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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST

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what is happening in god's is not a genocide. secretary of state blake and says it's a 1000000000 death, toll and gods is far too high. well, what should that number be? the headlines on artsy, at least 5 hosting fighters are killed after the american and british military's alisha massive plumbing campaign only government this friday level, who has found to retaliate. the officials say the western coalition launched more than 70 strikes on government. several cities including the capital for up on bar the plus the hundreds, riley in washington, dc a new york, while some american lawmakers form the white house order in the military strikes with giles approval from congress. and this will present since football. so in
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response to a landlord chase, i saw that i forgot to hate choosing as well over genocide. and he goes on for gut reaction to the proceedings from the active as the granddaughter of nelson mandela can say, we have started to be able to, to, to intervene. because the re, i b script test page started best churches all works. how deep the well i for most go, this is our t international thanks for being with us. now at least 5 people have been confirmed, killed and 6 more injured and friday mornings bowman of young men by the us and the u. k. who's the rebels that have worn that washington in london will pay a high price for not only attacking the country before supporting as well as well. the other, the,
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the american and british enemy bears full responsibility for its criminal aggression against our yeah, many people and it will not go unanswered and i'm punished. the many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of the threats, along with all the aggressive targets on land and etc in defense of human, its sovereignty and independence. this brutal aggression will not deter young men from its supportive position would be wrong to palestinian people. the western strikes were launched without warning from war, plains, ships and submarines in the red sea. the u. s. and e k. have called the necessary response to recent attacks in the region by the with the military. there's a little information about just how much damage was inflicted on the admins infrastructure. but we have this footage which shows american and british just taken off to form the country. london has confirmed that it's twice seen fighters to parts in the strikes. the royal navy already has to worship in the red sea with
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another on the way. and that's for the west, it also use the infamous tomahawk cruise missiles against the who. the fighters well, who is the officials say the western call is a launch that was 70 strikes only yemen. several cities were bombs, including the capital, so not as well as the port top of all who data, at least for airports for also heads. and preston biden says he's prepared to order even more attacks unless the host these stop targets, any bustles of the countries coastal waters of these strikes are in direct response to unprecedented who's the attacks against international merits, on vessels and the red sea, including the use of empty ship ballistic missiles for the 1st time in history. these attacks of endangered us personnel civilian mariners on our partners, jeopardize trade and threatening freedom of navigation. these targets it strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate to tax on our personal or allow hostile act as to imperil freedom of navigation and one of
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the world's most critical commercial roots. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect off people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. the phase, meanwhile, release this footage of night, so i missed the launches from an undisclosed location. they claim to have hit several western warships in the red sea. that's an accusation that's denied by washington. l. longdon the i'm in the military. the group says that it's now mobilizing its forces across the country and has told that he was to brace for retribution. a lot for reporter has more about the attacks. the targets that were hit are the same exact targets that were uh, targeted by the side of the collision when they launched their war on you and then back in 2015. but um, you know, the, uh, on some of these they haven't really confirmed what was hits, what was targeted. what i can tell you though, is the, you know, the, who is the sort of law, military officials, they, you know, very, you know,
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they say that they've been expecting this attack by the west and east west and forces. so any military sites that were targeted was most likely free and empty of any weapons or ballistic missiles. no victims or casualties have been reported. i think the us has made sure that their, their specific targeting is the who, the military installation of their military storage facilities, which they claim to have targeted the with these on so on a lot that shows the claim that none of that was destroyed despite the large explosions and the series of attacks that, that, that, that, that took place earlier. now, keep in mind, a major protest is expected to take place after friday. prayers. you know, we're talking about the all hours from now where it is expected that 4000000 human these are expected to take to the speech here in the capital sign are to void their anger at these attacks space by the us. and usually,
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whatever these products take place, it's, you know, it's bills this piece of the many capital. these protests were called for before the attacks to, to place against the american plan to attack human and against the blood shed that's taking place in gaza. and again, i have to say this one more time despite these attacks or these attacks continue by the us according to the food, the officials, no matter what happens, they will continue to prevent is ramsey link chips from casting bab has made up in passing the residence of the many cabinets will say that despite the western attacks that will never abandon the palestinian cause took the and that we expect the response, we will not have found enough people in guys. we've implemented the international resolutions. the one who obstructed united nations is america. the one who made a choice, the red sea is america. the one who is killing our people in gaza is america. we will not among our people in gaza. we will fight on till our last breath. that we
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already aware that america stands with israel, and that is why we were prepared that america would attack human. we have prepared everything we have for america in order to break its power in the red sea and at any base where the american forces are present. i do most of them with a mind kind of the attack. some clothes were expected when you have them declared war and design, hist, entity unimposing blockade on the red sea that they expected such attacks and were fully prepared. i'd say that. meanwhile, hundreds of accidents had been gathering in front of the white house in washington and that new york times square. that's to protest the bombing all the and then the demonstrators raise banners and chance of slogans against what they call western russian. they're calling for peace and government and gaza as well. well, warmer us presidential candidates policy gab or the has slammed the call list and
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strikes all of these same the decisions. so it's hacked. yeah. man could create serious ramifications for america's own national security of my greatest concern, both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years. and multiple deployments to different wars zones is how short sighted incompetent and lack of carrying that this administer the by. and harrison ministration has for our own national security and the american people. you know what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out at all or considering what the ramifications of this will be and how it serves our national security interest. just like they didn't think through what the ramifications would be of taking the who these off of the terrorist list a few years ago. now, there has been some in the united states who spoke enough in criticism of by saying you should have met with congress or gotten congressional approval prior to the strikes. but regardless here is what we have heard. the president needs to come to
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congress before launching a strike against a how this in human and involving this in another middle east conflict. that is, article one of the constitution will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. this is an unacceptable violation of the constitution. article one requires the military action be authorized by congress. the united states cannot risk getting tangled into in all the decades long conflict without congressional authorization. the white house must have worked with congress before continuing this ass twice and yet, and now the who's the forces had been anticipate a clash with the united states and a direct attack from the united states and its allies for quite some time. and they have been saying they are prepare, they have the weaponry, and they are ready to mobilize their forces for a full on confrontation with america. here is some of what these, who's the forces and their spokes persons,
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their representatives have said nothing. the thought that the ancient law, we will not hesitate to do whatever we can, and no american aggression will go on, answered the response to an american attack will not be on the same scale of as a recent operation turned out using $24.00 drones and several me solves, it will be much greater in addition to that, we understand that throughout the region, there are forces that are aligned with the whose these, that intend to retaliate against the united states as well. among them are militias in iraq forces in syria as blah in lab and on. and there is widespread sympathy and support for the who it takes many throughout the region and throughout the world have admired their actions. seizing is rarely ships or ships connected with israel trying to help the palestinians amid the ongoing bombardment of guys that demanding a ceasefire. so this could potentially blow up into a much bigger regional confrontation. there are already, reports of strikes,
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possibly taking place in other parts of the middle east. this is a very, very intense situation. we'll be watching to see how big it expands in the coming hours. well here in rush on the federal air transport agency has for been in the countries plains from flying through gemini, aerospace, earlier on friday, the foreign ministry spokesman in moscow criticized the wes fords, bombing, all the arab states. what do you see the message that we strongly condemn that you are responsible actions of the united states and its allies? a large scale military escalation in the red sea area would reverse the positive trends that have recently emerged in the m and settlement process. and also provoking disability ation of the situation throughout the middle east region like we have previously warrant to justify their aggression. the americans and british are trying to abuse the resolution adopted the day earlier. the un, the very resolution adopted upon their suggestion under pretext of insuring the
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safety of navigation in the red sea. they have been using such dirty methods for a long time. everyone remembers the consequences of the us interventions in libya and rock. and i also want to remind you that for these criminal acts, they have also used preferred and then their protections of your own security council decisions. the people of these countries in the entire region are still feeling the devastating consequences of illegal military interventions by washington. and its henchman still did as it is when we got some immediate analysis earlier on. today's dudley developments in yemen from local journalists, abdel, let's see if all was chalet. the one that holds the responsibility for expanding the conflict in the region is absolutely the u. s. and the u. k for attacking them and the people, the solution is very simple. don't attack the any bit pulls into attack, any other people just to stop the killing of the palestinians and then be how many people will hold the tags. i will stop attacking any business on the receipt.
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rather, the many people will continue attacking on the schools that will be with precautions . and i believe that the international economy will be affected by the attacks and the receipt. i believe that this will be back to the international and every time in the recei i'm the one that holds the responsibility is the one that i talk to you. many people, human that has uh, the authorized to hit him and has the power to do anything to support. the other thing is as long as the war and does continues. by the way, these attacks would not approved by the congress and disapprove that a by then is insisting to protect it is right. and to support this entity that is killing the people and does the diesel violating the international law and binding is not only and violating the international law if he's also violating the american low that the uh, did not give him the authority to saw such attacks against another country to
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support another country. well, let's move on to the hey, good now where israel like you saw that i forgot of somebody then would come us. that swap latoria has consistently emphasized that his presence at the i, c. j is only because of its solidarity with palestinians. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with some us. despite its former recognition as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world, these relations have continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities. south africa has long hosted and celebrated its ties. we've come spigots, including a senior, come out, still a go sion that incredibly visited the country for a quote, solidarity gathering,
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just weeks after the message. we do not have any monday from from us. our monday is from the south african government. and our peace also is not that busy juices of people. our case is i've been the actions of the state is that i the actions of general sites that are committed in because there's really comments came a response to thursday's hearing before the international court of justice. where a south africa presents that arguments and it's case, i guess is really actions and causal. it is, it is a special genocide. our intent is the roots are in the belief that in fact the enemy is not just the minnesota wing of hamas, or indeed how much to and that on site is embedded in the fabrics of public opinion life in cause. this intent is evident from israel conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale,
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homicidal destruction, designating save stones, for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombings. the dispute had crystallized as a metal door. this was consumed by his rogues, official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in gauze. representatives for south africa made it explicitly clear that put torres lawsuit is aimed at the policies and actions of benjamin netanyahu, whose government and military and non jewish or is really people as a whole. so that for got also noticed that it was quick to condemn the october 7th . last, the tax on israel button that's a sold is no justification for quotes genocidal. asked by the ideas against civilians in gaza. so that's what the representatives have provided. all so the following examples of is really officials vowing to this roy,
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gaza. what's the name? i've ordered a complete c jim gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we're act accordingly. cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people don't embrace them and believe in them. remember what looks good to you and we remember and we fight room. meanwhile, delta is of pro palestinian protestors have gathered outside the u. ones, top courts of forest or support of the genocide paste against israel. people hold banners and chance logos. calling for an end to the bombing in garza and so from palestinians. meanwhile, some locals in south africa told us that they were proud of their country's decisive stance on the war and the middle east. we have lived with other people who
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have consistently pretended that they are more moral than us, have shown that them are really lacking. and importantly, i don't think that the world is going to be the same off to this period because and we know what to expect. and we know other people what not friends of humanity, but rather friends of capital and military industrial, complex one click these things. i mean that then you must be charged for general site. you must be charged must be criminalized. you must be a part, excuse me, not over there. well, must be part access any kind of in the went, including insult that we broke the normal thing for 1st of all a ceasefire. and it's going to take a lot of time, but we then need to definitely see and into the siege and into the occupation. and they're off to a free state of palestine. south africa's landmark lawsuit against us all has been
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endorsed by dozens of countries as well as many people worldwide. and some of the views that for toria is also seeking justice against countries that previously fast and the torres apartheid government. let's take a look at just some of the takeaways on the case from social media users. for the 1st time ever, israel is being held accountable for its above body crimes before the eyes of the world, the global south, due to not the so called civil free world. keep that in mind when you talk about global south from now on, you know, well full of college, thanks for the grandson suff. windella. the south african apartheid regime was backed by 3 countries to which wretched end israel, the united states, and the united kingdom. we can hear the echoes of his history as a free south african proposed to take israel to quote for genocide. i don't think you all grasp what's happened in south africa, blood people. this arrived a par site, went to become judges and lawyers,
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and now defending palestine is against the country. that's in south africa. weapons your in a par site. we are leaving history. so advocate support for the palestinians actually goes by decades in 1990. shortly after being released from prison and c, apartheid leader and nelson mandela, so that the african nation had a lot in common with the palestinian push for independence. we identified with the piano because just like our sites, they are fighting for the right to from the determination what we spoke, so as active as granddaughter and the like come and love who told us up south africa is in a unique position to move global opinion against what israel is now doing to the palestinians. what i'm expecting is for this is for, you know, why they might decisions. they come up with,
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they add to it too. and for that through as to how long it will take your guess is as good as mine. you know, i didn't know. i'm not expecting it to take back my strong with a, with what something you guys up. because, you know, we have people, i, well, i certainly hope so. exactly. it's evolved from the apache times to now i tell you coke that, that decision will disrupt this should be assessed by and more than that society. they should be, you know, strong method, you know, both of us. so that's going to navigate the south african a, the apply to assist incumbent beneath the lot of we couldn't extensions by the, by the internet. i mean, wait, what case studies of a democratic disposition of come up because i trust in question without legit. so we, we, we, we can say we have the authority to be able to, to,
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to intervene because the re, i base case, best case study the best practice of what, how the game, our interest. if we look at the past was no one entity has ever ended, was it is a collective action of different people, which is, you know, how it was. my grandfather had looked at anything. it is a color to initiate to and they connect to energy. also a lot of people that concentrate the energy to say that this is the product to, i'll come back to want. so yeah, and was this is what you told us that's helpful. you know, to, to, to use it, you know, a e, diplomacy in terms of, you know, quoting says fire to, to mitigate, to, to, to fit the people. that's how we're going to reach and then we can do solution. that's what just because of apple. so it's a lot because we are pointing them out to see that do what you have set up to do as
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creating tools engine. is that the vision space that's when, when, when in the country all it starts up taking civilians. i'm civilians, hospital and i've taking too many children age. that's caustic, tripped. what isn't, has that so it is that at that point that it still be so defense. it became like what kinds of for jennifer? they would say anything strict themselves you know, if, if you talk to anybody. yeah. yeah. it's similar to that. if you talk to a child that's a good school, they would always protect themselves that this is what made the beach. it helped us test. and that's another pupil, it is a nature of what it is to protect themselves. the head of the hearing as the hague is variable of sessions appeared. so someone's home down there, right,
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right on gone. so while addressing international audiences, they see me pick the words more carefully box there is less reason for them to hold back when speaking on is really media in their native hebrew. and here's just some examples that we translated for the show. i'm so lots of if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be, in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods of population, we will not be able to recruit collaborators. we will not be able to recruit intelligence, we will not be able to provide people with drink with food, with medicine. it's clear for everyone today the right wing parties were correct about the policy in the matter today, it's very simple. you're going everywhere and they tell you and natalie gaza, they can put some say in isolate them, even my attorney's office colleagues who always disagree with me on everything. they tell me most she of course, we must, a nearly all guidance to be told. we must promote
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a solution to encourage the emigration of the residents of gaza. this is a correct just moral and humane solution. that's the one that goes to then call rich voluntary migration. then we should come tell them until they say they want it the war does. but it does well aside from statements like these. among the accusations from south africa at the hague is that israel is used in starvation as a weapon against the $2000000.00 plus the palestinian population of gaza. we took a closer look at how the food and water crisis in the enclave is impacting civilians of the we are calling the civilians to leave guys. it goes out. some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard
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to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the access to sufficient amount of clean water. it is a matter of life and death and children and gaza has barely a drop to drink. children and their families are having to use water from unsafe sources that are highly selling 8 and 4 pollutants without safe water. many more children will die from deprivation and disease in the coming days. ringback the
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. ready believe stage and there will be no electricity, no food, no more, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we're fighting against human animals. and we're actually the job that has become a great job to show the mold and 1000000 children of jobs. have a pretty good award across is does, is water production. now its capacity is that 5 percent, 5 percent of its daily outputs, such all dexterity hydration, particularly different dates to dehydration. drawing phrase the
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as you see doesn't screw up to the water. wherefores concrete, the salt water supply within the shovel for so we have nothing to know what everyone is solving, including our children, only to montes food and water for all children. the lack of fuel negatively affects the delivery of services, including pumping water and removing garbage, and thus turning gauze into a hot bed of diseases. if the necessary aid and relief, especially fuel is not immediately provided, garza might become an unprecedented mass graves in modern history. the to see each were in the you the visiting force or show when each of you tried to access to water. when you try to electricity, we don't do and you don't, since you don't know what the 4th 2 are to be or didn't additional to united ways
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internationally. the people are living in the rear take nightmare. food and water are running out. a steady flow of 8 is needed to meet desperate needs. now the doesn't matter to us any more if it's sold to water for drinking water, would matters to us at this point is to have anyone who's suffering from severe water crisis. we welcome distances scouring markets and stand alone cues for hours just to get a little more to the
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main deceiving situation in the gun. this trip is not an easy one. we know that there are a lot of challenges. we know the difficulties that i can say there is no you military on prices seem to go this route or the women some of the serious challenges we have facing in the shelter. firstly is the lack of toilets, which is incredibly inconvenient. and secondly, the scarcity of food supplies. we also suffer from my lack of drinking water. i'm clean lots of washing cooking utensils with full free, we face and accumulation of waste all around us. there is no clue.


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