tv News RT January 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the u. s. carries out another strike against the government, the capital of the no, they attacked on a hoops. the rate of sight comes just dallas. after the un security councils emergency meeting on yesterday is at the top the outrage of the united states and this proxies documents and medium, and may result in not only a fully fledged war in this country, but a conflict. but despite around the world, must go denounced as the collision strikes on him and as reckless and the a violation of international law as russia's you, an invoice says that the west is chris to use force. instead of seeking a political solution in indonesia, a module fil a dorothy with follow,
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stein mocked 100 days of the war. in gauze are seeking a protest around the gloves to demand. israel puts an end to the cottage of the hague. israel presents its defence to south africa, is accusation that a genocide is being committed in god that the is 7 am here in moscow watching archie international. if you're just waking up both . good morning. i'm they show i josh. i'll top stores this hour was thought this hour with breaking news from the m and a capital officer. now where american forces have carried out a news dried us central command says it's worship launch tomahawk missiles against who's the right aside. the strike was conducted by the us as carnegie, he's in tomahawk lunch, but talk me solves and was a follow on action on
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a specific military target associated with strikes taken on january 12th design to degrade the who it's a stability to attract maritime vessels, including commercial vessels it's also reported that the u. k is launching fresh strikes on the city, but there are no details and this time the new round of stripes come just hours after you in security council, emergency meeting on it. yes, it is a tax. the restaurant and bassett, a to the u. n. some the collision saying the strong. so, yes, another phase of western military aggression against the middle east and are in clear violation of international law. zillow live is easiest to so the white house has stated that it resolves the rights to resume military actions that receive any new threats. you don't need to be a clairvoyant to understand that the us will perceive these threats and determine its response to the mob a try really without the slight disregard for international law, the right to self defense cannot be invoked in order to ensure freedom of
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navigation. our american colleagues are well aware of this. this is yet more military aggression by the collective west, the latest and a long line of raids on the suffering middle east. the pseudo legal justification give them by the white house does not stand up to any criticism. while the un security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, met to discuss the recent us attack on. yeah, the united kingdom also in but. busy in that exact, as at the meeting of the united kingdom and the united states said that their action was justified because they had to protect the red sea. they had to stop the blockade that has been put up by the who the forces in yeah, the attacks by hutus on vessels and the red sea must stop as we have made this clear to the who cheese and we call on them to de escalate. the united kingdom is committed to continue working with the international community
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and this council to come back this international threat. the strikes were necessary and they were proportionate. as you just heard from my u. k. colleagues, they were consistent with the international law and an exercise of the united states inherent right to self defense, as reflected by article 51 of the un charter. and they were taken only after non military options, proved inadequate to address the threat. still, any strikes of this nature is a decision. the united states does not take lightly, as she said, she didn't take the decision lightly. but it's been pointed out that from the beginning the united states was threatening, military force was not offering to negotiate with it. with the forces, etc, those days have been saying that all they are asking in exchange for this, you know, opening up with the red sea is the israel stop bombing garza. but that is something
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that despite the global prize for a ceasefire, the united states is simply not open to even discussing. they have gone to robert streamlined to add it and un security council resolutions. and make sure that no criticism of israel's actions is ever included. this is what the russian ambassador and the bands the i had to say before the council for that is that of use of those to the time after time, instead of addressing the root causes of instability and throwing in its lots with a political solution to the problem the west chooses to rely on for us. we have ones that we cannot trust the assurances of west and delegations about the supposedly good intentions they intended from. the outsets provided walks interpretation of the vague wording of the resolution in an attempt to lend legitimacy to the criminal actions. anticipating the risk of a scenario arising, we propose balancing amendments to the text that would have made it possible to avoid this. unfortunately, the majority of the council members liked the result necessary to support proposal, the outrage that the united states and this proxies documents in yemen may result
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in not only a fully fledged war in this country, but a conflict that can spread around the world. since there was a resolution passed by the un security council that russia of some days on voting for as did mozambique and china 11 countries voted for it, they simply condemned what the things were doing and defended from freedom of navigation during the maritime trade route. never gave any authorization to the united states and the united kingdom to carry out strikes. but it was that resolution that the usa and the united kingdom used to say, gave them a legal justification for carrying out these strikes. now, they also invoke the right of self defense under the un charter. but as the russian ambassador pointed out, that right of self defense applies to an attack on one's country, not simply the blocking of trade routes or maritime trade routes. freedom of navigation, it does not simply, you know, permit a country to attack another country because the flow of ships has been interfered
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with the complete distortion of what the united nations charter actually said. and it is worth noting that not only that, who the forces in yemen, but also a number of forces throughout the region, militias and iraq, has the law and other forces have talked of now retaliated against us forces. there are u. s. military bases in syria, in iraq, they are us warships in the mediterranean and elsewhere. and it is understood that those ships could now be a target of who the forces and other forces throughout the region. so the dangerous implications of this, you as move which the russian and pastor pointed out, did not in any way have legal asian under un resolutions or the un charter was something that russia emphasized in the meeting. there could be serious consequences for the entire global community as a result of this funeral lateral action taken by the united states and the united kingdom. meanwhile, hundreds of people have gathered the the un headquarters in new york to raleigh in
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support of palestine. and yet in the demonstrators of lots 1st avenue next to the united nations plaza, waiving policy and flags and signaling their support to the victims of the joint american and british attack on. yeah, men as well as the people of in bottles, gallons of demonstrations were also held in the many capital. so not in response to the equations bombing campaign, or just as voice the fury and called for an immediate end to west integration against human. at least 5 people are confirmed dead in the attack in the early hours of friday. they use the rebel meters, remains defined from us in washington in london. will they, they will respond to the criminal aggression against our again, many people will not go unanswered and unpunished. this brutal aggression will not deter government from its supportive position would be wrong to palestinian people . the western strides on dozens of military science across him and when launched
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from war plains as well as shifts and submarines in the right fee. the u. s. and u. k. of called is a necessary response to receptive tax bite. and c rebels on commercial shipping. a local journalist to ship this report from the nation's capitals to know what it is that these are on justified military actions committed by the us by the british government. however, they're saying they're both in the category, there's strong whereby all the british military basis, they are supposed to be within the scope of being targeted by given armed forces where the listing and people have lost everything is really just committed crimes, genocide and massacres. many people respond to this, we are visible to the world and we won't remain silent. what happened actually united the m and us the us along with britain and global zionism is responsible for this. but today we are ready for possible confrontation of the us and israel will
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most intimidate us and will happen, has actually raised the determination of forgiveness. got your men's armed forces. they responded with a batch of ballistics and on men's wrong would you say lost in the direction of par, gets into red sea according to demons, military spokesperson feasible. besides that targeted us and british military presence in the red sea. so i think, you know, the us with the military actions yesterday and the british government military attacks yesterday, they're sending the message to do you have any back on follow last week these that if they go back to preventing is really ships passing by the cross and the red sea, more of these attacks will continue. i can tell you how are, however, that no you what has what will be declared, what it's hard for the overall objective of this mission. the objective of this
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mission is to deteriorate, deter military capability. your secretary of state antony blinking, says the bombing campaign against young men is an act of self defense. but just by minister richardson has also defended the attack. same. it took place court to and maybe it's tensions. all right. and is very clear. it's to de escalate tensions and to restore stability to the region. and that's why allies over the policy weeks of issued several statements, a combination of what's happening, courting on the who t's to desist. and while the us government tries to justify the intervention, many politicians are questioning what impact it may possibly have and warning of serious ramifications while america's own national security. so my greatest concern, both as a soldier who serves in the army reserve a veteran for over 20 years and multiple deployments to different wars zones, is how short sighted incompetent and lack of carrying that this administer the by
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and harris administration has for our own national security and the american people, you know what, what they are doing here now appears to be not well thought out. this is an unacceptable violation of the constitution. article one requires the military action be authorized by congress. the united states cannot risk getting tangled into in all the decades long conflict without congressional authorization. the white house must have worked with congress before continuing this strikes in yemen . as we spoke with richard black or former us republican senator issued his opinion on the recent american and british letter tax and says that countries in the middle list, are you 19 against the u. s. over it's aggressive foreign policy in the region? i think it's very important to understand that the i did ministration has been remarkably blood thirsty and the narrow again and everything they've done across
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the globe. the leaders of our foreign policy now are rather rather crude. just simply blood thirsty, very arrogant people. and what's happening is that the middle east is beginning to unite against the west. and you see this with the around the beginning to link up with saudi arabia and with turkey. turkey has one of the largest most powerful armies on earth. and the people in turkey are very stirred up about this. so you just see this rising off of the middle east, and it's largely due to the incompetence of uh, of the, by the administrator. it was me, you know, there is a surprising amount of discord within the us political system over this. what has happened is that divide administration has just insisted on
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going to war with every body that they can find were threatening war with china were threatening war with russia more with it ran war with everybody. the american people are growing very weary of this incessant war and these, you know, we're different than most countries. we're insulated by 5 or 6000 miles of, of open c. and there is no threat to us except the one coming across the, the southern border from mexico. mexico is our greatest rest is not china. it's not roger. it is mexico of. busy phones and, and yet the by the administration won't defend the border with mexico is, is quite bizarre. and i think americans are very frustrated. they, the government that we have now is, you know, it's the,
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the most incompetent one of my entire life. and i've seen some do is, i mean, i've seen some governments that you, you, you're not brag much about, but this one, this one really sets a new standard for low about your current in businessman was up to 7 terms in the countries parliament has given us we've been interviewed to an italian gen list. and rebecca, she is known for exposing alleged corruption involving the binding family in ukraine. and has been targeted by both washington and key f. the cox claims in the interview. his life was in danger. due to the investigation or the professors thoughts beautiful since 2021 would have received confirmation of all statements and that you asked congressional investigations on the bottom family corruption and ukraine. that same. yeah, we identify the individuals who was supposed to make an assassination attempt on my life, and the life of
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a prosecute to the case against the race. my constantine clinic in january 2022, the secretary of state's outs, and it blinking during a meeting with zill ask you told him to resolve the issue with the attach blankets, how they she was not resolved to them. they will deal with that. naturally, some people came to me and told me the story. they said they want the streets you had called into the law and wanted me to take care of my security. everything was set about by this family corruption. the most concerns in yes, congress materials reveals money, loans, ring on the part of the bureau is i'm a company. this is all about the scandal um, but it is not a gas company, and ukraine, which implied joe biden, son, hunter, biding. he worked as a director and was receiving around $100000.00 per month for the ro. meanwhile, the owner of the gas company, nikolai, is low. tusky was investigated over money laundering, tax evasion, and corruption. that's after meet audio recordings claim he paid
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a $1000000000.00 private to a previous president of ukraine to get the prosecutor in the case fired. now following the investigation, the gas company. oh, and i only got a small 5, a move that's a 100 so as well as you have cup of tea, you practically saw how the $6000000.00 pri boss transfer to live on the at the money was given for closing. they'd be raised my case, the information and photographs of all available in all wheel p and agencies for the $6000000.00 bribes, low chest k received a fine of around $1800.00. with that being said, he transferred 800000000 who read the again to finance terrorism, supporting the drone army and the armed forces. and that's why we will continue prosecute team by does partners for finance and terrorism that's across live now. so we try to in german, this amount up, my down tay,
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she was the one who conducted the interview with android that gotcha. thank you so much for making the time to join us and not tell us more about the key takeaways of your interview with the couch. we is surprised by any of the revelations a present for almost 6 months of a having me. it was a indeed a creevy lights up to have the possibility to catch an interview with the the cache . so actually disappeared from the public a scene for the last 2 years ever seen. so it leaks abuse, a compromising information about the job. i've done any song, not in the, the, to the investigation of police law, the crimes of ways law. i was pretty shocked by the amount of the sensitive information that the bill, the, and the kept working on exposing direction as a scene. so it is a p o c. one of the 1st section of facts that's really sort of my attention is that he was the key moment attempt to of us as nation in queen, by the hand of the not being. and so you can sense a was able to, to,
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to that basically stay in touch the, uh, the site that is, uh, these are tense uh, but no totally, uh about what is personally going to back to the origin of the stress you mention these uh, these its a blink and secretary of state direct seats at the the of the stock of the meetings on vacation for 1022. anyway, she literally extractive does the last the office send it to less than sell results to the cash issue of making the, of course, reference to unlawful matches of any nation of war discipline. see the track for the quarter and seeking president united states. we're not talking to any more uh, c, p about which will nice the department of justice has the experience before what 2 years ago was sanctioned by united states for leaking the evidence of the
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vitals correction the ukraine. but now we're talking about the physical, the munitions we have talking about, the denies crime and the easiest, sonic corrupted government cleaning events. so no, i just wonder you said that the college disappeared for like 2 years, obviously because of the revelations. but now he's back in the scene, is a feeling safe right now. a well, obviously even the interview took place and the condition of extreme security. ease of feeling, say the, i don't believe so. he leads me now the condition of the high protection ease on the costs of brass and is seen in the process of exposing the new facts of corruption. actually, besides what we discussed during the interview, you handed me a number of very sensitive documents to the company. and process of translating is 14, isaac,
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and researching. some of them being already posted in attachments to maine to view . you mentioned the in the, in the intro to these are easy to how we're conversational right now you mentioned this, the size of a ride all but wanted a brief my time to close all the cases. so again, well over looking into the rumbling abilities not and the sides of abroad does not seem to succeed and appears to be 50 medium that we could only track 6 mediums money. so where he's out of the 44 medium where located somebody in the family with there's a, there's a big dampening allegations and we obviously most likely going to see heads begin a role in the coming days. well, what do you think of the implications of those revelations on the biden's? what, what were being vacations like in a there is one thing that's really uh, upsetting. i think most of the american, some of the also international united and traditional level is improving each of
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this uh, the seating presence, united states and tom. but besides the q a, c a, we expect that so these documents stuff, delete the united media because it was working with delta and american media company will be submitted to some elected official in congress, united states that we're open to these documents. what to expect from this is definitely accountability. it's definitely that eventually impeachment, i mean actually it would say uh, shoot the lead this impeachment up to see the price of the read space july. the re, uh, i would like to share with you and i are information that you review the course of the interview and these and you all just made hoarding. and you said you were born in sime and golds. the prosecutor shall cannot. who is talking to, to american lawyers in congress, lee of revealing information by them, corruption,
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and as result the asking for protection because these current lease has all stage, even queen, you can't leave the country. so even of additive catch during these interview, east precisely address you may, for me get to the american audience asking for protection of totally, always persona about of all the people that's along with them expose and by the corruption brand as a result of being targeted by corrupted the with an i is the department of justice and also targeted for physical italy, mean it liquidation which is actually the most disturbing aspect of this corruption . visa, we have talking about the cleaning on government allegation that they've been again, supporting by documents court orders or wire of evidence of, of wire transfer, bank documents, the end stuff decided witnesses in the contents of course proceedings test. quite interesting. how significant then would you say, is it for
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a former you created an empty to say, there are human rights problems in ukraine to have made all these revelations in the midst of a honda biting hearing. they could also lead to the impeachment of his father. i mean, there's a lot to impact here. what are the implications of these as well? first and foremost the, the cash outage in these interview that so the domestic office was involved the into leaking the, the 1st the, all the record things between by done it pro shinkel. so that needs to be decided behind that the 1st off and the corruption that he still end game. so is which of course i use position the moment by the move on the election, the student present on stage and we know how much money the seats. you sensing to print of funds. therefore of course, i'm not sure if this war is the funded, the because the brain and us the office. how that leverage on the city president
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jane states. that's the question left on the stand at the when you're a compromise of this level, we put all the hope for a change and a nice ration that leads to accountability. and of course, even i, it is changing to the situation of relation between the attach. it to so we have to remind these excessive police to go because he or disease is in a highly respected we've of was elected that to uh, to them caring and problem. it's 7 times the corporate 7 mandates as we always involved in exposing after and even collaboration with the the last, the office in the beginning, the to explore correct interest phase via one the election. the same office thing was going to be reading into having the same production, of course it switched and blinking a distracted that's and i skipped gording towards the couch, reveal the new scene to view, to resolve the issue. create it. of course,
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ways that would expose this massive exposure of, of my account or this are very massive revelations, right? they could mean a lot of changes in the united states and around the world. thank you. so i'm assuming i'm logged in to italian journalist joining us there. thank you. thank you so much for having me. the cities around the world are gearing out for demonstrations of solidarity with palestine of the war and gaza and says it's $100.00 day the for a city to host the mass gathering is the indonesian capital of jakarta where hundreds of over the take you to the streets are to, is correspondent rebecca, not be to food who attended demonstration and brings us a support the, please, the wire. now, those are the protest people on should say, during this saturday morning in thousands of protest,
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under occupation by israel. this doesn't sit well with me because the palestinians are muslims. after all, it has already been a 100 days. when will this end? the victims are not only mothers, but also children, even toddlers. nobody's safe. we cannot accept this. i came with my 2 children and i want to teach them the meaning of humanity by showing sold the guarantee with families 9 also because the biggest victims in this one of the children and i carry that feeling with me. this is a very painful feeling that the children we love care about and raised full victims to the bomb parity of these radio. keep patients, the warner on the, [000:00:00;00]
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the police and the storage costs are now the and those of the top stories, the salary. don't forget to visit our website are to come for more i'm i, they show a josh, thanks for watching. jessica taylor will be with you at the top of the hour with the latest the color, sanchez. i've been doing news now for 30 years and 2 languages all over the world here in the united states interviewed for us presidents. i'm also, i work for several us major television networks. and i believe, after all of that, the news to be honest and direct and impactful, that's why we call this direct impact
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the let's start with this one. earlier this year, the world court declared that the united states violated international law. wanted force, the freezing of assets of iranian companies was sending a message. one that was uh, essentially already repeated all over the world because it's what so many around the world of already been said at the west end it's bags are weapon icing. assets like gold, oil, and even savings accounts it's, it's a bit of a worry, some trend, no doubt. right? one that has to do with our bags because they're the ones freezing the assets and even closing people's accounts and for whatever their reasons they're doing. so the countries they're doing, so the companies and they're even doing it, the private citizens. let me tell you what i'm talking about here. it's happened to
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