tv News RT January 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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a wedding, a 170 for these virtual defense, it's all we going to let that stay the criminal regression against our here many people will not go unanswered. hands on punished cause a rebels avow to harshly retaliate after the us and u. k. lead a massive bombing campaign on yemen. the western attack sparks outraged both inside the targeted country and beyond as borders on the us as the k all using disproportionate force against the i'm on the account. they tried to turn the right scene to the blog boss. is there l presented for a bottle in response to a landmark case at the hague by south africa using israel. i'm genocide in gaza. the 10 cities wiped out mass funerals of children or more than 2000000
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palestinians displaced, testing the reality of doesn't engulf it, is rarely attacks. the latest strikes kill at least 151 of the enclave civilians the original rouble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. hundreds of thousands of people have gathered in the many capital so not in response to a mass and bombing campaign against our country led by the us and u. k. the protesters are chanting anti american slogans and calling for an immediate end to the bombing. at least 5 people have been confirmed, killed in the friday morning attack against him and who the rebel leaders have vowed to send a harsh response to washington and london. out of the criminal aggression against our you many people will not go on answered and unpunished. this brutal aggression
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will not deter government from its supportive position would be wrong to palestinian people in the western the strikes were launched without warning from war, plains ships and submarines and the red sea, the us and u. k. of called a the necessary response to recent attacks by whose the rebels are the commercial vessels in seawater. unless there's a local journalists reporting from the many capital on the developments. this is on justified on that these are on justified military actions committed by the us, by the british government. however, they're saying they're both with alleghany. there's a strong retaliation whereby all the british military bases, they are supposed to be within the scope of being targeted by given armed forces where the hosting and people have lost everything is really, is committed crimes of genocide and massacres. you know, many people respond to this where are visible to the world and we want to remain silent. what happened actually united them and us the us along with britain and
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global zionism is responsible for this. but today we are ready for possible confrontation of the us and israel will most intimidate us more happen has actually raised the determination that they've given us humans armed forces. they responded with a batch of ballistics and on man trojan state, lost in the direction of par, gets into red sea according to demons military spokesperson. these are the concerns that targeted us and british military presence in the red sea. so i think the us with this military actions yesterday and the british government, the military attacks yesterday, they're sending the message to do you have any back on policies that if they go back to preventing is really ships passing by the end of crossing the red sea more of these attacks will continue. i can tell you however, however, that you know, the us has declared what fits are or the overall objective of this
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mission. the objective of this mission is to deteriorate. heard military capability dynamics have gathered in the capital, amman to express support for you. i'm and, and to criticize western meddling in the region of the about how to move to america has no right to interfere in our country regard. willing the war will be sure, but we are all ready to make sacrifice that i don't want to send the new student who stood with because that from the beginning it had a real impact and wondered if we are all with human and with the people of god, we will always be present until the moment of victory. how to get to see why it didn't look well. i think human will increase its attacks again ships. the mainly support design is density. we send them in and it's people who have always supported us in a circus president read up type air to on, has the condemned to the western attacks on the m in the saying the us, the new k r shattering regional security on the,
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on the s and the k are using disproportionate force against the am on the current to try to turn the right scene to the blog boss. and the young man with the who, with these states making the necessary response in the region using all the power against the us. and the u. k. they also say that there is no room for even the slightest complacency, currency receiving different views from many different channels. we hear from the jose you have made very successful defenses. and to respond to successfully both against the ad that you take, the way things are moving forward. it seems the conflict between israel and home us seems to be spiraling out of control to the point that young man is now being brought into the fold as a result of attacks by the us on the united kingdom. the church president also hinted at something that was quite crucial to us and the okay denied that to the who is these were capable of providing
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a successful defense against the attacks carried out by their ships situated along the red sea. but the turks president says that's his sources and different channels suggests up there who are. these were in fact successful. and the fact that the who things have been engaged in a quite a long conflict and recent history against a saudi led coalition that they have developed the skills and tactics, the strategies and necessary to ensure that they can protect their interests within young men. and the united states is currently in a position that has limited options to the safest and most cost effective, as well as at least risky as an option that the us has right now is to carry attacks from their war carriers. long range ballistic missiles to be specific. but this is a matter of concern because the us many congressmen and the law makers within the country are essentially asking the bite and administration to bring this matter to congress. so they can sit down and discuss it, particularly because if the us is interested in going into another long winded war
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that so this should be discussed by policy makers and avoid from, of avoid making the same mistake that they did with iraq and afghanistan for the most part, despite the sentiments being shared by leaders around the world, the reality remains that the red sea is a crucial commercial hub and millions could be effected across the globe. and not just those within the greater middle east area. so it isn't everyone's best interest to ensure that the tension and the conflict does in fact come to an end the sooner rather than later. us secretary of state antony blank and says the bombing campaign of yemen is needed not for escalation, but rather for self defense that says british prime minister refuse to nak also defended the attack, saying it took place to alleviate tensions. all right, and is very clear. it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability to the region. and that's why allies over the policy weeks of issued several statements of
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combination of what's happening courting on the duties to desist to while the us establishment tries to justify the intervention. many politicians are questioning if effectiveness of warning. i'm serious ramifications for america's own national security. my greatest concern, both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years, and multiple deployments to different wars zones is how short sighted incompetent and lack of caring that this administer the bi inherits administration has for our own national security and the american people, you know what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out. this is an unacceptable violation of the constitution. article one requires the military action be authorized by congress. the united states cannot risk getting tangled into in all the decades long conflict without congressional authorization. the white house must have worked with congress before continuing this ass twice and the
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yeah. and then all right, let's go live now. the former republican senator for virginia richard block to get more on this. some of the block top u. k. and us officials say the bombing of the m and is meant to alleviate tensions in the region. can you explain to us the logic here? how does more violence help it to de escalate the situation? well, i don't know that at the escalades, i think the problem that's faced by the us, the u. k. a news re, oh is that? uh here you have these impoverished who the tribesman and the a man who are extremely battle hard. and the idea that you somehow just dropped some moms and they'll go away as is, is not going to happen. and but they, they control the, the straight is about all my dad, which is, uh oh, wait, 26 kilometers wise. and in that location there's enormous amount of,
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of important shipping. but. busy the cuts through to the mediterranean via the us. so as can now extremely important to all western nations. it's important to israel. and here you have this, this group of rather primitive people. but these people have been fighting the, the who, the tribesmen have been fighting since 2015, when a saudi arabia led to call lation. along with the, with the u. a. they launched a very major war. and they, they were repel repeatedly by the hudy's, the, the geography of the a man is remarkably difficult for the offensive maneuvers.
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egypt found this out years ago when they found a major war and were defeated by the communities. now this, the saudis, the u. a have been defeated by the who days and so i don't think that we will have much ability to defer them. i kind of understand why it was almost necessary for the us to say ok, we can't just not respond to these attacks. but i doubt that we're going to have very much success with it. what about the timing of this attack given that israel washington's key ally is facing i c. j hearings over its actions against guys that you think it's, it's a coincidence or is there more to the timing here? i guess i, i wouldn't make too much of the timing, but i think it's very important to understand that the by did ministration
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has been remarkably blood thirsty and an era got and everything they've done across the globe in the middle east. we. we had this full series of wars that were launched by george bar. she started by attacking the racks and uh, and then when you had obama in office, he's launch many words against syria against libya. and what has happened now? always these, these earlier presidents at least, attempted to do some diplomatic maneuvering and to be a little bit flexible here with the, by the administration. these are not the great intellectuals, uh and uh, the, the leaders of our foreign policy now are rather rather crude. just simply blood
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thirsty, very arrogant people. and what's happening is that the middle east is beginning to unite against the west. and you see this with iran's beginning to link up with saudi arabia and with turkey. turkey has one of the largest, most powerful armies on earth, and the people in turkey are very sure enough about this. so here you see this rising up of the middle east and it's largely due to the incompetence of uh, of the, by the administration by the administrator. and clearly should have laid down the law with israel. they were going to certainly allow, is real to, to lash back after the is really settlements were, were attacked. but there's, there's always
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a limit to reprisals. and here you're talking about the reprisals being so massive that eventually, even though you know they say, well, 23000 are documented dead very clearly. there are double that number under the rumble. so we're probably talking about $50000.00 even. that's the minor part of it . the major part is that netanyahu, and the as rarely probably come in and have made it their policy to destroy all of the infrastructure that supports life in the gaza strip. it's very likely that we will see hundreds of thousands died in the next few years. we're just simply a lack of the means of sustaining life. sen, going back to the strikes on the young men. do you think western leaders have considered the ramifications of where this could be headed?
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have, have all, what, what could be the consequences here that were facing well, by the time they probably do, you know, we, we worked with saudi arabia and attacking game and beginning back in 2015. so we have, we have officers and, and people in the c, i a who have watched and they've seen how resilient the communities are. um, so i, we're probably not under any illusions now. that's not to say that that's understood by the secretary of state or, or the president, but at a, at a ground level with independent gone. you have to think that some of these people well under state because we've, we've been fighting there since 2015. that things really just sort of finally the
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saudis and the u. a just gave up and left in despair back in 2022. so we've seen the history. it's not as though we're ignorant, but that's not to say that what we know within the pentagon and within the c i a reach us it's, it's a way to the, to the leadership who seemed to be sort of insulated from reality. this comes as the pentagon announced almost at the same time that it's run out of money for ukraine after billions and billions of dollars spend to do you think us priorities have changed to now a hi change. fairly dramatic way. there seems to be plummeting, support for the ukraine more. i think everybody has set that's a for the ukrainians. but my name americans also helps a central type for the russians who have died in this needless conflict. this was really obama's balling. it was president obama, who over through the right,
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ukrainian government in 2014 and flooded weapons and built up a great army with the idea that we would attack using a proxy or our proxy, the ukrainians, where they attack russia, where all this was far away. you can have a country like ukraine attack, a country like russia. it's a, it's a tony broad, but uh, so many have died. deeds less like. i think that's sort of seeping into the american consciousness. now. certainly you see it in the, in the new york times, the washington post of wall street journal. there's sort of this understanding. yeah, this didn't work out very well. all right, we're gonna live with our former republican virginia republican center for virginia . richard black, thank you. sent over, going to the to land american journalists. gonzalo lira has
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reportedly died in prison in ukraine at the age of 55 us journalist sided. there is father who believes the son was tortured to death over his criticism of lot of their zalinski. i cannot accept the way my son has died. he was tortured extorted incommunicado for 8 months, and 11 days, and the us embassy did nothing to help my son. the responsibility of this strategy is the dictators of lensky with the concurrence of a c. now american president joe biden, it's a gonzalez there. i had over 83000 followers on youtube or he published videos mocking the american establishment last may. he was arrested in the ukrainian city of car called for this credit in view of credit in leadership an army after he criticized gibson willingness to sign a peace deal with russian. american investigative journalist alex rubenstein posted a letter from gonzalo in which he claimed officials were ignoring his life
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threatening illness. i have had double pneumonia in both lungs as well as numa sorta acts and a very severe case of a d. my oldest started in mid october, but was ignored by the present. all right, let's cross live now to mike jones, independent journalist who joins me from moscow. mike, what are your initial thoughts on guns all of a sudden death and ukrainian custody? a sadly, this is a huge failure by us administration, blinking was made aware of gonzalez, case eagle musk even reached out on social media. it's question ukrainian will start to use they promised a court date. in fact, as i reported on in mid december, we say failed to deliver on prior to his arrest, gonzalez reached out to me personally through to it to, to ask for my help in escaping ukraine. of course, there was not much that i could do, but i did as much as i was able and he told me of the torture that he'd faced in
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his previous arrest for the citizens of the us. and indeed the u. k. like myself, it's a stock warning to jen lists in particular, i think of the case of june and massage the fact that the us administration allowed mister lira to languish, rush in as his father cooled the dictates as lensky is prison comes out in there himself is very critical of this wednesday regime. the fact that they, nor any language needed to languish without help, as is claimed, but also to his death, should to as a very, very stop wanting to the likes of british generally scram phillips as well. who is sanctioned by the british government, that the freedom of speech and democracy in the west is nothing but lip service is nothing but an illusion. they will not deliver. they will not assist you. if you go
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against the narrative that visually you where it is. yeah, like gonzalo lera was known for his alternative views on key issues. let's listen to some parts of his latest videos which he had posted. they could have settled this back in april of 2022, just 2 months after the start of this conflict. and it was because of the washington warmongers until the want to see if you sign any kind of ceasefire supplement with the washington. we'll, we'll quit our supportive year. we'll put the money that we're since july or has announced that he's running from the election in 2024. he's going to be $82.00. so 86510. so and already we see him on his last legs. the americans are very nervous about this reproach month between a ron and sorry we've yes we're, all of a sudden. nobody is on their side. everybody is withdrawn of their quote unquote, middle eastern partners. so mike, do you believe because of his views?
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that's the reason for it, his faith, if he had perhaps um, follow the different narrative to think that the story would have ended differently . i believe. yes, gonzalez, it was definitely a divisive character. not just for his views on ukraine against the stablish meaning against the narrative. but also among views on youtube, i think gonzalo enjoyed the reaction, the response from people. he even upset the likes of scott rich. scott richard called into question gonzalez, arrangement with the s b. y was gonzales released the 1st time. let's not forget the, the from jen, the spokes person for the territorial defense. the sarah ashton, so really figured delighted in the room is that the cracking battalion had magic guns out there. the 1st time this, this wasn't a strange case for guns out there. he had been targeted, he'd been harass, indeed,
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he'd been tortured before and despite this, he risk all he could to try and get to freedom. be it russia, be the west, any way he could? he pleaded with all possible means available to him and indeed. so did his family working in the us comes out and they were a senior and many other people, including from other youtube channels who knew and communicated, been gonzales. it's very clear that once these lensky regime, and indeed the us back is and the weston governments as well, have got the hope saying to you, they've decided that your fate is determined. that unfortunately, there's very little you can do about it even when the likes of tucker carlson who's championed gonzales earlier is freedom and cause eat on musk as well. these are tightens of social media. have got out there and raised their voices in spoken out for the freedom of speech and criticism and democracy indeed. sadly comes out and there is cases, a very, very sad warning and
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a reminder to everyone about the state of attractive west. yeah, he was an american journalist as to this sort of a country that's actively helping you crime why, where there are no attempts from washington to free him. it seems like if washington had done some thing that he could have easily been afraid. the right thing, there's no doubt if washington had the motivation, of course they couldn't pull the strings, they are off the role of the finances of ukraine. they are literally paying the wages of the civil servants of the pension is of the whole country. americans themselves know this. it's not been a secret, so it wouldn't have taken more than a phone call from antony blinking to have released gonzales earlier or at least got some some semblance of procedure due course. even had him send back to the us if he had indeed have committed the crime. perhaps he could have been tried in his home country. there's also, as i know next, but on the legal side of things. but it doesn't take more than layman to understand
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that there was absolutely the everything the us embassy could have done but chose not to do. and it's resulted in the death of a very bright mind. it has to be said, he didn't know the risks. i'm not going to call into question his card or personality. i don't believe in speaking in the dad and other people will hold other opinions of guns out a and that was part of his flat, his character. he was not liked by everyone. that's absolutely sure. and we can understand that when it comes to ukraine in the s b u. but he did have a wellness and he made a very bold and principle choice and he stood up for freedom of speech. and what he believed was democracy. what he thought was the right thing to do, and very sadly, it appears that he paid the ultimate price. mike jones, independent journalist, mike, thank you. me to the liberators. prime minister has visited the key of to announce an increase in military funding to help you crime,
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including the largest delivery of drones to crane from any nation. the united kingdom is announcing today now it's the single biggest package of defense say to ukraine. since the will began with 2 and a half 1000000 pounds, this will include more ad defense equipments for anti tank weapons. more long range missiles fountains of rounds, more i munition, and all tennessee shelves training for thousands more ukrainian service men and women and 200000000 pounds to build thousands more drones. the single largest package of tribes given to ukraine by any nation. jordan, ending today marks a watershed moment in european history. ukraine and the united kingdom have signed a new unprecedented security agreement, and this is not simply a declaration. this is a reality that will come to fruition as a result of our corporation, thinking that she's been products where she so now i can do cranium, president plumbers, a landscape assigned
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a security agreement during the visit. in addition to increasing funding for you for in the agreement, includes the expansion of cooperation in the field of intelligence and cyber security. britain is committed to providing land to see an error assistance to ukraine in the event of further attacks by the russian federation. military, you avi's for ukraine, include surveillance, long range strike, and st. drones. meanwhile, the day before the allocation of u. k. military aid to ukraine, washington confirmed of the last military aid shipment had been sent took yeah. unless the us can find additional funding for further support, we have issued the last dropdown package that, that we had funding to support. and that's why it's, it's the critical that, that congress move on that national security supplemental request. and we get more funding that the the, the assistance that we provided a has now ground to a halt. political commentator anthony webber says it's strange that the u. k. has
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allocated so much money when it's media has been reporting that the war is lost for ukraine. is this all of this with down? so my receive say that because the more more colored tree, even then the main stream media is saying that the, the goal for the credit point of view is actually the loss. and so this is basically money which is going to be put into so and stays by taught what's going to be tied to the wasted money. and we talked to you about $15000000000.00 plus k plus one with the taxpayers money which has been pertaining to you, right? i don't need to share your thoughts rate enough that this is the same. so i see you try, our department of defense is run out. so it is always a degree said uh 8, scotts show fools in the numbers of people in the now you'd be in the army and the
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air force morrow is very low because of how full rate the faster now, of being treated and all right, purchased from full cities was speaking of the hague. israel has accused and south africa of siding with home us. that's well, pretoria has consistently emphasized that its presence at the i. c. j is only because of its solidarity with palestinians. it is a matter of public record that south africa enjoys close relations with commerce. despite its formal recognition, as a terrorist organization by numerous states across the world. these relations have continued unabated, even after the october 7th atrocities. south africa has long hosted and celebrated its ties. we've come spigots, including a senior, come us delegation that incredibly visited the country for a quote,
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solidarity gathering. just weeks after the mexican to the south african justice minister also address the news media after the 2nd day of the hearing, he says, is really lawyers failed to refute the arguments made by pretoria. this data visit i had to do is phase to disprove. so that's what it does comparing to that was presented before the court yesterday. we stand by them fed the law and then all the evidence you have submitted yesterday. and we believe in stands very confident that those fed the law in violation of the genocide convention in particular, really does highlight some few areas listed it as close to that. they've been that out by now. is there anybody to gun in military.
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