tv News RT January 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST
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a secretary of state blake and says it's a 1000000000 dental and god's is far too high. well, what should that number be? the criminal correction against our unity people will not go unanswered and unpunished . rebels vile too harshly were highly executive and he was n d k lead to a massive bowling campaign, only having the western attack sports outrage both inside the target to the country and beyond this borders the d. s and the k are using disproportionate force against the am on the current. they try to turn the red scene to blow as real presents it's reports. so in response to a landlord case at the hate, why south africa accusing israel of genocide in god. that's us, cities are wiped out and mass funerals are being held for children and more than
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$2000000.00 palestinians are the place that's the new reality of gaza involved in is really strikes the latest strikes go at least a 151 of the own place. civilly in plus is r c. we've been human exclusive access. as you can see behind me, we're on board of a ship that is carrying the rain right now. if you come with me outside the cargo vessel, transport them rough, it's free grains, as in bob way, makes us stop as they are reports in most of the way through the final deliveries the line from our headquarters in moscow. this is our t international thanks for being with us. now hundreds of thousands are gathering in the i'm and the capital sono. that's in response to mass bombing campaign against our country. lead by the us and the u. k. protesters are changing and see
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american slogans and calling for an immediate and it's usable me. at least 5 people have been confirmed, killed in the friday morning attack against the i'm in the who's the rebel leaders have bowed to send a harsh response to washington and london. i'll give them the criminal regression against our here. many people will not go unanswered and i'm punished as it is brutal aggression will not deter again, men from it. supportive position would be wrong to palestinian people on the west. when strikes were launched without warning from war, plains, trips, and submarines and the red sea. the u. s. n. k have called that's a necessary response to police and the tags. why? who's the rebels on commercial vessels in the sea water? and let's meanwhile, who sees report, they have had several western war ships in the red sea. that's a claim, washington and london, both the noise, the militant group says that it is now mobilized and forces across the country. a
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local journalist breaks down the mountain escalation for us. the one that holds the responsibility for expanding the conflict in the region is absolutely the u. s. and the u. k. for attacking them and the people, the solution is very simple. don't attack the any bid pulled him to attack any other people just to stop the killing of the palestinians. and then the how many people will hold the tags. i will stop attacking any vessels in the receipt for the lead that we already aware that america stands with israel. and that is why we were prepared that america would attack them as we have prepared everything we have for america in order to break its power in the red sea ended any base where the american forces are present to the and that the one who obstructed united nations is america, the one who made a choice. the red sea is americans. the one who is killing our people in gaza is america. we will not among our people in gaza, we will fight on till our last rest. libya. i believe that the international
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economy will be affected by the attacks and the red sea. i believe that this will be that to the international. and every time in the ritzy and the one that those, the responsibility is the one that actually many people human has the vehicle to as a hit him and has this power to do anything to support. the other thing is, as long as the war and goes, continues by the way these attacks would not approved by the congress and disapprove that the by then is insisting to protect it is right. and to support this entity that is coming the people in because that is violating the international law. and by doing this not only and violating the internet, so it is also violating the american slow that the uh, did not give him the authority to saw such attacks against another country to
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support another country. altura describes damage up type or the one has condemn, the west for a tax on again and saying that he was under u. k. r shots, the ring regional security, a diverse onto us as a k, i use induced of a portion of force against the am on the current. so you try to turn the red sea into the blog boss. and the young man with the who is these states making the necessary risk, the call center beach and using all the power against the sound that you take. they also say that there is no room for even the slightest complacency currently receiving different views from many different channels. we hear from them that the jose is have made very successful defenses. and to respond to successfully both against the the k and the to the way things are moving forward. it seems the conflict between israel and hum us seems to be spiraling out of control to the point that young man is now being brought into the fold as
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a result of attacks by the us on the united kingdom. turkish presidents, red zip type are the one suggests that the u. s. and the u. k. are solely responsible for turning the red sea into a blood bath. the church president also hinted at something that was quite crucial . the us in the u. k. deny that to the who is these were capable of providing a successful defense against the attacks carried out by their ships situated along the red sea. but the charge president says that his sources and different channels suggest that they who these were in fact successful and to the fact that the who things have been engaged in a quite a long conflict and recent history against a saudi led coalition that they have developed the skills and tactics, the strategies, and necessary to ensure that they can protect their interests within young men. and the united states is currently in a position that it has limited options to the safest and most cost effective as well as the least risky. is option that the us has right now is to carry attacks
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from their war carriers. long range ballistic missile has to be specific. but this is a matter of concern because the us release many congressmen and lawmakers within the country are essentially asking the buy didn't administration to bring this matter to congress. so they can sit down and discuss it, particularly because if the us is interested in going into another long winded war, that this should be discussed by policy makers and avoid from i've ordered before making the same mistake that they did with iraq and afghanistan for the most part, despite the sentiments being shared by leaders around the world, the reality remains that the red sea is a crucial commercial hub and millions could be effected across the globe. and not just those within the greater middle east area. so it isn't everyone's best interest to ensure that the tension and the conflict does in fact come to an end sooner rather than later. the speaking at the hague, israel accused south africa of side in with hum us. that's what pretoria has
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consistently emphasized that its presence of the i c. j is only because of its solidarity with palestinians. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with come us. despite its formal recognition as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world, these relations have continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities. south africa has long hosted and celebrated its ties. we've come, i speak, it's including a senior from us delegation that incredibly visited the country for a quote, solidarity gathering. just weeks after the messic. we do not have any monday from from us. our monday is from the south african government. and in our case also is not ident, they choose as a people, our case is like this. the actions of the state of is that i the actions of general
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sites that are committed in gaza. so there's really comments came a response to thursday's hearing before the international court of justice. west south africa presented its arguments in its case against is really actions in gaza . susan, i is a special genocide on intent. is the router in the belief that in fact, the enemy is not just the minnesota wing of hamas, or indeed how most tended on site is embedded in the fabrics of palestinian life in cause. this intent is evident from israel's conduct in specially targeting palestinians living and gaza using weaponry that causes large scale, homicidal destruction, designating safe zones for palestinians to seek refuge and then bombing beans. the dispute had crystallized as a metal door. this was consumed by his rogues,
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official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide in gauze. it also received to the south african allegations as well as sending a holocaust survivor as one of its legal experts. these where the government has flights of the genocide, all of europe and jews during world war 2. as justifications for its response to the advance of october 7th. well, let's get more on this and cross live. so former is really a master to south africa. alan leo, thank you very much for joining us and the conversation. now my 1st questions here as a holocaust survivor is listed as a member of israel's defense team. arguing before the i c j. can you tell us a little bit more about who this person is? and of course, the purpose of his parts dissipation in the hearing. yes, there is a judge, i wrong by rock is low, possible state is
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a the face theme. he was the one, there is a judge in the national as supreme court of justice. and the, as you know, the piece, the judges in each one of the account ways involved the, the claim itself, public got these when one judge on the basis. and we added our own boss who is $87.00 and as a chimes and they understood it was subject to the nazis, both of these euro and event game plays. right. that'd be game. that president of ours will bring gold, and that is very well known internationally. mr. leo, how relevant though, is it so we refer it to the holocaust in comparison to the destruction of gauze, or how relevant is it to have a holocaust survivor there during that hearing?
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it's a good way to judge how irrelevant these, the wheels policies that are leaving on the trial, most of the oil seats, the creation of the country. and i think it is a mental but the public discussion is right on a daily basis. sweet epstein tans is not the few hundreds of thousands of all across the vipers, and we take care of that leads every family almost in this, but it has all the things and all, of course, the advisors, including my own family. so i'm waiting on a daily basis and they am many of the people here around the world, especially to jews around the world. see as the way i shall be as red as
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a result of this all goes all across. and obviously we and cannot get rid of those all the thinking about the monthly but in terms of irrelevant and so now that you're saying that's all good and bad. so the holocaust considering that there are so many accusations of genocide that is really committed genocide when it comes to gauze and the palestinians there how helpful is it to remind all the holocaust when some people are accusing is really is of doing what was done to them now to palestinians a good day here, and the total cost i can quote that to go is joe sighed. nobody speaks on all of us. but if you ask about the relevance, what is what it was created? all the governments say never, they never heard of was big in the system. so good,
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wendy and blake is we have, we have cost g, a, the expenses of the families and he's very right next to the experiences they were meant to to do better role. so so the last few jumping off of these 3. ok. and that is the big say want to but we hear me say feedback for the 1st time it seems though we really oh we really oh file the phone. so piece way lives. i get to build absolutely horrific attacks when it comes to october, the 7th. but right now what we're seeing in gauze is uh, also as a heretic,
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one would argue, you know, you have made earlier statements that is real. it cannot run away from an accusation that is so serious. referring to the genocide claims, can you expand on that thought? what did you mean by that really and what do you expect to be the outcome of this law? so it's been celebrate. yes, it's the, it's very a bless them. so they, you know, every is ready to hear these accusations property the way he, what's going along the manual us know what's going on there regarding the number of casualties. we're not regarding the destruction and, and this will be to be associated in the mindful the, the national community with the, to the general side is, is search for the news. read damage is last week would be the rest of these days. i don't see there is a possibility for this on top of things. i have a man to prove that this is where it was just
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a i also don't seem to be able to do that deal with general side, but the actual because everybody knows all this will stop it, but this doesn't really the procedures, especially if the we be in the re, the by the pull it to cease fire to and the war this we rule in the way that we cause these words to be international damage. necessarily all. thank you so much for your inputs and your commentary. there are interesting to listen to thank you so much. that was former israeli ambassador to south africa. i long leo with us to know representatives for south africa made it explicitly clear that puts for is lawsuit is aimed at the policies and actions of benjamin. that's one, yeah. who's governments and military and non jewish, or is way people as
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a whole. south africa also noted that it was a quick, so condemned the october 7th. how mazda 5 on israel boxes that, that of sold is no justification, foreclosed genocidal. asked by the id ethic and civilians in gauze up south africa representatives have also provided the following examples. showing is really officials via a way to destroy gaza. what the lead my order to complete the gym, gaza. there will be no electricity, no food, no more. no fuel, everything will be cut off. we are fighting against human animals and we're actually accordingly cool. um the entire people and the leadership of the people down embraced. i mean i'm believing them. remember what um it looks like 2 of them are i believe we remember and we fight the bus. c so that if you decide to end the siege to break the siege, it will be in my opinion, a terrible decision. because without hunger and thirst among the gods, the population who will not be able to recruit collaborators,
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we will not be able to recruit intelligence. we will not be able to provide people with drinks with food, with medicine. while at the hague, israel has gone this far to claim that no actual bombings on hospitals were committed by israel. the hospitals have not been bomb. rather, the idea of send soldiers to search and dismantle military infrastructure, reducing damage and disruption. indeed the tunnel that sat directly under the main building and chief a hospital was exploded without damaging the building above damage and harm have occurred. as a result of all studies in hospitals vicinity, sometimes by idea of fire, sometimes by homos, but always as a direct result of her mazda is abhorrent method of warfare. meanwhile, dozens of pro palestinian processors have gathered outside the un top courts of
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oysters supports all the genocide case against israel. people hold in banners and have some slogans calling for an answer. the bombing in gaza. and so free palestinians or to find out more about that, we can cross live now towards the africa bureau chief knew. so abraham, who's assa, hey, go hi, mussa. well, your outside the court building very interesting time. what can you tell us about the atlas the are there, as well as you might expect the atmosphere today in the 2nd day of the initial stage of the trial has been highly the motion of hundreds of pro palestinian foot testers gathered just in front of the court building waving palestinian flags, banners, pictures of slow toads, children and civilians chanting palestinian songs. the addition of songs of our
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existence in our big english. i'm actually in some other languages depending on the group john thing, the songs, people who are giving away interviews to international press. and they would also, i noticed many organizations, a human rights activists, civil society institutions who will be using this up in the sphere. highly charged to uh, quoted united action exchange uh, phone numbers, website addresses. i'm thinking about i'm planning the next day action. so for example, to model that with the plan to protest and most of them here and in the netherlands, and they would also by phone, coordinating as i protest around the country. those are fueled in paris. i'm in london and elsewhere, a few 100 feet away. the way of
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a smaller number of ro is there are really protest, those who set up a symbol memorial for the 170 is that i use citizens sitting uh hostages with with him us calling for their immediate release. so that i can see it was uh of, of height emotions and people were calling for an immediate cease via an accusing is right of missing genocide. and also they wear as seen getting the south african songs i might add. i saw a group of students who lent these south african chance, especially for today as saluting them sort of mandela, the heritage of the black south african liberation movements. and regarding mandela as a father and teacher at for the people of the globe of south, oh,
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can only imagine, of course, because they are getting the support from south africa. now i know that you were there yesterday as well, and you've got the chance to speak with the south african justice minister. what about today? who else have you spoken to? that would be interesting for have you were say listen to the, well, i was able to get close to the south african the negation. and again, what i noticed about the minister of justice was who is a young man. and the director general of international affairs of the south african governments and the smoke spare some for the south africa negation. also a very young man who was born oft, uh, south africa became a democracy in the, in the ninety's. and all of them were not really a to pyre, if you like, with the details of the case itself. but more concerned with the philosophy behind
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it. so they were talking about how they cared about the sort of data to you between us weekends and the palestinian people without any exclusion of the jewish people. they mentioned that they would like to reach a stage of supervised ation of dialogue. that would include old nations, and that the jewish people must understand that when they were the victims of great har, right in the past, they should not help inflict it's such a horror ross on another nation. i'm that africans, especially south africans, can play amid the aging road, helping initiate dialogue. and this sentiment was really voice very clearly by own ministers of this book, spearson and other members of the south african delegation. and occupy yachts. it does not have the right to defend itself or something on the country
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a occupied people has the right on the international law, which we all have to say that we uphold. has the right to defend itself. i'm sorry, you know it's, it's all kind of sending people now they should resist the military already obese, sorry, for testing or whatever else. other methods they do. you know, it's not something guys that wants to say the part of sending people have the right to defend themselves. and occupier simply does not on. so that's the difference between the 2 policy, but it's just about mazda. so for the us, the policy not was a, as an occupied power occupying our that is inflicting extreme measures and extreme um, that finds agenda sites on, on an occupied smooth. i'm i'm sorry, it is not simply a complex one has the right to defend themselves against the playground fight as they like to present that you know, it would come out to somebody. it's not a lot childish fight that's about taking place. and so i don't know, i don't believe that they have the right to defend themselves. while israel was
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trying to make its case at the hague, social media, users have taken shots at those, trying to defend the countries intentions. smells some of the shuffles my papers the spare moment for one of these real still applies here. must be absolutely accumulating for him, especially given it's the only parts of his entire testimony that will be remembered. israel's lawyer loses a paper and makes a fool of himself at the i c j. maybe the paper was anti semitic. israel's lawyer lost his place instead, someone shuffled my papers. obviously it was how much is the rules lawyer malcolm shaw loses his papers up the hague, along with his dignity when it comes to south africa support for the palestinians
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and goes back decades in 1990. shortly after being released from prison, anti apartheid leader and nelson mandela said the african nation had a lot in common with the palestinian push for independence. we identify with the piano because just like our side, they are fighting for the right to fund determination. we spoke to as active as granddaughter and did i come in dallas, who told us that the south africa is in a unique position to move global opinion against what israel is now doing so the palestinians have started to be able to to, to intervene because the re i base case, best case study, the best pictures of what, how you gain the mattress. what i'm expecting is for this is for you, you know, why they might decisions. they come up with the add to it too,
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and for that this is like, you know, 2 to 3 to use, you know, a e to comments intends all email recording says via tools to mitigate, to, to, to sit, to a should people. that's how we're going to reach and then we can do solution. that's what just because the nation. so it's a lot because yeah, pointing them out to see that suiting to do what you have set up to do as creating towards it. and you know, we need to catch that to manage it, you know, because know, shoemaker. you can see all, but it's productive for me. it would actually say no, schumann, b is $118.00 we, i taught straight the district. so which means it was up to me that these are even, haven't we up with the 2nd humanity in that is 41 that's to manage. it says, oh, that's really actually because i piece of the people taking it is the color to
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initiate to them. and they connect to the energy of a lot of people that to get closer to the image is to say that this is a positive outcome, but you want it's funny then that you will see change the kind of just do the un it test look to be too much for me to imagine more than a $150.00 civilians killed and $240.00 wounded in the past 24 hours alone. that's the updates on the grounds and gone. so the latest is really a tax struck the cell. the city of hun, eunice, killing 8 civilians or scores of people, including many children, were seen lee and from the scene moments after bombs, lines of near nicer hospital. the southern parts of this trip has been coming under an increasing number of his really attacks and that's the disquiet, some the 1000000 displace palestinians. almost all of the populations now living in that region. the idea of forming of another city in the south plains
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9 more lives that was in rough form. a building full of refugees was leveled by the recess strike. government officials say the own slaves, the soul has residence to over 23400 people since october, 7th, the human. how about the space is such cruelty? this innocent baby was a sleeping attend one of the world points trucks. i implore our arab leaders why these quotes, we have had enough of oppression and suffering slaves, israel considers. and so for both the law, we ask the international court to judge israel and to bring benjamin netanyahu to justice of them with every other israel administer. we ask the will call to deliver just as for our person depot, israel considers. and so for both the law, we ask the international court to judge israel and to bring benjamin within the out of justice. along with every other israel administer, we have to work or to adjust this for our press people, the satellite images so makes of cabs spills all across russell. you can see vast
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areas which were m. c just 3 months ago. and there are now covered with tons. the one says that more than 1000000 gardens have fled to the sellers city where living conditions are dire. and people like even simple necessities, including food, water, and warm clothing. when one of the accusations from south africa at the hague is that israel is using a star vase and as a weapon against the $2000000.00 plus palestinian population of gaza. and we took a closer look of just how the food and water crisis in the enclave impacting civilians. the we are calling is the civilians to leave guys a dose of some us wants to keep them. there is a human shield this.
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