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tv   Documentary  RT  January 11, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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of these are many where it's but we have not seen these words being actionable on the ground, the convoys, they say that so they so easily that through it is up to the international organizations to do all the necessary. we have not seen these actions on the ground, so we hear a lot of words, but they're missing the action, or the implementable action on the ground. the people are not protected on their way to the safe, so as people are not protected in the safe sounds, the water is not being restored as not being able to be brought in, people of begging for what the ambulances are as this horrific incident shows, not safe, but what even by transporting wounded hospitals are not safe, no matter what is on the ground, there should be a, supposedly, on the ground. possibilities has to be safe, con wise, cannot get in and not enough 8 is getting in. and then the con wise cannot gets further up more so we have to cancel 6 missions, 7 actually including yesterday to go pro, to up north from, from rough up to supply the fuel,
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partially functioning hospitals with any equipment. so diseases can spread easily or kill those who are already weak. so color, uh, it has not yet taken place. it goes color, it needs it. but tell you, but of course, a tooth walter with diarrhea which is just as bad just lacking the bacteria is ramping and gaza right now. skin infections, rushes, all types of other infections, a multiplying respiratory infection. so long infections 20 folds the level we normally have in november. and that's only what b c reported because the laboratories are not functioning. there's no way to test any samples to collect samples and to test them. so the whole package, everything is basically destroyed at a dysfunctional as well. that's a rough for now for all the lasers do head over to all websites, all t dot com or consider subscribing thoughts on a gum tunnel. one is to be discussed on the back again, just about 30 minutes time. thanks so much.
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the, the, the circus is an amazing work full of laughter, fun and excitement. and it's a whole lot more generations of circus artist to keep the art of life moving forward. and preserving traditions at the same time. this is one of the oldest circuses in russia, the moscow circus on strip north boulevard. some of the greatest actions of business and some of the most breathtaking actions happens right here. the
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fortune logan year says to this book or, and is to see jobs on a blog and move on. but it's that he just doesn't get wants to get fond of the scriptures. she's computer to display. it shows the shit she. the other thing is that c p page j, she could we, so let's just use yankees of edition. so be do set you through the how to use that to get the silly sheets or steve or she's between us. if we should have to use the student that you to this just because she did not seem to tell you with this issue, you, but i would say the thing is that it's got to start because he listed, you need to send me the steps. it was just things to which is to is nice. that's
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what we're going to condense you. it's, it's associated with, with the bedroom, but at least and she's considering betsy seniors that if i needed the site, because nothing for decades, connie webb is being was and across the world will be under no real pretext. it penetrates as deep as possible into every sphere of certain countries. and washington devoted special attention to russia. the nice thing it can, i may just be sung save simple usual gifts, possibly. i've tried w, a good seems to me and they're still not in the sellers deal as a shop, but i need them to to stage. and you may have just companies that say, if you're okay slow, i'm being co gardner,
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sledging this case to me and then you come school. most deflector students are comfortable giving us the public or you cannot sort of she's got the most of the username i so what i showed them. i used the yeah, i mean my it's always go my get for the i knew i knew your board that you prefer over the yeah, yeah. the good you know is not a program matic organization. we were grant making the we have to or institutes and i think all of them are active and the other routes to them. i think, you know, well because they work very, very closely with you and your team and the coordination counsel and that's
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the n b i and i are, i are to party institutes and they run the net umbrella and we fund their work, the russian things to to move on to the next us so exposed prominent politicians around the globe, sort of things of color revolution when they posed as exiled, literacy, and presidential candidates such alone that you know scott unto or assistance, and how wisdom ngos operate in russia and federal rules. they contacted the top management of the u. s. national endowment for democracy, for energy, for short. by law. this organization come look at russia. this doesn't bother it's wraps in the least. say no net is it prohibits it's no rush or no
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matter. i'm just as a matter of, you know, we don't have, we don't have offices, we're not like a freedom house or in the i or i, we don't have offices. so for up there they can check us out. but we support many, many groups and where we have a very, very active program throughout the country. the baron, on operating in russia, i'm uses those working for the us congress funded foundation. so many years the any d was popular among russians. human rights activists, opposition politicians in general is different than the democrats who died me to come to the phone, which is each of them control us. i mean, it comes, go to pages to the puppies. 9 go, we could throw at the 20 school. know to reflect say, that's what i need on your to get the so then yeah it's, it's just been a little difficult positioning stomach. so it's old grain, a division of western watching, screaming they produced a it's a film to do that so to speak, to them states through scribbled way out to your new building to move into play
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move. but i didn't get so much that the logistic was me on the bottom of that the any diesel long time had called gosh months admitted they. i'm not the see. i would now the experts encode operations, the any d age and as the funded anti corruption activist. it's how the f b k came about and how it's needed, like say nevada and the gold ridge. this to, that's good, i'm going to be in in get you cnn thought you pay me any of them. and that said that they usually send it last night about fashion. is that a stand when you have a thumbnail? alex and nobody seems nobody put your email. but if task i do make you know, each individual in the for schools and not seeing the name we bought on property like, you know, i'm, as you're not saying glove the remote access code. see this as you know, has been on there. he has a 2 french big one. it's a political strategy, which is,
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you know, being aware of the nice people to run and building coalitions with anybody running against a 3rd party empower. the 2nd thing is beam of correction. i can do a lot more good for my family and of course for myself, if i'm out of prison any the executives once by kind of cool skate as the future lead a progressive brochure. me a call called a co skate, was arrested in russia in 2003, charged with large scale fraud, embezzlement and misappropriation. that property damage. tax evasion on multiple cases of forgery. 4 years later, he faced charges for oil theft and money laundering. in 2010 cost gate was sentenced to 13 and a half years in a medium security prison. a was pardoned by the russian president in 2013
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represents. russia is starting nation for the cost or is ending in different ways of russian. it's for a different way for russia was the any days on the anti corruption foundations, primary objective, both vaults is this way exactly. formed disposal. so nobody in front of mind the vehicle with that to say that when you say that for because um but in the still disposal so that you this the because of savings and you still have to receive that or shut the whole cube solution register this machine is a full, nobody's in 2022 nova and they got 9 years in a high security penal colony for fraud. with his closest associates, they only had volkoff continues. he's hardly noticed efforts from abroad. it seems of only is history. however, this comp i shouldn't be underestimated. you still continue to this question,
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but i should still be honest with yes we did have some of the need to speak is that i'm still reading the site and i should probably go the there are. there are different media outlets in investing news printers that we have to really a great relationship, an incorrect relationship with too much money was spent for the anti corruption foundation just to shut down those who managed to free continue the work of undermining russia. nobody needs team is opening offices in the us. you should want both of those options or the state over to the form description foundation of start to new york. so you can, so i'm going to his name is kim with the terms of dispute will bits and you keep on here. so for me to use, it is not merely because what it is this good. so what i see is that you,
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she needs the form of users go to the bunk, the video and throw it into push. that's the escape here. so it will surprise me to be a trick on me as of yet, because just because we don't for you, what do you mean the most? i think it was put in the really think that's what it was to go forward to the, to the mindset that option. foundation risks, but you know, local people 0 also for book on the anti corruption foundation, was founded by mand wanted, in russia, by stealing tens of billions of roubles by 2022 of elk grove. and she lives near, i could registered at least 5 f b k chapters in new york through massachusetts, north dakota, colorado. and then finally on november the 20th 2022, the challenge of n u n g o. the anti corruption foundation usaa was published in the virginia corporate register instead of what the situation was said and done, push it to be dropped, that the student you've got to the wish as would it be sort of that, that doing it because some people tell you that the security expel best always start this, the 1st not provide some of the deal is doing stuff it's,
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it is not going to do that. you start with the guy that was look similar to this almost looks the issue. so we need to assume you're putting capacity on it. jim will show us it, or if it's a stopping in which we're more stuff like you told you told it was almost a principal. so obviously you want to use the wife. is it possible for me, it works to them the most, somebody that goes over the place and what was the associated. but these novelle and the offices are actually a network of laundromats through which strikes can be covered regarding how i'm from whom money comes. besides, the anti corruption foundation is a public fund, a kind of piggy bank, but against donations and states assistance. in this way, f b k. us site can be funded by us authorities without hindrance the
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foreign funded n g o serving the interest of other states on just found in russia. similar methods are applied, for example, is syria. or the, under any of those are both free tech's fee and human rights. the 5 for democracy or a humanitarian mission invaders ended tower 3 they won through and j. o is one of the most vivid and simple examples of how non profit and supposedly non governmental organizations was just the famous wide helmets. and i was representing people, most of them are to actually get away. but still on the new gym when it's done this done lowest deals to me, each kind of caustics thing done and got the 1st day for the payment of shirts for sash based on the suggest, you see my stuff lit up as it is all those other this is all those as a result of the sick any and just because the,
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the bus thought of the products of the heavy damage and the for the, you know, because of the sauce again, i'm in home. is that how the home look at them about how the office of the little was done with the on the how is it, how does this a lot of the like in as not as long as it is all of the headed us costs. what sort of a deal has made us off a no, no little bit said, asking molly. and if he has any own limits of admission, you had it as the pump of that money as well. instead asking only the, the russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense community best
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ingles, all sense and up the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen closer to the western media hail the wide helmets as the only one was to save syria from a humanitarian dissolves to vanessa bailey has been working in the country since
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the beginning of the conflicts. the british journalist was one of the 1st to judge of defy west and preconceptions and tell the truth about was the white helmets do. and there were exactly the same number of people here at that point, as there are 5 years later today, the size was clear immediately that there are no time i gave it when i entered the medical point. this was not originally a hospital, but it was converted into our kind of military civilian hospital on the control of the 3rd scripts. josh on this one. and i spoke to medical stalls due to the noise of that. and they were telling me that was the last time and people were suffering with re buying difficulties because of this smoke white helmets trying to get into a dramatic scene, which was then obviously was released in western media outlets to convey the
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propaganda necessary. and government in missouri and on a head carried out a chemical weapons attack against our own people. the white helmets appeared in 2017, thanks to the joint efforts of m i 6 and the c i a, a former british intelligence officer, james, the missouri, a lindsey organization. officially these rescue is, are funded by donations. the main sponsor was sent to be the george senra's foundation. according to syria and sources, the helmets received about $50000000.00 a year. the wife, homeless score a stablish data point to one western media narratives and syria were starting to lose credibility. las vegas? nothing more than propaganda. that's then the for us to criminalize,
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the presidency, the syrian government, missouri, an army and allies in syria. and to empower the terrorist groups to top all this area and the wide helmet 70 work in minutes and controlled areas. these pictures show them rejoicing with terrorists of the capture of the syrian city as the lead in 2015. they were exclusively embedded with, with our it's for the inside syria dominated as always by. i'll tell you the notes for as long as it was then as it is now, high up tardy. i'll try and play and live in the northwest 1st time testimonies from, for example, real serious civil defense members, and the level of who explains that. the white helmets arrived with an entire film crew and quite often they would years are already dead for days. they would bring them and they would stage an event. in other words,
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the white helmets objective as with most from western ngos, is to overthrow the current governments. so panic among the locals and the opposition activity. and they was. 6 tossed with, according to a government document from 2017. talk with her override thing for the foreign policy and sorry, well, it's a known fact. the foreign policy in syria is resumed. change. the style is familiar . the, the 1st american foundation. so just down for oil that's good and against all that's bad, was established in the united states in 1910, a conjugate endowment for international peace. as the name suggests, is supposed to establish corporation between all countries of the world. the
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foundations russian branch was launched in 1993 by decree of bar is here in issue to the accompaniment of shots fired at the white house was a support from all international partners the the scope as well as the rest of oil production. yes. the which you so let's go from suggesting in your state to simulate it. thought that those i'd be some of them. yes. the which was simple. yes. but the list of all was the but at the log in this test as well, in that as leach and these, he is the for them with concepts. so what was which in interested in creating a me but it was really a we must course combines really need to kinda get from the garden again. i don't wish to be in june. uh, once more it was listed in the museum that only potentially get a little still and both of them have similar positions. we have this, the specification is yeah, yeah. my god that she needs are to the court has made
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a blessed to be and you just log in and i couldn't make it tonight. so it took news . jessica pushed or changing. yeah. it was not slip, which i knew westmoreland norm you know, took my meals laser was nothing but it was really i will go through this. it should or was that there should be a move to casually me as opposed to bice. so does that sound like i'm at the does that to them, but asking us to move that up for me to go out. so i could see with that, what kind of publications were required can be seen on the con, the census website. no one can hide shameless propaganda under the guise of analytics. the store kind of thing here that there was a nice thing and, and i took my, me on so interesting a compiler, people interested in to switch the game go the, just the fact that the, the security will of what i made. and then the slips in the school. yeah. something to this miss, depending virginia can you the while it could video gus besides you from both that . oh, got them. is that the president that i see at the mill? i use the q global for republic ups. if cool things and then i don't, this is done. yeah. the short tags. my name's tim storm,
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windows valley. i'm watching chest because it took a lot less to what i see what it was over the destination. uh, can you just install a new media come in person. i mean, yeah, you gotta show us cuz of the economy. you sent his activities in russia. we're only suspended by the ministry of justice in 2022, fall almost 10 years. americans acted as influential recruiting agents educating the only lead pending causing any information that will create hot beds attention even if local one of them will uh does it. i can check the thing. yeah. not any problem. uh, i need my truck you will. yeah, absolutely. yeah, i don't know if we must go to keep them. yeah, we just learned this to and if it's, and it's a little like the smallest to you as an ordering for though it's at the more seem to know what's in it that way. bless. but i just the worst of the most of the moisture of the day, thank you. pick you up. slain was kindly jason as to how strongly i knew less than among others, all physician deputies jumped on the bandwagon. they called themselves dean dowman,
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international peace. but for going to peace governed by the united states, which has been working on total intervention at all levels. so here is this just that i'm going to show congressman joseph biden. provide the opening as you have surprised. well, not for democrats, you, but i see the nifty guy and he's still this guy, the neighbor i need even lower see after him to come in the book and get his mouth . can you forward me to long, long distance through usually the out. the fast. i never did, i have done with this, but generally democratic the russian democracy act grew out of a series of previous american acts studying them. you can see how the american, that leads eventually go to taste for it to a spring choice. so when you were looking for any assistance the 2nd semester,
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they will appeal to nothing. so we should or enough to do this. then we will email those which assistance continued with the freedom support act of 1992 freedom for russia and emerging. you raise you in democracy, some open markets as goals which i stablish a democratic and free society assist institutions of democratic governments to defend the at this moment as a phone combined with launching a process to improve governance. what's written in the american act is beginning to be implemented, tennessee state duma. yeah. motion to pick up the stuff in the day or so. so, you know, to show this as the products that appears to me if any of those shippers escape arctic procedures just being go to sniff but she's not feeling good. he was disco.
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shelly, this is a group of people most the time, which i'm not sure which will commit you to for you on a couple here, but those are something was wrong with the research. could you look at you e friendship? when you know the list of who was used because i each different committee at the top of the guys physical opinion. like she's our musical lady's image community. and if there's perception, you can use to speak to me just that much you guys can use, i'll say just wait, excuse me, just one quick moment. i'm sure. what is, what was that cost? do you have those or will chose song storage as a reason for the to the control was limited, so you entered the sheet. so how come to 1992 american freedom support? i was paused and then try to alter that. the russian state duma, as if supposing the i started debating and g o is activity is knowing what went on
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in the 19 ninety's. it could hardly be called a co incidence. yo, we'll see, you know, global pressure on the, you know, suitable series. i guess there's not a lot of each example here in the middle in what i see 2 across the room is everything that i need to come to different goals. but also when it comes to boston, which they've worked against the new stuff quickly. so, oh, i see a particularly if somebody comes to demko, if you're to a store distributed, i guess the into the system preferences of stores most to god's children show emotion from which the connection ask him to stop american. this continued to improve russian governance in 2002. the united states passed another law. the
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russian democracy act, openly stating since 1992 united states government democratic reform programs and public diplomacy programs have brought nearly 40000 russian citizens to the united states. $65000.00 non governmental organizations have been established plus thousands of independence, local media outlets, numerous political parties. these conditions contributed to the lowest in the free and fair russian calling of entry elections. in 19951999. this is blake and legally approved interference. in another country's internal affairs, only the united states can do this. the new law enables the financing of and jo's politicians general is some public figures. and you said you don't do a lot of. gosh, because again,
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those are the lots that were supposedly present. it was like, one of them are interested in doing this and what city and state that those are the media pits believe that in 2002, the 1st trying should these annual 50 millions was allocated to you, alayna bona the window of the academician sort of however, the screen to get ahold of it was coming yesterday with the doing the letter from the prostate single split it into the group like it was still on those licenses. now what is your budget for i see expecting if i needed to do is just dirty, they're going to do most of the checks you for under the federal way to get them for you and your my you still owe me the ocean with the spell. your name is it in the email that we just go with that when you're sitting around i sent him the stuff i needed, which is great. and they are doing it this little ward is familiar to me like that . they're really about to let you know. i rest of the figures on scopes the play store and
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the the just president joe biden. and british p. m. s. you see an arc come from the strikes on who's the targets in cities across the human side, to the tax on read. see shipping by the various phases as the trigger. the meanwhile, the here thesis publish a video of a missile launch. as the group's deputy foreign minister promises both the us and the u. k. will quote, a high price for their thoughts and in washington, democratic representative slum joe biden, for bypassing congress, hoping to strike a form of us presidential candidate. so think about says it's.


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