to quite
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a no point and it's not to to go ahead because desirable then genocide into the one to unfold when. so the goal is going to a tennessee agent, and there was no to intervene with this quote cuz we're giving the opportunity to the quote, the highest body of d u. n organ. that is entrusted with the preventing, generously to make a finding that hulu based on the fence and the load that were presented in the global community. we're a better place to know and understand what it means and the, the history of discrimination. violence disposition is almost a key to what is kind of unfolding in the doesn't how um those would be a way of founding president. one of the 1st conversations that d,
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a pendant disagree to on the mainland age was the genocide convention. so was standing on the shore to offer jane to stand on principle, to assert the rights to life for the police, didn't police? it does for the children to go to school to leave a normal life. so the children to go to texas health care, the elders, them tell this to me and population to be able to leave, like in a person all over the room. so this is about 2 minutes. i mean, well is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu reacted to south africa's allegations, claiming it is the idea that holds the moral high ground by taking every care not to harm civilians. a terrorist organization carried out the worst crime against the jewish people since the holocaust. and now someone comes to defend it in the name of holocaust. what brazen go the world is upside down. the idea of the most moral
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army in the world, which does everything to avoid harming non competence, stands accused by the representatives of these monsters of genocide, south africa, the bulk receipt screams to the high habits. i'm not surprised about the retreat that and i'm gonna send it to now who is a 3. i also gather with the usual accusation of anti semitism. this deal is coming to your findings of the actual method. you will, you, would, we, would, we call the actual that even the sick stress they'd been, couldn't from the united states of america. also suddenly today said that they seemed that the desk told all civilians are to refine. these were, comes with not sick recreation a few weeks ago support when they was the call to you was bombing and keep of the palestinians in garza. but because of the court case, because of the application southerly, we see a tone down the bottom of that was that of these,
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that highly officials and the cool of the united states. so for sure, that's a summary of palestinian reports. a israel may cut off water and electricity supplies to the west bank as punishment for providing evidence of genocide to the international court of justice. local correspondent mohammed the g protest. this information, citing it palestinian authorities to have a policy and all to charlotte, and it'd be in debt to of, to dimensions on this evening back to the sale for these who provided this off offer to go with all that information on dave events and head south africa to appeal and to complain to the information that of course of justice against as i am . because i'm gonna see if it is itself, it feels that i might have kind of a slightly actions on punishment on the auction. see if the feels like you did that . then as i at least was a couple phonetically scanned, the order from the old was the bank to punish that. but i seen as soon as it goes back to the same day,
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but it showed that software optic i do that uh on the dropbox. yes. so both of them with that information also says that the, that as well as you know, 40 wants to get the results, found how to show them the balance due and people are not to get to show actually, to the see that's still a better desktop. i'll click on it based off of a couple of doing that. they don't know that the, what the contribute ticket back on sometimes of himself or people are not being engaged in that way, as they don't know. what to the elf shall say, says that they don't want to be in the scene, and the guy wants to get the results. actually, the file for 87 pages. that's the used by the south africa at the cool to all that information came from the sale. 40. the auto loan is to shift brand best thoughts. who it work on that for the days and weeks and collected all the evidence and some of them. it's lovely to have access to their to, to help us off after they've gotten in the front of that information over the course of justice. so mohammed,
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it sounds like palestinian officials provided some pretty significant evidence to the court to trigger this type of response from israel. do you know specifically what that was? a yes. and they collected the videos of the, the it was or that is i want to conduct i genocide and get us on the targeting civilians. man that wants to videos and the median can deny as a title. so the music art supplies the say a shooting, get deliberately, i'm getting back into the targeting the bottom of this and the host of colors and the media comes stuff and the denies the entry will see we can pull the, all of those things for they made was a problem and they, they provided and also they provided there is a, from the social media. where does that is like this whole does gone from the alias . you know, shows add some blisters. i mean, but the bottom i was calling for the it didn't go to the guns or people to display
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some of the guys of people to boston to him that great the from guys outside to see now i or some other place as well as the 1st days hearings at the international court of justice wrap up. the us department of state maintains that south africa's allegations of genocidal intends are unfounded. the allegation that israel is committing genocide are on founded. in fact, it is, those square violently attacked and israel, who continued to openly call for the elation of israel and the mass murder of jews, plus far as us officials are concerned. the proceedings that are taking place are on the found it. they consider them to be illegitimate. so they are referring to the fact that they consider israel to simply be defending itself. israel's enemy is a mosse which seeks to destroy them, not the palestinian people here assembled what we heard from john kirby. and we have said repeatedly that we believe that these allegations this case is unfounded,
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and that there is no basis for mackey's actions of genocide against against israel . that's not a word that ought to be thrown around lightly. and we certainly don't believe that it applies here. well, across the country there has been an upsurge of protests in support of the palestinians. video is circulated. it'll be dallas city council in texas being disrupted by very big protests of members of the community that are speaking out in support of the palestinians. recently, the san francisco city board of supervisors passed a resolution to support the palestinians, as well as to condemn the actions by a mazda on october 7th. then there has been a big upsurge of support to the palestinians among the american public in particular among joe by his own party, where many among the democratic parties they simply do not approve of the white houses action standing behind israel as it continues its bombard the is rarely bombardment of gaza is taking a terrible toll on civilians, aid workers, and medical personnel. that's according to the world health organization. as it
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sounds, the alarm that israel is creating insurmountable challenges for humanitarian missions in the enclave. the level of clean water and sanitation and overcrowded living conditions are creating the ideal environment for this to spread. delivering the money to an aid in guys that continues to phase nearly inside of mountain china . and just so intense bombardment, restrictions on movement, fuel shortage, uninterrupted communications. make it impossible for visual and our partners to reach those in need. all the talks that we hear that the israel is helping the people is trying to do its best to not target people. these are many where it's but we have not seen these words being actionable on the ground, the convoys, they say that so they so easily that through it is up to the international
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organizations to do all the necessary. we have not seen these actions on the ground, so we hear a lot of words, but we're missing the action, or the implementable action on the ground. the people are not protected on their way to the sites, so as people are not protected in the safe sounds, the water is not being restored as not being able to be brought in people up begging for what the ambulances are as this horrific incident shows. not safe and but what, even by transporting wounded hospitals are not safe, no matter what is on the ground or should be supposedly on the ground, hospitals have to be safe, con wise, cannot get in, and not enough fate is getting in. and then the con wise cannot get further up more so we have to cancel 6 missions, 7 actually including yesterday to go further up north from, from rough up to supply the few partially functioning hospitals with any equipment . so diseases can spread easily or kill those who are already weak. so color, uh, um, it has not gets that taken place. it goes color, i need to tell you,
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but of course, acute moultrie diarrhea, which is just as bad, just lacking. the bacteria is ramping and gaza right now. skin infections, rushes um, all types of other infections, a multiplying respiratory infection. so long infections um 20 folds the level we normally have in november. uh that um that's only what b c reported because the lab right, sorry. so not functioning, there's no way to test any samples to collect samples then to test them. so the whole package, everything is basically destroyed at a dysfunctional. but the us state department is a serious over the a rainy and seizure of an oil tanker off the coast of a mon calling to move a menace to the global economy and demanding the immediate release of the ship and its crew. the iranian government must immediately release the ship and its crew.
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this unlawful seizure of a commercial vessel is just the latest behavior by iran, or enabled by iran, aimed at disrupting international commerce. we believe this kind of action will simply add uncertainty for commercial shipping and for regional and global economy is earlier. they are right in armies press. office confirmed that seizure of an oil tanker close to the city is so hard they report the vessel is now heading toward the rain in coast. the military news release, news release as it sees that american tanker in retaliation. this boiled tank or renamed the saint nicholas, is carrying oil in the sea of oman. it was seized by court order this morning and approved by the ports and shipping organization of the strategic navy of this law. mc republic could be wrong in retaliation for the oil tanker seized by the american regime and is currently being transferred to his law, make republic ports for delivery to the judicial authorities. this trip was carrying a rocky oil in the port city of mass drawn was balance for addie of
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a port in western char key when it was attacked and seized by on, known, close unknown arm demand, the impounded oil tank. it was once known as the so as well drawn and was previously involved in a year long dispute. over the shipment of wandering and crude oil, the united states department of justice finally ordered this seizure and unloading of 1000000 barrels of iranian crude oil contained in this vessel. and this cargo was transferred to another oil tanker off the coast of texas. located in the gulf of mexico, mexico. we did ask the iranian foreign ministry for an interview, but they refused to comment. however, yvonne's national television has confirmed the confiscation. it was, may be said that the tanker was seized by the country's naval forces following a court order and uh upon the approval of the ports and shipping organization in retaliation to quote,
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staff of oil by the american government. the navy said that the seas vessel is now being transferred to the ports of these womic republic of iran for delivery to due to shuttle forward use. of course we will update you about more details. as soon as we get more information from the you're wanting authorities on how to sedan, where the 9 months, the conflict between the countries army and paramilitary forces continues to deepen . the humanitarian crisis. so far more than 12000 people have been killed and 6000000 displaced in the country. that's according to the you. when a local reporter brings us more details, the power struggle between the city's armed forces and power, military rapids support forces pyro into a large scale conflict in april last year. and it has been worst means of humanitarian crisis in the country. the un says more than 12000 people have been
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cubes, and 6000000 displaced inside the country, including more than half a 1000000 displaced by renewed bosses, which broke out now to 0 states in december. the latest file is passed, interrupted humanitarian of prices and costs. many and chose to withdraw the stop. and these only means more suffering for the student needs. even before the conflict started around 1548000000 of them were in dire need of humanitarian aid, caused by long term political instability, economies challenges ended stream web shots. the complex not only itself to pay that this problem, but as left, almost swear to $5000000.00 people or more than half of sedans, population in precarious situations, without any rest, but inside the prices is the largest engine, all displacement prices globally. and the international rescue committee sets down stops. it's a watch list of countries most likely to experience
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a data rate in humanitarian prices for c siding more mass displacements, economy challenges, and a health care system. now a live support, more than 70 percent of health facilities in conflict affected regions of sit down or non functional, oppose this while more than 200 people have died from over 9000 suspected cases are paul or did you and says the latest figures represents an increase of over 40 percent compared to the case load one month ago since last year. more than 1300000 people have fled across the students board is seeking help in neighboring contra is including nearly half a 1000000 whole flags to south sedan. thousands more, a report of the waiting at the border to get in. critics, a diplomatic responses to the complex, especially from the international community, has been clumsy and thought sedans, neighbors, like egypt, you'll be out of
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a central african republic. i believe we have to face both of our when refugee prices and the risk of active complex feeling over their part is timothy r t. a pull job material your app would be on its own if attacked, while nato's days are numbered. those were allegedly, the words are former us president, donald trump, according to multiple media report, citing a senior european politician. you need to understand that if you are, if is under attack, we will never come to help you into support you. by the way, nato is dead and we will leave, we will quit and they to donald trump are part of the issue. the warning was only recently came to light european commission, president ursula vander lion in 2020, at the world economic form in davos. meanwhile, in a recent interview, former us attorney general era quote or claim the former president obama believes there would be incalculable damage if trump were to be re elected holders commons comes his days after former 1st lady,
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michelle obama said she is terrified about what could possibly happen in the election. what's gonna happen in the next election? i am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit. it backs us in ways that are sometimes i think people take for granted to this wave of anti trump. warnings comes amid fresh revelations on the hunter bite and painting saga with biden's ard dealer being grilled by the house oversight can committee as part of their presidential impeachment inquiry. then white house press secretary, now emerson, b. c. host, agend, stuckey, repeatedly assured the public. the white house had an ethical plan to ensure transparency and stop complex of interest to enable hunter biden, to sell his paintings. but the information shared about prospective buyers with hunter biden or the administration. however,
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in his testimony 100 biden's art dealer's orange burgess claimed he had no communication with the white house on an ethics plan and admitted to the committee . the hunter knew the identities of around 70 percent of the individuals who by his art was most of being democrat donors. the committee chair has since stated, the white house has a lot of explaining to do about misleading. the american people or white house did not. so mediately offer comment on versus testimony your class. all right, let's cross live now. just even osburg to talk show hosts to steve. great to have you on with us. again, these claims on drums statements are merging against the backdrop of the escalating scandal about a 100 biden's paintings. what's behind the timing of them coming out as well? and you know what, what we saw yesterday was just uh, we just mind boggling and amazing. um, i, i don't know, uh, you know, what motivated the, the, the, the trump remarks to come out. but obviously we didn't leave nato. the president
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never talked about that. i'd never heard him mention that and any of his features, never heard him try to pitch that as an appeal to his base. even the so, you know, he's criticize nato for not pay other countries for not paying their fair share. but this is all a distraction, the whole thing is a distraction. you know, these paintings, like, like you alluded to, we were assured that this was done in an ethical way. a careful way to make sure there was nothing on ethical or illegal about at all. and now you have the art dealer themselves saying, i know there was no talk. there was no caution taken into these people. democratic donors, dos is anybody surprised about this? you don't have to buy them right now. is in a los angeles court room are being arranged on tax charges where you can take 17 years in prison due to their overnight because yesterday, as you well know, he went and he made a surprise appearance at a committee hearing to sit in the audience in the galley and basically try to,
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i guess, intimidate uh, the, uh, the uh, the house of representatives oversight committee, who today voted to, um, hold the hunter, binding in contempt of congress. yesterday. the house judiciary committee voted to do the same thing. so now it's good to go before the full congress to see of hunter biden is held in contempt. i mean, this guys got more problems than i don't know who. steve, a former president obama reportedly believes there would be incalculable damage if donald trump is re elected with michelle obama saying issues concerns about the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. what i want to know is, if that's truly the case, why are democrats so adamant about joe biden? being the democratic nominee when his approval ratings are so low. and it is a mystery. there was a time about a month or 2 ago where some top democrats, who were to fill the ation with obama in the past. started saying, oh, you know,
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maybe he's going to consider dropping out. maybe he should consider dropping out. according to your job, i know was interviewed today. i name is nbc. he has no intention of dropping out. i personally don't think he's going to be the nominate. i personally think that's there's gonna be some stunt polled at that at the last minute and he drops out and maybe just, maybe michelle obama gets the nomination at the convention. it stranger things have happened. and there are a lot of people in this country who believe that the rock obama has been pulling the strings in this administration from the beginning, from the, from the process of getting by into office picking come a lot higher, says as vice president and picking cabinet members and putting his old people that worked with him in the administration. so nothing would surprise me. we are in on trusted dented waters here. yeah, we certainly are steve nearly half of britain's thing, donald trump would seriously destabilize the world and hurt them financially. if he
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wins back to white house, that's according to a recent poll. why are people so fearful of what could happen at the end of 2024? because because the meet the media, the media is call them. i mean, calling them hitler and a nazi no anymore isn't even a nobody blinks anymore. they're, they've been, it's in their brain. it's on their brain for, for years and years and years. trump, is this trump, is that and well, the justice system in this country has, has indicted him and he's been, he's got 434 trials to face before the election. so, i mean people, when they, when they say your donald trump, and if they don't know enough about the politics here and why these trials and indictment came um, you know, they say, well, the bad guy use corrupt these, this is that so naturally the next step is yeah, it's going to hurt the world. it's gonna hurt us so they don't want them. but in this country, at least so far that's, that's not the case according to the polls. me coming back to the hunter bite in painting saga his gal,
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her wrist is given testimony to the oversight committee with the chair saying the white house had a lot of explaining to do well, what do you think we can expect from this investigation? you know, the congress has disappointed so many people so many times with, you know, they launched in a peach when inquiry into jo, buying a few weeks ago. now they say they're not going to really pursue it. they're going to go after the homeland security secretary, they, they a lot depends on hunter by hunter, by his was subpoenaed by the congress to testify behind closed doors. that's where he asked to testify to the committee. now he says, i'll come and do it in public. well, you don't get to pick and choose. and that's why he showed up yesterday and, and his supporters, etc. he's willing to test the parties here. it doesn't work that way. so i really don't have confidence that they'll be any legal repercussions for the artwork specifically. and if he's convicted on the tax charges or anything else on his way
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out, joe biden, even though they say he won't, he will pardon his son. all right, but they're staples for the talk show hosts. thank you. my pleasure. as in bob blay is set to receive a shipment of russian grain. the cargo has made us stop in mos in vehicle waiting to be transported to its final destination. a local reporter brings us more details . during the russia african summits, president put in place to donate to african countries, 50000 tons of green and federalized. today i'm here at the federal port in mozambique, or as shipments tearing. 25000 tons of grain has arrived for the country of zimbabwe, a symbol of hope for millions of zimbabwe, laden with 25000 tons of live saving grade. this is a to give from the russian for the race. and so the people folks involved with this


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